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CL系列甘蔗亲本的遗传力及配合力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨CL系列甘蔗品种作杂交亲本的遗传特点,采用3×3不完全双列杂交(NCⅡ)遗传设计,估算了7个产量和品质性状的遗传方差、一般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA)。结果表明:锤度的遗传主要受母本加性基因效应控制,株高的遗传主要受父母本加性基因控制,而锤重的遗传主要受非加性基因效应所制约;CL83-1163作为母本,糖分配合力高,且能把高糖特性传递给后代,CL88-4730为父本,产量和品质性状的配合力大,其杂交后代表现高产高糖;根据配合力总效应(TCA),综合表现好的组合有CL83-1364×CL88-4730、CL83-1900×CL84-3152、CL83-1163×CL88-4730,可用于今后的甘蔗有性育种计划。  相似文献   

甘蔗蔗汁品质性状的回归分析及模型   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文对47份不同甘蔗基因型的蔗汁品质性状进行简单回归和逐步回归分析.结果表明,蔗汁蔗糖分(Suc)与锤度(BX)、温度校正后锤度(BX′)、蔗汁旋光读数(0Z)以及转光度(pol)之间均呈线性回归,简单回归模型均达极显著水平(P<0.01),决定系数(R2)分别为0.9393、0.9199、0.9861及0.9839.通过逐步回归分析和残差分析建立多重线性回归方程为Suc=0.05706 0.21488BX 0.181030Z,方差分析表明多重线性回归模型达极显著水平(P<0.01),决定系数为0.9931.t测验表明,蔗汁蔗糖分的模型预测值与实测值间的差异不显著,相对误差平均为0.49%.  相似文献   

甘蔗野生种割手密远缘杂交后代品质性状的遗传研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用甘蔗品种Co419与野生种割手密云南75-1-2远缘杂交,ROC25与远缘杂交后代云野02-356进行回交,分别获得F1和BC1群体;利用R软件,分析了2个群体全部真实性后代品质性状的遗传表现.结果表明,杂交后代品质性状广义遗传力高,正态分布特性明显,品质性状间显著正相关;F1含糖量和纤维含量高于商业亲本,但甘蔗蔗糖分、蔗汁糖分、蔗汁锤度和简纯度等性状劣于商业亲本;BC1除含糖量高于双亲外,其他性状介于双亲之间,但主要性状均优于F1,后代性状恢复快.  相似文献   

辣椒果实性状的遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以6个辣椒品种并按(1/2)n(n-1)双列杂交法配制的15个杂交组合为材料,根据Hayman分析法估算了辣椒果实5个性状的遗传模型和遗传参数。结果显示,果长、果肉厚和结果数的遗传符合“加性-显性”模型,果宽和单果质量不符合“加性-显性”模型,还存在显著上位性效应。遗传参数估算表明,5个果实性状遗传是以加性效应为主,但不同果实性状显性效应有较大的差异,果肉厚的显性效应最大,其次是果长和结果数,果宽和单果质量最小。  相似文献   

莲藕主要营养品质和农艺性状的遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
莲藕(NelumbonuciferaGaertn.)原产中国,品种资源丰富,在我国各地均有栽培,特别是黄河以南地区栽培更为广泛。黄国振〔1〕、王宁珠〔2〕等对莲藕细胞学及花莲的部分质量性状进行了遗传研究。武汉市蔬菜科学研究所在藕莲品种的改良中做了大量工作〔3〕,育成新品种8个。但对藕莲主要性状的遗传规律研究国内外未见报道。莲藕繁殖虽为无性繁殖,但可以通过有性杂交育种,实生苗播种后,无性繁殖一代即将性状固定。因此,对主要性状进行遗传分析,对有目的地进行杂交育种有特别重要的意义。为此,我们于1998年对17个藕莲品种的5个营养品质性状、15个农…  相似文献   

甘蔗生物量育种的ADGE遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对甘蔗11个亲本品种及不完全双列杂交(NCdesignⅡ)遗传设计的30个组合的F1代实生苗生物量进行加性-显型-随机环境效应模型(ADGE)分析。结果表明:甘蔗的生物量性状遗传主要是由基因的加性、显性及加性×环境互作效应共同决定的,但基因的加性效应作用较大;甘蔗杂交亲本对其后代表型的遗传作用主要为母本的遗传效应影响;甘蔗生物量性状都具有较高的广义遗传率(h2B)和狭义遗传率(h2N),且h2B>h2N,说明了对甘蔗生物量性状在选育种早期阶段的选择效果好;通过对亲本的加性基因随机效应分析的综合,较优良的甘蔗亲本有粤糖72/426、粤糖79/177、粤糖85/177、ROC24和ROC25;根据杂交组合显性随机效应分析,认为粤糖72/426×ROC16、粤糖79/177×ROC24、粤糖79/177×ROC23及粤糖80/101×ROC22是较优良的高生物量甘蔗杂交组合,可以应用于甘蔗的高生物量育种。  相似文献   

甘蔗割手密远缘杂交后代产量性状的遗传及分离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用甘蔗品种Co419与野生种割手密云南75-1-2远缘杂交,ROC25与远缘杂交后代云野02-356进行回交,分别获得F1和BC1群体,利用R软件,分析了两个群体全部真实性后代产量性状的遗传和分离表现.结果表明,杂交后代产量性状的广义遗传力皆较高,BC1群体株高、有效茎和蔗茎产量等性状的广义遗传力较F1群体有增大的趋势;主要性状均表现出明显的正态分布特性,产量因素与甘蔗产量、甘蔗有效茎数与株高表现出明显的正相关;F1株高、有效茎、蔗茎产量和宿根性表现出明显的超亲优势.  相似文献   

花生根部性状的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用花生RIL群体,分析了11个花生根部性状的遗传力,估算基因对数及性状间的相互关系,根据偏度系数(g1)和峰度系数(g2)估算控制性状的基因互作情况。结果表明:11个性状都是受多基因控制的数量性状,在RIL群体中基因型间的差异均表现为连续变异和明显的超亲分离。侧根干重的遗传力最高达0.60,其次是侧根鲜重,为0.58,而其他性状的遗传力均较低。控制主根长性状的多基因间存在互作,互作方式为重叠作用;控制主根粗(3cm)性状的基因间也存在一定的重叠作用,但是作用不明显;控制其他性状的基因都存在互作,表现为互补作用,但互补作用的强弱有差异。主根粗(1cm)、主根粗(3cm)、主根干重、主根鲜重、侧根干重和侧根鲜重之间都显著或极显著相关;根体积与主根粗(1cm)、主根粗(3cm)、侧根干重和侧根鲜重显著或极显著相关。  相似文献   

为了解谷子(Setaria italica)两系杂交后代的产量和品质相关性状的杂种优势,以3个高度雄性不育系为母本(A1、A2和A3),6个抗除草剂恢复系为父本(R1、R2、R3、R4、R5和R6),采用不完全双列杂交(NCⅡ)设计配制了18个组合,分析组合的株高、粒重和蛋白含量等11个性状的配合力和杂种优势特性.结果...  相似文献   

甘蔗常用亲本及杂交组合家系评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为评价我国甘蔗亲本的遗传特点和组合的选配效果,采用澳大利亚家系试验法,借助R软件估算亲本的遗传方差、一般配合力(GCA)和组合特殊配合力(SCA)。结果表明:锤度的遗传主要受母本加性基因效应所制约,蔗茎产量主要受母本加性基因效应和非加性基因效应所制约,株高、茎径和有效茎受父母本加性基因效应和非加性基因效应所制约。CP88-2143、ROC10、ROC26、桂糖00-122、粤糖00-318和云蔗99-113作母本,内江57-416、崖城93-26、粤糖91-976和粤糖00-319作父本杂交后代表现出高产高糖,可作为糖能兼用好亲本使用。根据组合特殊配合力效应(SCA),CP88-2143×粤糖00-319、ROC10×粤糖91-976、ROC26×崖城93-26、桂糖00-122×ROC22、粤糖91-976×ROC22、粤糖93-159×内江57-416和云蔗99-113×CP84-1198组合综合表现良好,可作为生产性杂交组合,加大力度使用。  相似文献   

甘蔗不同部位的固氮酶活性检测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
比较巴西2个固氮甘蔗品种‘B1’、‘B8’的叶片、主脉、叶鞘、茎、根和根际周围固氮酶活性的结果表明:茎、根、根际周围的固氮酶活性较高。  相似文献   

测定和分析2个品种甘蔗节间蔗糖含量与和蔗糖代谢相关的4种酶活性之间关系的结果表明:节间蔗糖含量与酸性转化酶活性成极显著负相关,与蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性呈显著正相关。从通径分析结果可知,4种关键酶中可溶性酸性转化酶和蔗糖磷酸合成酶是对蔗糖含量贡献程度最大的2个酶.  相似文献   

间种蔬菜对甘蔗地生态环境和甘蔗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘蔗 (SaccharumofficinarumL .)是广西重要的经济作物 ,种植面积达 4 5 33× 10 6ha[1] ,甘蔗的前期生长比较缓慢 ,行间有比较大的可利用空间 ,到6月下旬~ 7月上旬才进入迅速生长期并逐渐封行。有研究表明 ,在甘蔗园间种玉米对甘蔗的生长发育和产量有一定的影响[5] ,而合理间种豆科作物 (黄豆和花生 )不仅不影响甘蔗的正常生长发育 ,还可以增加甘蔗的产量[4 ,6] 。但间种作物对甘蔗园生态环境的影响未见报道 ,我们于 1997- 1999年在桂西北开展了甘蔗园间种经济效益比较高的蔬菜作物的试验 ,并对间种甘蔗园生态环…  相似文献   

The effect of anoxia on the sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) cultured cells was studied in order to elaborate a technique for in vitro selection of cell lines, which would be tolerant to anaerobic stress. Inhibitory and lethal doses of anaerobic incubation were established from the state of the mitochondrial ultrastructure during the anaerobic incubation of cells either with or without exogenous glucose, as well as from the pattern of the post-anaerobic callus growth. An intact state of the mitochondrial ultrastructure and the viability of some cells in the presence of 3% glucose were shown to be maintained for at least 14 days of anaerobic incubation, while the index of post-anaerobic growth decreased by almost 50% even after 72-hour-long anaerobiosis. In the absence of exogenous glucose, a marked destruction of mitochondria and a twofold decrease in the callus growth index were observed as early as after six-hour-long anaerobic stress. A 48-hour-long incubation under these conditions resulted in the maintenance of the intact ultrastructure only in 7–10% of cells, while a 96-hour-long anaerobiosis brought about the complete degradation of the subcellular structure and cell death. A 48-hour-long anaerobiosis without exogenous glucose was chosen for selecting the anoxia-tolerant cell lines. After three cycles of selection, the anoxia tolerance of the selected cell line exceeded the respective index of the initial callus several-fold. In selected line, about 50% of cells retained viability and could resume growth even after 96-hour-long anaerobic incubation. The experimental results obtained were used to determine the possible causes of the heterogeneity of callus cells as regards their anoxia resistance.  相似文献   

Trehalose Is a nonreduclng dlsaccharlde of glucose that functions as a protectant In the stabilization of blologlcal structures and enhances stress tolerance to abiotic stresses in organisms. We report here the expression of a Grlfola frondosa trehalose synthase (TSase) gene for Improving drought tolerance In sugarcane (Saccharum offlclnarum L.). The expression of the transgene was under the control of two tandem copies of the CaMV35S promoter and transferred Into sugarcane by Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105. The transgenlc plants accumulated high levels of trehalose, up to 8.805-12.863 mg/g fresh weight, whereas It was present at undetectable level in nontransgenlc plants. It has been reported that transgenlc plants transformed with Escherlchla coil TPS (trehalose-6-phosphatesynthase) and/or TPP (trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase) are severely stunted and have root morphologlc alterations. Interestingly, our transgenlc sugarcane plants had no obvious morphological changes and no growth Inhibition in the field. Trehalose accumulation in 35S-35S:TSase plants resulted In In- creased drought tolerance, as shown by the drought and the drought physiological Indexes, such as the rate of bound water/free water, plasma membrane permeability, malondlaldehyde content, chlorophyll a and b contents, and activity of SOD and POD of the excised leaves. These results suggest that transgenlc plants transformed with the TSase gene can accumulate high levels of trehalose and have enhanced tolerance to drought.  相似文献   

The sugar transporter (ST) family is considered to be the most important gene family for sugar accumulation, but limited information about the ST family in the important sugar-yielding crop Saccharum is available due to its complex genetic background. Here, 105 ST genes were identified and clustered into eight subfamilies in Saccharum spontaneum. Comparative genomics revealed that tandem duplication events contributed to ST gene expansions of two subfamilies, PLT and STP, in S. spontaneum, indicating an early evolutionary step towards high sugar content in Saccharum. The analyses of expression patterns were based on four large datasets with a total of 226 RNA sequencing samples from S. spontaneum and Saccharum officinarum. The results clearly demonstrated 50 ST genes had different spatiotemporal expression patterns in leaf tissues, 10 STs were specifically expressed in the stem, and 10 STs responded to the diurnal rhythm. Heterologous expression experiments in the defective yeast strain EBY.VW4000 indicated STP13, pGlcT2, VGT3, and TMT4 are the STs with most affinity for glucose/fructose and SUT1_T1 has the highest affinity to sucrose. Furthermore, metabolomics analysis suggested STP7 is a sugar starvation-induced gene and STP13 has a function in retrieving sugar in senescent tissues. PLT11, PLT11_T1, TMT3, and TMT4 contributed to breaking the limitations of the storage sink. SUT1, SUT1_T1, PLT11, TMT4, pGlcT2, and VGT3 responded for different functions in these two Saccharum species. This study demonstrated the evolutionary expansion and functional divergence of the ST gene family and will enable the further investigation of the molecular mechanism of sugar metabolism in Saccharum.  相似文献   

Sugarcane (Saccharum hybrid cultivar) ranks among the world's top 10 food crops and annually provides 60–70% of the sugar produced worldwide. Despite its economic importance there has been no large-scale systematics study of genus Saccharum and the existing model of sugarcane origins has remained largely unchallenged for almost 50 years. For the first time, we have assembled the complete plastid genomes of Miscanthus floridulus (first report for this genus), Saccharum spontaneum and Saccharum officinarum allowing us to elucidate the phylogenetic origins of Saccharum s.s. species. We demonstrate that Saccharum s.s. is divided into four species, with S. spontaneum diverging from the remainder of the genus about 1.5 million years ago and S. robustum diverging 750,000 years ago. Two separate lineages, one leading to S. officinarum and the other leading to modern hybrid cultivars diverged from S. robustum 640,000 years ago. These findings overturn all previous hypotheses on sugarcane origins, demonstrating that sugarcane's antecedents could not have arisen by human action. All modern cultivars share a common Polynesian origin, whereas Old World canes, S. barberi and S. sinense, cluster as a distinct S. officinarum lineage. This makes modern cultivars a distinct species of genus Saccharum, and we formally propose the name Saccharum cultum for the ancestor of all lineages currently classified as Saccharum hybrid cultivars.  相似文献   

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