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Bispecific antibodies are an emergent class of biologics that is of increasing interest for therapeutic applications. In one bispecific antibody format, single-chain variable fragments (scFv) are linked to or inserted in different locations of an intact immunoglobulin G (IgG) molecule to confer dual epitope binding. To improve biochemical stability, cysteine residues are often engineered on the heavy- and light-chain regions of the scFv to form an intrachain disulfide bond. Although this disulfide bond often improves stability, it can also introduce unexpected challenges to manufacturing or development. We report size variants that were observed for an appended scFv-IgG bispecific antibody. Structural characterization studies showed that the size variants resulted from the engineered disulfide bond on the scFv, whereby the engineered disulfide was found to be either open or unable to form an intrachain disulfide bond due to cysteinylation or glutathionylation of the cysteines. Furthermore, the scFv engineered cysteines also formed intermolecular disulfide bonds, leading to the formation of highly stable dimers and aggregates. Because both the monomer variants and dimers showed lower bioactivity, they were considered to be product-related impurities that must be monitored and controlled. To this end, we developed and optimized a robust, precise, and accurate high-resolution size-exclusion chromatographic method, using a statistical design-of-experiments methodology.  相似文献   

Bispecific IgG asymmetric (heterodimeric) antibodies offer enhanced therapeutic efficacy, but present unique challenges for drug development. These challenges are related to the proper assembly of heavy and light chains. Impurities such as symmetric (homodimeric) antibodies can arise with improper assembly. A new method to assess heterodimer purity of such bispecific antibody products is needed because traditional separation-based purity assays are unable to separate or quantify homodimer impurities. This paper presents a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based method for evaluating heterodimeric purity of a prototype asymmetric antibody containing two different heavy chains and two identical light chains. The heterodimer and independently expressed homodimeric standards were characterized by two complementary LC-MS techniques: Intact protein mass measurement of deglycosylated antibody and peptide map analyses. Intact protein mass analysis was used to check molecular integrity and composition. LC-MSE peptide mapping of Lys-C digests was used to verify protein sequences and characterize post-translational modifications, including C-terminal truncation species. Guided by the characterization results, a heterodimer purity assay was demonstrated by intact protein mass analysis of pure deglycosylated heterodimer spiked with each deglycosylated homodimeric standard. The assay was capable of detecting low levels (2%) of spiked homodimers in conjunction with co-eluting half antibodies and multiple mass species present in the homodimer standards and providing relative purity differences between samples. Detection of minor homodimer and half-antibody C-terminal truncation species at levels as low as 0.6% demonstrates the sensitivity of the method. This method is suitable for purity assessment of heterodimer samples during process and purification development of bispecific antibodies, e.g., clone selection.  相似文献   

Antibody disulfide bond reduction during monoclonal antibody (mAb) production is a phenomenon that has been attributed to the reducing enzymes from CHO cells acting on the mAb during the harvest process. However, the impact of antibody reduction on the downstream purification process has not been studied. During the production of an IgG2 mAb, antibody reduction was observed in the harvested cell culture fluid (HCCF), resulting in high fragment levels. In addition, aggregate levels increased during the low pH treatment step in the purification process. A correlation between the level of free thiol in the HCCF (as a result of antibody reduction) and aggregation during the low pH step was established, wherein higher levels of free thiol in the starting sample resulted in increased levels of aggregates during low pH treatment. The elevated levels of free thiol were not reduced over the course of purification, resulting in carry‐over of high free thiol content into the formulated drug substance. When the drug substance with high free thiols was monitored for product degradation at room temperature and 2–8°C, faster rates of aggregation were observed compared to the drug substance generated from HCCF that was purified immediately after harvest. Further, when antibody reduction mitigations (e.g., chilling, aeration, and addition of cystine) were applied, HCCF could be held for an extended period of time while providing the same product quality/stability as material that had been purified immediately after harvest. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 1264–1274. © 2017 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals Inc.  相似文献   


T cell redirection mediated by bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) is a promising cancer therapy. Dual antigen binding is necessary for potent T cell redirection and is influenced by the structural characteristics of a BsAb, which are dependent on its IgG subclass. In this study, model BsAbs targeting CD19xCD3 were generated in variants of IgG1, IgG2, and IgG4 carrying Fc mutations that reduce FcγR interaction, and two chimeric IgG subclasses termed IgG1:2 and IgG4:2, in which the IgG1- or IgG4-F(ab)2 are grafted on an IgG2 Fc. Molecules containing an IgG2 or IgG4-F(ab)2 domain were confirmed to be the most structurally compact molecules. All BsAbs were shown to bind both of their target proteins (and corresponding cells) equally well. However, CD19xCD3 IgG2 did not bind both antigens simultaneously as measured by the absence of cellular clustering of T cells with target cells. This translated to a reduced potency of IgG2 BsAbs in T-cell redirection assays. The activity of IgG2 BsAbs was fully restored in the chimeric subclasses IgG4:2 and IgG1:2. This confirmed the major contribution of the F(ab)2 region to the BsAb’s functional activity and demonstrated that function of BsAbs can be modulated by engineering molecules combining different Fc and F(ab)2 domains.

Abbreviations: ADCC: Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; AlphaScreenTM: Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogeneous Assay Screening; ANOVA: Analysis of variance; BiTE: bispecific T-cell engager; BSA: bovine serum albumin; BsAb: bispecific antibody; cFAE: controlled Fab-arm exchange; CDC: complement-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; CIEX: cation-exchange; CIR: chimeric immune receptor; DPBS: Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline; EC50 value: effective concentration to reach half-maximum effect; EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor; EI: expansion index (RAt=x/RAt=0); FACS: fluorescence-activated cell sorting; FVD: fixable viability dye; HI-HPLC: hydrophobic interaction HPLC; HI-FBS: heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum; HPLC: high-pressure liquid chromatography; IC50 value: effective concentration to reach half-maximum inhibition; IQ: Inhibition Quotient; IS: immunological synapse; MES: 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid; R-PE: recombinant phycoerythrin; RA: red area in μm2/well; RD: receptor density; RFP: red fluorescent protein; Rg: radius of gyration; RSV: respiratory syncytial virus; SAXS: small-angle x-ray scattering; scFv: single-chain variable fragment; SD: standard deviation; SPR: surface plasmon resonance; WT: wild-type  相似文献   

We recently observed a significant disulfide reduction problem during the scale‐up of a manufacturing process for a therapeutic antibody using a CHO expression system. Under certain conditions, extensive reduction of inter‐chain disulfide bonds of an antibody produced by CHO cell culture may occur during the harvest operations and/or the protein A chromatography step, resulting in the observation of antibody fragments (light chain, heavy chain, and various combination of both) in the protein A pools. Although all conditions leading to disulfide reduction have not been completely identified, an excessive amount of mechanical cell lysis generated at the harvest step appears to be an important requirement for antibody reduction (Trexler‐Schmidt et al., 2010 ). We have been able to determine the mechanism by which the antibody is reduced despite the fact that not all requirements for antibody reduction were identified. Here we present data strongly suggesting that the antibody reduction was caused by a thioredoxin system or other reducing enzymes with thioredoxin‐like activity. The intracellular reducing enzymes and their substrates/cofactors apparently were released into the harvest cell culture fluid (HCCF) when cells were exposed to mechanical cell shear during harvest operations. Surprisingly, the reducing activity in the HCCF can last for a long period of time, causing the reduction of inter‐chain disulfide bonds in an antibody. Our findings provide a basis for designing methods to prevent the antibody reduction during the manufacturing process. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107:622–632. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although dengue virus (DENV) infection severely threatens the health of humans, no specific antiviral drugs are currently approved for clinical use against DENV infection. Attachment and fusion are 2 critical steps for the flavivirus infection, and the corresponding functional epitopes are located at E protein domain III (E-DIII) and domain II (E-DII), respectively. Here, we constructed a bispecific antibody (DVD-1A1D-2A10) based on the 2 well-characterized anti-DENV monoclonal antibodies 1A1D-2 (1A1D) and 2A10G6 (2A10). The 1A1D antibody binds E-DIII and can block the virus attaching to the cell surface, while the 2A10 antibody binds E-DII and is able to prevent the virus from fusing with the endosomal membrane. Our data showed that DVD-1A1D-2A10 retained the antigen-binding activity of both parental antibodies. Importantly, it was demonstrated to be significantly more effective at neutralizing DENV than its parental antibodies both in vitro and in vivo, even better than the combination of them. To eliminate the potential antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) effect, this bispecific antibody was successfully engineered to prevent Fc-γ-R interaction. Overall, we generated a bispecific anti-DENV antibody targeting both attachment and fusion stages, and this bispecific antibody broadly neutralized all 4 serotypes of DENV without risk of ADE, suggesting that it has great potential as a novel antiviral strategy against DENV.  相似文献   

Production of knob and hole dual light chain bispecific antibodies poses several unique challenges for development of a feasible industrial scale manufacturing process. We developed an efficient process for the assembly and purification of knob and hole dual light chain bispecific antibodies. Two distinct half‐antibodies targeting two different antigens were expressed separately in Escherichia coli cells and captured independently using Protein A chromatography. When combined, the knob and hole mutations in the CH3 domains promoted heterodimer formation. The hinge region disulfides were reduced and reoxidized to form the disulfide bridge between the two complementary half antibodies. Unreacted half antibodies, noncovalently linked homodimers, covalently linked homodimers, and noncovalently linked heterodimers are impurities closely related to the product of interest and are challenging to remove by standard processes. Characterization of the molecular properties of the half antibodies and high‐throughput screening predicted column chromatography performance and allowed for rapid development of downstream purification steps for removal of unique product‐related and process‐related impurities. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:397–404, 2018  相似文献   

One approach to creating more beneficial therapeutic antibodies is to develop bispecific antibodies (bsAbs), particularly IgG-like formats with tetravalency, which may provide several advantages such as multivalent binding to each target antigen. Although the effects of configuration and antibody-fragment type on the function of IgG-like bsAbs have been studied, there have been only a few detailed studies of the influence of the variable fragment domain order. Here, we prepared four types of hEx3-scDb-Fc, IgG-like bsAbs, built from a single-chain hEx3-Db (humanized bispecific diabody [bsDb] that targets epidermal growth factor receptor and CD3), to investigate the influence of domain order and fusion manner on the function of a bsDb with an Fc fusion format. Higher cytotoxicities were observed with hEx3-scDb-Fcs with a variable light domain (VL)–variable heavy domain (VH) order (hEx3-scDb-Fc-LHs) compared with a VH–VL order, indicating that differences in the Fc fusion manner do not affect bsDb activity. In addition, flow cytometry suggested that the higher cytotoxicities of hEx3-scDb-Fc-LH may be attributable to structural superiority in cross-linking. Interestingly, enhanced degradation resistance and prolonged in vivo half-life were also observed with hEx3-scDb-Fc-LH. hEx3-scDb-Fc-LH and its IgG2 variant exhibited intense in vivo antitumor effects, suggesting that Fc-mediated effector functions are dispensable for effective anti-tumor activities, which may cause fewer side effects. Our results show that merely rearranging the domain order of IgG-like bsAbs can enhance not only their antitumor activity, but also their degradation resistance and in vivo half-life, and that hEx3-scDb-Fc-LHs are potent candidates for next-generation therapeutic antibodies.  相似文献   

One approach to creating more beneficial therapeutic antibodies is to develop bispecific antibodies (bsAbs), particularly IgG-like formats with tetravalency, which may provide several advantages such as multivalent binding to each target antigen. Although the effects of configuration and antibody-fragment type on the function of IgG-like bsAbs have been studied, there have been only a few detailed studies of the influence of the variable fragment domain order. Here, we prepared four types of hEx3-scDb-Fc, IgG-like bsAbs, built from a single-chain hEx3-Db (humanized bispecific diabody [bsDb] that targets epidermal growth factor receptor and CD3), to investigate the influence of domain order and fusion manner on the function of a bsDb with an Fc fusion format. Higher cytotoxicities were observed with hEx3-scDb-Fcs with a variable light domain (VL)–variable heavy domain (VH) order (hEx3-scDb-Fc-LHs) compared with a VH–VL order, indicating that differences in the Fc fusion manner do not affect bsDb activity. In addition, flow cytometry suggested that the higher cytotoxicities of hEx3-scDb-Fc-LH may be attributable to structural superiority in cross-linking. Interestingly, enhanced degradation resistance and prolonged in vivo half-life were also observed with hEx3-scDb-Fc-LH. hEx3-scDb-Fc-LH and its IgG2 variant exhibited intense in vivo antitumor effects, suggesting that Fc-mediated effector functions are dispensable for effective anti-tumor activities, which may cause fewer side effects. Our results show that merely rearranging the domain order of IgG-like bsAbs can enhance not only their antitumor activity, but also their degradation resistance and in vivo half-life, and that hEx3-scDb-Fc-LHs are potent candidates for next-generation therapeutic antibodies.  相似文献   


We describe a bispecific dual-antagonist antibody against human B cell activating factor (BAFF) and interleukin 17A (IL-17). An anti-IL-17 single-chain variable fragment (scFv) derived from ixekizumab (Taltz®) was fused via a glycine-rich linker to anti-BAFF tabalumab. The IgG-scFv bound both BAFF and IL-17 simultaneously with identical stoichiometry as the parental mAbs. Stability studies of the initial IgG-scFv revealed chemical degradation and aggregation not observed in either parental antibody. The anti-IL-17 scFv showed a high melting temperature (Tm) by differential scanning calorimetry (73.1°C), but also concentration-dependent, initially reversible, protein self-association. To engineer scFv stability, three parallel approaches were taken: labile complementary-determining region (CDR) residues were replaced by stable, affinity-neutral amino acids, CDR charge distribution was balanced, and a H44-L100 interface disulfide bond was introduced. The Tm of the disulfide-stabilized scFv was largely unperturbed, yet it remained monodispersed at high protein concentration. Fluorescent dye binding titrations indicated reduced solvent exposure of hydrophobic residues and decreased proteolytic susceptibility was observed, both indicative of enhanced conformational stability. Superimposition of the H44-L100 scFv (PDB id: 6NOU) and ixekizumab antigen-binding fragment (PDB id: 6NOV) crystal structures revealed nearly identical orientation of the frameworks and CDR loops. The stabilized bispecific molecule LY3090106 (tibulizumab) potently antagonized both BAFF and IL-17 in cell-based and in vivo mouse models. In cynomolgus monkey, it suppressed B cell development and survival and remained functionally intact in circulation, with a prolonged half-life. In summary, we engineered a potent bispecific antibody targeting two key cytokines involved in human autoimmunity amenable to clinical development.  相似文献   

Despite the clinical success of anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapies in the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn disease and psoriasis, full control of the diseases only occurs in a subset of patients and there is a need for new therapeutics with improved efficacy against broader patient populations. One possible approach is to combine biological therapeutics, but both the cost of the therapeutics and the potential for additional toxicities needs to be considered. In addition to the various mediators of immune and inflammatory pathways, angiogenesis is reported to contribute substantially to the overall pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. The combination of an anti-angiogenic agent with anti-TNF into one molecule could be more efficacious without the risk of severe immunosuppression. To evaluate this approach with our Zybody technology, we generated bispecific antibodies that contain an Ang2 targeting peptide genetically fused to the anti-TNF antibody adalimumab (Humira®). The bispecific molecules retain the binding and functional characteristics of the anti-TNF antibody, but with additional activity that neutralizes Ang2. In a TNF transgenic mouse model of arthritis, the bispecific anti-TNF-Ang2 molecules showed a dose-dependent reduction in both clinical symptoms and histological scores that were significantly better than that achieved by adalimumab alone.  相似文献   

Despite the clinical success of anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapies in the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn disease and psoriasis, full control of the diseases only occurs in a subset of patients and there is a need for new therapeutics with improved efficacy against broader patient populations. One possible approach is to combine biological therapeutics, but both the cost of the therapeutics and the potential for additional toxicities needs to be considered. In addition to the various mediators of immune and inflammatory pathways, angiogenesis is reported to contribute substantially to the overall pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. The combination of an anti-angiogenic agent with anti-TNF into one molecule could be more efficacious without the risk of severe immunosuppression. To evaluate this approach with our Zybody technology, we generated bispecific antibodies that contain an Ang2 targeting peptide genetically fused to the anti-TNF antibody adalimumab (Humira®). The bispecific molecules retain the binding and functional characteristics of the anti-TNF antibody, but with additional activity that neutralizes Ang2. In a TNF transgenic mouse model of arthritis, the bispecific anti-TNF-Ang2 molecules showed a dose-dependent reduction in both clinical symptoms and histological scores that were significantly better than that achieved by adalimumab alone.  相似文献   

Recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) or TRAIL-receptor agonistic monoclonal antibodies promote apoptosis in most cancer cells, and the differential expression of TRAIL-R2 between tumor and normal tissues allows its exploitation as a tumor-associated antigen. The use of these antibodies as anticancer agents has been extensively studied, but the results of clinical trials were disappointing. The observed lack of anticancer activity could be attributed to intrinsic or acquired resistance of tumor cells to this type of treatment. A possible strategy to circumvent drug resistance would be to strike tumor cells with a second modality based on a different mechanism of action. We therefore set out to generate and optimize a bispecific antibody targeting TRAIL-R2 and CD3. After the construction of different bispecific antibodies in tandem-scFv or single-chain diabody formats to reduce possible immunogenicity, we selected a humanized bispecific antibody with very low aggregates and long-term high stability and functionality. This antibody triggered TRAIL-R2 in an agonistic manner and its anticancer activity proved dramatically potentiated by the redirection of cytotoxic T cells against both sensitive and resistant melanoma cells. The results of our study show that combining the TRAIL-based antitumor strategy with an immunotherapeutic approach in a single molecule could be an effective addition to the anticancer armamentarium.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody interchain disulfide bond reduction was observed in a Chinese Hamster Ovary manufacturing process that used single-use technologies. A similar reduction has been reported for processes that involved high mechanical shear recovery unit operations, such as continuous flow centrifugation and when the clarified harvest was stored under low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions (Trexler-Schmidt et al., 2010. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 106(3), 452–461). The work described here identifies disposable depth filtration used during cell culture harvest operations as a shear-inducing unit operation causing cell lysis. As a result, reduction of antibody interchain disulfide bonds was observed through the same mechanisms described for continuous flow centrifugation. Small-scale depth-filtration models were developed, and the differential pressure (Δ P) of the primary depth filter was identified as the key factor contributing to cell lysis. Strong correlations of Δ P and cell lysis were generated by measuring the levels of lactate dehydrogenase and thiol in the filtered harvest material. A simple risk mitigation strategy was implemented during manufacturing by providing an air overlay to the headspace of a single-use storage bag to maintain sufficient DO in the clarified harvest. In addition, enzymatic characterization studies determined that thioredoxin reductase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase are critical enzymes involved in antibody reduction in a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP +)/NADPH-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The impact of typical anion‐exchange flowthrough conditions on the IgG mass loading of an anion‐exchange membrane scale‐down unit (Mustang® Q coin) was investigated. High performance size‐exclusion chromatography and multiangle laser light scattering results suggested the presence of a small fraction of IgG aggregates with average radius >100 nm under anion‐exchange flowthrough conditions. The small filtration area presented by the 0.35 mL membrane volume Mustang® Q coin limited the membrane throughput due to fouling from the aggregates at higher antibody loading. Data in this report indicated that a 0.2 μm hybrid polyethersulfone and polyvinylidene fluoride membrane in‐line prefilter with a minimum filtration area of 20 sq cm alleviated the Mustang® Q coin fouling. The combined cake filtration and intermediate blocking model was proposed as the most likely membrane pore blocking mechanism. Increasing the filtration area in the in‐line prefilter resulted in higher IgG mass throughput. Thus, using an appropriately sized in‐line prefilter could provide more robust antibody throughput performance on scale‐down membrane anion‐exchange units. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Individual or combinations of somatic mutations found in genes from colorectal cancers can redirect the effects of chemotherapy and targeted agents on cancer cell survival and, consequently, on clinical outcome. Novel therapeutics with mechanisms of action that are independent of mutational status would therefore fulfill a current unmet clinical need. Here the CEA and CD3 bispecific single-chain antibody MEDI-565 (also known as MT111 and AMG 211) was evaluated for its ability to activate T cells both in vitro and in vivo and to kill human tumor cell lines harboring various somatic mutations commonly found in colorectal cancers. MEDI-565 specifically bound to normal and malignant tissues in a CEA-specific manner, and only killed CEA positive cells. The BiTE® antibody construct mediated T cell-directed killing of CEA positive tumor cells within 6 hours, at low effector-to-target ratios which were independent of high concentrations of soluble CEA. The potency of in vitro lysis was dependent on CEA antigen density but independent of the mutational status in cancer cell lines. Importantly, individual or combinations of mutated KRAS and BRAF oncogenes, activating PI3KCA mutations, loss of PTEN expression, and loss-of-function mutations in TP53 did not reduce the activity in vitro. MEDI-565 also prevented growth of human xenograft tumors which harbored various mutations. These findings suggest that MEDI-565 represents a potential treatment option for patients with CEA positive tumors of diverse origin, including those with individual or combinations of somatic mutations that may be less responsive to chemotherapy and other targeted agents.  相似文献   

Freezing of biologic drug substance at large scale is an important unit operation that enables manufacturing flexibility and increased use‐period for the material. Stability of the biologic in frozen solutions is associated with a number of issues including potentially destabilizing pH changes. The pH changes arise from temperature‐associated change in the pKas, solubility limitations, eutectic crystallization, and cryoconcentration. The pH changes for most of the common protein formulation buffers in the frozen state have not been systematically measured. Sodium phosphate buffer, a well‐studied system, shows the greatest change in pH when going from +25 to ?30°C. Among the other buffers, histidine hydrochloride, sodium acetate, histidine acetate, citrate, and succinate, less than 1 pH unit change (increase) was observed over the temperature range from +25 to ?30°C, whereas Tris‐hydrochloride had an ~1.2 pH unit increase. In general, a steady increase in pH was observed for all these buffers once cooled below 0°C. A formulated IgG2 monoclonal antibody in histidine buffer with added trehalose showed the same pH behavior as the buffer itself. This antibody in various formulations was subject to freeze/thaw cycling representing a wide process (phase transition) time range, reflective of practical situations. Measurement of soluble aggregates after repeated freeze–thaw cycles shows that the change in pH was not a factor for aggregate formation in this case, which instead is governed by the presence or absence of noncrystallizing cryoprotective excipients. In the absence of a cryoprotectant, longer phase transition times lead to higher aggregation. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

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