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Immune responses by mice to heterologous insulins are controlled by H-2-linked Ir genes. In studies to determine the mechanism(s) of nonresponsiveness, we found that although pork insulin fails to stimulate antibody or proliferative responses in H-2b mice, it does stimulate enhanced responses to subsequent challenge with an immunogenic species of insulin, such as beef insulin. Experiments described in this communication analyze the cell type primed in H-2b mice by pork insulin using an adoptive transfer protocol. The results demonstrate that pork insulin primes T cells that can express helper activity when recipient mice are challenged with beef but not pork insulin. This helper T cell activity is insulin specific in both elicitation and effect but is dependent upon stimulation by beef insulin for expression. Our interpretation of these results is that 2 antigen-specific T cell subpopulations are required for the generation of insulin-specific antibody responses and that the Ir gene defect in this case is expressed as a failure of specific interaction of these 2 T cell populations.  相似文献   

The immune response to the synthetic terpolymer GAT is controlled by MHC-linked Ir gene(s). We show in this paper that antigen-presenting cells and T cells from mice belonging to two nonresponder strains (SJL and DBA/1) can present and recognize GAT, respectively. This has been measured with a T cell proliferation assay of GAT-primed lymph node cells. In order to detect T cell proliferation among GAT-primed lymph node cells from DBA/1 mice, it is necessary to treat the cells with monoclonal anti-Lyt-2 antibodies and complement (C) before the assay. These conclusions were further verified with SJL mice, when a T cell line derived from LN cells was used. We have shown that after immunization with GAT, specific T helper cells can be generated in the lymph nodes of SJL mice but not in the lymph nodes of DBA/1 mice. Furthermore, GAT-specific T helper cells can be detected in the spleen of SJL mice after immunizations with GAT, provided these spleen cells are pretreated with monoclonal anti-Lyt-2 antibodies + C or mild irradiation. Together, these results support the general idea that nonresponsiveness can be explained by a regulatory imbalance rather than by discrete cellular "defects."  相似文献   

The proliferative response of spleen cells from BALB/c mice to stimulation with a T cell mitogen, concanavalin A (Con A), was two or more times stronger than that of cells from C57BL/10SnSc (B10) mice. In contrast, the cells from B10 mice responded better to B cell mitogen bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The differences in the proliferative response to Con A stimulation were not associated with the function of macrophages nor did they depend on IL-1. Spleen cells from BALB/c and B10 mice synthesized comparable amounts of mRNA for IL-1 alpha, and the production of biologically active IL-1 was even higher in the B10 strain. Indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis, had no effect on the differences in reactivity between the cells from BALB/c and B10 mice. In addition, no differences in the synthesis of mRNA for the inducible 55-kDa interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptors were found between the spleen cells from BALB/c and B10 mice. However, Con A-stimulated spleen cells from B10 mice produced a significantly lower amount of biologically active IL-2 than similarly stimulated cells from BALB/c mice. In the presence of exogenous IL-2, these low responder spleen cells from the B10 mice responded by proliferation to Con A stimulation to the same extent as cells from the BALB/c mice. These results thus show that a low proliferative response to Con A stimulation in B10 mice was a consequence of a lower production of IL-2 and possibly abrogated the proliferative hyporeactivity produced by exogenous IL-2. We suggest that the differences in the ability to produce IL-2 could be a reason for the discrepancies observed in the immunological responsiveness between BALB/c and B10 mice.  相似文献   

Genetic control of immune responsiveness in cattle was investigated using an antigen-dependent T cell proliferation assay in vitro. Bovine T cell proliferative responses to ovalbumin were dependent upon major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. Responses of an unrelated panel of animals to a limiting concentration of ovalbumin after a single immunization were compared. Two discrete patterns of response were observed. One group of animals had low or non-responses which were not significantly different from the preimmune levels. Another group of animals showed significant responses. After a second immunization the majority of low responders remained low responders. There was no significant correlation between bovine MHC class I BoLA haplotype and magnitude of response within this group of unrelated animals. However, the magnitude of the T cell responses by two half-sib family groups segregated with BoLA haplotypes inherited from the sire. In contrast no significant correlation with antibody responses in vivo could be demonstrated. We suggest that the observed variation in T cell response is linked to bovine MHC class II immune response (Ir) genes.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated and humoral immune responses to heterologous insulins in mice are controlled by H-2 linked, dominant, immune response (Ir) genes. For example, mice bearing the H-2d haplotype develop T cell proliferative responses and produce antibody after injection with porcine insulin, whereas mice bearing other H-2 haplotypes do not. Data presented in this communication demonstrate that homozygous and heterozygous H-2d mice produce insulin-binding antibodies when immunized with porcine insulin or proinsulin. Some (H-2b,k,s) insulin-nonresponder mice produce insulin-binding antibodies after injection of proinsulin, whereas other insulin-nonresponder strains (H-2q) do not. All strains, except homozygous H-2q mice, produce antibodies specific for proinsulin, suggesting that the response to porcine proinsulin is also controlled by H-2-linked Ir genes. More importantly, F1 hybrids between insulin-nonresponder C57BL/10 (H-2b) and DBA/1 (H-2q) produce no insulin-binding antibodies when injected with proinsulin, despite the fact that proinsulin-binding antibodies are produced by these mice.  相似文献   

Studies on the genetic control of immune response to sperm whale myoglobin were initiated. As demonstrated in this paper, the T lymphocyte proliferative response to whale myoglobin is under H-2-linked Ir gene control. Mice of H-2d, H-2f, and H-2s haplotypes were high responders to the myoglobin, whereas haplotypes H-2b, H-2k, H-2p, H-2q, and H-2r were low responders. The Ir gene(s) was localized between H-2K and H2D regions, since the recombinant strain A.TL (KsIkSkDd) was a low responder and A.TH (KsIsSsDd) was a high responder. Further studies with recombinant strains revealed that the expression of the high-responder I-Ad or Ias alleles was sufficient to give a good response, since strains D2.GD (d d b b b b b b) and B10.HTT (s s s s k k k d) were high responders. The expression of the I-Cd allele in strains B10.A (k k k k k d d d) and B10.A(5R) (b b b k k d d d) also gave high response, and thus suggested a second Ir gene, derived from the H-2d haplotype. The finding that expression of the I-Cs allele in B10.S(8R) (k k ? ? s s s s) did not result in high response suggests the lack of the second Ir gene in the high-responder H-2s haplotype.  相似文献   

The immune response to pepsin-soluble human basement membrane-derived type IV collagen in mice has been characterized. Both T cell proliferative and antibody responses have been shown to be under major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-linked Ir gene control in inbred and MHC congenic mice. However, unlike previous examples studied, this response shows a separation of these two types of immunologic responsiveness. Only mice having I-As give potent in vitro T cell proliferative responses to type IV collagen whereas all mice except those having I-As give high antibody responses to this antigen. In (I-As X I-Anon-s) F1 mice, the T cell proliferative response was dominant, whereas antibody responses were markedly reduced compared with the responder parent. Given the recent demonstration that class II MHC-restricted, L3T4+ T cells can be divided into two sets, one of which helps for antibody responses and the other of which produces interleukin 2 and can also suppress such responses, it seems likely that these data can be accounted for on the basis of differential activation by this antigen of these two cell sets in mice of different MHC genotypes.  相似文献   

D Wakelin 《Parasitology》1975,71(1):51-60
A comparison has been made of the responses of random-bred CFLP and inbred NIH mice to infection with Trichuris muris. Random-bred mice showed greater variation in worm burdens and less uniformity in worm expulsion. Irradiation prior to infection reduced variation, but did not increase the mean level of infection above that shown by the most susceptible unirradiated mice. In NIH mice, however, irradiation raised the level of infection in all mice. The factors responsible for variation between CFLP mice and for the level of infection in NIH mice came into play after the fifth day of infection and were inactivated by cortisone acetate. It is suggested that these factors are immunologically mediated and under direct genetic control. Uniformity of infection and expulsion in NIH mice is therefore seen as a consequence of genetic uniformity; variability in CFLP mice as a consequence of genetic variation. The time of worm expulsion was found to differ markedly between inbred strains of mice. Hybrid progeny showed the expulsion time characteristic of the parental strain with the most rapid expulsion; greater resistance was therefore inherited as a dominant characteristic. The genetic control of immunity to T. muris is discussed in the context of the antibody- and cell-mediated components of the expulsion process.  相似文献   

Mouse strains carrying the kappa allele at loci A beta, A alpha, E beta, and E alpha are nonresponders to lactate dehydrogenase B (LDHB) and to allotypic determinants of IgG2a myeloma proteins (for example, UPC10 used in this study). The nonresponsiveness to these antigens is caused by T suppressor (Ts) cells that prevent antigen-primed T helper (Th) cells from proliferating. We demonstrate here that monoclonal antibodies specific for an A region-controlled molecule selectively expressed on T cells (A-T) are capable of inducing anti-LDHB and anti-UPC10 responses of primed T cells from nonresponder strains. A monoclonal anti-J antibody that cross-reacts with the A-T molecule also induces responsiveness, whereas another J-specific antibody that lacks this cross-reactivity fails to do so. The mechanism of response induction is blocking of the interaction between the Ts cell or its factor (TsF) and the target of suppression, the antigen-specific Lyt-1+2- (Th) cell. The blocking occurs at the level of the Ts cell and the TsF. The data indicate that Ts cells and TsF carry a unique, A region-controlled molecule that is not only functionally analogous but also serologically similar to the J molecule.  相似文献   

Mouse strains of H-2b haplotype exhibit much weaker cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses to haptens reactive with amino groups of cell surface (NH2-reactive haptens) compared with H-2k strains. However, H-2b strains can generate high CTL responses to haptens reactive with sulfhydryl groups of cell surface (SH-reactive haptens). The present study investigates the role of haptenic structure and hapten-cell surface reaction patterns in influencing the generation of the T cell specificity as well as the H-2-linked genetic control. CTL and helper T cell responses were generated against two structurally related haptens, N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulfonic-1-naphthyl) ethylene-diamine (SH-reactive AEDANS; AED-SH) and 5-sulfo-1-naphthoxy acetic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (NH2-reactive form of AEDANS; AED-NH2) by immunizing C57BL/6N (H-2b) mice with these hapten-modified syngeneic spleen cells. Spleen cells from primed C57BL/6N mice generated strong CTL and helper T cell activities upon in vitro restimulation with the respective hapten-modified self. The generation of potent anti-AED-NH2 CTL and helper T cell responses in C57BL/6N mice sharply contrasted with the failure of NH2-reactive haptens studied thus far to generate strong anti-hapten cytotoxic responses in H-2b mice. Antibodies induced against the above two haptens exhibited extensive cross-reactivity detected by hemagglutination, whereas CTL and helper T cells clearly discriminated the structural difference between AED-NH2 and AED-SH haptens. The hapten specificity in T cell recognition was also observed between AED-NH2 and trinitrophenyl (TNP) haptens, which were demonstrated to functionally modify similar cell surface sites. These results indicate that hapten epitope structure and hapten-cell membrane conjugation patterns influence the generation of H-2-linked genetic control and T cell specificity in anti-hapten self cytotoxic as well as helper T cell responses.  相似文献   

T cell proliferative responses to Mycobacterium leprae were measured after immunization of mice at the base of the tail with antigen and challenging lymphocytes from draining lymph nodes in culture with M. leprae. This T cell response to M. leprae has been compared in 18 inbred strains of mice. C57BL/10J mice were identified as low responder mice. The congenic strains B10.M and B10.Q were found to be high responders, whereas B10.BR and B10.P were low responders. F1 (B10.M X C57BL/10J) and F1 (B10.Q X C57BL/10J) hybrid mice were found to be low responders, similar to the C57BL/10J parent, indicating that the low responsive trait is dominant. Whereas B10.BR mice were shown to be low responders to M. leprae, B10.AKM and B10.A(2R) were clearly high responders, indicating that the H-2D region influences the magnitude of the T cell proliferative response. Gene complementation within the H-2 region was evident. Genes outside the H-2 region were also shown to influence the response to M. leprae. C3H/HeN were shown to be high responder mice, whereas other H-2k strains, BALB.K, CBA/N, and B10.BR, were low responders. Gene loci that influence the T cell proliferation assay have been discussed and were compared to known background genes which may be important for the growth of intracellular parasites. Because mycobacteria are intracellular parasites for antigen-presenting cells, genes that affect bacterial growth in these cells will also influence subsequent immune responses of the host.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have demonstrated that the immune response of MHC congenic mice to pigeon cytochrome c is under Ir gene control. Expression of I-E-encoded gene products influences both the magnitude and fine specificity of the Th cell response to pigeon cytochrome c and phylogenetic derivatives. Results of those experiments implicate both determinant selection and repertoire selection as mechanisms of Ir gene control in this system. In this report we have compared the TCR expressed in pigeon cytochrome c-reactive Th cells from B10.A(I-Ek), B10.A(5R) (I-Eb), and B10.S(9R) (I-Es) mice. The B10.A(5R) strain is a low responder to pigeon cytochrome c, but in response to moth cytochrome c this strain produces T cells which respond to pigeon or moth cytochrome c on B10.A APC. These cells are phenotypically identical to the predominant clonal phenotype seen in the B10.A response to pigeon cytochrome c. In this report, we show that the B10.A and B10.A(5R) pigeon cytochrome c-reactive T cells express essentially identical T cell receptors. These results, coupled with recent studies reporting a relatively low affinity for I-Eb molecules by pigeon cytochrome c peptides compared with moth cytochrome c peptides, strongly argue that the immune response defect in the B10.A(5R) strain is due to a defect in Ag presentation (determinant selection). In contrast, B10.A and B10.S(9R) strains are high responders to pigeon cytochrome c. Both strains produce T cell clones which are capable of responding to cytochrome c presented by either B10.A or B10.S(9R) APC in vitro. We show that, even in T cells with this MHC restriction degeneracy, the TCR expressed in the two strains are different. Because the APC of both strains can clearly present the cytochrome c Ag, we conclude that the differential expression of the TCR in the responses is due to a T cell repertoire selection difference in the two strains. Thus, for the response to one Ag in three MHC congenic strains, there exists evidence that both determinant selection and repertoire selection can be mechanisms of Ir gene control of an immune response.  相似文献   

Oral asaccharolytic Eubacterium saphenum, which are newly isolated gram-positive rods and one of the predominant microorganisms in human periodontal pockets, were injected intraperitoneally in mice to elucidate their pathogenicity in periodontal diseases. Infiltrating immune cells in the peritoneal exudate were quantitated and intracellular T cell (CD4+/CD8+/gammadelta+) production of cytokines IL-4 and IFN-gamma which are related to cellular and humoral immunity, respectively, was determined. Neutrophils appeared first in peritoneal exudates, followed by macrophages and lymphocytes, after the injection of either E. saphenum or Porphyromonas gingivalis. Intracellular IL-4+ and IFN-gamma+ gammadelta T cells were detected in the exudates after the injection of E. saphenum (4.6 +/- 0.8% and 10.1 +/- 1.4%, respectively) and P. gingivalis (5.3 +/- 1.6% and 10.1 +/- 2.1%, respectively). The intracellular production of IL-4/IFN-gamma in CD4+/CD8+ T cells was rather low indicating that the main response was from gammadelta T cells which initiated the immune reactions in mouse peritoneal cavities after injection of E. saphenum or P. gingivalis. Serum IgG and IgM levels were elevated in animals injected with E. saphenum and similarly with P. gingivalis. The present study showed that with slight differences, similar modes of cell response and cytokine and Ig production were observed after intraperitoneal injection of both E. saphenum and P. gingivalis, indicating that E. saphenum may play just as important a role in periodontal diseases as P. gingivalis.  相似文献   

T cell subsets from virgin and immunized mice, which are Ir gene controlled nonresponders to GAT, which regulate antibody responses to GAT have been characterized. Virgin nonresponder B10.Q B cells develop GAT-specific antibody responses to GAT, B10.Q GAT-M phi, and GAT-MBSA when cultured with virgin or GAT-primed Lyt-1+, I-J-, Qa1- B10.Q helper T cells. Virgin T cells are radiosensitive, whereas immune T cells are radioresistant (750 R); qualitatively identical helper activity is obtained with T cells from mice immunized with soluble GAT, B10.Q GAT-M phi, and GAT-MBSA. Responses to GAT and GAT-M phi are not observed when virgin or GAT-primed Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qal+ T cells are added to culture of virgin or GAT-primed Lyt-1+, I-J-, Qa1- helper T cells and virgin B cells; the GAT-specific response to GAT-MBSA is intact. The Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ T cells from mice primed with GAT, GAT-M phi, and GAT-MBSA were qualitatively identical in mediating this suppression. Virgin Lyt-2+ T cells have no suppressive activity alone or with virgin Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ T cells, whereas responses to GAT, GAT-M phi, and GAT-MBSA are suppressed in cultures of GAT-primed helper T cells containing GAT-primed Lyt-2+ T cells (with or without GAT-primed Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ T cells). Suppression of responses to GAT-MBSA in cultures of GAT-M phi-primed helper T cells requires both GAT-M phi-primed Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ T cells and Lyt-2+ T cells; the Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ T cells appear to function as inducer cells in this case. In cultures containing GAT-MBSA-primed helper T cells, either GAT-MBSA-primed Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ or Lyt-2+ T cells suppress responses to GAT and GAT-M phi; under no circumstances are responses to GAT-MBSA suppressed by GAT-MBSA-primed regulatory T cells. This regulation of antibody responses to GAT by suppressor T cells is discussed in the context of the involvement of suppressor T cells in responses to antigens under Ir control, and of the evidence that nonresponsiveness to GAT is not due to a defect in the T cell repertoire, but rather is due to an imbalance in the activation of suppressor vs helper T cells.  相似文献   

Immune responses by mice to heterologous insulins are controlled by H-2-linked Ir genes. Antibody responses to insulin are T cell dependent (TD), and nonresponder mice fail to make detectable insulin-specific antibodies. To further analyze the role of T cells in regulation of immune responses to insulin, we have developed a method for induction of insulin-specific B cells in the relative absence of T cells. Insulin has been chemically coupled to the T cell-independent (TI) organism Brucella abortus (insulin-BA). Studies reported here demonstrate that in terms of kinetics of responses, isotype expression, and induction of responses in X-linked immunodeficient mice, insulin-BA behaves as a typical type-1 TI antigen. Despite these characteristic features, T cells appear to augment the response to insulin-BA. More importantly, insulin-BA stimulates IgM and IgG anti-insulin antibodies in all strains tested regardless of whether the mice were responders or nonresponders to the particular insulin tested. Thus insulin-BA should be a useful antigen for dissecting the cell interactions required for development of insulin-specific immunity.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of class II MHC allelic control of T cell responses.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To identify the molecular basis for the effects of MHC molecule polymorphism on T cell responses, we have combined functional T cell response testing with measurements of peptide binding to the class II MHC molecules on transfected cells. Our studies identify a small subset of spatially localized polymorphic residues of the E alpha E beta dimer (strand residue beta 29, and helix residues beta 72 and beta 75) regulating cytochrome c peptide presentation by two distinct mechanisms. The first effect is on quantitative control of net peptide binding. The replacement of the valine found at position beta 29 in E beta k with the glutamic acid found in E beta b results in a selective loss of pigeon cytochrome peptide but not moth cytochrome peptide binding to the resultant mutant E alpha E beta k molecule. Reciprocally, the replacement of glutamic acid at beta 29 in E beta b with valine results in a gain of pigeon peptide binding. These changes in binding parallel changes in T cell responses in vitro to these peptide-E alpha E beta combinations and mirror the in vivo immune response gene phenotypes of mice expressing E alpha E beta k and E alpha E beta b. E alpha E beta s molecules, which have a beta 29 glutamic acid, are nevertheless able to bind and present pigeon cytochrome peptides, and this is due to changes in helix residues beta 72 and beta 75 that compensate for the negative effect of the beta 29 glutamic acid. The second activity is a critical change in the conformation of the peptide bound to the same extent by distinct MHC molecules, as revealed by changes in T cell responses to moth cytochrome peptides presented by two E alpha E beta molecules differing only at position beta 29. Both of these effects can be ascribed to a single polymorphic residue modeled to be inaccessible to TCR contact (beta 29), providing a striking demonstration of how MHC molecule polymorphism can modify T cell-dependent immune responses without direct physical participation in the receptor recognition event.  相似文献   

HIV DNA vaccines are potent inducers of cell-mediated immune (CMI) response in mice but elicit poor HIV-specific IFN-gamma-producing T cells in monkeys and humans. In this study, we performed kinetic analyses on splenocytes of BALB/c mice that were immunized by a single injection with a unique DNA vaccine. Using IFN-gamma-ELISPOT and multiparametric FACS analysis, we characterized the induced CMI response. We found that the response was detectable for at least 63 wk. ELISPOT detection of IFN-gamma-producing T cells showed a profile with two waves separated by a long period of minimal response. Multiparametric FACS analysis showed two populations of CD3(+)CD8(+) T cells that were specific for all HIV Ags. These cells had similar robust proliferation abilities and contained granzyme B. However, only a few produced IFN-gamma. Both IFN-gamma-producing and non-IFN-gamma-producing HIV-specific CD8(+) T cells were detected in the early stage (week (W)1 and W2 postimmunization (PI)), in the prolonged intermediate period of minimal response (W4-W26 PI), and in the final late phase of increased response (W30-W63 PI). Our longitudinal characterization showed that both subsets of cells underwent expansion, contraction, and memory generation/maintenance phases throughout the lifespan of the animal. Altogether, these findings bring insight to the heterogeneity of the immune T cell response induced by a single immunization with this DNA and strengthen the concept that used of the IFN-gamma-ELISPOT assay alone may be insufficient to detect critical T cell responses to candidate HIV vaccines.  相似文献   

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