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In Callitrichidae, reproduction in subordinate females is generally inhibited but occurs in rare cases, possibly in association with the presence of an unrelated male, important food resources or low dispersal opportunities. This study investigates the occurrence of groups with multiple breeding females in captive golden-headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas), the factors leading to their formation and the consequences for the group. Information obtained from studbook data on the world captive population during 1984-1998 revealed that polygynous groups in captivity are very rare: only 7 cases were discovered. Family groups in which daughters started breeding with a related male were larger than average, had a high number of sexually mature sons and eldest offspring that were well past the age of sexual maturity. Following a breeding attempt, severe aggression frequently occurred, especially if the infants were liveborn. Polygynous groups composed of two related females and an unrelated male tended to remain stable for a longer period than families with breeding daughters. Competition for infant care is probably an important factor determining whether the polygynous situation can persist and for how long.  相似文献   

Reproduction is highly demanding in terms of energy expenditure, and the costs and benefits associated with postponing or investing in a reproductive effort are crucial determinants of an individual's fitness. Understanding the reproductive potential of a species under varying ecological conditions offers important insights into the dynamics of its social system. This study provides the first detailed analysis of the reproductive potential of wild- and captive-born golden-headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) under captive conditions, based on studbook data compiled during 1984-2000. Litters produced by wild-born females breeding in captivity are similar in size to litters observed in the wild, but smaller than litters of captive-born females. The more stringent ecological conditions experienced by wild-born females during maturation may result in a lifelong effect on litter size. However, interbirth intervals are shorter for wild-born than captive-born females. The relatively smaller burden of infant care that results from having smaller litters may allow wild-born females to sustain the next pregnancy sooner. Reproduction in the Brazilian captive population is highly seasonal for both wild-born females and females born in captivity in Brazil. Changes in photoperiod over a year provide a proximate explanation for changes in the proportion of conceptions and births per month. Outside Brazil, breeding occurs year-round, and no clear birth peak is apparent. Information from field reports that could be used to relate this finding to ecological factors, such as resource availability, is unavailable.  相似文献   

Two cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in 2 female captive golden‐headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) are described. HCC was diagnosed in both, with pulmonary metastasis in one of them. Neoplastic cells were positive for hepatocyte‐specific antigen (HSA) by immunohistochemistry, confirming the diagnosis.  相似文献   

The golden‐headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) is an endangered species endemic to Brazil's Atlantic Forest, a shrinking biodiversity hotspot. As in other Neotropical primates, its semen characteristics and freezability are poorly studied. Hence, reproductive technologies for callitrichids would greatly benefit from reliable methods of semen analysis. In a bid to promote reproductive research in tamarins, we validated simple and inexpensive sperm function tests that can be used to monitor sperm‐egg binding, plasma membrane and acrosome integrity, mitochondrial activity, and DNA fragmentation. Ejaculates from adult males were individually diluted and divided into control and damage‐induced aliquots, and then samples comprising assorted amounts of damaged spermatozoa were examined by organelle‐specific tests. Our findings showed that sperm‐binding in chicken egg perivitelline membrane (EPM) positively correlated with the number of spermatozoa injured by snap‐freezing. Eosin‐nigrosin (EN) and propidium iodide readings were correlated with each other, and both provided robust measurements of plasma membrane integrity. A high correlation between expected and measured amounts of acrosome‐intact spermatozoa was found using Fast Green‐Rose Bengal (FG‐RB), Coomassie Blue (CB), and FITC‐PSA stains, and all three methods exhibited comparable results. Likewise, different percentages of UV‐irradiated spermatozoa were accurately assessed for DNA integrity by Toluidine Blue (TB) and sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) tests. Comparisons between 3,3′‐diaminobenzidine (DAB) and JC‐1 stains also indicated the reliability of the former assay to ascertain gradual increases in spermatozoa with greater mitochondrial function. These data confirmed that different parts of the tamarin spermatozoa can be simply and consistently evaluated by EPM, EN, FG‐RB, CB, TB, and DAB protocols.  相似文献   

Organismal distributions in human-modified landscapes largely depend on the capacity of any given species to adapt to changes in habitat structure and quality. The golden-headed lion tamarin (GHLT; Leontopithecus chrysomelas) is an Endangered primate from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest whose remaining populations occupy heterogeneous landscapes consisting primarily of shade cacao (Theobroma cacao) agroforestry, locally known as cabrucas. This cash crop can coexist with high densities of native tree species and holds a significant proportion of the native fauna, but its widely extolled wildlife-friendly status is increasingly threatened by management intensification. Although this potentially threatens to reduce the distribution of GHLTs, the main determinants of tamarin's occupancy of cabrucas remain unknown, thereby limiting our ability to design and implement appropriate conservation practices. We surveyed 16 cabruca patches in southern Bahia, Brazil, and used occupancy modeling to identify the best predictors of GHLT patch occupancy. Key explanatory variables included vegetation structure, critical resources, landscape context, human disturbance, and predation pressure. We found a negative relationship between GHLT occupancy and the prevalence of jackfruit trees (Artocarpus heterophylus), which is likely associated with the low representation of other key food species for GHLTs. Conversely, cabrucas retaining large-diameter canopy trees have a higher probability of GHLT occupancy, likely because these trees provide preferred sleeping sites. Thus, key large tree resources (food and shelter) are currently the main drivers of GHLT occupancy within cabruca agroecosystems. Since both factors can be directly affected by crop management practices, intensification of cabrucas may induce significant habitat impacts on GHLT populations over much of their remaining range-wide distribution.  相似文献   

This case report describes the use of chlorambucil in a 7.5-year-old golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) as palliative therapy for thyroid adenocarcinoma. Treatment was initiated at 0.1 mg/kg orally once daily. No physical abnormalities or substantial changes in complete blood cell counts and thyroid hormone levels from serial samples were detected.  相似文献   

Background Wild golden lion tamarins from the Biological Reserve of Poço das Antas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, have high prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection leading us to clinically assess the disease in this endangered species. Methods 34 tamarins were sampled for the presence of T. cruzi infection (through serology) and clinical evaluation (electrocardiography, blood counts and biochemical analysis). Results 32% of the sampled tamarins were T. cruzi positive, 45% of these displayed cardiac abnormalities. Main cardiac abnormality in infected tamarins was T wave low voltage; R wave low voltage and V3S wave high voltage were also found. The tamarins displaying T wave low voltage had high proportion of seric cardiac creatine kinase. Seric mean total protein was significantly higher in infected tamarins. Conclusions Sampled tamarins displayed typical signs of T. cruzi infection, similar to experimentally infected primates and human natural infection. Potential risk of T. cruzi infection to this endangered species is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the timing and correlates of molt for a native population of golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia). We conducted 820 examinations of 267 adult tamarins over a 7.75 year period to determine the annual molting cycle in this population. Dorsal molt was an annual event for most individuals in the study population; however, 10% of sampled individuals apparently molted twice in a 12 month period. Duration of molt was estimated at 5–6 weeks. The proportion of samples in which tamarins were in molt was significantly greater during the wet season than the dry season and positively correlated with mean monthly precipitation and minimum temperature but not tamarin births, suggesting an environmental component to timing of molt. We found no sex differences in the occurrence of molt during wet or dry seasons. However, the relative frequency of samples in molt was significantly less for gravid females than for nongravid females. In four polygynous groups, socially dominant females gave birth before subordinate females, and younger reproductive females completed molt before older reproductive females. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The behavior of reintroduced, captive-born animals is understudied, limiting the scientific understanding and utility of reintroduction as a conservation tool. This work describes changes in locomotor and foraging behaviors in captive-born golden lion tamarins over the first 18 months after their release into the wild. The subjects included 73 individuals living in and around the Poco das Antas Biological Reserve in Brazil between 1984 and 1996. The differences between animals that survived 6 months after release and those that did not indicate that initial deficiencies in locomotor and foraging abilities are related to survival. Behavioral changes in both juvenile and adult individuals during the first 6 and 18 months after release appear to be primarily related to locomotor abilities; however, the effect of provisioning on foraging abilities is unknown. Juvenile animals showed a larger number of changes relative to adults during the first 6 and 18 months, suggesting that placing tamarins into complex environments early in development may promote the expression of natural behaviors and increase survival opportunities after their release. However, when this is not possible, the best mechanism for reintroducing adult members of this species involves intensive post-release support rather than pre-release training, which confers few behavioral advantages. Recommendations for future reintroductions with this and other species include introducing animals to complex environments early in development, and collecting data systematically.  相似文献   

Seventeen territorial groups of wild golden lion tamarins were monitored for periods of 10–76 months. Immigration into established groups was rare (0.48 immigrating individuals per group per year) and occurred mostly in the context of replacement of breeding individuals. Nonreplacement immigration events usually occurred in conjunction with some other change in group composition (e.g., an emigration or another immigration). Aggression by resident tamarins toward potential immigrants appeared to be the proximate factor limiting movement into groups. Most such aggression was intrasexual, but potential female immigrants were sometimes chased by male as well as female residents. Immigration was highly male biased (85% of individuals). Factors possibly contributing to this bias were inheritance of breeding positions by adult daughters (reducing female and increasing male immigration opportunities), ability of males but not females to join groups already containing a same-sex breeding individual, and the fact that potential female immigrants appeared to face some intersexual as well as intrasexual aggression. Male and female roles in the maintenance of a monogynous mating system are considered in light of these results. Contrasts with data from intruder studies on captive golden lion tamarins [French & Inglett, Animal Behaviour 37:487–497, 1989] are discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Long calls are emitted by several primate taxa and appear to have multiple functions related to spacing mechanisms and reproduction. Yet, in some species the spontaneous rate of emission of these calls is low, and playbacks are used to elicit long calls to augment the sample size of studies. The objective of this study was to compare the acoustic structure of spontaneously emitted and experimentally induced long calls of golden lion tamarins. Results from 6 adult tamarins show that spontaneously emitted long calls differ acoustically from experimentally induced long calls in several frequency measures. Several explanations for these differences are discussed. We conclude that regardless of the underlying mechanisms, playbacks elicit responses that may be different from naturally occurring calls.  相似文献   

Leontopithecus caissara is a critically endangered primate species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nineteen microsatellite loci, previously developed for congeneric species, were tested with 34 L. caissara individuals from Superagüi Island. Of the 19 loci, 17 (89.4%) produced robust alleles, nine (47.4%) of these proved to be polymorphic, with a total of 23 alleles and an average of 2.56 alleles per locus. Expected and observed heterozygosity averaged 0.483 and 0.561, respectively. The exclusion power for identifying the first parent of an arbitrary offspring was 0.315 over all loci. The results thus indicate both the usefulness and limitations of these nine microsatellite loci in the genetic analysis of L. caissara, as well as their potentiality for genetic investigation in other congeneric species.  相似文献   

Daily urine samples were collected from 5 female golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) over a period of 3 or more months, and urinary oestrogen concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay. Four females exhibited regular patterns of oestrogen excretion, with a peak-to-peak periodicity of 19.6 +/- 1.4 days. Levels of oestrogen excretion tended to vary between, but not within, individual females. Post-partum oestrogen patterns included periods of clear oestrogen cyclicity before conception, with dramatic elevations in oestrogen excretion following conception. Oestrone was the predominant urinary oestrogen excreted by female lion tamarins. Enzyme hydrolysis with Helix pomatia beta-glucuronidase/sulphatase was an efficient method of liberating conjugated oestrogens in tamarin urine. Urinary oestrogen determinations can provide useful information about reproductive status in female lion tamarins.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the use of space and feeding ecology of seven groups of golden lion tamarins observed for a total of 2,164 hr in Poço das Antas Reserve, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Relative to habitat availability in the home ranges of these groups, lion tamarins spent more time than expected in relatively undisturbed swamp forests and less time than expected in more degraded hillside and pasture habitats. Home range area was correlated with group biomass but not group size. Golden lion tamarins fed primarily on fruits and small animal prey, but relied heavily on floral nectar during seasonal periods of relatively low fruit availability. Compared to other New World monkeys, lion tamarins used larger home range areas and exhibited longer daily path lengths than would be predicted by group biomass alone. We suggest that this pattern of foraging and use of space may be explained by the relatively greater availability of cryptic prey and their microhabitats in forests that are flooded and/or have closed canopies than in forests that are in earlier stages of succession where prey may be more susceptible to desiccation during the dry season. Am. J. Primatol. 41:289–305, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and validation of a plasma and urinary gonadotropin immunoassay for golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia), an endangered New World callitrichid primate. The assay is derived from a macaque chorionic gonadotropin assay and was validated for both plasma and urine samples in L. rosalia. Levels of immunoreactive LH/CG in lion tamarin urine were highly correlated (r = + 0.98) with gonadotropin bioactivity. Immunoreactive LH/CG levels were examined in two contexts: in the urine of adult females and in the plasma of adult males after administration of estrogen. Peaks of gonadotropin excretion were detected in samples collected from nonpregnant adult females. The peaks occurred immediately prior to cyclic elevations in urinary estrogen excretion. Plasma LH/CG concentration in males measured 24 and 48 hours after a single 50 μg injection of estradiol benzoate were significantly lower than levels at these time points measured after control treatment. Together, the results of this study point to the utility of the gonadotropin assay for monitoring reproductive function in both female and male lion tamarins.  相似文献   

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