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pH changes and sulfide production upon addition of sulfate, sulfite or thiosulfate to non-buffered H2-saturated cell suspensions of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans were studied by means of electrodes. The addition of these electron acceptors resulted in a rapid alkalinization of the suspension which was accompanied by sulfide production. At-2° C, alkalinization without immediate sulfide production could be obtained. After addition of 35S-labelled sulfate at-2° C, the label was found to be concentrated 7,500-fold in the cells, while 2 protons per sulfate molecule had disappeared from the outer bulk phase. Alkalinization and sulfide production from micromolar electron acceptor additions depended on the transmembraneous proton gradient ( pH), and were reversibly inhibited in alkaline solution (pH>8.0) or by the protonophore carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Protonophore-inhibited sulfide production from sulfite or thiosulfate could be restored if the cell membranes were permeabilized by the detergent cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), or if downhill transport was made possible by the addition of electron acceptors at millimolar concentrations. Sulfate was not reduced under these conditions, presumably because the cells did not contain ATP for its activation. K+-and Na+-ionophores such as nigericin, valinomycin or monensin appeared to be of limited efficiency in D. desulfuricans. In most experiments, sulfate reduction was inhibited by the K+–H+ antiporter nigericin in the presence of K+, but not by the thiocyanate anion or the K+-transporter valinomycin. The results indicate that sulfate, sulfite and thiosulfate are taken up by proton-anion symport, presumably as undissociated acids with an electroneutral mechanism, driven by the transmembraneous pH gradient ( pH) or by a solute gradient. Kinetics of alkalinization and sulfide production in cells grown with different electron acceptors revealed that D. desulfuricans has different specific uptake systems for sulfate and thiosulfate, and obviously also for sulfite. It is proposed that the electron acceptor transport finally will not consume net energy during growth in buffered medium: The protons taken up during active electron acceptor transport leave the cell with the reduced end-product by simple passive diffusion of H2S.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - FCCP carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxy phenylhydrazone - CTAB cethyltrimethylammonium bromide  相似文献   

Shewanella oneidensis is a model species for aquatic ecosystems and plays an important role in bioremediation, biofuel cell manufacturing and biogeochemical cycling. S. oneidensis MR-1 is able to generate hydrogen sulfide from various sulfur species; however, its catalytic kinetics have not been determined. In this study, five in-frame deletion mutants of S. oneidensis were constructed and their H2S-producing activities were analyzed. SirA and PsrA were the two major contributors to H2S generation under anoxic cultivation, and the optimum SO32− concentration for sulfite respiration was approximately 0.8 mM, while the optimum S2O32− concentration for thiosulfate respiration was approximately 0.4 mM. Sulfite and thiosulfate were observed to interfere with each other during respiration, and a high concentration of sulfite or thiosulfate chelated extracellular free-iron but did not repress the expression of sirA or psrA. Nitrite and nitrate were two preferred electron acceptors during anaerobic respiration; however, under energy-insufficient conditions, S. oneidensis could utilize multiple electron acceptors simultaneously. Elucidiating the stoichiometry of H2S production in S. oneidensis would be helpful for the application of this species in bioremediation and biofuel cell manufacturing, and would help to characterize the ecophysiology of sulfur cycling.  相似文献   

The present work was devoted to investigations concerning the purification and characterisation of the fructooligosaccharide (FOS)-producing extracellular enzyme of Rhodotorula sp. LEB-V10. FOS are functional food ingredients showing prebiotic properties, meaning that it could stimulate selectively the growth and/or activity of probiotic bacteria in the gut. The purification of the enzyme was carried out according to the following sequential procedure: cell separation by centrifugation, recovering by ethanol precipitation and purification by anion exchange chromatography. The molecular weight was estimated to be 170 kDa by preparative gel filtration and 77 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, signifying that the native enzyme exists as a dimer. With sucrose as substrate, the data failed to fit the Michaelis-Menten behaviour, rather showing a sigmoid shape similar to that of the allosteric enzymes (cooperative behaviour), requiring high sucrose concentrations to obtain high reaction rates. The enzyme showed both fructofuranosidase (FA) and fructosyl-transferase (FTA) activities. The optimum pH and temperature for FA activity were found to be around 4.0 and 72-75 degrees C, respectively, while FTA showed optimum activity at pH 4.5 and 65-70 degrees C. Both activities were very stable at temperatures below 66 degrees C, while for FA, the enzyme was more stable at pH 4.0 and for FTA at pH 5.0.  相似文献   

A periplasmic thiosulfate dehydrogenase (EC was purified to homogeneity from the neutrophilic, obligately chemolithoautotrophicThiobacillus sp. W5. A five-step procedure resulted in an approximately 2,300-fold purification. The purified protein had a molecular mass of 120±3 kDa, as determined by gel filtration. It is probably a tetramer containing two different subunits with molecular masses of 33±1 kDa and 27±0.5 kDa, as determined by SDS-PAGE. UV/visible spectroscopy revealed that the enzyme contained haemc; haem staining showed that both subunits contained haemc. A haemc content of 4 mol per mol of enzyme was calculated using the pyridine haemochrome test. The pH optimum of the enzyme was 5.5 At pH 7.5, the Km and Vmax were 120±10 M and 1,160±30 U mg-1, respectively. The absence of 2-heptyl-4-hydroquinoline-N-oxide (HQNO) inhibition for the oxidation of thiosulfate by whole cells suggested that the electrons enter the respiratory chain at the level of cytochromec. Comparison with thiosulfate dehydrogenases from otherThiobacillus species showed that the enzyme was structurally similar to the thiosulfate dehydrogenase of the acidophilic, facultatively chemolithoautotrophicThiobacillus acidophilus, but not to the thiosulfate dehydrogenases published for the obligately chemolithoautotrophicThiobacillus tepidarius andThiobacillus thioparus.Abbreviations BV Benzyl viologen - DCPIP 2,6-Dichloroindophenol - HQNO 2-Heptyl-4-hydroquinoline-N-oxide - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PES Phenazine ethosulfate - PMS Phenazine methosulfate  相似文献   

Deenergized cells of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strain Essex 6 formed trithionate and thiosulfate during reduction of sulfite with H2 or formate. The required conditions were pretreatment with the uncoupler carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), low concentration of the electron donor H2 or formate (25–200 M) and the presence of sulfite in excess (>250 M). The cells formed up to 20 M thiosulfate, and variable amounts of trithionate (0–9 M) and sulfide (0–62 M). Tetrathionate was not produced. Sulfate could not replace sulfite in these experiments, as deenergized cells cannot activate sulfate. However, up to 5 M thiosulfate was produced by cells growing with H2 and excess sulfate in a chemostat. Micromolar concentrations of trithionate were incompletely reduced to thiosulfate and sulfide by washed cells in the presence of CCCP. Millimolar trithionate concentrations blocked the formation of sulfide, even in the absence of CCCP, and caused thiosulfate accumulation; sulfide formation from sulfate, sulfite or thiosulfate was stopped, too. Trithionate reduction with H2 in the presence of thiocyanate was coupled to respiration-driven proton translocation (extrapolated H+/H2 ratios of 1.5±0.6). Up to 150 M trithionate was formed by washed cells during oxidation of sulfite plus thiosulfate with ferricyanide as electron acceptor (reversed trithionate reductase activity). Cell breakage resulted in drastic decrease of sulfide formation. Cell-free extract reduced sulfite incompletely to trithionate, thiosulfate, and sulfide. Thiosulfate was reduced stoichiometrically to sulfite and sulfide (thiosulfate reductase activity). The formation of sulfide from sulfite, thiosulfate or trithionate by cell-free extract was blocked by methyl viologen, leading to increased production of thiosulfate plus trithionate from sulfite, or increased thiosulfate formation from trithionate. Our study demonstrates for the first time the formation of intermediates during sulfite reduction with whole cells of a sulfate-reducing bacterium oxidizing physiological electron donors. All results are in accordance with the trithionate pathway of sulfite reduction.With gratitude dedicated to Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfennig on occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

An inducible sulfite reductase was purified from Clostridium pasteurianum. The pH optimum of the enzyme is 7.5 in phosphate buffer. The molecular weight of the reductase was determined to be 83,600 from sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis with a proposed molecular structure: 22. Its absorption spectrum showed a maximum at 275 nm, a broad shoulder at 370 nm and a very small absorption maximum at 585 nm. No siroheme chromophore was isolated from this reductase. The enzyme could reduced the following substrates in preferential order: NH2OH> SeO 3 2- >NO 2 2- at rates 50% or less of its preferred substrate SO 3 2- . The proposed dissimilatory intermediates, S3O 6 2- or S2O 3 2- , were not utilized by this reductase while KCN inhibited its activity. Varying the substrate concentration [SO 3 2- ] from 1 to 2.5 mol affected the stoichiometry of the enzyme reaction by alteration of the ratio of H2 uptake to S2- formed from 2.5:1 to 3.1:1. The inducible sulfite reductase was found to be linked to ferredoxin which could be completely replaced by methyl viologen or partially by benzyl viologen. Some of the above-mentioned enzyme properties and physiological considerations indicated that it was a dissimilatory type sulfite reductase.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - BSA bovine serum albumin - LDH Lactate dehydrogenase  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas palustris cells, characterized by a lamellar type intracytoplasmic chromatophore membrane system after phototrophic growth, yielded a crude supernatant cell-free fraction (S-144) after ultracentrifugation which retained the contents of both the cell compartments. After thiosulfate-dependent growth, a protein system was isolated from S-144 which catalyzed the thiosulfate-linked reduction of an endogenous c-type cytochrome. — The colorless oxidoreductase protein, after purification to homogeneity, revealed a molecular weight of 93,000 and, after SDS treatment, a particle weight of 48,000. It was focused at an average pI of 5.45. Apparent K m values for several substrates were in the M range. The electron acceptor for thiosulfate oxidation was found to be a cytochrome c from S-144. The homogeneous acceptor protein, at liquid nitrogen temperature, exhibited absorption maxima at 549.0, 518.5 and 418.0 nm, and shoulders at 525.5, 512.0 and 508.0 nm. Its molecular weight was found to be 17,000 (gel filtration) and 16,000 (SDS gel electrophoresis). It was characterized by a pI of 10.0. Its midpoint redox potential of E m,7.0=+228 mV was determined by redox titrations and the value of +205 mV by spectrophotometric calculations.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - HiPIP high potential nonheme iron protein - IEF isoclectric focusing - SDS dodecylsulfate, sodium salt - Temed N,N,N,N-tetramethylethylenediamine  相似文献   

Chromatium vinosum cells form a vesicular type intracytoplasmic membrane system during phototrophic growth on thiosulfate.—An enzyme protein transferring electrons from thiosulfate to cytochromes of type c was enriched from S-144. The colorless thiosulfate: cytochrome c oxidoreductase was characterized by a molecular weight of 36,000 (after dodecylsulfate treatment) and 35,000 (by gel filtration). Isoelectric focusing revealed a pI range of 4.4 to 4.7. Apparent K m values for the cytochromes tested were in the M range. — The endogenous electron acceptor compound, isolated from the chromatophore fraction P-144, was found to be a membrane-bound cytochrome c-552. The homogeneous cytochrome protein had an average pI value of 4.65 and a molecular weight of 71,500 determined by gel filtration. By dodecylsulfate electrophoresis it was cleaved into two proteins representing particle weights of 45,000 and 20,000.Abbreviations HiPIP high potential nonheme iron protein - IEF isoelectric focusing - SDS dodecylsulfate, sodium salt - Temed N,N,N,N-tetramethylethylenediamine  相似文献   

Thiobacillus denitrificans strain RT could be grown anaerobically in batch culture on thiosulfate but not on other reduced sulfur compounds like sulfide, elemental sulfur, thiocyanate, polythionates or sulfite. During growth on thiosulfate the assimilated cell sulfur was derived totally from the outer or sulfane sulfur. Thiosulfate oxidation started with a rhodanese type cleavage between sulfane and sulfone sulfur leading to elemental sulfur and sulfite. As long as thiosulfate was present elemental sulfur was transiently accumulated within the cells in a form that could be shown to be more reactive than elemental sulfur present in a hydrophilic sulfur sol, however, less reactive than sulfane sulfur of polythionates or organic and inorganic polysulfides. When thiosulfate had been completely consumed, intracellular elemental sulfur was rapidly oxidized to sulfate with a specific rate of 45 natom S°/min·mg protein. Extracellularly offered elemental sulfur was not oxidized under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas globiformis is able to assimilate both sulfur moieties of thiosulfate. During growth on 35S-labelled thiosulfate the amino acids cysteine, homocysteine and methionine were labelled. The bulk of thiosulfate, however, was oxidized to tetrathionate and accumulated in the medium. A thiosulfate: acceptor oxidoreductase was partially purified and characterized. The enzyme oxidized thiosulfate to tetrathionate in the presence of ferricyanide. A c-type cytochrome isolated from this organism was reduced by this enzyme.  相似文献   

Twenty-five psychrophilic yeasts were isolated from the soil of Roopkund Lake, Himalayas, India. Two colony morphotypes were identified and representatives of ‘morphotype 1’ were identified as Cryptococcus gastricus. Representatives of ‘morphotype 2’, namely 3AT, 4A, 4B and Rup4B, showed similar phenotypic properties and are identical with respect to the nucleotide sequence of the ITS1-5.8S rRNA gene-ITS2 region and D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene. The sequence of D1/D2 domain of 3AT shows 97.6–98.8% similarity with Rhodotorula psychrophila CBS10440T, Rhodotorula glacialis CBS10437T and Rhodotorula psychrophenolica CBS10438T and in the neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree strains; 3AT, 4A, 4B and Rup4B form a cluster with Rhodotorula glacialis and Rhodotorula psychrophila. Strains 3AT, 4A, 4B and Rup4B also differ from their nearest phylogenetic relatives in several biochemical characteristics such as in assimilation of d-galactose, l-sorbose, maltose, citrate, d-glucuronate and creatinine. Thus, based on the phylogenetic analysis and the phenotypic differences 3AT, 4A, 4B and Rup 4B are assigned the status of a new species of Rhodotorula for which the name Rhodotorula himalayensis sp. nov. is proposed with 3AT as the type strain (=CBS10539T =MTCC8336T). GenBank/EMBL accession numbers for (partial) 18SrRNA gene-ITS1-5.8S rRNA gene-ITS2-26S rRNA gene (partial) sequences of Rhodotorula himalayensis sp. nov. 3AT is AM410635.  相似文献   

Maximum accumulation of ergosterol by Rhodotorula glutinis IIP-30 [4% (w/w) of the biomass] was at pH 4 and 28 to 30°C, wich glucose or sucrose as carbon source and (NH4)2SO4 as N-source. Molasses only gave 1% (w/w) ergosterol content, as did KNO3 or urea when used as sole N source.V.W. Johnson was and N.K. Yadav is with the Microbiology Department, School of Science, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad 380 009, India. V.W. Johnson is now with the Blotechnology Laboratory, Research Centre, Gujarat State Fertillizers Company Ltd, Baroda 391 750, India. M. Singh was with the Applied Biology Laboratory, Research Centre, Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd, Baroda 391 345, India, and is now with Pfizer Limited, 178, Industrial Area, Chandigarh 160 002, India.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the presence in propanesulfonate-grown Comamonas acidovorans strain P53 of a cytoplasmically located sulfonatase that does not sediment at 100,000 × g. This enzyme catalysed the sulfonate-dependent oxidation of NADH or NADPH, indicating a monooxygenase that effects the addition of molecular oxygen to C3-C6 1-alkanesulfonates. Enzyme activity was proportional to protein concentration only above approximately 2 mg cytoplasmic fraction protein ml–1, suggesting that the sulfonatase is a multicomponent enzyme, possibly comparable with methanesulfonate monooxygenase. Enzyme activity was strongly inhibited by divalent metal-chelating agents, but was insensitive to cyanide and azide. Sulfite released from sulfonates by Comamonas acidovorans was oxidized by an unusual sulfite dehydrogenase. This was purified approximately 230-fold and was shown to have a molecular mass of 74.4 kDa, comprising two or more subunits. The enzyme activity was specific in vitro for ferricyanide as an electron acceptor and, unlike other bacterial sulfite dehydrogenases, did not contain native cytochrome c or reduce added cytochrome c. It was a basic protein, insensitive to chloride and sulfate, and exhibited a K m for sulfite of approximately 45 μM. Received: 19 May 1999 / Accepted: 3 September 1999  相似文献   

Thiosulfate-reductase activity (TSR) measured as sulfide release from thiosulfate was detected in crude extracts of Chlorella using dithioerythritol (DTE) as electron donor. Purification of this activity by ammonium-sulfate precipitation between 35% and 80% followed by Sephadex G-50 gel filtration, diethylaminoethyl-cellulose chromatography, and gel filtration on Biogel A 1.5 M led to four distinct proteins having molecular weights of: TSR I, 28000; TSR II, 26500; TSR IIIa, 55000; TSR IIIb, 24000 daltons. These thiosulfate reductases were most active with DTE; the monothiols glutathione, l-cysteine, and -mercaptoethanol had little activity towards this system. The following pH optima were obtained: for TSR I and TSR II, 9.0; for TSR IIIa, 8.5; and for TSR IIIb, 9.5. The apparent-Km data for DTE and thiosulfate were determined to: TSR I, 0.164 mmol·l-1 and TSR II, 0.156 mmol·l-1; KmDTE TSR I, 1.54 mmol·l-1 and TSR II 1.54 mmol·l-1. The thiosulfate reductases IIIa and IIIb were further stimulated by addition of thioredoxin. All TSR fractions catalyzed SCN formation from thiosulfate and cyanate and thus had rhodanese activity; this activity, however, could only be detected in the presence of thiols.Abbreviations DTE dithioerythritol - TSR thiosulfate reductase Dedicated to Professor Dr. Hubert Ziegler on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Growth rate stimulation of marine pseudomonads by thiosulfate   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The oxidation of thiosulfate to tetrathionate exerts a definite growth rate stimulation in glucose, acetate, and yeast extract cultures of some marine pseudomonads. The failure to find this effect in earlier studies with terrestrial isolates may lie in the particular conditions used in the present experiments (constant pH, high ratio of thiosulfate to organic substrate) or in the different metabolic characteristics of the marine isolates.Contribution No. 3220 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  相似文献   

Xylose or glucose (5 g/l) was utilized simultaneously with benzoate (5 g/l) byRhodosporidium toruloides andRhodotorula rubra in batch culture. At a higher glucose concentration, benzoate was utilized only after glucose was depleted from the media. Both yeasts preferentially utilized benzoate before xylose even if there were more than 5 g xylose/l.Rhodotorula glutinis preferentially utilized glucose (10 g/l) before benzoate but utilized xylose and benzoate simultaneously.The authors are with the Department of Biochemical Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Slovak Technical University, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic  相似文献   

A novel sulfite oxidase has been identified from Thermus thermophilus AT62. Despite this enzyme showing significant amino-acid sequence homology to several bacterial and eukaryal putative and identified sulfite oxidases, the kinetic analysis, performed following the oxidation of sulfite and with ferricyanide as the electron acceptor, already pointed out major differences from representatives of bacterial and eukaryal sources. Sulfite oxidase from T. thermophilus, purified to homogeneity, is a monomeric enzyme with an apparent molecular mass of 39.1 kDa and is almost exclusively located in the periplasm fraction. The enzyme showed sulfite oxidase activity only when ferricyanide was used as electron acceptor, which is different from most of sulfite-oxidizing enzymes from several sources that use cytochrome c as co-substrate. Spectroscopic studies demonstrated that the purified sulfite oxidase has no cytochrome like domain, normally present in homologous enzymes from eukaryotic and prokaryotic sources, and for this particular feature it is similar to homologous enzyme from Arabidopsis thaliana. The identified gene was PCR amplified on T. thermophilus AT62 genome, expressed in Escherichia coli and the recombinant protein identified and characterized.  相似文献   

Unsheared DNA has been isolated from Rhodotorula and Rhodosporidium yeasts using a cell-wall-digesting enzyme preparation from Paecilomyces lilacinus. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis indicated that at least 11 chromosomes were present in Rhodot. gracilis ATCC 90950. The DNA was amenable to digestion with restriction enzymes.The authors are with the Department of Microbiology, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore-570 013, India.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Rhodotorula was isolated from a tubeworm (Lamellibrachia sp.) collected at a depth of 1156 m in Sagami Bay, Japan. Strain SY-89 had physiological properties quite similar to R. aurantiaca. Two phylogenetic trees, one based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and 5.8S rDNA sequences and the other based on the D1/D2 region of the large subunit (26S) rDNA sequences, united strain SY-89 to the type strain of Sakaguchia dacryoides through a considerable evolutionary distance. Strain SY-89 was differentiated from S. dacryoides by the G+C content of the nuclear DNA and differences in the ability to utilize specific carbon and nitrogen compounds. The low complementarity of strain SY-89 DNA to that of the type strain of S. dacryoides confirmed that this strain was genetically unrelated to previously known species. The tubeworm isolates are described as R. lamellibrachii sp. nov. The type strain of R. lamellibrachii is strain SY-89 (= JCM 10907). R. lamellibrachii formed a cluster with Erythrobasidium hasegawianum, R. lactosa, S. dacryoides and Sporobolomyces elongatus on the ITS and 5.8S rDNA phylogenetic tree. These five species shared a signature sequence in 26S rDNA, although this relationship was not supported by phylogeny based on the D1/D2 region of 26S rDNA.  相似文献   

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