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Facilitating not only the mastery of sophisticated subject matter, but also the development of process skills is an ongoing challenge in teaching any introductory undergraduate course. To accomplish this goal in a sophomore-level introductory cell biology course, I require students to work in groups and complete several mock experiential research projects that imitate the professional activities of the scientific community. I designed these projects as a way to promote process skill development within content-rich pedagogy and to connect text-based and laboratory-based learning with the world of contemporary research. First, students become familiar with one primary article from a leading peer-reviewed journal, which they discuss by means of PowerPoint-based journal clubs and journalism reports highlighting public relevance. Second, relying mostly on primary articles, they investigate the molecular basis of a disease, compose reviews for an in-house journal, and present seminars in a public symposium. Last, students author primary articles detailing investigative experiments conducted in the lab. This curriculum has been successful in both quarter-based and semester-based institutions. Student attitudes toward their learning were assessed quantitatively with course surveys. Students consistently reported that these projects significantly lowered barriers to primary literature, improved research-associated skills, strengthened traditional pedagogy, and helped accomplish course objectives. Such approaches are widely suited for instructors seeking to integrate process with content in their courses.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate participants'' perceptions of the impact on them of an additional six months'' training beyond the standard 12 month general practice vocational training scheme.Design Qualitative study using focus groups.Setting General practice vocational training in Northern Ireland.Participants 13 general practitioner registrars, six of whom participated in the additional six months'' training, and four trainers involved in the additional six months'' training.Main outcome measures: Participants'' views about their experiences in 18 month and 12 month courses.Results Participants reported that the 12 month course was generally positive but was too pressurised and focused on examinations, and also that it had a negative impact on self care. The nature of the learning and assessment was reported to have left participants feeling averse to further continuing education and lacking in confidence. In contrast, the extended six month component was reported to have restimulated learning by focusing more on patient care and promoting self directed learning. It developed confidence, promoted teamwork, and gave experience of two practice contexts, and was reported as valuable by both ex-registrars and trainers. However, both the 12 and 18 month courses left participants feeling underprepared for practice management and self care.Conclusions 12 months'' training in general practice does not provide doctors with the necessary competencies and confidence to enter independent practice. The extended period was reported to promote greater professional development, critical evaluation skills, and orientation to lifelong learning but does not fill all the gaps.  相似文献   

A course is described which has been designed to increase students' ability and willingness to use and read the scientific literature, and ultimately to enable them to make their own contributions to the literature in an acceptable style and format. The objectives and methods of the course differ from those of traditional library-use courses by concentrating on making students read and evaluate the literature rather than on information retrieval per se. Reactions have been favourable. Students make more and better use of the literature and the standard of presentation of written work has improved. The work habits generated by the course assist students throughout their academic careers. The course may have considerable implications for other library user-education programmes.  相似文献   

“微生物学”课程是酿酒工程、生物工程、生物技术等专业的必修课程,也是一门重要的专业核心课程。基于培养具有科学探究能力的创新型人才的教学目标,我们教学团队深入改革“微生物学”课程,建设一流本科课程。通过贯彻“以学生为中心”和“科研反哺教学”的教学理念,深入挖掘课程育人价值,开展课程思政建设工作,建设慕课(massive open online course, MOOC)平台“微生物学”课程线上教学全套资源,构建“夯实基础-解构问题分析训练-研讨课”的教学模式,改进学生学习模式,改革学习过程评价体系,以及指导学生参加科创竞赛等教学改革实践,全面提高学生的科学探究能力,为社会储备具有科学探究能力的创新型人才,为工科院校建设一流课程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

如何提高我国临床课程青年教师团队的素质与教学能力,是近年来伴随国内医学教育发展扩大而日益突出的问题。作为当前医学临床课程的教学主力,青年教师的教学能力会对医学临床课程教学效果产生重大影响。但绝大部分临床课程青年教师都毕业于医学院校,未曾接受专业的师范类培训,导致尽管自身临床知识丰富,但教学水平明显受限的情况发生。本研究采取对我院各科室青年临床教师进行问卷调查的方法,深入分析青年教师的临床教学能力现状与问题,并提出改进方案,以使他们能够更快完成青年临床医师与青年临床教师之间的角色变换,提升自身教学能力,进而提高我院临床课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

研究导向型教学是以学生成长和发展为中心的创新性教育模式,其核心目标与“金课”的建设目标一致,强调培养学生的研究技能,使其具有创新性和高阶性。在微生物学一流课程建设过程中,将研究导向型教学理念与BOPPPS课堂[导入(bridge-in)、目标(objective)、前测(pre-assessment)、参与式学习(participatory-learning)、后测(post-assessment)和总结(summary)]组织形式相结合,并创新性引入“提升”模块,以问题为驱动,聚焦科学前沿,融入思政材料,形成导入—目标—前测—参与式学习—后测—提升—总结(七步法)的新型模块化闭环教学模式。该模式的实施能够有效提升课堂教学的逻辑性和组织性,提高教学效率,提升学生分析问题和解决问题的高阶性,为学生将来开展科研工作奠定良好的基础,并为打造以学生为中心的“金课”课堂实践提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

实验教学效果直接影响本科生实践能力的培养,建立一套科学合理的适合环境科学专业本科生的实验课程体系意义重大。文中主要介绍了厦门大学环境科学专业以系统性、综合性、模块化的方式建立了一套“基础→专业→综合”的实验课程体系。在加大实验室建设投入,加强实验室管理等软硬件设施配套的情况下,实验课程体系不断完善,培养的学生能够满足人才培养的目标和社会需求。本文通过阐述该实验课程体系的建立、完善及成效,以期为相关院校提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Using primary literature is an effective tool for promoting active learning and critical thinking in science classes. However, it can be challenging to use primary literature in large classes and in classes for nonscience majors. We describe the development and implementation of an online tutorial for helping nonscience majors learn to read primary literature in biology. The tutorial includes content about the scientific process and the structure of scientific papers and provides opportunities for students to practice reading primary literature. We describe the use of the tutorial in Biology of Exercise, a course for nonscience majors. Students used the tutorial outside of class to learn the basic principles involved in reading scientific papers, enabling class sessions to focus on active-learning activities and substantive class discussions.  相似文献   

临床医学硕士研究生阶段是培养临床和科研思维能力的重要阶段,从某种意义上说是人生和医疗生涯的关键时期。神经内科硕士研究生不仅应该具有一定的临床工作能力,还应具有一定的科研能力。临床工作能力培养包括临床基本功的培训,基本理论的加强和基本技能的培养,临床思维能力的培养及医患沟通能力的培养等多个方面。科研能力包括文献阅读能力、科研思维能力和论文写作能力等。这样,硕士研究生毕业后不仅能够诊治神经内科常见病和多发病,会思考临床工作中的问题,更重要的是能想办法探索和解决这些问题。这也是硕士研究生和本科生的本质区别。因此,研究生阶段是医学生涯一个重要的里程碑,临床和科研能力的培养对个人未来的发展具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Experience and training in field work are critical components of undergraduate education in ecology, and many university courses incorporate field‐based or experiential components into the curriculum in order to provide students hands‐on experience. Due to the onset of the COVID‐19 pandemic and the sudden shift to remote instruction in the spring of 2020, many instructors of such courses found themselves struggling to identify strategies for developing rigorous field activities that could be completed online, solo, and from a student''s backyard. This case study illustrates the process by which one field‐based course, a UC California Naturalist certification course offered at the University of California, Davis, transitioned to fully remote instruction. The transition relied on established, publicly available, online participatory science platforms (e.g., iNaturalist) to which the students contributed data and field observations remotely. Student feedback on the course and voluntary‐continued engagement with the participatory science platforms indicates that the student perspective of the experience was on par with previous traditional offerings of the course. This case study also includes topics and participatory science resources for consideration by faculty facing a similar transition from group field activities to remote, individual field‐based experiences.  相似文献   

Introductory laboratory courses are a standard component of undergraduate science programmes and historically taught using direct instruction/confirmatory lab models. Previous studies have shown that inquiry-based labs enhance student engagement in science courses. However, research on how direct instruction introductory lab courses effectively engage undergraduate students is lacking. This study, therefore, using a mixed model design, examined student engagement in an introductory direct instruction microbiology lab. Data was collected through self-report surveys, classroom observations, and interviews at a Midwestern, post-secondary institution in the USA. The findings suggest that students found the lab activities engaging. This study provides baseline data which describes student engagement and student perspectives in a direct instruction undergraduate microbiology lab course. This baseline data can be used in further research against which comparisons can be made when studying other types of lab teaching interventions.  相似文献   

The 4th annual European League Against Rheumatism congress, held in Lisbon, 18-21 June 2003, had a record turnout of more than 8600 delegates and the abstract submissions increased to 2600. A heat wave and a somewhat substandard venue hampered some of the activities, notably the poster sessions. The scientific program was comprehensive and of a high class, and it was organized in 10-12 parallel sessions. The European League Against Rheumatism standing committees are expanding their activities and stimulating European cooperation (e.g. by creating databases and guidelines, and by starting research programs). The standing committees presented several areas where European cooperative work is in progress. Advances in drug therapy were a prominent theme and were well presented. Commercialism remains a problem for this meeting as for other similar large meetings, where satellite symposia surround the scientific program of the congress and often duplicate this.  相似文献   

As Open Science practices become more commonplace, there is a need for the next generation of scientists to be well versed in these aspects of scientific research. Yet, many training opportunities for early career researchers (ECRs) could better emphasize or integrate Open Science elements. Field courses provide opportunities for ECRs to apply theoretical knowledge, practice new methodological approaches, and gain an appreciation for the challenges of real‐life research, and could provide an excellent platform for integrating training in Open Science practices. Our recent experience, as primarily ECRs engaged in a field course interrupted by COVID‐19, led us to reflect on the potential to enhance learning outcomes in field courses by integrating Open Science practices and online learning components. Specifically, we highlight the opportunity for field courses to align teaching activities with the recent developments and trends in how we conduct research, including training in: publishing registered reports, collecting data using standardized methods, adopting high‐quality data documentation, managing data through reproducible workflows, and sharing and publishing data through appropriate channels. We also discuss how field courses can use online tools to optimize time in the field, develop open access resources, and cultivate collaborations. By integrating these elements, we suggest that the next generation of field courses will offer excellent arenas for participants to adopt Open Science practices.  相似文献   


This article summarizes our perspective of U.S. and Soviet interactions during a joint physical oceanography experiment. One author (RHH) was involved in early instrumentation and logistic work with the Soviets beginning in 1970, and was U.S. executive manager for the program from 1976–84. One author (CAC) was the National Science Foundation program manager responsible for administering the program. The experiment began with a preliminary meeting of Soviet and American oceanographers in 1973 and activities concluded with the publication of an atlas (see n. 9) in 1986. The intervening years included a variety of joint scientific activities which spanned a broad spectrum from theory and numerical modeling to at‐sea experiments. The total cost of U.S. activities as part of this program was about $25 million.  相似文献   

Involving Indigenous community members to assist with the monitoring of harvested populations can greatly assist with the sustainable use of these resources. The benefits of training Indigenous community members in western scientific methods include: increased capability development, increased employment opportunities and more cost effective monitoring output than could be undertaken by government agencies. The aim of this project was to develop a training course to provide elementary scientific skills to Indigenous participants from communities throughout the Northern Territory of Australia. The short term goals of the training were: (1) to increase the capacity of Indigenous communities to conduct monitoring activities and collect biological and physical samples, (2) to increase the employment opportunities for Indigenous community members by providing them with additional skills and a recognised qualification and (3) To provide a cost effective way of conducting monitoring activities in remote areas by using local capability rather than incurring the expense of sending a research team to these locations. The longer term goal of the training is to facilitate the development of research partnerships between Indigenous community members and management agencies as a first step in the move to co-management of aquatic resources. The key components for successfully developing the course were; consistent engagement with Indigenous communities to build relationships and identify priorities for both the community and government agency, the course content involved participation from community members and government scientists, the training addressed the needs of students with English as a second language, the course content was heavily practical and pictorial, assessments were verbal and/or practical and students were housed in accommodation that allowed them to conduct the course to the best of their ability. The research that has been conducted by the participants, as well as three students gaining employment in government research agencies since the completion of the course, suggest that the training has been successful in achieving its short term goals. The research partnerships that have been developed between the government agency and Indigenous community members are still in their infancy, so the move to co-management between these groups is still several years away. However, this training has provided an initial step in this process by increasing the monitoring capability within a substantial number of coastal Indigenous communities that allows them to participate in research programs that underpin the management of their aquatic resources.  相似文献   

The 4th annual European League Against Rheumatism congress, held in Lisbon, 18–21 June 2003, had a record turnout of more than 8600 delegates and the abstract submissions increased to 2600. A heat wave and a somewhat substandard venue hampered some of the activities, notably the poster sessions. The scientific program was comprehensive and of a high class, and it was organized in 10–12 parallel sessions. The European League Against Rheumatism standing committees are expanding their activities and stimulating European cooperation (e.g. by creating databases and guidelines, and by starting research programs). The standing committees presented several areas where European cooperative work is in progress. Advances in drug therapy were a prominent theme and were well presented. Commercialism remains a problem for this meeting as for other similar large meetings, where satellite symposia surround the scientific program of the congress and often duplicate this.  相似文献   

The purpose of this survey was to assess the background, training, and perceptions of professionals conducting and coordinating research at North American zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and to identify the factors they considered critical to successful scientific programs. We analyzed responses to a 57‐item questionnaire from 231 professionals at AZA zoos and aquariums. The majority of those surveyed conducted behavioral research, conducted research only in a captive setting, held curatorial positions, had their salaries supported by their institutions' operating budget, and considered themselves part of a successful scientific program. About 30% of those we surveyed possessed a doctoral research degree in comparison to 55% possessing lesser level degrees—19% with master's, 34% with bachelor's, and 2% with other degrees. Support from the chief executive officer and personnel dedicated to conducting scientific programs were judged as the two most important factors contributing to the successful scientific programs. The information provided in this report may be used to develop and improve both established and newly initiated scientific programs in zoos and aquariums. Zoo Biol 29:663–675, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bruce Read 《Zoo biology》1995,14(2):149-157
In 1989 a proposal to establish a Zoo Curator's Training Academy was distributed to more than 30 zoo professionals attending the annual conference of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums (AAZPA). Receiving a positive response, we tabulated the results and re-evaluated the proposal. A task force was created in August 1990 to further define the target audience and to develop a curriculum and budget. The proposal was submitted to the AAZPA Board of Directors at the annual conference in September 1990, and the Board agreed to fund creation of an AAZPA Conservation Academy. The Academy's first course, Studbook I, was presented in February 1991 and taught methods for collecting and entering data into a specially tailored computer program. The course was well received by the students and their institutions. A second course, SSP Coordinator Training, was piloted in 1992 and achieved similar results by teaching standardized methods, including the use of a publishing format for the AAZPA's SSP programs. In 1993 the Institute of Museum Services (IMS) approved funding for development of a third course, the Science of Zoo and Aquarium Animal Management. This course, introduced in February 1994, fulfills the second of the Association's mandates for the Academy—to address animal husbandry by integrating scientific methods with animal management techniques and thereby establish standards for data bases and management plans. All Academy courses have been designed to be “hands-on” participatory experiences and, combined with lectures, effectively train students to “do the job.” © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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