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Studies of morphology, interspecific hybridization, protein/DNA sequences, and levels of gene expression have suggested that sex-related characters (particularly those involved in male reproduction) evolve rapidly relative to non-sex-related characters. Here we report a general comparison of evolutionary rates of sex-biased genes using data from cDNA microarray experiments and comparative genomic studies of Drosophila. Comparisons of nonsynonymous/synonymous substitution rates (d(N)/d(S)) between species of the D. melanogaster subgroup revealed that genes with male-biased expression had significantly faster rates of evolution than genes with female-biased or unbiased expression. The difference was caused primarily by a higher d(N) in the male-biased genes. The same pattern was observed for comparisons among more distantly related species. In comparisons between D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura, genes with highly biased male expression were significantly more divergent than genes with highly biased female expression. In many cases, orthologs of D. melanogaster male-biased genes could not be identified in D. pseudoobscura through a Blast search. In contrast to the male-biased genes, there was no clear evidence for accelerated rates of evolution in female-biased genes, and most comparisons indicated a reduced rate of evolution in female-biased genes relative to unbiased genes. Male-biased genes did not show an increased ratio of nonsynonymous/synonymous polymorphism within D. melanogaster, and comparisons of polymorphism/divergence ratios suggest that the rapid evolution of male-biased genes is caused by positive selection.  相似文献   

While many functional elements of the meiotic process are well characterized in model organisms, the genetic basis of most of the natural phenotypic variation observed in meiotic pathways has not been determined. To begin to address this issue, we characterized patterns of polymorphism and divergence in the protein-coding regions of 33 genes across 31 lines of Drosophila melanogaster and 6 lines of Drosophila simulans. We sequenced genes known to be involved in chromosome segregation, recombination, DNA repair, and related heterochromatin binding. As expected, we found several of the genes to be highly conserved, consistent with purifying selection. However, a subset of genes showed patterns of polymorphism and divergence typical of other types of natural selection. Moreover, several intriguing differences between the two Drosophila lineages were evident: along the D. simulans lineage we consistently found evidence of adaptive protein evolution, whereas along the D. melanogaster lineage several loci exhibited patterns consistent with the maintenance of protein variation.  相似文献   



Sex determining mechanisms are evolutionarily labile and related species often use different primary signals and gene regulatory networks. This is well illustrated by the sex determining cascade of Drosophila fruitflies, which have recruited Sex-lethal as the master switch and cellular memory of sexual identity, a role performed in other insects by the gene transformer. Here we investigate the evolutionary change in the coding sequences of sex determining genes associated with the recruitment of Sex-lethal. We analyze sequences of Sex-lethal itself, its Drosophila paralogue sister-or-Sex-lethal and downstream targets transformer and doublesex.  相似文献   



Genes with sex-biased expression often show rapid molecular evolution between species. Previous population genetic and comparative genomic studies of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans revealed that male-biased genes have especially high rates of adaptive evolution. To test if this is also the case for other lineages within the melanogaster group, we investigated gene expression in D. ananassae, a species that occurs in structured populations in tropical and subtropical regions. We used custom-made microarrays and published microarray data to characterize the sex-biased expression of 129 D. ananassae genes whose D. melanogaster orthologs had been classified previously as male-biased, female-biased, or unbiased in their expression and had been studied extensively at the population-genetic level. For 43 of these genes we surveyed DNA sequence polymorphism in a natural population of D. ananassae and determined divergence to the sister species D. atripex and D. phaeopleura.  相似文献   

The olfactory system of Drosophila melanogaster provides a powerful model to study molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying function of a sensory system. In the 1970s Siddiqi and colleagues pioneered the application of genetics to olfactory research and isolated several mutant Drosophila with odorant-specific defects in olfactory behaviour, suggesting that odorants are detected differentially by the olfactory system. Since then basic principles of olfactory system function and development have emerged using Drosophila as a model. Nearly four decades later we can add computational methods to further our understanding of how specific odorants are detected by receptors. Using a comparative approach we identify two categories of short amino acid sequence motifs: ones that are conserved family-wide predominantly in the C-terminal half of most receptors, and ones that are present in receptors that detect a specific odorant, 4-methylphenol, found predominantly in the N-terminal half. The odorant-specific sequence motifs are predictors of phenol detection in Anopheles gambiae and other insects, suggesting they are likely to participate in odorant binding. Conversely, the family-wide motifs are expected to participate in shared functions across all receptors and a mutation in the most conserved motif leads to a reduction in odor response. These findings lay a foundation for investigating functional domains within odorant receptors that can lead to a molecular understanding of odor detection.  相似文献   

The Drosophila olfactory genes OS-E and OS-F are members of a family of genes that encode insect odorant-binding proteins (OBPs). OBPs are believed to transport hydrophobic odorants through the aqueous fluid within olfactory sensilla to the underlying receptor proteins. The recent discovery of a large family of olfactory receptor genes in Drosophila raises new questions about the function, diversity, regulation, and evolution of the OBP family. We have investigated the OS-E and OS-F genes in a variety of Drosophila species. These studies highlight potential regions of functional significance in the OS-E and OS-F proteins, which may include a region required for interaction with receptor proteins. Our results suggest that the two genes arose by an ancient gene duplication, and that in some lineages, one or the other gene has been lost. In D. virilis, the OS-F gene shows a different spatial pattern of expression than in D. melanogaster. One of the OS-F introns shows a striking degree of conservation between the two species, and we identify a putative regulatory sequence within this intron. Finally, a phylogenetic analysis places both OS-E and OS-F within a large family of insect OBPs and OBP-like proteins.  相似文献   

Membrane topology of the Drosophila OR83b odorant receptor   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
By analogy to mammals, odorant receptors (ORs) in insects, such as Drosophila melanogaster, have long been thought to belong to the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily. However, recent work has cast doubt on this assumption and has tentatively suggested an inverted topology compared to the canonical N(out) - C(in) 7 transmembrane (TM) GPCR topology, at least for some Drosophila ORs. Here, we report a detailed topology mapping of the Drosophila OR83b receptor using engineered glycosylation sites as topology markers. Our results are inconsistent with a classical GPCR topology and show that OR83b has an intracellular N-terminus, an extracellular C-terminus, and 7TM helices.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential importance of gene duplication in D. melanogaster accessory gland protein (Acp) gene evolution we carried out a computational analysis comparing annotated D. melanogaster Acp genes to the entire D. melanogaster genome. We found that two known Acp genes are actually members of small multigene families. Polymorphism and divergence data from these duplicated genes suggest that in at least four cases, protein divergence between D. melanogaster and D. simulans is a result of directional selection. One putative Acp revealed by our computational analysis shows evidence of a recent selective sweep in a non-African population (but not in an African population). These data support the idea that selection on reproduction-related genes may drive divergence of populations within species, and strengthen the conclusion that Acps may often be under directional selection in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Zhang X  Zhang X  Firestein S 《Genomics》2007,89(4):441-450
We applied a comprehensive data-mining strategy to examine the repertoires of rat and mouse odorant receptors (ORs) and type 1 pheromone receptors (V1Rs) using the mm5 (mouse) and rn3 (rat) genomes. We identified 1576 rat OR genes, including 292 pseudogenes. The rat V1R repertoire is composed of 115 intact genes and 72 pseudogenes. The mouse OR and V1R databases were updated using the new assembly mm5, from which 1375 mouse ORs and 308 V1Rs were identified, with more than 100 putative pseudogenes from mm2 now identified as intact because of the higher sequence quality. With these new data we have conducted a series of genomic analyses of the OR and V1R genes from mouse and rat. Orthologous OR clusters were identified in mouse and rat and comparison analysis was performed at three incremental levels: families, coding sequences, and motifs. At the family level, we found that V1R genes have more species-specific families than OR genes. About 20% of intact V1R genes have no orthologous counterpart in the same family, whereas less than 1% of intact ORs are similarly isolated. At the coding sequence level, OR genes are more conserved between mouse and rat than V1R genes. OR genes share greater similarity with their orthologous counterparts than with their closest neighbor, whereas V1R genes show the opposite tendency. Motifs were identified to obtain biological insights. Motifs specific for species or families were found in OR and V1R genes, which may result in the differential pheromone-dependent behaviors and perception of odors between mouse and rat.  相似文献   

Panhuis TM  Swanson WJ 《Genetics》2006,173(4):2039-2047
Molecular analyses in several taxa have consistently shown that genes involved in reproduction are rapidly evolving and subjected to positive selection. The mechanism behind this evolution is not clear, but several proposed hypotheses involve the coevolution between males and females. In Drosophila, several male reproductive proteins (Acps) involved in male-male and male-female interactions show evidence of rapid adaptive evolution. What has been missing from the Drosophila literature is the identification and analysis of female reproductive genes. Recently, an evolutionary expressed sequence tag analysis of Drosophila female reproductive tract genes identified 169 candidate female reproductive genes. Many of these candidate genes still await further molecular analysis and independent verification of positive selection. Our goal was to expand our understanding of the molecular evolution of Drosophila female reproductive genes with a detailed polymorphism and divergence study on seven additional candidate female reproductive genes and a reanalysis of two genes from the above study. We demonstrate that 6 candidate female genes of the 9 genes surveyed show evidence of positive selection using both polymorphism and divergence data. One of these proteins (CG17012) is modeled to reveal that the sites under selection fall around and within the active site of this protease, suggesting potential differences between species. We discuss our results in light of potential function as well as interaction with male reproductive proteins.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is a singular protein with multiple functions. It is probably the most slowly evolving protein known, is encoded by genes with a unique structure, and provides an intriguing case study for various aspects of molecular evolution. In particular, the multiple ubiquitin-coding repeats which have been characterized in man, yeast and a slime mould graphically illustrate the dynamics of concerted evolution, but cast doubts on the effectiveness of this process for unlinked arrays in this repeat family.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, odorant receptors are encoded by an old and moderatelysized multigene family. Or22a and Or22b are two tandemly arrangedgenes of this family that have proved to be the result of arather young duplication. Nucleotide variation in the regionspanning both duplicates was surveyed in four natural populations(two African and two non-African) of Drosophila melanogasterand also analyzed in species of the melanogaster subgroup. Theintraspecific survey revealed a particular copy-number polymorphismin some of the studied populations, with the two genes (Or22aand Or22b) present in the long variant and a single chimericgene (Or22ab) present in the short variant. Estimated nucleotidediversity was higher in the short than in the long variant,despite the ancestral character of the latter variant in D.melanogaster. The general skew toward low-frequency variantsdetected in the non-African long variant and its reduced levelof silent polymorphism relative to divergence is consistentwith the recent fixation of an advantageous mutation at, ornearby, the Or22 long variant region. The nonnegligible frequencyof the short variant and the presence of a highly divergenthaplotype in the East African sample would point to direct orindirect selection for its maintenance in the species. Therewas evidence for a generally more rapid evolution of the Or22bcopy at both synonymous and nonsynonymous sites. However, anexcess of nonsynonymous substitutions was only detected in theearly history of this copy.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) with five, three, or seven immunoglobulinlike domains in their extracellular regions are classified as subclasses III, IV, and V, respectively. Conservation of the exon/intron structure of the downstream part of the human KIT, FMS, and FLT3 genes that encode RTK of subclass III together with the particular chromosomal localization of these genes suggests that RTKIII genes have evolved from a common ancestor by cis and trans duplications. To strengthen this model of evolution and to determine if it can be extended to RTKIV and V genes, we constructed a phylogenetic tree of RTKIII, IV, and V on the basis of a multiple alignment of their catalytic tyrosine kinase domain sequences and determined the exon/intron structure of PDGFRA (subclass III), FGFR4 (subclass IV), and FLT4 (subclass V) genes in their downstream part. Phylogenetic analyses with amino acid or nucleotide sequences both resulted in one most parsimonious tree. The phylogenetic trees obtained indicate that all three subclasses are well individuated and that RTKIII and RTKV are closer to each other than RTKIV. Furthermore, RTKIII and FLT4 (subclass V) genes possess the same exon/intron structure in their downstream part while the structure of the RTKIV genes is very similar to that of RTKIII and FLT4. Both approaches are in complete agreement and indicate that RTKIII, IV, and V genes most probably evolved from a common ancestor already in pieces by successive duplications involving entire genes.Correspondence to: F. Agnès  相似文献   

Phosphoprotein phosphatases (PPP), these ancient and important regulatory enzymes are present in all eukaryotic organisms. Based on the genome sequences of 12 Drosophila species we traced the evolution of the PPP catalytic subunits and noted a substantial expansion of the gene family. We concluded that the 18-22 PPP genes of Drosophilidae were generated from a core set of 8 indispensable phosphatases that are present in most of the insects. Retropositons followed by tandem gene duplications extended the phosphatase repertoire, and sporadic gene losses contributed to the species specific variations in the PPP complement. During the course of these studies we identified 5, up till now uncharacterized phosphatase retrogenes: PpY+, PpD5+, PpD6+, Pp4+, and Pp6+ which are found only in some ancient Drosophila. We demonstrated that all of these new PPP genes exhibit a distinct male specific expression. In addition to the changes in gene numbers, the intron-exon structure and the chromosomal localization of several PPP genes was also altered during evolution. The G-C content of the coding regions decreased when a gene moved into the heterochromatic region of chromosome Y. Thus the PPP enzymes exemplify the various types of dynamic rearrangements that accompany the molecular evolution of a gene family in Drosophilidae.  相似文献   

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