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The overall coordination of cell structure and function that results in gene expression requires a spatial and temporal precision that would be unobtainable in the absence of structural order within the cell. Cells contain extensive and elaborate three-dimensional skeletal networks that form integral structural components of the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. These skeletal networks form a dynamic tissue matrix are composed of the nuclear matrix, cytoskeleton, and extracellular matrix. The tissue matrix is an interactive network which undergoes dynamic changes as cells move and change shape. Pathologists have long recognized cancer in pathologic specimens based on the altered morphology of tumor cells compared to their normal counterparts. The structural order of cells appears to be altered in transformed cells. This structural order is reflected in the altered morphology and motility observed in transformed cells compared to their normal counterparts, however, it is unclear whether the structural changes observed in cancer cells have any functional significance. We report here on the nature of the physical connections between the nucleus and cell periphery in nontransformed cells and demonstrate that the nucleus is dynamically coupled to the cell periphery via actin microfilaments. We also demonstrate that the dynamic coupling of the nucleus to the cell periphery via actin microfilaments is altered in Kirsten-ras transformed rat kidney epithelial cells. This loss of structure-function relationship may be an important factor in the process of cell transformation.  相似文献   

Summary Here, we describe assay systems that utilize serum-free defined media to evaluate capillary morphogenesis during human endothelial cell (EC) invasion of three-dimensional collagen matrices. ECs invade these matrices over a 1–3-d period to form capillary tubes. Blocking antibodies to the α2β1 integrin interfere with invasion and morphogenesis while other integrin blocking antibodies do not. Interestingly, we observed increased invasion of ECs toward a population of underlying ECs undergoing morphogenesis. In addition, we have developed assays on microscope slides that display the invasion process horizontally, thereby enhancing our ability to image these events. Thus far, we have observed intracellular vacuoles that appear to regulate the formation of capillary lumens, and extensive cell processes that facilitate the interconnection of ECs during morphogenic events. These assays should enable further investigation of the morphologic steps and molecular events controlling human capillary tube formation in three-dimensional extracellular matrices.  相似文献   

Interaction of cells with extracellular matrix (ECM) largely defines migration capacity of cells and ways of their dissemination in normal tissue processes and during tumor progression. We review current knowledge about structure of cell adhesions with ECM and their alterations during carcinogenesis. We analyze how changes in structure of cell-matrix adhesions and ECM itself lead to acquisition of neoplastic properties by cells. Modern concepts of tumor cell motility and changes in the relationships of cells with ECM during tumor development are presented. Contemporary approaches for influencing the cell-ECM adhesion structures for inhibition of invasion and metastasis are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Cell migration is an essential process throughout the life of vertebrates, beginning during embryonic development and continuing throughout adulthood. Stem cells have an inherent ability to migrate, that is as important as their capacity for self‐renewal and differentiation, enabling them to maintain tissue homoeostasis and mediate repair and regeneration. Adult stem cells reside in specific tissue niches, where they remain in a quiescent state until called upon and activated by tissue environmental signals. Cell migration is a highly regulated process that involves the integration of intrinsic signals from the niche and extrinsic factors. Studies using three‐dimensional in vitro models have revealed the astonishing plasticity of cells in terms of the migration modes employed in response to changes in the microenvironment. These same properties can, however, be subverted during the development of some pathologies such as cancer. In this review, we describe the response of adult stem cells to migratory stimuli and the mechanisms by which they sense and transduce intracellular signals involved in migratory processes. Understanding the molecular events underlying migration may help develop therapeutic strategies for regenerative medicine and to treat diseases with a cell migration component.  相似文献   

Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are regarded as promising seed cells for engineering cartilage. However, few researches have covered the immune properties of seeded MSCs. Collagen has been considered as good scaffold, whether it has inherent chondrogenic inducibility for MSCs is still in debate. In this study, engineering grafts are constructed by neonatal rabbit MSCs and collagen Type I hydrogel. After periods of culture, the appearance of chondroid tissue in the grafts and the cartilage matrix‐specific genes expressions of seeded cells prove the inducibility of collagen hydrogel, even if the growth factors are absence. With the differentiation, immunological properties of MSCs are changing. The expressions of main histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules increase and the ability to inhibit the proliferation of activated lymphocytes may be declined. But to a large extent, it keeps the low stimulating to allogeneic lymphocytes and the small absolute value of MHCs. The changes are adverse for avoiding inflammation and rejection. Therefore, suitable scaffold and engineering strategies should be selected. For the grafts based on Collagen I hydrogel and MSCs, a longer culture period might not be necessary. To maintain the immune regulation, a higher initial MSCs density in engineering grafts may be more meaningful. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

The low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1) is a member of Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor (LDLR) family, which is ubiquitously expressed and which is described as a multifunctional endocytic receptor which mediates the clearance of various extracellular matrix molecules including serine proteinases, proteinase-inhibitor complexes, and matricellular proteins. Several studies showed that high LRP-1 expression promotes breast cancer cell invasiveness, and LRP-1 invalidation leads to cell motility abrogation in both tumor and non-tumor cells. Furthermore, our group has reported that LRP-1 silencing prevents the invasion of a follicular thyroid carcinoma despite increased pericellular proteolytic activities from MMP2 and uPA using a 2D-cell culture model. As the use of 3D culture systems is becoming more and more popular due to their promise as enhanced models of tissue physiology, the aim of the present work is to characterize for the first time how the 3D collagen type I matrix may impact the ability of LRP-1 to regulate the migratory properties of thyroid carcinoma using as a model FTC-133 cells. Our results show that inhibition of LRP-1 activity or expression leads to morphological changes affecting cell-matrix interactions, reorganizations of the actin-cytoskeleton especially by inhibiting FAK activation and increasing RhoA activity and MLC-2 phosphorylation, thus preventing cell migration. Taken together, our results suggest that LRP-1 silencing leads to a decrease of cell migratory capacity in a 3D configuration.  相似文献   

The closely related proteins AtFH4 and AtFH8 represent the group Ie clade of Arabidopsis formin homologues. The subcellular localization of these proteins and their ability to affect the actin cytoskeleton were examined. AtFH4 protein activity was identified using fluorimetric techniques. Interactions between Arabidopsis profilin isoforms and AtFH4 were assayed in vitro and in vivo using pull-down assays and yeast-2-hybrid. The subcellular localization of group Ie formins was observed with indirect immunofluorescence (AtFH4) and an ethanol-inducible green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion construct (AtFH8). AtFH4 protein affected actin dynamics in vitro, and yeast-2-hybrid assays suggested isoform-specific interactions with the actin-binding protein profilin in vivo. Indirect immunofluorescence showed that AtFH4 localized specifically to the cell membrane at borders between adjoining cells. Expression of an AtFH8 fusion protein resulted in GFP localization to cell membrane zones, similar to AtFH4. Furthermore, aberrant expression of AtFH8 resulted in the inhibition of root hair elongation. Taken together, these data suggest that the group Ie formins act with profilin to regulate actin polymerization at specific sites associated with the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Glucose starvation has been widely used to select differentiated subpopulations from the heterogenous human colon cancer cell line HT29. We observed that the important cell loss elicited by culturing these cells in glucose-free medium could be limited when type I collagen gel was used as substratum instead of conventional plastic support. We took advantage of this property to develop a new protocol, which combined glucose starvation and culture on collagen gels, for cloning HT29 cells. Using this procedure we have isolated four clones that were characterized on the basis of morphological (optical and transmission electron microscopy), electrophysiological (determination of transepithelial electrical parameters) and biochemical (detection of villin, sucrase-isomaltase and carcinoembryonic antigen) criteria. These four clones expressed different patterns of enterocytic differentiation regarding to these criteria. These results confirmed the heterogeneity of the HT29 cell line. One of these clones, HT29-A7, which displayed numerous intercellular cysts that disappeared at confluency, appears as a complementary model in the study of epithelial biogenesis.  相似文献   

The temporal dependence of cytoskeletal remodelling on cell-cell contact in HepG2 cells has been established here. Cell-cell contact occurred in an ultrasound standing wave trap designed to form and levitate a 2-D cell aggregate, allowing intercellular adhesive interactions to proceed, free from the influences of solid substrata. Membrane spreading at the point of contact and change in cell circularity reached 50% of their final values within 2.2 min of contact. Junctional F-actin increased at the interface but lagged behind membrane spreading, reaching 50% of its final value in 4.4 min. Aggregates had good mechanical stability after 15 min in the trap. The implication of this temporal dependence on the sequential progress of adhesion processes is discussed. These results provide insight into how biomimetic cell aggregates with some liver cell functions might be assembled in a systematic, controlled manner in a 3-D ultrasound trap.  相似文献   

Cancer cells exhibit de-regulation of multiple cellular signalling pathways and treatments of various types of cancers with polyphenols are promising. We recently reported the synthesis of a series of 33 novel divanillic and trivanillic polyphenols that displayed anticancer activity, at least in vitro, through inhibiting various kinases. This study revealed that minor chemical modifications of a trivanillate scaffold could convert cytotoxic compounds into cytostatic ones. Compound 13c, a tri-chloro derivative of trivanillic ester, displayed marked inhibitory activities against FGF-, VEGF-, EGF- and Src-related kinases, all of which are implicated not only in angiogenesis but also in the biological aggressiveness of various cancer types. The pan-anti-kinase activity of 13c occurs at less than one-tenth of its mean IC(50) in vitro growth inhibitory concentrations towards a panel of 12 cancer cell lines. Of the 26 kinases for which 13c inhibited their activity by >75%, eight (Yes, Fyn, FGF-R1, EGFR, Btk, Mink, Ret and Itk) are implicated in control of the actin cytoskeleton organization to varying degrees. Compound 13c accordingly impaired the typical organization of the actin cytoskeleton in human U373 glioblastoma cells. The pan-anti-kinase activity and actin cytoskeleton organization impairment provoked by 13c concomitantly occurs with calcium homeostasis impairment but without provoking MDR phenotype activation. All of these anticancer properties enabled 13c to confer therapeutic benefits in vivo in a mouse melanoma pseudometastatic lung model. These data argue in favour of further chemically modifying trivanillates to produce novel and potent anticancer drugs.  相似文献   

Abnormal expression of neuropilin and tolloid‐like 1 (NETO1) has been detected in some human carcinomas. However, the expression of NETO1 and the underlying mechanism in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) remain unknown. In this study, we found that a higher NETO1 expression in EOC tissue samples compared to normal ovarian tissue samples was significantly correlated with worse overall survival. Additionally, Cox regression analysis suggested that NETO 1 was independently associated with overall survival. NETO1 overexpression enhanced the EOC cells’ migration and invasion capability in vitro via regulation of actin cytoskeleton. Mechanistically, silencing NETO1 reduced the expression of β‐tubulin, F‐actin and KIF2A. In conclusion, our results demonstrated the critical role of NETO1 in EOC invasion, and therapies aimed at inhibiting its expression or activity might significantly control EOC growth, invasion and metastatic dissemination.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that cancer stem cells (CSCs) exist in most hematological and solid tumors. CSCs are characterized by their ability to self-renew and their capacity to differentiate into the multitude of cells that comprise the tumor mass. Moreover, these cells have been shown to be intrinsically resistant to conventional anticancer therapies. Despite their fundamental role in cancer pathogenesis, the cellular origin of CSCs remains highly controversial. The aim of this study was to examine whether heterogeneous cancer cells can acquire stem cell-like properties in response to chemotherapy. We demonstrate that carboplatin can induce the self-renewal (spherogenesis) and pluripotency (Sox2 and Oct3/4 expression) of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells grown under stem cell culture conditions. Moreover, we show that non-CSC cells, obtained by side population flow cytometric sorting using Hoechst 33342, can acquire stem-like properties after exposure to carboplatin. Finally, we show that knockdown of Sox2 and Oct3/4 gene expression in HCC cells can reduce carboplatin-mediated increases in sphere formation and increase cellular sensitivity to chemotherapy. Taken together, our data indicate that bulk cancer cells may be an important source of CSCs during tumor development, and that targeting Sox2 and/or Oct3/4 may be a promising approach for targeting CSCs in clinical cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Cancer initiating cells (CICs) have been the focus of recent anti‐cancer therapies, exhibiting strong invasion capability via potentially enhanced ability to remodel extracellular matrices (ECM). We have identified CICs in a human breast cancer cell line, MX‐1, and developed a xenograft model in SCID mice. We investigated the CICs' matrix‐remodeling effects using Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) microscopy to identify potential phenotypic signatures of the CIC‐rich tumors. The isolated CICs exhibit higher proliferation, drug efflux and drug resistant properties in vitro; were more tumorigenic than non‐CICs, resulting in more and larger tumors in the xenograft model. The CIC‐rich tumors have less collagen in the tumor interior than in the CIC‐poor tumors supporting the idea that the CICs can remodel the collagen more effectively. The collagen fibers were preferentially aligned perpendicular to the CIC‐rich tumor boundary while parallel to the CIC‐poor tumor boundary suggesting more invasive behavior of the CIC‐rich tumors. These findings would provide potential translational values in quantifying and monitoring CIC‐rich tumors in future anti‐cancer therapies.

CIC‐rich tumors remodel the collagen matrix more than CIC‐poor tumors.  相似文献   

The TEM8 gene is selectively expressed in tumor versus normal blood vessels, though its function in endothelial cell biology is not known. Towards the goal of clarifying this function, we tested whether TEM8 overexpression, or blocking TEM8's function with a dominant negative protein, would modulate endothelial cell activities. We found that TEM8-expressing endothelial cells migrated at a rate 3-fold greater than control cells in a monolayer denudation assay. Also, the addition of recombinant TEM8 extracellular domain (TEM8-ED) specifically inhibited both chemokinetic and chemotactic migration on collagen in the denudation and Boyden chamber assays, respectively. The TEM8-ED binds preferentially to collagen, and TEM8 expression enhanced endothelial adhesion to collagen 3-fold; the latter response was antagonized by the TEM8-ED. Consistent with the TEM8-ED acting as a dominant negative inhibitor of endogenously expressed protein were data showing that the TEM8-ED had no effect on the activation of beta1 integrin. TEM8 protein is present in human umbilical vein in situ and is expressed in low passage HUVEC in vitro. TEM8 protein expression in HUVEC was increased 5-fold by the initiation of tube formation, correlating expression of TEM8 with the angiogenic response. Taken together, these results indicate that TEM8 plays a positive role in endothelial cell activities related to angiogenesis.  相似文献   

The mevalonate synthesis pathway produces intermediates for isoprenylation of small GTPases, which are involved in the regulation of actin cytoskeleton and cell motility. Here, we investigated the role of the prenylation transferases in the regulation of the cytoskeletal organization and motility of PC‐3 prostate cancer cells. This was done by using FTI‐277, GGTI‐298 or NE‐10790, the specific inhibitors of FTase (farnesyltransferase), GGTase (geranylgeranyltransferase)‐I and ‐II, respectively. Treatment of PC‐3 cells with GGTI‐298 and FTI‐277 inhibited migration and invasion in a time‐ and dose‐dependent manner. This was associated with disruption of F‐actin organization and decreased recovery of GFP–actin. Immunoblot analysis of various cytoskeleton‐associated proteins showed that the most striking change in GGTI‐298‐ and FTI‐277‐treated cells was a markedly decreased level of total and phosphorylated cofilin, whereas the level of cofilin mRNA was not decreased. The treatment of PC‐3 cells with GGTI‐298 also affected the dynamics of GFP–paxillin and decreased the levels of total and phosphorylated paxillin. The levels of phosphorylated FAK (focal adhesion kinase) and PAK (p‐21‐associated kinase)‐2 were also lowered by GGTI‐298, but levels of paxillin or FAK mRNAs were not affected. In addition, GGTI‐298 had a minor effect on the activity of MMP‐9. RNAi knockdown of GGTase‐Iβ inhibited invasion, disrupted F‐actin organization and decreased the level of cofilin in PC‐3 cells. NE‐10790 did not have any effect on PC‐3 prostate cancer cell motility or on the organization of the cytoskeleton. In conclusion, our results demonstrate the involvement of GGTase‐I‐ and FTase‐catalysed prenylation reactions in the regulation of cytoskeletal integrity and motility of prostate cancer cells and suggest them as interesting drug targets for development of inhibitors of prostate cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

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