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The loud calls of brown howler monkeys were studied during a year at the Santa Genebra Reserve, in southeastern Brazil. The study group emitted roars and barks on a total of 47 occasions, the majority of which (92%) were restricted to intergroup visual encounters. Loud calls were also elicited by the roars of distant groups (6%) and during intragroup agonistic interactions (2%). Intergroup visual encounters (n = 42) occurred predominantly in seldom used quadrats of the study group home range. In these instances, the loud calls were produced chiefly by the adult male alone (69% of cases), while the study group's two adult females joined the male in the remaining cases. Intergroup physical aggression, such as chase and displacement, was observed during 15 encounters (35% of cases). A dawn chorus does not occur in Santa Genebra—the loud calls were heard most frequently in mid-morning and again during mid-afternoon—and they were more abundant during the dry season, when the availability of food (new leaves) in the forest was lower. The data presented here provide some support for the hypothesis that roars of howler adult males are used in assessment of opponents, providing an alternative to energetically expensive chases and fights. However, given the relatively high rate of physical aggression observed during intergroup encounters, a result probably related to the high density of howlers and the consequent high frequency of intergroup encounters observed in this forest (0.7/day), ritualized aggression, in the form of loud calling, is apparently often insufficient to settle disputes. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We studied two multimale–multifemale groups of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) during a 14‐month study (June 2006–July 2007) in Palenque National Park, Mexico to evaluate the ways in which their sexual behavior changes across ovarian cycles. We analyzed 231 fecal samples, collected every 2.2±1.4 days from five females. For four females, estradiol and progesterone profiles revealed an average (±SE) cycle length of 18.3±1.4 days. Copulations occurred significantly more frequently during the periovulatory period (POP), defined as the estimated day of ovulation ±3 days (N=18). This was largely the result of cycling females soliciting sexual interactions during their POPs. Females directed their solicitations significantly more often toward “central” males of their group, who had close spatial associations with females at other times, compared with “noncentral” males, who did not associate closely with females. Central males rarely solicited sexual interactions, but instead monitored the females' reproductive status by sniffing their genitals, and maintained significantly closer proximity to females during their POPs, suggesting male mate guarding when conceptions are most likely to occur. Our findings indicate that the reproductive strategies of black howler central males and females coincide, highly skewing mating opportunities toward central males. Black howler females, however, occasionally choose to copulate with noncentral resident males or extra‐group males during their POPs, undermining the ability of central males to monopolize all reproductive opportunities. Am. J. Primatol. 71:153–164, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We used data on loud duetted and solo songs collected from one habituated polygynous group of black‐crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) on Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, to test several hypotheses about the functions of these songs. The major functions proposed for loud gibbon songs include resource defense, mate defense, pairbonding, group cohesion and mate attraction. Duet bouts are generally initiated by adult males, who select the highest trees near to ridges or on steep slopes as singing trees. Such trees facilitate voice transmission and inter‐group communication. Singing trees tended to be located near important food patches and sleeping sites, which supports the resource defense hypothesis. The adult male and two adult females always sang interactively, alternating male phrases with the females' stereotyped great calls, to produce the duets, and females rarely produced great calls if they were more than 30 m from the male. The two females usually produced great calls synchronously during the duet, especially when they were close together. These features support both the mate defense and pairbonding hypotheses. The number of great calls and their degree of synchrony transmit information about spatial relationships and possibly pairbond strength to members to neighboring groups and floating animals. During or after the duet bouts, the adult females and juvenile moved toward to the adult male; and group members maintained a close spatial relationship, which supports the group cohesion hypothesis. Other incidents observed suggest a mate competition role for duets. The adult male always sang when the females started duetting with the subadult male. The subadult male sang solo bouts, but they were not more frequent or longer than bouts initiated by the adult male. Although mate attraction is the likely function of subadult solos, it was not convincingly demonstrated. In conclusion, all hypotheses concerning the function of singing are supported by at least some of the data, and none can be excluded. Am. J. Primatol. 71:539–547, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Coordination of primate group movements by individual group members is generally categorized as leadership behavior, which entails several steps: deciding where to move next, initiating travel, and leading a group between food, water sources, and rest sites. Presumably, leaders are able to influence their daily foraging efficiency and nutritional intake, which could influence an individual's feeding ecology and long-term reproductive success. Within anthropoid species, females lead group movements in most female-bonded groups, while males lead groups in most nonfemale-bonded groups. Group leadership has not been described for social prosimians, which are typically not female-bonded. We describe group movements in two nonfemale-bonded, lemurid species living in southeastern Madagascar, Propithecus diadema edwardsi and Eulemur fulvus rufus. Although several social lemurids exhibit female dominance Eulemur fulvus rufus does not, and evidence for female dominance is equivocal in Propithecus diadema edwardsi. Given the ecological stresses that females face during reproduction, we predict that females in these two species will implement alternative behavioral strategies such as group leadership in conjunction with, or in the absence of, dominance interactions to improve access to food. We found that females in both species initiated and led group movements significantly more often than males did. In groups with multiple females, one female was primarily responsible for initiating and leading group movements. We conclude that female nutritional needs may determine ranging behavior to a large extent in these prosimian species, at least during months of gestation and lactation.  相似文献   

For gregarious species, individuals must maintain cohesion while minimizing the costs of coordinated travel. Leaders of group movements potentially influence energy expenditure, energy intake, and predation risk for individuals in the group, which can have important fitness consequences. Models of pair-living species predict that energetic asymmetries lead to an emergent leader, with those in greater need leading. We investigated sex differences in leadership in pairs of red-bellied lemurs, Eulemur rubriventer, a monomorphic species with bisexual dispersal and no discernible hierarchy, to determine whether higher energetic requirements by adult females lead to female leadership. We collected leadership data in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar on six groups of habituated E. rubriventer for 13 consecutive months between 2004-2005. To determine whether females led group movements more than males, we examined the difference in leadership frequencies of progressions in adult males and adult females within each group (n = 1,346 progressions). We further investigated the behavioral context (i.e. travel followed by feeding or not) and seasonal contexts (fruit availability, reproduction) of leadership. Group leadership was distributed, with different individuals leading the group at different times. However, females led significantly more than males, a pattern which was consistent in both feeding and non-feeding contexts and throughout all fruiting seasons and reproductive stages. While disparities in energetic status among the sexes may impact leadership in this species, leadership did not differ with changes in food availability or reproductive stage, and thus we were unable to determine whether female leadership might be related to changes in energetic status. Females may have higher energetic needs than males at all times, not merely seasonally, or female leadership may be unrelated to immediate energetic need. Rather, female leadership may be a legacy of female dominance not currently expressed in other contexts.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(1):184-204
Twenty juvenile members of known genealogies in two baboon groups were studied over a 16-month period to evaluate a number of predictions about juvenile spacing behaviour based on the natural history of savannah baboons. Young juveniles (1–2·5 years old) approached more frequently and spent more time in proximity to other group members than did old juveniles (3–5·5 years old). In particular, young juveniles associated more closely with their mothers, particular adult males (possible fathers) and age-peers than did old juveniles. Approaches of young juveniles towards unrelated, high-ranking adults were more likely to occur during feeding than were those of old juveniles. Also, following such an approach, young juveniles were more likely than old juveniles to begin feeding immediately. The overall rates of feeding of old juveniles were depressed when they were in proximity to unrelated, high-ranking adults, whereas the feeding rates of young juveniles were not. Juvenile males approached adult males more often than did juvenile females. Juvenile females approached unrelated adult females more often than did juvenile males. Sex differences also existed in juveniles' choices of unrelated adult female neighbours. Juvenile females associated most often with lactating females, whereas juvenile males associated primarily with cycling females. During group resting, juvenile females approached adult females from higher-ranking matrilines more often than they approached adult females from lower-ranking matrilines. Juvenile males did not exhibit this attraction. Also, among old juveniles, females associated closely with their mothers, whereas males did not. Taken together, the results support the hypotheses that juvenile baboons associate with group members in ways that (1) enhance the probability of surviving an early period of high mortality, (2) create opportunities for social learning of sex-typical behaviours/skills, and, for females, (3) facilitate acquisition of familial dominance status.  相似文献   

The limiting factor for fitness in female primates is the acquisition of high-quality food, i.e., food that is high in energy and nutrients, such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Reproductive status can influence female feeding patterns, e.g., lactating females in some primate species consume greater quantities of food and specific nutrients than do nonlactating females. We examined the energy intake, ingestion rate, and composition of the diet in female white-faced capuchins in 3 reproductive states: lactating, gestating, and cycling. We observed 12 reproductively active females for 7 mo and compared their energy intake, ingestion rates, and intake rates of nutrients: protein, fat, sugar, and fiber. Lactating females took in significantly more energy per hour while feeding than pregnant and cycling females did. Lactating females also ingested significantly more food items per hour, but they did not spend more time eating than other females did, and they did not differ in the composition of their diet as measured by insect consumption and proportion of protein. Pregnant and cycling females did not differ from each other in any of the measures. We predicted that as the infants aged and began to move independently to forage and play, their mothers’ energy intake rates would decrease in concert with decreased energy demands by the infant. We found a statistically significant relationship between these 2 factors, with infant age explaining 75.4% of variation in mothers’ energy intake, supporting previous studies that found lactation to be the most energetically expensive reproductive state.  相似文献   

The different antehypophysical cell types which synthetize and release somatotroph (GH), corticothroph (ACTH), gonadotroph (LH-FSH) and lactotroph (PRL) hormones were analysed. The experiments were performed on hypophyses from five groups of animals: adult males, 14 days-old female, adult females, gestating adult females and lactating adult females. The cells were analysed by immunofluorescence using flow cytometry. For each of the hormones studied, there was a characteristic spectral distribution of cells. The evolution of cell size and granular content with respect to sex and physiological state of each group was studied by the analysis of diffused light. Small, slightly granular cells represented 50% of the cell population in males and 14 day-old females but only 8% in gestating or lactating females. The study of the cell cycle showed the presence of dividing cells in the population of large, granular cells from gestating and from lactating females. No features of cell division were observed in the population of small, slightly granular cells. This study indicates the potential value of multiparametric analysis in the separation of pure sub-populations of antehypophysial cells.  相似文献   

Leadership of travel progression is an important aspect of group living. It is widely believed that trichromacy evolved to facilitate the detection and selection of fruit in the dappled light of a forest. Further, it has been proposed that in New World primate species, which typically contain a range of color vision phenotypes, at least one female in a group will be trichromatic (i.e., having three types of visual pigment, in contrast to the two types of pigment found in dichromatic individuals) and will lead the group to fruiting trees. We examine progression leadership within two wild mixed-species troops of saddleback (Saguinus fuscicollis) and mustached (Saguinus mystax) tamarins over a complete year. As whole units, the mixed-species troops were most frequently led by a mustached tamarin. This is the first time that mixed-species group leadership and individual leadership have been quantified in these tamarin species. In terms of single-species intragroup leadership, neither the visual status (dichromatic or trichromatic) nor the sex of individuals had a consistent effect across species. Saddleback tamarin groups were led by males more frequently than females, while evidence suggests that mustached tamarins may be female-led. The notion that all groups contain at least one trichromatic female that leads the troop to feeding trees was not supported.  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior of the foam-nesting treefrog,Rhacophorus arboreus, is described. Oviposition was made either by an amplectant pair (a female, and an amplectant male) alone or by an amplectant pair and other males (joiners). The snout-vent length of males and females was negatively correlated with the date of the first appearance in the pond. The period of staying in the pond in males was longer than that in females. Physical body contacts of other males, and encounter calls by ampletant males were frequently observed before oviposition with joiners. Snout-vent length of the female and an amplectant male were positively correlated. Encounter calls by amplectant males were likely to precede movement of females. There was no difference of snout-vent length between amplectant males and joiners. Females moved the hindlimbs more frequently than males during oviposition. Amplectant males made encounter cells more frequently in oviposition with joiners, than oviposition without joiners. The patterns of transitions between acts of females and amplectant males were similar between oviposition with and without joiners. Females more frequently responded to amplectant males than joiners. Both the duration of a bout of the movements of hindlimbs of females and the interval between the bouts were longer in oviposition without joiners than that with joiners. The number of the movements per bout in oviposition without joiners was smaller than that with joiners. Encounter calls by amplectant males during oviposition tended to precede the hindlimb movements of females.  相似文献   

During group defense, the contribution of female black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) may help deter male intruders; however, their involvement during natural intergroup encounters is facultative. Experimental playback trials simulating potentially infanticidal males were used to examine whether a female's reproductive investment and/or her group's relative fighting ability would influence her participation in loud call displays. Female howlers never responded to recordings without alpha male accompaniment, but their response patterns did not simply mimic his. For example, unlike alpha males, females with small, vulnerable offspring were no more likely than females without infants to participate in howling displays during playback trials. Further, although females without any small infants in their group got closer to speakers than females living in groups with small infants, males did not respond in the same way. To artificially simulate different "numeric odds" scenarios, recordings of one or three howling males (simulated intruders) were broadcast to females living in groups with 1-3 resident males. Responses were consistent with the hypothesis that females assessed intergroup fighting ability. As in alpha males, the weakest female responses occurred when the numeric odds were against their group. However, whereas alpha males participated most when numeric odds were in their favor, females had the most intense approach responses when the number of defending and intruding males was equal. Females appeared to use a cost-effective strategy, reserving their assistance for when their participation could have the greatest impact.  相似文献   

Rank differences in the production of vocalizations by wild, semihabituated, unprovisioned chimpanzees were investigated during a 10-month study in the Kibale Forest, Uganda. Vocalization rates were calculated from data collected during 230 hours of focal-animal sampling on adult females, adult males, and subadult males. Rates were calculated according to whether individuals were alone, with adult females only, or in mixed parties, and the results were compared with published data collected at the Gombe provisioning area. Adult females and low-ranking adult and sub-adult males were generally quiet except when they were in mixed parties, whereas high-ranking males vocalized in all social contexts. These results were in partial contrast to data collected at Gombe, which indicated that vocal production was similar across all age and sex classes. Vocal production at Gombe did, however, resemble that from mixed parties at Kibale, suggesting that the provisioning area at Gombe was comparable to a natural socioecological context occurring at large fruiting trees. It is suggested that low-ranking chimpanzees refrain from loud vocalizing when they are alone or with females only in order to avoid attracting feeding competition and/or potentially aggressive males. These individuals may vocalize when they are associating with high-ranking males in order to advertise the presence of large parties and to deter other individuals from joining them. The use of loud, interparty calls by high-ranking males, when alone or with others, is consistent with the greater sociality of adult male chimpanzees. Loud calling might be advantageous for adult males in attracting mates or allies. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lactation is an energy demanding phase in the reproductive cycle of female mammals. For this reason, several studies have assessed the effects of lactation on female behavior. In this study we examine the influence of lactation on the time-budgets and foraging patterns of female black howlers (Alouatta pigra) in Campeche, Mexico. We observed 32 adult females and 35 infants belonging to 14 groups of black howlers for a total of 2,224 focal hours. We found that lactating females spent more time being inactive and feeding from fruits than nonlactating females. In addition, during the first two-thirds of lactation females were more active (i.e., rested less, fed more, devoted more time to social activities, and moved more) and foraged more intensively (i.e., ranged over larger distances, used more feeding trees and feeding species, and consumed more leaves) than females in the last third of lactation. Lactation seems to force black howler females to reduce activity and to maximize the intake of high-quality foods, with inactivity being the highest during late lactation, when females probably face the cumulative effects of nursing older infants and of a new pregnancy. Early lactation is probably the most energetically demanding stage of lactation for black howler females. This study demonstrates that despite being energetically constrained by a highly folivorous diet, reproductive state affects several dimensions of the behavior of black howler females. Therefore, variation in time-budgets and foraging strategies of howlers has been probably underestimated by previous research that has not considered physiological differences among individuals.  相似文献   

We investigated the social and hormonal mechanisms underlying male reproductive strategies in two multimale-multifemale groups of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) during a 14-month study in Palenque National Park, Mexico. Fecal glucocorticoid (fGC) and androgen (fA) levels were analyzed for 343 fecal samples collected from 14 males during their presence in the study groups. Neither immigrating males nor resident males that remained in the group had elevated fGC and fA levels during 11 observed male migration events, suggesting that competition over group membership was not associated with variation in the fecal hormonal levels of males. Instead, fGC and fA levels were significantly higher in males who maintained a central position in the group and had almost exclusive access to fertile females than in other resident males. These “central” males were responsible for maintaining close spatial associations and cultivating strong affiliative relationships with cycling, sexually active females but not with noncycling, sexually inactive females. “Noncentral” males did not form strong social relationships with either cycling or noncycling females and had no or very few mating opportunities. Our findings suggest that male black howler monkeys compete nonaggressively by fostering relationships with cycling females and that the elevated fGC levels of central males may be indicative of the social challenges involved in their indirect competition.  相似文献   

Individuals of the spider crab Mithrax spinosissimus living in a canal in the Florida Keys were marked and their movements followed over a four‐month period. Individual home range size, extent of daily movement, and extent of day‐night movement were calculated. Although males and females moved similar distances when they did move from one crevice to another, males re‐located more frequently. There was no correlation between animal size and any measure of movement. Extent of daily movement was inversely correlated with spider crab density, especially for female crabs.  相似文献   

When fighting is costly, avoiding contests with superior opponents should confer fitness advantages. Black howler monkeys, Alouatta pigra, produce loud calls that reliably indicate the minimum number of male group members. Using playback recordings, I manipulated ‘numeric odds’ (number of defending to intruding males) to examine whether alpha males use loud calls to assess relative fighting ability, and whether they modify responses to intruders based on relationships with male companions, level of subordinate male cooperation and/or presence of vulnerable offspring in the group. Results indicated that alpha males assess relative fighting ability; howling and approach responses were weakest when subjects faced unfavourable odds. Subordinate male contest participation was inconsistent and alpha males relied less on these unpredictable companions during risky approaches; whereas intruder number affected most howling and approach responses, companion number only influenced howling and orienting duration. Post hoc analyses suggested no effect of alpha-subordinate relationships on alpha reactions. However, preliminary evidence suggested that if subordinates participated, alpha males escalated most when they outnumbered intruders. Alpha males also had shorter howling delays as numeric odds (based on the presence of all subordinates) were increasingly in their favour. Thus, alpha males seemed to escalate in order to signal group-level fighting superiority rather than as a means to gather information on closely matched opponents. Finally, alpha males howled more quickly and for longer at potentially infanticidal intruders if small offspring were present in their group and never called when odds were against their group unless offspring were present, suggesting that contest value was influential.  相似文献   

The energetic costs of reproduction have an important influence on the life histories of female primates. At present, however, the interplay of female reproductive state, food availability, and strategies aimed at maintaining energy balance has been described for only a few species, limiting our ability to understand intra- and interspecific variation in female life histories. We assessed how female mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) are affected by reproductive seasonality, and whether they alter their behavior to cope with the energetic demands of reproduction. From August 2013 to July 2015 we measured the reproductive state, behavior (1100 h of focal animal observations), and energetic condition (312 urine samples collected for C-peptide analysis) of 7 adult females, and assessed food availability (weekly phenological sampling of 397 food trees). Female behavior did not vary with reproductive state or reproductive seasonality. There were, however, differences in how females responded to variation in food availability according to reproductive state. Cycling and gestating females spent more time feeding than lactating females, and cycling females less time resting than females in other reproductive states, when food was more available. C-peptide concentrations were unaffected by either individual or overall variation in reproductive state, except for cycling females, whose concentrations increased during periods of high food availability. The energetic condition of female mantled howlers is broadly maintained over different stages of reproduction, but is sensitive to variation in food availability.  相似文献   

Summary We examined within- and between-group differences in aspects of feeding and nutrient intake among adult females of a single population of baboons (Papio cynocephalus) in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Differences in time spent feeding, daily energy and protein intake and feeding efficiency (nutrient intake per minute spent feeding) reflected differences in resource base, reproductive condition and parity. Baboons that partially fed from a lodge garbage dump spent less than half the time feeding than those that were feeding totally in the wild. During this greatly reduced feeding time, the garbage-feeding group had a similar daily energy intake and only a slightly lower daily protein intake relative to wild-feeding baboons. Consequently, the feeding efficiency of the semi-provisioned baboons was appreciably higher than that of the non-provisioned baboons. For the totally wild-feeding baboons, samples were large enough to permit analyses of feeding time and nutrient intake during different reproductive states and parity. Females spent more time feeding and had higher daily energy and protein intake when they were pregnant or lactating than when they were sexually cycling. Nulliparous females spent more time feeding than their multiparous counterparts. The daily energy intake of nulliparous females was higher than that of their multiparous counterparts, but their daily protein intakes did not differ significantly. Pregnant or lactating and nulliparous females had higher feeding efficiency than their sexually cycling and multiparous counterparts. The two nulliparous females in the garbage-feeding group spent more time feeding but did not take in more energy or protein per day than their multiparous counterparts.  相似文献   

This study is a preliminary report on the time allocated to various activities by female wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) during their sexual cycle. Cycling females with maximal tumescence (estrous females) tended to spend more time moving than cycling females with quiescent sexual skin (anestrous females). Although there was no statistically significant decrease in any specific activity that corresponded to the increase in time spent moving, feeding time did decrease in four of the five females. The frequency of approach by females toward males and the frequency of approach by males toward females significantly increased when females were in estrus. Direct aggression by males occurred more frequently toward estrous females than toward anestrous females. The copulation frequency and the frequency of approach to males was not significantly correlated with the increase in time spent moving. There was a high but not significant correlation between the time spent moving and the frequency of direct aggression by males toward females. Mating effort, feeding competition, male aggression, and other possible reasons that might explain the increase in moving time are discussed. Am. J. Primatol. 46:157–166, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In some primate species, males and females within a social group emit loud calls in a coordinated manner or chorus. Indri indri emits a very conspicuous loud call that elicits the loud calls of neighboring groups. Previous investigations have hypothesized that the main functions of the indri chorus are related to territorial announcement, intergroup avoidance, and group cohesion. We investigated sex differences in indri song. We recorded and analysed songs given by 10 different groups over 160 d. Overall singing duration did not vary between the sexes. However, males emitted significantly fewer but longer notes. Adult males and females of each group participated in the song with sex-specific repertoires. Females had a song repertoire of 8 note types; males shared all of their 6 notes with females. Apart from the initial roars, in all note types shared by both sexes, male notes were significantly longer than female ones, whereas variations in frequency parameters differed according to the note type. These findings suggest that indri song may provide cues to conspecifics, such as group size and sex composition, which could influence interactions between groups.  相似文献   

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