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The brain's evolution and operation are inextricably linked to animal movement, and critical functions, such as motor control, spatial perception, and navigation, rely on precise knowledge of body movement. Such internal estimates of self-motion emerge from the integration of mechanosensory and visual feedback with motor-related signals. Thus, this internal representation likely depends on the activity of circuits distributed across the central nervous system. However, the circuits responsible for self-motion estimation, and the exact mechanisms by which motor-sensory coordination occurs within these circuits remain poorly understood. Recent technological advances have positioned Drosophila melanogaster as an advantageous model for investigating the emergence, maintenance, and utilization of self-motion representations during naturalistic walking behaviors. In this review, I will illustrate how the adult fly is providing insights into the fundamental problems of self-motion computations and walking control, which have relevance for all animals.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the performance of a walking speed estimation system based on using an inertial measurement unit (IMU), a combination of accelerometers and gyroscopes. The walking speed estimation algorithm segments the walking sequence into individual stride cycles (two steps) based on the inverted pendulum-like behaviour of the stance leg during walking and it integrates the angular velocity and linear accelerations of the shank to determine the displacement of each stride. The evaluation was performed in both treadmill and overground walking experiments with various constraints on walking speed, step length and step frequency to provide a relatively comprehensive assessment of the system. Promising results were obtained in providing accurate and consistent walking speed/step length estimation in different walking conditions. An overall percentage root mean squared error (%RMSE) of 4.2 and 4.0% was achieved in treadmill and overground walking experiments, respectively. With an increasing interest in understanding human walking biomechanics, the IMU-based ambulatory system could provide a useful walking speed/step length measurement/control tool for constrained walking studies.  相似文献   

To determine whether perching dragonflies visually assess the distance to potential prey items, we presented artificial prey, glass beads suspended from fine wires, to perching dragonflies in the field. We videotaped the responses of freely foraging dragonflies (Libellula luctuosa and Sympetrum vicinum—Odonata, suborder Anisoptera) to beads ranging from 0.5 mm to 8 mm in diameter, recording whether or not the dragonflies took off after the beads, and if so, at what distance. Our results indicated that dragonflies were highly selective for bead size. Furthermore, the smaller Sympetrum preferred beads of smaller size and the larger Libellula preferred larger beads. Each species rejected beads as large or larger than their heads, even when the beads subtended the same visual angles as the smaller, attractive beads. Since bead size cannot be determined without reference to distance, we conclude that dragonflies are able to estimate the distance to potential prey items. The range over which they estimate distance is about 1 m for the larger Libellula and 70 cm for the smaller Sympetrum. The mechanism of distance estimation is unknown, but it probably includes both stereopsis and the motion parallax produced by head movements.  相似文献   

As humans walk or run, external (environmental) and internal (physiological) disturbances induce variability. How humans regulate this variability from stride-to-stride can be critical to maintaining balance. One cannot infer what is “controlled” based on analyses of variability alone. Assessing control requires quantifying how deviations are corrected across consecutive movements. Here, we assessed walking and running, each at two speeds. We hypothesized differences in speed would drive changes in variability, while adopting different gaits would drive changes in how people regulated stepping. Ten healthy adults walked/ran on a treadmill under four conditions: walk or run at comfortable speed, and walk or run at their predicted walk-to-run transition speed. Time series of relevant stride parameters were analyzed to quantify variability and stride-to-stride error-correction dynamics within a Goal-Equivalent Manifold (GEM) framework. In all conditions, participants’ stride-to-stride control respected a constant-speed GEM strategy. At each consecutively faster speed, variability tangent to the GEM increased (p ≤ 0.031), while variability perpendicular to the GEM decreased (p ≤ 0.044). There were no differences (p ≥ 0.999) between gaits at the transition speed. Differences in speed determined how stepping variability was structured, independent of gait, confirming our first hypothesis. For running versus walking, measures of GEM-relevant statistical persistence were significantly less (p ≤ 0.004), but showed minimal-to-no speed differences (0.069 ≤ p ≤ 0.718). When running, people corrected deviations both more quickly and more directly, each indicating tighter control. Thus, differences in gait determined how stride-to-stride fluctuations were regulated, independent of speed, confirming our second hypothesis.  相似文献   

Dead reckoning in a small mammal: the evaluation of distance   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
When hoarding food under infra-red light, golden hamsters Mesocricetus auratus W. return fairly directly from a feeding place to their nest site by evaluating and updating internal signals that they have generated during the previous outward journey to the feeding place. To test more specifically the animals' capacity to evaluate the linear components of the outward journey, the subjects were led from their (cone-shaped) nest to a feeding place along a detour which comprised either 2 (experiment 1) or 5 (experiment 2) segments; adjoining segments were at right angles to each other. In these conditions, the subjects remained significantly oriented towards the nest and therefore were capable of assessing translations as well as rotations during the outward journey. In experiment 3, the nest was removed after the hamsters had started the direct outward journey to the feeding place and the hamsters were rotated during the food uptake. The animals were no longer oriented towards the starting point of their journey, but nonetheless covered, along a fairly straight path, the correct homing distance, and then changed over to a circular search path. These results confirm that mammals can derive the linear components of an outward journey from self-generated signals and therefore are able to judge the homing distance without relying on cues from the environment. For a number of detour outward journeys, our data yield an unexpectedly good fit to Müller and Wehner's (1988) model of dead reckoning in ants. However, this is no longer the case when the outward journey contains an initial loop which brings the subject back to the starting point. These findings are discussed in terms of the biological significance and limitations of an approximate form of path integration.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study aims to investigate the association between distance to health services and intervals in the cancer diagnostic pathway, and explore whether the diagnostic difficulty of the cancer influences this association.MethodA nationwide cohort study was conducted based on data from both questionnaires and registries. Danish cancer patients diagnosed in 2005–2016 and their general practitioner (GP) were included if enrolled in the Danish Cancer in Primary Care (CaP) cohort (n = 37,872). The CaP cohorts provided data on intervals assessed by patients and GPs. The Geographical Information System (GIS) was used to calculate travel distances from the residence of the patient to their GP surgery and to the hospital of diagnosis.ResultsLonger travel distance to the hospital of diagnosis was associated with longer diagnostic interval. This association was strongest in the period before the implementation of Cancer Patient Pathways (CPP) in 2010. Patients with a cancer categorised as ´hard to diagnose´ contributed mostly to the association. Longer travel distance to the GP was associated with shorter patient interval and primary care interval for patients diagnosed with cancer types ´intermediate to diagnose´.ConclusionTravel distance to cancer diagnostic health care services was associated with interval length in the diagnostic pathway. This association was less pronounced in the period after introducing CPPs and also strongly depending of the underlying cancer type and symptomatology.  相似文献   

Visual deprivation and distance estimation in the praying mantis larva   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Young larvae of the praying mantis, Tenodera sinensis Saussure, were placed on an off-centre island surrounded by a round arena with six black bars painted on a white inner wall. In this situation, it was shown that the horizontal peering movements of the head often seen in mantids are in fact used to measure distances; motion parallax may be involved in this process. Aimed jumps that followed peering were taken to be the distinct result of an absolute distance measurement. Specific visual deprivation such as painting over of certain parts of the eye with opaque black varnish or degeneration of the fovea with sulforhodamine showed that: absolute evaluation of distance is only possible with two fully intact eyes; the peering mechanism is under visual control; and visual experience has a long-term effect on distance measurement involving peering movements.  相似文献   

Human use of the ocean and its ecosystems continues to degrade coastal habitats around the world. Assessing anthropogenic impacts on these environments can be costly and manpower-intensive; thus, the development of rapid, remote techniques to assess habitat quality is important. We employed autonomous hydrophone receivers to record the soundscapes of healthy, sponge-rich hard-bottom habitat in Florida Bay, Florida (USA) and hard-bottom areas impacted by sponge die-offs. We also recorded sounds emanating from individual sponges of three species that were isolated in underwater sound booths, and then enumerated the invertebrates (mostly snapping shrimp) dwelling within the canals of each sponge. From these recordings, a modified cylindrical sound propagation model was used to estimate distances to individual snapping shrimp snaps. Using the program Distance, we estimated snapping shrimp population density and abundance within both habitat types. More snapping shrimp snaps per unit time were recorded in healthy hard-bottom areas as compared to degraded hard-bottom areas. In addition, the average distance to a snap source was greater within degraded hard-bottom areas than within healthy hard-bottom areas. As a consequence, the estimated density and abundance of snapping shrimp were one to two orders of magnitude greater within healthy habitat than within degraded habitat. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using acoustic sampling and modeling to rapidly assess populations of soniferous benthic indicator species, whose vocalizations may yield indirect estimates of habitat quality.  相似文献   

This review reflects a few of Mike Land''s many and varied contributions to visual science. In it, we show for wood ants, as Mike has done for a variety of animals, including readers of this piece, what can be learnt from a detailed analysis of an animal''s visually guided eye, head or body movements. In the case of wood ants, close examination of their body movements, as they follow visually guided routes, is starting to reveal how they perceive and respond to their visual world and negotiate a path within it. We describe first some of the mechanisms that underlie the visual control of their paths, emphasizing that vision is not the ant''s only sense. In the second part, we discuss how remembered local shape-dependent and global shape-independent features of a visual scene may interact in guiding the ant''s path.  相似文献   

Summary The integument of an insect segment displays two distinct pattern features which are based on different properties of the constituent epidermal cells. Normally, the uniform orientation of epidermal cell polarities (polarity pattern) is strictly correlated with the sequence of differentiated cells (differentiation pattern). Here it is reported that in the integument of the cotton bug Dysdercus epidermal cells can adopt orientations that do not correlate with the pigmentation pattern and which are not compatible with the gradient model. The results indicate that different features of a composite pattern can be independently controlled.  相似文献   

Lu Z  Hui YV  Lee AH 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):1016-1026
Minimum Hellinger distance estimation (MHDE) has been shown to discount anomalous data points in a smooth manner with first-order efficiency for a correctly specified model. An estimation approach is proposed for finite mixtures of Poisson regression models based on MHDE. Evidence from Monte Carlo simulations suggests that MHDE is a viable alternative to the maximum likelihood estimator when the mixture components are not well separated or the model parameters are near zero. Biometrical applications also illustrate the practical usefulness of the MHDE method.  相似文献   

Questions concerning the relative effects of various evolutionary forces in molding the genetic variability exhibited by groups of human populations have typically been investigated by comparing a variety of genetic and cultural/historical "distance" matrices. A major methodological difficulty has been the lack of formal testing procedures with which to assess the degree of confirmation or disconfirmation of an estimated measure of relationship between such matrices. In this paper, we examine a very flexible matrix combinatorial procedure which generates statistical significance levels for correlational measures of pattern similarity between distance matrices. A recent generalization of the basic procedure to the three-matrix case allows questions concerning which of two matrices best fits a third matrix to be formally tested. Applications of these hypothesis testing and inference procedures to two separate sets of genetic, geographic, and cultural distance matrices illustrates their potential for finally solving a long-standing problem in anthropological genetics.  相似文献   

Ten Have TR  Localio AR 《Biometrics》1999,55(4):1022-1029
We extend an approach for estimating random effects parameters under a random intercept and slope logistic regression model to include standard errors, thereby including confidence intervals. The procedure entails numerical integration to yield posterior empirical Bayes (EB) estimates of random effects parameters and their corresponding posterior standard errors. We incorporate an adjustment of the standard error due to Kass and Steffey (KS; 1989, Journal of the American Statistical Association 84, 717-726) to account for the variability in estimating the variance component of the random effects distribution. In assessing health care providers with respect to adult pneumonia mortality, comparisons are made with the penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL) approximation approach of Breslow and Clayton (1993, Journal of the American Statistical Association 88, 9-25) and a Bayesian approach. To make comparisons with an EB method previously reported in the literature, we apply these approaches to crossover trials data previously analyzed with the estimating equations EB approach of Waclawiw and Liang (1994, Statistics in Medicine 13, 541-551). We also perform simulations to compare the proposed KS and PQL approaches. These two approaches lead to EB estimates of random effects parameters with similar asymptotic bias. However, for many clusters with small cluster size, the proposed KS approach does better than the PQL procedures in terms of coverage of nominal 95% confidence intervals for random effects estimates. For large cluster sizes and a few clusters, the PQL approach performs better than the KS adjustment. These simulation results agree somewhat with those of the data analyses.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe a model of motion integration in smooth eye pursuit based on a recursive Bayesian estimation process, which displays a dynamic behaviour qualitatively similar to the dynamics of the motion integration process observed experimentally, both psychophysically in humans and monkeys, and physiologically in monkeys. By formulating the model as an approximate version of a Kalman filter algorithm, we have been able to show that it can be put into a neurally plausible, distributed recurrent form which coarsely corresponds to the recurrent circuitry of visual cortical areas V1 and MT. The model thus provides further support for the notion that the motion integration process is based on a form of Bayesian estimation, as has been suggested by many psychophysical studies, and moreover suggests that the observed dynamic properties of this process are the result of the recursive nature of the motion estimation.  相似文献   

Probability of detection and accuracy of distance estimates in aural avian surveys may be affected by the presence of anthropogenic noise, and this may lead to inaccurate evaluations of the effects of noisy infrastructure on wildlife. We used arrays of speakers broadcasting recordings of grassland bird songs and pure tones to assess the probability of detection, and localization accuracy, by observers at sites with and without noisy oil and gas infrastructure in south‐central Alberta from 2012 to 2014. Probability of detection varied with species and with speaker distance from transect line, but there were few effects of noisy infrastructure. Accuracy of distance estimates for songs and tones decreased as distance to observer increased, and distance estimation error was higher for tones at sites with infrastructure noise. Our results suggest that quiet to moderately loud anthropogenic noise may not mask detection of bird songs; however, errors in distance estimates during aural surveys may lead to inaccurate estimates of avian densities calculated using distance sampling. We recommend caution when applying distance sampling if most birds are unseen, and where ambient noise varies among treatments.  相似文献   

The wind-orientated walk of carrion beetles Necrophorus humator F. was analysed under closed-loop conditions with a walking compensator and under openloop conditions with a paired tread wheel (Fig. 1).
1.  On the walking compensator an animal runs stable courses with a preferred direction relative to an air current (velocity =; 100 cm/s, Fig. 2B-D). A change in the air-current direction causes a corresponding adjustment of the mean walking direction (Fig. 3). Such course adjustment works best for changes in the air-current direction by an absolute value of 90° (Table 2).
2.  Under closed-loop conditions the animal shows deviations of less than ± 45° around its preferred direction relative to the wind (Fig. 2B-D). The characteristic curve which describes the animal's angular velocity as a function of the animal's walking direction relative to the air-current stimulus is therefore revealed only in this angular range (Fig. 3, top).
3.  Under open-loop conditions, however, complete characteristic curves can be obtained because the animal's walking reaction in response to any given angle of air-current stimulus is measurable on the paired tread wheel (Fig. 4). The characteristic curves are approximately sinusoidal functions. They can either show a shift parallel to the ordinale by a superimposed direction-independent constant angular velocity alone or, at the same time, they can independently exhibit an angular shift along the abscissa (Fig. 5).
4.  The walking tracks straighten with increasing air-current velocity (Fig. 6A, insets), i.e. the animal more rapidly compensates deviations from a preferred course. This corresponds to higher amplitudes of the characterisic curve and steeper slopes at the negative zero-crossing point under open- as well as under closed-loop conditions (Fig. 6).
5.  Walking in an air-current field can be explained by a model of the course control system using a feedback loop (Fig. 7). This model operates according to a sinusoidal characteristic function on which is superimposed a Gaussian white noise process of angular velocity which is independent of walking direction. The model produces realistic walking tracks in an air-current field (Fig. 8).

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(20):4596-4607.e5
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A simple, but effective on-line method for estimating the mycelial cell mass concentration from agitation speed data, a most readily-available process variable, has been developed for DO-stat cultures ofAgaricus blazei. The dynamic change of dissolved oxygen concentration (DOC) in the initial transient period and the change in yield were considered in the development of the estimation algorithm or estimator. Parameters in the estimation algorithm were calculated from the agitation speed data at 20% of DOC. The proposed estimator could accurately predict the cell mass concentration regardless of DOC levels in the tested range of 10–40%, showing a good extrapolation capability.  相似文献   

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