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氨基酸发酵是我国发酵工业的支柱产业,近年来,随着代谢工程的快速发展,氨基酸的代谢工程育种蓬勃发展。传统的正向代谢工程、基于组学分析与计算机模拟的反向代谢工程以及借鉴自然进化的进化代谢工程,都有越来越多的应用。在氨基酸的工业生产中涌现出了一系列具有高效生产、抗逆性强等优良性状的菌株。日益剧烈的市场竞争对菌株的选育提出了新的要求,如开发高附加值氨基酸品种、菌株代谢的动态调控、适应新工艺的要求等。文中介绍了氨基酸生产相关的代谢工程研究进展以及未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

5-氨基乙酰丙酸(5-aminolevulinic acid,5-ALA)在医药和农业等领域有着广泛作用,目前主要采用大肠杆菌或谷氨酸棒杆菌以微生物发酵法合成.为了进一步提高谷氨酸棒杆菌合成5-ALA的能力,对其C4代谢途径进行了系统代谢改造.首先分别在谷氨酸棒杆菌中异源表达荚膜红杆菌和沼泽红假单胞菌的5-氨基乙酰丙酸...  相似文献   

谷氨酸棒状杆菌是目前微生物发酵生产L-缬氨酸的主要工业菌株。文中首先在谷氨酸棒状杆菌VWB-1中敲除了alaT (丙氨酸氨基转移酶),获得突变菌株VWB-2,作为出发菌株。进而对L-缬氨酸合成途径关键酶——乙酰羟酸合酶 (ilvBN) 的调节亚基进行定点突变 (ilvBN1M13),解除L-缬氨酸对该酶的反馈抑制。然后辅助过量表达L-缬氨酸合成途径关键基因ilvBN1M13、乙酰羟酸异构酶 (ilvC)、二羟酸脱水酶 (ilvD)、支链氨基酸氨基转移酶 (ilvE),加强通往L-缬氨酸的碳代谢流,提高菌株的L-缬氨酸水平。最后,基于过量表达L-缬氨酸转运蛋白编码基因brnFE及其调控蛋白编码基因lrp1,提高细胞的L-缬氨酸转运能力。最终获得工程菌株VWB-2/pEC-XK99E-ilvBN1M13CE-lrp1-brnFE在5 L发酵罐中的L-缬氨酸产量达到461.4 mmol/L,糖酸转化率达到0.312 g/g葡萄糖。  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-absorbing chemicals are useful in cosmetics and skin care to prevent UV-induced skin damage. We demonstrate here that heterologous production of shinorine, which shows broad absorption maxima in the UV-A and UV-B region. A shinorine producing Corynebacterium glutamicum strain was constructed by expressing four genes from Actinosynnema mirum DSM 43827, which are responsible for the biosynthesis of shinorine from sedoheptulose-7-phosphate in the pentose phosphate pathway. Deletion of transaldolase encoding gene improved shinorine production by 5.2-fold. Among the other genes in pentose phosphate pathway, overexpression of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase encoding gene further increased shinorine production by 60% (19.1 mg/L). The genetic engineering of the pentose phosphate pathway in C. glutamicum improved shinorine production by 8.3-fold in total, and could be applied to produce the other chemicals derived from sedoheptulose-7-phosphate.  相似文献   

琥珀酸是一种具有重要应用价值的四碳平台化合物。微生物法发酵生产琥珀酸以其社会、环境和经济优势展现出良好的发展前景。谷氨酸棒杆菌被广泛应用于氨基酸、核苷酸等高附加值化学品的工业化生产,在厌氧条件下细胞处于生长停滞状态,但仍能高效利用碳源合成有机酸,通过代谢工程改造的谷氨酸棒杆菌有望成为理想的琥珀酸生产菌株。结合近年来谷氨酸棒杆菌生产琥珀酸取得的最新成果,本文综述了构建高产琥珀酸工程菌株的代谢工程策略、底物的扩展利用,并展望了将来的研究方向。  相似文献   

To address climate change and environmental problems, it is becoming increasingly important to establish biorefineries for the production of chemicals from renewable non-food biomass. Here we report the development of Escherichia coli strains capable of overproducing a four-carbon platform chemical 4-hybroxybutyric acid (4-HB). Because 4-HB production is significantly affected by aeration level, genome-scale metabolic model-based engineering strategies were designed under aerobic and microaerobic conditions with emphasis on oxidative/reductive TCA branches and glyoxylate shunt. Several different metabolic engineering strategies were employed to develop strains suitable for fermentation both under aerobic and microaerobic conditions. It was found that microaerobic condition was more efficient than aerobic condition in achieving higher titer and productivity of 4-HB. The final engineered strain produced 103.4 g/L of 4-HB by microaerobic fed-batch fermentation using glycerol. The aeration-dependent optimization strategy of TCA cycle will be useful for developing microbial strains producing other reduced derivative chemicals of TCA cycle intermediates.  相似文献   

The lipase catalyzed resolution of cis and trans-3-amino-4-hydroxytetrahydrofurans and cis-3-amino-4-hydroxypyrrolidines have been studied. For all the heterocycles, the best enantioselectivity was obtained using Candida antarctica lipases A and B as catalysts in hydrolytic processes. The absolute configuration of the optically pure obtained heterocycles has been assigned.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria hold promise for renewable chemical production due to their photosynthetic nature, but engineered strains frequently display poor production characteristics. These difficulties likely arise in part due to the distinctive photoautotrophic metabolism of cyanobacteria. In this work, we apply a genome-scale metabolic model of the cyanobacteria Synechococus sp. PCC 7002 to identify strain designs accounting for this unique metabolism that are predicted to improve the production of various biofuel alcohols (e.g. 2-methyl-1-butanol, isobutanol, and 1-butanol) synthesized via an engineered biosynthesis pathway. Using the model, we identify that the introduction of a large, non-native NADH-demand into PCC 7002's metabolic network is predicted to enhance production of these alcohols by promoting NADH-generating reactions upstream of the production pathways. To test this, we construct strains of PCC 7002 that utilize a heterologous, NADH-dependent nitrite reductase in place of the native, ferredoxin-dependent enzyme to create an NADH-demand in the cells when grown on nitrate-containing media. We find that photosynthetic production of both isobutanol and 2-methyl-1-butanol is significantly improved in the engineered strain background relative to that in a wild-type background. We additionally identify that the use of high-nutrient media leads to a substantial prolongment of the production curve in our alcohol production strains. The metabolic engineering strategy identified and tested in this work presents a novel approach to engineer cyanobacterial production strains that takes advantage of a unique aspect of their metabolism and serves as a basis on which to further develop strains with improved production of these alcohols and related products.  相似文献   

Amino acids are essential components in all organisms because they are building blocks of proteins. They are also produced industrially and used for various purposes. For example, L-glutamate is used as the component of “umami” taste and lysine has been used as livestock feed. Recently, many kinds of amino acids have attracted attention as biological regulators and are used for a healthy life. Thus, to clarify the mechanism of how amino acids are biosynthesized and how they work as biological regulators will lead to further effective utilization of them. Here, I review the leucine-induced-allosteric activation of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) from Thermus thermophilus and the relationship with the allosteric regulation of GDH from mammals. Next, I describe structural insights into the efficient production of L-glutamate by GDH from an excellent L-glutamate producer, Corynebacterium glutamicum. Finally, I review the structural biology of lysine biosynthesis of thermophilic bacterium and archaea.  相似文献   

The potential of engineering microorganisms with non-native pathways for the synthesis of long-chain alcohols has been identified as a promising route to biofuels. We describe computationally derived predictions for assembling pathways for the production of biofuel candidate molecules and subsequent metabolic engineering modifications that optimize product yield. A graph-based algorithm illustrates that, by culling information from BRENDA and KEGG databases, all possible pathways that link the target product with metabolites present in the production host are identified. Subsequently, we apply our recent OptForce procedure to pinpoint reaction modifications that force the imposed product yield in Escherichia coli. We demonstrate this procedure by suggesting new pathways and genetic interventions for the overproduction of 1-butanol using the metabolic model for Escherichia coli. The graph-based search method recapitulates all recent discoveries based on the 2-ketovaline intermediate and hydroxybutyryl-CoA but also pinpointes one novel pathway through thiobutanoate intermediate that to the best of our knowledge has not been explored before.  相似文献   

From investigation of 60 filamentous fungi, we identified Fusarium merismoides var. acetilereum, which uses 4-N-trimethylamino-1-butanol (TMA-butanol) as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen. The fungus produced NAD+-dependent TMA-butanol dehydrogenase (DH) when it was cultivated in medium containing TMA-butanol. The enzyme showed molecular mass of 40 kDa by SDS–PAGE and 160 kDa by gel filtration, suggesting that it is a homotetramer. TMA-butanol DH is stable at pH 7.5–9.0. It exhibits moderate stability with respect to temperature (up to 30 °C). Additionally, it has optimum activity at 45 °C and at pH 9.5. The enzyme has broad specificity to various alkyl alcohols and amino alkyl alcohols, and the carbon chains of which are longer than butanol. Moreover, the activity is strongly inhibited by oxidizing agents, carbonyl and thiol modulators, and chelating agents. This report is the first study examining TMA-butanol DH from eukaryotic microbes.  相似文献   

A new amino acid previously detected in 17 species of Acacia has been isolated from seeds of Acacia angustissima and identified as oxalylalbizziine. These seeds also contain more than 6% dry weight of 2-amino-4-acetylaminobutyric acid, which has not been reported previously in a legume, and lower concentrations of 2,4-diaminobutyric acid.  相似文献   

The mushroom Boletus fraternus Peck. shows allelopathy and suppresses the growth of broad leaf plants in nature. According to a bioassay-guided fractionation of the fruiting body of the fungus, a rare nonprotein amino acid was isolated as a major allelochemical. The chemical structure of the compound was determined to be (2S,4R)-2-amino-4-methyl-hex-5-enoic acid (5-dehydrohomoleucine) by analysis of 1H- and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and comparison with data from the literature. The allelochemical caused 50% inhibition of lettuce seedling radicle growth at a concentration of 34 ppm (w/v). Further, since radicle growth was directed away from the filter paper to prevent contact with the allelochemical at concentrations higher than 300 ppm (w/v), the fungus may use the allelochemical to protect its immediate environment from contamination by other plants.  相似文献   

Isobutanol and other branched-chain higher alcohols (BCHAs) are promising advanced biofuels derived from the degradation of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a particularly attractive host for the production of BCHAs due to its high tolerance to alcohols and prevalent use in the bioethanol industry. Degradation of BCAAs begins with transamination reactions, catalyzed by branched-chain amino acid transaminases (BCATs) located in the mitochondria (Bat1p) and cytosol (Bat2p). However, the roles that these transaminases play in isobutanol production remain poorly understood and obscured by conflicting reports in the literature. In this work, we elucidate the influence of BCATs on isobutanol production in two genetic backgrounds (CEN.PK2-1C and BY4741). In the process, we uncover and characterize two competing isobutanol pathways, which can be manipulated by overexpressing or deleting BAT1 or BAT2, and adding or removing valine from the fermentation media. We show that deletion of BAT1 alone increases isobutanol production by 14.2-fold over wild type strains in media lacking valine, and examine how interactions between valine and the regulatory protein Ilv6p affect isobutanol production. Compartmentalizing the five-gene isobutanol biosynthetic pathway in mitochondria of BAT1 deletion strains results in an additional 2.1-fold increase in isobutanol production in the absence of valine. While valine inhibits isobutanol production, it boosts 2-methyl-1-butanol production. This work clarifies the role of transamination activity in BCHA biosynthesis, and develops valuable strategies and strains for future optimization of isobutanol production.  相似文献   

A highly efficient method has been developed for the one-pot synthesis of substituted 3-amino-1H-indole and 3-amino-1H-7-azaindole derivatives starting from ethyl 2-cyanophenylcarbamate/ethyl 3-cyanopyridin-2-ylcarbamate, and α-bromoketones in good to excellent yields. All newly synthesized analogues were screened for their antiproliferative activities against four cancer cell lines. The most promising compound 8v demonstrated 13-, 5-, and 1.4-fold improvement compared to fluorouracil in inhibiting HeLa, HepG2, and MCF-7 cell proliferation with IC50 values of 3.7, 8.0, and 19.9 μM, respectively. Furthermore, 8v induced significant cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase in HeLa cell lines via a concentration-dependent manner. These encouraging findings indicate that the common 3-amino-1H-7-azaindole is a very favorable scaffold for the design of novel anticancer small-molecule drugs.  相似文献   

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