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Responses to environmental variability sheds light on how individuals are able to survive in a particular habitat and provides an indication of the scope and limits of its niche. To understand whether climate has a direct impact on activity, and determine whether vervet monkeys have the behavioral flexibility to respond to environmental change, we examined whether the amount of time spent resting and feeding in the nonmating and mating seasons were predicted by the thermal and energetic constraints of ambient temperature. Our results show that high temperatures during the nonmating season were associated with an increase in time spent resting, at the expense of feeding. Cold temperatures during the nonmating season were associated with an increase in time spent feeding, at the expense of resting. In contrast, both feeding and resting time during the mating season were independent of temperature, suggesting that animals were not adjusting their activity in relation to temperature during this period. Our data indicate that climate has a direct effect on animal activity, and that animals may be thermally and energetically compromised in the mating season. Our study animals appear to have the behavioral flexibility to tolerate current environmental variability. However, future climate change scenarios predict that the time an animal has available for behaviors critical for survival will be constrained by temperature. Further investigations, aimed at determining the degree of behavioral and physiological flexibility displayed by primates, are needed if we are to fully understand the consequences of environmental change on their distribution and survival. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:357–364, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sexual traits vary tremendously in static allometry. This variation may be explained in part by body size‐related differences in the strength of selection. We tested this hypothesis in two populations of vervet monkeys, using estimates of the level of condition dependence for different morphological traits as a proxy for body size‐related variation in the strength of selection. In support of the hypothesis, we found that the steepness of allometric slopes increased with the level of condition dependence. One trait of particular interest, the penis, had shallow allometric slopes and low levels of condition dependence, in agreement with one of the most consistent patterns yet detected in the study of allometry, namely that of genitalia exhibiting shallow allometries. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 527–537.  相似文献   

The microflora in the gastrointestinal tracts of wild vervet and samango monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops and C. mitis, respectively) were studied, using fermentation acid analysis, electron microscopy, and culturing methods. The diets of the two species of monkey differ considerably, with that of the samango including a greater proportion of cellulose-rich leaf material, and this is reflected in the microflora. Volatile fatty acid measurements along the gut of both species showed that these end products of bacterial metabolism were concentrated in the cecum and colon. Electron microscopy indicated that morphologically similar bacteria were present in the cecum and colon of both species, but the samango possessed a distinct stomach microflora. Bacteria in the lumina of the four main regions of the gut of the monkeys (stomach, small intestine, cecum, and colon) were plated on a number of anaerobic media (Mann, Rogosa, and Sharp; clostridial basal; and complex media). The cecum and colon were found to contain higher numbers of microbes per gram (wet weight) of gut content than the stomach and small intestine. Microbial isolates were able to catabolize carboxymethyl cellulose and other polymers. This may aid the monkeys, particularly samangos, in the digestion of fibrous dietary components such as leaves.  相似文献   

The microflora in the gastrointestinal tracts of wild vervet and samango monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops and C. mitis, respectively) were studied, using fermentation acid analysis, electron microscopy, and culturing methods. The diets of the two species of monkey differ considerably, with that of the samango including a greater proportion of cellulose-rich leaf material, and this is reflected in the microflora. Volatile fatty acid measurements along the gut of both species showed that these end products of bacterial metabolism were concentrated in the cecum and colon. Electron microscopy indicated that morphologically similar bacteria were present in the cecum and colon of both species, but the samango possessed a distinct stomach microflora. Bacteria in the lumina of the four main regions of the gut of the monkeys (stomach, small intestine, cecum, and colon) were plated on a number of anaerobic media (Mann, Rogosa, and Sharp; clostridial basal; and complex media). The cecum and colon were found to contain higher numbers of microbes per gram (wet weight) of gut content than the stomach and small intestine. Microbial isolates were able to catabolize carboxymethyl cellulose and other polymers. This may aid the monkeys, particularly samangos, in the digestion of fibrous dietary components such as leaves.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken of a unique sample of 63 wild vervet monkeys Cercopithecus aethiops from a single population in Uganda collected over 35 days in 1947. Twenty-five were immature (12 females and 13 males) and 38 were adults (16 females and 22 males). Body mass, external measurements, masticatory and other masses were recorded for each individual at the time of collection, and for a few specimens, the development of the reproductive organs. Each individual was evaluated for cranial capacity, limb length and dental eruption. The comparison of immature and adult animals illustrates the mosaic nature of growth in the different body systems, as well as female–male differences. An ancestral model is proposed for catarrhine growth and development, with particular reference to sex differences. This model provides a framework for assessment of immatures and for the reconstruction of socio-ecological effects on life-history stages in populations of fossil monkeys, apes and early hominids.  相似文献   

Background Hematology and clinical chemistry (HCC) reference values are critical in veterinary practice and in vivo pre‐clinical research, enabling detection of health abnormalities, response to therapeutic intervention or adverse toxicological effects, as well as monitoring of clinical management. Methods In this report, reference ranges for 46 HCC parameters were characterized in 331 wild‐caught and colony‐bred African green monkeys. Effects of sex, weight and duration of captivity were determined by one‐way analysis of variance. Results Significant sex differences were observed for several HCC parameters. Significant differences were also observed for select HCC variables between newly caught animals and those held in captivity for 1–12 months or longer. Conclusions Comparison of this data with other non‐human primate species and humans highlights similarities and disparities between species. Potential causes of interpopulation variability and relevance to the use of the African green monkey as a non‐human primate model are discussed.  相似文献   

Assessing the diet of wild animals reveals valuable information about their ecology and trophic relationships that may help elucidate dynamic interactions in ecosystems and forecast responses to environmental changes. Advances in molecular biology provide valuable research tools in this field. However, comparative empirical research is still required to highlight strengths and potential biases of different approaches. Therefore, this study compares environmental DNA and observational methods for the same study population and sampling duration. We employed DNA metabarcoding assays targeting plant and arthropod diet items in 823 fecal samples collected over 12 months in a wild population of an omnivorous primate, the vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). DNA metabarcoding data were subsequently compared to direct observations. We observed the same seasonal patterns of plant consumption with both methods; however, DNA metabarcoding showed considerably greater taxonomic coverage and resolution compared to observations, mostly due to the construction of a local plant DNA database. We found a strong effect of season on variation in plant consumption largely shaped by the dry and wet seasons. The seasonal effect on arthropod consumption was weaker, but feeding on arthropods was more frequent in spring and summer, showing overall that vervets adapt their diet according to available resources. The DNA metabarcoding assay outperformed also direct observations of arthropod consumption in both taxonomic coverage and resolution. Combining traditional techniques and DNA metabarcoding data can therefore not only provide enhanced assessments of complex diets and trophic interactions to the benefit of wildlife conservationists and managers but also opens new perspectives for behavioral ecologists studying whether diet variation in social species is induced by environmental differences or might reflect selective foraging behaviors.  相似文献   

Vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) show individual differences in approach-avoidance behavior when faced with an unfamiliar and potentially threatening situation. Prior research from our colony demonstrated that juveniles who had experienced high levels of early maternal protectiveness were more cautious in response to novelty, compared to juveniles who had had less protective mothers. The research reported here was designed to verify this result in a paradigm that experimentally varied maternal protectiveness through the introduction of new breeding adult males. Mothers responded to the presence of new males by increased maternal protectiveness toward infants born in the year following the introductions. Individual differences in response to the unfamiliar were later evaluated by measuring the latency to approach within 1 m of novel food containers placed into the home enclosure of four naturally composed social groups. Infants approached with the same latency and in the same order as their mothers. Juveniles approached sooner than, and independent of, their mother's current behavior, but their latency to approach could be predicted by the experimentally induced variation in maternal protectiveness they had experienced as infants. Immatures who had been born in New Male years, when maternal protectiveness was high, were more cautious and had significantly longer latencies to approach the novel stimulus compared to immatures who had been born in Resident Male years. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1983, adult female vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) over 3.5 years of age, living in two undisturbed social groups in a captive colony in Sepulveda, California, have averaged 1.0 births per female year with a mean interbirth interval of 10.7 months. Increased fecundity did not result in decreased survival rates of offspring in this population. Fecundity was influenced by the mother's age and dominance rank. The primary factor in the age-fecundity relationship was the age at first birth, which varied from three to five years. High-ranking females contributed the most to the high rate of fecundity, with significantly shorter interbirth intervals, more births per female year, and more surviving infants compared to low-ranking females.  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in obesity in western societies has shifted the emphasis in nutrition research from the problems of undernutrition to the adverse consequences of being overweight. As with humans, Old World monkeys are at increased risk for type II diabetes and other chronic diseases when they gain excessive weight. To prevent overweight and obesity, promote animal health, and provide a more natural level of fiber in the diet, the standard commercial monkey chow diet at a vervet monkey breeding colony was changed to a higher fiber formulation in 2004. The new diet was also higher in protein and lower in carbohydrate and energy density than the standard diet. Because maternal behavior is known to be sensitive to differences in resource availability, data on weight and mother–infant interactions for 147 mothers with 279 infants born from 2000 through 2006 were assessed for effects of the diet change. The results showed that, even though food was provided ad libitum, the mean body weight of breeding females was 10% lower after the transition to the high‐fiber diet. Behaviorally, mothers on the high‐fiber diet were significantly more rejecting to their infants, and their infants had to play a greater role in maintaining ventral contact in the first few months of their lives. The effects of the diet change on maternal rejection were significantly related to the mother's body weight, with lower‐weight mothers scoring higher in maternal rejection. These results demonstrate that maternal behavior is responsive to changes in maternal condition, and that beneficial changes in the diet may have unintended consequences on behavior. Am. J. Primatol. 72:234–241, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Serial anthropometric data were obtained during the first year of life of six nursery-reared infant gorillas in the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo. Two of the infants are likely to be monozygotic twins as determined by DNA analysis. Growth curves were fitted to serial measures of cephalo-thoracic-abdominal length, arm length, leg length, head circumference, upper arm circumference, and weight from each gorilla, to describe individual patterns of variation in skeletal growth and body composition. Growth in skeletal measures tended to be curvilinear to varying degrees over the first year of life. Body composition varied more than skeletal measures throughout the first year as a consequence of individual health status. Individual growth and body composition variations appear to reflect both genetic and environmental influences in this small sample of captive infant gorillas.  相似文献   

Competition for resources and the need for cooperation are reported to affect patterns of social interactions and thus the quality of social relationships in primates. Relationships may be described as high quality when both individuals behave in a way that benefits their partner. We investigated the distribution of a wide range of social behaviors across sex partner combinations of adult spider monkeys with specific reference to contested resources. Data were collected from two communities of wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis) in the Otoch Ma'ax Yetel Kooh reserve in Yucatan, Mexico. Affiliative behavior was exchanged most frequently between males, and as male-male aggression was rare, male-male social relationships were characterized as high quality. Female-female social relationships were best described as low quality as females showed no preference to be in proximity with other females and female-female affiliative behavior was rare. Relationships between the sexes generally were characterized by high rates of female-directed male aggression, although additional investigation into the effects of kinship and female reproductive state on male-female relationships is required before further conclusions can be drawn. Dyadic and coalitionary female-female aggression was significantly higher than expected in a feeding context, confirming that female spider monkeys primarily compete for access to food. Male-male aggression did not increase significantly when in the presence of females, but males embraced at higher rates when in mixed-sex subgroups. As embraces serve to reduce the likelihood of aggression during tense situations, high rates of male-male embraces in mixed-sex subgroups may mitigate male conflicts over access to females.  相似文献   

The differential allocation of energy to either reproductionor survival represents a major conflict with important implicationsfor patterns of life history. Here, we explore how covariationbetween maternal body weight and fetal weight vary accordingto fetal sex in a wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) populationduring two contrasting years. Maternal weights differed duringthe 2 years, probably because of a difference in populationdensity. We could not detect any change in the allocation toreproduction depending on female phenotypic distribution. Malefetuses were heavier than female fetuses, with the same relativedimorphism in both years. There was no support for a correlationbetween the sex of the fetus carried by a female and her weight.Our results suggest that the level of resource allocation toreproduction during the prenatal period is strongly determinedby female body weight and the allometric relationship betweenbody weight and metabolic rate. We discuss the consequencesof our results for population dynamics. We call for an integrationof inter- and intraspecific allometric approaches to betterunderstand constraints and variation in life-history traits.  相似文献   

We studied the diet and food availability of a group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys for 14 months (July 2003 to September 2004, except for February) in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve, China. This species is primarily a lichen eater, with lichens (Usneaceae) accounting for 43.28% of feeding records (n=3,452). Other food types in the diet were young leaves (28.71%), fruits or seeds (14.57%), buds (5.36%), mature leaves (3.51%), herbs (2.09%), bark (1.36%), and flowers (1.13%). The monkeys used 23 plant species. Their diet showed a complicated seasonal variation: the monthly diet varied from primarily lichens in November-April, to a mixture of leaves and lichens in May-July, to a mixture of fruits or seeds and lichens in August-October (the latter depended on annual fruit and seed availability). The proportion of fruits or seeds in the diet was negatively correlated with that of lichens, which suggests that the monkeys prefer fruits or seeds to lichens when all of these items are available. The fruit or seed availability varied greatly between the two study years. The proportion of lichens, young leaves, flowers, and fruits or seeds in the diet was positively associated with their availability. The monkeys appeared to be selective feeders. They preferred 10 tree species for plant parts, and nine tree species for lichens. The selection index of tree species for lichens was positively related to lichen coverage per branch on tree species, demonstrating that the monkeys preferred tree species with abundant lichens, as well as dead trees for lichens. The results suggest that dead-tree harvesting in the reserve could significantly reduce the quality of habitat for these monkeys, and should therefore be prohibited. Connus controversa, Cerasus discadenia, Salix willichiana, and Malus halliana should be conserved as top priority species because the monkeys preferred them for both their vegetative parts and the lichens that grow on them.  相似文献   

Aim To examine and visualize clines in size and shape of Cercopithecus aethiops Linneus, 1758 (Primate, Cercopithecidae) skulls, and to investigate environmental factors which might best explain the observed variation. Location Sub‐Saharan Africa. Methods Eighty‐six three‐dimensional anatomical landmarks were used to describe 306 skulls of adult C. aethiops sampled over its entire distribution. Geometric morphometric methods for the quantitative analysis of form variation were applied. Size and shape variables were computed and regressed onto geographical coordinates and environmental variables (elevation, temperature, rainfall, moisture and Shannon rainfall diversity index) using both linear and curvilinear models. Components (geographical, environmental, spatially structured environmental and residual) of ecogeographical variation in skull form were partitioned using partial regression. A novel approach for summarizing and visualizing nonlinear patterns of clinal variation using surface rendering of three‐dimensional shapes is presented. Results Clinal variation in size and shape was highly significant, and was best described by curvilinear models. There were strong similarities between females and males. The cline in size was especially pronounced, explaining up to about 40% of observed variation, and was mainly longitudinal rather than latitudinal. A major trend of clinal shape variation also occurred from west to east, and corresponded to an expansion of the face relative to the neurocranium in the west. In the east, skulls also tended to be deeper and with narrower zygomatic arches. Geography and the spatially structured environmental component were the major contributors to the explained variance in size in both sexes, but the proportion of variance explained by the latter was smaller in females. In contrast, geography and environment explained similar amounts of variation in shape and their contribution was about twice that of the spatially structured environmental component. About 60–80% of variation in skull form was not explained by any variable in the analysis. The main factors influencing skull size differed in females and males, with rainfall being very influential in males. Both female and male skull shapes were strongly affected by average annual rainfall. Main conclusions A strong spatial and environmental basis to variations in African vervet monkey skull form was evident. However, the observed pattern did not conform to predictions based on Bergmann's rule. Rainfall consistently emerged as an important predictor, which may contribute to intraspecific variation in the size and shape of vervet monkey skulls through its effect on habitat productivity.  相似文献   

Feeding behaviour patterns of European roe deer are well known but not in their southern range, where in contrast to Central and northern Europe the climate is characterised by mild winters, but hot and dry summer months. Spatial and temporal variations of the roe deer diet were investigated by analyses of 597 faecal samples in a coastal area in Italy. The aim was to evaluate the adaptive strategies of dietary intake to seasonal availability of different forage types in areas of fairly natural Mediterranean scrubwood and different areas dominated by agricultural habitats. A wide range of plant taxa (151 species/genera) was used, belonging to eight categories. A gradient was found from a diet dominated by woody plants and fruits in natural habitats to one characterised by cultivated plants in the agricultural areas. Usage of forage categories in areas dominated by woodland was proportional to their availability, whereas diet selection was found in the agricultural habitats, particularly marked in summer, the time at which food quantity and quality decreased due to harvest and drought. As to seasonal variation, the summer and autumn diets included more deciduous browse, whereas the winter diet was characterised by an increasing use of cereals and grass. In most areas, half-woody browse and fruit were preferred; grass and cereals were used less than expected by their availability. Most probably, selective behaviour patterns are linked to the difference of quality between plants together with their variable abundance, which is more evident in agricultural areas than in the woodland.  相似文献   

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