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Water uptake into the ventral epidermis and the other tissuesof excised T. virginiana leaves was measured separately andsimultaneously when the uptake rates were steady. It was foundthat uptake into the ventral epidermis was proportionately greater,compared with uptake into the remainder of a leaf, than wouldbe expected from the ratio of conductances of the two pathways.This result led to the conclusion that not only is the epidermisa pathway for water transport in the transpiration stream butthat it is an important site of evaporation for stomatal transpiration.  相似文献   

A technique used for hydroponics was adapted to measure instantaneousroot water uptake from the soil for a leaf succulent CAM species,Agave deserti. Comparisons were made to previously modelledwater fluxes for A. deserti and to Encelia farinosa, a non-succulentC3species. Net CO2uptake and transpiration forA. deserti underwell-watered conditions occurred primarily at night whereasroot water uptake was relatively constant over 24 h. Leaf thicknessdecreased when transpiration commenced and then increased whenrecharge from the stem and soil occurred, consistent with previousmodels. A drought of 90 d eliminated net CO2uptake and transpirationand reduced the water content of leaves by 62%. Rewetting theentire root system for 7 d led to a full recovery of leaf waterstorage but only 56% of maximal net CO2uptake. Root water uptakewas maximal immediately after rewetting, which replenished rootwater content, and decreased to a steady rate by 14 d. Whenonly the distal 50% of the root system was rewetted, the timefor net CO2uptake and leaf water storage to recover increased,but by 30 d gas exchange and leaf water storage were similarto 100% rewetting. Rewetting 10 or 20% of the root system resultedin much less water uptake; these plants did not recover leafwater storage or gas exchange by 30 d after rewetting. A redundancyin the root system of A. deserti apparently exists for dailywater uptake requirements under wet conditions but the entireroot system is required for rapid recovery from drought.Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Agave deserti Engelm., desert, drought, gas exchange, rewetting, roots, succulent, water uptake.  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was carried out to investigate the factorscontrolling the abstraction of xylem fluid from its host bythe parasiteStriga hermonthica(Scrophulariaceae).Strigahad amean daily transpiration rate far exceeding that of its hostsorghum (Sorghum bicolor), with infestation byStrigaalso shownto lower the transpiration rate of the host. Stopping the host'stranspiration was shown to decrease the transpiration rate ofthe parasite. Stopping the parasite's transpiration only gavean initial increase in the host's transpiration rate which wasnot sustained. The parasite had a lower water potential thanits host, values being -0.42 MPa and -0.23 MPa, respectively,and an accompanying higher osmotic pressure of 0.68 MPa against0.51 MPa for sorghum. Modifying the water potential gradientby bagging both partners together showed that the differentialin osmotic pressure and water potential was largely maintainedby the parasite's higher rate of transpiration. A favourablewater potential gradient towards the parasite still existedfollowing the cessation of transpiration, this being generatedby the haustorial resistance to hydraulic conductivity whichwas found to be some 1.5–4.5 times greater than that offeredby the parasite shoot. Both the high rate of transpiration andthe increased resistance across the haustoria would appear tobe necessary means to facilitate the diversion of host resourcesto the parasite.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Striga hermonthica; sorghum; water relations; haustorium; root parasite  相似文献   

The water uptake by individual water-culture-grown castor-oilplants (Ricinus communis) was varied and corresponding ratesof potassium uptake measured. The water flux was varied by changingthe rate of transpiration or by detopping the transpiring plants.Transpiration was altered by changing the atmospheric humidityat constant temperature and light intensity in a climatologicalwind tunnel. It was found that the uptake of potassium was divisibleinto two components: (a) an accumulation by the cells of theroot and (b) a passage through the root to the shoot via thevessels. These components were found to be entirely independentof one another. Also while (a) was unaffected by the water flux(b) was linearly related to it. The concentration of potassiumin the vessels was between 15 and 26 times that of the mediumand this ratio which was found to be similar in both intactand detopped exuding plants remained constant in the face ofwide changes in water flux. This essential similarity betweenexuding and transpiring plants and the finding that there wasa lag between the change in water flux and the response in potassiumuptake indicated that there is no continuous mass-flow pathwaybetween medium and xylem in these plants. Instead, increasedtranspiration seems in some way to increase the rate of theexudation process. These conclusions are discussed in relationto the results of other workers.  相似文献   

Three to five-year-old peach trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batschcv. ‘Maycrest’) grafted on P. ‘Damas 1869’grown in a sand trench were removed in the spring and grownhydroponically for several months. The system comprised twobalances continuously recording the mass of the nutrient solutionand that of the tree, so as to estimate transpiration and wateruptake rates separately. Diurnal variation in plant water content(transpiration minus water uptake) was observed, with rapidlydecreasing values when the solar radiation increased, whilethe reverse occurred when radiation decreased. Changes in stemdiameter were continuously recorded using linear variable differentialtransducers. Data collected over several days of contrastingclimatic conditions revealed that rapid changes in the stemdiameter occurred throughout the day and were closely relatedto plant water content. A lag-time not exceeding 10 min wasfound between changes in stem diameter and plant water content.These results are discussed in relation to the use of micromorphometricmethods to control irrigation in fruit trees. Moreover, we givevalues for the water stored in the shoots which may contributeto the transpiration stream. Key words: Prunus persica, stem shrinkage, plant water storage, water uptake, transpiration  相似文献   

Transpiration, water uptake by the roots and CO2 exchange oftwo leaf succulents, Senecio medleywoodii (Asteraceae) and Aloejucunda (Asphodeliaceae), were monitored simultaneously andcontinuously with a gas exchange cuvette combined with an apparatusto quantify water uptake (= waterbudget- meter). Measurements,which are primarily valid for plants with a sufficient watersupply, were made with the same plant for up to 29 consecutivedays. Ambient air temperature varied between 17 and 35 C witha constant dewpoint temperature of 13C of the ambient air anda 12 h photoperiod at 400–500mol m–2s–1 photonirradiance. The net water flux (Jw(net)=water uptake–transpiration)and the water balance (Jw(net) integrated for a timespan) werecalculated. Various tests were made to determine the accuracyof the measurements made with this rather complex equipment.In most cases the errors for transpiration and uptake rateswere much lower than 8% determined under the conditions of drastically(about 10 K per 30 min) increased or decreased ambient air temperatures.The experimental set-up proved to be a most valuable tool todetermine and analyse interactions between transpiration andwater uptake, changes in plant water status and the bufferingof negative Jwnet). Increasing the temperature of ambient air resulted, for bothspecies investigated, in a quick and considerably enhanced transpiration,but there was only a minor impact on water uptake. Water lossexceeding uptake was buffered by internal water reserves whichwere refilled within about 1 d after the plant was relievedof heat and drought stress caused by a period of high ambientair temperatures and high water vapour saturation deficits ofthe air. Repeated simulation of such stress periods showed thatthe absolute values of transpiration and the water uptake for24 h can vary, but the diurnal course of the values showed thesame pattern if the environmental conditions were identical.Such standardized diurnal transpiration and water uptake curvescould be very useful for the validation of mathematical modelsused to describe plant water relations. Key words: Plant water relations, water budget, drought stress, transpiration, water uptake  相似文献   

Five experiments to investigate the water relationships of Scotspine and Norway spruce sapwood are described. Field exposureof stakes, and their moisture characteristic relating wood moisturecontent to the water potential of the surroundings showed thatspruce had a lower moisture content than pine under the sameconditions. A pore size distribution derived from the characteristicsshowed more large pores in spruce than in pine, but in sprucethere were also more small pores. The inference was that thelarge pores of spruce were readily accessible to water, allowinga fast rate of water uptake, as found in the wick action andswelling investigations, while the small pores were not accessible,resulting in a low rate of water uptake and a low rate of swelling.The possibility is briefly discussed that it is the pore sizedistribution of the two woods which determines their water relationships,and the difference in pore size which determines their treatability. Key words: Pinus sylvestris L, Picea abies (L) Karst, Pore size, Water uptake  相似文献   

This paper examines foliar nitrogen (N) levels, photosynthesis,transpiration, water use efficiency and tissue water relationsof the xylem-tapping root hemi-parasiteSantalum albumin potculture with various N2-fixing woody hosts, a non-fixing host(a eucalypt), or in the absence of a host. Foliar N concentrationsofSantalumwere significantly greater than corresponding hostsand higher when on N2-fixing hosts than on the eucalypt, orwithout a host. Strong positive relationships were evident inSantalumbetweenfoliar N concentration, rates of net photosynthesis and instantaneouswater use efficiencies. Photosynthesis rate and water use efficiencyofSantalumwere generally lower than in corresponding hosts,but transpiration rates were not noticeably different betweenassociations.  相似文献   

The effect of ferricyanide on K$ fluxes in epidermis and inguard cells of Commelina communis L. were studied. Ferricyanideenhanced guard cell protoplasts swelling, which results fromenhanced K$ uptake. In intact epidermis ferricyanide inhibitedK$ uptake and consequently, stomatal opening. This was foundin floated and submerged epidermal tissues, indicating thatthe degree of contact with the solution does not affect theresponse to ferricyanide. Investigation of the rate of plasmolysisand de-plasmolysis of guard cells in epidermal tissue revealedthat ferricyanide enhances deplasmolysis, caused by K$ uptake,only in completely plasmolysed cells, which resemble protoplastsin situ. (Received January 21, 1988; Accepted March 24, 1988)  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to investigate theeffects of changes in root temperature, of changes in the areaof root in contact with culture solution and of day/night rhythmon the water balance of a cucumber and a gherkin plant. Resultsare discussed in terms of water potential, flow rate and resistanceusing a previously presented model of water balance. As longas water uptake alone is varied, flow rate and water content(or potential) will change in the same direction. In contrast,from that model it is predicted that changes in transpirationwill affect flow rate and water content in opposite ways. Anexperimental verification of this prediction was given in theprevious paper. Results obtained by the NMR method are comparedto those determined using a dendrometer. The results demonstratethat the NMR method is a valuable tool to study plant waterbalance and that it can serve as a technique for discriminatingbetween changes in plant water balance that are due to changesin water uptake by roots and those due to changes in transpiration. Key words: Water balance model, Cucumis satious L., flow, water content, NMR, water balance measurement  相似文献   

Water Pathways in Leaves of Hedera helix L. and Tradescantia virginiana L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hydraulic conductances of leaf tissues of Hedera helix and Tradescantiavirginiana leaves were measured. It was found that water couldflow most easily through the veins, but that the cell wallsof at least the ventral epidermis were more efficient at resupplyingwater lost from the epidermal tissue than was the mesophyllat rehydrating itself. Vein and bundle-sheath extensions, whichare characteristic of mesomorphic leaves (e.g. T. virginiana),seem to be important in maintaining a close hydraulic connectionbetween the epidermis and the vascular tissue. In leaves notcontaining vein and bundle-sheath extensions, typically xeromorphicleaves (e.g. H. helix), there is not such a close connectionbetween the epidermis and vascular tissue. This was shown inexperiments involving the sudden application of a reduced pressurepotential to either the epidermis or the other tissues of leaves,and the measurement of transient stomatal opening.  相似文献   

CO2 uptake and diffusion conductance of Valencia orange fruits(Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) were measured in the field duringthe growing season of 1977/78 to ascertain if, as in the leaf,stomata control photosynthesis and transpiration under changingenvironmental conditions. Measurements were made on 15 yearold trees grown in a sandy loam soil and receiving either adry or a wet treatment. Fruit diffusive conductance was measuredwith a modified water vapour diffusion conductance meter andgross photosynthesis was measured with a 14CO2 uptake meter.Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was measured witha quantum sensor. Fruits exposed to light assimilated CO2 ata rate which was 25–50% of that assimilated by leaves.The uptake was dependent on fruit size, PAR, chlorophyll content,and on diffusive conductance of the fruit epidermis. Epidermalconductance showed a diurnal trend which was similar in shapeto that of the leaf except in the late afternoon. Cuticularconductance of the fruit was calculated and ranged between 0.22and 0.30 mm s–1. It was speculated that the CO2 uptakeby the fruit could support the growth of flavedo cell layerswhen exposed to light. Dry soil caused an increase in the 14CO2uptake by fruit possibly caused by the increased potential areaof the stomatal opening per unit of fruit surface area.  相似文献   

A comparative study has been made of the uptake by and translocationfrom roots of intact barley plants of six herbicides and a systemicfungicide (four triazines, diuron, 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyaceticacid (2,4-D) and ethirimol). Relationships between uptake andtranspiration rate are discussed in the light of the physico-chemicalproperties of these compounds, notably their partition coefficientsin oil/water systems and their dissociation constants. Apartfrom 2,4-D, sorption of these compounds appears to be a passiveprocess. At pH4 the uptake of 2,4-D seems to be influenced bymetabolism; not only may the concentration of this compoundin the transpiration stream be considerably greater than thatin the medium surrounding the roots but absorption by rootsis markedly reduced at low temperatures and by sodium azide. The initial rate of uptake of these compounds correlates reasonablywell with their partition coefficients in olive oil/water orn-dodecane/water systems; likewise the concentration in thetranspiration stream is greater for lipophilic than for lipophobicsubstances. Whereas the hydrogen ion and calcium concentrations of the ambientmedium appear to have no effect on the uptake of compounds withlow pK's, the uptake of those substances which protonate betweenpH4 and pH6 is affected by them. These findings are discussedfrom the viewpoint that the pathways of transport of lipophilicand lipophobic compounds across the roots may differ. Although there is some evidence that retention by roots canlimit transport to shoots, there is no simple inverse correlationbetween the total concentration of the different substancesin the roots and that in the transpiration stream. This questionis discussed in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

A dual-surface leaf chamber was used to investigate the responsesof net photosynthesis and leaf conductance to independent changesin the humidity environments of the upper and lower surfacesof leaves of sunflower and soybean. In sunflower decreasingthe humidity around the upper leaf surface while maintainingthat of the lower surface constant and high reduced both thephotosynthetic rate and the conductance of the lower surface.These reductions could not be attributed to changes in bulkleaf water potential since the transpiration rate of the wholeleaf remained constant. Similarly, the reductions were not relatedto localized water deficits in the lower epidermis or lowermesophyll since the transpiration rate of the lower surfacewas reduced. Possible mechanisms whereby the gas exchange characteristicsof the lower leaf surface of sunflower respond to the humidityenvironment of the upper surface are discussed. In contrastto sunflower, the photosynthetic rate of the lower surface ofsoybean was insensitive to the humidity environment of the uppersurface. In leaves of sunflower grown under a moderate temperature anda medium light level, simultaneous decreases of humidity atboth leaf surfaces reduced the photosynthetic rate of the wholeleaf without affecting the substomatal partial pressure of CO2.In contrast, with leaves developed under a cool temperatureand a high light level, both the photosynthetic rate and thesubstomatal partial pressure of CO2 were reduced. Evidently,the occurrence in sunflower of the response pattern suggestinga non-stomatal inhibition of photosynthesis by low humiditydepends upon the environment during growth. The possibilitythat this non-stomatal inhibition may be an artifact due toan error in the assumption of water vapour saturation withinthe leaf airspace is considered. Key words: Vapour pressure deficit, photosynthesis, conductance, non-stomatal inhibition, Helianthus annuus, Glycine max  相似文献   

Fricke W 《Planta》2004,219(3):507-514
Solutes distribute differentially between leaf tissues and cells. The present study tested the hypothesis that certain solutes are supplied preferentially to the epidermis in the transpiration stream, by-passing mesophyll cells along bundle sheath extensions. Using energy dispersive X-ray analysis of extracted cell sap, the distribution of solutes was studied in the emerged zone (transpiring) and the elongation zone (non-transpiring) of the developing leaf three of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The basic distribution of Cl, K, P and Ca between epidermis and bulk tissue, and between cells within the epidermis, was similar in the two leaf regions. However, in the emerged zone differences in solute concentrations between tissues and cells were greater. A local reduction in transpiration rate along the emerged portion of the blade specifically prevented Ca from accumulating to high levels in epidermal cells close to stomata. It is concluded that differences in solute concentrations between epidermal cells and other leaf tissues can be established in the absence of transpiration, but that they require transpiration for their full expression. Peristomatal transpiration appears to be responsible for high Ca in interstomatal cells.Abbreviations EDX-analysis Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis - IS-cell Interstomatal cell - R-cell Ridge cell - TR-cell Trough cell  相似文献   

The CO2-, H2O- and 16O2/18O2 isotopic-gas exchange and the fluorescencequenching by attached leaves of the wild-type and of the phytochrome-deficienttomato aurea mutant was compared in relation to water stressand the photon fluence rate. The chlorophyll content of aurealeaves was reduced and the ultra-structure of the chloroplastswas altered. Nevertheless, the maximum rate of net CO2 uptakein air by the yellow-green leaves of the aurea mutant was similarto that by the dark-green wild-type leaves. However, less O2was produced by the leaves of the aurea mutant than by leavesof the wild-type. This result indicates a reduced rate of photosyntheticelectron flux in aurea mutant leaves. No difference in bothphotochemical and non-photochemical fluorescence quenching wasfound between wild-type and aurea mutant leaves. Water stresswas correlated with a reversible decrease in the rates of bothnet CO2 uptake and transpiration by wild-type and aurea mutantleaves. The rate of gross 16O2 evolution by both wild-type andaurea mutant leaves was fairly unaffected by water stress. Thisresult shows that in both wild-type and aurea leaves, the photochemicalprocesses are highly resistant to water stress. The rate ofgross 18O2 uptake by wild-type leaves increased during waterstress when the photon fluence rate was high. Under the sameconditions, the rate of gross 18O2 uptake by aurea mutant leavesremained unchanged. The physiological significane of this differencewith respect to the (presumed) importance of oxygen reductionin photoprotection is discussed. Key words: Water stress, gas exchange, fluorescence quenching, Lycopersicon esculentum, mutant (tomato, aurea), energy dissipation  相似文献   

Yeo, A. R., Yeo, M. E., Caporn, S. J. M., Lachno, D. R. andFlowers, T. J. 1985. The use of 14C-ethane diol as a quantitativetracer for the transpirational volume flow of water and an investigationof the effects of salinity upon transpiration, net sodium accumulationand endogenous ABA in individual leaves of Oryza sativa L.—J.exp. Bot. 36: 1099–1109. Oryza sativa L. (rice) seedlings growing in saline conditionsexhibit pronounced gradients in leaf sodium concentration whichis always higher in the older leaves than the younger ones.Individual leaf transpiration rates have been investigated todiscover whether movement of sodium in the transpiration streamis able to explain these profiles from leaf to leaf. The useof 14C labelled ethane diol to estimate transpiration was evaluatedby direct comparison with values obtained by gas exchange measurements.Ethane diol uptake was linearly related to the transpirationalvolume flow and accurately predicted leaf to leaf gradientsin transpiration rate in saline and non-saline conditions. 14C-ethanediol and 22NaCl were used to compare the fluxes of water andsodium into different leaves. The youngest leaf showed the highesttranspiration rate but the lowest Na accumulation in salineconditions; conversely, the older leaves showed the lower transpirationrates but the greater accumulation of Na. The apparent concentrationof Na in the xylem stream was 44 times lower into the youngerleaf 4 than into the older leaf 1. Exposure to NaCl (50 molm–3) for 24 h elicited an increase in endogenous ABA inthe oldest leaf only, but no significant changes occurred inthe younger leaves. Key words: —Salinity, rice, Oryza sativa L., transpiration, volume flow, abscisic acid  相似文献   

Data are presented which show, when stomatal control is eliminated,that wheat leaves may lose 5–6 per cent. and Pelargoniumleaves 10–12 per cent. of their water without any reductionin the transpiration rate. Experiments in which Pelargonium and wheat leaves, with stomatalcontrol present, were submitted to cycles of changing watercontent also failed to establish any direct relation betweentranspiration rate and leaf water content. It is concluded that leaf water content over the range of 70–100per cent. of that present in the turgid state has no significanteffect in determining the rate of water loss from leaves. A repetition of Knight's experiment showed that stomata openedin still air and closed in moving air. This was not recordedby Knight, who used a porometer cup permanently attached tothe leaf. It is concluded that the higher transpiration raterecorded by Knight after a period of still air was due to widerstomatal aperture and not to the higher leaf water content assuggested by him.  相似文献   

Drought increased the pH of Commelina communis xylem sap from 6.1 to 6.7. Conductances of transpiring leaves were 50% lower in pH 7.0 than in pH 6.0 buffers, but bulk leaf abscisic acid (ABA) concentration and shoot water status were unaffected by pH. Stomatal apertures of isolated abaxial epidermis incubated on simple buffers increased with external pH, so in vivo this must be overridden by alternative pH effects. Reductions in leaf transpiration rate at pH 7.0 were dependent on the presence of 10-8 mol dm-3 ABA in the xylem stream. We inferred that at pH 7.0 leaf apoplastic ABA concentrations increased: pH did not affect distributions of ABA among leaf tissues, but isolated epidermis and mesophyll tissue took up more 3H-ABA from pH 6.0 than from pH 7.0 buffers. The apoplastic ABA increase at pH 7.0 may result from reduced symplastic sequestration. A portion of 3H-ABA uptake by the epidermis was saturable at pH 6.0 but not at pH 7.0. An ABA uptake carrier may contribute to ABA sequestration by the leaf symplast of well-watered plants, and its inactivity at pH 7.0 may favor apoplastic ABA accumulation in draughted plants. Effects of external pH on stomatal apertures in the isolated epidermis indicate that published data supporting a role for internal guard cell ABA receptors should be reassessed.  相似文献   

To clarify the mechanisms of methane transport from the rhizosphere into the atmosphere through rice plants (Oryza sativa L.), the methane emission rate was measured from a shoot whose roots had been kept in a culture solution with a high methane concentration or exposed to methane gas in the gas phase by using a cylindrical chamber. No clear correlation was observed between change in the transpiration rate and that in the methane emission rate. Methane was mostly released from the culm, which is an aggregation of leaf sheaths, but not from the leaf blade. Micropores which are different from stomata were newly found at the abaxial epidermis of the leaf sheath by scanning electron microscopy. The measured methane emission rate was much higher than the calculated methane emission rate that would result from transpiration and the methane concentration in the culture solution. Rice roots could absorb methane gas in the gas phase without water uptake. These results suggest that methane dissolved in the soil water surrounding the roots diffuses into the cell-wall water of the root cells, gasifies in the root cortex, and then is mostly released through the micropores in the leaf sheaths.  相似文献   

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