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Hippocampal neural stem cells (HNSC) play an important role in cerebral plasticity in the adult brain and may contribute to tissue repair in neurological disease. To describe their biological potential with regard to plasticity, proliferation, or differentiation, it is important to know the cellular composition of their proteins, subsumed by the term proteome.  相似文献   

One of the challenges in studying early differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) is being able to discriminate the initial differentiated cells from the original pluripotent stem cells and their committed progenies. It remains unclear how a pluripotent stem cell becomes a lineage-specific cell type during early development, and how, or if, pluripotent genes, such as Oct4 and Sox2, play a role in this transition. Here, by studying the dynamic changes in the expression of embryonic surface antigens, we identified the sequential loss of Tra-1-81 and SSEA4 during hESC neural differentiation and isolated a transient Tra-1-81(-)/SSEA4(+) (TR-/S4+) cell population in the early stage of neural differentiation. These cells are distinct from both undifferentiated hESCs and their committed neural progenitor cells (NPCs) in their gene expression profiles and response to extracellular signalling; they co-express both the pluripotent gene Oct4 and the neural marker Pax6. Furthermore, these TR-/S4+ cells are able to produce cells of both neural and non-neural lineages, depending on their environmental cues. Our results demonstrate that expression of the pluripotent factor Oct4 is progressively downregulated and is accompanied by the gradual upregulation of neural genes, whereas the pluripotent factor Sox2 is consistently expressed at high levels, indicating that these pluripotent factors may play different roles in the regulation of neural differentiation. The identification of TR-S4+ cells provides a cell model for further elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying hESC neural differentiation.  相似文献   

In proteomics, multidimensional liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry has become a standard technique to reduce sample complexity and tackle the vast dynamic range. Such fractionation is necessary to obtain a comprehensive analysis of biological samples such as tissues and cell lines. However, extensive fractionation comes at the expense of sample losses, hampering the analysis of limited material. We previously described a highly sensitive multidimensional chromatographic strategy based on a combination of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography and reversed phase chromatography, which allows proteomic analysis with minimal sample losses. Here we apply this strategy to the analysis of a limited number of FACS-sorted colon stem cells extracted from mouse intestine, obtaining a proteome coverage comparable to current methods that generally require 100-fold more starting material. We propose that this alternative multidimensional chromatographic technology will find ample application such as in the analysis of distinct cellular populations obtained by laser microdissection.  相似文献   

A culture medium provides the major environmental conditions for cells in vitro. Replenishment of a culture medium causes an abrupt change in the extracellular environment for maintaining cells in a certain state. As a primitive form of a complex system, a stem cell is likely to be influenced by culture conditions that can change the destination of development. To understand how the change in extracellular environment can influence a biological system, we studied the effect of culture media replacement on the gene expression of differentiating neural progenitor cells. From time-series microarray gene expression data of neural progenitor cells, we observed a periodic wave that was synchronized with intermittent culture media replacement. We identified three modes that mostly contribute to the periodic patterns in gene expression and investigated mode-related genes that are sensitive to the changes in the extracellular environment. The biological significance of the three modes was explored, such as progressive development and cell fate decision, extracellular matrix reassembly, and cell growth regulation in response to stress. In addition, we explored systemic influences of media replacement on differentiating neural progenitor cells. Intermittent culture media replacement interrupts expression of genes that participate in the major processes of differentiating neural progenitor cells. This study shows how the abrupt changes in the cell environment influence gene expression systematically.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are a subtype of tissue-specific progenitor cells capable of extended self-renewal and the ability to generate all major cell types of nervous tissue, such as neurons, astroglia and oligodendroglial cells. Recent studies suggest that salient patterning in anterior–posterior and dorsal–ventral axes occurs early, concomitantly with neural induction and therefore stem cells and restricted precursors exhibit regionalization. Fetal mesencephalic NSCs can be isolated and expanded in vitro for many months while retaining their potential to differentiate into glia and neurons, with a subset of neurons displaying all the major properties of mature functional dopaminergic neurons. Since Parkinsons disease (PD) is characterized by the loss of a specific type of dopaminergic cells, the prospect of replacing the missing or damaged cells is very attractive in PD. Thus, mesencephalic NSCs might serve as a new and continuous source of dopaminergic neurons for regenerative strategies in this neurodegenerative disorder. This review discusses new data concerning the cell biology and therapeutic potential of NSCs derived from the midbrain region of the central nervous system.The work of the authors was supported in part by the Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für klinische Forschung (IZKF) Ulm (Project D6) to A.S., the BMBF (Polish-German Cooperation in Neuroscience Program) to A.S., the Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur Baden-Württemberg (Landesforschungsschwerpunkt Neurodegeneration und Neuroregeneration) to A.S., and the Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg (Förderprogramm Adulte Stammzellen) to A.S. M.S. was supported by a fellowship from the IZKF Ulm  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) can be cultured in two modes of suspension and monolayer in vitro. The cultured cells are different in both the ability to proliferate and heterogeneity. In order to find the appropriate methods for large-scale expansion of NSCs, we systematically compared the NSCs cultured in suspension with those cultured in monolayer. The forebrain tissue was removed from embryonic day 14 (E14) mice, then the tissue was dissociated into single-cell suspension by Accutase and mechanical trituration. The cells were cultured in both suspension and monolayer. The NSCs cultured in suspension and in monolayer were compared on viability, ability to proliferate and heterogeneity by fluorescent dyes, immunofluorescence and flow cytometry on DIV21 (21 days in vitro), DIV56 and DIV112, respectively. The results indicated that the NSCs cultured in both suspension and monolayer represented good viability in long-term cultures. But they displayed a distinct ability to proliferate in long-term cultures. The NSCs cultured in monolayer preceded those cultured in suspension on the ability to proliferate on DIV21 and DIV56, but no obvious difference on DIV112. The NSCs population cultured in suspension displayed more nestin-positive cells than those in monolayer during the whole process of culture. The NSCs population cultured in monolayer, however, displayed more βIII tubulin-positive cells than those in suspension in the same period. The suspension culture mode excels the monolayer culture mode for large-scale expansion of NSCs.  相似文献   

The potential of neural stem cells (NSCs) for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases makes the identification and characterization of genes involved in neural stem cell responses therapeutically important. Although technologies exist for measuring gene expression in cells, they often provide only a representative expression profile specific to a stimulus and time. We developed a complementary technology based on a retroviral-vector gene-trap approach that uses beta-lactamase-induced disruption of fluorescence resonance energy transfer in the fluorophore CCF-2/AM. A library of 'tagged' adult rat NSCs was generated by transduction with gene-trap virus produced from a single-integrant packaging cell line that allowed us to quantitatively analyze dynamic gene expression changes in real time in living NSCs. Using this library we identified previously unknown genes regulated by oxidative stress, indomethacin and factors that induce differentiation, and show that one of the trapped genes, Sox6, is sufficient to induce astrocytic differentiation when overexpressed.  相似文献   

The neural crest (NC) lineage gives rise to a wide array of cell types ranging from neurons and glia of the peripheral nervous system to skeletal elements of the head. The mechanisms regulating NC differentiation into such a large number of cell types remain largely unknown. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play key roles in regulating developmental events suggesting they may also play a role during NC differentiation. To determine what roles miRNAs play in differentiation of NC-derived tissues, we deleted the miRNA processing gene Dicer in NC cells using the Wnt1-Cre deleter line. We show that deletion of Dicer soon after NC cells have formed does not affect their migration and colonization of their targets in the embryo. However, the post-migratory NC is dependent on Dicer for survival. In the head, loss of Dicer leads to a loss of NC-derived craniofacial bones while in the trunk, cells of the enteric, sensory and sympathetic nervous systems are lost during development. We found that loss of Dicer does not prevent the initial differentiation of NC but as development progresses, NC derivatives are lost due to apoptotic cell death. When Dicer is deleted, both Caspase-dependent and -independent apoptotic pathways are activated in the sensory ganglia but only the Caspase-dependent apoptotic program was activated in the sympathetic nervous system showing that the specific endogenous apoptotic programs are turned on by loss of Dicer. Our results show that Dicer and miRNAs, are required for survival of NC-derived tissues by preventing apoptosis during differentiation.  相似文献   

The proteome of a proliferating human stem cell line was analyzed and then utilized to detect stem cell differentiation-associated changes in the protein profile. The analysis was conducted with a stable human fetal midbrain stem cell line (ReNcell VM) that displays the properties of a neural stem cell. Therefore, acquisition of proteomic data should be representative of cultured human neural stem cells (hNSCs) in general. Here we present a 2-DE protein-map of this cell line with annotations of 402 spots representing 318 unique proteins identified by MS. The subsequent proteome profiling of differentiating cells of this stem cell line at days 0, 4 and 7 of differentiation revealed changes in the expression of 49 identified spots that could be annotated to 45 distinct proteins. This differentiation-associated expression pattern was validated by Western blot analysis for transgelin-2, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, as well as peroxiredoxin 1 and 4. The group of regulated proteins also included NudC, ubiquilin-1, STRAP, stress-70 protein, creatine kinase B, glial fibrillary acidic protein and vimentin. Our results reflect the large rearrangement of the proteome during the differentiation process of the stem cells to terminally differentiated neurons and offer the possibility for further characterization of specific targets driving the stem cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Although embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have enormous potentials due to their pluripotency, their therapeutic use is limited by ethical, biological and safety issues. Compared to ESCs, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be obtained from mouse or human fibroblasts by reprogramming. Numerous studies have established many protocols for differentiation of human iPSCs (hiPSCs) into neural lineages. However, the low differentiation efficiency of such protocols motivates researchers to design new protocols for high yield differentiation. Herein, we compared neural differentiation potential of three induction media for conversion of hiPSCs into neural lineages. In this study, hiPSCs-derived embryoid bodies were plated on laminin coated dishes and were treated with three induction media including (1) bFGF, EGF (2) RA and (3) forskolin, IBMX. Immunofluorescence staining and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) analysis were used to detect the expression of neural genes and proteins. qPCR analysis showed that the expression of neural genes in differentiated hiPSCs in forskolin, IBMX supplemented media was significantly higher than undifferentiated cells and those in induction media containing bFGF, EGF or RA. In conclusion, our results indicated a successful establishment protocol with high efficiency for differentiation of hiPSCs into neural lineages.  相似文献   

Temporally regulated expression of Cre recombinase in neural stem cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of mouse gene targeting to study molecules important in neural development is oftentimes impaired by early embryonic lethality. In order to address later roles for such molecules, specifically in neural stem cells, we generated transgenic mice that express both the tetracycline-inducible molecule rtTA-M2 and GFP under the control of the neural precursor specific form of nestin. Developmental analysis of these mice demonstrates that GFP expression is exclusive to the neural tube. Adult expression of GFP is seen only in known areas of adult neurogenesis, namely, the subventricular zone and the dentate gyrus. When crossed with a second transgenic mouse (TetOp-Cre) that expresses the Cre recombinase under the control of the tetracycline responsive promotor, we demonstrate temporal induction of Cre in bigenic animals exposed to doxycycline. We further demonstrate the feasibility of this approach by using the ROSA-26 reporter mouse to mediate recombination in neural precursor cells.  相似文献   

With the availability of complete genome sequences, emphasis has shifted toward the understanding of protein function. We have developed a functional proteomic methodology that makes use of chemically reactive fluorescent probes to profile and identify enzymes in complex mixtures by virtue of their catalytic activity. This methodology allows a comparison of changes in activity of multiple enzymes under a variety of conditions using a single two-dimensional separation. The probes can also be used to localize active enzymes in intact cells using fluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, the probes enable screens for selective small molecule inhibitors of each enzyme family member within crude lysates or intact cells. Ultimately, this technology allows the rapid identification of potential drug targets and small molecule lead compounds targeted to them.  相似文献   

The current study used three different proteomic strategies, which differed by their extent of intact protein separation, to examine the proteome of a pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cell line, R1. Proteins from whole‐cell lysates were subjected either to 2‐D‐LC, or 1‐DE, or were unfractionated prior to enzymatic digestion and subsequent analysis by MS. The results yielded 1895 identified non‐redundant proteins and, for 128 of these, the specific isoform could be determined based on detection of an isoform‐specific peptide. When compared with two previously published proteomic studies that used the same cell line, the current study reveals 612 new proteins.  相似文献   

The structural diversity and localization of cell surface glycosphingolipids (GSLs), including gangliosides, in glycolipid-enriched microdomains (GEMs, also known as lipid rafts) render them ideally suited to play important roles in mediating intercellular recognition, interactions, adhesion, receptor function, and signaling. Gangliosides, sialic acid-containing GSLs, are most abundant in the nerve tissues. The quantity and expression pattern of gangliosides in brain change drastically throughout development and these changes are mainly regulated through stage-specific expression of glycosyltransferase genes. We previously demonstrated for the first time that efficient histone acetylation of the glycosyltransferase genes in mouse brain contributes to the developmental alteration of ganglioside expression. We further demonstrated that acetylation of histones H3 and H4 on the N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase I (GalNAcT, GA2/GM2/GD2/GT2-synthase; B4galnt1) gene promoter resulted in recruitment of trans-activation factors. In addition, we showed that epigenetic activation of the GalNAcT gene was detected and accompanied by an apparent induction of neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells (NSCs) responding to an exogenous supplement of ganglioside GM1. Most recently, we found that nuclear GM1 binds with acetylated histones on the promoters of the GalNAcT as well as on the NeuroD1 genes in differentiated neurons. Here, we will introduce epigenetic regulation of ganglioside synthase genes in neural development and neuronal differentiation of NSCs.  相似文献   

Yanagisawa M  Yu RK 《Glycobiology》2007,17(7):57R-74R
The mammalian central nervous system is organized by a variety of cells such as neurons and glial cells. These cells are generated from a common progenitor, the neural stem cell (NSC). NSCs are defined as undifferentiated neural cells that are characterized by their high proliferative potential while retaining the capacity for self-renewal and multipotency. Glycoconjugates carrying carbohydrate antigens, including glycoproteins, glycolipids, and proteoglycans, are primarily localized on the plasma-membrane surface of cells and serve as excellent biomarkers at various stages of cellular differentiation. Moreover, they also play important functional roles in determining cell fate such as self-renewal, proliferation, and differentiation. In the present review, we discuss the expression pattern and possible functions of glycoconjugates and carbohydrate antigens in NSCs, with an emphasis on stage-specific embryonic antigen-1, human natural killer antigen-1, polysialic acid-neural cell-adhesion molecule, prominin-1, gp130, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, heparan sulfate proteoglycans, cystatin C, galectin-1, glycolipids, and Notch.  相似文献   

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