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Consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) by using microbial consortium was considered as a promising approach to achieve direct biofuel production from lignocellulose. In this study, the interaction mechanism of microbial consortium consisting of Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum M5 and Clostridium acetobutylicum NJ4 was analyzed, which could achieve efficient butanol production from xylan through CBP. Strain M5 possesses efficient xylan degradation capability, as 19.73 g/L of xylose was accumulated within 50 hr. The efficient xylose utilization capability of partner strain NJ4 could relieve the substrate inhibition to hydrolytic enzymes of xylanase and xylosidase secreted by strain M5. In addition, the earlier solventogenesis of strain NJ4 was observed due to the existence of butyrate generated by strain M5. The mutual interaction of these two strains finally gave 13.28 g/L of butanol from 70 g/L of xylan after process optimization, representing a relatively high butanol production from hemicellulose. Moreover, 7.61 g/L of butanol was generated from untreated corncob via CBP. This successfully constructed microbial consortium exhibits efficient cooperation performance on butanol production from lignocellulose, which could provide a platform for the emerging butanol production from lignocellulose.  相似文献   

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Conventional microbial cell cultivation techniques are typically labor intensive, low throughput, and poorlyparallelized, rendering them inefficient. The development of automated, modular microbial cell micro-cultivation systems, particularly those employing droplet microfluidics, have gained attention for their high-throughput, highly paralellized and efficient cultivation capabilities. Here, we report the development of a microbial microdroplet culture system (MMC), which is an integrated platform for automated, high-throughput cultivation and adaptive evolution of microorganisms. We demonstrated that the MMC yielded both accurate and reproducible results for the manipulation and detection of droplets. The superior performance of MMC for microbial cell cultivation was validated by comparing the growth curves of six microbial strains grown in MMC, conventional shake flasks or well plates. The highest incipient growth rate for all six microbial strains was achieved by using MMC. We also conducted an 18-day process of adaptive evolution of methanol-essential Escherichia coli strain in MMC and obtained two strains exhibiting higher growth rates compared with the parent strain. Our study demonstrates the power of MMC to provide an efficient and reliable approach for automated, high-throughput microbial cultivation and adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Xylitol is a highly valuable commodity chemical used extensively in the food and pharmaceutical industries. The production of xylitol from d ‐xylose involves a costly and polluting catalytic hydrogenation process. Biotechnological production from lignocellulosic biomass by micro‐organisms like yeasts is a promising option. In this study, xylitol is produced from lignocellulosic biomass by a recombinant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) (YPH499‐SsXR‐AaBGL) expressing cytosolic xylose reductase (Scheffersomyces stipitis xylose reductase [SsXR]), along with a β‐d ‐glucosidase (Aspergillus aculeatus β‐glucosidase 1 [AaBGL]) displayed on the cell surface. The simultaneous cofermentation of cellobiose/xylose by this strain leads to an ≈2.5‐fold increase in Yxylitol/xylose (=0.54) compared to the use of a glucose/xylose mixture as a substrate. Further improvement in the xylose uptake by the cell is achieved by a broad evaluation of several homologous and heterologous transporters. Homologous maltose transporter (ScMAL11) shows the best performance in xylose transport and is used to generate the strain YPH499‐XR‐ScMAL11‐BGL with a significantly improved xylitol production capacity from cellobiose/xylose coutilization. This report constitutes a promising proof of concept to further scale up the biorefinery industrial production of xylitol from lignocellulose by combining cell surface and metabolic engineering in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

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The immunoglobulin G (IgG) molecule has a long circulating serum half-life (~3 weeks) through pH- dependent FcRn binding-mediated recycling. To hijack the intracellular trafficking and recycling mechanism of IgG as a way to extend serum persistence of non-antibody therapeutic proteins, we have evolved the ectodomain of a low-affinity human FcγRIIa for enhanced binding to the lower hinge and upper CH2 region of IgG, which is very far from the FcRn binding site (CH2–CH3 interface). High-throughput library screening enabled isolation of an FcγRIIa variant (2A45.1) with 32-fold increased binding affinity to human IgG1 Fc (equilibrium dissociation constant: 9.04 × 10−7 M for wild type FcγRIIa and 2.82 × 10−8 M for 2A45.1) and significantly improved affinity to mouse serum IgG compared to wild type human FcγRIIa. The in vivo pharmacokinetic profile of PD-L1 fused with engineered FcγRIIa (PD-L1–2A45.1) was compared with that of PD-L1 fused with wild type FcγRIIa (PD-L1–wild type FcγRIIa) and human PD-L1 in mice. PD-L1–2A45.1 showed 11.7- and 9.7-fold prolonged circulating half-life (t1/2) compared to PD-L1 when administered intravenously and intraperitoneally, respectively. In addition, the AUCinf of PD-L1–2A45.1 was two-fold higher compared to that of PD-L1–wild type FcγRIIa. These results demonstrate that engineered FcγRIIa fusion offers a novel and successful strategy for prolonging serum half-life of therapeutic proteins.  相似文献   

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蓝细菌是唯一可进行放氧光合作用的原核微生物,基于光合蓝细菌构建“自养型细胞工厂”具有广阔前景。但以蓝细菌作为底盘进行生物燃料及化学品的合成仍存在细胞耐受能力差、产量低等问题,导致实现工业化生产的经济可行性还比较低,亟需通过合成生物学等技术手段构建新的藻株。近年来,实验室适应性进化(adaptive laboratory evolution,ALE)已被用于底盘工程中,实现了优化生长速度、增加耐受性、加强底物利用和提高产品产量等目标。ALE在提高蓝细菌鲁棒性方面取得了一定进展,已获得了耐受高光、重金属离子、高盐和高浓度有机溶剂胁迫的进化藻株。但是,蓝细菌中的ALE策略效率相对较低,耐受各胁迫的分子机制并未阐释完全。本文综述了ALE相关技术策略及其在蓝细菌底盘工程中的应用,讨论了如何借鉴其他微生物中ALE手段,构建更大ALE突变文库、增加菌株的突变频率、缩短进化时间、探索多重胁迫耐受工程菌构建原则及研究策略等,高效解析进化菌株的突变体库,构建高产量、鲁棒性强的工程菌株等,以期未来促进蓝细菌底盘的改造及其工程菌的规模化应用。  相似文献   

Tolerance of yeast to acid stress is important for many industrial processes including organic acid production. Therefore, elucidating the molecular basis of long term adaptation to acidic environments will be beneficial for engineering production strains to thrive under such harsh conditions. Previous studies using gene expression analysis have suggested that both organic and inorganic acids display similar responses during short term exposure to acidic conditions. However, biological mechanisms that will lead to long term adaptation of yeast to acidic conditions remains unknown and whether these mechanisms will be similar for tolerance to both organic and inorganic acids is yet to be explored. We therefore evolved Saccharomyces cerevisiae to acquire tolerance to HCl (inorganic acid) and to 0.3 M L-lactic acid (organic acid) at pH 2.8 and then isolated several low pH tolerant strains. Whole genome sequencing and RNA-seq analysis of the evolved strains revealed different sets of genome alterations suggesting a divergence in adaptation to these two acids. An altered sterol composition and impaired iron uptake contributed to HCl tolerance whereas the formation of a multicellular morphology and rapid lactate degradation was crucial for tolerance to high concentrations of lactic acid. Our findings highlight the contribution of both the selection pressure and nature of the acid as a driver for directing the evolutionary path towards tolerance to low pH. The choice of carbon source was also an important factor in the evolutionary process since cells evolved on two different carbon sources (raffinose and glucose) generated a different set of mutations in response to the presence of lactic acid. Therefore, different strategies are required for a rational design of low pH tolerant strains depending on the acid of interest.  相似文献   

A unique feature of biotechnology is that we can harness the power of evolution to improve process performance. Rational engineering of microbial strains has led to the establishment of a variety of successful bioprocesses, but it is hampered by the overwhelming complexity of biological systems. Evolutionary engineering represents a straightforward approach for fitness‐linked phenotypes (e.g., growth or stress tolerance) and is successfully applied to select for strains with improved properties for particular industrial applications. In recent years, synthetic evolution strategies have enabled selection for increased small molecule production by linking metabolic productivity to growth as a selectable trait. This review summarizes the evolutionary engineering strategies performed with the industrial platform organism Corynebacterium glutamicum. An increasing number of recent studies highlight the potential of adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) to improve growth or stress resistance, implement the utilization of alternative carbon sources, or improve small molecule production. Advances in next‐generation sequencing and automation technologies will foster the application of ALE strategies to streamline microbial strains for bioproduction and enhance our understanding of biological systems.  相似文献   

Low pH (<5.0) can significantly decrease root growth but whether this is a direct effect of H+ or an active plant response is examined here. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv Micro‐Tom) roots were exposed directly or gradually to low pH through step‐wise changes in pH over periods ranging from 4 to 24 h. Roots exposed gradually to pH 4.5 grew even less than those exposed directly, indicating a plant‐coordinated response. Direct exposure to pH 4.0 suppressed root growth and caused high cell mortality, in contrast to roots exposed gradually, in which growth remained inhibited but cell viability was maintained. Total class III peroxidase activity increased significantly in all low pH treatments, but was not correlated with the observed differential responses. Use of the enzyme inhibitors salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) or diphenyleneiodonium chloride (DPI) suggest that peroxidase and, to a lesser extent, NADPH oxidase were required to prevent or reduce injury in all low pH treatments. However, a role for other enzymes, such as the alternative oxidase is also possible. The results with SHAM, but not DPI, were confirmed in tobacco BY‐2 cells. Our results indicate that root growth inhibition from low pH can be part of an active plant response, and suggest that peroxidases may have a critical early role in reducing loss of cell viability and in the observed root growth constraint.  相似文献   

The cell wall plays a central role in protecting bacteria from some environmental stresses, but not against all. In fact, in some cases, an elaborate cell envelope may even render the cell more vulnerable. For example, it contains molecules or complexes that bacteriophages recognize as the first step of host invasion, such as proteins and sugars, or cell appendages such as pili or flagella. In order to counteract phages, bacteria have evolved multiple escape mechanisms, such as restriction-modification, abortive infection, CRISPR/Cas systems or phage inhibitors. In this perspective review, we present the hypothesis that bacteria may have additional means to escape phage attack. Some bacteria are known to be able to shed their cell wall in response to environmental stresses, yielding cells that transiently lack a cell wall. In this wall-less state, the bacteria may be temporarily protected against phages, since they lack the essential entities that are necessary for phage binding and infection. Given that cell wall deficiency can be triggered by clinically administered antibiotics, phage escape could be an unwanted consequence that limits the use of phage therapy for treating stubborn infections.  相似文献   

Antibiotic combinations are considered a relevant strategy to tackle the global antibiotic resistance crisis since they are believed to increase treatment efficacy and reduce resistance evolution (WHO treatment guidelines for drug-resistant tuberculosis: 2016 update.). However, studies of the evolution of bacterial resistance to combination therapy have focused on a limited number of drugs and have provided contradictory results (Lipsitch, Levin BR. 1997; Hegreness et al. 2008; Munck et al. 2014). To address this gap in our understanding, we performed a large-scale laboratory evolution experiment, adapting eight replicate lineages of Escherichia coli to a diverse set of 22 different antibiotics and 33 antibiotic pairs. We found that combination therapy significantly limits the evolution of de novode novo resistance in E. coli, yet different drug combinations vary substantially in their propensity to select for resistance. In contrast to current theories, the phenotypic features of drug pairs are weak predictors of resistance evolution. Instead, the resistance evolution is driven by the relationship between the evolutionary trajectories that lead to resistance to a drug combination and those that lead to resistance to the component drugs. Drug combinations requiring a novel genetic response from target bacteria compared with the individual component drugs significantly reduce resistance evolution. These data support combination therapy as a treatment option to decelerate resistance evolution and provide a novel framework for selecting optimized drug combinations based on bacterial evolutionary responses.  相似文献   

The new and rapid advancement in the complexity of biologics drug discovery has been driven by a deeper understanding of biological systems combined with innovative new therapeutic modalities, paving the way to breakthrough therapies for previously intractable diseases. These exciting times in biomedical innovation require the development of novel technologies to facilitate the sophisticated, multifaceted, high-paced workflows necessary to support modern large molecule drug discovery. A high-level aspiration is a true integration of “lab-on-a-chip” methods that vastly miniaturize cellulmical experiments could transform the speed, cost, and success of multiple workstreams in biologics development. Several microscale bioprocess technologies have been established that incrementally address these needs, yet each is inflexibly designed for a very specific process thus limiting an integrated holistic application. A more fully integrated nanoscale approach that incorporates manipulation, culture, analytics, and traceable digital record keeping of thousands of single cells in a relevant nanoenvironment would be a transformative technology capable of keeping pace with today's rapid and complex drug discovery demands. The recent advent of optical manipulation of cells using light-induced electrokinetics with micro- and nanoscale cell culture is poised to revolutionize both fundamental and applied biological research. In this review, we summarize the current state of the art for optical manipulation techniques and discuss emerging biological applications of this technology. In particular, we focus on promising prospects for drug discovery workflows, including antibody discovery, bioassay development, antibody engineering, and cell line development, which are enabled by the automation and industrialization of an integrated optoelectronic single-cell manipulation and culture platform. Continued development of such platforms will be well positioned to overcome many of the challenges currently associated with fragmented, low-throughput bioprocess workflows in biopharma and life science research.  相似文献   

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