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Seed dispersal is a central process in plant ecology with consequences for species composition and habitat structure. Some bird species are known to disperse the seeds they ingest, whereas others, termed ‘seed predators’, digest them and apparently play no part in dispersal, but it is not clear if these are discrete strategies or simply the ends of a continuum. We assessed dispersal effectiveness by combining analysis of faecal samples and bird density. The droppings of seed dispersers contained more entire seeds than those of typical seed predators, but over a quarter of the droppings of seed predators contained whole seeds. This effect was further magnified when bird density was taken into account, and was driven largely by one frequent interaction: the Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, a typical seed predator and the most abundant bird species in the area and dispersed seeds of Leycesteria formosa, a non‐native plant with berry‐like fruits. These results suggest the existence of a continuum between seed predators and seed dispersers.  相似文献   

Weed invasion success is strongly influenced by availability of seed dispersal vectors, which may include animals. We examined the potential of several small introduced mammals (mice, kiore, ship rats and possums) to disperse germinable seeds in New Zealand. Captive animals were fed fleshy fruit of weeds (Berberis glaucocarpa, Cotoneaster spp., Crataegus monogyna, Ilex aquifolium, Leycesteria formosa, Ligustrum sinense, Lonicera japonica, Passiflora mollissima, Pyracantha angustifolia, Sorbus hupehensis) and native species (Coprosma spp., Prumnopitys ferruginea and Solanum aviculare). We recorded the percentage of fruit consumed, seed ingested and gut passage time. Faeces were collected and the seeds extracted and tested for germination potential in an unheated glasshouse (two weed species) or under controlled conditions (11 species). The smallest rodents (mice and kiore) generally destroyed all seeds eaten. Large numbers of viable seeds of the small‐seeded (<1 mg) species, L. formosa and S. aviculare, passed through ship rats. Possums consumed the seeds of all adventive and native fruits except P. ferruginea. The proportion of seeds recovered intact from possum faeces varied with plant species and ranged from 6 to 83%. The time required for 50% of all seeds to be passed by possums ranged from 2.5 to 5.5 days with an average of 3.7 days, and was generally unrelated to simple fruit parameters such as percentage pulp and moisture content. For seeds where germination also occurred in the uneaten controls, the germination of seed from possums ranged from 3 to 78%. Germination was mostly lower in seeds from possums than in the controls, where differences were significant. Possums have major potential to disperse a wide range of fleshy fruit‐producing native and introduced plant species. Ship rats have the potential to disperse those with very small seeds.  相似文献   

G. ARONNE  D. RUSSO 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):189-195

The role of carnivorous mammals as seed dispersers of Myrtus communis L. in the Mediterranean environment was studied. Seeds of M. communis were found in faeces of red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) and carnivores from the genus Martes, at four sites on the Tyrrhenic coast of Southern Italy in the period autumn-winter 1993–1995. All the study sites are covered by Mediterranean shrublands with M. communis as one of the dominant species. Content analysis of fox scats showed that fruits of M. communis constitute a relevant component of the diet of these carnivores, although other food categories were also well represented. Further investigations on the effect of mammal digestion on seed germinability showed that carnivores not only moved the seeds away from the mother plant but also enhanced their germinability. This species was known to be bird- and ant-dispersed and the adaptive implications of a multi-vectorial seed dispersal process is discussed.  相似文献   

Although raptors are not usually seen as seed dispersers, we demonstrate their important ecological role as legitimate seed dispersers of weeds. On the oceanic island of Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, up to 11 000 weed seeds from a total of 39 and 62 different plant species, respectively, were found in 300 and 319 pellets, respectively, of two native predatory birds, the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo and the Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculus, which consumed European Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus and Barbary Ground Squirrels Atlantoxerus getulus, both invasive mammals that carried these seeds in their guts. Four and seven weed species appeared with a frequency of occurrence greater than 10% in the pellets of Kestrels and Buzzards, respectively. Despite the time interval between pellet collection and germination experiments, almost 10% of planted seeds germinated, even after passing through two digestive processes, one inside the mammal and another inside the raptor. Our study encourages a change of perspective in this regard, as raptors may be involved in complex interactive dispersal processes on a wider geographical scale.  相似文献   

Fruit-eating animals play important roles as seed dispersal agents in terrestrial systems. Yet, the extent to which seed dispersal by nocturnal omnivores may facilitate germination and the recruitment of plant communities has rarely been investigated. Characterizing their roles in seed dispersal is necessary to provide a more complete picture of how seed dispersal processes affect ecosystem functioning. We investigated the roles and impacts of two species of nocturnal omnivorous lemur species, Microcebus jollyae and M. rufus, on seed dispersal in Madagascar's rain forests, through analysis of fecal samples and germination experiments. Data show that these lemur species, which are among the world's smallest primates, dispersed 22 plant species from various forest strata and that the defecated seeds germinated faster and at higher rates than control seeds for the eight plant species we tested. Even though mouse lemurs dispersed both native and non-native plant species, non-native plant species represented a relatively small proportion (17%). These results demonstrate that overlooked nocturnal omnivores can act as important seed dispersers, which may have critical implications for forest regeneration and the maintenance of plant diversity in fragmented/degraded forests. Finally, we provide critical insights into the previously unobserved behavior and diet of endangered nocturnal lemurs for their effective conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The role of several factors that affect the composition of the dung beetle assemblages in an Amazonian rainforest was quantified, together with the effect of these factors on the role that dung beetles play as secondary seed dispersers. 2. A total of 61 dung beetle species was captured during 3360 h of trapping. During nocturnal trapping periods, more dung beetles, of larger mean size, and more species were captured per trap than during diurnal trapping periods. 3. During the rainy season, more dung beetle species were captured per trap than during the dry season, but the number of individuals and their mean size did not vary between seasons. 4. Bait size had a significant effect on the mean number of beetles and mean number of species but not on mean beetle size. As bait size increased from 5, 10, 25, to 50 g, more beetles and more species were captured per trap. 5. Between 6 and 73% of plastic beads, used as seed mimics, were buried by dung beetles at depths that ranged from 0.5 to 7 cm. Both the proportion of beads buried and burial depth decreased with increasing bead size, and increased with increasing amounts of dung surrounding each bead (5, 10, and 25 g). 6. The proportion of buried seeds for three species varying in size between 5 and 27 mm, increased with increasing dung beetle size, using beetles of seven sizes, varying between 10 and 25 mm. 7. Seeds surrounded by dung were buried more often and more deeply when placed on the forest floor during the late afternoon than when placed during the early morning. Seeds were also buried more often when placed on the forest floor during the rainy season than when placed during the dry season, but season had no effect on burial depth. 8. Forests in Central Amazonia hold a rich dung beetle community that plays an active role in secondary seed dispersal, and consequently in plant regeneration. The interaction between seeds and beetles is complex because it is affected by many factors.  相似文献   

The role of the brown-eared bulbul,Hypsypetes amaurotis, as a dispersal agent for seeds of fruiting plants was studied by field observations for two years, in parallel with laboratory experiments on seed germination. Bulbuls consumed fruits of 53 species from 24 plant families. The fruits of these plants had similar color and size, and these characteristics were likely to enhance the feeding efficiency of the frugivore. Laboratory experiments on 20 food plant species demonstrated that: (1) no seeds were injured by passing through the bulbul's gut; (2) seeds that had passed through the bulbul's gut were still able to germinate and (3) fruit pulp reduced germination ability. When pulp was removed by passing through bulbul's gut, or by hand, germination was improved. An estimate of the home range of six bulbuls suggested that they may transport seeds for at least 300 m.  相似文献   

The disappearance of native seed dispersers due to anthropogenic activities is often accompanied by the introduction of alien species, which may to some extent replace the ecological service provided by the extinct ones. Yet, little empirical evidence exists demonstrating the evolutionary consequences of such alien “replacement.” Here, we document the conflicting selection exerted on seed size by two native lizards (Podarcis lilfordi and P. pityusensis) and an alien mammal species (Martes martes), all acting as legitimate seed dispersers of the Mediterranean relict Cneorum tricoccon. While lizards mostly exerted a negative directional selection on seed diameter, especially P. pityusensis, the much larger pine marten exerted positive selection on seed size. Our findings suggest that this among‐disperser variation in the selection regimes, together with the occurrence of spatial variation in the presence of each seed disperser, help to create the geographical variation observed for seed size of C. tricoccon. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical evidence showing opposing selective pressures between native and alien species in the seed dispersal process in an invaded ecosystem.  相似文献   

Endozoochrous seed dispersal by herbivorous mammals has been verified repeatedly and its possible influence on the structure and function of herbaceous communities has been suggested. Quantitative studies, however, are lacking in the field of seed dispersal via the dung of herbivore guilds in little-altered environments. The present paper analyses seed dispersal via rabbit, fallow deer, red deer and cow dung in a Mediterranean dehesa (open woodland used for hunting and ranching) during the seeding season. Dung seed content was determined by the glasshouse cultivation of eight dung samples from each herbivore, collected fortnightly between February and August. The four herbivores disperse many seeds (spring averages are 6–15 seeds per gram of dry dung and maxima of 25–70) from a large number of species (totals between 52 and 78). Dispersal seems to be mainly determined by seed production of the plant comminity. This is reflected in (i) the dissemination of a high percentage of the species present in the dehesa, (ii) great seasonal variability, related to seed production, in the amount of seeds and number of species dispersed, and (iii) a high semi-quantitative similarity of seed content in the four types of herbivore dung throughout the year. There is also important quantitative variation that depends on animal traits and feeding habits. These results and the characteristics of species found in dung suggest the adaptation of plant species to the dispersal of their seeds via herbivore gut. This process may well have profound implications for vegetation dynamics and the evolution of plant traits.  相似文献   

The two-phase dispersal event in which dung beetles move seeds after endozoochory is often assumed to be advantageous for plant regeneration. Because seeds are expected to end up in favourable and safe germination sites, it is considered as an example of directed dispersal. However, literature so far is restricted to tropical rain forest ecosystems, while data for temperate regions are lacking. In this study, the effect of dung beetles on seedling establishment of endozoochorically dispersed seeds is evaluated for a temperate grassland ecosystem. We performed a field experiment in which cages excluded dung beetles from horse and cattle dung samples with mixed-in grass seeds. Seed germination from these samples was significantly higher than that from samples which were accessible to dung beetles. This indicates that the effect of dung beetles on short-term seedling establishment was negative, which contrasts with the patterns found for large-seeded species used in tropical studies. This is most likely attributed to the lack of roller species and the larger depth at which tunneling Geotrupes species bury seeds.  相似文献   

We studied the characteristics of seeds within faeces, an important aspect of endozoochorous seed dispersal, in Japanese macaques Macaca fuscata inhabiting Kinkazan Island, northern Japan. We intermittently collected faecal samples from 1999 to 2009 (N = 1294) and examined the rate of seed occurrence, species/life-form composition, number of seeds, and their intact rate. Seeds were found within faecal samples during every month, but their characteristics changed monthly: the rate of seed occurrence and the number of plant species within faecal samples were greater in summer and fall, and the intact rate and number of intact seeds observed within single faecal samples were also higher during these seasons than spring and winter. These results suggest that Japanese macaques on Kinkazan act as seed dispersers in summer and fall and that they disperse intact seeds into wider areas within the forest through defecation. During the study period, we observed seeds from a total of 35 plant species from 22 families in our samples. In addition to those of woody plants, we also observed seeds from as many as 12 herbaceous plants, for which sympatric sika deer (Cervus nippon) have historically been considered the sole seed dispersal agents. The intact rate of seeds was significantly negatively correlated with the seeds’ mean cubic diameter, and this relationship was strengthened for non-fleshy fruits. We also conducted regional comparisons of the characteristics of defecated seeds in order to address whether regional variations in the diet of the macaques affect their efficacy as seed dispersers, both in terms of quantity and quality. Macaques living in the natural habitats of Kinkazan and Yakushima dispersed more seeds of tall tree species than do macaques inhabiting the human-altered areas of in Shimokita and Kashima. The number of plant species represented within single faecal samples also varied geographically, being greater in Yakushima. This pattern likely resulted from Yakushima's warm temperate climate, as the other three study sites occur in the cool temperate region. Our results suggest that the composition of seeds dispersed by Japanese macaques is not rigid, but is determined instead by the vegetation found in a given habitat.  相似文献   

Capuchin monkeys (Cebus spp. and Sapajus spp.) and coatis (Nasua spp.) coexist in most neotropical forests, including small forest remnants. Both capuchins and coatis eat fruit and disperse seeds, but little is known about whether their roles in seed dispersal are redundant or complementary. We compiled 49 studies from the literature on feeding by capuchins and/or coatis, of which 19 were comprehensive enough for our analyses. We determined the relative importance of fruit eating to each species and compared their diets. Additionally, we analysed the structure of three fruit–frugivore networks built with both animal groups and the fruits they eat and evaluated whether fruit traits influenced the network topology. Fruits represented the largest part of capuchin and coati diets, even though coatis have been known for their opportunistic and generalist diets. Capuchins and coatis also exhibited similar general diet parameters (niche breadth and trophic diversity). The three networks exhibited high connectance values and variable niche overlap. A Multiple Correspondence Analysis, failed to detect any trait or trait combination related to food use. In conclusion, capuchins and coatis both have generalist diets; they feed on many different species of fruits and exhibit important complementarity as seed dispersers. Both are likely to be particularly important seed dispersers in disturbed and fragmented forests.  相似文献   

Early studies of primates have demonstrated that many species rely heavily on fruit, and that primates constitute a large component of the frugivore biomass in tropical forests. Consequently, primates have long been thought to be important seed dispersers. It is only recently that studies have been conducted that have illustrated the complex nature of the interactions between fruit-eating primates and their food trees. Such studies have raised questions as to the causes and conse-quences of the intriguing differences between primate communities, the importance of other animals in the interactions (such as dung beetles and rodents that secon-darily disperse seeds), how primate-plant interactions evolve, and the significance of primates in forest regeneration and conservation. Since subsistence and com-mercial hunting of primates has heavily impacted frugivore communities, but left the physical structure of the forest relatively unaltered, studies of primate seed dispersal have important implications for the future of forests where seed dispersers have declined or disappeared.  相似文献   

Although prominent examples exist of non-native species causing substantial ecological harm, many have neutral or positive effects, including filling surrogate roles once performed by extinct native organisms. We tested the ecological roles of two non-native mammals as seed dispersers or seed predators in Guåhan, which, due to invasive brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis), is devoid of native seed dispersers–birds and bats. We conducted feeding trials with captive rats (Rattus spp.), which are present but uncommon due to predation by snakes, and pigs (Sus scrofa), which are abundant. We examined if and how they interacted with common forest fruits. We then compared how any gut-passed or animal-handled seeds germinated compared to seeds left in whole fruit or depulped seeds. Rats and pigs interacted with most of the fruits and seeds (>80%) that they were fed. Of those, most seeds were destroyed—78% for rats and 90% for pigs, across both native and non-native plant species. Compared to seeds germinating within whole fruits, rats improved germination of the seeds that they handled without ingesting, while pigs diminished the germination of seeds that they handled. The small percentage of seeds (approximately 1.5% for rats and 5% for pigs) that survived gut passage germinated in higher proportions than those in whole fruits. Percentages of seed survival to germination are lower than found in similar studies with native avian frugivores. Our results indicate that pigs and rats have mixed effects on seeds, but are not suitable surrogates for native seed dispersers.  相似文献   

Why the fruits are retained on dead upright herbaceous plants and how this relates to seed dispersal and timing of germination remain unclear. Stems of the annual Euclidium syriacum (Brassicaceae) with infructescences bearing indehiscent silicles remain upright after plants die in the spring. We investigated the effect of anatomical structures of stem and pedicle and delayed silicle dehiscence on seed dispersal phenology of this species. For comparison, sections were made of the stem of the annual Goldbachia laevigata (Brassicaceae), which has stems that fall over when plants die. Compared to G. laevigata, the stem of E. syriacum has vascular bundles that are closer together, a thicker xylem and phloem, more fibers, a thicker perimedullary zone and a smaller pith diameter:stem diameter ratio. The thickened pedicle did not form an abcission layer. By late October, 5–20% of seeds were dispersed, depending on the position of infructescences on the plant. Snow covered the plants in late autumn and when it melted in mid-April many of the plants had fallen over, with a high number of seeds germinating in attached silicles; seedlings became rooted in soil. After snowmelt, 14–15% of the silicles on the remaining upright plants contained seeds; all seeds were dispersed by early July. The anatomical structures of the stem and pedicle plus the delayed dehiscence of silicles explain the presence of an aerial seed bank in E. syriacum and delay of germination of many of seeds until spring. Further, pieces of upright plants are broken off and dispersed by wind, which helps to explain the wide distribution of E. syriacum in the cold desert.  相似文献   

The relationships between fruit morphology and the foraging behavior of the Yakushima macaque, Macaca fuscata yakui were studied during a 9-month field study and series of laboratory experiments on Yakushima Island, southern Japan. These relationships may affect seed germination traits through seed dispersal. The macaques foraging behavior was observed in order to obtain data concerning the treatment of pulp and seeds. Seeds in feces and spat seeds were collected and analyzed. A linear discriminant analysis of the data led to the following results: (i) an increase in the relative flesh volume of a fruit was one of the potential factors which increased the probability of seed dispersal by the macaques; and (ii) seed size was an important parameter in relation to the type of seed dispersal (by defecation or spitting out). The germination test was conducted in a laboratory, then the germination rates and delays of dispersed seeds were compared with those of seeds collected directly from trees. The germination of dispersed seeds of Ficus thunbergii, Eurya japonica, and Vaccinium bracteatum, was significantly enhanced by passage through the macaques gut. The enhanced germination behavior was not seen in larger seeds, such as those of Psychotria serpens, Myrsine seguinii, Diospyros morrisiana, and Neolitsea sericea. The germination enhancement in small-seeded plants could be due to a sorting effect from the passage through the gut, which selects seeds with a narrower range of germination traits.  相似文献   

In this study we assessed the effectiveness of rodents as dispersers of Quercus ilex in a patchy landscape in southeastern Spain. We experimentally followed the fates of 3,200 marked and weighed acorns from dispersal through the time of seedling emergence over three years. Rodents handled about 99% of acorns, and dispersed 67% and cached 7.4% of the dispersed acorns. Most caches were recovered and consumed, and only 1.3% of the original experimental acorns were found alive in caches the following spring. Dispersal distances were short (mean = 356.2 cm, median = 157 cm) and strongly right-skewed. Heavier acorns were dispersed further and were more likely to be cached and survive than lighter acorns. All caches were in litter or soil, and each contained a single acorn. Rodents moved acorns nonrandomly, mostly to oaks and pines. Most surviving acorns were either in oaks, a poor microhabitat for oak recruitment, or shrubs, a suitable microhabitat for oak recruitment. Our results suggest that rodents, by burying a relatively high proportion of acorns singly in shrubs and pines, act as moderately effective dispersers of Q. ilex. Nonetheless, this dispersal comes at a very heavy cost.  相似文献   

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