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甘草内生真菌的分离及鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物体内普遍存在着内生菌,为了探寻传统药材甘草的质量与其内生菌之间可能存在的关系。对采自新疆的甘草根部进行了内生真菌的分离及鉴定。选用CYM真菌培养基,对其内生真菌进行分离及纯化,选择其中最占优势的两种菌落分别进行了菌落形态观察及菌丝形态(棉兰染色)观察,以及基因组DNA的18S rDNA和ITS rDNA序列鉴定和系统进化分析。本研究结果表明从甘草根部主要分离到两种内生真菌,分别属于Fusarium镰刀菌属和Gibberella赤霉菌属。  相似文献   

利用PCR技术克隆了产紫杉醇内生真菌EFY-21的18S rDNA序列,通过同源性分析,初步确定该菌与拟盘多毛孢属(Pestalotiopsis)有较高的同源性,相似性为99%。为了进一步了解EFY-21的有关生物学特性,分别选用PDA、PSA、查氏、玉米粉琼胶、牛肉膏蛋白胨5种培养基,按照常规方法培养,用十字法测量菌落直径;同时选用查氏培养基为基本培养基,分别观察不同碳源葡萄糖、甘露醇、麦芽糖、果糖、可溶性淀粉,不同氮源KNO3、Ca(N03)2、(NH4)2SO4、NH4N03、(NH4)2HPO4、蛋白胨、尿素,不同培养温度10,15,20,25,28,30,37℃,不同pH值4,5,6,7,8,9对内生真菌菌丝的影响。试验结果表明:EFY-21在PDA培养基上生长最快,生长状况最好;供试的碳氮源中,对EFY-21菌丝生长影响的大小顺序为葡萄糖甘露醇果糖麦芽糖可溶性淀粉;蛋白胨KNO3Ca(N03)2NH4N03(NH4)2HPO4(NH4)2SO4尿素;最适培养温度为25~30℃;最适pH为5~7。  相似文献   

The SAR11 cluster and the Group I of marine Archaea represent probably the best two examples of uncultured marine prokaryotes of widespread occurrence. To study their microdiversity and distribution, a total of 81 and 48 clones, respectively, were sequenced from Mediterranean and Antarctic waters at different locations and depths. The DNA regions chosen for the analysis were the last third, approximately, of the 16S rRNA gene and the 16S-23S intergenic spacer (also known as internal transcribed spacer [ITS]). There was a high concordance in both, even with the extremely variable ITS, where potential probes have been proposed for the identification and isolation of these micro-organisms. In terms of community structure, our results show that although depth-related factors seem to be predominant in the final associations of the clones, geography also plays a significant role. A major group of surface-associated sequences was found in both SAR11 and marine Archaea. In both cases this group was relatively homogeneous containing little diversity in terms of sequence, while sequences retrieved from deep samples and some surface clones contained much more heterogeneity. As a whole, both groups of prokaryotes seem to fall within the limits of well-defined taxonomic units.  相似文献   

18-26S rDNA在4种重楼属植物中的定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨rDNA在重楼属Paris L.中的分布规律,利用荧光原位杂交(FISH)对4种重楼属植物 的18-26S rDNA进行了定位。所有植物均为二倍体,基因组由A、B、C、D和 E5条染色体构成。(1)滇重楼P.polyphylla var.yunnanensis:2n=10=6m+4t,C和D染色体的 短臂上各有1个18-26S rDNA位点;(2)长柱重楼P.forrestii:2n=10=6m+4t,B染色体的长臂 、C和D染色体的短臂上各有1个位点;(3)五指莲P.axialis:2n=10=6m(2sat)+4t(2sat) +1-2B,C和D染色体的短臂上各有1个位点;在有1个B染色体的细胞中,B染色体没有信号点, 而有2个B染色体的细胞中,只有1个B染色体上有信号点,表明B染色体上有基因存在且其分裂 不均等;(4)大理重楼P.daliensis:2n=10=4m+2sm+2st+2t,C染色体的短臂上有1个位点。1 8-26S rDNA位点不仅出现在染色体的次缢痕上,也出现在非次缢痕位点。另外,4个种中C染 色体短臂末端均有18-26S rDNA。  相似文献   

Seven new species of the genus Haploniscus from the deep Scotia and Weddell Seas are presented, combining morphological and molecular data (mitochondrial 16S rDNA and nuclear 18S rDNA). Haploniscus cassilatus sp. nov. , H. cucullus sp. nov. , H. weddellensis sp. nov. , H. procerus sp. nov. and H. kyrbasia sp. nov. are characterized by a prominent rostral process, the size and shape of which vary among species. The rostrum of H. microkorys sp. nov. is distinctly smaller than that of the former species, while H. nudifrons sp. nov. does not possess a rostrum. The status of the latter as separate species is obvious, owing to the stronger morphological differences. DNA was sequenced from three of the other five species. Genetic distances together with the more subtle morphological variation justify the erection of separate species. Overall morphological variations between these species are small yet noticeable and include, among others, the rostrum, the shape of the pleotelson and setation of pereopods. Our molecular data sets reveal detailed phylogenetic insights within the Haploniscus cucullus complex, supporting the monophyly of all species. We found p -distances of at least 0.0732 (16S rDNA) and 0.0140 (complete 18S rDNA) between pairs of species and show that both genes can be used as a marker for DNA taxonomy.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 655–706.  相似文献   

黄檗根围丛枝菌根真菌菌群组成   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
从东北林业大学林场采集黄檗Phellodendron amurense根系及根围土壤,采用Nested-PCR技术扩增黄檗菌根及根围土壤AM真菌18S rDNA NS31/Glol区域,利用该产物进行DGGE分析,并结合DNA测序、系统发育分析及DGGE图谱分析技术对黄檗AM真菌菌群组成进行分析.结果表明:Nested-PCR技术具有较高的灵敏性,可有效地从微量DNA中扩增出约230bp的目的片段;黄檗根系及根围土壤具有不同的DGGE指纹图谱特征,DGGE带谱在条带的数量、亮度、优势度等方面均存在较大差异,全部序列可分为3类菌群,即球囊霉属Glomus、盾孢囊霉属Scutellospora及植物病原菌黄杨亚赤壳Hyponectria buxi,其中Glomus sp.(EF177624)和Glomus sp.(DQ085205)分别为黄檗根系和根围土壤样品中最具优势的AM真菌.  相似文献   

汉江硅藻水华优势种的形态及18S rDNA序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国汉江下游在1992、1998、2000、2003年初春曾先后多次发生水华。水华发生期间,硅藻大量增殖,形成肉眼可见的褐色颗粒悬浮于江水中,使江水呈现黄褐色,在以往的研究中认为汉江硅藻水华优势种为小环藻^[1,2],但并未从分类上展开研究。传统上硅藻种类的鉴定主要是以硅藻壳的形态及壳表面上的花纹为依据。目前国内外学者利用18S rDNA基因分析对水华赤潮原因种的鉴定方面也作了许多相关的研究。陈丽芬等利用18SrDNA序列分析确定香港海域一株棕囊藻为球形棕囊藻^[3]。  相似文献   

Views on myxosporean phylogeny and systematics have recently undergone substantial changes resulting from analyses of SSU rDNA. Here, we further investigate the evolutionary trends within myxosporean lineages by using 35 new sequences of the LSU rDNA. We show a good agreement between the two rRNA genes and confirm the main phylogenetic split between the freshwater and marine lineages. The informative superiority of the LSU data is shown by an increase of the resolution, nodal supports and tree indexes in the LSU rDNA and combined analyses. We determine the most suitable part of LSU for the myxosporean phylogeny by comparing informative content in various regions of the LSU sequences. Based on this comparison, we propose the D5–3′-end part of the LSU rRNA gene as the most informative region which provides in concatenation with the complete SSU a well resolved and robust tree. To allow for simple amplification of the marker, we design specific primer set for this part of LSU rDNA.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among extant families in the suborder Trogiomorpha (Insecta: Psocodea: 'Psocoptera') were inferred from partial sequences of the nuclear 18S rDNA and Histone 3 and mitochondrial 16S rDNA genes. Analyses of these data produced trees that largely supported the traditional classification; however, monophyly of the infraorder Psocathropetae (= Psyllipsocidae + Prionoglarididae) was not recovered. Instead, the family Psyllipsocidae was recovered as the sister taxon to the infraorder Atropetae (= Lepidopsocidae + Trogiidae + Psoquillidae), and the Prionoglarididae was recovered as sister to all other families in the suborder. Character states previously used to diagnose Psocathropetae are shown to be plesiomorphic. The sister group relationship between Psyllipsocidae and Atropetae was supported by two morphological apomorphies: the presence of a paraproctal anal spine and an anteriorly opened phallosome. Based on these sequence data and morphological observations, we propose a new classification scheme for the Trogiomorpha as follows: infraorder Prionoglaridetae (Prionoglarididae), infraorder Psyllipsocetae (Psyllipsocidae), infraorder Atropetae (Lepidopsocidae, Trogiidae, Psoquillidae).  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 287–299.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the Tardigrada remains uncertain. This is due to the limited information available, and the uncertainty of whether some characters are homologous or analogous with other taxa. Based on some morphological characters, current discussion centres on whether the taxon branches from the annelid-arthropod lineage, or lies within the arthropod complex. The molecular data presented here from an analysis of the 18S rRNA gene sequences are used to test the validity of these two hypotheses. Phylogenetic inference by the maximum parsimony and distance (neighbour-joining) methods suggests that the Tardigrada is a sister group of the major protostome eucoelomate assemblage that emerged before the arthropods, annelids, molluscs, and sipunculids evolved. The tardigrade clade also appears as an independent lineage separate from the nematode clade, thus supporting the current idea that tardigrades do not have a close aschelminth relationship. The molecular data also imply that several morphological features, considered significant in determining the phylogenetic relationships of tardigrades, are not synapomorphic characters.  相似文献   

Eight cultured strains (OK01, OK02, OK03, OK05, OK07, OK08, OK09, and OK10) of picocyanobacteria were isolated from Lake Okutama. Five cyanobacterial DNA fragments (DGGE bands; B4, B5, B6, B7, and B8) were obtained from the lake water samples by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of 16S ribosomal genes. To classify the picocyanobacterial strains and the DGGE bands, a partial sequence of 16S rDNA was used. Among seven strains, OK01, OK07, and OK09 were identified as the genus Synechococcus and OK02 and OK05 as the genus Phormidium. OK03 was identified as the genus Oscillatoria and was closely related to B4 (100% homology). B5, B6, B7, and B8 were related to the genus Synechococcus. These results revealed that the picocyanobacteria in the lake are phylogenetically diverse. PCR-DGGE analysis is a useful tool to determine picocyanobacterial community structure in freshwater environments. Received: February 25, 2001 / Accepted: July 27, 2001  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the Platyhelminthes and the evolution of parasitism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Robust phylogenies provide the basis for interpreting biological variation in the light of evolution. Homologous features provide phylogenetically informative characters whereas homoplasious characters provide phylogenetic noise. Both provide evolutionary signal. We have constructed molecular and morphologically based phylogenies of the phylum Platyhelminthes using a recently revised morphological character matrix and complete 18S and two partial 28S rRNA gene sequences in order to evaluate the emergence and subsequent divergence of parasitic forms. In total we examine 65 morphological characters, 97 18S rDNA, 41 Dl domain 28S rDNA, and 49 D3-D6 domain 28S rDNA sequences. For the molecular data there were 748, 132 and 249 phylogenetically informative sites for the 18S, Dl and D3-D6 28S rDNA data sets respectively. Morphological and molecular phylogenetic solutions are incongruent but not incompatible, and using the principles of conditional combination (18S rDNA + morphology passing Templeton's test) they demonstrate: a single and relatively early origin for the parasitic Neodermata (including the cestodes, trematodes and monogeneans); sister-group status between the cestodes and monogeneans, and between these taxa and the trematodes (digeneans and aspidogastreans). The sister-group to the Neodermata is likely to be a large clade of neoophoran turbellarians, based on combined evidence, or a clade consisting of the Fecampiid + Urastomid turbellarians, based on morphological evidence alone. The combined evidence solution for the phylogeny of fiatworms based on 18S rDNA and morphology is used to interpret morphological and life-history data and to support a model for the evolution and radiation of neodermatan parasites in the group.  相似文献   

土地利用变化对土壤真菌群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张于光  张小全  曲良建  肖烨 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4325-4332
应用PCR-RFLP和测序分析对川西亚高山米亚罗林区不同土地利用类型的土壤真菌18S rDNA基因进行了多样性和系统发育研究,探讨了土地利用变化对土壤真菌群落结构的影响。在20a龄云杉(Picea likiandensis var balfourianan)人工林和菜地两种类型土壤中,共得到238个阳性克隆,限制性内切酶MspI和RsaI进行RFLP分析后得到56个不同的分类操作单元(OTUs),其中20a龄云杉人工林样地获得137个阳性克隆和37个OTUs,而菜地样地获得101个阳性克隆和19个OTUs。在两类样地中具有不同的优势种群,其中20a龄云杉人工林样地有1个明显优势种群,占总克隆数的20.4%;菜地样地有2个明显优势种群,分别占总克隆数的25.7%和21.8%。对14个克隆进行了序列测定,序列的相似性在86%~99%之间,与GenBank数据库中的序列进行比对,与已知序列的相似性在92%~100%之间。系统发育分析表明,所有的18SrDNA基因被分为3个主要的簇,其中20a龄云杉人工林样地的克隆都聚集在第一和第三簇中,而菜地样地的克隆都聚集在第二簇中。结果说明,两类土壤中具有较为丰富的真菌多样性,而土地利用变化引起了土壤真菌群落结构的明显变化。  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(2):102-114
Ctenophores are a phylum of non-bilaterian marine (mostly planktonic) animals, characterised by several unique synapomorphies (e.g., comb rows, apical organ). Relationships between and within the nine recognised ctenophore orders are far from understood, notably due to a paucity of phylogenetically informative anatomical characters. Previous attempts to address ctenophore phylogeny using molecular data (18S rRNA) led to poorly resolved trees but demonstrated the paraphyly of the order Cydippida. Here we compiled an updated 18S rRNA data set, notably including a few newly sequenced species representing previously unsampled families (Lampeidae, Euryhamphaeidae), and we constructed an additional more rapidly evolving ITS1 + 5.8S rRNA + ITS2 alignment. These data sets were analysed separately and in combination under a probabilistic framework, using different methods (maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference) and models (e.g., doublet model to accommodate secondary structure; data partitioning). An important lesson from our exploration of these datasets is that the fast-evolving internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions are useful markers for reconstructing high-level relationships within ctenophores. Our results confirm the paraphyly of the order Cydippida (and thus a “cydippid-like” ctenophore common ancestor) and suggest that the family Mertensiidae could be the sister group of all other ctenophores. The family Lampeidae (also part of the former “Cydippida”) is probably the sister group of the order Platyctenida (benthic ctenophores). The order Beroida might not be monophyletic, due to the position of Beroe abyssicola outside of a clade grouping the other Beroe species and members of the “Cydippida” family Haeckeliidae. Many relationships (e.g. between Pleurobrachiidae, Beroida, Cestida, Lobata, Thalassocalycida) remain unresolved. Future progress in understanding ctenophore phylogeny will come from the use of additional rapidly evolving markers and improvement of taxonomic sampling.  相似文献   

Moriya M  Nakayama T  Inouye I 《Protist》2002,153(2):143-156
A marine flagellate resembling Cafeteria roenbergensis (bicosoecids, stramenopiles) in cell shape and behavior of the cell while attached to substratum was collected from the coast of Japan. The flagellate was examined by light and electron microscopy, and the 18S rDNA was sequenced to elucidate its taxonomic and phylogenetic position. Ultrastructural features suggested that the flagellate is not a bicosoecid, but a relative of the recently described stramenopile, Wobblia lunata. 18S rDNA phylogenetic trees also revealed that the flagellate forms a monophyletic clade with W. lunata and that it is distantly related to Cafeteria and other bicosoecids. The flagellate differs from W. lunata due to its lack of wobbling motion as well as intracellular features such as the number of mitochondria, flagellar apparatus architecture, the presence of a paranuclear body and cytoplasmic microtubules. The similarity of 18S rDNA sequences was 81% between the flagellate and W. lunata. This new flagellate was described as Placidia cafeteriopsis gen. et sp. nov. Because the phylogenetic lineage comprised of W. lunata and P. cafeteriopsis was one of the major, deep-branching clades of the stramenopiles, the class Placididea (= Placidiophyceae) classis nova was proposed.  相似文献   

Present study was performed to identify the species of ascarids from macaw parrot, Ara chloroptera, in China. Total 6 ascarids (3 males and 3 females) were collected in the feces of 3 macaws at Guangzhou Zoo in Guangdong Province, China. Their morphological characteristics with dimensions were observed under a light microscope, and their genetic characters were analyzed with the partial 18S rDNA, ITS rDNA and nad4 gene sequences, respectively. Results showed that all worms have no interlabia but male worms have two alate spicules, well-developed precloacal sucker and a tail with ventrolateral caudal alae and 11 pairs of papillae. The partial 18S rDNA, ITS rDNA and nad4 sequences were 831 bp, 1015 bp and 394 bp in length, respectively. They showed the highest similarity of 99.8% (18S rDNA) with Ascaridia nymphii, 93.8% identities (ITS rDNA) with A. columbae and 98.5% to 99.5% identities (nad4) with Ascaridia sp. from infected parrot. All Ascaridia nematodes from the macaws were clustered into one clade and formed monophyletic group of Ascaridia with A. columbae and A. galli in two phylogenetic trees. It is observed that the combining morphological and sequencing data from three loci, the present Ascaridia species was identified as Ascaridia nymphii, which is the first record of A. nymphii from macaw parrot in China.  相似文献   

Doradinae (Siluriformes: Doradidae) is the most species-rich subfamily among thorny catfishes, encompassing over 77 valid species, found mainly in Amazon and Platina hydrographic basins. Here, we analyzed seven Doradinae species using combined methods (e.g., cytogenetic tools and Mesquite ancestral reconstruction software) in order to scrutinize the processes that mediated the karyotype diversification in this subfamily. Our ancestral reconstruction recovered that 2n=58 chromosomes and simple nucleolar organizer regions (NOR) are ancestral features only for Wertheimerinae and the most clades of Doradinae. Some exceptions were found in Trachydoras paraguayensis (2n=56), Trachydoras steindachneri (2n=60), Ossancora punctata (2n=66) and Platydoras hancockii whose karyotypes showed a multiple NOR system. The large thorny catfishes, such as Pterodoras granulosus, Oxydoras niger and Centrodoras brachiatus share several karyotype features, with subtle variations only regarding their heterochromatin distribution. On the other hand, a remarkable karyotypic variability has been reported in the fimbriate barbells thorny catfishes. These two contrasting karyoevolution trajectories emerged from a complex interaction between chromosome rearrangements (e.g., inversions and Robertsonian translocations) and mechanisms of heterochromatin dispersion. Moreover, we believe that biological features, such as microhabitats preferences, populational size, low vagility and migratory behavior played a key role during the origin and maintenance of chromosome diversity in Doradinae subfamily.  相似文献   

Proseriate flatworms are common members of the interstitial benthic fauna worldwide, predominantly occupying marine environments. As minute animals, having relatively few characters useful for cladistic analysis, they have been difficult to present in a phylogenetic framework using morphology alone. Here we present a new morphological matrix consisting of 16 putatively homologous characters and two molecular data sets to investigate further this major group of free-living members of the Platyhelminthes. Complete 18S rDNA (representing 277 parsimony-informative characters) from 17 ingroup taxa and partial 28S rDNA spanning variable expansion regions D1 to D3 and D1 to D6 (representing 219 and 361 parsimony-informative characters, respectively) from 27 and 14 ingroup taxa, respectively, were determined and aligned as complementary data sets. Morphological and molecular data sets were analyzed separately and together to determine underlying phylogenetic patterns and to resolve conflict between published scenarios based on morphology alone. The monophyly of the Proseriata cannot be confirmed categorically with any of these data sets. However, the constituent taxa are confirmed as basal members of the Neoophora, and a sister group relationship with Tricladida is rejected. Similarly, the monophyly of one of the two subtaxa of the Proseriata, the Lithophora, could not be confirmed with molecules. Concerning intragroup relationships, we could reject one of the two phylogenetic trees formerly proposed, as well as the clade Otoplanidae + Coelogynoporidae. However, a clade Otoplanidae + Archimonocelididae + Monocelididae (to which the Monotoplanidae belong) was supported, and the position of the genus Calviria shifted from the Archimonocelididae to the Coelogynoporidae.  相似文献   

慢生根瘤菌属结瘤基因的进化及遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯卫国  连宾 《遗传》2007,29(1):118-126
根瘤菌中存在一系列控制固氮结瘤因子(lipo-chito-oligosaccharides)合成的结瘤基因(nodulation genes)。其中, nodA基因是合成结瘤因子所必需的, 该基因负责酰基转移酶的合成, 能将不饱和脂肪酸转移到结瘤因子寡聚糖骨架上; 基因nodZ, nolL和noeI为宿主专一性结瘤基因, 分别转录合成岩藻糖基转移酶, 岩藻糖乙酰化酶和岩藻糖甲基化酶。通过GenBank调取慢生根瘤菌属及其他根瘤菌属的结瘤基因nodA, nodZ, nolL和noeI, 构建系统发育树, 进行进化和遗传分析。结果表明, 慢生根瘤菌属各个菌株的nodA, nodZ, nolL和noeI具有很高的相关性, 但是与根据保守基因16S rDNA和dnaK分类情况不完全相符。这表明慢生根瘤菌属的结瘤基因主要是通过直系遗传的, 同时可能为适应宿主及环境条件, 结瘤基因有少量的平行转移。结果表明, 慢生根瘤菌属各个菌株的nodA, nodZ, nolL和noeI具有很高的同源性, 同时发现基于保守基因16S rDNA和dnaK对慢生根瘤菌的分类情况与慢生根瘤菌属各菌株在nodA, nodZ, nolL和noeI具有较高同源性的事实不完全相符。这表明慢生根瘤菌属的结瘤基因主要是通过直系遗传的, 同时可能为适应宿主及环境条件, 结瘤基因有少量的平行转移。  相似文献   

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