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Secondary structure of messenger RNA plays an important role in the bio-synthesis of proteins. Its negative impact on translation can reduce the yield of protein by slowing or blocking the initiation and movement of ribosomes along the mRNA, becoming a major factor in the regulation of gene expression. Several algorithms can predict the formation of secondary structures by calculating the minimum free energy of RNA sequences, or perform the inverse process of obtaining an RNA sequence for a given structure. However, there is still no approach to redesign an mRNA to achieve minimal secondary structure without affecting the amino acid sequence. Here we present the first strategy to optimize mRNA secondary structures, to increase (or decrease) the minimum free energy of a nucleotide sequence, without changing its resulting polypeptide, in a time-efficient manner, through a simplistic approximation to hairpin formation. Our data show that this approach can efficiently increase the minimum free energy by >40%, strongly reducing the strength of secondary structures. Applications of this technique range from multi-objective optimization of genes by controlling minimum free energy together with CAI and other gene expression variables, to optimization of secondary structures at the genomic level.  相似文献   

The minus ends of spindle microtubules are anchored to a microtubule-organizing center. The conserved Msd1/SSX2IP proteins are localized to the spindle pole body (SPB) and the centrosome in fission yeast and humans, respectively, and play a critical role in microtubule anchoring. In this paper, we show that fission yeast Msd1 forms a ternary complex with another conserved protein, Wdr8, and the minus end–directed Pkl1/kinesin-14. Individual deletion mutants displayed the identical spindle-protrusion phenotypes. Msd1 and Wdr8 were delivered by Pkl1 to mitotic SPBs, where Pkl1 was tethered through Msd1–Wdr8. The spindle-anchoring defect imposed by msd1/wdr8/pkl1 deletions was suppressed by a mutation of the plus end–directed Cut7/kinesin-5, which was shown to be mutual. Intriguingly, Pkl1 motor activity was not required for its anchoring role once targeted to the SPB. Therefore, spindle anchoring through Msd1–Wdr8–Pkl1 is crucial for balancing the Cut7/kinesin-5–mediated outward force at the SPB. Our analysis provides mechanistic insight into the spatiotemporal regulation of two opposing kinesins to ensure mitotic spindle bipolarity.  相似文献   

A novel microRNA (miRNA) quantification method has been developed using stem–loop RT followed by TaqMan PCR analysis. Stem–loop RT primers are better than conventional ones in terms of RT efficiency and specificity. TaqMan miRNA assays are specific for mature miRNAs and discriminate among related miRNAs that differ by as little as one nucleotide. Furthermore, they are not affected by genomic DNA contamination. Precise quantification is achieved routinely with as little as 25 pg of total RNA for most miRNAs. In fact, the high sensitivity, specificity and precision of this method allows for direct analysis of a single cell without nucleic acid purification. Like standard TaqMan gene expression assays, TaqMan miRNA assays exhibit a dynamic range of seven orders of magnitude. Quantification of five miRNAs in seven mouse tissues showed variation from less than 10 to more than 30000 copies per cell. This method enables fast, accurate and sensitive miRNA expression profiling and can identify and monitor potential biomarkers specific to tissues or diseases. Stem–loop RT–PCR can be used for the quantification of other small RNA molecules such as short interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Furthermore, the concept of stem–loop RT primer design could be applied in small RNA cloning and multiplex assays for better specificity and efficiency.  相似文献   

RNA loop–loop interactions are essential for genomic RNA dimerization and regulation of gene expression. In this article, a statistical mechanics-based computational method that predicts the structures and thermodynamic stabilities of RNA complexes with loop–loop kissing interactions is described. The method accounts for the entropy changes for the formation of loop–loop interactions, which is a notable advancement that other computational models have neglected. Benchmark tests with several experimentally validated systems show that the inclusion of the entropy parameters can indeed improve predictions for RNA complexes. Furthermore, the method can predict not only the native structures of RNA/RNA complexes but also alternative metastable structures. For instance, the model predicts that the SL1 domain of HIV-1 RNA can form two different dimer structures with similar stabilities. The prediction is consistent with experimental observation. In addition, the model predicts two different binding sites for hTR dimerization: One binding site has been experimentally proposed, and the other structure, which has a higher stability, is structurally feasible and needs further experimental validation.  相似文献   

In contrast to all other known tRNAs, mammalian tRNAVal1 contains two adenosines A59 and A60, opposite to U54 and ψ55 in the UψCG sequence of the TψC loop, which could form unusual A:U (or A:ψ) pairs in addition to the five “normal” G:C pairs. In order to measure the number of G:C and A:U (A:ψ) pairs in the TψC stem, we prepared the 30 nucleotide long 3′-terminal fragment of this tRNA by “m7G-cleavage”. From differentiated melting curves and temperature jump experiments it was concluded that the TψC stem in this fragment is in fact extended by an additional A60:U54 pair. A dimer of this fragment with 14 base pairs was characterized by gel electrophoresis and by the same physical methods. An additional A:U pair in the tRNAVal1 fragment does not necessarily mean that this is also true for intact tRNA. However, we showed that U54 is far less available for enzymatic methylation in mammalian tRNAVal1 compared to tRNA from TE. coli. This clear difference in U54 reactivity, together with the identification of an extra A60:U54 pair in the UψCG containing fragment suggests the presence of a 6 base pair TψC stem and a 5 nucleotide TψC loop in this tRNA.  相似文献   

LL5β has been identified as a microtubule-anchoring factor that attaches EB1/CLIP-associating protein (CLASP)–bound microtubule plus ends to the cell cortex. In this study, we show that LL5β and its homologue LL5α (LL5s) colocalize with autocrine laminin-5 and its receptors, integrins α3β1 and α6β4, at the basal side of fully polarized epithelial sheets. Depletion of both laminin receptor integrins abolishes the cortical localization of LL5s, whereas LL5 depletion reduces the amount of integrin α3 at the basal cell cortex. Activation of integrin α3 is sufficient to initiate LL5 accumulation at the cell cortex. LL5s form a complex with the cytoplasmic tails of these integrins, but their interaction might be indirect. Analysis of the three-dimensional distribution of microtubule growth by visualizing EB1-GFP in epithelial sheets in combination with RNA interference reveals that LL5s are required to maintain the density of growing microtubules selectively at the basal cortex. These findings reveal that signaling from laminin–integrin associations attaches microtubule plus ends to the epithelial basal cell cortex.  相似文献   

The specific function of RNA molecules frequently resides in their seemingly unstructured loop regions. We performed a systematic analysis of RNA loops extracted from experimentally determined three-dimensional structures of RNA molecules. A comprehensive loop-structure data set was created and organized into distinct clusters based on structural and sequence similarity. We detected clear evidence of the hallmark of homology present in the sequence–structure relationships in loops. Loops differing by <25% in sequence identity fold into very similar structures. Thus, our results support the application of homology modeling for RNA loop model building. We established a threshold that may guide the sequence divergence-based selection of template structures for RNA loop homology modeling. Of all possible sequences that are, under the assumption of isosteric relationships, theoretically compatible with actual sequences observed in RNA structures, only a small fraction is contained in the Rfam database of RNA sequences and classes implying that the actual RNA loop space may consist of a limited number of unique loop structures and conserved sequences. The loop-structure data sets are made available via an online database, RLooM. RLooM also offers functionalities for the modeling of RNA loop structures in support of RNA engineering and design efforts.  相似文献   

The protein deacetylase SIRT1 has been implicated in a variety of cellular functions, including development, cellular stress responses, and metabolism. Increasing evidence suggests that similar to its counterpart, Sir2, in yeast, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Drosophila melanogaster, SIRT1 may function to regulate life span in mammals. However, SIRT1''s role in cancer is unclear. During our investigation of SIRT1, we found that c-Myc binds to the SIRT1 promoter and induces SIRT1 expression. However, SIRT1 interacts with and deacetylates c-Myc, resulting in decreased c-Myc stability. As a consequence, c-Myc''s transformational capability is compromised in the presence of SIRT1. Overall, our experiments identify a c-Myc–SIRT1 feedback loop in the regulation of c-Myc activity and cellular transformation, supporting/suggesting a role of SIRT1 in tumor suppression.  相似文献   

The association of Zika virus (ZIKV) infections with microcephaly and neurological diseases has highlighted an emerging public health concern. Here, we report the crystal structure of the full‐length ZIKV nonstructural protein 1 (NS1), a major host‐interaction molecule that functions in flaviviral replication, pathogenesis, and immune evasion. Of note, a long intertwined loop is observed in the wing domain of ZIKV NS1, and forms a hydrophobic “spike”, which can contribute to cellular membrane association. For different flaviviruses, the amino acid sequences of the “spike” are variable but their common characteristic is either hydrophobic or positively charged, which is a beneficial feature for membrane binding. Comparative studies with West Nile and Dengue virus NS1 structures reveal conserved features, but diversified electrostatic characteristics on both inner and outer faces. Our results suggest different mechanisms of flavivirus pathogenesis and should be considered during the development of diagnostic tools.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are mRNA-based molecules capable of controlling the expression of genes. They undergo conformational changes upon ligand binding, and as a result, they inhibit or promote the expression of the associated gene. The close connection between structural rearrangement and function makes a detailed knowledge of the molecular interactions an important step to understand the riboswitch mechanism and efficiency. We have performed all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of the adenine-sensing add A-riboswitch to study the breaking of the kissing loop, one key tertiary element in the aptamer structure. We investigated the aptamer domain of the add A-riboswitch in complex with its cognate ligand and in the absence of the ligand. The opening of the hairpins was simulated using umbrella sampling using the distance between two loops as the reaction coordinate. A two-step process was observed in all the simulated systems. First, a general loss of stacking and hydrogen bond interactions is seen. The last interactions that break are the two base pairs G37-C61 and G38-C60, but the break does not affect the energy profile, indicating their pivotal role in the tertiary structure formation but not in the structure stabilization. The junction area is partially organized before the kissing loop formation and residue A24 anchors together the loop helices. Moreover, when the distance between the loops is increased, one of the hairpins showed more flexibility by changing its orientation in the structure, while the other conserved its coaxial arrangement with the rest of the structure.  相似文献   

Stem bromelain is a proteolytic phytoprotein with a variety of therapeutic effects. Understanding its structural properties could provide insight into the mechanisms underlying its clinical utility. Stem bromelain was evaluated for its conformational and folding properties at the pH conditions it encounters when administered orally. It exists as a partially folded intermediate at pH 2.0. The conformational changes to this intermediate state were evaluated using fluorinated alcohols known to induce changes similar to those seen in vivo. Studies using circular dichroism, fluorescence emission spectroscopy, binding of the hydrophobic dye 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonic acid and mass spectrometry indicate that treatment with 10–30% hexafluoroisopropanol induces the partially folded intermediate to adopt much of the native protein's secondary structure, but only a rudimentary tertiary structure, characteristic of the molten globule state. Addition of slightly higher concentrations of hexafluoroisopropanol caused transformation from an α-helix to a β-sheet and induced formation of a compact nonnative structure. This nonnative form was more inhibitory of cell survival than either the native or the partially folded intermediate forms, as measured by enhanced suppression of proliferative cues (e.g., extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) and initiation of apoptotic events. The nonnative form also showed better antitumorigenic properties, as evaluated using an induced two-stage mouse skin papilloma model. In contrast, the nonnative state showed only a fraction of the proteolytic activity of the native form. This study demonstrates that hexafluoroisopropanol can induce a conformational change in stem bromelain to a form with potentially useful therapeutic properties different from those of the native protein.  相似文献   

Otoferlin (Otof), whose genetic mutations cause profound deafness in humans, is a protein composed of at least six C2 domains, which are known as Ca2+-binding and phospholipid-binding regions. Mammalian ferlin proteins are proposed to act in membrane fusion events, with Otof being specifically required for exocytosis in auditory hair cells. Ferlin C2 domains exhibit a rather low level of sequence similarity to those of synaptotagmins, protein kinase C isoforms, or phospholipases. Here, we report the crystal structure of the N-terminal C2 domain of Otof (C2A) at 1.95-Å resolution. In contrast to previous predictions, we found that this C2 domain is complete with eight β-strands. Comparing the structure of Otof C2A to those of other C2 domains revealed one top loop in Otof to be significantly shorter. This results in a depression of the surface, which is positively charged for the Otof C2A domain, and contrasts with the head-like protrusion surrounded by a negatively charged “neck” typically found in other C2 domains. Isothermal titration calorimetry and circular dichroism spectroscopy studies confirmed that Otof C2A is unable to bind Ca2+, while the synaptotagmin-1 C2A domain exhibited Ca2+ binding under the same conditions. Furthermore, floatation assays revealed a failure of Otof C2A to bind to phospholipid membranes. Accordingly, no positively charged β-groove-like surface structure, which is known to bind phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate in other C2 domains, was found at the respective position in Otof C2A. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the Otof C2A domain differs structurally and functionally from other C2 domains.  相似文献   

In the last 5 years, many efforts have been conducted searching potent and selective human A(3) adenosine antagonists. In this field several different classes of compounds, possessing very good affinity (nM range) and with a broad range of selectivity, have been proposed. Recently, our group synthesized a new series of pyrazolo-triazolo-pyrimidines bearing different substitutions at the N(5) and N(8) positions, which have been described as highly potent and selective human A(3) adenosine receptor antagonists. The present review summarizes available data and provides an overview of the structure-activity relationships found for this class of human A(3) adenosine receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

Alzheimer''s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disorder in the world. Its most significant symptoms are memory loss and decrease in cognition. Alzheimer''s disease is characterized by aggregation of two proteins in the brain namely Aβ (amyloid β) and tau. Recent evidence suggests that the interaction of soluble Aβ with nAChR (nicotinic acetylcholine receptors) contributes to disease progression. In this study, we determine the NMR structure of an Aβ17–34 peptide solubilized by the addition of two glutamic acids at each terminus. Our results indicate that the Aβ peptide adopts an α-helical structure for residues 19–26 and 28–33. The α-helical structure is broken around residues S26, N27 and K28, which form a kink in the helical conformation. This α-helix was not described earlier in an aqueous solution without organic solvents, and at physiological conditions (pH 7). These data are in agreement with Aβ adopting an α-helical conformation in the membrane before polymerizing into amyloid β-sheets and provide insight into the intermediate state of Aβ in Alzheimer''s disease.  相似文献   

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