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7个光响应曲线模型对不同植物种的实用性   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
光响应曲线研究方法被广泛应用在植物生理的研究中,但是在应用光响应模型拟合光响应数据时,往往只考虑到研究的目的,很少考虑到模型是否适用于所研究的植物。本文通过采用7个不同的光响应模型对白桦叶片和兴安落叶松针叶光响应曲线数据拟合的比较,发现不同模型对同一种植物光响应曲线的拟合结果存在着差异,同一模型对同种植物不同部位叶片光响应曲线的拟合效果也不同,所以在研究植物的光响应时,应考虑到所选光响应模型对该种植物的光响应情况的描述是否恰当。根据具体情况选择最佳模型,以最大限度地保证估测生理指标结果的精确性。  相似文献   

拟南芥含有5个已分离的蓝光受体和至少1个未鉴定的蓝光/紫外光-A受体.隐花色素(CRY1、CRY2和CRY3) 调节植物的形态建成、开花和生物节律性,而向光素 (PHOT1和PHOT2) 调节植物的向光性、叶绿体运动和气孔开放.黄素可以吸收蓝光和紫外光-A,是CRY和PHOT蓝光受体的生色团.对这些光受体的结构和作用模式已了解很多.苔藓植物小立碗藓中含有2个已分离的隐花色素(CRY1a和CRY1b),负责调节侧枝形成和调控生长素反应;有4个向光素(PHOTA1,PHOTA2,PHOTB1,PHOTB2) 调节叶绿体的运动.苔藓细胞内蓝光/紫外光-A引发的信号转导有Ca2+参与.  相似文献   

Plant cryptochromes regulate the circadian rhythm, flowering time, and photomorphogenesis in higher plants as responses to blue light. In the dark, these photoreceptors bind oxidized FAD in the photolyase homology region (PHR). Upon blue light absorption, FAD is converted to the neutral radical state, the likely signaling state, by electron transfer via a conserved tryptophan triad and proton transfer from a nearby aspartic acid. Here we demonstrate, by infrared and time-resolved UV-visible spectroscopy on the PHR domain, that replacement of the aspartic acid Asp-396 with cysteine prevents proton transfer. The lifetime of the radical is decreased by 6 orders of magnitude. This short lifetime does not permit to drive conformational changes in the C-terminal extension that have been associated with signal transduction. Only in the presence of ATP do both the wild type and mutant form a long-lived radical state. However, in the mutant, an anion radical is formed instead of the neutral radical, as found previously in animal type I cryptochromes. Infrared spectroscopic experiments demonstrate that the light-induced conformational changes of the PHR domain are conserved in the mutant despite the lack of proton transfer. These changes are not detected in the photoreduction of the non-photosensory d-amino acid oxidase to the anion radical. In conclusion, formation of the anion radical is sufficient to generate a protein response in plant cryptochromes. Moreover, the intrinsic proton transfer is required for stabilization of the signaling state in the absence of ATP.  相似文献   

Light is vital for plant growth and development: It provides energy for photosynthesis, but also reliable information on seasonal timing and local habitat conditions. Light sensing is therefore of paramount importance for plants. Thus, plants have evolved sophisticated light receptors and signaling networks that detect and respond to changes in light intensity, duration, and spectral quality. Environmental light signals can drive developmental transitions such as germination and flowering, but they also continuously shape development to allow adaptation to the local habitat and microclimate. The ability to respond to a changing and sometimes unfavorable environment underlies the huge success of plants. Much of this growth and developmental plasticity is achieved by light modulation of auxin signaling systems. In this article, we examine the connections between light and auxin that elicit local responses, long distance signaling, and coordinated growth between the shoot and root.  相似文献   

数学生态学随机模型   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
本文引入了数学生态学随机模型,建立了这类模型的向后和向前方程,最后给出了一个例子。  相似文献   

Mathematical Models for Chromosomal Inversions   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Cell motility is an essential biological action in the creation, operation and maintenance of our bodies. Developing mathematical models elucidating cell motility will greatly advance our understanding of this fundamental biological process. With accurate models it is possible to explore many permutations of the same event and concisely investigate their outcome. While great advancements have been made in experimental studies of cell motility, it now has somewhat fallen on mathematical models to taking a leading role in future developments. The obvious reason for this is the complexity of cell motility. Employing the processing power of today’s computers will give researches the ability to run complex biophysical and biochemical scenarios, without the inherent difficulty and time associated with in vitro investigations. Before any great advancement can be made, the basics of cell motility will have to be well-defined. Without this, complicated mathematical models will be hindered by their inherent conjecture. This review will look at current mathematical investigations of cell motility, explore the reasoning behind such work and conclude with how best to advance this interesting and challenging research area.  相似文献   

植物抗病信号转导途径   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
贾燕涛 《植物学通报》2003,20(5):602-608
植物抗病信号转导途径的研究一直是植物病理学关注的热点,近年来国内外不少实验室正在大量分离与植物抗病有关的突变体,克隆与抗病调节有关的基因并研究其功能。实验表明,一些植物抗病信号途径中的正、负调节因子及不同信号转导途径之间形成复杂的调控网络。在着重对R基因介导的抗病信号途径、细胞程序化死亡、水杨酸信号途径、茉莉酸和乙烯信号途径和诱导系统抗性途径研究进展加以综述的同时,对各抗病信号途径之间信号交换的复杂性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

植物伤反应中的茉莉酸类信号   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
植物伤反应包括伤信号的产生、传递、感知和转导。植物伤反应信号通路是一网络系统。茉莉酸类是植物伤反应中的重要信号分子,乙烯、ABA、系统素、水杨酸、过氧化氢等也参与伤信号转导。伤反应信号通路与其他生物、非生物胁迫反应信号通路交互作用,使植物能够在时空上对不同的胁迫做出正确响应。  相似文献   

Plant Phosphoinositides and Intracellular Signaling   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Drobak BK 《Plant physiology》1993,102(3):705-709

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