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Using an in vitro method, juvenile hormone III degradation was studied in the plasma of adult female and male crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus. The primary route of juvenile hormone III metabolism in cricket haemolymph is ester hydrolysis to juvenile hormone III acid by juvenile hormone III esterase. Juvenile hormone III esterase activity in females' haemolymph is low just after imaginal moulting. A sharp peak of enzyme activity is observed on day 3 after emergence, and two subsequent peak values occur in older animals. Plasma juvenile hormone III esterase activity in freshly ecdysed males is also low, but increases rapidly thereafter. Another increase in enzyme activity is observed in older males. The fluctuations in juvenile hormone III esterase activity are discussed in correlation with changes in haemolymph volume, haemolymph protein content, haemolymph juvenile hormone III titer, and the rates of juvenile hormone III biosynthesis in vitro of the corpora allata.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1981,11(4):401-409
Biosynthesis of C16 juvenile hormone (C16JH) by isolated corpora allata (CA) of the viviparous cockroach Diploptera punctata has been studied by a radiochemical assay. This assay uses the incorporation from methyl labelled l-methionine in the methyl ester moiety of C16JH. The optimal concentration of l-methionine in the medium has been determined. When varying proportions of (methyl-3H)- and (methyl-14C)-labelled l-methionine are used in the assay, no isotope effect was observed indicating that labelled l-methionine can be used as a mass marker to quantify C16JH synthesis in D. punctata. C16JH synthesis was stimulated by addition of farnesoic acid (FA) to the medium (maximum at 30–40 μM). When stimulated with 30 μM FA, the C16JH release rate was directly dependent on C16JH synthesis rate, and no intraglandular accumulation of either C16JH or its immediate precursor methyl farnesoate were observed. Spontaneous and FA-stimulated rates of C16JH release were studied during the first reproductive cycle of the adult female. The two final steps of C16JH biosynthesis are not physiologically rate-limiting, as the ratio of spontaneous to FA-stimulated C16JH release (fractional endocrine activity ratio) is always lower than unity. There is a precise relationship between the length of the basal oöcytes and the rate of C16JH release.  相似文献   

The hemolymph juvenile hormone (JH) titer in sexually immature female adults of Locusta migratoria (Ibaraki strain, Japan) was lower than in sexually mature females; nevertheless, JH synthetic activity by the corpora allata (CA) in vitro was considerably higher in immature females than in sexually mature females ([Okuda et al., 1996]). We carried out experiments to explain this contradiction. The CA activity of sexually immature female adults was very low when the CA were incubated as a complex together with the corpora cardiaca (CC) and brain. When the same complex was assayed after cutting the nerve cord connecting the CC and CA (NCA1), JH synthesis by the CA was enhanced tenfold. When this pair of CA was incubated in fresh medium without the CC and brain, JH synthesis was further increased. Therefore, the higher in-vitro JH production by CA from immature female adults was the result of isolation of the CA from the brain and CC. A methanolic extract of brain-CC complexes contained a factor that inhibited JH synthetic activity by CA in vitro in both immature and mature insects, and this inhibition was reversible. The factor was heat-resistant but lost allatostatic activity after pronase digestion. These results indicate that the allatostatic factor is probably a heat-stable peptide.  相似文献   

Summary The conversion of exogenous 3H-farnesenic acid to 3H-methyl farnesoate and 3H-C16 juvenile hormone (JH) has been followed in the corpus allatum (CA) cells of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria by means of electron microscopic autoradiography. Aerobic and anaerobic chase incubations have been used to modify the quantities of these three compounds within the CA cells. Under all incubation conditions, radiolabel is found associated almost exclusively with the subcellular membrane systems — smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) and Golgi elements —and with the mitochondria. CA cells are probably similar to vertebrate steroid-synthesizing cells in that the secretory product is synthesized in the SER and mitochondria.Radiolabel was found to be present in all cells of the CA suggesting that all cells are capable of at least the final two stages of JH biosynthesis (the esterification and epoxidation of 3H-farnesenic aid). This indicates that JH biosynthesis may be regulated through changes in the biosynthetic capabilities of individual cells rather than through changes in the total number of cells engaged in biosynthesis. Radiolabel was not observed to be associated with any distinctive cellular product, a result which provides additional evidence for the suggestion that the release of JH from the CA is governed by laws of simple physical diffusion.Supported by operating grants from the National Research Council of Canada to SST and ASMS. 3H-farnesenic acid was supplied by the late Dr. A.F. White of the Unit of Invertebrate Chemistry and Physiology, A.R.C., University of Sussex. We thank Dr. G.E. Pratt for helpful discussions  相似文献   

1-Citronellyl-5-phenyl imidazole (1,5-CPI), 1-citronellyl-4-phenyl imidazole (1,4-CPI) and 1-citronellyl-2-phenyl imidazole (1,2-CPI) were tested as inhibitors of JH-III biosynthesis in vitro. 1,5-CPI was found to be most active followed by 1,2-CPI. The least active isomer was 1,4-CPI. Inhibition of JH biosynthesis by 1,5-CPI resulted in no significant accumulation of the epoxidation substrate methyl farnesoate, and piperonyl butoxide, a known microsomal epoxidase inhibitor, produced only a slight increase in methyl farnesoate. Topical application of fluoromevalonolactone resulted in reduced biosynthetic capability of subsequently excised corpora allata.  相似文献   

The synthesis of juvenile hormone-III by corpora allata of the cockroach Diploptera punctata is dependent under in vitro conditions upon a supply of exogenous methionine. Radiolabelled S-adenosylmethionine was identified by HPLC in extracts of corpora allata incubated with either [methyl-3H]methionine or [35S]methionine. Juvenile hormone (JH) synthesis by intact glands in vitro was inhibited by cycloleucine and selenomethionine, but this inhibition could be relieved by increasing the concentration of methionine. S-adenosylhomocysteine or sinefungin had little or no inhibitory effect on JH synthesis by intact glands, but 5′-deoxy-5′-methylthioadenosine was inhibitory. Adenosine and homocysteine synergistically inhibited JH synthesis. These results show that JH-III synthesis by intact glands can be inhibited by interfering with the S-adenosylmethionine-dependent transmethylation, and suggest that the product and inhibitor of that reaction, S-adenosyl-homocysteine, is rapidly hydrolyzed to adenosine and homocysteine in the corpora allata.  相似文献   

A simple method was developed to quantify hemolymph juvenile hormone (JH) and JH acid in hemolymph extracts from Bombyx mori with an established radioimmunoassay (RIA) for JH I. When various organic solvent extracts of hemolymph were assayed by RIA, levels of non-specific binding of the labeled ligand in the assay were determined to be greater than 50% of the maximum amount of the label bound by the antiserum. When hemolymph was diluted with methanol:water:8.4N ammonium hydroxide (10:9:1) and extracted with isooctane, non-specific binding was only 50% higher than control levels obtained with the assay buffer alone. The organic phase contained only JH and aqueous phase, JH acid. Consequently, this extraction method was used to prepare samples for RIA and enabled the separate measurement of JH and JH acid in hemolymph. With this method, changes in the hemolymph titers of JH and JH acid were determined from the third instar through early pupal stage of Bombyx mori. Changes in the in vitro secretory activity of corpora allata and brain-corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complexes from fifth instar larvae were also determined by using JH I RIA of the incubation medium.  相似文献   

Li S  Ouyang YC  Ostrowski E  Borst DW 《Peptides》2005,26(1):63-72
The in vitro synthesis of juvenile hormone (JH) by corpora allata (CA) from the lubber grasshopper (Romalea microptera) was stimulated by low concentrations of brain extract and this effect was reduced at higher concentrations, suggesting the presence of allatotropin (AT) and allatostatin (AST) factors in the brain. The AT activity of brain extracts caused a rapid and reversible stimulation and appeared to be a peptide(s). Reversed phase (C18) HPLC analysis of brain extracts disclosed two peaks of AT activity but no significant AST activity. Manse-AT, Schgr-NPF, and Locmi-FLRF had no effect on JH synthesis by lubber CA, indicating that the Rommi-AT factors are distinct from these peptides. High concentrations of Dippu-AST-7 and Grybi-AST-1 inhibited JH synthesis, implying that AST factors might be present in lubber grasshoppers. CA response to AT activity of brain extracts varied during the oviposition cycle ( approximately 35 days), with the maximum response occurring on days 16-18. AT activity of brain extracts also varied during the cycle, being highest on day 25. Our data suggest that the lubber CA is largely regulated by AT activity, and that JH synthesis reflects both CA response to AT activity and the level of AT activity in the brain.  相似文献   

Summary One foreleg was amputated at mid-femur in adultGryllus bimaculatus females. In phonotaxis tests these monaural crickets show course deviations and circling towards the intact side (Fig. 1). Mean course stability is best at 60 and 70 dB (Fig. 2). Here it differs significantly from a threshold value for orientated walking in females operated on the day of adult moult, but not in those operated two weeks later. The orientational performance improves with the interval between amputation and test (Fig. 3).Centripetal cobalt backfills reveal degeneration of tympanal nerve fibers on the amputated side (Fig. 4B, C). The mean number of intact afferents crossing the midline of the prothoracic ganglion is increased in monaural versus binaural crickets. Maximum transmidline extension is not correlated with the period of deafferentation (Fig. 5).Intracellular recording and staining of prothoracic auditory interneurons shows some axonal sprouts in ON1i (intact side) and ON2, but no significant physiological changes (Figs. 6A, D; 8A, C, E, G). Apart from axonal sprouts ON1a (amputated side) may show a few dendritic sprouts into the intact auditory neuropil (Figs. 6C, 7). Excitation in some ON1a-cells reveals functional contacts to intact auditory afferents (via crossing dendrites or possibly crossing afferents, Figs. 6e, 7, 8F). Morphological and associated physiological changes start early in AN2a (amputated side). The degree of crossing dendrites and contralateral excitation increases with postoperative age (Figs. 8H, 9).  相似文献   


Corpora allata from 8-day-old female Locusta migratoria, during the phase of yolk deposition, exhibit high rates of C-16 juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis. The effect of different potential factors which may be involved in the regulation of corpora allata activity is reported. The biosynthetic activity of corpora allata was determined by radiochemical assay.

In maturing females, no changes in corpora allata activity are detected during one daily cycle. Starvation reduces JH biosynthesis only 3 days after the beginning of the food deprivation. Suppression of the median neurosecretory material by electrocoagulation of the internal cardiaca tract (TCC-I) does not disturb JH biosynthesis whereas the transection of the allata I nerve fibres (NCA-I) or the electrocoagulation of the lateral neurosecretory pericarya results in a rapid decline of JH biosynthesis. These data indicate that the median and lateral allatotropins are different, and that only the lateral neurosecretory material exerts an allatostimulating action on corpora allata at the time of vitellogenesis. The corpora allata response to the median allatotropin changes during oocyte growth. C-16 JH and/or 20-hydroxyecdysone treatments in vitro (addition in the culture medium) and in vivo (injection in female) do not influence JH production in our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Corpora allata incubated in appropriate medium release several compounds including juvenile hormones. Juvenile hormones (14C labeled or unlabeled) were extracted with hexane and directly analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. This method allowed the qualitative and quantitative analysis of total released juvenile hormone. It could also be used as a routine assay for evaluation of corpus allatum activity. Data obtained by this method were compared to those obtained by radiochemical assay.  相似文献   

Co-incubation of corpora allata (CA) from the cockroach, Diploptera punctata, with ovaries, fat body or muscle but not brain or testis, leads to a substantial increase in juvenile hormone synthesis. Incubation of the glands in medium pre-conditioned with ovaries also stimulates JH synthesis. The ovary was used as a convenient source of stimulatory factor for a detailed analysis of its physiological effects on the CA. The increase in JH synthesis is stable, maintained over 24h after exposure to the stimulatory factor. Stimulation is dose-dependent, and the corpora allata show an exquisite relationship between sensitivity to this factor and developmental stage. Day 0 and day 1 glands, as well as glands from post-vitellogenic females, are sensitive to stimulation, whereas glands from vitellogenic females are not sensitive. Corpora allata attached to the brain do not respond to the stimulatory factor, and denervation in vivo leads to an increase in JH synthesis by the glands and a loss in sensitivity to the factor. These data suggest that glands from pre- and post-vitellogenic females are inhibited by their nervous connection to the brain. In contrast, glands from vitellogenic females are normally responding to the endogenous stimulatory factor and are thus no longer stimulated in vitro. Co-incubation of CA with allatostatin and conditioned medium still leads to a stimulation of JH synthesis, suggesting that the restraining effect of the nervous connections to the brain is not caused by allatostatin. The CA cell number increases between emergence and day 2, then remains stable until after oviposition. The stimulatory factor accelerates the increase in cell number in young adult females. The results are interpreted as providing evidence for a constitutive change in CA activity caused by a humoral factor produced by various tissues including the ovary, and modulated by nervous connections to the brain.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(7):1115-1118
The effects of the juvenile hormone (JH) analogue fenoxycarb (ethyl[2-(4-phenoxyphenoxy)-ethyl]carbamate) on the activity of corpora allata (CA) from adult female Periplaneta americana have been investigated. The in vitro biosynthesis of JH III by isolated CA was inhibited by about 85% in the presence of a high concentration (1 × 10−4 M) of fenoxycarb. However, at lower concentrations (1 × 10−6 M and 1 × 10−8 M) no inhibition of JH biosynthesis was apparent. Topical treatment of adult female cockroaches with fenoxycarb (100 μg/insect) did not reduce the subsequent rate of JH III biosynthesis by CA in vitro. By contrast, the same treatment markedly reduced the titre of endogenous JH III in intact cockroaches. These results suggest that CA activity in adult female P. americana may be controlled by negative feedback, and that this system of control is dependent on the maintenance of contact between the CA and nervous or humoral factors in the intact insect. Alternatively, it is possible that treatment with fenoxycarb increases the rate at which endogenous JH is metabolized.  相似文献   

Abstract Allatectomy of young penultimate nymphs of Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer (Gryllidae) resulted in prothetelic creatures which exhibited reproductive competence. The same operation performed on young last instar nymphs resulted in moulting to morphologically normal adults. Allatectomized morphologically normal adult females, as well as prothetelic ones, showed the same level of sexual receptivity as untreated control females. Allatectomized morphologically normal and prothetelic females laid viable eggs, but rate of egg laying and number of eggs produced by these females were much reduced in comparison with the controls. Administration of methoprene (a Juvenile Hormone analogue) to allatectomized females restored egg production to a more or less normal rate. Removal of the spermatophore within 10 min of copulation had no effect on subsequent sexual receptivity of the females, nor on the reduced rate of egg laying by the allatectomized females, but did affect the rate of egg laying by control females.
It is suggested that the corpora allata (CA) and the Juvenile Hormone (JH) play no major role in controlling basic sexual receptivity of G.bimaculatus females, and do not have an all-encompassing control on egg production, though they do exert a marked quantitative effect on the rate of egg production.  相似文献   

G E Pratt  S S Tobe 《Life sciences》1974,14(3):575-586
When corpora allata from adult female Schistocercagregaria are incubated invitro with either 3H-trans, trans farnesenic acid or 3H-trans, trans, cis bishomo-farnesenic acid and [methyl-14C] methionine, they fabricate large quantities of the corresponding double labelled methyl 10, 11-epoxy esters. Radio GLC of these products indicates retention of geometric configuration at the C-2 and C-6 double bonds. Separate analyses of the contents of the glands and medium after incubation show that the epoxy esters are rapidly released from the glands into the medium and that only the glands contain the corresponding unepoxidized esters. We suggest that unepoxidized esters are the intracellular intermediates in the formation of juvenile hormones from the unsaturated acids. Gel filtration shows that the epoxy esters are not released as stable protein complexes but as simple solutes into the medium. Using this method of promoting the synthesis of juvenile-hormone-active compounds, rates of biosynthesis of epoxy esters of up to 33 ng. per pair of glands per hour have been achieved.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone was detected in the haemolymph of adult female Locusta by a modified Galleria bioassay. The hormone was present in the haemolymph immediately after the final ecdysis, but could not be detected after this time until the end of the period of somatic growth just before the start of ovarian development. During the first gonotrophic cycle the levels of juvenile hormone in the haemolymph could be related to the growth of the proximal oöcytes. The volumes of the corpora allata could be related to haemolymph juvenile hormone levels during the first gonotrophic cycle. Ovariectomy had no effect on haemolymph juvenile hormone levels or on the volumes of the corpora allata.  相似文献   

Stay B  Zhang JR  Tobe SS 《Peptides》2002,23(11):1981-1990
Corpora allata (CA) of embryos of Diploptera punctata have been previously shown to produce JH III. We have re-examined sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis throughout embryonic development and have found that early embryos produce both methyl farnesoate (MF) and JH III; as development proceeds, less MF and more JH is produced. The cockroach allatostatin peptide Dippu-allatostatin (AST) 7 inhibits sesquiterpenoid production by CA of mid to late embryos whereas it exerts a dose-dependent stimulatory effect in early embryos. This stimulatory effect is particularly apparent on MF biosynthesis. CA become innervated by allatostatin-containing nerves in early embryos (35% development). Shortly thereafter, the allatostatin-containing innervation of the CA appears complete.  相似文献   

Application of L-glutamate (1 mM) to corpora allata cells of the adult male cricket Gryllus bimaculatus caused a membrane depolarization of 5.9+/-0.3 mV (mean +/- SE) from a resting potential of -62.2+/-1.3 mV (n=57). The underlying mechanism for this depolarization was studied by applying the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. Application of L-glutamate (1 mM) elicited an inward current that peaked at 8.1+/-0.7 nA (n = 73) at a holding potential of-50 mV. Both L- and D-aspartate also induced an inward current of almost the same amplitude as L-glutamate, whereas D-glutamate failed to induce an inward current. Glutamate receptor agonists, such as kainate, quisqualate, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl isoxazole-4-propionic acid, and N-methyl-D-aspartate, were ineffective in eliciting inward currents. The glutamate-induced inward current did not reverse even when the holding potential was set to +40 mV. The replacement of extracellular Na+ with choline+ eliminated the inward current. These results strongly suggest that the current induced by glutamate is mediated by a glutamate transporter rather than a glutamate receptor. We further examined the effects of 12 amino acid analogs which are known to be selective inhibitors of the mammalian excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) on the corpora allata transporter. From the effects of these inhibitors, we conclude that the glutamate transporter expressed in corpora allata cells of the cricket is similar to the high affinity glutamate transporters cloned from human brain, especially EAAT1 and EAAT3. Unlike mammalian transporters, however, serine-O-sulfate has the most potent action, suggesting the unique feature of the glutamate transporter expressed in the corpora allata.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay (RIA) for juvenile hormone III has been established which quantifies the biosynthesis of this hormone in vitro by the corpora allata of larvae and pupae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. The specificity of the RIA for homologues and metabolites of juvenile hormone III was determined and it was found that the antibody was specific for juvenile hormone III and its acid. The juvenile hormone III RIA activity synthesized in vitro by corpora allata from day-5 last-instar larvae was identified as juvenile hormone III by high pressure liquid chromatography. The kinetics of hormone synthesis by corpora allata from selected stages during larval-pupal development revealed differential rates of synthesis, suggesting that juvenile hormone III may have a hormonal function in the larva and that regulation of its synthesis may occur. The significance of these developmental fluctuations in rates of juvenile hormone III synthesis by the corpora allata is discussed in relation to the haemolymph titres of the hormone.  相似文献   

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