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Mutant gene wallhaarig (wa) was acting as a modifier of the mutant gene waved alopecia (wal), substantially increasing hair loss rate in mice, as was previously shown in our laboratory. The current paper is devoted to a study of mutant gene angora- Y(Fgf5(go-Y)), which had extended anagen stage of the first and second generations hair growth cycles in triple heterozygotes (Fgf5(go-Y)/Fgf5(go-Y) we/we wal/wal). First generation guard hair in triple homozygotes had their anagen stage 4 days longer than the same stage in double homozygotes (+/+ we/we wal/wal). Hair loss started at a catagen stage in double homozygotes, while it started in triple homozygotes at the end of the same stage or even in a telogen. Such mutant gene interaction in hair follicle morphogenesis led to a partial recovery of a body hair coat in triple homozygotes.  相似文献   

B6.129S7-Gtrosa26 (ROSA26) mice carry a LacZ-neo R insertion on Chromosome (Chr) 6, made by promoter trapping with AB1 129 ES cells. Female C57BL/6J Apc Min /+ (B6 Min/+) mice are very susceptible to the induction of mammary tumors after treatment with ethylnitrosourea (ENU). However, ENU-treated B6 mice carrying both Apc Min and ROSA26 are resistant to mammary tumor formation. Thus, ROSA26 mice carry a modifier of Min-induced mammary tumor susceptibility. We have previously mapped the modifier to a 4-cM interval of 129-derived DNA that also contains the ROSA26 insertion. Here we report additional evidence for the effect of the ROSA26 insertion on mammary tumor formation. To test the hypothesis that the resistance was due to a linked modifier locus, we utilized two approaches. We have derived and tested two lines of mice that are congenic for 129-derived DNA within the minimal modifier interval and show that they are as susceptible to mammary tumors as are B6 mice. Additionally, we analyzed a backcross population segregating for the insertion and show that mice carrying the insertion are more resistant to mammary tumor development than are mice not carrying the insertion. Thus, the resistance is not due to a 129-derived modifier allele, but must be due to the ROSA26 insertion. In addition, the effect of the ROSA26 insertion can be detected in a backcross population segregating for other mammary modifiers. Received: 29 December 2000 / Accepted: 4 April 2001  相似文献   

两例新的稀毛小鼠突变基因的染色体定位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用连锁分析法对乙烷基亚硝基脲(ENU) 诱变获得的两例被毛突变小鼠(snthr 1Bao及snthr 2Bao) 的突变基因进行定位。选择平均分布于小鼠基因组且在C57BL/6J和DBA/2 间有差异的39 个微卫星对B6D2F1 互交得到的稀毛F2 进行全基因组扫描。扫描了9个微卫星后发现snthr 1Bao突变基因与D9Mit243 的LOD值为7 73。突变基因被定位于9号染色体。在此基础上又选择了D9Mit355 和D9Mit18 两个微卫星进行检测, 并扩大F2 的数量至145只。结果发现, snthr 1Bao与D9Mit18间无1 例重组, 稀毛突变基因与该微卫星紧密连锁, 距着丝点71cM。同理, 将snthr 2Bao突变基因也定位在与snthr 1Bao相近的区域。检索发现snthr 1Bao是一尚未克隆的新基因。  相似文献   

B V Koniukhov  S G Nonchev 《Genetika》1982,18(7):1107-1114
The phenogenetic analysis of the effects of aphakia (ak) gene and its interaction with the ocular retardation (or) and fidget (fi) genes suggests that the ak gene acts in the lens cells with the result of arresting lens fibre differentiation. In mice homozygous for ak, the lens failure leads to secondary retina defects, in particular, to formation of retinal folds. In ak/ak or/or mice, the lens and retina morphogenesis stops at the optic cup stage, the eye is strongly reduced in size and more affected, compared to the corresponding single homozygotes. Unlike ak/ak or/or, in the ak/ak fi/fi mice the eyes are more regular in shape than those in the ak/ak +/+ condition. The fi gene inhibition of the retina anlage growth leads to some improvement of the eye development in double ak/ak fi/fi homozygotes, due to the absence of extensive retina folding.  相似文献   

A decade ago, chick–quail transplantation studies demonstrated that the junction between the midbrain and hindbrain has the properties of an organizing center capable of patterning the midbrain and cerebellum. Many of the genes that function to pattern these tissues have been identified and extensively studied. Recent experiments have shown that Otx2, Gbx2 and Fgf8 genes play a major role in the positioning and functioning of this organizing center.  相似文献   

The granular structure and gelatinisation properties of starches from a range of pea seed mutants were studied. Genes which affect the supply of substrate during starch synthesis (rb, rug3, rug4) affected the total crystallinity and possibly increased the content of A polymorphs in the starch. Conversely, genes directly affecting the synthesis of starch polymers (r, rug5, lam) increased the content of B polymorphs, but had a minimal effect on total crystallinity. During gelatinisation, starches from the rb, rug3, rug4 and lam mutants had narrow endothermic peaks which were similar to starch from the wild-type, although all the starches had different peak temperatures and enthalpy changes. Starches from r and rug5 mutants were very different to all other starches, having a very wide transition during gelatinisation. In addition, the amylopectin in starch from these mutants had altered chain lengths for those parts of the polymer which form the ordered structures in the granule.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is a key metabolic regulator that is induced by fasting and starvation, and its expression is thought to be regulated by the circadian clock in the liver. To evaluate the functional role of FGF21 in the circadian regulation of physiology and behavior, we examined the temporal expression profiles of Fgf21 and circadian clock genes in addition to behavioral activity rhythms under adlibitum feeding (ALF) and time-imposed restricted feeding (RF) in mice. Four hours of daily restricted feeding during the daytime induced over an 80-fold increase in feeding-dependent rhythmic Fgf21 mRNA expression in epididymal white adipose tissue (eWAT), although the expression levels were continuously increased 10-fold in the liver of wild-type (WT) mice. Refeeding subsequent to transient fasting revealed that refeeding but not fasting remarkably induces Fgf21 expression in eWAT, although fasting-induced hepatic Fgf21 expression is completely reversed by refeeding. The free-running period of locomotor activity rhythm under ALF and the food anticipatory activity (FAA) under RF remained intact in Fgf21 knockout (KO) mice, suggesting that FGF21 is dispensable for both the central clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the food-entrainable oscillator that governs the FAA. Temporal expression profiles of circadian genes such as mPer2 and BMAL1 were essentially identical in both tissues between WT and Fgf21 KO mice under RF. The physiological role of the refeeding-induced adipose Fgf21 expression remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

We previously identified four nuclear genes (caf1 + to caf4 +) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, mutations in which can confer caffeine resistance. Here we report the cloning and sequencing of caf1 +, caf2 + and caf4 +. All three genes are allelic to genes (hba1 + , crm1 + and trr1 + , respectively) involved in multidrug resistance mechanisms or in stress response systems. In agreement with this the caffeine-resistant mutants caf1(hba1)-21, caf2(crm1)-3 and caf4(trr1)-83 are also resistant to brefeldin. Disruption of caf1(hba1) + and caf4(trr1) + makes cells sensitive to high pH. The overlapping ranges of pleiotropic effects and the genetic interaction detected between caf1(hba1) + and caf2(crm1) + suggest that the three genes function in interlinked systems. Received: 9 March 1998 / Accepted: 16 September 1998  相似文献   

One of the phenotypic effects of mutation in the Hr gene in mice is disintegration of hair follicles and their degeneration into open funnel-shaped structures (utricles) opened on skin surface and cysts located in the depth of the dermis. The aim of the current study consists in analysis of the process of reparative regeneration of skin in homozygotous mice with one of the mutant alleles of the Hr gene—Hr hr . It is shown that epithelial cells that constitute the inner pavement of cysts take part in the process of epithelization of deep skin wounds. This indicates that the competence of ectodermal cells in relation to inductive signals from injured skin remains in Hr hr homozygote mice, in spite of the significant anatomic abnormalities of the hair follicles.  相似文献   

Two enkephalin analogs, [D-Met2, Thz5]-enkephalinamide and [D-Thr2, Thz5]-enkephalinamide, have been synthesized by the solid-phase method. When injected centrally, [D-Thr2, Thz5]-enkephalinamide is 3.5 times more potent than the [D-Met2, Thz5] analog. However, the two are equipotent and 4.2–4.8 times more potent than morphine when injected intravenously.  相似文献   

Summary The non-vitellogenic ovaries from homozygous apterous 4 mutants of Drosophila melanogaster synthesise yolk-proteins when cultured in vitro, which accounts for the ability of ap 4/ap 4 ovaries to become vitellogenic in a male-host environment. However, when ap 4/ap 4 ovaries are transplanted into D. arizonensis females, a large proportion of the ovarian yolk proteins are of the arizonensis type, indicating that ap 4/ap 4 ovaries are also able to take up yolk proteins in a suitable female-host environment.  相似文献   

Summary Three plasmids containing the transposon Tn5, i.e. pSUP201::Tn5, pACYC184::Tn5 and pJB4JI were transferred from Escherichia coli to Rhodopseudomonas capsulata in order to mutagenize the genome. Mutants defective in bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid synthesis and mutants unable to form the photochemical reaction center or one of the light-harvesting complexes were isolated. Of special interest were mutants that could not form the light-harvesting complex B800-850. Two of these mutants synthesized only two of the three polypeptides of this complex whereas the corresponding near infrared absorbance bands were not observed. Complementation analysis with the Rprime plasmid pRPS404, which contains a 50 kb region of the genome of R. capsulata carrying most genes responsible for expression of photosynthetic apparatus, revealed that some genes of the B800-850 light-harvesting complex lie outside this photosynthetic gene cluster.Abbreviations Bchl Bacteriochlorophyll - Cm chloramphenicol - Km kanamycin - Tc tetracycline - Ap ampicillin - Gm gentamicin - Spc spectinomycin  相似文献   

[目的] 为探究重金属对淡水绿藻生长的影响。[方法] 选取对水质检测具有明显指示作用的普通小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为实验材料,CdCl2·2H2O和CrCl3·7H2O提供重金属离子,探究不同浓度Cr3+和Cd2+在单一和复合胁迫下对藻细胞浓度、叶绿素a及相关抗氧化酶活性的影响。[结果] 随着Cr3+和Cd2+浓度不断增加,藻细胞浓度呈先增长后下降趋势;叶绿素a含量呈现先下降后升高再下降的现象,浓度为1 mg/L的单一和复合胁迫下有最大值,且毒性作用表现为Cr3+ < Cd2+ < Cr3++Cd2+;与藻细胞膜相关的丙二醛(MDA)和过氧化氢(H2O2)含量随着重金属离子浓度的增大而增长;重金属离子浓度低于10 mg/L时对藻细胞内抗氧化酶系统中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)表现为促进作用,而大于10 mg/L时具有抑制作用。[结论] 结果表明在单一或复合重金属胁迫下,普通小球藻会充分调动与抗逆性相关的酶来维持自身的正常生长。  相似文献   

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