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Background and Aims Pterostylis

is an Australasian terrestrial orchid genus of more than 400 species, most of which use a motile, touch-sensitive labellum to trap dipteran pollinators. Despite studies dating back to 1872, the mechanism of pollinator attraction has remained elusive. This study tested whether the fungus gnat-pollinated Pterostylis sanguinea secures pollination by sexual deception.


The literature was used to establish criteria for confirming sexual deception as a pollination strategy. Observations and video recordings allowed quantification of each step of the pollination process. Each floral visitor was sexed and DNA barcoding was used to evaluate the degree of pollinator specificity. Following observations that attraction to the flowers is by chemical cues, experimental dissection of flowers was used to determine the source of the sexual attractant and the effect of labellum orientation on sexual attraction. Fruit set was quantified for 19 populations to test for a relationship with plant density and population size.

Key Results

A single species of male gnat (Mycetophilidae) visited and pollinated the rewardless flowers. The gnats often showed probing copulatory behaviour on the labellum, leading to its triggering and the temporary entrapment of the gnat in the flower. Pollen deposition and removal occurred as the gnat escaped from the flower via the reproductive structures. The labellum was the sole source of the chemical attractant. Gnats always alighted on the labellum facing upwards, but when it was rotated 180 ° they attempted copulation less frequently. Pollination rate showed no relationship with orchid population size or plant density.


This study confirms for the first time that highly specific pollination by fungus gnats is achieved by sexual deception in Pterostylis. It is predicted that sexual deception will be widespread in the genus, although the diversity of floral forms suggests that other mechanisms may also operate.  相似文献   

蝴蝶兰花发育的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蝴蝶兰花非常独特且高度进化,如萼片瓣化、瓣片特化为唇瓣、雌雄蕊合生成合蕊柱及子房发育须由授粉启动等,是单子叶植物花发育研究的理想材料。近年来蝴蝶兰花发育分子生物学取得了重要进展。该文就近年来国内外有关蝴蝶兰开花转换及花器官发育相关基因研究以及B类基因与兰花花被的进化发育关系方面的研究进展进行综述。研究表明:MADS基因在蝴蝶兰开花转换及花器官发育过程中起重要作用,推测其中的DEF(DE-FICIENS)-like基因早期经过2轮复制,形成了4类不同的DEF-like基因,进而决定兰花花被属性。蝴蝶兰花发育分子生物学的深入研究,将极大地利于通过基因工程手段提高蝴蝶兰花品质如花色改良及花期调控等,推动分子育种进程。  相似文献   

Mimicking female insects to attract male pollinators is an important strategy in sexually deceptive orchids of the genus Ophrys, and some species possess flowers with conspicuous labellum patterns. The function of the variation of the patterns remains unresolved, with suggestions that these enhance pollinator communication. We investigated the possible function of the labellum pattern in Ophrys heldreichii, an orchid species in which the conspicuous and complex labellum pattern contrasts with a dark background. The orchid is pollinated exclusively by males of the solitary bee, Eucera berlandi. Comparisons of labellum patterns revealed that patterns within inflorescences are more similar than those of other conspecific plants. Field observations showed that the males approach at a great speed and directly land on flowers, but after an unsuccessful copulation attempt, bees hover close and visually scan the labellum pattern for up to a minute. Learning experiments conducted with honeybees as an accessible model of bee vision demonstrated that labellum patterns of different plants can be reliably learnt; in contrast, patterns of flowers from the same inflorescence could not be discriminated. These results support the hypothesis that variable labellum patterns in O. heldreichii are involved in flower-pollinator communication which would likely help these plants to avoid geitonogamy.  相似文献   

Caladenia behrii, a sexually deceptive orchid, is an endangered terrestrial orchid endemic to the Adelaide Hills, South Australia. We examined pollination success among individuals of different colours and heights in three populations of C. behrii in the northern Adelaide region. The labellum of C. behrii varies from cream to deep maroon. Over five years, the pollination success (pollinia deposited on stigma) of four colour groups (maroon, maroon and cream, hatched, and cream) was assessed for a total of 782 flowers. Labellum colour had no effect on the pollination success of individuals, indicating no frequency-dependent selection. It is likely that pollinators use the sexual pheromone mimic produced by the flowers as the main orientation cue. For three years the height of pollinated C. behrii individuals was recorded, along with the height of the nearest non-pollinated neighbour (distance of labellum from the ground, rather than stem length). Although a range of different heights was pollinated at population level, individual flowers that were taller than their closest neighbours were significantly more likely to be pollinated. Flower head height was not correlated with opening date and was greater for orchids growing among grass-tree leaves. Results imply that pollinators are more successful in finding tall flowers than short ones for visual and/or olfactory reasons; however, the effect of height preference is eliminated at population level.  相似文献   

The attraction of male pollinating insects by sexual deception is known for several orchids from the Mediterranean, Australia, South Africa and South America. The sexual delusion may be so enticing in some species that it elicits males to attempt copulation with insect-like structures of the labellum. Pollination by such a pseudocopulation mechanism is reported here for the terrestrial orchid Geoblasta penicillata (Chloraeinae) from subtropical South America. Observations of the pollination process were carried out in two wild populations 560 km distant from each other. The only pollinators seen in both populations were male Campsomeris bistrimacula (Scoliidae) wasps. They attempted copulation with the insect-like labellum by directing the genitalia to its base whereby pollinia got attached to the dorsal surface of the metasoma. The present case of pseudocopulation, which is in South America the second known and the first recorded in wild populations, represents a striking parallel to the Australian Calochilus campestris also pollinated by male scoliid wasp of the genus Campsomeris.  相似文献   

We studied the pollination of Orchis boryi at five different locations on the Greek mainland. Orchis boryi is food deceptive and obligatorily insect pollinated. Primary pollinators were Apis mellifera and Bombus spp., which foraged on rewarding plant species nearby and visited O. boryi in between. To analyse floral colour similarity among rewarding plants and O. boryi as perceived by bees, a model of bee colour vision was employed. For each food plant an index was calculated that described the probability of a bee foraging on it to subsequently choose an orchid flower. This choice probability correlated to colour distance according to the model of bee colour vision, indicating that bees chose the deceptive orchid more frequently if they foraged on more similarly coloured species. At different sites different plant species served as models. Bees foraging on food plants from which a high choice rate to the orchid was observed visited the orchid less often after approaching it than other bees, which is likely to reflect avoidance learning. In general, the pollination syndrome appears to be a generalized form of Batesian mimicry, in which similarity to rewarding plants determines reproductive success. As expected by negative density-dependent selection, individual fruit set and pollinia export rate correlated negatively with orchid density, but were unaffected by food plant density, orchid frequency, individual variation of labellum colour, labellum size, or mouth width of the flowers.  相似文献   

通过杂交和自交实验,对重唇石斛授粉亲和力和结实性进行分析,并对其开花期间花粉及蕊柱结构的动态变化进行显微观察,以探讨重唇石斛的最佳杂交授粉时间.结果表明:(1)花器表面结构差异较大,唇瓣、药帽、萼片表皮布满突起、钩刺等,花瓣表皮较平滑;(2)杂交时以重唇石斛为父本或母本均具有选择性,但作为父本亲和力强,杂交结实率可达100%,作为母本杂交结实率最高为60%;自交结实率非常低,为4.3%;(3)花粉培养的最佳配方为30%蔗糖+0.15 mg·L-1 CaCl2;(4)花开第4天后花粉发育饱满,第5~12天花粉发芽率稳定大于70%,蕊柱的乳突细胞于开花第6~10 天时发育饱满.研究表明,重唇石斛花开第5~12 天为最佳授粉时间.  相似文献   

Leporella fimbriata is a self compatible orchid of southern Australia. It is dependant across its range on unique pollination by sexually attracted male winged antsMyrmecia urens, which pseudocopulate with the flower. Typical pollination sequences began with an initial circling then zig-zag flight to the flower. Vectors usually alighted on the inflorescence stem and quickly crawled to the flower where they adopted a copulatory position sideways along the wide labellum, pseudocopulatory probing immediately followed. In this position pollen carried on the thorax was deposited on the stigma. Departure from the labellum usually resulted in pollinium removal. Pollinator movements were restricted and the distribution leptokurtic with a mean of 3.141 ± 4.59 m. Pollination was widespread but variable from site to site and season to season with a maximum of 70% of all flowers being pollinated. Pollinator limitation is indicated. Traits essential for this pollination interaction include the coincidence of orchid and ant geographic distributions and the coincidence of flowering with the flight period of the ant. The production of pheromonelike substances and the distinctive floral morphology are also essential for attraction and manipulation of male ants. The ant mating system which the orchid can exploit is also important.  相似文献   

Several neotropical orchid genera have been proposed as being sexually deceptive; however, this has been carefully tested in only a few cases. The genus Telipogon has long been assumed to be pollinated by male tachinid flies during pseudocopulatory events but no detailed confirmatory reports are available. Here, we have used an array of methods to elucidate the pollination mechanism in Telipogon peruvianus. The species presents flowers that have a mean floral longevity of 33 days and that are self-compatible, although spontaneous self-pollination does not occur. The flowers attract males of four tachinid species but only the males of an undescribed Eudejeania (Eudejeania aff. browni; Tachinidae) species are specific pollinators. Males visit the flowers during the first few hours of the day and the pollination success is very high (42% in one patch) compared with other sexually deceptive species. Female-seeking males are attracted to the flowers but do not attempt copulation with the flowers, as is usually described in sexually deceptive species. Nevertheless, morphological analysis and behavioural tests have shown an imperfect mimicry between flowers and females suggesting that the attractant stimulus is not based only on visual cues, as long thought. Challenging previous conclusions, our chemical analysis has confirmed that flowers of Telipogon release volatile compounds; however, the role of these volatiles in pollinator behaviour remains to be established. Pollinator behaviour and histological analyses indicate that Telipogon flowers possess scent-producing structures throughout the corolla. Our study provides the first confirmed case of (i) a sexually deceptive species in the Onciidinae, (ii) pollination by pre-copulatory behaviour and (iii) pollination by sexual deception involving tachinid flies.  相似文献   

Reproductive success of plants may be affected by interactions with co-flowering species either negatively, through competition for pollinators, or positively, by means of a magnet species effect and floral mimicry. In this study, potential interactions between Iris tuberosa, a rewarding species, and Ophrys fusca, a sexually deceptive orchid, were explored in four populations in southern Italy. In each population plots showing different ratios of the examined species were arranged in the field, and in each plot the number of pollinators and fruit set were assessed. In addition, flower size and floral hydrocarbons produced by the two species were analysed. Morphological and scent data pointed out that flower size and aliphatic compounds did not differ significantly between the two species. Interestingly, both species shared tricosane and 11-nonacosene, electrophysiologically active compounds in the shared dominant pollinator Adrena. We have found that fruit production and number of pollinators in I. tuberosa varied significantly among plots, while percentage of capsules and number of pollinators of O. fusca captured showed no significant differences across plots. These results suggested, that the presence of O. fusca contributes differentially to pollinator attraction, and thus, to total reproductive success of I. tuberosa, according to a different ratio of aggregation. These findings suggest that I. tuberosa profits from the greater abundance of insects attracted by the presence of orchid specimens, and that a sexually deceptive orchid may be a magnet species in pollination strategy.  相似文献   

Arundina graminifolia is an early successional plant on Iriomote Island, the Ryukyus, Japan, where it is endangered. Populations flower for more than half a year, and many inflorescences bloom for one to several months. The nectarless gullet flowers, which open for up to six days, are self-compatible but cannot self-pollinate spontaneously; thus they rely on pollinating agents for capsule production. Field observations at two habitats identified at least six species of bees and wasps, primarily mate-seeking males of Megachile yaeyamaensis and Thyreus takaonis, as legitimate pollinators. Thus, this orchid is a pollinator generalist, probably owing to its long blooming period and simple flower morphology. Carpenter bees, which were previously reported to pollinate this orchid, frequently visited flowers but were too large to crawl into the labellum chamber and never pollinated the flowers. Extrafloral nectaries on inflorescences attracted approximately 40 insect taxa but were not involved with pollination. Fruit-set ratios at the population level varied spatiotemporally but were generally low (5.2–12.4 %), presumably owing to infrequent flower visits by mate-seeking pollinators and the lack of food rewards to pollinators.  相似文献   

Interactions between the terrestrial endemic Cymbidiella flabellata (Thou.) Rolfe (Orchidaceae) and flower-visiting insects were observed in a marsh on the east coast of Madagascar. The plant acted by deceit. Two large sphecid wasp species, females of Sceliphron fuscum Klug and males of Sphex torridus Sm. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), made frequent visits to the showy, ca. 5 cm wide, nectarless and fragrant flowers. During a visit the wasps alighted on the large, hinged labellum which they depressed while forcing their heads towards the basal cavity below the column. When the wasps withdrew they pressed powerfully down on the labellum and brushed their heads backwards against the floral sexual organs removing the pollinarium with the frons or vertex – from which position pollination took place. The wasps on average visited only two flowers consecutively and about 55% of the flowers in the orchid population received visits. About six times more pollinaria were dispersed by pollen vectors than reached stigmas and a high proportion of the flowers were aborted due to lack of pollination. Data suggest that S. fuscum , a spider hunting and mud-daubing species, is a principal pollinator. C. flabellata is interpreted as playing the role of a generalized food-flower mimic which is specialized to moist habitats where females of S. fuscum collect mud for their nests.  相似文献   

  • Caladenia is a diverse Australian genus that is exceptional among orchids in having both species pollinated by food‐seeking and sexually deceived insects. Here, we investigated the pollination of Caladenia nobilis, a species predicted to be food‐deceptive due to its large, cream‐coloured and apparently nectarless flowers.
  • Pollinator observations were made using experimental clumps of flowers. Measurements of floral colour were undertaken with a spectrometer, nectar was tested using GC‐MS, and reproductive success was quantified for 2 years.
  • While C. nobilis attracted nine species of insect, only males of the thynnine wasp Rhagigaster discrepans exhibited the correct size and behaviour to remove and deposit pollen. Male R. discrepans attempted to feed from the surface of the labellum, often crawling to multiple flowers, but showed no evidence of sexual attraction. Most flowers produced little or no nectar, although some may provide enough sucrose to act as a meagre reward to pollinators. Floral colouration was similar to a related Caladenia species pollinated by sexual deception, although the sexually deceptive species had a dull‐red labellum. Reproductive success was generally low and highly variable between sites and years.
  • In addition to most visitors being of inappropriate size for pollinia removal, the lack of response to the orchid by several co‐occurring species of thynnine wasp suggests filtering of potential pollinators at the attraction phase. Our discovery of a pollination strategy that may be intermediate between food deception and food reward raises the question, how many putatively rewardless orchids actually produce meagre amounts of nectar?

Field modifications of U.V. floral patterns of Caesalpinia eriostachys Benth. and Parkinsonia aculeata L. showed that bees used U.V. designs as orientation cues. Bees exhibited an in-flight orientation ability which was apparently correlated with size, with smaller bees frequently orienting to the manipulated position of the U.V. absorbent banner petal prior to landing on the flower. The U.V. absorptive banner petal and staminal portions of the flowers of both species seemed to be the most important visual orientation guides, and except for Trigona fuscipennis and T. pectoralis, the banner petal was the more important of the two. Emasculation of the flowers may have removed the orientation cue used by these species of Trigona, which may be orienting to the flowers solely on the basis of pollen odour. Morphological and physiological changes in the floral colour patterns of both species following pollination appear to inhibit visitation by bees. The significance of U.V. floral patterns was also considered.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Lepanthes is one of the largest angiosperm genera (>800 species). Their non-rewarding, tiny and colourful flowers are structurally complex. Their pollination mechanism has hitherto remained unknown, but has been subject of ample speculation; the function of the minuscule labellum appendix is especially puzzling. Here, the pollination of L. glicensteinii by sexually deceived male fungus gnats is described and illustrated. METHODS: Visitors to flowers of L. glicensteinii were photographed and their behaviour documented; some were captured for identification. Occasional visits to flowers of L. helleri, L. stenorhyncha and L. turialvae were also observed. Structural features of flowers and pollinators were studied with SEM. KEY RESULTS: Sexually aroused males of the fungus gnat Bradysia floribunda (Diptera: Sciaridae) were the only visitors and pollinators of L. glicensteinii. The initial long-distance attractant seems to be olfactory. Upon finding a flower, the fly curls his abdomen under the labellum and grabs the appendix with his genitalic claspers, then dismounts the flower and turns around to face away from it. The pollinarium attaches to his abdomen during this pivoting manoeuvre. Pollinia are deposited on the stigma during a subsequent flower visit. The flies appear to ejaculate during pseudocopulation. The visitors of L. helleri, L. stenorhyncha and L. turialvae are different species of fungus gnats that display a similar behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: Lepanthes glicensteinii has genitalic pseudocopulatory pollination, the first case reported outside of the Australian orchid genus Cryptostylis. Since most species of Lepanthes have the same unusual flower structure, it is predicted that pollination by sexual deception is prevalent in the genus. Several morphological and phenological traits in Lepanthes seem well suited for exploiting male fungus gnats as pollinators. Correspondingly, some demographic trends common in Lepanthes are consistent with patterns of male sciarid behaviour.  相似文献   

Diverse a nimal species use multimodal communica tion signals to coordina te reproductive behavior.Despite active research in this field,the brain mechanisms underlying multimodal communication remain poorly understood.Similar to humans and many mammalian species,anurans often produce auditory signals accompanied by conspicuous visual cues(e.g.,vocal sac inflation).In this study,we used video playbacks to determine the role of vocal-sac inflation in little torrent frogs(Amolops torrentis).Then we exposed females to blank,visual,auditory,and audiovisual stimuli and analyzed whole brain tissue gene expression changes using RNAseq.The results showed that both auditory cues(i.e.,male advertisement calls)and visual cues were attractive to female frogs,although auditory cues were more attractive than visual cues.Females preferred simultaneous bimodal cues to unimodal cues.The hierarchical clustering of differentially expressed genes showed a close relationship between neurogenomic states and momentarily expressed sexual signals.We also found that the Gene Ontology terms and KEGG pathways involved in energy metabolism were mostly increased in blank contrast versus visual,acoustic,or audiovisual stimuli,indicating that brain energy use may play an important role in response to these stimuli.In sum,behavioral and neurogenomic responses to acoustic and visual cues are correlated in female little torrent frogs.  相似文献   

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