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Seven microsatellite markers were isolated from Cubitermes subarquatus belonging to the soil‐feeding termite trophic group that plays a key role in tropical rain forests. A variability study performed by using a population of C. subarquatus (n = 73) sampled in the La Lopé forest reserve (Gabon) from 42 nests revealed from 4 to 12 alleles per locus and an heterozygosity from 0.28 to 0.84. Tests for cross‐species amplification realized in the sympatric C. intercalatus and in eight other sympatric termite genera indicated a wider application of the primers isolated from Cubitermes in soil‐feeding termites.  相似文献   

Y. Roisin 《Insectes Sociaux》1996,43(4):375-389
Summary The developmental pathways of the neuter castes were studied in three species of Nasutitermitinae from central Panama. The humivorousSubulitermes denisae andCoatitermes clevelandi display several primitive traits: absence of sex dimorphism, representation of both sexes among workers and soldiers, and occurrence of successive worker instars. The litter-dwellingVelocitermes barrocoloradensis has a more complex caste system: female larvae are larger than males and give rise to the large workers, which constitute the bulk of the work force; male larvae proceed to soldiers through a small worker or a special larval instar. The resulting soldier caste is polymorphic. These results support previously formulated hypotheses regarding a link between humivorous diet and reduced polymorphism on the one hand, and between forest-floor foraging and large continuous size variation among soldiers on the other. Whereas the caste systems ofSubulitermes andCoatitermes probably represent a primitive condition,Velocitermes shares derived traits withNasutitermes and the other fully nasute genera previously studied. I therefore hypothesize that ancestors with these advanced features may have spread from the neotropics and be at the origin of most nasute genera, including humivorous taxa, present in other regions.  相似文献   

Abstract Cubitermes spp. are widely distributed soil-feeding termite species in sub-Saharan Africa which play a fundamental role in soil structure and fertility. A complex of at least four cryptic species (i.e., Cubitermes sp. affinis subarquatus complex of species) has been recently described using molecular markers. In order to investigate the breeding system of these species, five microsatellite markers were used to carry out parentage and relatedness analyses in 15 Gabonese colonies. Monogamy was confirmed as the predominant reproductive organization in Cubitermes spp. (76% of the colonies). Within 30% of these monogamous colonies, a high relatedness between reproductives was shown, suggesting that mating between related individuals occurs. However, Cubitermes colonies can deviate from monogamy. Indeed, parental contributions by at least two related reproductives of the same sex were revealed in four colonies and polyandry was demonstrated in two of them. Infiltration of reproductives in the colony is the most plausible explanation for such cases of polygamy in Cubitermes spp.  相似文献   

Mauricio M. Rocha 《ZooKeys》2013,(340):107-117
The imago and soldier castes of the Neotropical Termitinae species Genuotermes spinifer Emerson are redescribed. The gut anatomy of the worker is described in detail for the first time, and morphological variations in the soldier are noted and illustrated. The known geographical distribution of Genuotermes spinifer is greatly expanded.  相似文献   

Summary The pH of the gut contents was measured in 52 species of higher termites (Termitidae), representing 36 genera in all four subfamilies. A statistically significant trend was shown from lower termites with low mean gut pH through to the Termitinae with higher mean gut pHs. Elevation of the pH occurred principally in the first and third proctodaeal segments, reaching values as high as 10.5 in 8 soil-feeding genera and 1 wood-feeding genus of Termitinae. Elevation of gut pH within the Termitidae appears to be independent of the general nature of the feeding substrate.  相似文献   

In coconut plantations of northern New Guinea, the arboreal nesting termite community comprises three species:Nasutitermes princeps, N. novarumhebridarum, andMicrocerotermes biroi. In orde to assess the importance of intraspecific interactions in this community, we conducted pairwise encounters between batches of individuals in the laboratory and between entire nest populations in seminantural conditions. Three levels of agonism were defined in laboratory bioassays: anagonism, moderate agonism, and strong agonism. Anagonism was observed during all control tests with homocolonical groups and in some tests with allocolonial groups of all species. Moderate agonism included initial aggressiveness that subsequently faded out, and initially passive encounters where aggression progressively built up and led to fighting. Strong agonism corresponded to initial aggressiveness and fighting. Results obtained in alboratory bioassays were consistent with bioassays in seminatural conditions. WhenNasutitermes colonies were anagonists in laboratory bioassays, their foraging trails merged without aggression in field tests.N. princeps nests that were moderately agonistic in laboratory tests fought and either continued to avoid each other or finally joined after elimination of the most aggressive individuals. The most aggressiveM. biroi andN. princeps colonies fought and their foraging trails diverged afterward. Direct attacks on alien nests were winnessed inM. biroi. In all species, anagonism occurred in 21–34% of the combinations tested, between either geographically close or distantcolonies. An exeption was a group of 112 anagonist nests ofN. princeps, which most probably constituted a supercolony. The level of agonism betweenNasutitermes colonies was constant during the wet and dry season. Termite colonies excluded each other, both intra- and interspecifically, from the coconut trees, and their territories seem distributed in a mosaic pattern. Agonism between colonies may result in the elimination of the weakest colonies or in trail divergence, maintaining this mosaic. In cotrast, lack of agonism between some colonies suggests the possibility of colony fusion and gene exchanges without nuptial flights.  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites cultivate their mutualistic basidiomycete Termitomyces species on a substrate called a fungal comb. Here, the Suicide Polymerase Endonuclease Restriction (SuPER) method was adapted for the first time to a fungal study to determine the entire fungal community of fungal combs and to test whether fungi other than the symbiotic cultivar interact with termite hosts. Our molecular analyses show that although active combs are dominated by Termitomyces fungi isolated with direct Polymerase Endonuclease Restriction - Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE), they can also harbor some filamentous fungi and yeasts only revealed by SuPER PCR-DGGE. This is the first molecular evidence of the presence of non-Termitomyces species in active combs. However, because there is no evidence for a species-specific relationship between these fungi and termites, they are mere transient guests with no specialization in the symbiosis. It is however surprising to notice that termite-associated Xylaria strains were not isolated from active combs even though they are frequently retrieved when nests are abandoned by termites. This finding highlights the implication of fungus-growing termites in the regulation of fungi occurring within the combs and also suggests that they might not have any particular evolutionary-based association with Xylaria species.  相似文献   

Termites are hemimetabolous insects that commonly exhibit a bifurcation in post‐embryonic development, with the presence of two lines: (i) the nymphal–imaginal line; and (ii) the apterous line. The former comprises the reproductive imagoes of the colonies and their preceding immature stages, whereas the latter is composed of workers, soldiers and their precursors. In this study, we analyzed the developmental pathways of caste differentiation in the Neotropical termite Silvestritermes euamignathus and compared it to the known sibling species, Silvestritermes holmgreni. Our results show that the apterous line is composed of male and female workers without sexual dimorphism and that soldiers are exclusively females. The imaginal line comprises five instars of nymphs, which may develop into either nymphoid neotenics or alates. Similarities found in our study between caste patterns of S. euamignathus and of S. holmgreni suggest a shared evolutionary history in these termite species. Some biological differences between the species are also discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology, histology and ultrastructure of the mesenteric and proctodaeal components of the mixed segment are described in detail, together with the disposition of the associated gut musculature, the patterns of peristalsis and the streaming movements of soil particles in the gut lumen. The mesenteric epithelium is characterized by very extensive basal infoldings which are associated with a large population of mitochondria, but evidence of significant protein synthesis and secretion is lacking. It is proposed that this tissue is a transporting epithelium whose major function is the secretion of a copious, K+ -rich fluid into the intestinal lumen to irrigate the hindgut (proctodaeum) and that alkaline hydrolysis of humic fractions by this fluid is an essential component of digestion.
Malpighian tubules are present, but do not participate in fluid excretion. Since the hind-guts of soil-feeding termites are exceptionally voluminous and elongated and the major symbiotic micro-organisms occupy fixed positions by virtue of their attachment to the lining cuticle, it is argued that flushing is necessary to sustain microbial activity and for the recovery of end-products by the host. A survey of the protodaeal epithelium suggests that the anterior colon (P4a) is the most likely site of fluid reabsorption and that the wall of the hindgut anterior to this site is impermeable. The greater degree of ultrastructural differentiation of the mixed segment of Cubitermes severus and its more complete morphological separation from the midgut suggests that this species is a more advanced soil-feeder than Procubitermes aburiensis.  相似文献   

In laboratory bioassays, Steinernema riobrave Cabanillas, Poinar and Raulston (355 strain), Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Mexican 33 strain), Steinernemafeltiae (Filipjev) (UK76 strain), and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (HP88 strain) were all capable of infecting and killing three termite species, Heterotermes aureus (Snyder), Gnathamitermes perplexus (Banks), and Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) in laboratory sand assays. S. riobrave and S. feltiae caused low levels of Reticulitermes virginicus (Banks) mortality under the same conditions. At 22 degrees C, significant mortality (> or = 80%) of worker H. aureus and G. perplexus was caused by S. riobrave, in sand assays, indicating the need for further study. Because of the short assay time (3 d maximum), reproduction of the nematodes in the target host species was not recorded. All nematode species were observed to develop to fourth-stage juveniles, preadult stages, or adults in all termite species with the exception of R. virginicus. Only S. riobrave developed in R. virginicus. Nematode concentration and incubation time had significant effects on the mortality of worker H. aureus. S. riobrave consistently generated the highest infection levels and mortality of H. aureus in sand assays.  相似文献   

大白蚁属Macrotermes是等翅目白蚁科大白蚁亚科(Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae)中的一类高等培菌白蚁。本文综述了1996年来有关大白蚁属分子研究的文章,提供了截止目前大白蚁属Macrotermes 生物学信息,并分析了目前大白蚁属的分子研究现状,含等翅目系统关系,大白蚁属种间关系,大白蚁拟工蚁与食性演变,大白蚁属与其共生菌关系,及其分子研究的发展方向,特别是中国大白蚁属分子研究现状。  相似文献   

We analyzed the food source of riparian spiders in a middle reach of the Chikuma River, Japan, by using stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen. The carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of attached algae were higher than those of terrestrial plants, reflecting a large carbon isotope fractionation in terrestrial plants and a difference in nitrogen sources. The carbon isotope ratios of terrestrial insects were similar to those of the terrestrial plants, and the ratios of aquatic insects were scattered between those of the terrestrial plants and the attached algae. The carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of spiders were intermediate between those of the terrestrial and aquatic insects. The two-source mixing model using the carbon isotope ratio showed that the web-building spiders utilized both the terrestrial and aquatic insects, with large contribution by the aquatic insects (54% on average with a maximum of 92% among spiders taxa collected in each zone), in the riparian area in a middle reach of the Chikuma River. The large contribution of the aquatic insects was often observed for the spiders collected near river channel (<5m) and for the horizontal web-building spiders collected across the riparian area. The relative contribution of the aquatic insects might be related with food availability (distance from river channel) and spiders food preference reflected in their web types (horizontal vs. vertical). Our results showed that organic materials produced in the river channel, in the riparian area, and in the terrestrial area surrounding the riparian area were mixed at the carnivorous trophic level of riparian spiders.  相似文献   

The fauna of termites (Isoptera) preserved in Early Eocene amber from the Cambay Basin (Gujarat, India) are described and figured. Three new genera and four new species are recognized, all of them NeoisopteraParastylotermes krishnai Engel & Grimaldi, sp. n. (Stylotermitidae); Prostylotermes kamboja Engel & Grimaldi, gen. et sp. n. (Stylotermitidae?); Zophotermes Engel, gen. n., with Zophotermes ashoki Engel & Singh, sp. n. (Rhinotermitidae: Prorhinotermitinae); and Nanotermes isaacae Engel & Grimaldi, gen. et sp. n. (Termitidae: Termitinae?). Together these species represent the earliest Tertiary records of the Neoisoptera and the oldest definitive record of Termitidae, a family that comprises >75% of the living species of Isoptera. Interestingly, the affinities of the Cambay amber termites are with largely Laurasian lineages, in this regard paralleling relationships seen between the fauna of bees and some flies. Diversity of Neoisoptera in Indian amber may reflect origin of the amber deposit in Dipterocarpaceae forests formed at or near the paleoequator.  相似文献   

The Southeast Asian nasute termite Longipeditermes longipes forages on the open ground on leaf litter. Its monomorphic workers carry back food balls in their mandibles while dimorphic soldiers defensively surround the marching columns and the foraging patches. When mechanically disturbed, workers hide under the litter, whereas antennating soldiers face as closely as possible the source of disturbance. Foragers prefer the lower, nitrogen-rich layer of the litter. Soldier behavior and column organization (returning workers in the center lanes, outgoing workers in the two flanking lanes) are similar to those in the related genera Hospitalitermes and Lacessititermes, which, however, tend to forage above ground.  相似文献   

Two types of deposit-feeding polychaetes, Neanthes japonica and Notomastus sp., and their surrounding sediments were collected from the Nanakita River Estuary and a small brackish lagoon (Gamõ Lagoon) in northeastern Japan. The samples were examined using stable isotope analysis to assess the site specific feeding mode of the animals and their trophic status. N. japonica is a surface deposit-feeder and Notomastus sp. is a subsurface deposit-feeder. In the estuary, the sedimentary 5N tended to become isotopically heavier from the upper estuary (2.0 3.9) to the river mouth (4.3 6.2), while sedimentary organic 13C constant value (–26.8 –24.4, average –25.6) throughout the river estuary. The 13C values of N. japonica were similar to those of the surrounding sediment in the upper estuary, whereas in the lower estuary, N. japonica had a heavier 13C value than the surrounding sediment. The 13C and dg 15N values indicated that the carbon, but not the nitrogen, of N. japonica was derived from upland plants in the upper estuary. In the lower estuary, a significant fraction of carbon of N. japonica was derived from phytoplankton. Notomastus sp. exhibited heavier 13C values than the surrounding surface sediment throughout the estuary and had heavier 13C values than N. japonica in the same location. These results suggest selective utilization of sedimentary carbon by those animals following bacterial processing and subsequent fractionation. The difference in 15N between sedimentary organics and corresponding polychaetes was 5 ± 1 and rather higher than 3.4 ± 1.1 expected for normal trophic effects in other animals.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios were measured in hair samples from two species of Galago from Gedi Ruins National Monument in eastern Kenya and from Lepilemur leucopus from Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve in southern Madagascar. Forest structure was generally similar in the two areas but average rainfall was lower in Madagascar. Species average 13C values varied with feeding height in the forest canopy and with average rainfall level as expected from reported variation in plant 13C values. G. garnettii, which feeds higher in the forest canopy, had less negative 13C values than G. zanzibaricus, which spends more time below 5 m. L. leucopus, from a drought-afflicted forest, had less negative hair 13C values than the two galago species. The values within the Lepilemur sample showed a positive linear relation with percent dependence on a CAM tree species and with xeric conditions within the species reserve. Nitrogen stable isotope ratios varied with trophic level of feeding and with time spent feeding on leguminous plants. The insectivorous galagos had significantly more positive 15N values than the folivorous L. leucopus. Within the Lepilemur sample, 15N values varied inversely with the percent of feeding time spent on leguminous plants. The range of 15N and 13C values in each of the prosimian species is larger than reported for animals fed monotonous diets and for New World monkey species. The monkey species feed as groups of individuals whereas the prosimians have solitary feeding habits. The ranges in the prosimian species apparently reflect the greater variation in diet among individual prosimians compared to individual monkeys. The isotope data reported here are equivalent, on average, to those reported for other arboreal species from similar forest habitats and with similar dietary habits. This supports the use of such data for paleoecological reconstruction of forest and woodland systems and diet reconstruction of extinct primate populations and species. Received: 18 April 1997 / Accepted: 11 August 1997  相似文献   

1. Nitrogen and carbon stable-isotope ratios (δ15N and δ13C) of body tissues, mound/nest materials and dietary substrates were determined in termite species with differing trophic habits, sampled from the Mbalmayo Forest Reserve, southern Cameroon.
2. δ15N of termite tissues was enriched gradually along a spectrum of species representing a trophic gradient from wood- to soil-feeding. Species that could be identified from their general biology and from gut content analysis as feeding on well-rotted wood or as wood/soil interface feeders showed δ15N intermediate between sound-wood-feeders and soil-feeders. It is proposed that δ15N is therefore a possible indicator of the functional position of species in the humification process. Differences in δ13C were also observed between wood-feeding and soil-feeding forms.
3. High values of δ15N in soil-feeding termites suggest that nitrogen fixation is of little importance in these species.
4. A wide range of isotope effects (the difference in isotope ratios between termites and their diet) was observed for both nitrogen (Δδ15N = –1.6 to + 8.8‰) and carbon (Δδ13C = –2.2 to + 3.0‰), which suggests a diversity of nutrient acquisition mechanisms within termites and diverse relationships between termites and their intestinal micro-organisms.  相似文献   

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