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Simon A. Queenborough David F. R. P. Burslem Nancy C. Garwood Renato Valencia 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2009,276(1676):4197-4205
In order to differentiate between mechanisms of species coexistence, we examined the relative importance of local biotic neighbourhood, abiotic habitat factors and species differences as factors influencing the survival of 2330 spatially mapped tropical tree seedlings of 15 species of Myristicaceae in two separate analyses in which individuals were identified first to species and then to genus. Using likelihood methods, we selected the most parsimonious candidate models as predictors of 3 year seedling survival in both sets of analyses. We found evidence for differential effects of abiotic niche and neighbourhood processes on individual survival between analyses at the genus and species levels. Niche partitioning (defined as an interaction of taxonomic identity and abiotic neighbourhood) was significant in analyses at the genus level, but did not differentiate among species in models of individual seedling survival. By contrast, conspecific and congeneric seedling and adult density were retained in the minimum adequate models of seedling survival at species and genus levels, respectively. We conclude that abiotic niche effects express differences in seedling survival among genera but not among species, and that, within genera, community and/or local variation in adult and seedling abundance drives variation in seedling survival. These data suggest that different mechanisms of coexistence among tropical tree taxa may function at different taxonomic or phylogenetic scales. This perspective helps to reconcile perceived differences of importance in the various non-mutually exclusive mechanisms of species coexistence in hyper-diverse tropical forests. 相似文献
Causes of increased nutrient concentrations in post-fire regrowth in an East African savanna 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The aim of the present study was to investigate the causes of increased macronutrient concentrations in above-ground post-fire
regrowth in an East African savanna (Northern Tanzania). Experiments were set up to discriminate between the following possible
causes: (1) increased soil nutrient supply after fire, (2) relocation of nutrients from the roots to the new shoots, (3) rejuvenation
and related changes in plant tissue composition and (4) changes in nutrient uptake in relation to above-ground carbon gains.
N, P, K, Ca and Mg concentrations in post-burn graminoid vegetation were compared with clipped and with unburned, control
vegetation during the post-burn growth season. One month after burning and clipping, nutrient concentrations in live grass
shoots in the burned and clipped treatments were significantly higher than in the control. This effect, however, declined
in the course of the season and, except for Ca, disappeared three months after onset of the treatments. There were no significant
differences in live grass shoot nutrient concentrations between burned and clipped treatments which suggests that the increased
nutrient concentration in post-fire regrowth is not due to increased soil nutrient supply via ash deposition. The relatively
low input of nutrients through ash deposition, compared to the amount of nutrients released through mineralisation during
the first month after burning and to the total nutrient pools, supports this suggestion. There was no difference between burned
and unburned vegetation in total root biomass and root nutrient concentrations. Relocation of nutrients from the roots to
the new shoots did not, therefore, appear to be a cause of higher post-fire shoot nutrient concentrations. The present study
shows that in this relatively nutrient-rich savanna, the increased nutrient concentration in above-ground post-fire regrowth
is primarily due to increased leaf:stem ratios, rejuvenation of plant material and the distribution of a similar amount of
nutrients over less above-ground biomass.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Post-fire vegetation regeneration was studied for a 6-year period in a 13-year-old-artificial forest consisting of Larix kaempferi with a dense undergrowth of Sasa senanensis. The study site was classified into three fire severity categories according to the degree of Sasa senanensis scorching, that is, a high-severity category, a mid-severity category, and a low-severity category. Study plots were established in areas which fitted the criteria for each category, and in nearby unburned sites. A total of 41 woody species were newly emerged during the 6-year study period in the burned and unburned plots. Only a few seedlings and resprouts emerged in the unburned plots, while many seedlings emerged in the high-severity plots from the first year after fire onward. A high-severity fire that burns the rhizomes of Sasa is necessary for the vegetation recovery by germination of seed. Whereas the establishment of seedlings was restricted to a few years after fire, the regeneration through resprouting continued into the last year of observation. The survival time of resprouts was longer than that of seedlings, and the survival time of shade-tolerant species was longer than that of shade-intolerant species. In contrast, shade-intolerant species grew more rapidly than shade-tolerant species. The plants ability to exceed the maximum height of the Sasa before the bamboo recovers can be critical to the survival of shade-intolerant species. Because resprouts have a stronger resistance to the shade of Sasa than seedlings, the resprouts of shade-tolerant species play a major role in the re-establishment of woody species after fire in sites with considerable Sasa ground-cover. 相似文献
Negative plant-soil feedbacks may limit persistence of an invasive tree due to rapid accumulation of soil pathogens 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Nijjer S Rogers WE Siemann E 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2007,274(1625):2621-2627
Soil organisms influence plant species coexistence and invasion potential. Plant-soil feedbacks occur when plants change soil community composition such that interactions with that soil community in turn may positively or negatively affect the performance of conspecifics. Theories predict and studies show that invasions may be promoted by stronger negative soil feedbacks for native compared with exotic species. We present a counter-example of a successful invader with strong negative soil feedbacks apparently caused by host-specific, pathogenic soil fungi. Using a feedback experiment in pots, we investigated whether the relative strength of plant-soil feedbacks experienced by a non-native woody invader, Sapium sebiferum, differed from several native tree species by examining their performance in soils collected near conspecifics ('home soils') or heterospecifics ('away soils') in the introduced range. Sapium seedlings, but no native seedlings, had lower survival and biomass in its home soils compared with soils of other species (negative feedback'). To investigate biotic agents potentially responsible for the observed negative feedbacks, we conducted two additional experiments designed to eliminate different soil taxa ('rescue experiments'). We found that soil sterilization (pot experiment ) or soil fungicide applications (pot and field experiments) restored Sapium performance in home soil thereby eliminating the negative feedbacks we observed in the original experiment. Such negative feedbacks apparently mediated by soil fungi could have important effects on persistence of this invader by limiting Sapium seedling success in Sapium dominated forests (home soils) though their weak effects in heterospecific (away) soils suggest a weak role in limiting initial establishment. 相似文献
This study examined the effects of insect herbivory on growth and mortality of seedlings of a mid- successional rainforest tree, Alphitonia whitei Braid. Two experiments were conducted in which seedlings were exposed to 0% and 50% natural defoliation by insect herbivores and placed in light gaps in simple notophyll vine forest at Paluma, near Townsville, North Queensland. In the first experiment, insect herbivory significantly increased mortality of 2-month-old seedlings. Smaller seedlings had significantly greater mortality rates than larger seedlings, irrespective of herbivory. A significantly greater proportion of smaller seedlings died from being smothered by fallen leaves and soil as a result of digging by vertebrates than for larger seedlings. In the second experiment, the effects of seedling age were examined by comparing 2-month and 4-month-old seedlings. Mortality rates were significantly influenced by seedling age, with eight times greater survival of older seedlings than of younger seedlings. Although insect herbivory was correlated with a significant decrease in shoot mass and a significant increase in root:shoot ratio, there was no effect of insect herbivory on seedling survival in the second experiment. Thus, mortality rates were greater for seedlings if they were young or small (which indirectly results from insect herbivory), because small, young seedlings were more susceptibile to other mortality factors, such as burial by fallen debris and digging by vertebrates. 相似文献
Competition between tree seedlings and herbaceous vegetation: support for a theory of resource supply and demand 总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16
1 We measured competition intensity (CI) between herbaceous vegetation and tree seedlings ( Quercus macrocarpa and Q. ellipsoidalis ) along an experimental moisture–light gradient. Contrasting theories were tested by comparing variation in competition intensity to changes in neighbour biomass and resource supply and demand.
2 CI based on survival was inversely correlated with net soil water supply (gross supply minus demand by herbaceous vegetation). CI was not positively correlated with either gross resource supply or neighbour biomass, contrary to predictions of Grime's triangular model for plant strategies.
3 Many of the inconsistencies and conflicting results that have characterized the recent literature on plant competition could be eliminated if changes in competition intensity along a resource gradient are compared with changes in net resource supply rather than changes in productivity or neighbour biomass.
4 Tree seedling success in savannas and grasslands may be strongly influenced by the intensity of competition from herbaceous vegetation. Factors that reduce soil water content are likely to increase competition intensity (and reduce seedling success) in these environments, while factors that increase soil water content will favour seedling success through decreased competition for water with herbaceous vegetation. 相似文献
2 CI based on survival was inversely correlated with net soil water supply (gross supply minus demand by herbaceous vegetation). CI was not positively correlated with either gross resource supply or neighbour biomass, contrary to predictions of Grime's triangular model for plant strategies.
3 Many of the inconsistencies and conflicting results that have characterized the recent literature on plant competition could be eliminated if changes in competition intensity along a resource gradient are compared with changes in net resource supply rather than changes in productivity or neighbour biomass.
4 Tree seedling success in savannas and grasslands may be strongly influenced by the intensity of competition from herbaceous vegetation. Factors that reduce soil water content are likely to increase competition intensity (and reduce seedling success) in these environments, while factors that increase soil water content will favour seedling success through decreased competition for water with herbaceous vegetation. 相似文献
SX Dong SJ Davies PS Ashton S Bunyavejchewin MN Supardi AR Kassim S Tan PR Moorcroft 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2012,279(1744):3923-3931
The response of tropical forests to global climate variability and change remains poorly understood. Results from long-term studies of permanent forest plots have reported different, and in some cases opposing trends in tropical forest dynamics. In this study, we examined changes in tree growth rates at four long-term permanent tropical forest research plots in relation to variation in solar radiation, temperature and precipitation. Temporal variation in the stand-level growth rates measured at five-year intervals was found to be positively correlated with variation in incoming solar radiation and negatively related to temporal variation in night-time temperatures. Taken alone, neither solar radiation variability nor the effects of night-time temperatures can account for the observed temporal variation in tree growth rates across sites, but when considered together, these two climate variables account for most of the observed temporal variability in tree growth rates. Further analysis indicates that the stand-level response is primarily driven by the responses of smaller-sized trees (less than 20 cm in diameter). The combined temperature and radiation responses identified in this study provide a potential explanation for the conflicting patterns in tree growth rates found in previous studies. 相似文献
Individual trees are known to influence soil chemical properties, creating spatial patterns that vary with distance from the
stem. The influence of trees on soil chemical properties is commonly viewed as the agronomic basis for low-input agroforestry
and shifting cultivation practices, and as an important source of spatial heterogeneity in forest soils. Few studies, however,
have examined the persistence of the effects of trees on soil after the pathways responsible for the effects are removed.
Here, we present evidence from a Mexican dry forest indicating that stem-related patterns of soil nutrients do persist following
slash-and-burn removal of trees and two years of cropping. Pre-disturbance concentrations of resin extractable phosphorus
(P), bicarbonate extractable P, NaOH extractable P, total P, total nitrogen (N) and carbon (C), KCl extractable nitrate (NO3
-), and net N mineralization and nitrification rates were higher in stem than dripline soils under two canopy dominant species
of large-stemmed trees with contrasting morphologies and phenologies (Caesalpinia eriostachys Benth. and Forchhammeria pallida
Liebm.). These stem effects persisted through slash burning and a first growing season for labile inorganic and organic P,
NaOH inorganic P, and plant-available P, and through a second growing season for labile organic P, NaOH organic P, and plant-available
P. While stem effects for extractable NO3
-, net nitrification rates, total N and C disappeared after felling and slash burning, these stem effects returned after the
first growing season. These results support the view that tree-influenced patterns of soil nutrients do persist after tree
death, and that trees contribute to the long-term spatial heterogeneity of forest soils.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Survival,growth, and photosynthesis of tree seedlings competing with herbaceous vegetation along a water-light-nitrogen gradient 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
Davis Mark A. Wrage Keith J. Reich Peter B. Tjoelker Mark G. Schaeffer Toni Muermann Carolyn 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(2):341-350
In herbaceous dominated patches and ecosystems, tree establishment is influenced partly by the ability of woody seedlings to survive and grow in direct competition with herbaceous vegetation. We studied the importance of season long wet and dry spells on the competitive interactions between herbaceous vegetation and oak seedlings along a light and nitrogen gradient in an infertile secondary successional grassland in central North America. We conducted a field experiment in which seedlings of bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) and northern pin oak (Q. ellipsoidalis) were exposed to two levels of light (full sun and 80% shade), three levels of nitrogen input (0, 5, 15 g m–1 yr–1), and three levels of water input (low, medium and high). In addition, seedlings were grown with and without the presence of surrounding herbaceous vegetation under both light and all three water levels. Seedling survival, growth, and rate of photosynthesis were significantly affected by competition with herbaceous vegetation and these effects varied along the multiple resource gradient. Overall, seedling survival of both species was significantly greater in wetter and shaded plots and when surrounding herbaceous vegetation was removed and was lower in nitrogen enriched plots. We found that soil water was significantly affected by varying inputs of water, light, and the presence or absence of herbaceous vegetation, and that seedling survival and rate of photosynthesis were highly correlated with available soil water. Our findings show that the impact of season long wet and dry spells on tree seedling success in grasslands can be affected by light and soil nitrogen availability. 相似文献
哀牢山常绿阔叶林乔木树种的幼苗组成及时空分布特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
哀牢山自然保护区的常绿阔叶林面积达到504 km2,是我国亚热带常绿阔叶林保存面积最大的保护区之一.2008年,中国科学院两双版纳热带植物园在哀牢山自然保护区的中山湿性常绿阔叶林核心区建立了一块6 ha的森林动态监测样地.为了了解哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林树种幼苗组成和分布特征及其存活和死亡的规律,对样地中的幼苗分别进行了定位监测和动态研究.结果表明,重要值居前10位的林下幼苗中,有5种是重要值居前10位的树种.从雨季末期到旱季末期,幼苗的数量和种类都大量减少,因为可能是由于干旱胁迫的影响.在林窗中央和林窗边缘,新增的幼苗数量和种类都较多,死亡率较低,而林冠下新增的幼苗死亡率较高.可见,林窗的出现可能更有利于某些树种幼苗的定居,从而维持了森林树种的多样性. 相似文献