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The small multicopy plasmid pAMalpha1 (9.75 kb) encoding tetracycline resistance in Enterococcus faecalis is known to generate tandem repeats of a 4.1-kb segment carrying tet(L) when cells are grown extensively in the presence of tetracycline. Here we show that the initial (rate-limiting) step involves a site-specific recombination event involving plasmid-encoded relaxase activity acting at two recombination sequences (RS1 and RS2) that flank the tet determinant. We also present the complete nucleotide sequence of pAMalpha1.  相似文献   

The plasmid pAM alpha 1 in Streptococcus faecalis was found to be severely impaired in its ability to exhibit amplification (generation of tandem repeats of the tetracycline resistance determinant during extended growth in the presence of tetracycline) when harbored by the recombination-deficient host cell UV202.  相似文献   

K E Weaver  D B Clewell    F An 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(7):1900-1909
A 5-kbp region of pAD1, previously shown to be capable of supporting replication, copy control, and stable inheritance of the plasmid, was cloned into a replicon probe vector and subjected to transposon insertional mutagenesis. Transposon inserts identifying essential replication, copy control, and stability functions were isolated. Deletion of stability functions not essential for replication resulted in delimitation of a basic replicon. The complete DNA sequence of this approximately 3-kbp region and the precise positions of several transposon inserts were determined, and the phenotypic effects of the transposon inserts were correlated with the physical locations of individual determinants. The following three genes, apparently involved in plasmid maintenance, were identified; repA, which encodes a protein required for replication; repB, which encodes a protein involved in copy control; and repC, which may be involved in stable inheritance. In addition, two clusters of repeats composed of a consensus sequence, TAGTARRR, were identified, one located between the divergently transcribed repA and repB genes and another located downstream of repC. The region between repA and repB contained 25 repeats divided into two subregions of 13 and 12 repeats separated by 78 bp. The region located downstream of repC contained only three repeats but may be essential for plasmid replication, since deletion of this determinant resulted in loss of ability to replicate in Enterococcus faecalis. We hypothesize that the repeat units represent protein-binding sites required for assembly of the replisome and control of plasmid copy number. Another region of unrelated repeat units that may also be involved in replication is located within the repA gene. Possible mechanisms of action of these determinants are discussed.  相似文献   

Streptococcus faecalis strain DS-5 has been shown previously to contain three plasmids, pAMalpha1, pAMbeta1, and pAMgamma1. Mixed incubation of DS-5 with strain JH2-2, a plasmid-free S. faecalis recipient, results in the transfer of pAMalpha1 (which determines resistance to tetracycline) and/or pAMgamma1. Analyses of recipients carrying various combinations of these plasmids have revealed the pAMgamma1 codes for toxin (hemolysin) production and two bacteriocin activities. JH2-2 strains carrying both pAMalpha1 and pAMgamma1, or pAMgamma1 only, can donate their plasmids to other recipients, whereas strains carrying only pAMalpha1 cannot serve as donors. This indicates that pAMgamma1 actually mobilizes the otherwise nontransferable pAMalpha1.  相似文献   

A model system for testing the helper plasmid cloning system of Gryczan et al. (Mol. Gen. Genet. 177:459-467, 1980) was devised for the Streptococcus sanguis (Challis) host-vector system. In this system, linearized pVA736 plasmid efficiently transformed an S. sanguis (Challis) host containing a homologous plasmid, pVA380-1, but did not transform a plasmidless host or a host containing a nonhomologous plasmid, pVA380. In addition, whereas monomeric circular pVA736 transformed a plasmidless host with two-hit kinetics, it transformed a pVA380-1-containing host with one-hit kinetics. This helper plasmid cloning system was used to isolate two HindIII fragments (5.0 megadaltons [Mdal] and 1.9 Mdal in size) from the chromosome of Streptococcus mutans V825 which conferred high-level tetracycline resistance. One tetracycline-resistant clone was examined and found to contain three plasmids which were sized and designated pVA868 (9.0 Mdal), pVA869 (9.5 Mdal), and pVA870 (9.8 Mdal). Results of Southern blot hybridization and restriction endonuclease digestion confirmed that all three chimeras were composed of two HindIII fragments of the S. mutans V825 chromosome, as well as a large portion, varying in size for each chimera, of the 2.8 Mdal cloning vector, pVA380-1. Incompatibility observed between pVA380-1 and each of the chimeras indicated that replication of the chimeras was governed by the pVA380-1 replicative origin. Southern blotting experiments revealed that the chimeras hybridized to Tn916, providing the first evidence that transposon-related genes of enteric streptococcal origin are disseminated among oral streptococci.  相似文献   

The peptide pheromone, cCF10, which induces aggregation and high frequency plasmid transfer in Streptococcus faecalis cells carrying the tetracycline resistance plasmid, pCF10, was isolated and its structure determined. The molecular weight of cCF10 is 789, and its amino acid sequence is H-Leu-Val-Thr-Leu-Val-Phe-Val-OH. Pheromone activity, as determined by a clumping induction assay, was detectable at a concentration of 2.5 x 10(-11) M. A peptide of the same sequence as that of the cCF10 produced by S. faecalis cells was synthesized by the liquid-phase method. The synthetic pheromone showed biological activity and chromatographic behavior that was identical to that of the cCF10 of bacterial origin. When the response of S. faecalis cells to various concentrations of synthetic cCF10 was monitored by measuring both the frequency of plasmid transfer and the synthesis of pheromone-inducible antigens, an excellent correlation was observed between donor ability and the appearance of a 150-kilodalton protein that appears to be involved in formation of mating aggregates. The dose-response data in the range of concentrations where the amount of pheromone became limiting (10(-11)-10(-12) M) were consistent with the notion that as few as one or two molecules per donor cell may be sufficient to induce a mating response.  相似文献   

Plasmid-to-chromosome ratios in Enterobacteriaceae, upon interruption of protein synthesis by chloramphenicol, are either conserved or increased when measured by dye buoyant density centrifugation. We have found, on the other hand, that the effect of inhibition of protein synthesis on the amount of covalently closed circular deoxyribonucleic acid visualized by this method in two strains of Streptococcus faecalis appears to differ from these established systems. A three- to sixfold decrease in covalently closed circular deoxyribonucleic acid was observed when lysates of chloramphenicol-treated cultures were submitted to dye buoyant density centrifugation. A loss of covalently closed circular deoxyribonucleic acid was also evident from electrophoretic profiles of these lysates. Several conditions which could account for the apparent loss of covalently closed circular deoxyribonucleic acid upon inhibition of protein synthesis are discussed.  相似文献   

The Streptococcus faecalis pheromone-dependent conjugative plasmid pAD1::Tn916 and the membrane filter-dependent conjugative plasmid pPD5::Tn916 were used to introduce Tn916 into Staphylococcus aureus by intergeneric protoplast fusions and intergeneric membrane-filter matings. In recombinants obtained by protoplast fusion where no plasmid DNA could be detected, tetracycline resistance resulted from transposition of Tn916 from pAD1 to the S. aureus chromosome. Transformation analyses showed that S. aureus Tn916 chromosomal insertions occurred near pig, ilv, uraA, tyrB, fus, ala, and the trp operon. DNA hybridization analyses of EcoRI- and HindIII-digested chromosomal DNAs confirmed the diversity of chromosomal sites involved and demonstrated that the inserts were Tn916 insertions rather than integrations of all or part of pAD1::Tn916. Both pAD1::Tn916 and pPD5::Tn916 were transferred to S. aureus by membrane-filter matings. These plasmids remained intact and expressed tetracycline resistance in S. aureus. S. aureus strains carrying pAD1::Tn916, but not a chromosomal insert of Tn916, and any one of several conjugal gentamicin-resistance plasmids lost their ability to serve as conjugal donors of the gentamicin-resistance plasmids.  相似文献   

A surface protein antigen that is produced only during the induction of aggregation of Streptococcus faecalis was shown to contribute to and perhaps be primarily responsible for aggregation. The antigen is an immunodominant surface component of induced cells. F(ab) fragments of immunoglobulins specific for this antigen prevented aggregation, providing direct evidence that the antigen is an adhesin. Consistent with this proposed association was the coincident timing of appearance of the antigen and the timing of aggregation after induction.  相似文献   

Conjugative transfer of the Enterococcus faecalis tetracycline resistance plasmid pCF10 is stimulated by a peptide pheromone, cCF10. Once a recipient strain acquires pCF10 and thus becomes a pheromone-responsive donor, cCF10 activity is no longer detected in culture filtrates. Here we show that pCF10 encodes a peptide inhibitor, iCF10, secreted by donor cells; this inhibitor antagonizes the cCF10 activity in culture filtrates. In order to detect and quantitate iCF10, we developed a reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography assay in which the inhibitor peptide elutes separately from the pheromone; this type of assay enabled us to determine that lack of pheromone activity in donor culture filtrates was due to secretion of a mixture of iCF10 and cCF10, rather than abolition of cCF10 secretion. The gene encoding iCF10, prgQ, is located on the EcoRI-C fragment of pCF10. The open reading frame comprising the prgQ gene encodes a 23-amino-acid precursor that resembles a signal peptide. This precursor is cleaved to the mature heptapeptide iCF10 during the secretion process.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 proteinase (PR) has proved to be a good target for antiretroviral therapy of AIDS, and various PR inhibitors are now in clinical use. However, there is a rapid selection of viral variants bearing mutations in the proteinase that are resistant to clinical inhibitors. Drug resistance also involves mutations of the nucleocapsid/p1 and p1/p6 cleavage sites of Gag, both in vitro and in vivo. Cleavages at these sites have been shown to be rate limiting steps for polyprotein processing and viral maturation. Furthermore, these sites show significant sequence polymorphism, which also may have an impact on virion infectivity. We have studied the hydrolysis of oligopeptides representing these cleavage sites with representative mutations found as natural variations or that arise as resistant mutations. Wild-type and five drug resistant PRs with mutations within or outside the substrate binding site were tested. While the natural variations showed either increased or decreased susceptibility of peptides toward the proteinases, the resistant mutations always had a beneficial effect on catalytic efficiency. Comparison of the specificity changes obtained for the various substrates suggested that the maximization of the van der Waals contacts between substrate and PR is the major determinant of specificity: the same effect is crucial for inhibitor potency. The natural nucleocapsid/p1 and p1/p6 sites do not appear to be optimized for rapid hydrolysis. Hence, mutation of these rate limiting cleavage sites can partly compensate for the reduced catalytic activity of drug resistant mutant HIV-1 proteinases.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans DL5, isolated from the dental plaque of a pig, was resistant to high levels of streptomycin (Sm, 20 mg/ml), erythromycin (Em, 1 mg/ml), and tetracycline (Tc, greater than 100 micrograms/ml), but contained no detectable plasmid DNA. The Smr and Emr determinants were cloned from cellular DNA on the self-replicating 5-kilobase-pair (kbp) EcoRI fragment of pAM beta 1 and the 4.2-kbp cryptic plasmid pVA380-1, respectively, by transformation of Streptococcus sanguis Challis. Helper plasmid cloning, with a Challis host containing pVA380-1, was required to clone the Tcr determinant of strain DL5 on this vector. A single-colony isolate of the original Tcr clone contained a hybrid plasmid, pDL421, composed of 2.6 kbp of vector DNA and 11.4 kbp of S. mutans DNA. Plasmid pDL421 did not hybridize to plasmids containing the streptococcal Tcr determinants tetL, tetM, and tetN. A shortened derivative of this hybrid plasmid, pDL422, missing a 4.9-kbp HincII fragment from the S. mutans DNA but still encoding Tcr, was obtained by subcloning in S. sanguis Challis. The Tcr gene was located in a 1,917-base-pair open reading frame (ORF) corresponding to a 72-kilodalton protein. The ORF exhibited 99.4% sequence identity with the 1,917-base-pair tetO gene from a strain of Campylobacter coli (W. Sougakoff, B. Papadopoulou, P. Nordmann, and P. Courvalin, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 44:153-160, 1987). A 1.67-kbp NdeI fragment, internal to the ORF from strain DL5, as well as pDL421 hybridized under stringent conditions to DNA from 10 of 10 Tcr strains of C. coli and Campylobacter jejuni from human and animal sources, but not to DNA from Tcs isolates of these two species.  相似文献   

Streptococcus faecalis JH1 contains two conjugative plasmids, pJH1, an R plasmid that codes for resistance to kanamycin, streptomycin, erythromycin, and tetracycline, and pJH2, a hemolysin-bacteriocin plasmid. Strain JH1 was used as an antibiotic resistance donor in conjugation experiments with two plasmid-free S. faecalis recipient strains, JH2-2 and OG1-RF1. Plasmid pJH1 was purified from one transconjugant, DL77, and subjected to restriction endonuclease analyses. Five restriction enzymes, EcoRI, XbaI, BamHI, SalI, and XhoI, yielding 10, 9, 3, 2, and 2 fragments, respectively, were used to determine the size (80.7 kilobases) of pJH1 and to construct a restriction endonuclease map of the plasmid. Twenty-eight percent of the antibiotic-resistant transconjugants examined expressed only part of the resistance pattern (Kmr Smr Emr Tcr) associated with pJH1, that is, they were resistant to kanamycin, streptomycin, and erythromycin; to erythromycin and tetracycline; or to erythromycin or to tetracycline only. Most of these strains also produced hemolysin and bacteriocin, and several contained a hybrid plasmid consisting of pJH2 and specific segments of pJH1 DNA. Several of these hybrid plasmids, as well as a deletion derivative of pJH1 that coded for resistance to tetracycline but not to kanamycin, streptomycin, or erythromycin, were purified and used to confirm the arrangement of restriction endonuclease fragments on the pJH1 map and to locate the resistance determinants on this map.  相似文献   

Summary The transmissible plasmid pAM1, which codes for resistance to erythromycin and lincomycin, was transferred from Streptococcus faecalis to several strains of Bacillus thuringiensis by a filter-mating process. Introduction of pAM1 into the Emr transconjugant strains of B. thuringiensis was confirmed by Southern hybridisation using the 32P-labelled pAM1 as a probe. In the B. thuringiensis transconjugant strains, used as donors, the plasmid conserved its ability to be transferred during intraspecific mating, with a frequency of 10-4 per recipient cell. In addition, the transconjugant clones acted as donors of the erythromycin resistance marker and permitted the transfer of cryptic plasmids present in the B. thuringiensis () strains used as donors. From a transconjugant clone of B. thuringiensis a hybrid plasmid resulting from an in vivo insertion into pAM1 of a 3 Md DNA sequence was isolated. This 3 Md DNA molecule originated from a 54 Md plasmid of a kurstaki strain and is related to several plasmids found in different serotypes of B. thuringiensis.Abbreviations cry acrystalliferous mutant - CCC covalently closed circular DNA - Md megadalton - EMS ethyl methanesulphonate  相似文献   

A new insertion sequence (IS1381) was identified in the genome of Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 as an 846-bp segment containing 20-bp terminal inverted repeats and flanked by 7-bp direct repeats. The three sequenced copies of this element have two overlapping open reading frame (ORF) genes named orfA and orfB. However, significant variations between individual copies were found, suggesting that inactivating mutations have occurred in an original single ORF. Accordingly, the consensus IS1381 element derived from the comparison of the three available copies should contain a single ORF sufficient to encode a basic protein of 267 amino acids which exhibited high similarity to the putative transposases of ISL2 from Lactobacillus helveticus and of IS702 from the cyanobacterium Calothrix sp. strain PCC 7601. A minimum of five to seven copies were detected by hybridization experiments in the R6 genome. In remarkable contrast with the two previously reported pneumococcal insertion sequences, several copies of IS1381 have been detected in all of the clinical isolates tested so far. Interestingly, Streptococcus oralis NCTC 11427 (type strain), a close relative of pneumococcus, does not contain this element, but its occurrence in the type strain of Streptococcus mitis (NCTC 12261) suggests that this species has exchanged DNA with S. pneumoniae directly or through an intermediate species.  相似文献   

Summary The 30 megadalton (Mdal)-conjgaative, fi- plasmid pRSD1 determines inducible tetracycline resistance (Tc) in Escherichia coli. As shown by restriction analysis, a 3.5 Mdal-EcoRI fragment of pRSD1 spliced into the small plasmid pRSD2124 comprises the entire Tc determinant (tet) region. A restriction map of pRSD1 is presented which includes the location of the tet region and of an underwound loop not related to Tc (Burkardt et al., 1978). Selective amplification of tet genes is demonstrated by three lines of evidence. (i) The resistance level of cell harbouring pRSD1 increases approximately tenfold by induction with 10g/ml of tetracycline. Further groth in the presence of 100 g/ml of the drug (tet-racycline stress) selects for cells with even higher resistance levels (about 300 g/ml) in rec + cells. In a recA strain, a smaller proportion of cells attains these high resistance levels suggesting the involvement of host recombination. (ii) Electron micrographs of pRSD1-DNA isolated from tetracycline-stressed cells reveal a heterogeneous population of circular DNA molecules ranging between 1.7 and 21.6 m. The distribution of contour lengths shows a discrete pattern ascribed to the presence of autonomous single-and multiple-copy Tc determinants and to intact plasmids containing zero to six tet regions in tandem repeats. (iii) This interpretation is supported by heteroduplex and restriction analyses which demonstrate the presence of multiple copies of the 3.5 Mdal-element encompassing the tet region in pRSD1 molecules selected by tetracycline stress. It has been concluded that gene amplification leading to tandem repetition of the tet region ensues in pRSD1. Such plasmids confer increased tetracycline resistance and can, therefore, be selected by high doses of the drug.  相似文献   

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