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Whereas most animals make considerable effort to avoid their predators, numerous species tend to approach and to confront predators as a group: mobbing. Among the types of predators that elicit mobbing, snakes seem to be one of the more consistent recipients of it. I describe the mobbing behavior of spectral tarsiers toward live and model snakes. In particular, I explore individual differences—sex, age and reproductive status—in mobbing behavior at Tangkoko Nature Reserve, Sulawesi, Indonesia. In 1994–1995, I observed 11 groups for 18 mo, and in 1999, I observed 9 groups for 6 mo. Over all I recorded, 11 natural mobbing events and 9 artificially induced mobbing events. The mean number of individuals at a natural mobbing is 5.1 with an average duration of 33 min. The duration of a mobbing event is strongly correlated with the number of mobbers. Adults were more likely than other age classes to participate in mobbings. Males were more likely than females to participate in mobbings. Mobbing groups often contained > 1 adult male despite the fact that no spectral tarsier group contains > 1 adult male. Vis-à-vis Curios (1978) 9 hypotheses for the function of mobbing suggests that its primary function in spectral tarsiers may be perception advertisement or teaching snakes to move on. 相似文献
Anna Lena Burger Julian Fennessy Stephanie Fennessy Paul W. Dierkes 《Ecology and evolution》2020,10(6):2917-2927
This study presents the first findings on nocturnal behavior patterns of wild Angolan giraffe. We characterized their nocturnal behavior and analyzed the influence of ecological factors such as group size, season, and habitat use. Giraffe were observed using night vision systems and thermal imaging cameras on Okapuka Ranch, Namibia. A total of 77 giraffe were observed during 24 nights over two distinct periods—July–August 2016 (dry season) and February–March 2017 (wet season). Photoperiod had a marked influence on their activity and moving behavior. At dusk, giraffe reduced the time spent moving and increasingly lay down and slept at the onset of darkness. Body postures that likely correspond to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep posture (RSP) were observed 15.8 ± 18.3 min after giraffe sat down. Season had a significant effect with longer RSP phases during the dry season (dry: 155.2 ± 191.1 s, n = 79; wet: 85.8 ± 94.9 s, n = 73). Further analyses of the influence of social behavior patterns did not show an effect of group size on RSP lengths. When a group of giraffe spent time at a specific resting site, several individuals were alert (vigilant) while other group members sat down or took up RSP. Simultaneous RSP events within a group were rarely observed. Resting sites were characterized by single trees or sparse bushes on open areas allowing for good visibility in a relatively sheltered location. 相似文献
Observations of the potto (Perodicticus potto),a nocturnal prosimian primate,indicated a limited behavioral repertoire and prompted renovation of their exhibit at the Frankin Park Zoo (Boston, MA). We
used the natural history of this species to direct the exhibit modifications, which used only nonsynthetic items. We added
live plants, soil, bamboo, shelf fungi, grapevines, a hollow tree, and a log containing an insect dispenser to the exhibit
at little expense. They provided new textures, odors, pathways, stimulation and cover for this secretive species. The changes
produced a heightened aesthetic appeal to the nocturnal exhibit and improved its educational value by representing the animals’
habitat more accurately. The exhibit modifications also resulted in a significant increase in activity, an expansion of the
pottos’ behavioral repertoire,the emergence of sexual behaviors, and an increased visibility to the public. 相似文献
William M. Hamner 《Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology》2013,45(2-4):101-118
The sensory ecology of scyphomedusae is a subject ripe for investigation. There are sensory structures for which there is no experimental evidence of function, there are behavioral performances for which there are no demonstrated sense organs, and there are behaviors for which there are no adaptive explanations. Scyphomedusae are diploblastic animals with a primitive level of neurological complexity, yet they exhibit a wide range of complex and sophisticated behaviors, such as sun compass navigation and daily horizontal migrations. This paper reviews the sensory ecology of orientation and migratory behavior in scyphomedusae, with an emphasis on data from Aurelia aurita. Adaptive explanations for complex behavior of individuals must be evaluated at the population level in order to assess their ecological importance. 相似文献
Any animal whose form or behavior facilitates the avoidanceof predators or escape when attacked by predators will havea greater probability of surviving to breed and therefore greaterprobability of producing offspring (i.e., fitness). Althoughin theory the fitness consequences of any antipredation behaviorcan simply be measured by the resultant probability of survivalor death, determining the functional significance of antipredationbehavior presents a surprising problem. In this review we drawattention to the problem that fitness consequences of antipredationbehaviors cannot be determined without considering the potentialfor reduction of predation risk, or increased reproductive output,through other compensatory behaviors than the behaviors understudy. We believe we have reached the limits of what we canever understand about the ecological effects of antipredationbehavior from empirical studies that simply correlate a singlebehavior with an apparent fitness consequence. Future empiricalstudies must involve many behaviors to consider the range ofpotential compensation to predation risk. This is because antipredationbehaviors are a composite of many behaviors that an animal canadjust to accomplish its ends. We show that observed variationin antipredation behavior does not have to reflect fitness andwe demonstrate that few studies can draw unambiguous conclusionsabout the fitness consequences of antipredation behavior. Lastly,we provide suggestions of how future research should best betargeted so that, even in the absence of death rates or changesin reproductive output, reasonable inferences of the fitnessconsequences of antipredation behaviors can be made. 相似文献
Studies of visual acuity in primates have shown that diurnal haplorhines have higher acuity (30–75 cycles per degree (c/deg)) than most other mammals. However, relatively little is known about visual acuity in non‐haplorhine primates, and published estimates are only available for four strepsirrhine genera (Microcebus, Otolemur, Galago, and Lemur). We present here the first measurements of visual acuity in a cathemeral strepsirrhine species, the blue‐eyed black lemur (Eulemur macaco flavifrons). Acuity in two subjects, a 3‐year‐old male and a 16‐year‐old female, was assessed behaviorally using a two‐alternative forced choice discrimination task. Visual stimuli consisted of high contrast square wave gratings of seven spatial frequencies. Acuity threshold was determined using a 70% correct response criterion. Results indicate a maximum visual acuity of 5.1 c/deg for the female (1718 trials) and 3.8 c/deg for the male (846 trials). These values for E. macaco are slightly lower than those reported for diurnal Lemur catta, and are generally comparable to those reported for nocturnal Microcebus murinus and Otolemur crassicaudatus. To examine ecological sources of variation in primate visual acuity, we also calculated maximum theoretical acuity for Cheirogaleus medius (2.8 c/deg) and Tarsius syrichta (8.9 c/deg) using published data on retinal ganglion cell density and eye morphology. These data suggest that visual acuity in primates may be influenced by activity pattern, diet, and phylogenetic history. In particular, the relatively high acuity of T. syrichta and Galago senegalensis suggests that visual predation may be an important selective factor favoring high visual acuity in primates. Am. J. Primatol. 71:343–352, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Selection should favour coloration in organisms that is more conspicuous to their own visual system than to those of their predators or prey. We tested this prediction in Dickerson's collared lizard ( Crotaphytus dickersonae ), a sexually dichromatic desert reptile that preys on insects and smaller lizard species, and which in turn is prey for birds and snakes. We modelled the spectral sensitivities of the lizards and their avian and snake predators, and compared the conspicuousness of the lizards' entire colour patterns with each class of viewers. Almost all comparisons involving females strongly supported our prediction for greater chromatic and brightness conspicuousness against local terrestrial visual backgrounds to their own modelled visual system than to those of avian and snake predators. Males, in contrast, exhibited far fewer cases of greater conspicuousness to their own visual system than to those of their predators. Our own perception of spectral similarity between blue C. dickersonae males and a local nonterrestrial visual background (i.e. the Sea of Cortéz) prompted a further investigation. We compared sea (and sky) radiance with dorsum radiance of C. dickersonae males and with males from two distantly-related Crotaphytus collaris populations in which males possess blue bodies. In all three visual models, C. dickersonae males exhibited significantly lower chromatic contrast with the sea (and sky) than did their noncoastal, blue-bodied congeners. Among potential explanations, the blue body coloration that is unique to male C. dickersonae may offset, if only slightly, the cost of visibility to predators (and to prey) through reduced contrast against the extensive, local, nonterrestrial blue backgrounds of the sea and sky. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 749–765. 相似文献
During 2 years spent conducting ecological fieldwork on Siberut, the largest and most northerly of the four Mentawai Islands in Indonesia, incidental observations were made of the Mentawai macaque. The Mentawai macaque has been considered variously as a full species similar in some respects to the long-tailed macaque and as a subspecies of the pig-tailed macaque. Evidence is presented that a hitherto undescribed form of the Mentawai macaque occurs on Siberut, and aspects of its ecology and behavior are described. 相似文献
We studied responses to alarm calls of sympatric patas (Erythrocebus patas) and vervet (Cercopithecus aethiops) monkeys in relation to habitat structure, with the intention of understanding the relationship between the environment and predator avoidance. Patas and vervet monkeys are phylogenetically closely related and overlap in body size. However, while patas monkeys are restricted to nonriverine habitats at our study site, vervets use both nonriverine and riverine habitats, allowing us to \"vary\" habitat structure while controlling for effects of group size, composition, and phylogeny. Patas monkeys in the nonriverine habitat responded to mammalian predator alarm calls with a greater variety of responses than did vervets in the riverine habitat, but not when compared with vervets in the nonriverine habitat. Ecological measurements confirm subjective assessments that trees in the riverine habitat are significantly taller and occur at lower densities than trees in the nonriverine habitat. Despite the lower density of trees in the riverine habitat, locomotor behavior of focal animals indicates that canopy cover is significantly greater in the riverine than the nonriverine habitat. Differences in responses to alarm calls by the same groups of vervets in different habitat types, and convergence of vervets with patas in the same habitat type, suggest that habitat type can be a significant source of variation in antipredator behavior of primates. 相似文献
2011年11月至2012年10月,作者采用粪便显微分析法研究了黄山短尾猴的四季食性.结果表明:黄山短尾猴共取食植物26科50种;不同季节间黄山短尾猴食性具有明显变化,冬季取食13科25种植物,春季取食23科46种植物,夏季取食14科32种植物,秋季取食17科37种植物;壳斗科、樟科是黄山短尾猴全年的主要食物,占短尾猴总取食量的51.26%~59.75%,其他科属植物也占有重要地位;甜槠在四季均为黄山短尾猴的主要取食食物,豹皮樟在冬季取食量相对较高,秋季最低,红楠、杉木在冬春季节的取食比例差异最大;黄山短尾猴采取与其他灵长类相似的觅食策略;黄山短尾猴四季食物生态位宽度差异不明显,受人为影响较为明显. 相似文献
China is one of the countries with the greatest diversity of nonhuman primate species: 22 species with 30 subspecies, in 6 genera and 3 families. Primatology in China started in 1862, but fruitful study began only in the 1950s. More than 2,000 academic papers have been published, covering systematics, evolution, ecology, etho-ecology, conservation, reproduction and neuroscience. We review primatology in China over the past century, concentrating mostly on systematics, etho-ecology, conservation and reproduction. We aim to share this information with international colleagues and to seek possibilities for collaboration in the future. 相似文献
S. Boinski 《American journal of primatology》1988,14(2):177-179
In Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, an adult male Cebus capucinus was observed repeatedly hitting a venomous snake (Bothropsasper) with a branch. Initially a large dead branch overhanging the snake had been broken off in the course of aggressive displays to the snake by the adult and two subadult males. The snake's escape was apparently prevented by the weight of the fallen branch and possibly by the injuries caused by its fall. This is the first direct observation of a capuchin monkey in a natural habitat using a tool. 相似文献
Diet of Alouatta belzebul discolor in an Amazonian Rain Forest of Northern Mato Grosso State, Brazil
Prior field studies of Alouatta showed the highest frugivory in A. belzebul. During 10 mo between October 1999 and October 2000, we studied the feeding ecology of a group of 7–9 red-handed howlers (Alouatta belzebul discolor) in a primary forest on the banks of a tributary of the Teles Pires River, near Paranaíta, MT, Brazil (9°34S; 56°19W). The howlers used 3 types of habitat: upland (terra firme) forest, flood plain forest (igapó) and palm forest (açaizal). During 45 complete days of observation, the group fed on 67 plant species (N = 2039 feeding records) in 24 families. The 2 most used families were Leguminosae and Moraceae, with 17 species each. Fruits predominated (40–80%) in every month, except June, when young leaves accounted for 54% of the diet. Dialium guianense (Leguminosal, Caesalpinioideae) was the most consumed species. Flower (6%) and mature leaf (5%) consumptions were low. Tree bark, live and decayed wood, and woody twig monthly consumption varied from 0 to 26%, and occurred only in igapó, where they used mostly Macrolobium acaciaefolium (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae), Clitoria amazonum (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) and Licania cf. canescens (Chrysobalanaceae). Our study on Alouatta belzebul discolor complements the high frugivory in A. b. belzebul and documents uncommon dietary items for the species. Although there is intraspecific variation in howler diets and new studies have shown higher frugivory for more folivorous species, Alouatta belzebul seems to be the most frugivorous howler species, in spite of its wide geographical distribution and, in this case, sympatry with Ateles chamek, a frugivore. 相似文献
A visual foraging model (VFM) used light-dependent reaction distance and capture success functions to link observed prey fish abundance and distribution to predation rates and the foraging performance of piscivorous cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki in Lake Washington (WA, U.S.A.). Total prey density did not correlate with predation potential estimated by the foraging model for cutthroat trout because prey were rarely distributed in optically favourable conditions for detection. Predictions of the depth-specific distribution and timing of cutthroat trout foraging were qualitatively similar to diel stomach fullness patterns observed in field samples. Nocturnal foraging accounted for 34–64% of all prey fish consumption in simulations for 2002 and 2003. Urban light contamination increased the access of nocturnally foraging cutthroat trout to vertically migrating prey fishes. These results suggest that VFMs are useful tools for converting observed prey fish density into predictions of predator consumptions and behavioural responses of predators to environmental change. 相似文献
Maryjka B. Blaszczyk 《Evolutionary anthropology》2020,29(2):56-67
In recent years, research on animal personality has exploded within the field of behavioral ecology. Consistent individual differences in behavior exist in a wide range of species, and these differences can have fitness consequences and influence several aspects of a species' ecology. In comparison to studies of other animals, however, there has been relatively little research on the behavioral ecology of primate personality. This is surprising given the large body of research within psychology and biomedicine showing that primate personality traits are heritable and linked to health and life history outcomes. In this article, I bring together theoretical perspectives on the ecology and evolution of animal personality with an integrative review of what we know about primate personality from studies conducted on captive, free‐ranging, and wild primates. Incorporating frameworks that emphasize consistency in behavior into primate behavioral ecology research holds promise for improving our understanding of primate behavioral evolution. 相似文献
Jennifer M. Arnold Darren Sabom Ian C.T. Nisbet Jeremy J. Hatch 《Journal of Field Ornithology》2006,77(4):384-391
ABSTRACT. Adult Common Terns ( Sterna hirundo ) reportedly respond to nocturnal predation by deserting colonies from the time of disturbance until dawn the following morning. However, direct evidence for this behavioral response is limited because the nocturnal behavior of individual terns is difficult to monitor due to low visibility and the vulnerability of terns to disturbance at night. We monitored the nocturnal incubation behavior of 10 pairs of nesting Common Terns using continuously recording temperature sensors disguised in dummy eggs and placed in the nests. Changes in egg temperature during the night suggested that a range of desertion behaviors occurred in response to visits by a Great Horned Owl ( Bubo virginianus ) that preyed on chicks and adult terns. As many as three desertion events (desertion at one or more nests in a single 12-min period) were detected on a single night and nests were unattended for an average of 54 min (range 8–352 min) per desertion event. Nest temperature sensors allowed us to detect individual responses to nocturnal predators and to determine that desertion behavior was more varied than previously assumed. Desertion events were most frequent when physical evidence indicated the presence of an owl in the colony and during nights after owl predation, suggesting that desertion is a response to the actual risk of predation as well as to the possibility of predation. 相似文献