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The kinetics of accumulation (per milliliter of culture) of the α- and β- subunits, associated with chloroplast-localized ammonium inducible nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-specific glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP-GDH) isoenzymes, were measured during a 3 hour induction of synchronized daughter cells of Chlorella sorokiniana in 29 millimolar ammonium medium under photoautotrophic conditions. The β-subunit holoenzyme(s) accumulated in a linear manner for 3 hours without an apparent induction lag. A 40 minute induction lag preceded the accumulation of the α-subunit holoenzyme(s). After 120 minutes, the α-subunit ceased accumulating and thereafter remained at a constant level (i.e. steady state between synthesis and degradation). From pulsechase experiments, using 35SO4 and immunochemical procedures, the rate of synthesis of the α-subunit was shown to be greater than the β-subunit during the first 80 minutes of induction. The α- and β-subunits had different rates of degradation during the induction period (t½ = 50 versus 150 minutes, respectively) and during the deinduction period (t½ = 5 versus 13.5 minutes) after removal of ammonium from the culture. During deinduction, total NADP-GDH activity decreased with a half-time of 9 minutes. Cycloheximide completely inhibited the synthesis and degradation of both subunits. A model for regulation of expression of the NADP-GDH gene was proposed.  相似文献   

The ammonium induction of the chloroplast-localized NADP-specific glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP-GDH) was shown not to be a light-dependent process per se in Chlorella sorokiniana. In the dark without exogenous organic substrates, the cells synthesized low levels of fully active NADP-GDH, provided endogenous starch reserves had not been depleted. When cells were supplied with exogenous acetate, the rate of induction of NADP-GDH activity per milliliter of culture in the dark was equal to or slightly greater than the rate observed under photosynthetic conditions without an organic carbon source. Glucose supported only a low rate of induction of NADP-GDH activity in the dark. Both acetate and glucose inhibited induction of enzyme activity in the light. The NADP-GDH holoenzyme had at least 7 different electrophoretic forms. These forms differed in net charge and/or molecular weight. Their difference in molecular weight was due to the presence of 2 subunits with similar antigenic properties but different molecular weights (Mr = 55,500 and 53,000; α-and β-subunits, respectively). Depending upon the cultural conditions and length of the induction period, a wide variation was observed in the α:β subunit ratio and in the numbers and sizes of the NADP-GDH holoenzymes.  相似文献   

The nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-specific glutamate dehydrogenase (l-glutamate:NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC of Chlorella sorokiniana was purified 1,000-fold to electrophoretic homogeneity. The native enzyme was shown to have a molecular weight of 180,000 and to be composed of four identical subunits with a molecular weight of 45,000. The N-terminal amino acid was determined to be lysine. The pH optima for the aminating and deaminating reactions were approximately 8 and 9, respectively. The Km values for α-ketoglutarate, NADH, NH4+, NAD+, and l-glutamate were 2 mm, 0.15 mm, 40 mm, 0.15 mm, and 60 mm, respectively. Whereas the Km for α-ketoglutarate and l-glutamate increased 10-fold, 1 pH unit above or below the pH optima for the aminating or deaminating reactions, respectively, the Km values for NADH and NAD+ were independent of change in pH from 7 to 9.6. By initial velocity, product inhibition, and equilibrium substrate exchange studies, the kinetic mechanism of enzyme was shown to be consistent with a bi uni uni uni ping-pong addition sequence. Although this kinetic mechanism differs from that reported for any other glutamate dehydrogenase, the chemical mechanism still appears to involve the formation of a Schiff base between α-ketoglutarate and an ε-amino group of a lysine residue in the enzyme. The physical, chemical, and kinetic properties of this enzyme differ greatly from those reported for the NH4+-inducible glutamate dehydrogenase in this organism.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that certain protein(s) other thancarbonic anhydrase might play an important role in the facilitatedtransport of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from the mediumto the site of CO2 fixation by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenasein the unicellular green alga Chlorella regularis adapted tolow-CO2 (ordinary air) conditions [Shiraiwa et al. (1991) Jpn.J. Phycol. 39: 355; Satoh and Shiraiwa (1992) Research in Photosynthesis,Vol. III, p. 779]. The proteins that might be involved in thisfacilitated transport of DIC were investigated by pulse-labelingof induced proteins with 35S-sulfate during adaptation of cellsgrown under high-CO2 conditions to low CO2. Analysis by SDS-PAGErevealed that synthesis of two polypeptides, with molecularmasses of 98 and 24 kDa, respectively, was induced under low-CO2conditions. The 24-kDa polypeptide was induced at pH 5.5 butnot at pH 8.0, whereas the 98-kDa polypeptide was induced atboth pH 5.5 and pH 8.0. The possible role of these polypeptidesin the facilitated transport of DIC in Chlorella regularis isdiscussed. (Received October 30, 1995; Accepted February 26, 1996)  相似文献   

The contribution to solute uptake by mesophyll cells and veinsin leaf discs, was assessed through a study of uptake in relationto concentration for 14C-labelled substrates (sucrose, glucose,arginine, proline, valine and -aminoisobutyric acid) using isolatedmesophyll cells and stripped leaf discs of Commelina benghalensisL. Uptake per unit fresh weight was higher in mesophyll cellsthan in discs at low substrate concentrations (lower than about0·5 mol m–3). At higher concentrations, uptakeby discs exceeded that by mesophyll cells except for glucoseuptake which was higher in mesophyll cells over the whole concentrationrange. The profiles of uptake versus concentration displayedbiphasic kinetics in mesophyll cells and discs. Comparison ofthe uptake characteristics obtained by iterative fitting confirmedthat the high-affinity systems of uptake prevail in the mesophyllcells, whereas the low-affinity systems are dominant in theveins. The results provide good evidence that, supplementaryto direct vein loading, a pathway via the mesophyll contributesstrongly to the photosynthate loading by veins in stripped discs. Key words: Commelina benghalensis L., amino acid uptake, mesophyll, minor veins, phloem loading, sugar uptake  相似文献   

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