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This research was conducted to study the genetic variation among eighteen genotypes of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) collected from various agro-climatic regions of Iran along with six exotic genotypes from the Asian countries using both agro-morphological and ISSR marker traits. The results showed significant differences among genotypes for all agro-morphological traits and a relatively high genetic coefficient of variation observed for number of fruiting branches per plant, capsules per plant, plant height and seed yield per plant. Cluster analysis based on these traits grouped the genotypes into five separate clusters. Larger interthan intra cluster distances implies the presence of higher genetic variability between the genotypes of different groups. Genotypes of two clusters with a good amount of genetic divergence and desirable agronomic traits were detected as promising genotypes for hybridization programs. The 13 ISSR primers chosen for molecular analysis revealed 170 bands, of which 130 (76.47%) were polymorphic. The generated dendrogram based on ISSR profiles divided the genotypes into seven groups. A principal coordinate analysis confirmed the results of clustering. The agro-morphological traits and ISSR markers reflected different aspects of genetic variation among the genotypes as revealed by a non significant cophenetic correlation in the Mantel test. Therefore the complementary application of both types of information is recommended to maximize the efficiency of sesame breeding programs. The discordance among diversity patterns and geographical distribution of genotypes found in this investigation implies that the parental lines for hybridization should be selected based on genetic diversity rather than the geographical distribution.  相似文献   

The Minichromosome maintenance protein [MCM (2-7)] complex is associated with helicase activity for replication fork formation during DNA replication. We identified and characterized each 12 putative MCM genes from Brassica oleracea and Brassica rapa. MCM genes were classified into nine groups according to their evolutionary relationships. A high number of syntenic regions were present on chromosomes C03 and A03 in B. oleracea and B. rapa, respectively, compared to the other chromosomes. Expression analysis showed that most of the MCM(2-7) helicase-subunit genes and their coregulating MCM genes were upregulated during hydroxyurea (HU) induced stress in B. oleracea. In B. rapa, MCM(2-7) helicase genes BrMCM2_2, BrMCM7_1, BrMCM7_2 and their co-regulating genes were upregulated during replication stress. During cold stress, BoMCM6 in B. oleracea and BrMCM5 in B. rapa were remarkably upregulated. During salt stress, BoMCM6_2, BoMCM7_1, BoMCM8, BoMCM9, and BoMCM10 were markedly upregulated in B. oleracea. Hence, our study identified the candidate MCM family genes those possess abiotic stress-responsive behavior and DNA replication stress tolerance. As the first genome-wide analysis of MCM genes in B. oleracea and B. rapa, this work provides a foundation to develop stress responsive plants. Further functional and molecular studies on MCM genes will be helpful to enhance stress tolerance in plants.  相似文献   

Crop to weed transgene flow, which could result in more competitive weed populations, is an agricultural biosafety concern. Crop Brassica napus to weedy Brassica rapa hybridization has been extensively characterized to better understand the transgene flow and its consequences. In this study, weedy accessions of B. rapa were transformed with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cry1Ac- and green fluorescence protein (gfp)-coding transgenes using Agrobacterium to assess ecological performance of the wild biotype relative to introgressed hybrids in which the transgenic parent was the crop. Regenerated transgenic B. rapa events were characterized by progeny analysis, Bt protein enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Southern blot analysis, and GFP expression assay. GFP expression level and Bt protein concentration were significantly different between independent transgenic B. rapa events. Similar reproductive productivity was observed in comparison between transgenic B. rapa events and B. rapa × B. napus introgressed hybrids in greenhouse and field experiments. In the greenhouse, Bt transgenic plants experienced significantly less herbivory damage from the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella). No differences were found in the field experiment under ambient, low, herbivore pressure. Directly transformed transgenic B. rapa plants should be a helpful experimental control to better understand crop genetic load in introgressed transgenic weeds.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among 49 wheat varieties (37 durum and 12 bread wheat) was assayed using 32 microsatellites representing 34 loci covering almost the whole wheat genome. The polymorphic information content (PIC) across the tested loci ranged from 0 to 0.88 with average values of 0.57 and 0.65 for durum and bread wheat respectively. B-genome had the highest mean number of alleles (10.91) followed by A genome (8.3) whereas D genome had the lowest number (4.73). The correlation between PIC and allele number was significant in all genome groups accounting for 0.87, 074 and 0.84 for A, B and D genomes respectively, and over all genomes, the correlation was higher in tetraploid (0.8) than in hexaploid wheat varieties (0.5). The cluster analysis discriminated all varieties and clearly divided the two ploidy levels into two separate clusters that reflect the differences in genetic diversity within each cluster. This study demonstrates that microsatellites markers have unique advantages compared to other molecular and biochemical fingerprinting techniques in revealing the genetic diversity in Syrian wheat varieties that is crucial for wheat improvement.  相似文献   

The Ashe magnolia (Magnolia ashei) is a deciduous small tree most noted for its large 1–2 foot long leaves and fragrant creamy white flowers. Although the species is adapted to and used in landscapes in many parts of the U.S., it is endemic only to Northwest Florida where it is limited to ten counties growing on undisturbed bluffs and ravine banks. The populations are highly fragmented and are threatened by degradation of habitat, leading the species to be listed as endangered in the state of Florida. SSR markers were developed to determine the genetic diversity of wild populations of M. ashei in order to guide long-term conservation strategies. 18 marker loci identified a total of 82 alleles that were used to characterize allelic diversity of M. ashei from 11 wild populations, 14 cultivated sources, five accessions of M. macrophylla, and three interspecific hybrids. Results indicated a higher than expected level of heterozygosity within populations, and a clear distinction between Eastern and Western populations; conservation efforts should therefore focus on maintaining these distinct groups in corresponding ex situ seed orchards to counteract pressures due to overcollection, pollution, and loss of habitat due to development. Clustering of individuals was similar using several analytical methods, indicating that despite relatively small sample sizes, our analysis is a valid reflection of the diversity among and relationships between these populations.  相似文献   

Twenty populations of kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala L.) selected from 127 populations in terms of yield and leaf quality characteristics as superior types using weight-based ranking method from the Black Sea Region of Turkey were evaluated at the DNA level using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers compared to some morphological characters. The seven primers selected from 100 decamers used generated 110 bands, of which 60 (54.5%) were polymorphic. Jaccard’s genetic distances were calculated and dendrogram was generated using the UPGMA algorithm. The dendrogram obtained was classified into three main groups and four subgroups. The accessions showed a limited clustering as compared to morphological characters such as the number of leaves, intentation of the leaf margin, leaf and midrib color, and thickness of midrib, than geographical characteristics. Leaf color and midrib thickness characters clustered in the same group as OR49 and G18 accessions; S20, G6, and OR37 accessions, respectively. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

The effects of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis) carrying cry1AC derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) on leaf bacterial community were examined by analyzing the horizontal transfer of trans-gene fragments from plants to bacteria. The effect of plant pathogenic bacteria on the gene transfer was also examined using Pseudomonas syringae pathovar. maculicola. The frequency of hygromycin-resistant bacteria did not alter in Bt leaves, though slight increase was observed in Pseudomonas-infected Bt leaves with no statistical significance. The analysis of bacterial community profiles using the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting indicated that there were slight differences between Bt and control Chinese cabbage, and also that infected tissues were dominated by P. syringae pv. maculicola. However, the cultured bacterial pools were not found to contain any transgene fragments. Thus, no direct evidence of immediate gene transfer from plant to bacteria or acquisition of hygromycin resistance could be observed. Still, long-term monitoring on the possibility of gene transfer is necessary to correctly assess the environmental effects of the Bt crop on bacteria.  相似文献   

A molecular cytogenetic map of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis, 2n=20) was constructed based on the 4-6-diamino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride-stained mitotic metaphase and pachytene chromosomes and multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (McFISH), using three repetitive DNA sequences, 5S rDNA, 45S rDNA, and C11-350H. The lengths of mitotic metaphase chromosomes ranged from 1.46 m to 3.30 m. Five 45S and three 5S rDNA loci identified were assigned to different chromosomes. The C11-350H loci were located on all the mitotic metaphase chromosomes, except chromosomes 2 and 4. The pachytene karyotype consisted of two metacentric (chromosomes 1 and 6), five submetacentric (chromosomes 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10), two subtelocentric (chromosomes 7 and 8), and one acrocentric (chromosome 2) chromosome(s). The mean lengths of ten pachytene chromosomes ranged from 23.7 m to 51.3 m, with a total of 385.3 m, which is 17.5-fold longer than that of the mitotic metaphase chromosomes. In the proposed pachytene karyotype, all the chromosomes of B. rapa ssp. pekinensis can be identified on the basis of chromosome length, centromere position, heterochromatin pattern, and the location of the three repetitive sequences. Moreover, the precise locations of the earlier reported loci of 5S rDNA, 45S rDNA, and Chinese cabbage tandem DNA repeat C11-350H were established using McFISH analysis. We also identified a 5S rDNA locus on the long arm of pachytene bivalent 7, which could not be detected in the mitotic metaphase chromosomes in the present and earlier studies. The deduced karyotype will be useful for structural and functional genomic studies in B. rapa.  相似文献   

A set of 30 accessions of five Curcuma species-C. latifolia, C. malabarica, C. manga and C. raktakanta and 13 morphotypes (identified on the basis of morphological markers) of C. longa conserved in the In Vitro Genebank at National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, were subjected to RAPD analysis. Of the 200 RAPD primers screened, 21 polymorphic primers were selected for further study. Mean genetic similarities based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient ranged from 0.18 to 0.86 in accessions of cultivated species, i.e., C. longa and from 0.25 to 0.86 in wild species. The dendrogram derived from the RAPD data corroborated the morphological classification of the morphotypes. The efficiency of individual RAPD primers was also compared; primers OPC-20, OPO-06, OPC-01 and OPL-03 were adjudged highly informative in discriminating the germplasm of Curcuma.  相似文献   

The regeneration potential and antioxidative enzyme activities of economically important Brassica rapa var. turnip were evaluated. Calli were induced from leaf explants of seed-derived plantlets on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium incorporated with different concentrations of various plant growth regulators (PGRs). The highest leaf explant response (83%) was recorded for 2.0 mg l−1 benzyladenine (BA) and 1.0 mg l−1 α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Subsequent subculturing of callus after 3 weeks of culture, on medium with similar compositions of PGRs, induced shoot organogenesis. The highest shoot induction response (83%) was recorded for 5.0 mg l−1 BA after 5 weeks of transfer. However, 7.8 shoots/explant were recorded for 2.0 mg l−1 BA. The transferring of shoots to elongation medium resulted in 5.1-cm-long shoots on 10 mg l−1 of gibberellic acid (GA3). Rooted plantlets were obtained on MS medium containing different concentrations of indole butyric acid (IBA). The determination of activities of antioxidative enzymes (superoxide dismutase [SOD], ascorbate peroxidase [APX], catalase [CAT], glutathione peroxidase [GPX], and peroxidase [POD]) revealed involvement of these enzymes in callus formation and differentiation. All of the activities were interlinked with each other and played significant roles in the scavenging of toxic free radicals. This study will help in the advancement of a regeneration protocol for B. rapa var. turnip and the understanding of the functions of antioxidative enzymes in plant differentiation.  相似文献   

Dicer-like proteins (DCLs) are involved in small RNA-mediated development and viral defense in plants. In model plants, at least four DCLs have been found and a number of studies have helped to understand their function. However, the function of the Dicer or DCLs in other plants is still unclear. Here, we report the full-length cDNA sequence of Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis DCL2 (BrDCL2) gene, which contains a 4,179 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a protein of 1,392 amino acids. At the 3′ end of BrDCL2, clones with three different lengths of 3′ untranslated region were found. An alternative splice variant of BrDCL2, BrDCL2sv, in which one intron was retained between exon9 and exon10, was also cloned. Because of a change in the coding sequence resulting in a premature terminal codon, BrDCL2sv was expected to translate a short peptide containing the whole DEXHc domain.  相似文献   

Seventy-two Xinjiang Triticum and Triticum polonicum accessions were subjected to AFLP analyses to discuss the origin of Triticum petropavlovskyi. A total of 91 putative loci were produced by four primer combinations. Among them 56 loci were polymorphic, which is equivalent to 61.53 % of the total number of putative loci. Genetic diversity among 11 T. petropavlovskyi accessions was narrow due to the lowest number (32) of polymorphic loci among the wheat species. Forty four polymorphic loci were found in T. aestivum and T. compactum, whereas the highest polymorphism was observed in T. polonicum. On the basis of the UPGMA clustering and PCO grouping and genetic similarity estimates from the AFLPs, we noted that T. petropavlovskyi was more closely related to the Chinese accessions of T. polonicum than to T. polonicum from other countries. Two accessions of T. aestivum were grouped with T. petropavlovskyi in the UPGMA clustering. Both of them were similar to T. petropavlovskyi in respect of spike structure, i.e. the presence of awn, glume awn and also the presence of leaf pubescence. Six loci, which were commonly absent in Chinese T. polonicum, were also absent in almost all of the T. petropavlovskyi accessions. Findings of this study reduced the probability of an independent allopolyploidization event in the origin of T. petropavlovskyi and indicated a greater degree of gene flow between T. aestivum and T. polonicum leading to T. petropavlovskyi. It is most likely that the P-gene of T. petropavlovskyi hexaploid wheat was introduced from T. polonicum to T. aestivum via a spontaneous introgression or breeding effort.  相似文献   

Trigonella is recognized as a medicinal therapist throughout the globe due to its multifaceted rare medicinal properties. It is indigenous from Iran to Northern India but has gained global acceptance towards cultivation and consumption for its yellow-to-amber colored seed which substantially contributes to food, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmetic industry. Genetic diversity serves as an excellent tool for developing improved crop varieties with breeder preferred traits. Unfortunately, very little information available on variability existing in commercial Trigonella genotypes considerably impedes the crop improvement. In this study, ninety Trigonella genotypes belonging to most productive North Indian states were subjected to multilocus genotyping using RAPD (49) and SSR (13) primers and detected an average of 55.60 and 50.16% polymorphism, respectively. The percentage polymorphism range (RAPD, 16.7–90.90; SSR, 33.30–66.66) average band informativeness (RAPD, 0.182–0.85; SSR, 0.21–0.91) and resolving power (RAPD, 0.95–9.984; SSR, 1.68–7.28) obtained revealed the wide range of diversity prevailing among these genotypes. Hierarchical clustering of genotypes in nine different clusters showed Trigonella’s genetic variability has wide genetic distribution across different agro-climatic zones. No consistency was observed while grouping Trigonella varieties based on eco-geographical region. Eventually, knowledge of these genetic differences significantly contributes in designing intra-specific crosses with potential interest to spice breeding programs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of genetic diversity using SSR molecular markers in Trigonella foenum-graecum L.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to identify the highest expressing rubisco small subunit (RbcS) promoters (pRbcS) from the cotyledons of germinating seedlings of Brassica rapa var. oleifera to drive high-level and preferably stage-specific transgenic protein expression in Brassicaceae plants. We cloned four new pRbcS promoters using several approaches, including the construction of a cDNA library and use of genome walking technique. Real-time PCR analysis of RbcS mRNA expression clearly showed that two of these promoters exhibited the highest activity on the germination stage of plant development. We used gusA expression as a reporter of promoter activity in Brassica napus and Nicotiana tabacum plants that were transformed with the constructs using an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation strategy. The mRNA level of RbcS and of gusA was quantified in transformed plants. The data obtained demonstrate that the promoter most active in seedlings under native conditions was also most active in transgenic constructs at the same stage of plant development. The fine structure of the promoters is discussed herein.  相似文献   

Resistance to six known races of black rot in crucifers caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pammel) Dowson is absent or very rare in Brassica oleracea (C genome). However, race specific and broad-spectrum resistance (to type strains of all six races) does appear to occur frequently in other brassica genomes including B. rapa (A genome). Here, we report the genetics of broad spectrum resistance in the B. rapa Chinese cabbage accession B162, using QTL analysis of resistance to races 1 and 4 of the pathogen. A B. rapa linkage map comprising ten linkage groups (A01–A10) with a total map distance of 664 cM was produced, based on 223 AFLP bands and 23 microsatellites from a F2 population of 114 plants derived from a cross between the B. rapa susceptible inbred line R-o-18 and B162. Interaction phenotypes of 125 F2 plants were assessed using two criteria: the percentage of inoculation sites in which symptoms developed, and the severity of symptoms per plant. Resistance to both races was correlated and a cluster of highly significant QTL that explained 24–64% of the phenotypic variance was located on A06. Two additional QTLs for resistance to race 4 were found on A02 and A09. Markers closely linked to these QTL could assist in the transference of the resistance into different B. rapa cultivars or into B. oleracea.  相似文献   

Competitive allele-specific PCR (KASPar) assay is a user-friendly system that provides flexibility in the numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and genotypes. Based on Illumina-GA-IIx genomic data from 10 genotypes with a broad genetic background, 3183 SNPs were selected for KASPar assays development, and 568 were finally converted and selected for Brassica rapa germplasm characterization (17.8%) on the basis of reproducibility, missing data rate, and uniform genetic distribution. High levels of polymorphism of these markers across 231 B. rapa genotypes were verified, illustrating by high polymorphic information content (averaged 0.34), minor allele frequency (0.37), genetic diversity (0.45), and the low observed heterozygosity (0.10). Based on the SNP dataset, structure and principal coordinates analysis, and neighbor-joining phylogenetic methods were used to examine the population structure and gave highly consistent results. The 231 accessions were divided into the four primary subspecies, representing 99 accessions from B. rapa ssp. pekinensis, 85 from B. rapa ssp. chinensis, 30 from B. rapa ssp. rapifera, and 17 from B. rapa ssp. oleifera and were further subdivided into 12 lower-order clusters according to different morphotypes. The genetic variability and pairwise fixation index analysis revealed that the ssp. pekinensis accessions possess the most extensive genetic variation among the four subspecies. The KASPar system is highly useful for validating SNPs and will be valuable for genetics research and breeding applications in B. rapa.  相似文献   

Brassica rapa (Chinese cabbage) is an essential component of traditional Korean food. However, the crop is often subject to zinc (Zn+) toxicity from contaminated irrigation water, which, as a result, compromises plant growth and production, as well as the health of human consumers. The present study investigated the bioaccumulation of Zn+ by Burkholderia cepacia CS2-1 and its effect on the heavy metal tolerance of Chinese cabbage. Strain CS2-1 was identified and characterized on the basis of 16S rRNA sequences and phylogenetic analysis. The strain actively produced indole-3-acetic acid (3.08 ± 0.21 μg/ml) and was also able to produce siderophore, solubilize minerals, and tolerate various concentrations of Zn+. The heavy metal tolerance of B. rapa plants was enhanced by CS2-1 inoculation, as indicated by growth attributes, Zn+ uptake, amino acid synthesis, antioxidant levels, and endogenous hormone (ABA and SA) synthesis. Without inoculation, the application of Zn+ negatively affected the growth and physiology of B. rapa plants. However, CS2-1 inoculation improved plant growth, lowered Zn+ uptake, altered both amino acid regulation and levels of flavonoids and phenolics, and significantly decreased levels of superoxide dismutase, endogenous abscisic acid, and salicylic acid. These findings indicate that B. cepacia CS2-1 is suitable for bioremediation against Zn+-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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