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Two stocks of striped weakfish Cynoscion guatucupa in the south‐west Atlantic Ocean, were identified using parasites as biological tags. A total of 297 fish caught in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, contained 29 species of metazoan parasites. Univariate analysis on parasite populations, as well as multivariate discriminant analysis, calculated for juvenile and adult fish separately, allowed the identification of the two stocks, one from Argentina and Uruguay and the other from Brazil, to be made. Southern samples were characterized by higher prevalences and abundance of larval endohelminths, whereas in the northern stock, gastrointestinal and ectoparasitic species were common. Discriminant analyses on parasite infracommunities of Brazilian fish showed notable differences between juvenile and adult hosts; no such trend was observed in fish from Argentina and Uruguay, despite differences between juveniles and adults at the population level. Different oceanographic conditions and their influence on the distribution of parasites as well as of other hosts involved in their life cycles could be key factors for the differences observed among stocks of C. guatucupa .  相似文献   

The influence of geography and genotype on shell shape (outline) and trait (morphometric) variation among North Atlantic blue mussels and their hybrids has been examined. Shape differences among reference taxa (Mytilus trossulus, Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis) were consistent with an association between taxon‐specific genes and shape genes. Newfoundland M. edulis × M. trossulus populations and northern Quebec M. trossulus populations exhibited an uncoupling of taxon‐specific genes from shape genes, whereas Nova Scotia M. trossulus populations and SW England M. edulis × M. galloprovincialis populations exhibited an association between taxon‐specific genes and shape genes. We found no evidence of a geographic effect (NE versus NW Atlantic) for shape variation, indicating that the genotype effect is stronger than any geographic effect at macrogeographic scales. Pronounced differences were observed in trait variability consistent with an association between taxon‐specific genes and trait genes in European populations, and trait divergence of New York M. edulis from all European mussels. Trait variability in mussels from Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and northern Quebec indicated an uncoupling of taxon genes from trait genes, whereas trait variability in SW England M. edulis × M. galloprovincialis populations was consistent with background genotype, indicating a strong association between taxon genes and trait genes. A pronounced macrogeographic split (NE versus NW Atlantic) regardless of taxonomy was observed, indicating that geography exerts a greater influence than genotype on trait variation at the macrogeographic scale. This is consistent with pronounced within‐taxon genetic divergence, indicative of different selection regimes or more likely of different evolutionary histories of mussels on either side of the North Atlantic. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 96 , 875–897.  相似文献   

Some authors support the idea that an important part of the Miocene marine mollusc fauna is still represented in the Argentinean Province. The fossil mollusc Brachidontes lepida (Philippi) is considered a subspecies of the extant B. rodriguezii (d?Orbigny), a taxon currently present in the Argentinean Biogeographic Province. The aim of this study is to investigate the shell shape relationship between B. lepida and B. rodriguezii using geometric morphometrics. Samples of B. rodriguezii (n = 63) from four localities distributed in Uruguay and Argentina, of B. lepida from the Paraná Formation (n = 26) and of two other extant Brachidontinae present in the region were included in this study. Canonical variate analyses showed that extant species differed in shell shape, with the discriminant function properly allocating 93% of the individuals to their respective species. Using the extant discriminant function, approximate 92% of B. lepida individuals were allocated to B. rodriguezii. This result suggests that B. lepida is more similar in shell shape to B. rodriguezii than to the other extant species present in the region. Considering the material from the Pliocene of Cerro Laciar and from the Pleistocene deposits of Buenos Aires and Bustamante, the presence of B. rodriguezii from the Late Miocene in the warm temperate region is discussed.  相似文献   

Cranial suture closure is examined in two species of South American monkeys, Saimiri sciureus and Saguinus nigricollis. Sequences in closure were sought as indicators of skeletal age. Some sutures seem to be more reliable determinants of skeletal age than others, and these sutures and their sequence of closure are different in the two species examined. The sphenooccipital synchondrosis and the palatal portion of the Interpremaxillary suture show regular fusion associated with age in both species. In Saimiri the maxillopremaxillary sutures are also reliable indicators of age, whereas they are not in Saguinus; however, in the latter the presphenoid-postsphenoid synchondrosis closes regularly whereas it does not in Saimiri. In Saimiri the predictable sequence is (1) maxillo-premaxillary, (2) transverse maxillo-premaxillary, (3) spheno-occipital, (4) interpremaxillary. In Saguinus it is (1) presphenoid-postsphenoid, (2) spheno-occipital, (3) interpremaxillary. It is possible that the sequences of suture closure and the variability in this process may indicate genetic and taxonomic relationships.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to analyse those characteristics of the Atlantic coast that are associated with distribution, abundance and breeding activity of Otaria flavescens at three ecological scales. We followed a research strategy that consists in looking at the variables that are associated with the pattern of distribution at regional and landscape scales, instead of following local population in time. We used bibliographic data of censuses carried out between 1946 and 1997 and a Geographic Information System (GIS) to integrate information proceeding from censuses and different environmental variables. At a regional scale, we found that the distribution of breeding colonies did not vary in the period of time analysed and was associated with the pattern of occupation of the coast and the tide width. There was a significant decrease in abundance between 1946 and 1997. In north-central Patagonia, the segment of coast with the highest number of sea lions in Argentina, distribution of colonies was associated with islands availability and negatively correlated with places were anthropogenic disturbance was high. At a local scale, breeding colonies were positive associated with slight slope coasts and negatively associated to rocky beaches. We identify those characteristics of the coast associated with distribution of breeding colonies of O. flavescens, which operate at different ecological and temporal scales. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Lee T  Foighil DO 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(11):3527-3542
The well-documented Floridian 'Gulf/Atlantic' marine genetic disjunction provides an influential example of vicariant cladogenesis along a continental coastline for major elements of a diverse nearshore fauna. We are engaged in a two-part study that aims to place this disjunction into a regional Caribbean Basin phylogenetic perspective using the scorched mussel Brachidontes exustus as an exemplar. Our first step, documented here, is to thoroughly characterize the genetic structure of Floridian scorched mussel populations using mitochondrial (mt) and nuclear markers. Both sets of markers recovered the expected disjunction involving sister clades distributed on alternate flanks of peninsular Florida and lineage-specific mt molecular clocks placed its origin in the Pliocene. The two sister clades had distinct population genetic profiles and the Atlantic clade appears to have experienced an evolutionarily recent bottleneck, although plots of the relative estimates of N through time are consistent with its local persistence through the last Ice Age Maximum. Our primary novel result, however, was the discovery that the Gulf/Atlantic disjunction represents but one of three cryptic, nested genetic discontinuities represented in Floridian scorched mussel populations. The most pronounced phylogenetic split distinguished the Gulf and Atlantic sister clades from two additional nested cryptic sister clades present in samples taken from the southern Florida tropical marine zone. Floridian populations of B. exustus are composed of four cryptic taxa, a result consistent with the hypothesis that the Gulf/Atlantic disjunction in this morphospecies is but one of multiple latent regional genetic breakpoints.  相似文献   

The well-documented Floridian Gulf/Atlantic marine genetic disjunction provides an influential example of presumed vicariant cladogenesis along a continental coastline for major elements of a diverse nearshore fauna. However, it is unclear if this disjunction represents a local anomaly for regionally distributed morphospecies, or if it is merely one of many such cryptic phylogenetic splits that underlay their assumed genetic cohesiveness. We aimed to place the previously characterized scorched mussel Gulf/Atlantic genetic disjunction into a regional phylogenetic perspective by incorporating genotypes of nominal conspecifics sampled throughout the Caribbean Basin as well as those of eastern Pacific potential geminate species. Our results show it to be one of multiple latent regional genetic disjunctions, involving five cryptic Caribbean species, that appear to be the product of a long history of regional cladogenesis. Disjunctions involving three stem lineages clearly predate formation of the Isthmus of Panama and of the Caribbean Sea, although four of the five cryptic species have within-basin sister relationships. Surprisingly, the Atlantic clade was also found to be widespread in the southern Caribbean, and ancestral demography calculations through time for Atlantic coast-specific genotypes are consistent with a northward range extension after the last glacial maximum. Our new data seriously undermine the hypothesis of a Floridian vicariant genesis and imply that the scorched mussel Gulf/Atlantic disjunction represents a case of geographic and temporal pseudocongruence. All five Caribbean Basin cryptic species exhibited an intriguing pattern of predominantly allopatric distribution characterized by distinct geographic areas of ecological dominance, often adjoining those of sister taxa. This pattern of distribution is consistent with allopatric speciation origins, coupled with restricted postspeciation range extensions. Several lines of indirect evidence favor the hypothesis that the predominantly allopatric distributions are maintained over evolutionary time scales, primarily by postrecruitment ecological filters rather than by oceanographic barriers to larval-mediated gene flow.  相似文献   

An analysis was carried out on the length, diameter and number of leaves, and the ratios between these variables for current-year growth units (sibling growth units) derived from different nodes of previous-year growth units (parent growth units) of young Nothofagus dombeyi and Nothofagus pumilio trees. Changes in sibling growth unit length, diameter, and number of leaves with position on the parent growth unit were assessed. In both species, sibling-growth unit morphology varied according to both the axis type of the parent growth unit and the position of the sibling growth unit on its parent growth unit. For the largest parent growth units, the length, diameter and number of leaves of their sibling growth units decreased from distal to proximal positions on the parent growth unit. Distal sibling growth units had a more slender stem and longer internodes than proximal sibling growth units. Sibling growth units in equivalent positions tended to have a more slender stem for N. dombeyi than for N. pumilio. Long main-branch growth units of N. pumilio had longer internodes than those of N. dombeyi; the converse was true for shorter growth units. The growth unit diameter/leaf number ratio was consistently higher for N. pumilio than for N. dombeyi. Nothofagus pumilio axes would go through a faster transition from an 'exploring' morphology to an 'exploiting' morphology than N. dombeyi axes. Within- and between-species variations in growth unit morphology should be considered when assessing the adaptive value of the branching pattern of plants.  相似文献   

Question: Are trait differences between grasses along a gradient related to climatic variables and/or photosynthetic pathway? Location: Temperate grassland areas of South and North America. Methods: In a common garden experiment, we cultivated C3 and C4 grasses from grasslands under different climatic conditions, and we measured a set of 12 plant traits related to size and resource capture and utilization. We described (1) interspecific plant trait differences along a climatic gradient defined by the precipitation and temperature at the location where each species is dominant and (2) the association between those plant trait differences and the photosynthetic pathway of the species. Results: Trait differences between grasses were related to the precipitation at the area where each species is dominant, and to the photosynthetic pathway of the species. Leaf length, leaf width, plant height, leaf area per tiller, specific leaf area, leaf δ13C ratio, and nitrogen resorption efficiency increased while leaf dry matter content and nitrogen concentration in senesced leaves decreased as precipitation increased. A proportion of these changes along the gradient was related to the photosynthetic pathway because dominant grass species in cold areas with low precipitation are mainly C3 and those from warm and wet areas are C4. Conclusions: A previous worldwide analysis showed that traits of graminoid species measured in situ changed slightly along climatic gradients (< 10% variance explained). In contrast, under a common environment we observed that (1) grass traits changed strongly along a climatic gradient (30‐85% variance explained) and, (2) a proportion of those changes were related to the association between photosynthetic pathway of the species and precipitation.  相似文献   

The large Asian gastropod mollusc Rapana venosa Valenciennes 1846 (Neogastropoda, formerly Muricidae, currently Thaididae) is reported for eastern North America in the lower Chesapeake Bay and James River, Virginia, USA. This record represents a transoceanic range expansion for this carnivorous species. This species has previously been introduced to the Black Sea, Adriatic Sea, and Aegean Sea. Ballast water transport of larval stages from the eastern Mediterranean or Black Sea is the suspected vector of introduction into the Chesapeake Bay; 650 adult specimens in the size range 68–165mm shell length (SL) have been collected from hard sand bottom in depths ranging from 5 to 20m at salinities of 18–28ppt. The absence of small individuals from local collections is probably related to bias in collection methods. Age of the specimens could not be determined. R. venosa is probably capable of reproducing in the Chesapeake Bay. Egg cases of R. venosa were collected from Hampton Roads, a section of the James River, in August 1998, and hatched over a 21-day period under laboratory conditions to release viable bilobed veliger larvae. Four lobed larvae developed 4 days post-hatching and apparent morphological metamorphic competency was observed 14–17 days post-hatching. Despite the provision of live substrates and/or metamorphic inducers no metamorphosis to a crawling form was observed for larvae cultured on the monospecific diet. In work performed during 1999 settlement was observed for larvae cultured on a diet of mixed flagellates and diatoms and subsequently exposed to local epifaunal species. Salinity tolerance tests were performed on larvae at 1–6 days post-hatching. No deleterious effects were observed at salinities as low as 10ppt with limited survival to 7ppt at 6 days post-hatch. Current distribution is considered in context with larval salinity tolerance tests and literature describing native Asian and introduced populations to assess potential for establishment and further range extension both within the Chesapeake Bay and along the Atlantic coast of North America. Establishment within the Bay mainstem to the Rappahannock River with minor incursions into the mouths of the southerly subestuaries is considered feasible. A projected breeding range on the Atlantic seaboard extending from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras is considered as tenable. Potential impact of R. venosa on commercially valuable shellfish stocks throughout the projected range is cause for serious concern. Boring by the polychaete Polydora websteri is more prevalent in the younger whorls of the shell, and absent in shell laid down later in life. This pattern suggests that juvenile animals may prefer hard substrates and not adopt an infaunal lifestyle until a size in excess of 50mmSL, or after reaching maturity.  相似文献   

The South American tern Sterna hirundinacea is a migratory species for which dispersal, site fidelity and migratory routes are largely unknown. Here, we used five microsatellite loci and 799 bp partial mitochondrial DNA sequences (Cytochrome b and ND2) to investigate the genetic structure of South American terns from the South Atlantic Ocean (Brazilian and Patagonian colonies). Brazilian and Patagonian colonies have two distinct breeding phenologies (austral winter and austral summer, respectively) and are under the influence of different oceanographic features (e.g. Brazil and Falklands/Malvinas ocean currents, respectively), that may promote genetic isolation between populations. Results show that the Atlantic populations are not completely panmictic, nevertheless, contrary to our expectations, low levels of genetic structure were detected between Brazilian and Patagonian colonies. Such low differentiation (despite temporal isolation of the colonies) could be explained by demographic history of these populations coupled with ongoing levels of gene flow. Interestingly, estimations of gene flow through Maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches has indicated asymmetrical long term and contemporary gene flow from Brazilian to Patagonian colonies, approaching a source–sink metapopulation dynamic. Genetic analysis of other South American tern populations (especially those from the Pacific coast and Falklands–Malvinas Islands) and other seabird species showing similar geographical distribution (e.g. royal tern Thalasseus maximus), are fundamental in gaining a better understanding of the main processes involved in the diversification of seabirds in the southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Regional patterns of mussel species distributions in North American rivers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Caryn C. Vaughn 《Ecography》1997,20(2):107-115
North American freshwater mussels are a highly threatened group with half of the fauna already federally listed as threatened or endangered candidates for listing, or believed extinct Using data from 16 river systems I examined distributional attributes of mussel species to gain insight into the importance of regional-scale processes vs local-scale processes to species distribution patterns There was no evidence of density compensation or saturation which would have indirectly indicated that competition was important in structuring mussel communities Rather there was a positive correlation between summed species densities and regional richness, indicating that regional forces may be strongly contributing to community structure Incidence, abundance and nestedness patterns all indicated a hierarchical niche structure for these mussel assemblages I hypothesize that these hierarchical patterns may be the result of differences in colonization potentials among mussel species as a result of different fish-host requirements among mussels, and of the abundance and distribution of those host fishes  相似文献   

Ramírez  C.  San Martín  C.  Oyarzún  A.  Figueroa  H. 《Plant Ecology》1997,130(2):101-109
The morphology of the 11 taxa of South American Nothofagus are compared. Thirty eight characteristics were taken into account: 12 from leaves, 3 from stipules, 3 from buds, 6 from cupules, 7 from fruits, 4 from petioles and 3 from male flowers. The data matrix, with average values of 100 measurements per taxon, was analyzed with multivariate statistical methods of classification and polar and spatial ordination. Five groups were established: The first one (Nothofagus obliqua, N. obliqua var. macrocarpa, N. leoni and N. alessandrii), with deciduous leaves, is adapted to mediterranean climatic conditions. The second groups (N. dombeyi, N. nitida and N. antarctica), with small leaves which are evergreen for the first two species and deciduous for the last, develops under temperate humid conditions typical of the Valdivian region. The three remaining groups correspond to isolated species with different requirements: N. glauca, has large deciduous leaves and colonizes the most xerophytic biotope that a Nothofagus in central Chile can tolerate. N. pumilio, with mid-sized deciduous leaves, is adapted to the cold and dry zones of the southern Andes. Finally, N. betuloides, with small evergreen leaves, grows in the cold/humid somewhat boggy conditions of the Magellanic region.  相似文献   

Aims We analyse here the variations in species composition and richness and the geographic ranges of the tree species occurring in South American subtropical Atlantic and Pampean forests. Our goals were to assess (i) the floristic consistency of usual classifications based on vegetation physiognomy, climate and elevation; (ii) the leading role of temperature-related variables on the variations in species composition and richness; (iii) the predominance of species with tropical–subtropical ranges, possibly as a result of forest expansion over grasslands after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM); (iv) the restriction of most subtropical endemics to stressful habitats as a possible result of past forest refuges during the LGM.Methods The region was defined by the Tropic of Capricorn to the north, the Rio de la Plata to the south, the Atlantic shoreline to the east and the catchment areas of the upper Paraná and Uruguay Rivers to the west. Multivariate analyses, multiple regression modelling and variance partition analyses were performed on a database containing 63 994 occurrence records of 1555 tree species in 491 forest sites and 48 environmental variables. All species were also classified according to their known geographic range.Important findings A main differentiation in species composition and richness was observed between the eastern windward coastlands (rain and cloud forests) and western leeward hinterlands (Araucaria and semi-deciduous forests). Pre-defined forest types on both sides were consistent with variations in tree species composition, which were significantly related to both environmental variables and spatial proximity, with extremes of low temperature playing a chief role. Tree species richness declined substantially towards the south and also from rain to seasonal forests and towards the highland summits and sandy shores. Species richness was significantly correlated with both minimum temperature and actual evapotranspiration. About 91% of the subtropical flora is shared with the much richer tropical flora, probably extracting species that can cope with frost outbreaks. The 145 subtropical endemics were not concentrated in harsher habitats.  相似文献   

We analysed breeding sounds of the two subspecies of South American Snipe Gallinago paraguaiae paraguaiae and Gallinago paraguaiae magellanica to determine whether they might be different species: loud vocalizations given on the ground, and the tail-generated Winnow given in aerial display. Sounds of the two taxa differ qualitatively and quantitatively. Both taxa utter two types of ground call. In G. p. paraguaiae, the calls are bouts of identical sound elements repeated rhythmically and slowly (about five elements per second (Hz)) or rapidly (about 11 Hz). One call of G. p. magellanica is qualitatively similar to those of G. p. paraguaiae but sound elements are repeated more slowly (about 3 Hz). However, its other call type differs strikingly: it is a bout of rhythmically repeated sound couplets, each containing two kinds of sound element. The Winnow of G. p. paraguaiae is a series of sound elements that gradually increase in duration and energy; by contrast, that of G. p. magellanica has two or more kinds of sound element that roughly alternate and are repeated as sets, imparting a stuttering quality. Sounds of the related Puna Snipe (Gallinago andina) resemble but differ quantitatively from those of G. p. paraguaiae. Differences in breeding sounds of G. p. paraguaiae and G. p. magellanica are strong and hold throughout their geographical range. Therefore we suggest that the two taxa be considered different species: G. paraguaiae east of the Andes in much of South America except Patagonia, and G. magellanica in central and southern Chile, Argentina east of the Andes across Patagonia, and Falklands/Malvinas.  相似文献   

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