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东黑冠长臂猿是极度濒危物种,全球种群数量极其稀少。2015年5月和8月,采用在固定地点监听鸣叫的方法在广西邦亮长臂猿国家级自然保护区内对东黑冠长臂猿开展两次实地调查,发现在中国境内形成了由1只成年雄性,2只成年雌性和1只婴猿组成的新群体。这是自2006年该物种在中国被重新发现后,首次在中国境内发现形成新群体。中国境内东黑冠长臂猿的种群数量也由3群22只,增长到4群26只。有限的栖息地可能是未来限制东黑冠长臂猿新群体形成的主要因素之一,所以栖息地恢复对东黑冠长臂猿种群数量增长尤为重要。放牧不利于栖息地恢复,要逐步减少,进而杜绝在保护区内放牧。另外,东黑冠长臂猿跨国界分布,中越两国政府之间应加强协调,避免在保护区内实施对栖息地不利的边境管理活动。如果两国间出现种群隔离,对东黑冠长臂猿种群数量的增长将会非常不利。  相似文献   

Most gibbons dwell in the tropical forests of Southeastern Asia, but eastern hoolock gibbons (Hoolock leuconedys) survive in high montane forest ranging from 1,600 to 2,700 m a.s.l. in Gaoligongshan (>24°30′N), Yunnan, China. To assess the behavioral adaptations of hoolock gibbons to the montane forest, we related temperature and food availability within the habitat to the seasonal behavioral patterns of a family group and a solitary female between August 2010 and September 2011 in Nankang, Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve. The maximum temperature was 29.2 °C and the minimum temperature was ?0.3 °C during the period. The monthly mean temperature was <10 °C between December and February, making Nankang the coldest gibbon habitat reported so far. Nonfig fruit and fig availability declined to nearly zero in cold months. The family group increased resting and decreased travel and social behaviors when the monthly mean temperature was low. Compared with other gibbon populations, the hoolock gibbons spent proportionally less time feeding on figs and other fruit than other gibbon populations except Nomascus concolor and Symphalangus syndactylus. Only 36 species of plants provided nonfig fruit or figs, which is less than the number of fruit species consumed by any other gibbon population observed during a similar period of time (about 1 year). Hoolock gibbons shifted their diet to leaves and increased feeding time when fruit was not available. We conclude that diet flexibility and an energy-conserving strategy during the cold season when fruit is scarce have enabled the hoolock gibbons to survive in a northern montane forest.  相似文献   

The Cao Vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) has only one population with about 110 individuals living in a degraded karst forest along the China–Vietnam border. Investigation of food choice in relation to chemical nutrition will offer important insights into its conservation. We studied the food choice of two groups of Cao Vit gibbons using instantaneous scan sampling in Bangliang National Nature Reserve, Guangxi, China, over 4 years, and analyzed the chemical components (total nitrogen, TN; water-soluble sugar, WSS; crude fat, CF; neutral detergent fiber, NDF; acid detergent fiber, ADF; acid detergent lignin, ADL; condensed tannin, CT; and ash) of 48 food plant parts and 22 non-food plant parts. Fruits and figs that are rich in sugar are important food resources for gibbons. For other food types, flowers are a good source of total nitrogen and carbohydrates, and leaves and buds provide sources of protein and minerals. Cao Vit gibbons selected fruits that contain less total nitrogen, less acid detergent fiber and more water-soluble sugar than non-food fruits. Several food species that were heavily consumed by Cao Vit gibbons are suggested as potential tree species for ongoing habitat restoration.  相似文献   

为掌握哀牢山国家级自然保护区景东县辖区黑长臂猿种群数量和分布状况,2005年9~11月采用访问调查法及鸣声定位法对该区域进行了调查。调查结果显示:该区域内20世纪50~80年代,在19个地区曾有黑长臂猿分布,但现在黑长臂猿分布范围已大为减少,目前仅在9个地区发现有9群黑长臂猿。50年代至今至少有13只黑长臂猿被猎杀。狩猎和栖息地破坏是造成该区域黑长臂猿种群数量减少及分布范围缩小的主要原因。  相似文献   

Data concerning the status, habitat, and vocalizations of yellow-cheeked crested gibbons (Hylobates gabriellae) were collected during a short field trip to the Nam Bai Cat Tien National Park (southern Vietnam). Nam Bai Cat Tien may be the southernmost locality where crested gibbons (i.e. theHylobates concolor group) still survive. Fewer songs were heard at Nam Bai Cat Tien National Park than at other crested gibbon sites visited by the author. At least two gibbon groups appear to have been greatly reduced in number since previous surveys in the park. There is some evidence that both the gibbon population and the gibbon habitat in Nam Bai Cat Tien are disturbed. The first case of a great call solo song in wild gibbons of theconcolor group is reported. Great calls ofH. gabriellae are described and documented with sonagrams for the first time. They differ from those previously described forH. leucogenys.  相似文献   

黑长臂猿的分布、现状与保护   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黑长臂猿 (Hylobates concolor)是现生 1 1种长臂猿中其系统地位最低的灵长类。历史时期长臂猿曾广泛分布在我国南部的大部省区。自公元 4世纪以来 ,它们的分布发生了很大变化。分布区从北到南 ,从东到西急剧缩小 ,现黑长臂猿缩小到只在海南岛、云南南部和越南北部 ,已分化为 6个亚种。分布于我国的 5亚种中 ,海南亚种 (H . c. hainanus)现今仅20余只 ,是最濒危的一个亚种 ;.北部湾亚种 (H.c.nasutus) 50年代曾在广西西南部发现 ,60 -70年代已绝迹 ;指名亚种 (H.c.concolor)主要分布于越南北部、滇南和滇中哀牢山。滇南约有100余只 ,滇中哀牢山可能有40 - 60群 ,180 - 240只 ;景东亚种 (H . c. jingdongensis)为滇中无量山的特有亚种 ,现有100 - 116群 ,430 - 500只 ;滇西亚种 (H . c. furvogaster) ,只分布在滇西南的沧源、镇康、云县和耿马等地 ,约有 2 6-42群 ,100 - 150只。现今 ,黑长臂猿的分布区已不足1000Km2 ,总数量约1000只 ,为高度濒危的灵长类动物。造成黑长臂猿濒危的主要原因是 :热带和南亚热带原始森林的被破坏和缩小、人类活动的干扰使生境破碎和恶化、过度猎捕和长臂猿自身的生物学弱点。目前 ,中国的黑长臂猿已在 9个自然保护区中得到保护。  相似文献   

All gibbon species (Family: Hylobatidae) are considered threatened with extinction and recognized on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species. Because gibbons are one of the most threatened families of primates, monitoring their status is now critically important. Long-term monitoring programs applying occupancy approaches, in addition to assessing occurrence probability, improves understanding of other population parameters such as site extinction or colonization probabilities, which elucidate temporal and spatial changes and are therefore important for guiding conservation efforts. In this study, we used multiple season occupancy models to monitor occurrence, extinction, and colonization probabilities for northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus annamensis in three adjacent protected areas in the Central Annamites mountain range, Vietnam. We collected data at 30 listening posts in 2012, 2014, and 2016 using the auditory point count method. Occurrence probabilities were highest in 2012 (0.74, confidence interval [CI]: 0.56–0.87) but slightly lower in 2014 (0.66, CI: 0.51–0.79) and 2016 (0.67, CI: 0.49–0.81). Extinction probabilities during the 2012–2014 and 2014–2016 intervals were 0.26 (0.14–0.44) and 0.25 (0.12–0.44), respectively. Colonization probabilities during 2012–2014 were 0.44 (0.19–0.73) and between 2014 and 2016 was 0.51 (0.26–0.75). Although local site extinctions have occurred, high recolonization probability helped to replenish the unoccupied sites and kept the occurrence probability stable. Long-term monitoring programs which use occurrence probability alone might not fully reveal the true dynamics of gibbon populations. We strongly recommend including multiple season occupancy models to monitor occurrence, extinction, and colonization probabilities in long-term gibbon monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Demographic processes and the structure of a population of agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis) were investigated over 6 years in the Gunung Palung Reserve, Indonesia. Estimates of population size, density, and biomass revealed a population whose groups were stable in size and composition. Demographic processes place gibbons at risk, however, to short-term changes in their environment. Patterns of survival, fecundity, mortality, and dispersal combined to produce negative rates of growth. In addition, a top-heavy age-class distribution, with adults forming a large fraction of animals, makes it unlikely that this population could recover rapidly from a decline in numbers. Two behavioral factors, territoriality and monogamy, account for the size and stability of gibbon groups. Monogamy imposes limits on group size, while mating patterns and territoriality decrease the impact of sources of high mortality common in other primate species. These relationships underscore the fundamental importance of behavioral influence on demographic processes and social structure.  相似文献   

报道了越南荨麻科(Urticaceae)冷水花属(Pilea Lindl.)一新记录种——基心叶冷水花(P.basicordata W.T.Wang ex C.J.Chen)。该种在越南Pu Hu自然保护区发现,与产自越南北部的P.balansae Gagnep.相似,主要区别在于其雄花序聚伞圆锥状,托叶大,叶先端渐尖或短尾状渐尖。  相似文献   

滇南、滇东南黑冠长臂猿分布与数量   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
滇南、滇东南曾是黑冠长臂猿广泛分布的地区之一。为掌握该地区近年黑冠长臂猿分布及种群数量现状,从2003年7月~2004年12月,采用访问调查及利用鸣声定位法进行了实地调查。调查结果显示,在近40000km2的范围内,东黑冠长臂猿(Nomascussp.cf.nasutus)在云南境内可能已消失;西黑冠长臂猿(N.concolor)亦仅发现4~7个种群,且孤立分布于3个地区(金平芭蕉河2群6只,金平西隆山1-2群,绿春黄连山1~3群,总计不超过25只),而在江城牛倮河自然保护区、马关古林箐自然保护区、麻栗坡老君山自然保护区及屏边大围山自然保护区可能已绝迹。滇南、滇东南黑冠长臂猿分布区缩小及种群数量剧减,主要与栖息地丧失及过度捕猎有关。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Because habitat loss and fragmentation threaten giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), habitat protection and restoration are important conservation measures for this endangered species. However, distribution and value of potential habitat to giant pandas on a regional scale are not fully known. Therefore, we identified and ranked giant panda habitat in Foping Nature Reserve, Guanyinshan Nature Reserve, and adjacent areas in the Qinling Mountains of China. We used Mahalanobis distance and 11 digital habitat layers to develop a multivariate habitat signature associated with 247 surveyed giant panda locations, which we then applied to the study region. We identified approximately 128 km2of giant panda habitat in Foping Nature Reserve (43.6% of the reserve) and 49 km2in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve (33.6% of the reserve). We defined core habitat areas by incorporating a minimum patch-size criterion (5.5 km2) based on home-range size. Percentage of core habitat area was higher in Foping Nature Reserve (41.8% of the reserve) than Guanyinshan Nature Reserve (26.3% of the reserve). Within the larger analysis region, Foping Nature Reserve contained 32.7% of all core habitat areas we identified, indicating regional importance of the reserve. We observed a negative relationship between distribution of core areas and presence of roads and small villages. Protection of giant panda habitat at lower elevations and improvement of habitat linkages among core habitat areas are important in a regional approach to giant panda conservation.  相似文献   

Agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis) and siamangs (Symphalangus syndactylus) are sympatric small apes inhabiting threatened forests of Sumatra, Indonesia. We censused both species in the 3,568-km2 Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, at the southern limit of their ranges, over a 7-mo period in 2001. First, we monitored daily calling rates from known populations to develop probabilities of calling during a specified number of days and used the probability of calling at 1 time during 3 days to convert calling rates to abundance. Next, we used 3-day calibrated call count censuses (n=31) stratified by distance from forest edge and across a range of elevations to estimate species-specific group densities. We used group size from the known populations as well as data collected ad libitum during the census to convert group density to individual density. Agile gibbon group density averaged 0.67 km–2 (SE = 0.082) and group size averaged 2.6 (SE = 0.73) for a population estimate of 4,479 (SE = 1,331) individuals. Siamang group density averaged 2.23 km–2 (SE = 0.245), and group size averaged 3.9 (SE = 1.09) for a population estimate of 22,390 (SE = 8,138). Agile gibbon and siamang densities are negatively correlated, with agile gibbons more abundant in mid-elevation forests and siamangs most abundant in lowland and submontane forests. The small group sizes of agile gibbons indicate potential survival problems in infant and juvenile size classes. Although neither species is presently threatened by direct human disturbance, continued deforestation will jeopardize the long-term viability of both species in Bukit Barsian Selatan National Park and on Sumatra.  相似文献   

Among the genera of the subfamily Scorpiopinae Kraepelin, 1905 Alloscorpiops remains rather discrete. Only recently new species were added to this genus, increasing its number from two to five. Therefore, species of Alloscorpiops remain rare. One remarkable new species, Alloscorpiops troglodytes sp. n., is described on the basis of a single male specimen collected inside a cave from Song Thanh Nature Reserve, Cha Vanh Commune, Nam Giang District in Vietnam. The new species presents most features exhibited by scorpions of the genus Alloscorpiops, but it is characterized by reduced size, slender body and elongated pedipalps. This new scorpion taxon represents the third species of Scorpiopinae discovered in a cave system, and may be another endemic element in the fauna of Vietnam.  相似文献   

景东无量山自然保护区黑长臂猿的数量与保护   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
无量山地处云南中部,为黑长臂猿(Hylobatesconcolor)的主要分布区之一。近年来国内外学者虽然对黑长臂猿进行了较多的行为,生态与保护研究,然而有关该地区黑长臂猿的数量估计却有很大差异(66-300群)如:蓝道英(1989)报道有66-144群,Haimoff等(1986)认为有225-250群,Bleisch等(199)也认为有较多的群体,达160-300群之多,而Zhang等(199  相似文献   

日移动距离是反映动物觅食努力的重要指标之一,相关研究有助于了解动物对生境的适应策略,对濒危物种的保护至关重要.东黑冠长臂猿(Nomascus nasutus)是一种极度濒危的树栖小型类人猿,主要生活在一夫二妻制的群体中,平均群体大小6.3只,目前对于该物种的日移动距离仍然缺乏足够的科学研究.我们以广西邦亮长臂猿国家级自...  相似文献   

Livestock grazing occurs in many protected areas for wildlife and has become a threat to wildlife worldwide. Livestock grazing within protected areas causes negative effects to rare wildlife (e.g., giant panda [Ailuropoda melanoleuca]) and their habitat. We used the 2,000-km2 Wolong National Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, southwestern China, to document the effects of livestock on the giant panda and its habitat. We monitored arrow bamboo (Bashania fangiana), wildlife sign (i.e., feces and tracks), and characteristics of plant communities in intact habitat (IH; limited livestock grazing) and disturbed habitat (DH; with grazing disturbance) to assess the effects of livestock grazing and the responses of giant pandas and sympatric species across spatial and temporal scales. Bamboo coverage and the height and basal diameter of bamboo in IH were greater than those in DH, whereas the number of herbaceous species and herbaceous coverage in IH were lower than those in DH. Wildlife signs in IH were greater than those in DH; specifically, giant panda and red panda (Ailurus fulgens) signs were greater, whereas signs of sambar (Rusa unicolor) and tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus) in IH were similar to those in DH. Livestock grazing reduced bamboo, which may threaten the long-term survival of the giant panda. Our results have implications for understanding and management of livestock grazing in the Wolong National Nature Reserve and elsewhere. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Crested gibbons, genus Nomascus, are endemic to the Indochinese bioregion and occur only in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and southern China. However, knowledge about the number of species to be recognized and their exact geographical distributions is still limited. To further elucidate the evolutionary history of crested gibbon species and to settle their distribution ranges, we analyzed the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 79 crested gibbon individuals from known locations. Based on our findings, crested gibbons should be classified into seven species. Within N. concolor, we recognize two subspecies, N. concolor concolor and N. concolor lu. Phylogenetic reconstructions indicate that the northernmost species, N. hainanus, N. nasutus, and N. concolor branched off first, suggesting that the genus originated in the north and successively migrated to the south. The most recent splits within Nomascus occurred between N. leucogenys and N. siki, and between Nomascus sp. and N. gabriellae. Based on our data, the currently postulated distributions of the latter four species have to be revised. Our study shows that molecular methods are a useful tool to elucidate phylogenetic relationships among crested gibbons and to determine species boundaries. Am. J. Primatol. 72:1047–1054, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Gibbons are characterized by their species-specific calls, or songs. There are few studies of songs of Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus). To study the sound spectrum characteristics and test for intergroup differences in Hainan gibbon song, we studied the singing behavior of Hainan gibbons in Bawangling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Province, China, intermittently from August 2002 to February 2013, collecting 184 recordings. Our results show that: 1) Hainan gibbon song bouts occur mainly 0–4 h after dawn. 2) The songs of adult males living in groups are composed mainly of one to three short notes and one to five long notes, while solitary adult male songs consist only of long frequency modulated notes and no short or single notes. 3) The song chorus is dominated by adult males, while females add a great call. Males do not have a great call, unlike those in other gibbon species. There are no female solos. 4) The sound spectrum frequency is similar in adult males living in two different groups, but the duration of the first long note differed significantly between the groups. The sonic frequencies of male and female songs are lower than those of other gibbons: no more than 2 kHz. Hainan gibbon sound structure is simple, although females participate in the chorus, reflecting their primitive status among gibbon species.  相似文献   

We investigated the ecology and interspecific interactions of the two gibbon species (Hylobates lar and H. pileatus) that overlap in distribution within a narrow zone of contact in the headwaters of the Takhong River at Khao Yai National Park in central Thailand. The zone is about 10-km wide, with phenotypic hybrids comprising 6.5% of the adult population. We compared species with respect to diet, territory size, intra- and interspecific group encounters, and territory quality. The two gibbon species exploited the same types of resources within their territories despite variation in the relative abundance of food-plant species between territories. The gibbons were interspecifically territorial, and males of both species displayed aggressive behaviors at both intraspecific and interspecific territorial boundaries. There was no marked difference in the amount of overlap between territories of conspecific and heterospecific pairs of groups. Although the habitat was not homogeneous, territory quality did not vary significantly between species. The species have not diverged in habitat preference or in diet. Neither species dominated in interspecific encounters, and both were reproducing well in the contact zone. We analyzed the potential consequences of several types of interspecific interactions on individual dispersal options and on the structure of the contact zone. Interference competition through interspecific territoriality affects the dispersal of individuals into the range of the other species. In general, territorial competition coupled with limited hybridization leads to predictions of a narrow contact zone or parapatry between species; thus, behavioral and ecological interactions between species need to be considered as potential factors in explaining range borders of primate species.  相似文献   

Gibbons are among the best-studied Asian primates, but few studies address their demography and life history strategies. We used annual censuses to study the demography of agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis) between 1998 and 2009 in rain forests of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Indonesia. The population declined from 22 individuals (9 groups) to 14 individuals (5 groups) over the 12 yr of study. Infant survival to the juvenile age class was 33.3%, and 16.7% of infants survived to the subadult age class. The interbirth interval was 3.83 ± 1.15 yr and birth rate was 0.22–0.28 infants female–1 yr–1. Two groups colonized the study area but subsequently disappeared. We documented 7 immigrations, 17 disappearances, and ≥10 transients in the population. Compared to lar gibbons (Hylobates lar) and Bornean white-bearded gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis), Way Canguk’s agile gibbon population is characterized by slow reproduction, low survival, and high group turnover. We hypothesize that, although the habitat is high in fruit resources, agile gibbons may be displaced or excluded from the best fruit resources by larger and more numerous competitors, incurring costs of decreased opportunities to forage and increased travel, and leading to higher mortality for young agile gibbons. The reproductive potential of this agile gibbon population is insufficient to compensate for high mortality, and the population is unlikely to persist without immigration from outside the area. Given the agile gibbons’ endangered status and limited capacity to respond demographically to change, it is likely that intensive management interventions will be required to conserve this species.  相似文献   

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