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鼠γ疱疹病毒68(MHV68):研究γ疱疹病毒感染的模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹志华  姚开泰 《病毒学报》2004,20(3):283-287
γ疱疹病毒成员遍及自然界,可感染包括人在内的多种哺乳动物.γ疱疹病毒的生物学特性主要有:(1)能在淋巴细胞中潜伏感染;(2)可以产生淋巴增生性疾病;(3)与淋巴组织和非淋巴组织肿瘤关系密切.最开始γ疱疹病毒根据感染T或B细胞的不同而分为γ1和γ2疱疹病毒,前者主要感染B淋巴细胞,如感染人和棉顶绒猴的EBV(EpsteinBarr virus);γ2疱疹病毒则感染T淋巴细胞,以感染松鼠猴的疱疹病毒samiri(herpesvirus samiri,HVS)为代表.但后来证实γ2疱疹病毒可同时感染T、B淋巴细胞,而EBV亦可引起T淋巴细胞肿瘤.因此以后发现的γ疱疹病毒则根据其基因结构及基因组中代表性序列的特点,将其归为γ1或γ2亚类.如感染人的卡波氏肉瘤相关病毒(Kaposi's sarcomaassociated herpesvirus,KSHV)或称人疱疹病毒8(human herpesvirus-8,HHV8)就归为γ2[1].  相似文献   

Infection of inbred mice with murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) has proven to be a powerful tool to study gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis. However, one of the limitations of this system has been the inability to directly detect infected cells harvested from infected animals. To address this issue, we generated a transgenic virus that expresses the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), driven by the human cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter and enhancer, from a neutral locus within the viral genome. This virus, MHV68-YFP, replicated and established latency as efficiently as did the wild-type virus. During the early phase of viral latency, MHV68-YFP efficiently marked latently infected cells in the spleen after intranasal inoculation. Staining splenocytes for expression of various surface markers demonstrated the presence of MHV68 in distinct populations of splenic B cells harboring MHV68. Notably, these analyses also revealed that markers used to discriminate between newly formed, follicular and marginal zone B cells may not be reliable for phenotyping B cells harboring MHV68 since virus infection appears to modulate cell surface expression levels of CD21 and CD23. However, as expected, we observed that the overwhelming majority of latently infected B cells at the peak of latency exhibited a germinal center phenotype. These analyses also demonstrated that a significant percentage of MHV68-infected splenocytes at the peak of viral latency are plasma cells (ca. 15% at day 14 and ca. 8% at day 18). Notably, the frequency of virus-infected plasma cells correlated well with the frequency of splenocytes that spontaneously reactivate virus upon explant. Finally, we observed that the efficiency of marking latently infected B cells with the MHV68-YFP recombinant virus declined at later times postinfection, likely due to shut down of transgene expression, and indicating that the utility of this marking strategy is currently limited to the early stages of virus infection.Gammaherpesviruses are characterized by their ability to establish life-long infection in lymphocytes of their host as well as their oncogenic potential. The human gammaherpesviruses, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8; also known as Kaposi''s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus [KSHV]), are associated with a variety of neoplasms. EBV has been implicated in Burkitt''s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma (15, 27, 33). HHV-8 has been associated with Kaposi''s sarcoma, primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric Castleman''s disease (4, 5, 7, 24).Research on the human gammaherpesvirus is hindered by their strict species specificity, and thus has been limited mostly to in vitro analyses. Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) is a closely related gammaherpesvirus that naturally infects rodents and provides a useful small animal model to study aspects of gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis that cannot be addressed for the human herpesviruses (3, 22, 25). In addition, the viral genome has been cloned as a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and can readily be manipulated in Escherichia coli (1) and, coupled with the availability of numerous transgenic and knockout strains of mice, MHV68 infection of laboratory mice has provided a powerful small animal model for characterizing basic aspects of gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis in vivo.Like the human gammaherpesviruses, MHV68 establishes long-term latency in B cells, although at early time points after infection latency can also be detected in macrophages and dendritic cells (11, 26, 30). Acute infection is cleared around 2 to 3 weeks postinfection, and by days 16 to 18 postinfection the frequency of viral genome-positive cells in the spleen is ca. 1 in 100 splenocytes (19, 31). This is the peak of splenic latency, and the frequency of infected cells begins to decline significantly until it reaches a steady-state level of ca. 1 in 10,000 splenocytes by 3 months postinfection. Previous analyses have shown that latency is mainly established in germinal center (GC) and memory B cells (12, 19, 31). At early time points during the establishment of latency, the GC fraction has been shown to have the highest percentage of infected cells (ca. 60 to 80% of MHV68-infected B cells) (12). However, even in this population, only around 10% of total GC cells are infected (12). This low frequency limits detailed molecular analyses that can be performed on infected cells (e.g., analysis of virus-induced changes in cellular gene expression).Until now, there has not been an efficient way to directly detect or purify/enrich for MHV68-infected cells harvested from the spleens of infected mice. Because of these issues, we sought to develop a method to efficiently mark infected cells that would allow easy detection, as well as isolation, of infected cells. To this end, we created a transgenic virus that expresses the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) from a neutral locus in the viral genome located between open reading frames (ORFs) 27 and 29b. We have previously used this locus to introduce other transgenes (Cre-recombinase and IκBαM expression cassettes) and have shown that this locus tolerates the insertion of transgene expression cassettes (14, 20). We show here that the MHV68-YFP recombinant virus is capable of efficiently marking infected cells, that highly enriched populations of infected cells can easily be isolated based of YFP expression, and that direct detection of infected cells provides a powerful tool for phenotypic analysis of infected cell populations.  相似文献   

Respiratory challenge of C57BL/6 mice with murine gammaherpesvirus 68 induces proliferation of T lymphocytes early after infection, as evidenced by incorporation of the DNA precursor bromodeoxyuridine. Using pulse-chase analysis, splenic and peripheral blood activated T lymphocytes were found to continue dividing for at least a month after the initial virus challenge. The results are in accord with the idea that T cells are stimulated for a substantial time after the acute, lytic phase of virus infection is resolved.  相似文献   

Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) establishes a lifelong infection in mice and is used as a model pathogen to study the role of viral and host factors in chronic infection. The maintenance of chronic MHV68 infection, at least in some latency reservoirs, appears to be dependent on the capacity of the virus to reactivate from latency in vivo. However, the signals that lead to MHV68 reactivation in vivo are not well characterized. Toll-like receptors (TLRs), by recognizing the specific patterns of microbial components, play an essential role in the activation of innate immunity. In the present study, we investigated the capacity of TLR ligands to induce MHV68 reactivation, both in vitro and in vivo. The stimulation of latently infected B cell lines with ligands for TLRs 3, 4, 5, and 9 enhanced MHV68 reactivation; the ex vivo stimulation of latently infected primary splenocytes, recovered from infected mice, with poly(I:C), lipopolysaccharide, flagellin, or CpG DNA led to early B-cell activation, B-cell proliferation, and a significant increase in the frequency of latently infected cells reactivating the virus. In vivo TLR stimulation also induced B-cell activation and MHV68 reactivation, resulting in heightened levels of virus replication in the lungs which correlated with an increase in MHV68-specific CD8+ T-cell responses. Importantly, TLR stimulation also led to an increase in MHV68 latency, as evidenced by an increase in viral genome-positive cells 2 weeks post-in vivo stimulation by specific TLR ligands. Thus, these data demonstrate that TLR stimulation can drive MHV68 reactivation from latency and suggests that periodic pathogen exposure may contribute to the homeostatic maintenance of chronic gammaherpesvirus infection through stimulating virus reactivation and reseeding latency reservoirs.  相似文献   

Zinc finger antiviral protein (ZAP) is a host factor that specifically inhibits the replication of certain viruses by binding to specific viral mRNAs and repressing mRNA expression. Here we report that ZAP inhibits expression of murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) M2, which plays important roles in establishment and maintenance of viral latency. Downregulation of endogenous ZAP in cells harboring latent MHV-68 promoted lytic replication of the virus. These results suggest that ZAP inhibits M2 expression and regulates the maintenance of MHV-68 latency.  相似文献   

Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) ORF73 (mLANA) has sequence homology to Kaposi''s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA). LANA acts on the KSHV terminal repeat (TR) elements to mediate KSHV episome maintenance. Disruption of mLANA expression severely reduces the ability of MHV68 to establish latent infection in mice, consistent with the possibility that mLANA mediates episome persistence. Here we assess the roles of mLANA and MHV68 TR (mTR) elements in episome persistence. mTR-associated DNA persisted as an episome in latently MHV68-infected tumor cells, demonstrating that the mTR elements can serve as a cis-acting element for MHV68 episome maintenance. In some cases, both control vector and mTR-associated DNAs integrated into MHV68 episomal genomes. Therefore, we also assessed the roles of mTRs as well as mLANA in the absence of infection. DNA containing both mLANA and mTRs in cis persisted as an episome in murine A20 or MEF cells. In contrast, mTR DNA never persisted as an episome in the absence of mLANA. mLANA levels were increased when mLANA was expressed from its native promoters, and episome maintenance was more efficient with higher mLANA levels. Increased numbers of mTRs conferred more efficient episome maintenance, since DNA containing mLANA and eight mTR elements persisted more efficiently in A20 cells than did DNA with mLANA and two or four mTRs. Similar to KSHV LANA, mLANA broadly associated with mitotic chromosomes but relocalized to concentrated dots in the presence of episomes. Therefore, mLANA acts on mTR elements to mediate MHV68 episome persistence.  相似文献   

Infection with the human gammaherpesviruses, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Kaposi''s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), is associated with several cancers. During lytic replication of herpesviruses, viral genes are expressed in an ordered cascade. However, the mechanism by which late gene expression is regulated has not been well characterized in gammaherpesviruses. In this study, we have investigated the cis element that mediates late gene expression during de novo lytic infection with murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68). A reporter system was established and used to assess the activity of viral late gene promoters upon infection with MHV-68. It was found that the viral origin of lytic replication, orilyt, must be on the reporter plasmid to support activation of the late gene promoter. Furthermore, the DNA sequence required for the activation of late gene promoters was mapped to a core element containing a distinct TATT box and its neighboring sequences. The critical nucleotides of the TATT box region were determined by systematic mutagenesis in the reporter system, and the significance of these nucleotides was confirmed in the context of the viral genome. In addition, EBV and KSHV late gene core promoters could be activated by MHV-68 lytic replication, indicating that the mechanisms controlling late gene expression are conserved among gammaherpesviruses. Therefore, our results on MHV-68 establish a solid foundation for mechanistic studies of late gene regulation.  相似文献   

Tegument is a unique structure of herpesvirus, which surrounds the capsid and interacts with the envelope. Morphogenesis of gammaherpesvirus is poorly understood due to lack of efficient lytic replication for Epstein-Barr virus and Kaposi''s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus/human herpesvirus 8, which are etiologically associated with several types of human malignancies. Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) is genetically related to the human gammaherpesviruses and presents an excellent model for studying de novo lytic replication of gammaherpesviruses. MHV-68 open reading frame 33 (ORF33) is conserved among Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaherpesvirinae subfamilies. However, the specific role of ORF33 in gammaherpesvirus replication has not yet been characterized. We describe here that ORF33 is a true late gene and encodes a tegument protein. By constructing an ORF33-null MHV-68 mutant, we demonstrated that ORF33 is not required for viral DNA replication, early and late gene expression, viral DNA packaging or capsid assembly but is required for virion morphogenesis and egress. Although the ORF33-null virus was deficient in release of infectious virions, partially tegumented capsids produced by the ORF33-null mutant accumulated in the cytoplasm, containing conserved capsid proteins, ORF52 tegument protein, but virtually no ORF45 tegument protein and the 65-kDa glycoprotein B. Finally, we found that the defect of ORF33-null MHV-68 could be rescued by providing ORF33 in trans or in an ORF33-null revertant virus. Taken together, our results indicate that ORF33 is a tegument protein required for viral lytic replication and functions in virion morphogenesis and egress.Gammaherpesviruses are associated with tumorigenesis. Like other herpesviruses, they are characterized as having two distinct stages in their life cycle: lytic replication and latency (15, 16, 18, 21, 54). Latency provides the viruses with advantages to escape host immune surveillance and to establish lifelong persistent infection and contributes to transformation and development of malignancies. However, it is through lytic replication that viruses propagate and transmit among hosts to maintain viral reservoirs. Both viral latency and lytic replication play important roles in tumorigenesis. The gammaherpesvirus subfamily includes Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Kaposi''s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV)/human herpesvirus 8 and murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68), among others. EBV is associated with Burkitt''s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Hodgkin''s disease, and lymphoproliferative diseases in immunodeficient patients (28). KSHV is etiologically linked with Kaposi''s sarcoma, primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric Castleman''s disease (11-13, 22, 52). Neither in vivo nor in vitro studies of EBV and KSHV are convenient due to their propensity to establish latency in cell culture and their limited host ranges.MHV-68 is genetically related to these two human gammaherpesviruses, especially to KSHV, based on the alignment of their genomic sequences and other biological properties (55). As a natural pathogen of wild rodents, MHV-68 also infects laboratory mice (6, 40, 46) and replicates to a high titer in a variety of fibroblast and epithelial cell lines. These advantages make MHV-68 an excellent model for studying the lytic replication of gammaherpesviruses in vitro and certain aspects of virus-host interactions in vivo. In addition, the MHV-68 genome has been cloned as a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) that can propagate in Escherichia coli (1, 2, 36, 51), making it convenient to study the function of each open reading frame (ORF) by genetic methods. Exploring the functions of MHV-68 ORFs will likely shed light on the functions of their homologues in human gammaherpesviruses.Gammaherpesviral particles have a characteristic multilayered architecture. An infectious virion contains a double-stranded DNA genome, an icosahedral capsid shell, a thick, proteinaceous tegument compartment, and a lipid bilayer envelope spiked with glycoproteins (14, 30, 47, 49). As a unique structure of herpesviruses, the tegument plays important roles in multiple aspects of the viral life cycle, including virion assembly and egress (38, 48, 53), translocation of nucleocapsids into the nucleus, transactivation of viral immediate-early genes, and modulation of host cell gene expression, innate immunity, and signal transduction (9, 10, 23, 60). Some components of MHV-68 tegument have been identified by a mass spectrometric study (8), and the functions of some tegument proteins have been revealed, such as ORF45, ORF52, and ORF75c (7, 24, 29).MHV-68 ORF33 is conserved among Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaherpesvirinae subfamilies. Its homologues include human herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) UL16, human herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) UL16, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL94, EBV BGLF2, KSHV ORF33, and rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (RRV) ORF33. HSV-1 UL16 has been identified as a tegument protein and may function in viral DNA packaging, virion assembly, budding, and egress (5, 32, 35, 41, 44). HCMV UL94 is a virion associated protein and might function in virion assembly and budding (31, 57). EBV BGLF2, KSHV ORF33, and RRV ORF33 are also virion-associated proteins, but their functions are not clear (26, 43, 59). The mass spectrometric study of MHV-68 did not identify ORF33 as a virion component (8), although ORF33 is found to be essential for viral lytic replication by transposon mutagenesis of the MHV-68 genome cloned as a BAC (51). However, insertion of the 1.2-kbp Mu transposon in that study may influence the expression of ORFs approximate to ORF33. Consequently, the role ORF33 plays in viral replication needs to be confirmed, preferably through site-directed mutagenesis. Whether ORF33 is a tegument protein and the exact viral replication stage in which it functions also need to be investigated.We determined that MHV-68 ORF33 encodes a tegument protein and is expressed with true late kinetics. To explore the function of ORF33 in viral lytic phase, we used site-directed mutagenesis and generated an ORF33-null mutant, taking advantage of the MHV-68 BAC system. We showed that the ORF33-null mutant is capable of viral DNA replication, early and late gene expression, capsid assembly, and DNA packaging, but incapable of virion release. The defect of ORF33-null mutant can be rescued in trans by an ORF33 expression plasmid.  相似文献   

Zinc finger antiviral protein (ZAP) is an interferon-inducible host antiviral factor that specifically inhibits the replication of certain viruses, including HIV-1 and Ebola virus. ZAP functions as a dimer formed through intermolecular interactions of its N-terminal tails. ZAP binds directly to specific viral mRNAs and inhibits their expression by repressing translation and/or promoting degradation of the target mRNA. ZAP is not a universal antiviral factor, since some viruses grow normally in ZAP-expressing cells. It is not fully understood what determines whether a virus is susceptible to ZAP. We explored the interaction between ZAP and murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68), whose life cycle has latent and lytic phases. We previously reported that ZAP inhibits the expression of M2, which is expressed mainly in the latent phase, and regulates MHV-68 latency in cultured cells. Here, we report that ZAP inhibits the expression of ORF64, a tegument protein that is expressed in the lytic phase and is essential for lytic replication. MHV-68 infection induced ZAP expression. However, ZAP did not inhibit lytic replication of MHV-68. We provide evidence showing that the antiviral activity of ZAP is antagonized by MHV-68 RTA, a critical viral transactivator expressed in the lytic phase. We further show that RTA inhibits the antiviral activity of ZAP by disrupting the N-terminal intermolecular interaction of ZAP. Our results provide an example of how a virus can escape ZAP-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (γHV68) provides an important experimental model for understanding mechanisms of immune control of the latent human gammaherpesviruses. Antiviral CD8 T cells play a key role throughout three separate phases of the infection: clearance of lytic virus, control of the latency amplification stage, and prevention of reactivation of latently infected cells. Previous analyses have shown that T-cell responses to two well-characterized epitopes derived from ORF6 and ORF61 progress with distinct kinetics. ORF6487-specific cells predominate early in infection and then decline rapidly, whereas ORF61524-specific cells continue to expand through early latency, due to sustained epitope expression. However, the paucity of identified epitopes to this virus has limited our understanding of the overall complexities of CD8 T-cell immune control throughout infection. Here we screened 1,383 predicted H-2b-restricted peptides and identified 33 responses, of which 21 have not previously been reported. Kinetic analysis revealed a spectrum of T-cell responses based on the rapidity of their decline after the peak acute response that generally corresponded to the expression patterns of the two previously characterized epitopes. The slowly declining responses that were maintained during latency amplification proliferated more rapidly and underwent maturation of functional avidity over time. Furthermore, the kinetics of decline was accelerated following infection with a latency-null mutant virus. Overall, the data show that γHV68 infection elicits a highly heterogeneous CD8 T-cell response that segregates into two distinctive kinetic patterns controlled by differential epitope expression during the lytic and latency amplification stages of infection.Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (γHV68) is a mouse pathogen closely related to the human gammaherpesviruses Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Kaposi''s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV). Intranasal infection of mice with γHV68 leads to an acute infection in lung epithelial cells that is ultimately cleared and the concurrent establishment of latency in B cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages that undergoes amplification in the spleen and is maintained lifelong (11, 12). Even though γHV68 has the capacity to downregulate major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules (36), CD8 T cells specific for γHV68 are generated and have been shown to proliferate in response to cognate antigen, protect naive mice from γHV68 infection, lyse peptide-pulsed target cells in vivo and in vitro, and maintain the ability to produce antiviral cytokines (5, 6, 13, 27, 35). Until recently, knowledge of the antiviral CD8 T-cell repertoire in C57BL/6 mice was largely limited to two well-characterized epitopes derived from ORF6 and ORF61. T-cell responses to these epitopes have been shown to progress with distinct kinetics, with ORF6487-specific cells predominating early in infection and ORF61524-specific cells continuing to expand through early latency before declining and then persisting at higher levels late in infection (33). The difference in response kinetics correlates with the differential presentation of the epitopes, with the ORF6487 epitope being expressed only during lytic infection and the ORF61524 epitope being expressed both during lytic infection and during the latency amplification phase (22, 28). Additionally, the latency amplification phase is associated with the expansion of CD8 T cells with a Vβ4 T-cell receptor (TCR) component in several mouse strains (17), presumably due to a superantigen-like effect of the γHV68 M1 protein (4, 9).To better understand the breadth of the anti-γHV68 T-cell response, we used an enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISpot) approach to identify new epitopes. We identified a large number of epitopes derived from 26 proteins that drive the acute CD8 T-cell response to γHV68, which then narrowed over time, resulting in a limited antiviral response during latency. We did not observe inflation of any of the responses, as has been demonstrated for some murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV)-specific responses (20, 26). There was no evidence for functional exhaustion, as all detectable CD8 T-cell responses maintained functionality, but the responses declined in numbers over time. The decline in responses occurred over a broad kinetic range, which segregated into two general groups that correlated precisely with those previously described for ORF6 and ORF61. Thus, some responses declined rapidly after the acute phase of infection, while others declined more slowly.We examined two epitope-specific responses from each of the two patterns in detail over time for functional and phenotypic characteristics and found the responses to be highly heterogeneous, differing in TCR affinity, functional avidity, and proliferation rates. Importantly, slowly declining responses were not maintained as efficiently after infection with a latency-deficient virus, consistent with a role for epitope expression in driving the heterogeneous rate of decline in cell number after the acute infection. The data show that the response kinetics seen for the ORF6487 and ORF61524 responses are broadly applicable to multiple CD8 T-cell epitopes.  相似文献   

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