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The effectiveness and toxicity of many drugs vary depending on the relationship between the dosing schedule and the 24-hour rhythms of biochemical, physiological and behavioral processes. In addition, several drugs can cause alterations to the 24-hour rhythms leading to illness and altered homeostatic regulation. However, the mechanisms of this drug-based disruption of circadian 'clock' genes remain unclear. Here, we show the disruptive effect of interferon-alpha on the rhythm of locomotor activity, body temperature and clock-gene mRNA expression in the periphery and suprachiasmatic nuclei, a primary circadian pacemaker. The rhythmicity of clock genes and the photic induction of the Per gene in suprachiasmatic nuclei were disturbed by the repetitive administration of interferon-alpha. Moreover, alteration of clock function, a new concept of adverse effects, can be overcome by optimizing the dosing schedule to minimize adverse drug effects.  相似文献   

Everolimus (EV), a rapamycin analogue mTOR inhibitor, is used in the clinic to treat Estrogen positive (ER+) breast cancer in order to avoid the resistance to hormonotherapy. Here, we investigated whether EV efficacy varied according to administration timing by using the ER+ breast cancer cell line MCF-7 as model system. Our results showed that instead of apoptosis, EV induced a G0/G1 phase blockage of MCF-7 cells. Following serum shock, MCF-7 cells displayed a statistically significant 24h rhythm of mammalian target of Rapamycin (mTOR) activity, but perturbed circadian clock genes oscillations. Interestingly, the different delivery schedule of EV presented different efficacy in G0/G1 phase blockage in serum shocked MCF-7 cells. Moreover, serum shock induced also a circadian-like oscillation in expression or activity of several important G1 phase progression proteins, such as Cyclin D1 and phosphorylated Retinoblastoma protein (RB). Inhibition mTOR activity by EV reduced Cyclin D1 and Cyclin D3 protein level as well as RB phosphorylation level. Taken together, the results indicated that serum shock synchronization induced a circadian oscillation in mTOR activity in MCF-7 cells, which rhythmically regulated the synthesis or phosphorylation of key G1 progression proteins, such as Cyclin D1 and phosphorylated RB, ultimately resulting in different G0/G1 blockage efficiency according to different EV administration timing.  相似文献   

Many inflammatory and autoimmune diseases are treated using synthetic glucocorticoids. However, excessive glucocorticoid can often cause unpredictable effects including muscle atrophy. Endogenous glucocorticoid levels robustly fluctuate in a circadian manner and peak just before the onset of the active phase in both humans and nocturnal rodents. The present study determines whether muscle atrophy induced by exogenous glucocorticoid can be avoided by optimizing dosing times. We administered single daily doses of the glucocorticoid analog dexamethasone (Dex) to mice for 10 days at the times of day corresponding to peak (early night) or trough (early morning) endogenous glucocorticoid levels. Administration at the acrophase of endogenous glucocorticoids significantly attenuated Dex-induced wasting of the gastrocnemius (Ga) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles that comprise mostly fast-twitch muscle fibers. Real-time RT-PCR revealed that the Dex-induced mRNA expression of genes encoding the atrophy-related ubiquitin ligases Muscle Atrophy F-box (Fbxo32, also known as MAFbx/Atrogin-1) and Muscle RING finger 1 (Trim63, also known as MuRF1) in the Ga and TA muscles was significantly attenuated by Dex when administered during the early night. Dex negligibly affected the weight of the soleus (So) muscle that mostly comprises slow-twitch muscle fibers, but significantly and similarly decreased the weight of the spleen at both dosing times. These results suggest that glucocorticoid-induced muscle atrophy can be attenuated by optimizing the dosing schedule.  相似文献   

Over the past 7 years, there has been spectacular progress in our understanding of the molecular basis of the circadian pacemaker in many species, from yeast to mammals. However, the biochemical signalling mechanisms that underpin synchronization of the clock to environmental cues are still poorly understood. Recently, attention has been focused on the role of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase in biological timekeeping. It has been proposed that signal transduction via the MAP kinase cascades allows environmental information to be assimilated intracellularly within the circadian clock to produce changes in the phasing of clock gene expression, which, in turn, underlies clock-controlled phase-resetting of biological rhythms. This review examines the evidence for MAP kinase, particularly extracellular regulated kinases 1/2, involvement in the circadian clock and looks at the putative upstream regulators and downstream substrates of this signalling system.  相似文献   

The marine environment has unique properties of light transmission, with an attenuation of long wavelengths within the first meters of the water column. Marine organisms have therefore evolved specific blue‐light receptors such as aureochromes to absorb shorter‐wavelength light. Here, we identify and characterize a light, oxygen, or voltage sensing (LOV) containing histidine kinase (LOV‐HK) that functions as a new class of eukaryotic blue‐light receptor in the pico‐phytoplanktonic cell Ostreococcus tauri. This LOV‐HK is related to the large family of LOV‐HKs found in prokaryotes. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that the LOV domains from LOV‐HKs, including O. tauri LOV‐HK, and phototropins (phot; plant and green algal LOV serine/threonine kinases) have different evolutionary histories. Photochemical analysis shows that the LOV domain of LOV‐HK binds a flavin cofactor and absorbs blue light with a fast photocycle compared with its prokaryotic counterparts. Ostreococcus tauri LOV‐HK expression is induced by blue light and is under circadian control. Further, both overexpression and downregulation of LOV‐HK result in arrhythmia of the circadian reporter CCA1:Luc under constant blue light. In contrast, photochemical inactivation of O. tauri LOV‐HK is without effect, demonstrating its importance for function of the circadian clock under blue light. Overexpression/downregulation of O. tauriLOV‐HK alters CCA1 rhythmicity under constant red light, irrespective of LOV‐HK’s photochemical reactivity, suggesting that O. tauri LOV‐HK also participates in regulation of the circadian clock independent of its blue‐light‐sensing property. Molecular characterization of O. tauri LOV‐HK demonstrates that this type of photoreceptor family is not limited to prokaryotes.  相似文献   

The importance of circadian clocks in the regulation of adult physiology in mammals is well established. In contrast, the ontogenesis of the circadian system and its role in embryonic development are still poorly understood. Although there is experimental evidence that the clock machinery is present prior to birth, data on gestational clock functionality are inconsistent. Moreover, little is known about the dependence of embryonic rhythms on maternal and environmental time cues and the role of circadian oscillations for embryonic development. The aim of this study was to test if fetal mouse tissues from early embryonic stages are capable of expressing endogenous, self-sustained circadian rhythms and their contribution to embryogenesis. Starting on embryonic day 13, we collected precursor tissues for suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), liver and kidney from embryos carrying the circadian reporter gene Per2::Luc and investigated rhythmicity and circadian traits of these tissues ex vivo. We found that even before the respective organs were fully developed, embryonic tissues were capable of expressing circadian rhythms. Period and amplitude of which were determined very early during development and phases of liver and kidney explants are not influenced by tissue preparation, whereas SCN explants phasing is strongly dependent on preparation time. Embryonic circadian rhythms also developed in the absence of maternal and environmental time signals. Morphological and histological comparison of offspring from matings of Clock-Δ19 mutant and wild-type mice revealed that both fetal and maternal clocks have distinct roles in embryogenesis. While genetic disruptions of maternal and embryonic clock function leads to increased fetal fat depots, abnormal ossification and organ development, Clock gene mutant newborns from mothers with a functional clock showed a larger body size compared to wild-type littermates. These data may contribute to the understanding of the ontogenesis of circadian clocks and the risk of disturbed maternal or embryonic circadian rhythms for embryonic development.  相似文献   

Whether a clock that generates a circatidal rhythm shares the same elements as the circadian clock is not fully understood. The mangrove cricket, Apteronemobius asahinai, shows simultaneously two endogenous rhythms in its locomotor activity; the circatidal rhythm generates active and inactive phases, and the circadian rhythm modifies activity levels by suppressing the activity during subjective day. In the present study, we silenced Clock (Clk), a master gene of the circadian clock, in A. asahinai using RNAi to investigate the link between the circatidal and circadian clocks. The abundance of Clk mRNA in the crickets injected with double-stranded RNA of Clk (dsClk) was reduced to a half of that in control crickets. dsClk injection also reduced mRNA abundance of another circadian clock gene period (per) and weakened diel oscillation in per mRNA expression. Examination of the locomotor rhythms under constant conditions revealed that the circadian modification was disrupted after silencing Clk expression, but the circatidal rhythm remained unaffected. There were no significant changes in the free-running period of the circatidal rhythm between the controls and the crickets injected with dsClk. Our results reveal that Clk is essential for the circadian clock, but is not required for the circatidal clock. From these results we propose that the circatidal rhythm of A. asahinai is driven by a clock, the molecular components of which are distinct from that of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Liu C  Reppert SM 《Neuron》2000,25(1):123-128
The master clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) is composed of multiple, single-cell circadian clocks. We test the postulate that these individual "clock cells" can be synchronized to each other by the inhibitory transmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). For these experiments, we monitored the firing rate rhythm of individual clock cells on fixed multielectrode plates in culture and tested the effects of GABA. The results show that the daily variation in responsiveness of the SCN to phase-shifting agents is manifested at the level of individual neurons. Moreover, GABA, acting through A-type receptors, can both phase shift and synchronize clock cells. We propose that GABA is an important synchronizer of SCN neurons in vivo.  相似文献   

Under constant conditions, the circadian bioluminescent glow rhythm in populations (10(5) cells) of Gonyaulax polyedra is accurate to within 2 min/day. On successive days following the transfer to constant conditions, however, the glow exhibits a progressively broader waveform, implying that individual clocks in the population are drifting out of synchrony. Analysis of the glow waveform suggests that the standard deviation in circadian period among individual clocks is about 18 min and that the period of a given clock varies by less than this from one day to the next.  相似文献   

The circadian clock has a central role in physiological adaption and anticipation of day/night changes. In a genetic screen for novel regulators of circadian rhythms, we found that mice lacking MAGED1 (Melanoma Antigen Family D1) exhibit a shortened period and altered rest–activity bouts. These circadian phenotypes are proposed to be caused by a direct effect on the core molecular clock network that reduces the robustness of the circadian clock. We provide in vitro and in vivo evidence indicating that MAGED1 binds to RORα to bring about positive and negative effects on core clock genes of Bmal1, Rev‐erbα and E4bp4 expression through the Rev‐Erbα/ROR responsive elements (RORE). Maged1 is a non‐rhythmic gene that, by binding RORα in non‐circadian way, enhances rhythmic input and buffers the circadian system from irrelevant, perturbing stimuli or noise. We have thus identified and defined a novel circadian regulator, Maged1, which is indispensable for the robustness of the circadian clock to better serve the organism.  相似文献   

Organisms use circadian clocks to generate 24‐h rhythms in gene expression. However, the clock can interact with other pathways to generate shorter period oscillations. It remains unclear how these different frequencies are generated. Here, we examine this problem by studying the coupling of the clock to the alternative sigma factor sigC in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. Using single‐cell microscopy, we find that psbAI, a key photosynthesis gene regulated by both sigC and the clock, is activated with two peaks of gene expression every circadian cycle under constant low light. This two‐peak oscillation is dependent on sigC, without which psbAI rhythms revert to one oscillatory peak per day. We also observe two circadian peaks of elongation rate, which are dependent on sigC, suggesting a role for the frequency doubling in modulating growth. We propose that the two‐peak rhythm in psbAI expression is generated by an incoherent feedforward loop between the clock, sigC and psbAI. Modelling and experiments suggest that this could be a general network motif to allow frequency doubling of outputs.  相似文献   

RNA-based regulation in the plant circadian clock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The field of systems biology studies how the interactions among individual components (e.g. genes and proteins) yield interesting and complex behavior. The circadian (daily) timekeeping system in mammals is an ideal system to study complexity because of its many biological scales (from genes to animal behavior). A wealth of data at each of these scales has recently been discovered. Within each scale, modeling can advance our understanding of challenging problems that arise in studying mammalian timekeeping. However, future work must focus on bridging the multiple spatial and temporal scales in the modeling of SCN network. Here we review recent advances, and then delve into a few areas that are promising research directions. We also discuss the flavor of modeling needed (simple or detailed) as well as new techniques that are needed to meet the challenges in modeling data across scales.  相似文献   

斑马鱼生物钟研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王明勇  黄国栋  王晗 《遗传》2012,34(9):1133-1143
斑马鱼是生物钟研究领域中一种新兴的脊椎动物模型。文章总结了斑马鱼生物钟研究的一些进展, 以及利用斑马鱼研究生物钟的特点及优势。由于光照和温度作为重要的外部信号在斑马鱼生物钟调节中发挥重要作用, 文章主要就近期光和温度对斑马鱼钟基因及调节通路的研究进行了概述, 最后对斑马鱼生物钟研究的未来提出了展望。  相似文献   

Risperidone is an atypical antipsychotic that is active at multiple dopamine and serotonin receptor subtypes. Based on its high affinity for serotonin receptors, we predicted that it might reset circadian rhythms in a nocturnal rodent. We report temporally differentiated and differential effects of various doses of risperidone on the voluntary locomotor activity rhythm in the Indian field mice, Mus booduga. Risperidone (0.5 mg/kg) elicited phase delays at phases between CT (circadian time) 12 to CT18 and CT0 to CT3, and phase advances at CT6, CT9 and CT21. However, mice injected at CT6 showed maximum advances (1.299 ± 0.286 h), whereas at CT15 showed maximum delays (?1.514 ± 0.312 h). Increasing the dose beyond 0.5 mg/kg at maximally responsive CTs (CT6 and CT15) resulted in progressively smaller but significant shifts. Thus, 0.5 mg/kg is the optimal dose in this species. The fact that risperidone resets the circadian rhythm in a mammal can be extended to clinical studies and used for optimal adjustment of the circadian rhythm in mental disorders. Conversely, risperidone administration for various treatments must be carefully timed to prevent unwanted phase shifts in patients.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms and sleep are two separate but intimately related processes. Circadian rhythms are generated through the precisely controlled, cyclic expression of a number of genes designated clock genes. Genetic variability in these genes has been associated with a number of phenotypic differences in circadian as well as sleep parameters, both in mouse models and in humans. Diurnal preferences as determined by the selfreported Horne-Östberg (HÖ) questionnaire, has been associated with polymorphisms in the human genes CLOCK, PER1, PER2 and PER3. Circadian rhythm-related sleep disorders have also been associated with mutations and polymorphisms in clock genes, with the advanced type cosegrating in an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern with mutations in the genes PER2 and CSNK1D, and the delayed type associating without discernible Mendelian inheritance with polymorphisms in CLOCK and PER3. Several mouse models of clock gene null alleles have been demonstrated to have affected sleep homeostasis. Recent findings have shown that the variable number tandem polymorphism in PER3, previously linked to diurnal preference, has profound effects on sleep homeostasis and cognitive performance following sleep loss, confirming the close association between the processes of circadian rhythms and sleep at the genetic level.  相似文献   

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