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Aim The potential nestedness of assemblages of birds, arboreal marsupials and lizards was examined in a fragmented landscape in south‐eastern Australia. We assessed which ecological processes were related to the presence or absence of nestedness, particularly in relation to previous autoecological studies in the same study area. Location Data were collected at Buccleuch State Forest, c. 100 km to the west of the Australian Capital Territory in south‐eastern Australia. Methods Presence/absence matrices were compiled for birds (40 pine sites, 40 continuous forest sites, 43 fragments), arboreal marsupials (41 continuous forest sites, 39 fragments) and lizards (30 sites including all landscape elements) from a range of field surveys conducted since 1995. Nestedness was analysed using a standardized discrepancy measure, and statistical significance was assessed using the RANDNEST null model. For birds, species thought to be extinction‐prone were analysed separately to assess if assemblages comprising extinction‐prone species were more strongly nested than others. Also, sites with a substantial amount of Eucalyptus radiata were analysed separately to assess whether nestedness was stronger if environmental heterogeneity was minimized. Results The assemblages of lizards and arboreal marsupials were not nested, probably because of qualitative differences between species in response to environmental conditions. The assemblages of birds in fragments and pine sites were significantly nested, but nestedness was substantially stronger in fragments. For birds, nestedness appeared to be related to somewhat predictable extinction sequences, although there were many outliers in the analysis. Nestedness increased when extinction‐prone species were analysed by themselves. Nestedness decreased when environmental heterogeneity was minimized by including only sites dominated by E. radiata. Main conclusions In a given landscape, different vertebrate assemblages can respond in vastly different ways to fragmentation. Nestedness analyses can provide a useful overview of likely conservation issues in fragmented landscapes, for example by highlighting the possible roles of local extinction and immigration. However, nestedness analyses are a community‐level tool, and should be complemented by more detailed autoecological studies when applied in a conservation context.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the effects of forest fragmentation on the distribution of the entire wild giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) population, and to propose a modelling approach for monitoring the spatial distribution and habitat of pandas at the landscape scale using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro‐radiometer (MODIS) enhanced vegetation index (EVI) time‐series data. Location Five mountain ranges in south‐western China (Qinling, Minshan, Qionglai, Xiangling and Liangshan). Methods Giant panda pseudo‐absence data were generated from data on panda occurrences obtained from the third national giant panda survey. To quantify the fragmentation of forests, 26 fragmentation metrics were derived from 16‐day composite MODIS 250‐m EVI multi‐temporal data and eight of these metrics were selected following factor analysis. The differences between panda presence and panda absence were examined by applying significance testing. A forward stepwise logistic regression was then applied to explore the relationship between panda distribution and forest fragmentation. Results Forest patch size, edge density and patch aggregation were found to have significant roles in determining the distribution of pandas. Patches of dense forest occupied by giant pandas were significantly larger, closer together and more contiguous than patches where giant pandas were not recorded. Forest fragmentation is least in the Qinling Mountains, while the Xiangling and Liangshan regions have most fragmentation. Using the selected landscape metrics, the logistic regression model predicted the distribution of giant pandas with an overall accuracy of 72.5% (κ = 0.45). However, when a knowledge‐based control for elevation and slope was applied to the regression, the overall accuracy of the model improved to 77.6% (κ = 0.55). Main conclusions Giant pandas appear sensitive to patch size and isolation effects associated with fragmentation of dense forest, implying that the design of effective conservation areas for wild giant pandas must include large and dense forest patches that are adjacent to other similar patches. The approach developed here is applicable for analysing the spatial distribution of the giant panda from multi‐temporal MODIS 250‐m EVI data and landscape metrics at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

AIM: Our objective was to identify the distribution of the endangered golden-cheeked warbler (Setophaga chrysoparia) in fragmented oak-juniper woodlands by applying a geoadditive semiparametric occupancy model to better assist decision-makers in identifying suitable habitat across the species breeding range on which conservation or mitigation activities can be focused and thus prioritize management and conservation planning. LOCATION: Texas, USA. METHODS: We used repeated double-observer detection/non-detection surveys of randomly selected (n = 287) patches of potential habitat to evaluate warbler patch-scale presence across the species breeding range. We used a geoadditive semiparametric occupancy model with remotely sensed habitat metrics (patch size and landscape composition) to predict patch-scale occupancy of golden-cheeked warblers in the fragmented oak-juniper woodlands of central Texas, USA. RESULTS: Our spatially explicit model indicated that golden-cheeked warbler patch occupancy declined from south to north within the breeding range concomitant with reductions in the availability of large habitat patches. We found that 59% of woodland patches, primarily in the northern and central portions of the warbler's range, were predicted to have occupancy probabilities ≤0.10 with only 3% of patches predicted to have occupancy probabilities >0.90. Our model exhibited high prediction accuracy (area under curve = 0.91) when validated using independently collected warbler occurrence data. MAIN CONCLUSIONS: We have identified a distinct spatial occurrence gradient for golden-cheeked warblers as well as a relationship between two measurable landscape characteristics. Because habitat-occupancy relationships were key drivers of our model, our results can be used to identify potential areas where conservation actions supporting habitat mitigation can occur and identify areas where conservation of future potential habitat is possible. Additionally, our results can be used to focus resources on maintenance and creation of patches that are more likely to harbour viable local warbler populations.  相似文献   

Hunting of wild animals is an important component of household economies in the Congo Basin. Results from the growing corpus of quantitative studies show that: a) bushmeat remains the primary source of animal protein for the majority of Congo Basin families; b) bushmeat hunting can constitute a significant source of revenue for forest families; c) bushmeat consumption by low density populations living in the forest may be sustainable at present; d) demand for bushmeat by growing numbers of urban consumers has created a substantial market for bushmeat that is resulting in a halo of defaunation around population centres, and may be driving unsustainable levels of hunting, even in relatively isolated regions; and e) large bodied animals with low reproductive rates are most susceptible to over-exploitation compared with more r-selected species that apparently can tolerate relatively intensive hunting (Mangel et al. 1996). As urban populations continue to grow and economies revitalise, unless action is taken to alter the demand for, and the supply of bushmeat, the forests of the Congo Basin will be progressively stripped of certain wildlife species, risking their extirpation or extinction, and the loss of values they confer to local economies. Consequently, it is essential that a) logging companies are encouraged or coerced not to facilitate bushmeat hunting and transportation in their concessions, b) we develop a better understanding of the elasticity of bushmeat demand, c) that pilot bushmeat substitution projects are supported and their impact on demand evaluated, and d) social marketing activities are put in place to attempt to direct consumer preferences for animal protein away from bushmeat species that are particularly susceptible to over-exploitation.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(7):3236-3253
Alpine and Arctic species are considered to be particularly vulnerable to climate change, which is expected to cause habitat loss, fragmentation and—ultimately—extinction of cold‐adapted species. However, the impact of climate change on glacial relict populations is not well understood, and specific recommendations for adaptive conservation management are lacking. We focused on the mountain hare (Lepus timidus) as a model species and modelled species distribution in combination with patch and landscape‐based connectivity metrics. They were derived from graph‐theory models to quantify changes in species distribution and to estimate the current and future importance of habitat patches for overall population connectivity. Models were calibrated based on 1,046 locations of species presence distributed across three biogeographic regions in the Swiss Alps and extrapolated according to two IPCC scenarios of climate change (RCP 4.5 & 8.5), each represented by three downscaled global climate models. The models predicted an average habitat loss of 35% (22%–55%) by 2100, mainly due to an increase in temperature during the reproductive season. An increase in habitat fragmentation was reflected in a 43% decrease in patch size, a 17% increase in the number of habitat patches and a 34% increase in inter‐patch distance. However, the predicted changes in habitat availability and connectivity varied considerably between biogeographic regions: Whereas the greatest habitat losses with an increase in inter‐patch distance were predicted at the southern and northern edges of the species’ Alpine distribution, the greatest increase in patch number and decrease in patch size is expected in the central Swiss Alps. Finally, both the number of isolated habitat patches and the number of patches crucial for maintaining the habitat network increased under the different variants of climate change. Focusing conservation action on the central Swiss Alps may help mitigate the predicted effects of climate change on population connectivity.  相似文献   

Conservation of endemic species on oceanic islands is an essential issue for biodiversity conservation. Metrosideros boninensis (Myrtaceae) is an endangered tree species endemic to the Bonin Islands of the western North Pacific Ocean. This species is considered to be extremely rare with less than 400 adult individuals, a number that has fluctuated between the 1880s and 1980s through human influence. We analyzed the genetic diversity and genetic structure of this species using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers and microsatellite markers. Genetic diversity of M. boninensis was extremely low compared to related taxa and similar endemic species from small islands. This low genetic diversity might be attributed to a stepwise colonization process with repeated founder bottlenecks in the dispersal pathway to the Bonin Islands. Populations of M. boninensis showed significant genetic differentiation and isolation by distance over a small geographical scale, despite the fact that this species should have extensive gene dispersal ability. This genetic differentiation might be caused by limited gene flow via pollen and seed among populations and genetic drift amid a small number of remnant individuals. Taken together, these findings suggest that the genetic diversity and connectivity of tree populations on islands are more vulnerable to habitat fragmentation than previously thought. We offer some recommendations for management to ameliorate habitat fragmentation and biological invasion.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim and location Alluvial flood plains support higher levels of vascular plant species richness than other terrestrial ecosystems. Whereas the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of these ecosystems has been considered the local determinant of high plant richness, regional influences, such as regional species pools have received little attention. In this study we surveyed plant species richness across the entire Nyack catchment (c. 21,000 ha), in Glacier National Park, USA, to determine the relation of upland ecosystem community structure to biodiversity patterns on montane floodplains that are relatively extensive and flood‐scoured ecosystems. Method We surveyed floodplain and other terrestrial ecosystems within the Nyack catchment using 50 × 2 m plots to record species present and visual estimates of percentage cover. Species pools from flood plains and three other terrestrial ecosystems (low elevation forests, sub‐Alpine forests and alpine) were analysed with nested subset analysis, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), and an index of beta diversity to identify dissimilarity in species composition and richness, and the separate contributions of generalists (species occurring in more than one ecosystem) and specialists to richness in each ecosystem. Analysis of variance and post hoc Tukey–Kramer tests were used to identify where in the Nyack catchment each species was most abundant. Species life form and dispersal strategies were analysed to better understand influences on beta diversity. Results Our data show that in this pristine system, floodplain ecosystems host 202 (63%) of the 320 vascular plants identified within Nyack catchment. Of these species, the nested subset analysis showed that 146 (72%) are found in at least one adjacent upland ecosystem. While the DCA ordination scatter plots show statistically significant separations of ecosystems on the first two axes, values of beta diversity showed that substantial similarity exists between floodplain and all upland species pools. Further, of the 146 floodplain species shared with upland ecosystems, 61% were more frequent in upland ecosystems, whereas 55% were more abundant in uplands than flood plains (Tukey–Kramer P ≤ 0.05). Significant numbers of specialists were found on flood plains (24% of floodplain species), but also within upland ecosystems, where 23% and 40% of low elevation forest and alpine species were found to be specialists, respectively. Whereas 83% of herb generalists were wind dispersed, <70% of specialists were animal dispersed, indicating that similarity in species pools may be driven by wind dispersal. Main conclusions These results suggest a re‐evaluation of the contribution of floodplain ecosystems to regional plant species richness. While flood plains host specialists, other ecosystems had equal or higher levels of regional ‘endemism’. Furthermore, these data suggest that conservation of high levels of biodiversity on floodplain ecosystems may require consideration of upland ecosystems throughout the catchment as the majority of species were relatively rare on flood plains, indicating they may be sink habitats for some species.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify critical areas for puma (Puma concolor) movement across the state of Arizona in the American Southwest and to identify those most likely to be impacted by current and future human land uses, particularly expanding urban development and associated increases in traffic volume. Human populations in this region are expanding rapidly, with the potential for urban centers and busy roads to increasingly act as barriers to demographic and genetic connectivity of large‐bodied, wide‐ranging carnivores such as pumas, whose long‐distance movements are likely to bring them into contact with human land uses and whose low tolerance both for and from humans may put them at risk unless opportunities for safe passage through or around human‐modified landscapes are present. Brownian bridge movement models based on global positioning system collar data collected during bouts of active movement and linear mixed models were used to model habitat quality for puma movement; then, a wall‐to‐wall application of circuit theory models was used to produce a continuous statewide estimate of connectivity for puma movement and to identify pinch points, or bottlenecks, that may be most at risk of impacts from current and future traffic volume and expanding development. Rugged, shrub‐ and scrub‐dominated regions were highlighted as those offering high quality movement habitat for pumas, and pinch points with the greatest potential impacts from expanding development and traffic, although widely distributed, were particularly prominent to the north and east of the city of Phoenix and along interstate highways in the western portion of the state. These pinch points likely constitute important conservation opportunities, where barriers to movement may cause disproportionate loss of connectivity, but also where actions such as placement of wildlife crossing structures or conservation easements could enhance connectivity and prevent detrimental impacts before they occur.  相似文献   

In the arid and semiarid lands (ASAL) of Kenya, fuelwood and charcoal constitute 95–98% of the total energy demand for cooking, heating and lighting. The resultant deleterious ecological effects are severe and need urgent remedial interventions. A study was carried out in Marsabit District, which is a vast ASAL region, to examine the effects of woodfuel consumption on Marsabit Forest and the surrounding areas. It was found that wood for fuel harvested from Marsabit Forest was approximately 56,000 tons y−1. The rate of deforestation was estimated at 1.6 ha y−1. This resulted in great loss of indigenous biodiversity, destruction of vital ecosystems and habitats. To control further degradation of the forest, it is recommended that an immediate ban be imposed to stop harvesting of the indigenous species such as Olea spp. and Teclea spp., which are seriously endangered. Also, woodfuel conservation through wider and more efficient use of the improved energy-saving technologies should be enhanced.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting the effect of global change phenomena on biodiversity is challenging given that biodiversity data are highly multivariate, containing information from tens to hundreds of species in any given location and time. The Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model has been recently proposed to decompose biodiversity data into latent communities. While LDA is a very useful exploratory tool and overcomes several limitations of earlier methods, it has limited inferential and predictive skill given that covariates cannot be included in the model. We introduce a modified LDA model (called LDAcov) which allows the incorporation of covariates, enabling inference on the drivers of change of latent communities, spatial interpolation of results, and prediction based on future environmental change scenarios. We show with simulated data that our approach to fitting LDAcov is able to estimate well the number of groups and all model parameters. We illustrate LDAcov using data from two experimental studies on the long‐term effects of fire on southeastern Amazonian forests in Brazil. Our results reveal that repeated fires can have a strong impact on plant assemblages, particularly if fuel is allowed to build up between consecutive fires. The effect of fire is exacerbated as distance to the edge of the forest decreases, with small‐sized species and species with thin bark being impacted the most. These results highlight the compounding impacts of multiple fire events and fragmentation, a scenario commonly found across the southern edge of Amazon. We believe that LDAcov will be of wide interest to scientists studying the effect of global change phenomena on biodiversity using high‐dimensional datasets. Thus, we developed the R package LDAcov to enable the straightforward use of this model.  相似文献   

Lianas are important components in the dynamics of tropical forests and represent fallback foods for some primates, yet little is known about their impact on primate ecology, behavior or fitness. Using 2 yr of field data, we investigated liana consumption and foraging effort in four groups of howler monkeys (two in bigger, more conserved forest fragments and two in smaller, less conserved fragments) to assess whether howler monkeys use lianas when and where food availability is scarce, and how liana consumption is related to foraging effort. Howler monkeys in smaller fragments spent more time consuming lianas and liana consumption was negatively related to the consumption of preferred food resources (fruit and Ficus spp.). Further, travel time was positively related to liana feeding time, but not to tree feeding time, and howler monkeys visited a greater number of food patches when feeding from liana leaves than when feeding from tree leaves. Our results suggest that these increases in foraging effort were related to the fact that lianas are mainly a source of leaves, and that liana patch size was probably smaller than tree patch size. While these results were clear when analyzing all four groups combined, however, they were not always significant in each of the groups individually. We suggest that this may be related to the differences in group size, patch size and the availability of resources among groups. Further studies are necessary to assess whether these dietary and behavioral adjustments negatively impact on the fitness and conservation of primates in fragments.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate how local, regional and historical factors shape the herbaceous plant communities in fragmented riverine forests, and how the community composition and species richness of these fragments is related to the interplay between the environmental factors and specific plant life‐trait combinations. Location Riverine forest fragments in the Grand‐duché de Luxembourg. Methods Forest fragments were surveyed for their abundance in herbaceous plant species. All plant species where clustered into Emergent Groups (EG) by means of a formal classification based on 14 life‐history traits. Within each EG, the local, regional and historical factors were related to the community composition using partial Canonical Correspondence Analyses (pCCA) and to the species richness using Generalized Linear Models (GLMs). The EG colonization ability was characterized by means of logistic regressions. Results We defined and characterized seven EGs, among which three consisted of forest specialist species (barochorous perennials, short geophytes and zoochorous perennials), which exhibited specific life‐trait combinations: large and short‐lived seeds and/or vernal phenology. Differences in EG composition between forest fragments were mainly explained by local environmental factors such as soil productivity and pH. The richness of barochorous perennials and short geophytes was well predicted by the historical and regional factors. The colonization ability appeared very low for barochorous perennials and short geophytes. Main conclusions Local environmental conditions appear to drive the differentiation of the riverine forest plant communities owing to the specific habitat requirements of many forest species. Spatial and temporal forest discontinuities affect the richness of forest specialist species, due to dispersal and/or recruitment limitations. The emergent group approach enhances the understanding of the relative influence of local, regional and historical factors by distinguishing between forest specialists from generalists or ‘matrix’ species, which have a masking effect.  相似文献   

1. Development in organisms can vary in response to fluctuating environments. In holometabolous insects, variation in adult phenotypic traits is strongly influenced by growth conditions experienced by larvae. The main aim of this study was to assess how much environmental insight can be gained from analysis of the phenotypic changes in an insect's life history parameters in response to realistic food limitations. 2. This investigation was motivated by a need for more information about the developmental requirements of the endangered pine hoverfly Blera fallax (Linnaeus) (Diptera, Syrphidae) in Scotland. Blera fallax depends on a scarce and often ephemeral habitat, rot holes of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. stumps. We studied how rearing conditions affected growth in captive larvae, and compared these responses with a wild population. 3. The growth curve observed in the field was similar to that in resource‐limited, lab conditions, suggesting that resources are limiting in nature. The effects of resource availability on development time and body size depended on sex. Adult females were larger but had more variable size at maturity compared with males. In contrast, males typically were not smaller in resource‐limited conditions, but rather continued to develop for another year. Between 2% and 20% of larvae extended development over 2 years regardless of growth conditions, perhaps indicating a semivoltine strategy to circumvent extinction during years with a low breeding success. 4. These results identify life history traits that may be important for other saproxylic Diptera in rot holes, and organisms that experience food restrictions during growth.  相似文献   

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