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S. Hunter 《Ibis》1984,126(2):119-132
Moult scores were collected from colour-ringed individuals of known reproductive status of the two species of giant petrel, Macronectes halli and M. giganteus , at Bird Island, South Georgia between 1978–81.
Both species showed a substantial overlap between breeding and wing-moult, unlike most other Southern Ocean seabirds. Males started moult before females and both sexes of M. giganteus moulted at an earlier stage of the breeding cycle than M. halli , which breeds six weeks earlier than its congener.
Changes in moult rate during the breeding season are documented for both species, with Id. halli showing a rapid increase as the chick nears fledging. Male M. giganteus show a notably different pattern to the other three species-sex groups, starting moult much earlier (at egg-laying), with greater individual synchrony and usually suspending primary moult throughout the main chick growth period, whereas only two male M. halli and no females of either species suspended moult. Differences in pattern, timing and rate of moult are interpreted in terms of availability of food resources and the competing energy demands of other activities, especially chick-rearing.
Completion of primary moult could not be observed in the field but was estimated using data frcsm non-breeding birds and failed breeders; the latter started a rapid moult almost immediately they failed. In both sexes of both species moult is probably concluded at least by early winter.
The general pattern of moult in giant petrels at Bird Island is contrasted with that of other populations and species of Southern Ocean seabirds. It is suggested that the unusually extensive overlap between breeding and moult in giant petrels is a consequence of the very abundant and easily available summer food supplies (especially carrion) and the much diminished winter resources, favouring a completion of moult by the beginning of the winter.  相似文献   

Jacob González-Solís 《Oikos》2004,105(2):247-254
Northern giant petrels ( Macronectes halli ) are among the largest and most sexually size dimorphic species of seabirds, with females being only 80% the mass of males. Both sexes scavenge on seal and penguin carrion in the sub-Antarctic ecosystem, but during the breeding season females also feed extensively on other marine food resources and show more pelagic habits than males. The outstanding sexual segregation in foraging and feeding ecology in northern giant petrels suggests that mechanisms maintaining sexual size dimorphism by ecological factors may be operating. I evaluated this possibility by examining ecological correlates with body size and by static allometry analyses. Fledging sex ratio in four consecutive years did not depart from parity. There was no assortative mating by size neither association between the male size with the breeding performance. By contrast, smaller females raised their chick in better condition. Moreover, bill size showed a size dimorphism beyond that expected by body size dimorphism, i.e. when controlling for body mass, males showed relatively longer bill than females. This trait did not deviate from isometry with respect to body size and its phenotypic variability was low, suggesting that the disproportionately large bill of males is related to their more scavenging life style compared to females. In general, the increase and maintenance of sexual size dimorphism in giant petrels is more consistent with an ecological causation rather than a result of sexual selection.  相似文献   

The diet of brown skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) on Bird Island, South Georgia was assessed using a combination of stable isotope analysis (SIA) and mixing model techniques. We found evidence that individual specialisation in diet of adult brown skuas was related to timing of breeding, which may reflect differences in intrinsic quality. Adults with more enriched 13C values hatched chicks earlier than those with depleted 13C values. Individuals with enriched 13C fed predominantly on Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) carrion and placenta while those with lower ratios appeared to rely more on burrowing petrels (e.g. Antarctic prions Pachyptila desolata). Individual foraging differences clearly influenced timing of breeding and potentially the reproductive output of breeding pairs. We confirmed that the main components of the diet of brown skuas during incubation are, in decreasing order of importance, Antarctic fur seal placenta, burrowing petrels and fur seal muscle. In addition, we identified fur seal faeces in the diet during this stage, which had not been detected previously by traditional sampling methods. Finally we identified a correlation in δ13C values between pair members, attributable to the influence of courtship feeding of females by males, or assortative mating according to foraging preference or intrinsic quality.  相似文献   

Summary The two sibling species of giant petrels Macronectes halli and M. giganteus are the dominant avian scavengers in the Southern Ocean ecosystem. They breed sympatrically at a number of sub-Antarctic sites. This paper synthesises data from a detailed study at South Georgia to examine the importance of various interspecific and intersexual differences between these closely related species. Morphological, breeding, dietary, feeding and moult characteristics were investigated. The most significant interspecific differences are a six week separation in the onset of breeding and the importance of seal carrion to male M. halli, the earlier breeding species. There is a strong sexual size dimorphism with females being only 75–80% of the weight of males in both species. Intersexual dietary differences are stronger than interspecific ones and females also have later primary moult schedules. Reproductive isolation and ecological adaptations are discussed in relation to the present distribution of giant petrels, comprising a more restricted sub-Antarctic species (M. halli) and a widespread Antarctic species (M. giganteus). It is suggested that the marked sexual dimorphism evolved before the two taxa became specifically distinct.  相似文献   

STEPHEN HUNTER 《Ibis》1991,133(4):343-350
While ashore King Penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus are fed upon by a guild of five predator-scavenger seabirds. During the winter (April-October) male Southern Giant Petrels Macronectes giganteus killed an estimated 6430 (11.2%) of Marion Island's King Penguin chicks, although most birds only scavenged in the colonies. The rate of predation varied, with peaks in April-May and in September. The proportion of successful attacks was 22.7%. There was a strong correlation between colony size and the rate of accumulation of chick corpses. Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus and Lesser Sheathbills Chionis minor also scavenged penguin corpses but Northern Giant Petrels M. halli and female Southern Giant Petrels rarely entered the colonies. During the summer predation was mainly by Sub-Antarctic Skuas Catharacta lonnbergi which took eggs and small chicks.  相似文献   

M. J. Imber 《Ibis》1976,118(1):51-64
The Grey-faced Petrel is a non-migratory winter breeder whose reproductive season occupies 9–10 months. Males spend more time in the burrows than females during the courtship period. Some females keep company with strange males, and may be fertilized by them, but subsequently share incubation with their mate of the previous year. The duration of the pre-laying absence of females is about two months, and of the pre-incubation absence of males about seven weeks. Since copulation is presumed to occur before this absence, these petrels seem to have evolved prolonged viability of the spermatozoa, though ovulation may take place some time before laying. Eggs are laid in late June or July but chicks are rarely reared from eggs laid after 14 July; effective laying thus lasts three weeks. The single egg is about 15·5% of the female's weight; she may be able to exert slight control over timing of oviposition. She may be required to incubate, if capable, for up to 14 days from laying but the male takes over, on average, after four days. There are three main incubation spells of 17 days' average duration, two by the male. These are of a duration such that there is usually a change-over near hatching. Incubation lasts about 55 days. There is competition for burrows, resulting in two-egg nests. Norway Rats take unattended eggs and young chicks and scavenge, but their predation (less than 10–35% of chicks per year) is not considered to be endangering the population. After initially more frequent feeds, chicks are fed approximately once a week by each parent. They do not become much heavier than adults and the growth rate is slow: about 120 days to departure. The ability to begin breeding in winter, atypical of petrels in this region, may be facilitated by three factors: improved availability of food resulting from longer nocturnal feeding time and reduced inter-specific competition; the ability to lay fertile eggs two months or more after copulation; and the brevity of the non-breeding season due to the relative proximity of a sufficient food supply.  相似文献   

In birds, asynchronous hatching typically leads to lower growth and survival of last-hatched chicks. However, all crimson rosella Platycercus elegans, chicks grow at the same rate, although first-hatched chicks can be as much as seven times heavier than last-hatched chicks at the end of hatching. We examined the delivery and distribution of food to 18 rosella broods by videotaping feeds and simultaneously recording mass changes in the nestbox using a digital balance. Parents visited the nest infrequently and delivered loads of up to 25% of their body weight during a feeding visit. Male rosellas consistently delivered larger loads and consequently had higher feeding rates (g/h) than females. Parents distributed food between chicks by direct regurgitation in a series of up to 51 food transfers. Overall, chicks of all hatching ranks received equal numbers of transfers, but parents differed in how they distributed food within the brood. Males fed first-hatched chicks more than last-hatched chicks, whereas females distributed food equally to all chicks. Selective feeding of small chicks might be costly to females since they delivered food more slowly than males and spent more time in the nestbox. Thus female rosellas may invest more in current reproduction than males. Parents also distributed food differently to male and female chicks. Large males were fed more than all other nestlings, while female nestlings were fed equally irrespective of size. This study confirms that complex patterns of parental allocation occur in wild populations. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

James D. Roth 《Oecologia》2002,133(1):70-77
Consumption of marine foods by terrestrial predators can lead to increased predator densities, potentially impacting their terrestrial resources. For arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus), access to such marine foods in winter depends on sea ice, which is threatened by global climate change. To quantify the importance of marine foods (seal carrion and seal pups) and document temporal variation in arctic fox diet I measured the ratios of the stable isotopes of carbon (13C/12C) in hair of arctic foxes near Cape Churchill, Manitoba, from 1994 to 1997. These hair samples were compared to the stable carbon isotope ratios of several prey species. Isotopic differences between seasonally dimorphic pelage types indicated a diet with a greater marine content in winter when sea ice provided access to seal carrion. Annual variation in arctic fox diet in both summer and winter was correlated with lemming abundance. Marine food sources became much more important in winters with low lemming populations, accounting for nearly half of the winter protein intake following a lemming decline. Potential alternative summer foods with isotopic signatures differing from lemmings included goose eggs and caribou, but these were unavailable in winter. Reliance on marine food sources in winter during periods of low lemming density demonstrates the importance of the sea ice as a potential habitat for this arctic fox population and suggests that a continued decline in sea ice extent will disrupt an important link between the marine and terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Nocturnal predation of king penguins by giant petrels on the Crozet Islands   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Dietary segregation of sympatric seabirds in the Southern Ocean is partly linked to differences in their foraging techniques. We have investigated the activity of giant petrels (Macronectes spp.) in a king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) colony day and night during the austral winter of 2001 on the Crozet Islands. Using an automatic identification system and an infrared video camera, we followed 15 petrels tagged with micro transponders. Our data show that giant petrels predate king penguin chicks during the night. The activity of giant petrels is even slightly higher during nighttime than during the day. In addition, our data show a higher nocturnal activity by northern giant petrels (M. halli) than by southern giant petrels (M. giganteus). These unexpected results raise questions concerning visual adaptations to nocturnal foraging in giant petrels and their potential impact on the sleep, vigilance and crèching behavior of penguin chicks.  相似文献   

 The diet of the diving petrels Pelecanoides georgicus and P. urinatrix was studied during 1986 (P. georgicus) and 1987 (both species) by lavaging adults as they returned to feed chicks on Bird Island, South Georgia. The diet of both species was dominated by crustaceans, in particular euphausiids (mainly Euphausia superba and some Thysanoessa), which contributed 47–76% of the biomass of crustaceans in the diet of P. georgicus, and copepods, which contributed 71% of the biomass of crustaceans in the diet of P. urinatrix. Calanoides acutus was the most numerous copepod in the diet of both species; however, Rhincalanus gigas was more common in P. urinatrix than in P. georgicus. The dominant amphipod in the diet of P. georgicus, Primno macropa, was absent from the diet of Pelecanoides urinatrix, in which Themisto gaudichaudii (rare in Pelecanoides georgicus) dominated. Dietary differences were maintained in the period (2 weeks of a total of 10 weeks) when both species were simultaneously rearing chicks. Knowledge of the prey species and of the diving abilities and foraging habits of diving petrels suggests that at South Georgia Pelecanoides urinatrix feeds closer inshore and dives deeper than Pelecarnoides georgicus. Received: 24 August 1995/Accepted: 10 February 1996  相似文献   

Parental care activities of male and female Common Terns Sterna hirundo were recorded over two breeding seasons. Males and females exhibited distinct parental roles throughout a breeding bout. Courtship feeding by males was extensive prior to and during egg-laying, but declined with the onset of incubation. Females performed significantly more incubation behaviour than males although both sexes spent equal time attending at the nest site. During the chick stage, females spent significantly more time on the territory than did males. Chick feeding was largely the responsibility of the male; males fed chicks at a rate approximately three times higher than that of females. In addition, whereas females showed no trend in the size of fish delivered to chicks relative to chick age, the size of fish delivered by males increased with chick age. Courtship feeding activities and extensive chick feeding contributions by male Common Terns appear to outweigh parental contributions by females, contrary to predictions for a monogamous species.  相似文献   

D. J. HALLEY  J. O. GJERSHAUG 《Ibis》1998,140(2):295-301
The behaviour of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos and Sea Eagles Haliceetus albicilla scavenging on artificially laid out carcasses in coastal Sør-Trøndelag Province, Norway, was studied during two winters (totalling 640 h of observations) and the intervening summer (430 h). Neither species fed at carcasses in summer. Although smaller, Golden Eagles were strongly dominant over Sea Eagles in direct competition for carcass access. In Sea Eagles, females dominated males, while in Golden Eagles, few conflicts between birds of known sex were observed. Age effects were weak and not statistically significant in both species. Conflicts for carcass access tended to be most escalated between Golden Eagles and least escalated between Sea Eagles, with interspecific conflicts intermediate. Most conflicts were won by the aggressor, suggesting that birds were generally able to assess relative dominance before launching an attack. Young eagles fed longer at a carcass than older individuals in both species, suggesting that young eagles may have been hungrier or less efficient feeders. Sea Eagles waited longer than Golden Eagles between arrival in the immediate carcass area and feeding at the carcass. This effect was greater when the carcass was already occupied but also occurred when no other eagle was already present. While interspecific competition for carrion did not appear to have important consequences for the two species in coastal Norway, in western Scotland, where Sea Eagles are currently re-establishing, carrion is important in the diet of both species all year round. Interspecific competition for this resource may therefore play a role in determining the ultimate realized niche (and therefore numbers) of the two species in Scotland in the longer term.  相似文献   

Recent recognition of widespread polyandry in insects has generated considerable interest in understanding why females mate multiple times and in identifying factors that affect mating rate and inhibit female remating. However, little attention has been paid to understanding the question from both a female and male perspective, particularly with respect to factors that may simultaneously influence female remating rates. Here, we report on a study aimed at ascertaining the possible interactive effects that male and female size and diet, and female access to a host could have on mating latency, probability, and duration and female refractory period using two tropical fruit fly species with contrasting life histories. Of all factors tested, adult diet played the most significant role. Both Anastrepha ludens and Anastrepha obliqua males which had constant access to protein and sucrose mated more often, had shorter copulations and induced longer refractory periods in females than males fed a low quality diet (sucrose offered every third day). Female size and the interaction with male diet determined how quickly female A. ludens mated for the first time. Smaller females mated sooner with low quality fed males than with high quality fed males while there was no difference for large females, suggesting that male choice may be at play if high quality fed males discriminate against smaller females. Copulation duration also depended on both male and female nutritional condition, and the interaction between male diet and female size and diet. Large and high quality fed females had shorter copulations regardless of male condition. Importantly, for A. ludens, female refractory period depended on male size and the nutritional condition of both males and females, which could indicate that for this species, female receptivity does not depend only on the condition of the male ejaculate. For A. obliqua refractory period was associated with the interaction between male size and diet and male diet and host presence. We discuss our results in terms of male ability to inhibit female remating and the relative contribution of female condition to this behavior. We also address the importance of studying effects simultaneously on species with contrasting life histories.  相似文献   

We studied the growth of 97 rhesus monkeys (M. mulatta) that from birth until 120 days of age were fed a diet containing 13.4%, 6.7%, 3.35% protein or a commercial simulated human-milk formula (SMA) affording 9% protein. After 120 days, all animals were fed SMA. Females fed the diet lowest in protein, but not the other diets, were moderately affected, gaining less weight than their well-fed counterparts did, but they recovered their deficit during the repletion period, so that at 240 days no group differences remained. Males fed the two lowest-protein diets were severely and profoundly affected, in keeping with the depth of their protein deficiency. Moreover, unlike the females, they recovered none of their weight deficit during the repletion period. Food intake during deprivation was lower in the animals eating the low-protein diets. During SMA repletion, intakes followed no simple rule, but they did not converge. Except for the males fed the 3.35% protein diet, relative food intake (ml formula/kg body weight) did not differ substantially between diets or sexes at any time during the deprivation and diminished as the animals got older. Those males' relative intakes did not decline. During repletion, the SMA females ate the most in proportion to weight and the 13.4% group the least. The lowest-protein males, in contrast, ate the most in proportion to their weight during both deprivation and repletion. Males fed the lowest-protein diet gained little for what they ate; those fed the highest-protein diet gained much. Females were more efficient than males were when eating the low-protein diet and less efficient when eating the high-protein diet. When fed SMA during repletion, males' food efficiencies (grams gained/liter of diet) were nearly equal; females still differed: the SMA group was the least efficient and the low-protein group most efficient. Its counterpart, protein efficiency, was greatest (during deprivation) for females eating the low-protein diet and least (among females) for those eating the high-protein diet. Males were least protein efficient if eating the low-protein diet. Evidently, a 4 month bout of protein deprivation had prolonged effects on the amount of food the animals needed to produce a given gain in weight.  相似文献   

In several groups in the order Charadriformes, biparental care is followed by a period of male‐only care. Several hypotheses attempting to explain extended male parental care in shorebirds do not fit the Alcini. In a previous study of Brünnich’s Guillemots Uria lomvia and Razorbills Alca torda, we did not find support for female‐biased parental effort at the breeding site that would lead to males being in better condition to care for chicks at sea. However, in both species, males spent more off‐duty time at the breeding site than females, suggesting greater involvement in the defence of egg or chick, breeding site and mate. We predicted that there would be a male bias in size and aggressive behaviour associated with parental roles. To test this, body size and aggression of attending male and female Brünnich’s Guillemots and Razorbills were measured during incubation and brooding on the Gannet Islands, Labrador. Parental aggression was measured using natural observations of all agonistic interactions and, in Razorbills only, in situ responses to presentations of a predator model. In both species, males were significantly larger than females in culmen and gape length. Guillemot males initiated agonistic interactions more frequently than females during incubation. In contrast, female Guillemots were subjected to aggression more frequently than males and as a result were involved in more fights. In addition, the few chicks that were seen to die were being attended by single females. During the brooding period, Razorbill males responded aggressively to intruders more frequently than females, made more aggressive responses than females, and responded aggressively more frequently and more intensely than females to a predator model. In both species there was a similar male bias in morphology and behaviour that is consistent with male parents being more capable of protecting their chick, a probable advantage to chick survival during the uniparental care phase of some Charadriformes.  相似文献   

Various levels of dilauryl succinate with or without additional d-α-tocopheryl acetate and of diethyl succinate were fed to chicks for 4 weeks to examine the interrelationship between the esters and nutritional encephalomalacia.

Chicks fed dilauryl succinate at the level higher than 3% died with lesions in the cerebellum. The lesions were prevented by the supplementation of 25 mg or more of d-α-tocopheryl acetate per kg of diet. Median lethal dietary level for males of meat-type and egg-type chicks at 3 weeks of age was 6.3 and 6.0%, respectively. That for females of meat-type at 3 weeks of age was 9.0%, suggesting that males were more sensitive than females. Diethyl succinate did not induce encephalomalacia.  相似文献   

Feeding rates and mass loss during chick rearing were comparedfor individually marked parents of male and female Common Murre(Uria aalge) chicks at Great Island, Newfoundland, Canada, from1997–2001. Both parents in this socially monogamous seabirdspecies share parental care duties until colony departure, afterwhich the single chick is fed only by its father. Because murresprovision their single chicks with one clearly visible fishper trip, it is possible to accurately determine whether parentsdifferentially feed male and female chicks. Based on slightlygreater mass of males in adulthood, possibly favored by sexdifferences in breeding roles, we predicted that male nestlingswould be fed more than females. Fathers' feeding rate to sons,but not daughters, increased with chick age, whereas maternalfeeding rate increased with chick age for both sexes. When year-correctedfeeding rates of pairs rearing both sexes were compared, bothmothers and fathers fed their sons significantly more than theirdaughters in the later part of the chick-rearing period. Moreover,parents rearing male chicks lost mass at a significantly higherrate than those rearing females. There was no difference infledging age for sons and daughters. These results indicatethat differential parental allocation occurs and has measurablecosts even in a species with only slight adult sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Subantarctic fur seal Arctocephalus tropicalis and Antarctic fur seal A. gazella pups at Marion Island were weighed frequently until weaning, which occurs earlier in A. gazella (112 days) than in A. tropicalis (± 300 days). The mean birth weight of both species was the same (4·2 kg) and males grew faster than females. Arctocephalus gazella growth was linear to weaning and faster than A. tropicalis growth, which was linear to 120 days of age, slowing until 203 days of age, and thereafter losing weight but recovering perceptibly prior to weaning. Tagging had no apparent effect on pup growth. Faster growth in males than in females is part of the differential growth patterns which lead to adult sexual dimorphism. Arctocephalus gazella pup growth at Marion Island is faster than at South Georgia, indicating that conditions at this, their most northerly breeding locality, are not limiting for pup growth. The decrease in A. tropicalis pup body weight in July/August may result from either a scarcity of food in winter or weaning having been initiated. The two groups (polar and non-polar) of fur seals exhibit two strategies, which include differences in pup growth and suckling period; the polar species have a short suckling period and rapid pup growth and are predominantly pelagic over winter, while the more temperate species have a longer suckling period and slower pup growth and are less pelagic over winter.  相似文献   

Wild strains of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) placed into laboratory rearing conditions are subjected to selection pressures caused by the diet, cages, density of flies, and other factors. Selection that changes mating behavior of the strain may result in less effective males released in sterile insect programs. Tests were performed to examine the effects of protein in diet and adult interactions on egg production and mating during sexual maturation of the Mexican fruit fly (Anastrepha ludens Loew) in laboratory cages. Flies were offspring of wild flies collected from Chiapas or Nuevo Leon, Mexico, and reared on Valencia oranges. Experiments demonstrated effects of yeast hydrolysate protein in adult diet and pairing with males on production of mature and immature eggs, numbers of females producing eggs, and mating with females aged 15 d. Addition of protein to 4% fructose in the adult diet approximately tripled mature egg production in females maintained for the total maturation period with an equal number of males. Females that matured without males produced approximately 33% more-mature eggs when fed protein than those fed no protein. Total egg production of females matured without males and fed sugar only or sugar with protein was more than twice that of females matured with males. Tests to examine the effects of male and female diet separately on female egg production showed slightly higher egg production in females fed protein, or females paired with males fed protein, but these differences were not significant. The most definitive effects were that combining wild strain females and males in cages during maturation reduced egg production. This effect was greatest when flies were not fed protein.  相似文献   

Mating decisions can vary considerably depending on individual experience, mate availability and nutritional status. Here, we applied short‐term dietary restrictions to adult female spiders that were well fed during the juvenile stage in an effort to understand whether and how brief periods of food shortage can influence male and female mating decisions and mating behaviour. To assess whether responses vary between closely related species, we conducted the same experiment on the dwarf spiders Oedothorax retusus and O. apicatus. During courtship and mating, males of both species offer secretion to females from glandular tissue in their prosoma. Females were subject to food shortage over a period of 3 wks (‘low‐diet’ treatment, LD) or fed regularly (‘high‐diet’ treatment, HD). We compared courtship probability, mating probability/behaviour, and reproductive output between dietary groups and species. In both Oedothorax species, females in the LD treatment were less likely to mate and more aggressive towards males. Furthermore, LD females produced egg sacs that were significantly lighter than were those of the HD females. Effects of food deprivation on copulation duration, gustatory behaviour and oviposition latency differed between species. Our study shows that short periods of dietary restriction during the adult stage can strongly affect mating behaviour and reproductive output with differences between closely related species.  相似文献   

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