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Competition for resources and the need for cooperation are reported to affect patterns of social interactions and thus the quality of social relationships in primates. Relationships may be described as high quality when both individuals behave in a way that benefits their partner. We investigated the distribution of a wide range of social behaviors across sex partner combinations of adult spider monkeys with specific reference to contested resources. Data were collected from two communities of wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis) in the Otoch Ma'ax Yetel Kooh reserve in Yucatan, Mexico. Affiliative behavior was exchanged most frequently between males, and as male-male aggression was rare, male-male social relationships were characterized as high quality. Female-female social relationships were best described as low quality as females showed no preference to be in proximity with other females and female-female affiliative behavior was rare. Relationships between the sexes generally were characterized by high rates of female-directed male aggression, although additional investigation into the effects of kinship and female reproductive state on male-female relationships is required before further conclusions can be drawn. Dyadic and coalitionary female-female aggression was significantly higher than expected in a feeding context, confirming that female spider monkeys primarily compete for access to food. Male-male aggression did not increase significantly when in the presence of females, but males embraced at higher rates when in mixed-sex subgroups. As embraces serve to reduce the likelihood of aggression during tense situations, high rates of male-male embraces in mixed-sex subgroups may mitigate male conflicts over access to females.  相似文献   

I report ad libitum data on 18 copulations involving free-ranging black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. All copulations were performed in a dorsoventral position, as is typically reported for this genus. Intromission often appeared difficult to achieve, possibly as a result of the large size of the glans penis in these animals. The average length from intromission to termination of thrusting exceeded 17 min, followed by an average period of almost 2 min before separation occurred, which suggests the possibility of a copulatory lock. Offspring of the female participant were almost always in close proximity to or in contact with the pair, and harassment by the offspring was observed only during the final stages of the copulation. All but one copulatory event occurred in complete seclusion from other adult males, and sexual behavior was not limited to any one adult male in the group.  相似文献   

Results of a long-term field study on the ecology and social organization of two groups of black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus chamek) in Peru are reported. Demography, ranging patterns, and activity budgets provide insight into some of the proximate determinants of fission-fusion social organization in this species and illustrate the different strategies used by males and females to gain access to critical resources. Longitudinal data on known individuals provide evidence for male natal philopatry and female emigration at sexual maturity in this population. Interbirth intervals are long (mean = 34.5 months) in comparison with most other primate species, and 5 of 15 infants seen within a few days of birth died or disappeared before they were a year old. Home ranges are large (150–250 ha) and fairly discrete; overlap with neighboring groups is on the order of 10–15%. Males and females differed substantially in their ranging patterns; females, particularly those with infants, restricted much of their ranging to a “core area” 20–33% the size of the total group range, whereas males ranged more evenly over the entire area occupied by the group. Daily path length varied over almost an order of magnitude from 465 m to 4,070 m, with a mean of 1977 m. Males spent more time traveling and less time feeding than most females. These results are compared with those obtained in previous studies of Ateles and with similar data from other primate species to assess their implications for the evolution of fission-fusion sociality in spider monkeys. The ecological factors responsible for the evolution of very similar social organizations in spider monkeys and chimpanzees are discussed.  相似文献   

I report three cases of coalitionary aggression by adult male black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) against subadult males within their community on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. Two of these cases were followed by the disappearance and presumed death of the victim. Similar behavior was recently reported by Valero et al. [in press], who suggested that this behavior may be the result of intense male reproductive competition. Like the single instance they reported, the cases I report all occurred when the operational sex ratio was approximately 1:1, which suggests that intense competition among males for access to reproductively viable females may be a contributing factor. Additionally the very low density of spider monkeys on BCI may play a significant role in the occurrence of this lethal aggression. Large numbers of adult males are not necessary to protect a territorial boundary against neighboring groups, and additional males may act merely as mating competition.  相似文献   

The social niche specialization hypothesis predicts that repeated social interactions will generate social niches within groups, thereby promoting consistent individual differences in behaviour. Current support for this hypothesis is mixed, probably because the importance of social niches is dependent upon the ecology of the species. We test whether repeated interactions among group mates generate consistent individual differences in boldness in the social spider, Stegodyphus dumicola. In support of the social niche specialization hypothesis, we found that consistent individual differences in boldness increased with longer group tenure. Interestingly, these differences took longer to appear than in previous work suggesting this species needs more persistent social interactions to shape its behaviour. Recently disturbed colonies were shyer than older colonies, possibly reflecting differences in predation risk. Our study emphasizes the importance of the social environment in generating animal personalities, but also suggests that the pattern of personality development can depend on subtle differences in species'' ecologies.  相似文献   

Background A spider monkey with severe dyspnea was referred to our clinic. Methods and Results Radiographs revealed an enlarged cardiac silhouette. Ventricular tachycardia and ST segment depression were also diagnosed after an ECG. These findings coupled with the postmortem examination confirmed dilatative cardiomyopathy. Conclusions This case is worthy of presentation since dilatative cardiomyopathy has been rarely encountered in spider monkeys.  相似文献   

In order to refine the concept of brachiation as a locomotor mode and to examine the complex relationship between locomotor behavior and muscle morphology, we have undertaken a telemetered electromyographic (EMG) analysis of muscle recruitment in brachiating gibbons (Hylobates lar) and spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth andAteles fusciceps) Electrical activity patterns were determined for both support and swing phases in the following muscles: cranial pectoralis major, caudal pectoralis major, middle deltoideus, short head of biceps brachii, flexor digitorum superficialis, latissimus dorsi, and dorsoepitrochlearis. Our experimental findings reinforce earlier behavioral observations that brachiation is not a discrete, stereotyped locomotor activity. EMG patterns differed most between gibbon and spider monkey in those muscles that exhibit markedly disparate morphologies in the two genera-pectoralis major (both portions) and the short head of biceps brachii. Additional recruitment differences appear related to consistent species-specific differences in the timing and mechanics of both support and swing phases, and probably to the role of the prehensile tail as a fail-safe mechanism in the spider monkey.  相似文献   

I studied alloparental behavior in a captive group of spider monkeys at the Auckland Zoo using seven infants as focal subjects and assessed the effects of age, sex, and reproductive status of alloparents on patterns of infant-other interaction. Adult males initiated interactions with infants most often, followed by adult females. Immature individuals interacted with infants infrequently. Infants themselves initiated contact with adult males more often than with other members of the group. Alloparental behavior in spider monkeys differs from that in most other species in that the infant is an active rather than a passive participant in alloparental interactions. I discuss the patterns of infant-other interaction in relation to the social structure and dispersal patterns of Ateles.  相似文献   

Fission-fusion social organization inAteles andPan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent research on the ecology and behavior of free-ranging spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus chamek) allows a more detailed comparison with the chimpanzee,Pan troglodytes, than has been possible previously. Despite their distant common ancestry, chimpanzees and spider monkeys share an unusual fission-fusion social system. In this paper, I compare subgroup size and composition, social unit structure, ranging behavior, patterns of philopatry and dispersal, and social relationships in the two taxa. It is proposed that spatial and temporal patchiness in food dispersion and abundance, resulting in a high-level of feeding competition between females within a group, has been the most important ecological selection pressure leading to the evolution of fission-fusion social organization in both species.  相似文献   

1. Correlated individual differences in behaviour across ecological contexts, or behavioural syndromes, can theoretically constrain individuals' ability to optimally adjust their behaviour for specific contexts. 2. Female Anelosimus studiosus exhibit a unique behavioural polymorphism: ‘social’ females are tolerant of conspecifics and aggregate in multi‐female colonies, while ‘solitary’ females aggressively defend their singleton webs from intrusion by adult female conspecifics. Previous work found that social females are also less aggressive toward prey and are more fearful of predators. 3. In this study we quantify potential fitness consequences of these correlated behaviours by examining the potential and realised fecundities of the two phenotypes in naturally occurring colonies, and by quantifying their ability to rear offspring as singleton individuals. 4. There were no differences in the fecundities of laboratory‐reared females between the phenotypes, nor were there differences in field‐collected brooding females from naturally occurring solitary and social nests. 5. Brooding females from solitary and social colonies that were isolated in new nests for the growing season were both capable of rearing their broods; however, females from solitary nests had significantly greater success. 6. These results suggest a fitness consequence to the reduced‐aggression syndrome of social females that may represent a general impediment to the evolution of sociality in spiders.  相似文献   

An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was applied to characterize the reproductive endocrinology of adult female black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Analysis of paired urine and fecal samples, collected from two females housed at San Diego Zoo, confirmed that the EIAs employed provided quantitative measurements of ovarian sex steroid hormones. Fecal metabolite levels were significantly correlated with those in urine, confirming that feces are a valid source of steroid metabolites in this species. The excretion of these metabolites in feces lagged urinary excretion by 1-2 days. The ovarian cycle profiles of the two captive females and five free-ranging females are comparable, with an average length of approximately 20-23 days. Cyclical bleeding, as previously reported, was observed in one of the two captive females. Pregnancy was detected in four free-ranging females, and early fetal loss for one female was indicated by hormonal data.  相似文献   

Social behaviour in spiders is rare: of the 39 000 species of spiders known, only 23 are considered to be cooperatively social. Delena cancerides is a social species of the huntsman spider that is endemic to Australia. This species is virtually unique among social spiders, having evolved social behaviour in the absence of a snare web. It is thought that this form of social behaviour in D. cancerides has evolved via the sub-social route, that is, the extension of an ancestrally occurring period of maternal care and the delayed dispersal of juveniles. Most social spiders show no aggression towards non-kin conspecifics, prompting suggestions that spiders cannot recognize kin; however, D. cancerides individuals are highly aggressive towards conspecifics introduced from outside their own colony. In order to determine whether selective aggression in D. cancerides has its basis in kin recognition, tolerance behaviour was assessed in the context of kinship and size. We observed that, in general, juveniles preferred to starve than engage in cannibalism of any conspecifics, related or not. However, where cannibalism did occur, non-kin were preferentially eaten, indicating that this species is clearly capable of kin recognition. Size thresholds were also established, below which juveniles are tolerated by adults and above which aggressive interactions leading to death occur. We conclude that kin recognition and juvenile dispersal explain the uncharacteristically high levels of genetic polymorphism in this species.  相似文献   

Individuals of the social spider mite Stigmaeopsis longus live communally in narrow, humid nests made from silk threads and display nest sanitation behaviour through the coordinated deposition of faeces. We used artificial dust to experimentally determine that females of this species use silk threads to perform regular cleaning of the nest space and eggs. We first learned that silk-weaving behaviour is not a by-product of nest building (nest reinforcement); rather, it is actively performed as a function of cleaning the living space and eggs. Furthermore, we determined the effectiveness of the attending females by artificially manipulating their natural habitat, which is clearly connected to the cleaning behaviour by parental females. As such, we have uncovered an extraordinary new role of silk threads as devices for cleaning the nest space and/or eggs. These results strongly indicate that special adaptations for maintaining clean habitats are essential for animals to evolve aggregative social lives.  相似文献   

We report the first evidence of intragroup coalitionary aggression leading to the death of a wild young adult male spider monkey. During a long-term study of a well-habituated community at the Otoch Ma'ax Yetel Kooh reserve in Yucatan, Mexico, a young adult male sustained severe injuries repeatedly between January and March 2002. On 1 April 2002 the same male was the victim of an intragroup attack by at least one adult male that resulted in his death. We highlight several causes of intragroup aggression that may account for the killing.  相似文献   

Adult spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi and A. paniscus) were conditioned to brachiate on a rope mill (an arboreal analogue of a treadmill). The postures and excursions of the shoulder girdle were studied by cineradiography. These data, together with conventional cinematographic and anatomical studies, permit reassessment of some characteristic structural and functional features of the shoulder in brachiators. During the propulsive phase, the shoulder joint moves caudad from fifth cervical to seventh cervical levels; at the same time, the joint moves dorsad (from a frontal plane midway between the first thoracic vertebra and the manubrium, to a frontal plane through the spinous processes) and slightly mediad. Spider monkeys position the scapula principally on the dorsum of the thorax, in contrast to quadrupedal primates which maintain a more lateral position (even in suspended postures). During brachiation, the scapula rotates a total of 35°; most of this rotation (20°) occurs in the non-propulsive phase when the free arm is being elevated to secure a new handhold. The sigmoidal shape, twisting of proximal relative to distal ends, and elongation of the clavicle in spider monkeys and other brachiators appear to be related to the specialized positioning of the shoulder girdle on the dorsum of the thorax. Shoulder and elbow movements contribute to the efficiency of the swing in terms of the dynamics of a pendulum.  相似文献   

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