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Cryptdin mRNA codes for the apparent precursor to a corticostatin/defensin-related peptide that accumulates to high levels in mouse intestinal crypt epithelium during postnatal development. The primary structure, intestinal cell distribution, and developmental appearance of cryptdin mRNA have been determined. Cryptdin mRNA is 450-480 nucleotides long. Translation of the partial cryptdin cDNA sequence reveals a 70-amino acid open reading frame that includes 32 carboxy-terminal residues that align with those in the consensus sequence, C.CR...C....ER..G.C....CCR, which is a common feature of leukocyte defensins and lung corticostatins (Selsted, M. E., D. M. Brown, R. J. DeLange, S. S. L. Harwig, and R. I. Lehrer. 1985. J. Biol. Chem. 260:4579-4584; Zhu, Q., J. Hu, S. Mulay, F. Esch, S. Shimasaki, and S. Solomon. 1988. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 85:592-596). In situ hybridization of cryptdin cDNA to paraformaldehyde-fixed, frozen sections of adult jejunum and ileum showed intense and specific labeling of epithelial cells in the base of all crypts. Analysis of sections from suckling mice showed that cryptdin mRNA is detectable in 10-20% of crypts in 10-d-old mice, in approximately 80% of crypts in 16-d-old mice, and in all crypts of mice 20 d and older. During the fourth week, the sequence accumulates in crypts to the maximal adult level. Cryptdin mRNA content in adult small intestine is independent both of T cell involvement and luminal bacteria. The role of cryptdin in small bowel physiology remains to be determined: cryptdin may inhibit bacterial translocation, modulate intestinal hormone synthesis, influence hormonal sensitivity of the intestinal epithelium, or exhibit a multiplicity of related activities.  相似文献   

Tsukahara M  Suemori H  Noguchi S  Ji ZS  Tsunoo H 《Gene》2000,254(1-2):45-55
Using the gene trap method and the selection of embryonic stem cells in vitro, we have identified several novel genes involved in mouse development. The detailed analysis of one of these, named midnolin (midbrain nucleolar protein), is reported here. Expression of the midnolin gene is developmentally regulated: it is strongly expressed at the mesencephalon (midbrain) of the embryo in day 12.5 (E12.5) mice. The midnolin encodes a protein of 508 amino acids (aa), which contains a Ubiquitin-like domain. The intracellular distribution of the midnolin was studied by using midnolin-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins. Midnolin was found to be localized in the nucleus and nucleolus, but not in the cytoplasm. The nucleolar localization signal was determined to be a 28aa peptide (440-QQKRLRRKARRDARGPYHWTPSRKAGRS-467) located at the C-terminal region of the midnolin. Our results suggest that midnolin is involved in regulation of genes related to neurogenesis in the nucleolus.  相似文献   

A technique is presented which yields single cells and intact crypts in suspension from unfixed rat intestinal mucosal epithelium. Everted lengths of intestine were digested by 27 mM sodium citrate in phosphate-buffered saline (pH = 7.3) at 37 degrees C. Mucosal cells were dislodged by vibratory stress (hand vortexing) following incubation for prescribed intervals at 37 degrees C in 1.5 mM ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 0.5 mM dithiothreitol (dtt). Alkaline phosphatase determinations, phase microscopy, and in vivo and in vitro evaluations of tritiated thymidine ([3H]TdR) incorporation were performed on isolated intestinal cells. Data indicate that cells were sequentially derived from villus tip to crypt base as judged by cellular morphology, alkaline phosphatase activity/mg protein and radioactivity per microgram protein. Upon completion of the intestinal cell isolation assay, scanning electron microscopy of the remaining intestine revealed that approximately 95% of the crypt openings were vacant; the villi were totally denuded; the supporting structures, including the lamina propria, appeared intact. In vitro radiolabelling of intestinal cell fractions enriched with crypts revealed a linear incorporation of [3H]TdR from 0-60 min which was strongly influenced by the presence of foetal calf serum (FCS). Measurements of the compensatory response of the mucosa to resection of 70% of the small bowel indicated that the mucosal cell separation is capable of detecting alterations in crypt cell proliferation. Previously, such alterations were monitored by other methods utilizing microdissection procedures or stathmokinetic agents.  相似文献   

Isolation of rat intestinal crypt cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. A technique is presented which yields single cells and intact crypts in suspension from unfixed rat intestinal mucosal epithelium. Everted lengths of intestine were digested by 27 mM sodium citrate in phosphate-buffered saline (pH = 7.3) at 37°C. Mucosal cells were dislodged by vibratory stress (hand vortexing) following incubation for prescribed intervals at 37°C in 1.5 mM ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 0.5 mM dithiothreitol (dtt). Alkaline phosphatase determinations, phase microscopy, and in vivo and in vitro evaluations of tritiated thymidine ([3H]TdR) incorporation were performed on isolated intestinal cells. Data indicate that cells were sequentially derived from villus tip to crypt base as judged by cellular morphology, alkaline phosphatase activity/mg protein and radioactivity per μg protein. Upon completion of the intestinal cell isolation assay, scanning electron microscopy of the remaining intestine revealed that approximately 95% of the crypt openings were vacant; the villi were totally denuded; the supporting structures, including the lamina propria, appeared intact. In vitro radiolabelling of intestinal cell fractions enriched with crypts revealed a linear incorporation of [3H]TdR from 0–60 min which was strongly influenced by the presence of foetal calf serum (FCS). Measurements of the compensatory response of the mucosa to resection of 70% of the small bowel indicated that the mucosal cell separation is capable of detecting alterations in crypt cell proliferation. Previously, such alterations were monitored by other methods utilizing microdissection procedures or stathmokinetic agents.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a novel hypothetical protein, KD93, expressed in human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, was determined at 1.9A resolution using the multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) method. The protein KD93, which is encoded by the open reading frame HSPC031, is a NIP7 homologue and belongs to the UPF0113 family. The structural and functional information for the group of homologues has not yet been determined. Crystallographic analysis revealed that the overall fold of KD93 consists of two interlinked alpha/beta domains. Structure-based homology analysis with DALI revealed that the C domain of KD93 matches the PUA domain of some RNA modification enzymes, especially that of archaeosine tRNA-ribosyltransferase (ArcTGT), which suggests that its possible molecular function is related to RNA binding. The difference between the RNA binding regions of KD93 and ArcTGT in amino acid constitution and surface electrostatic potential indicate that they may have different RNA binding modes. The N domain of KD93 is a unique structure with no obvious similarity to other proteins with known three-dimensional structures. The high-resolution structure of KD93 provides a first view of a member of the family of hypothetical proteins. And the structure provides a framework to deduce and assay the molecular function of other proteins of the UPF0113 family.  相似文献   


Background and aims

The dynamics of intestinal stem cells are crucial for regulation of intestinal function and maintenance. Although crypt stem cells have been identified in the intestine by genetic marking methods, identification of plural crypt stem cells has not yet been achieved as they are visualised in the same colour.


Intestinal organoids were transferred into Matrigel® mixed with lentivirus encoding mCherry. The dynamics of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using time-lapse imaging, and the localisation of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using 3D immunofluorescence.


We established an original method for the introduction of a transgene into an organoid generated from mouse small intestine that resulted in continuous fluorescence of the mCherry protein in a portion of organoid cells. Three-dimensional analysis using confocal microscopy showed a single mCherry-positive cell in an organoid crypt that had been cultured for >1 year, which suggested the presence of long-lived mCherry-positive and -negative stem cells in the same crypt. Moreover, a single mCherry-positive stem cell in a crypt gave rise to both crypt base columnar cells and transit amplifying cells. Each mCherry-positive and -negative cell contributed to the generation of organoids.


The use of our original lentiviral transgene system to mark individual organoid crypt stem cells showed that long-lived plural crypt stem cells might independently serve as intestinal epithelial cells, resulting in the formation of a completely functional villus.  相似文献   

The preparation of isolated intestinal crypt cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The mouse intestinal epithelium undergoes rapid renewal throughout life, thereby requiring continuous coordination of its cellular proliferation, differentiation, and death programs. Recent advances in our understanding of this process have highlighted some of the molecules that regulate renewal and their potential roles in gut neoplasia.  相似文献   

The location of cell proliferation and differentiation in chicken small intestinal epithelium was examined using immunostaining, measurement of DNA synthesis and brush-border enzyme activities. Chicken enterocytes were removed sequentially from the villus using a modification of the Weiser (1973) method. Alkaline phosphatase activity was relatively constant along the villus tip-crypt axis but decreased in the crypt fractions, whereas sucrase and maltase activities showed higher activity in the upper half of the villus and lower activity in the lower half of the villus and in the crypt. Immunostaining of proliferating cell nuclear antigen indicated the presence of proliferating cells both in the crypt and along the villus, including some activity in the upper portion; the crypt region exhibited a significantly higher number of proliferating cells. Labelled thymidine incorporation into cell fractions after 2 h incubation exhibited a similar pattern of proliferation, with the most active region observed in the crypt and proliferation activity decreasing along the villus. However, some activity was found in the upper half of the villus. After 17 h incubation, cells from the middle region of the villi showed greater proliferation ability than the 2 h incubation. These results indicate that, unlike mammals, chicken enterocyte proliferation is not localized only in the crypt region, and that the site of enterocyte differentiation is not precisely localized. Accepted: 22 January 1998  相似文献   

Rab31 is expressed in both GFAP- and nestin- positive fibres in regions of neurogenic potential in the adult mouse brain. To investigate the role of Rab31 in neural progenitor cells (NPCs), we cultured NPCs and found significant levels of Rab31 expression in these cells. Rab31 levels showed a sharp initial decrease and then reappeared gradually in a subpopulation of astrocytes when NPCs were induced to differentiate. Silencing of Rab31 hindered, while overexpression enhanced, the differentiation of NPCs to astrocytes. Our results suggest a previously unrecognised role for Rab31 in influencing the differentiation and fate of NPCs.  相似文献   

We propose a model for the growth of individual crypts that is able to account for the observed changes in the number of cells in crypts under normal conditions, after irradiation, and after 30% resection. Parameter values for this model are estimated both for mouse and man, and detailed predictions of crypt growth rates are made. This model does not predict a steady-state crypt size; rather it suggests that crypts grow until they bifurcate. We therefore propose a crypt cycle (analogous to the cell cycle) and present evidence that most if not all crypts in the adult mouse are cycling asynchronously and independently. This evidence consists of four experiments that indicate that branching crypts are randomly distributed over the intestinal epithelium, that the plane of bifurcation of branching crypts is randomly oriented with respect to the villus base, and that the size distribution of crypts is consistent with an expanding crypt population. We also report for the first time evidence of villus production in the adult mouse intestinal epithelium. We conclude that the crypt and villus populations in the adult mouse are not in a steady state.  相似文献   

The Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 binds a wide variety of microbial cell wall components. In this study, we investigated the expression pattern of TLR2 in adult swine gut-associated lymphoid tissues using real-time quantitative PCR, Western blotting, immunohistochemistry, and flow cytometric analysis. The mRNA for TLR2 was preferentially expressed in the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) and Peyer's patches (Pps) of adult swine. Expression in these two tissues was approximately 15- and 9-fold higher than that of spleen, respectively. Western blotting further confirmed that the TLR2 protein was highly expressed in the MLNs and Pps. Interestingly, TLR2-expressing cells were found not only in immune cells, such as T cells and B cells, but also in membranous (M) cells. In addition, double immunostaining for TLR2 and cytokeratin 18 revealed that TLR2 was strongly expressed not only in the cytoplasm but also in the apical membrane of the pocket-like M cells. These results indicate that TLR2 on the MLNs and Pps enable the host defense to respond to a variety of cell wall components. Furthermore, the potential function of TLR2 as a pattern recognition receptor and its cellular distribution suggest that TLR2 plays an important role in ligand-specific transcytosis and transport in M cells.  相似文献   

We have produced monoclonal antibodies against purified nuclei from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and have characterized three different antibodies that recognize a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 38,000, termed p38. Subcellular fractionation shows that virtually all of p38 occurs in the nuclear fraction. High concentrations of salt (1 M) or urea (6 M) effectively solubilize p38 from a nuclear envelope fraction prepared by digestion of nuclei with DNase. Indirect immunofluorescence demonstrates a crescent shaped distribution of p38 at the inner periphery of the nucleus, with p38 extending between dividing pairs of cells during (closed) mitosis. Postembedding immunogold electron microscopy shows decoration of the densely stained "crescent" region of the yeast nucleus, confirming the localization of p38 to the nucleolus. One of the monoclonals, D77, cross reacts on immunoblots with a single protein of molecular weight 37,000 from purified rat liver nuclei. Indirect immunofluorescence localizes this protein to the nucleolus, and shows that it is dispersed throughout the cell during mitosis. The yeast and rat liver nucleolar proteins behave similarly when electrophoresed in two dimensions, and appear to have basic pI values. Analysis of immunological cross-reactivity using D77, and antibodies specific for nucleolar proteins from other sources, suggests that the rat liver protein is fibrillarin, and demonstrates that p38 shares epitopes with fibrillarin, as well as with other vertebrate nucleolar proteins.  相似文献   

We have identified an approximately 85-kD protein in chicken erythrocytes which is immunologically, structurally, and functionally related to the gelsolin found in many muscle and nonmuscle cell types. Cell fractionation reveals a Ca2+-dependent partitioning of gelsolin into the soluble cytoplasm and the membrane-associated cytoskeleton of differentiating or mature erythrocytes. Depending on either the presence of Ca2+ during cell lysis or on the preincubation of the intact cells with the Ca2+-ionophore A23187, up to 40% of the total cellular gelsolin is found associated with the membrane skeleton. Expression of gelsolin shows a strong negative regulation during erythroid differentiation. From quantitations of its steady-state molar ratio to actin, gelsolin is abundant in early progenitor cells as revealed from avian erythroblastosis virus- and S13 virus-transformed cells which are arrested at the colony forming unit erythroid (CFU-e) stage of erythroid development. In these cells, which have a rudimentary and unstable membrane skeleton, gelsolin remains quantitatively cytoplasmic, irrespective of the Ca2+ concentration. During chicken embryo development and maturation, the expression of gelsolin decreases by a factor of approximately 10(3) in erythroid cells. This down regulation is independent from that of actin, which is considerably less, and is observed also when S13-transformed erythroid progenitor cells are induced to differentiate under conditions where the actin content of these cells does not change. In mature erythrocytes of the adult the amount of gelsolin is low, and significantly less than required for potentially capping of all membrane-associated actin filaments. We suggest that the gelsolin in erythroid cells is involved in the assembly of the actin filaments present in the membrane skeleton, and that it may provide for a mechanism, by means of its severing action on actin filaments, to extend the meshwork of the spectrin-actin-based membrane skeleton in erythroid cells during erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

The intraepithelial lymphoid cells of chicken small intestine were studied by light microscopy using 1 mu Epon sections, and by electron microscopy. Three cell types were found: small lymphocytes, large lymphoid cells, and granular cells. These cells correspond to the theliolymphocytes and globule leucocytes of previous authors. The numbers of all cell types increased with age. Correlation was found between the number of small lymphocytes and large lymphoid cells, but not between granular cells and either of the other two. A hypothesis is proposed, assigning these cells with a function in mucosal immunity.  相似文献   

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