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Cell locomotion is crucial to the induction of an effective immune response. We report here the chemoattraction of CD4(+) T cells by IL-18, a member of the IL-1 cytokine family. Recombinant IL-18 increased the proportion of T cells in polarized morphology in vitro and stimulated their subsequent invasion into collagen gels in an IL-18 concentration gradient-dependent manner. Immunofluorescent microscopy studies determined that the major cell type responding to IL-18 was IL-18R(+)CD4(+). Importantly, synovial CD4(+) T cells from patients with rheumatoid arthritis responded to IL-18, adopting polarized morphology and gel invasion without further activation ex vivo, indicating the physiologic relevance of our observations. Finally, injection of rIL-18 into the footpad of DBA/1 mice led to local accumulation of inflammatory cells. These data therefore demonstrate for the first time lymphocyte chemoattractant properties of a member of the IL-1 cytokine family and its relevance in inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

The Drosophila segment polarity gene product Porcupine (Porc) was first identified as being necessary for processing Wingless (Wg), a Drosophila Wnt (Wnt) family member. Mouse and Xenopus homologs of porc (Mporc and Xporc) were identified and found to encode endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins with multiple transmembrane domains. In contrast with porc, four different types of Mporc and Xporc mRNA (A-D) are generated from a single gene by alternative splicing. Mporc mRNA is differentially expressed during embryogenesis and in various adult tissues, demonstrating that the alternative splicing is regulated to synthesize the specific types of Mporc. In transfected mammalian cells, all Mporc types affect the processing of mouse Wnt 1, 3A, 4, 6, and 7B but not 5A. Furthermore, all Mporc types are co-immunoprecipitated with various Wnt proteins. These results suggest that Mporc may function as a chaperone-like molecule for Wnt. Interestingly, all Mporc types can substitute for Porc, as they are able to rescue the phenotypes of Drosophila porc embryos. Consistent with this observation, Mporc, like Porc, modifies the processing of Wg expressed in mammalian cells. These results demonstrate that the porc gene family encodes the multitransmembrane ER proteins, which are evolutionarily well conserved and involved in processing the Wnt family.  相似文献   

We characterized evolutionarily conserved J domain containing protein (JDP) genes from human, Bombyx mori, and Manduca sexta. Each of the JDP proteins contains a J domain at its N-terminus and a highly conserved C-terminal domain. Southern blot analysis revealed that the human JDP1 gene is present as a single copy in the human genome. Expression was higher in brain, heart, and testis than in kidney or stomach. Human JDP1 was mapped in silico to chromosome 10q21.1, which exhibits a conserved synteny with the central region of mouse chromosome 10. Drosophila jdp is located at 99F4-99F11 on the right arm of the third chromosome.  相似文献   

Studies on the carotenoid-overaccumulating structures in chromoplasts have led to the characterization of proteins termed plastid lipid-associated proteins (PAPs), involved in the sequestration of hydrophobic compounds. Here we characterize the PAP CHRD, which, based on sequence homology, belongs to a highly conserved group of proteins, YER057c/YjgF/UK114, involved in the regulation of basic and vital cellular processes in bacteria, yeast and animals. Two nuclear genes were characterized in tomato plants: one (LeChrDc) is constitutively expressed in various tissues and the other (LeChrDi) is induced by stress in leaves and is upregulated by developmental cues in floral tissues. Using RNAi and antisense approaches, we show their involvement in biologically significant processes such as photosynthesis. The quantum yield of photosynthetic electron flow in transgenic tomato leaves with suppressed LeChrDi/c expression was 30–50% of their control, non-transgenic counterparts and was ascribed to lower PSI activity. Transgenic flowers with suppressed LeChrDi/c also accumulated up to 30% less carotenoids per unit protein as compared to control plants, indicating an interrelationship between PAPs and floral-specific carotenoid accumulation in chromoplasts. We suggest that CHRD’s role in the angiosperm reproductive unit may be a rather recent evolutionary development; its original function may have been to protect the plant under stress conditions by preserving plastid functionality.Y. Leitner-Dagan and M. Ovadis contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Mammalian alpha-defensins, expressed primarily in leukocytes and epithelia, play important roles in innate and adaptive immune responses to microbial infection. Six invariant cysteine residues forming three indispensable disulfide bonds and one Gly residue required structurally for an atypical beta-bulge are totally conserved in the otherwise diverse sequences of all known mammalian alpha-defensins. In addition, a pair of oppositely charged residues (Arg/Glu), forming a salt bridge across a protruding loop in the molecule, is highly conserved. To investigate the structural and functional roles of the conserved Arg(6)-Glu(14) salt bridge in human alpha-defensin 5 (HD5), we chemically prepared HD5 and its precursor proHD5 as well as their corresponding salt bridge-destabilizing analogs E14Q-HD5 and E57Q-proHD5. The Glu-to-Gln mutation, whereas significantly reducing the oxidative folding efficiency of HD5, had no effect on the folding of proHD5. Bovine trypsin productively and correctly processed proHD5 in vitro but spontaneously degraded E57Q-proHD5. Significantly, HD5 was resistant to trypsin treatment, whereas E14Q-HD5 was highly susceptible. Further, degradation of E14Q-HD5 by trypsin was initiated by the cleavage of the Arg(13)-Gln(14) peptide bond in the loop region, a catastrophic proteolytic event resulting directly in quick digestion of the whole defensin molecule. The E14Q mutation did not alter the bactericidal activity of HD5 against Staphylococcus aureus but substantially enhanced the killing of Escherichia coli. By contrast, proHD5 and E57Q-proHD5 were largely inactive against both strains at the concentrations tested. Our results confirm that the primary function of the conserved salt bridge in HD5 is to ensure correct processing of proHD5 and subsequent stabilization of mature alpha-defensin in vivo.  相似文献   

Yadav SS  Miller WT 《Biochemistry》2008,47(41):10871-10880
The SH3-SH2-kinase domain arrangement in nonreceptor tyrosine kinases has been conserved throughout evolution. For Src family kinases, the relative positions of the domains are important for enzyme regulation; they permit the assembly of Src kinases into autoinhibited conformations. The SH3 and SH2 domains of Src family kinases have an additional role in determining the substrate specificity of the kinase. We addressed the question of whether the domain arrangement of Src family kinases has a role in substrate specificity by producing mutants with alternative arrangements. Our results suggest that changes in the positions of domains can lead to specific changes in the phosphorylation of Sam68 and Cas by Src. Phosphorylation of Cas by several mutants triggers downstream signaling leading to cell migration. The placement of the SH2 domain with respect to the catalytic domain of Src appears to be especially important for proper substrate recognition, while the placement of the SH3 domain is more flexible. The results suggest that the involvement of the SH3 and SH2 domains in substrate recognition is one reason for the strict conservation of the SH3-SH2-kinase architecture.  相似文献   

Alpen B  Güre AO  Scanlan MJ  Old LJ  Chen YT 《Gene》2002,289(1-2):141-149
Three single copy ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter encoding genes, designated MgAtr3, MgAtr4, and MgAtr5, were cloned and sequenced from the plant pathogenic fungus Mycosphaerella graminicola. The encoded ABC proteins all exhibit the [NBD-TMS(6)](2) configuration and can be classified as novel members of the pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) class of ABC transporters. The three proteins are highly homologous to other fungal and yeast, ABC proteins involved in multidrug resistance or plant pathogenesis. MgAtr4 and MgAtr5 possess a conserved ABC motif at both the N- and C-terminal domain of the protein. In contrast, the Walker A motif in the N-terminal and the ABC signature in the C-terminal domain of MgAtr3, deviate significantly from the consensus sequence found in other members of the PDR class of ABC transporters. Expression of MgAtr3 could not be detected under any of the conditions tested. However, MgAtr4 and MgAtr5 displayed distinct expression profiles when treated with a range of compounds known to be either substrates or inducers of ABC transporters. These included synthetic fungitoxic compounds, such as imazalil and cyproconazole, natural toxic compounds, such as the plant defence compounds eugenol and psoralen, and the antibiotics cycloheximide and neomycin. The expression pattern of the genes was also dependent on the morphological state of the fungus. The findings suggest a role for MgAtr4 and MgAtr5 during plant pathogenesis and in protection against toxic compounds.  相似文献   

Shroom is an actin-associated determinant of cell morphology that is required for neural tube closure in both mice and frogs. Shroom regulates this process by causing apical constriction of epithelial cells via a pathway involving myosin II. Here we report on characterization of the Shroom-related proteins Apxl and KIAA1202 and their role in cell architecture. Shroom, Apxl, and KIAA1202 exhibit differing abilities to interact with the actin cytoskeleton. In fibroblasts, Shroom readily associates with actin stress fibers and induces bundling, Apxl is found on cortical actin, and KIAA1202 is localized to a cytoplasmic population of F-actin. In epithelial cells, Apxl and KIAA1202 do not induce apical constriction as Shroom does, but have the capacity to do so if targeted to the apical junctional complex. To determine whether the activity of Shroom-like proteins is conserved in invertebrates, we have tested the ability of the lone Shroomrelated protein in Drosophila, CG8603, to activate the constriction pathway. A chimeric protein consisting of the Shroom targeting domain and the Drosophila protein elicits constriction. Finally, we show that Apxl is involved in regulating the cytoskeletal organization and architecture of endothelial cells. We predict that the ability of Shroom-like proteins to regulate cellular morphology is conserved in evolution and is regulated in part by subcellular localization.  相似文献   

Solution structures for three members of the recently discovered cyanovirin-N (CV-N) homolog family of lectins have been determined. Cyanovirin-N homologs (CVNHs) from Tuber borchii, Ceratopteris richardii, and Neurospora crassa, representing each of the three phylogenetic groups, were selected. All proteins exhibit the same fold, and the overall structures resemble that of the founding member of the family, CV-N, albeit with noteworthy differences in loop conformation and detailed local structure. Since no data are available regarding the proteins' function or their natural ligands, extensive carbohydrate-binding studies were conducted. We delineated ligand-binding sites on all three proteins by nuclear magnetic resonance and identified which sugars interact by array screening. The number and location of binding sites vary for the three proteins, and different ligand specificities exist. Potential physiological roles for two family members, TbCVNH and NcCVNH, were probed in nutrition deprivation experiments that suggest a possible involvement of these proteins in lifestyle-related responses.  相似文献   

We report here a novel family of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) which is extraordinarily conserved among vertebrate species. This family, designated SREB (Super Conserved Receptor Expressed in Brain), consists of at least three members, termed SREB1, SREB2, and SREB3. SREB members share 52-63% amino acid identity with each other and show relatively high similarity to previously known amine amine GPCRs (approximately 25% identity). Amino acid sequence identity between human and rat orthologues is 97% for SREB1 and 99% for SREB3, while the SREB2 sequence is surprisingly completely identical between the species. Furthermore, amino acid sequence of zebrafish SREB2 and SREB3 are 94 and 78% identical to mammal orthologues. Northern blot analysis revealed that SREB members are predominantly expressed in the brain regions and genital organs. Radiation hybrid analysis localized SREB1, SREB2, and SREB3 genes to different human chromosomes, namely 3p21-p14, 7q31 and Xp11, respectively. The high sequence conservation and abundant expression in the central nervous system suggest the existence of undiscovered fundamental neuronal systems consisting of SREB family members and their endogenous ligand(s).  相似文献   

Orb-weaving spiders depend upon their two-dimensional silk traps to stop insects in mid flight. While the silks used to construct orb webs must be extremely tough to absorb the tremendous kinetic energy of insect prey, webs must also minimize the return of that energy to prey to prevent insects from bouncing out of oscillating webs. We therefore predict that the damping capacity of major ampullate spider silk, which forms the supporting frames and radial threads of orb webs, should be evolutionarily conserved among orb-weaving spiders. We test this prediction by comparing silk from six diverse species of orb spiders. Silk was taken directly from the radii of orb webs and a Nano Bionix test system was used either to sequentially extend the silk to 25% strain in 5% increments while relaxing it fully between each cycle, or to pull virgin silk samples to 15% strain. Damping capacity was then calculated as the percent difference in loading and unloading energies. Damping capacity increased after yield for all species and typically ranged from 40 to 50% within each cycle for sequentially pulled silk and from 50 to 70% for virgin samples. Lower damping at smaller strains may allow orb webs to withstand minor perturbations from wind and small prey while still retaining the ability to capture large insects. The similarity in damping capacity of silk from the radii spun by diverse spiders highlights the importance of energy absorption by silk for orb-weaving spiders.  相似文献   

The antigenic and functional properties of splenic sinusoidal lining cells (SLC) have not been studied extensively. Some investigators have suggested that SLC are actively phagocytic, and thus part of the mononuclear phagocyte system. Others dispute this and assign the functions of endothelial cells to the SLC. During studies in situ of phenotypic subpopulations of human splenic macrophages (M phi), we found that SLC share membrane antigens (HLA-DR and OKM5), an enzyme (lysozyme), and histochemical properties (nonspecific esterases) with monocytes and M phi. In addition, we showed that LSC, like endothelial cells, synthesize factor VIII of the clotting system and also bear the receptor for transferrin. Our previous studies found that SLC express the antigens found on helper/inducer (OKT4, Leu-3a,b) and suppressor/cytotoxic (OKT8, Leu-2a) T lymphocyte subsets. We have confirmed these observations, and have shown by means of preincubation with soluble complexes of anti-human IgG-human IgG that the detection of T cell and other antigens on SLC is not due to nonspecific binding of antibodies by Fc receptors. By using techniques designed to isolate and purify splenic M phi, we were able to obtain SLC in suspension and to demonstrate that they retain the antigens detected in situ. Thus, the human splenic SLC expresses a unique combination of antigens, histochemical properties, and cell products in common with monocytes, M phi, and T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We have recently isolated human and rat cDNAs (designated FER and flk, respectively) which encode nonreceptor protein-tyrosine kinases which are very similar to one another and related in sequence and domain structure to the c-fps/fes gene product. We show that FER and flk are human and rat counterparts of an evolutionarily conserved gene, hereafter termed FER regardless of species. The human and rat FER genes encode a widely expressed 94-kilodalton protein-tyrosine kinase which is antigenically related to the fps/fes protein-tyrosine kinase. The structural and antigenic similarities between the FER and fps/fes proteins suggest that they are members of a new family of nonreceptor protein-tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

Lin X  Tan SM  Law SK  Torres J 《Proteins》2006,63(1):16-23
Integrins are heterodimers, but recent in vitro and in vivo experiments suggest that they are also able to associate through their transmembrane domains to form homomeric interactions. Two fundamental questions are the biological relevance of these aggregates and their form of interaction in the membrane domain. Although in vitro experiments have shown the involvement of a GxxxG-like motif, several crosslinking in vivo data are consistent with an almost opposite form of interaction between the transmembrane alpha-helices. In the present work, we have explored these two questions using molecular dynamics simulations for all available integrin types. We have tested the hypothesis that homomeric interactions are evolutionary conserved, and essential for the cell, using conservative substitutions to filter out nonnative interactions. Our results show that two models, one involving a GxxxG-like motif (model I) and an almost opposite form of interaction (model II) are conserved across all alpha and beta integrin types, both in homodimers and homotrimers, with different specificities. No conserved interaction was found for homotetramers. Our results are completely independent from experimental data, both during molecular dynamics simulations and in the selection of the correct models. We rationalize previous seemingly conflicting findings regarding the nature of integrin interhelical homomeric interactions.  相似文献   

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