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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) has been shown to possess protease and helicase activities and has also been demonstrated to spontaneously associate with nonstructural protein NS4A (NS4A) to form a stable complex. Previous attempts to produce the NS3/NS4A complex in recombinant baculovirus resulted in a protein complex that aggregated and precipitated in the absence of nonionic detergent and high salt. A single-chain form of the NS3/NS4A complex (His-NS4A21-32-GSGS-NS3-631) was constructed in which the NS4A core peptide is fused to the N-terminus of the NS3 protease domain as previously described (Taremi et al., 1998). This protein contains a histidine tagged NS4A peptide (a.a. 21-32) fused to the full-length NS3 (a.a. 3-631) through a flexible tetra amino acid linker. The recombinant protein was expressed to high levels in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity, and examined for NTPase, nucleic acid unwinding, and proteolytic activities. The single-chain recombinant NS3-NS4A protein possesses physiological properties equivalent to those of the NS3/NS4A complex except that this novel construct is stable, soluble and sixfold to sevenfold more active in unwinding duplex RNA. Comparison of the helicase activity of the single-chain recombinant NS3-NS4A with that of the full-length NS3 (without NS4A) and that of the helicase domain alone suggested that the presence of the protease domain and at least the NS4A core peptide are required for optimal unwinding activity.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a positive-strand RNA virus that encodes a helicase required for viral replication. Although HCV does not replicate through a DNA intermediate, HCV helicase unwinds both RNA and DNA duplexes. An X-ray crystal structure of the HCV helicase complexed with (dU)(8) has been solved, and the substrate-amino acids interactions within the catalytic pocket were shown. Among these, residues W501 and V432 were reported to have base stacking interactions and to be important for the unwinding function of HCV helicase. It has been hypothesized that specific interactions between the enzyme and substrate in the catalytic pocket are responsible for the substrate specificity phenotype. We therefore mutagenized W501 and V432 to investigate their role in substrate specificity in HCV helicase. Replacement of W501, but not V432, with nonaromatic residues resulted in complete loss of RNA unwinding activity, whereas DNA unwinding activity was largely unaffected. The loss of unwinding activity was fully restored in the W501F mutant, indicating that the aromatic ring is crucial for RNA helicase function. Analysis of ATPase and nucleic acid binding activities in the W501 mutant enzymes revealed that these activities are not directly responsible for the substrate specificity phenotype. Molecular modeling of the enzyme-substrate interaction at W501 revealed a putative pi-facial hydrogen bond between the 2'-OH of ribose and the aromatic tryptophan ring. This evidence correlates with biochemical results suggesting that the pi-facial bond may play an important role in the RNA unwinding activity of the HCV NS3 protein.  相似文献   

C L Tai  W K Chi  D S Chen    L H Hwang 《Journal of virology》1996,70(12):8477-8484
To assess the RNA helicase activity of hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 3 (NS3), a polypeptide encompassing amino acids 1175 to 1657, which cover only the putative helicase domain, was expressed in Escherichia coli by a pET expression vector. The protein was purified to near homogeneity and assayed for RNA helicase activity in vitro with double-stranded RNA substrates prepared from a multiple cloning sequence and an HCV 5' nontranslated region (5'-NTR) or 3'-NTR. The enzyme acted successfully on substrates containing both 5' and 3' single-stranded regions (standard) or on substrates containing only the 3' single-stranded regions (3'/3') but failed to act on substrates containing only the 5' single-stranded regions (5'/5') or on substrates lacking the single-stranded regions (blunt). These results thus suggest 3' to 5' directionality for HCV RNA helicase activity. However, a 5'/5' substrate derived from the HCV 5'-NTR was also partially unwound by the enzyme, possibly because of unique properties inherent in the 5' single-stranded regions. Gel mobility shift analyses demonstrated that the HCV NS3 helicase could bind to either 5'- or 3'-tailed substrates but not to substrates lacking a single-stranded region, indicating that the polarity of the RNA strand to which the helicase bound was a more important enzymatic activity determinant. In addition to double-stranded RNA substrates, HCV NS3 helicase activity could displace both RNA and DNA oligonucleotides on a DNA template, suggesting that HCV NS3 too was disposed to DNA helicase activity. This study also demonstrated that RNA helicase activity was dramatically inhibited by the single-stranded polynucleotides. Taken altogether, our results indicate that the HCV NS3 helicase is unique among the RNA helicases characterized so far.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) appears to be the most promising target for anti-flavivirus therapy because of its multiple enzymatic activities that are indispensable for virus replication. NS3 of dengue virus type 2 (DEN2) is composed of two domains, a serine protease in the N-terminal domain (NS3pro) and RNA-stimulated nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase)/RNA helicase at the C-terminus (NS3h). NS3 plays an important role in viral replication and the coordinated regulation of all the catalytic activities in the full-length NS3 protein. In this study, a plasmid harboring the NS3 helicase domain (NS3h) was constructed by PCR. The 56.5 kDa NS3h protein was purified by metal-chelate affinity chromatography followed by renaturation, mediated by artificial chaperone-assisted refolding, which yielded the active helicase. NTPase activity was assayed with Malachite Green. The NTPase activity in the presence of poly(U) showed a higher turnover number (k cat) and a lower K m value than without poly(U). The activity increased approximately fourfold in the presence of polynucleotides. This indicates that NTPase activity of dengue NS3 can be stimulated by polynucleotides. A helicase assay based on internal fluorescence quenching was conducted using short internally quenched DNA oligonucleotides as substrates. Significant fluorescence signaling increase was observed in the absence of polynucleotides such as poly(U). No unwinding activity was observed with addition of poly(U). The approach we describe here is useful for the further characterization of substrate specificity and for the design of high-throughput assays aimed at discovery of inhibitors against NS3 NTPase/helicase activities.  相似文献   

The helicase domain of dengue virus NS3 protein (DENV NS3H) contains RNA-stimulated nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase), ATPase/helicase, and RNA 5′-triphosphatase (RTPase) activities that are essential for viral RNA replication and capping. Here, we show that DENV NS3H unwinds 3′-tailed duplex with an RNA but not a DNA loading strand, and the helicase activity is poorly processive. The substrate of the divalent cation-dependent RTPase activity is not restricted to viral RNA 5′-terminus, a protruding 5′-terminus made the RNA 5′-triphosphate readily accessible to DENV NS3H. DENV NS3H preferentially binds RNA to DNA, and the functional interaction with RNA is sensitive to ionic strength.  相似文献   

Tai CL  Pan WC  Liaw SH  Yang UC  Hwang LH  Chen DS 《Journal of virology》2001,75(17):8289-8297
The carboxyl terminus of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) possesses ATP-dependent RNA helicase activity. Based on the conserved sequence motifs and the crystal structures of the helicase domain, 17 mutants of the HCV NS3 helicase were generated. The ATP hydrolysis, RNA binding, and RNA unwinding activities of the mutant proteins were examined in vitro to determine the functional role of the mutated residues. The data revealed that Lys-210 in the Walker A motif and Asp-290, Glu-291, and His-293 in the Walker B motif were crucial to ATPase activity and that Thr-322 and Thr-324 in motif III and Arg-461 in motif VI significantly influenced ATPase activity. When the pairing between His-293 and Gln-460, referred to as gatekeepers, was replaced with the Asp-293/His-460 pair, which makes the NS3 helicase more like the DEAD helicase subgroup, ATPase activity was not restored. It thus indicated that the whole microenvironment surrounding the gatekeepers, rather than the residues per se, was important to the enzymatic activities. Arg-461 and Trp-501 are important residues for RNA binding, while Val-432 may only play a coadjutant role. The data demonstrated that RNA helicase activity was possibly abolished by the loss of ATPase activity or by reduced RNA binding activity. Nevertheless, a low threshold level of ATPase activity was found sufficient for helicase activity. Results in this study provide a valuable reference for efforts under way to develop anti-HCV therapeutic drugs targeting NS3.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural 3 protein (NS3) is a 70-kDa multifunctional enzyme with three known catalytic activities segregated in two somewhat independent domains. The essential machinery of a serine protease is localized in the N-terminal one-third of the protein, and nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) and helicase activities reside in the remaining C-terminal region. NS4A is a 54-residue protein expressed immediately downstream of NS3 in the viral polyprotein, and a central stretch of hydrophobic residues in NS4A form an integral structural component of the NS3 serine protease domain. There is no evidence to suggest that the two domains of NS3 are separated by proteolytic processing in vivo. This may reflect economical packaging of essential viral replicative components, but it could also mean that there is functional interdependence between the two domains. In this study, a full-length NS3-NS4A complex was isolated after expression and autoprocessing in transiently transfected COS cells. The protein was used to examine the effects of polynucleotides on the NTPase, helicase, and protease activities. Unlike the previously reported behavior of a separately expressed NS3 helicase domain, the full NS3-NS4A complex demonstrated optimal NTPase activity between pH 7.5 and 8.5. All three NS3-NS4A activities were modulated by polynucleotides, with poly(U) having the most remarkable effect. These findings suggest that the domains within NS3 may influence the activity of one another and that the interplay of HCV genomic elements may regulate the enzyme activities of this complex HCV replicase component.  相似文献   

Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a significant cause of human morbidity and mortality throughout Asia and Africa. Vaccines have reduced the incidence of JE in some countries, but no specific antiviral therapy is currently available. The NS3 protein of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a multifunctional protein combining protease, helicase and nucleoside 5'-triphosphatase (NTPase) activities. The crystal structure of the catalytic domain of this protein has recently been solved using a roentgenographic method. This enabled structure-based virtual screening for novel inhibitors of JEV NS3 helicase/NTPase. The aim of the present research was to identify novel potent medicinal substances for the treatment of JE. In the first step of studies, the natural ligand ATP and two known JEV NS3 helicase/NTPase inhibitors were docked to their molecular target. The refined structure of the enzyme was used to construct a pharmacophore model for JEV NS3 helicase/NTPase inhibitors. The freely available ZINC database of lead-like compounds was then screened for novel inhibitors. About 1 161 000 compounds have been screened and 15 derivatives of the highest scores have been selected. These compounds were docked to the JEV NS3 helicase/NTPase to examine their binding mode and verify screening results by consensus scoring procedure.  相似文献   

Sequence motifs within the nonstructural protein NS3 of members of the Flaviviridae family suggest that this protein possesses nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) and RNA helicase activity. The RNA-stimulated NTPase activity of this protein from prototypic members of the Pestivirus and Flavivirus genera has recently been established and enzymologically characterized. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that the NS3 protein from a member of the third genus of Flaviviridae, human hepatitis C virus (HCV), also possesses a polynucleotide-stimulated NTPase activity. Characterization of the purified HCV NTPase activity showed that it exhibited reaction condition optima with respect to pH, MgCl2, and salt identical to those of the representative pestivirus and flavivirus enzymes. However, each NTPase also possessed several unique properties when compared with one another. Notably, the profile of polynucleotide stimulation of the NTPase activity was distinct for the three enzymes. The HCV NTPase was the only one whose activity was significantly enhanced by a deoxyribopolynucleotide. Additional distinguishing features among the three enzymes relating to the kinetic properties of their NTPase activities are discussed. These studies provide a foundation for investigation of the putative RNA helicase activity of these proteins and for further study of the role of the NS3 proteins of members of the Flaviviridae in the replication cycle of these viruses.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects over 170 million persons worldwide. It is the leading cause of liver disease in the U.S. and is responsible for most liver transplants. Current treatments for this infectious disease are inadequate; therefore, new therapies must be developed. Several labs have obtained evidence for a protein complex that involves many of the nonstructural (NS) proteins encoded by the virus. NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B appear to interact structurally and functionally. In this study, we investigated the interaction between the helicase, NS3, and the RNA polymerase, NS5B. Pull-down experiments and surface plasmon resonance data indicate a direct interaction between NS3 and NS5B that is primarily mediated through the protease domain of NS3. This interaction reduces the basal ATPase activity of NS3. However, NS5B stimulates product formation in RNA unwinding experiments under conditions of excess nucleic acid substrate. When the concentrations of NS3 and NS5B are in excess of nucleic acid substrate, NS5B reduces the rate of NS3-catalyzed unwinding. Under pre-steady-state conditions, in which NS3 and substrate concentrations are similar, product formation increased in the presence of NS5B. The increase was consistent with 1:1 complex formed between the two proteins. A fluorescently labeled form of NS3 was used to investigate this interaction through fluorescence polarization binding assays. Results from this assay support interactions that include a 1:1 complex formed between NS3 and NS5B. The modulation of NS3 by NS5B suggests that these proteins may function together during replication of the HCV genome.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 helicase shares several conserved motifs with other superfamily 2 (SF2) helicases. Besides these sequences, several additional helicase motifs are conserved among the various HCV genotypes and quasispecies. The roles of two such motifs are examined here. The first motif (YRGXDV) forms a loop that connects SF2 helicase motifs 4 and 5, at the tip of which is Arg393. When Arg393 is changed to Ala, the resulting protein (R393A) retains a nucleic acid stimulated ATPase but cannot unwind RNA. R393A also unwinds DNA more slowly than wild type and translocates poorly on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). DNA and RNA stimulate ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by R393A like the wild type, but the mutant protein binds ssDNA more weakly both in the presence and absence of the non-hydrolyzable ATP analog ADP(BeF3). The second motif (DFSLDPTF) forms a loop that connects two anti-parallel sheets between SF2 motifs 5 and 6. When Phe444 in this Phe-loop is changed to Ala, the resulting protein (F444A) is devoid of all activities. When Phe438 is changed to Ala, the protein (F438A) retains nucleic acid-stimulated ATPase, but does not unwind RNA. F438A unwinds DNA and translocates on ssDNA at about half the rate of the wild type. Equilibrium binding data reveal that this uncoupling of ATP hydrolysis and unwinding is due to the fact that the F438A mutant does not release ssDNA upon ATP binding like the wild type. A model is presented explaining the roles of the Arg-clamp and the Phe-loop in the unwinding reaction.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus nonstructural 3 protein (NS3) possesses a serine protease activity in the N-terminal one-third, whereas RNA-stimulated NTPase and helicase activities reside in the C-terminal portion. The serine protease activity is required for proteolytic processing at the NS3-NS4A, NS4A-NS4B, NS4B-NS5A, and NS5A-NS5B polyprotein cleavage sites. NS3 forms a complex with NS4A, a 54-residue polypeptide that was shown to act as an essential cofactor of the NS3 protease. We have expressed in Escherichia coli the NS3-NS4A precursor; cleavage at the junction between NS3 and NS4A occurs during expression in the bacteria cells, resulting in the formation of a soluble noncovalent complex with a sub-nanomolar dissociation constant. We have assessed the minimal ionic strength and detergent and glycerol concentrations required for maximal proteolytic activity and stability of the purified NS3-NS4A complex. Using a peptide substrate derived from the NS5A-NS5B junction, the catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of NS3-NS4A-associated protease under optimized conditions was 55 000 s-1 M-1, very similar to that measured with a recombinant complex purified from eukaryotic cells. Dissociation of the NS3-NS4A complex was found to be fully reversible. No helicase activity was exhibited by the purified NS3-NS4A complex, but NS3 was fully active as a helicase upon dissociation of NS4A. On the other hand, both basal and poly(U)-induced NTPase activity and ssRNA binding activity associated with the NS3-NS4A complex were very similar to those exhibited by NS3 alone. Therefore, NS4A appears to uncouple the ATPase/ssRNA binding and RNA unwinding activities associated with NS3.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B) is believed to be the central catalytic enzyme responsible for HCV replication but there are many unanswered questions about how its activity is controlled. In this study we reveal that two other HCV proteins, NS3 (a protease/helicase) and NS4B (a hydrophobic protein of unknown function), physically and functionally interact with the NS5B polymerase. We describe a new procedure for generating highly pure NS4B, and use this protein in biochemical studies together with NS5B and NS3. To study the functional effects of the protein-protein interactions, we have developed an in vitro replication assay using the natural noncoding 3' regions of the respective positive ((+)-3'-untranslated region) and negative ((-)-3'-terminal region) RNA strands of the HCV genome. Our studies show that NS3 dramatically modulates template recognition by NS5B and changes the synthetic products generated by this enzyme. The use of an NTPase-deficient mutant form of NS3 demonstrates that the NTPase activity (and thus helicase activity) of this protein is specifically required for these effects. Moreover, NS4B is found to be a negative regulator of the NS3-NS5B replication complex. Overall, these results reveal that NS3, NS4B, and NS5B can interact to form a regulatory complex that could feature in the process of HCV replication.  相似文献   

The C-terminal portion of hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) forms a three domain polypeptide that possesses the ability to travel along RNA or single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in a 3' to 5' direction. Fueled byATP hydrolysis, this movement allows the protein to displace complementary strands of DNA or RNA and proteins bound to the nucleic acid. HCV helicase shares two domains common to other motor proteins, one of which appears to rotate upon ATP binding. Several models have been proposed to explain how this conformational change leads to protein movement and RNA unwinding, but no model presently explains all existing experimental data. Compounds recently reported to inhibit HCV helicase, which include numerous small molecules, RNA aptamers and antibodies, will be useful for elucidating the role of a helicase in positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus replication and might serve as templates for the design of novel antiviral drugs.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) represents a substantial threat to human health worldwide. The virus expresses a dual-function protein, NS3 having both protease and RNA helicase activities that are essential for productive viral replication and sustained infections. While viral protease and polymerase inhibitors have shown great successes in treating chronic HCV infections, drugs that specifically target the helicase activity have not advanced. A robust and quantitative 96-well plate-based fluorescent DNA unwinding assay was used to screen a class of indole thio-barbituric acid (ITBA) analogs using the full-length, recombinant HCV NS3, and identified three naphthoyl-containing analogs that efficiently inhibited NS3 helicase activity in a dose-dependent manner, with observed IC50 values of 21–24?µM. Standard gel electrophoresis helicase assays using radiolabeled duplex DNA and RNA NS3 substrates confirmed the inhibition of NS3 unwinding activity. Subsequent anisotropy measurements demonstrated that the candidate compounds did not disrupt NS3 binding to nucleic acids. Additionally, the rate of ATP hydrolysis and the protease activity were also not affected by the inhibitors. Thus, these results indicate that the three ITBA analogs containing N-naphthoyl moieties are the foundation of a potential series of small molecules capable of inhibiting NS3 activity via a novel interaction with the helicase domain that prevents the productive unwinding of nucleic acid substrates, and may represent the basis for a new class of therapeutic agents with the potential to aid in the treatment and eradication of hepatitis C virus.  相似文献   

Among the enzymes involved in the life cycle of HCV, the non-structural protein NS3, with its double function of protease and NTPase/helicase, is essential for the virus replication. Exploiting our previous knowledge in the development of nucleotide-mimicking NS3 helicase (NS3h) inhibitors endowed with key structural and electronic features necessary for an optimal ligand-enzyme interaction, we developed the tetrahydroacridinyl derivative 3a as the most potent NS3h competitive inhibitor reported to date (HCV NS3h K(i)=20 nM).  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity of hepatitis A virus 3C protein.   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Dengue virus type 2 (DEN2), a member of the Flaviviridae family, is a re-emerging human pathogen of global significance. DEN2 nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) has a serine protease domain (NS3-pro) and requires the hydrophilic domain of NS2B (NS2BH) for activation. NS3 is also an RNA-stimulated nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase)/RNA helicase and a 5'-RNA triphosphatase (RTPase). In this study the first biochemical and kinetic properties of full-length NS3 (NS3FL)-associated NTPase, RTPase, and RNA helicase are presented. The NS3FL showed an enhanced RNA helicase activity compared with the NS3-pro-minus NS3, which was further enhanced by the presence of the NS2BH (NS2BH-NS3FL). An active protease catalytic triad is not required for the stimulatory effect, suggesting that the overall folding of the N-terminal protease domain contributes to this enhancement. In DEN2-infected mammalian cells, NS3 and NS5, the viral 5'-RNA methyltransferase/polymerase, exist as a complex. Therefore, the effect of NS5 on the NS3 NTPase activity was examined. The results show that NS5 stimulated the NS3 NTPase and RTPase activities. The NS5 stimulation of NS3 NTPase was dose-dependent until an equimolar ratio was reached. Moreover, the conserved motif, 184RKRK, of NS3 played a crucial role in binding to RNA substrate and modulating the NTPase/RNA helicase and RTPase activities of NS3.  相似文献   

Structure activity relationships (SARs) of product-based inhibitors of hepatitis C virus NS3 protease were evaluated using an in vitro assay system comprising the native bifunctional full-length NS3 (protease-helicase/NTPase). The results were compared to previously reported data derived from the corresponding NS3 protease domain assay. Shortening the length of the protease inhibitors from hexapeptides to tripeptides revealed that the decrease in potency was much less when determined in the assay system with the full-length NS3 protein. Disagreements in SARs at different positions (P5 P2) were also discovered. Taken together, the results suggest that the impact of the helicase domain upon protease inhibitor binding is substantial.  相似文献   

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