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Summary A survey of qualitative genetic variation at 3 morphological trait loci, 17 isozyme loci and a putative isozyme locus (amylase) was made for 105 lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) germplasm accessions from Chile, Greece and Turkey. New alleles were found for Lap-1, Me-2, Pgm-c, Pgm-p and 6-Pgd-c. The average proportion of polymorphic loci per population was 0.19, with a range of 0 to 0.42 over populations. Germplasm from Chile was equally variable to that from Greece and Turkey on the basis of individual loci and in a multilocus sense, despite its post-Columbus introduction to the New World. Evidence was found from associations between allelic states at different loci of a complex multilocus structure of lentil populations. A single multilocus genotype represented 10.2% of all plants sampled. The rate of outcrossing varied from 2.2% and 2.9% in Turkish and Greek landraces to 6.6% among Chilean populations. Using the survey data, a random sampling strategy for core collection formation was compared with two stratified sampling methods. The advantage of stratified sampling over random sampling was only significant at P=0.28.  相似文献   

Mahar KS  Rana TS  Ranade SA  Meena B 《Gene》2011,485(1):32-39
Sapindus emarginatus is an economically important tropical tree species sparsely distributed in different geographical provinces like Gangetic Plains, Western Ghats, and Deccan Plateau in India. In the present paper estimation of genetic variability within and among 41 accessions representing five populations was carried out using 3 single primer amplification reaction (SPAR) methods viz. RAPD, DAMD and ISSR. The cumulative data analysis was carried out for all three SPAR methods, and showed 82.32% polymorphism across all the accessions of S. emarginatus. Jaccard's similarity values among 41 accessions ranged from 0.15 to 0.49 with an average value of 0.37. The intra-population genetic diversity revealed highest values of Nei's genetic diversity (0.19,) Shannon information index (0.29) and polymorphic loci (55.18%), among the accessions of Gujarat (GJ) population, while the corresponding lowest values were (0.10), (0.15) and (26.40%) respectively among the accessions of Rajasthan (RJ) population. The maximum inter-population average genetic distance (0.20) was between Karnataka (KA) and RJ, while the corresponding least genetic distance (0.06) was between Allahabad (AL) and Varanasi (VS) populations. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed maximum percentage of variation among individuals of populations (72%) followed by 16% among regions and 12% among populations. Principal coordinate analysis (PCA) of cumulative data also supported the clustering pattern in the UPGMA dendrogram. These results suggest that genetic diversity is corroborating with the geographical diversity. Mantel's test was performed which revealed a highly significant correlation between cumulative vs RAPD, and showed the maximum (0.93) correlation coefficient, followed by cumulative vs ISSR (0.78) and cumulative vs DAMD (0.91) respectively, and this clearly indicates that the SPAR methods (RAPD, DAMD and ISSR) are sufficiently informative and are suitable to analyze the genetic variability within and among the populations of S. emarginatus.  相似文献   

Liu K  Goodman M  Muse S  Smith JS  Buckler E  Doebley J 《Genetics》2003,165(4):2117-2128
Two hundred and sixty maize inbred lines, representative of the genetic diversity among essentially all public lines of importance to temperate breeding and many important tropical and subtropical lines, were assayed for polymorphism at 94 microsatellite loci. The 2039 alleles identified served as raw data for estimating genetic structure and diversity. A model-based clustering analysis placed the inbred lines in five clusters that correspond to major breeding groups plus a set of lines showing evidence of mixed origins. A "phylogenetic" tree was constructed to further assess the genetic structure of maize inbreds, showing good agreement with the pedigree information and the cluster analysis. Tropical and subtropical inbreds possess a greater number of alleles and greater gene diversity than their temperate counterparts. The temperate Stiff Stalk lines are on average the most divergent from all other inbred groups. Comparison of diversity in equivalent samples of inbreds and open-pollinated landraces revealed that maize inbreds capture <80% of the alleles in the landraces, suggesting that landraces can provide additional genetic diversity for maize breeding. The contributions of four different segments of the landrace gene pool to each inbred group's gene pool were estimated using a novel likelihood-based model. The estimates are largely consistent with known histories of the inbreds and indicate that tropical highland germplasm is poorly represented in maize inbreds. Core sets of inbreds that capture maximal allelic richness were defined. These or similar core sets can be used for a variety of genetic applications in maize.  相似文献   

The objective was to assess by simulation the efficacy of population structure analysis in plant breeding. Twelve populations and 300 inbred lines were simulated and genotyped using 100 microsatellite loci. The experimental material included populations with and without admixture, ancestry relationship and linkage disequilibrium, and with distinct levels of genetic differentiation and effective sizes. The analyses were performed using Structure software and employed all available models. For all the group number (K) tested, for both populations and inbred lines, the admixture model with correlated allelic frequencies provided the highest value for the logarithm of the marginal likelihood. Fitting appropriate model and using adequate sample size for individuals and markers, Structure was effective in identifying the correct population structure, migrants and individuals with genome from distinct populations. The linkage model did not result in an improvement in clustering relative to the admixture model with correlated allelic frequencies. The inclusion of prior information did not change the results; for some K values the analyses showed slight higher values of the marginal likelihood. The reduction in the number of individuals and markers negatively affected the results. There was a high variation in the most probable K value between the evaluated methods.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic diversity, population structure, and the level and distribution of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in target populations are of great importance and the prerequisite for association mapping. In the present study, 145 genome-wide SSR markers were used to assess the genetic diversity, population structure, and LD of a set of 95 maize inbred lines which represented the Chinese maize inbred lines. Results showed that the population included a diverse genetic variation. A model-based population structure analysis subdivided the inbred lines into four subgroups that correspond to the four major empirical germplasm origins in China, i.e., Lancaster, Reid, Tangsipingtou and P. Among all of the inbred lines, 65.3% were assigned into the corresponding subgroups; others were assigned into a “mixed” subgroup. LD was significant at a 0.01 level between 63.89% of the SSR pairs in the entire sample and with a range of 18.75–40.28% in the subgroups. Among factors influencing LD, linkage was the major cause for LD of SSR loci. The results suggested that the population may be used in the detection of genome-wide SSR marker–phenotype association. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. R. Wang and Y. Yu contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   

The inheritance of yield-related traits in melon (Cucumis melo L.; 2n = 2x = 24) is poorly understood, and the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for such traits has not been reported. Therefore, a set of 81 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) was developed from a cross between the monoecious, highly branched line USDA 846-1 and a standard vining, andromonoecious cultivar, ‘Top Mark’. The RIL, parental lines, and three control cultivars (‘Esteem’, ‘Sol Dorado’, and ‘Hales Best Jumbo’) were grown at Hancock, WI and El Centro, CA in 2002, and evaluated for primary branch number (PB), fruit number per plant (FN), fruit weight per plant (FW), average weight per fruit (AWF), and percentage of mature fruit per plot (PMF). A 190-point genetic map was constructed using 114 RAPD, 43 SSR, 32 AFLP markers, and one phenotypic trait. Fifteen linkage groups spanned 1,116 cM with a mean marker interval of 5.9 cM. A total of 37 QTL were detected in both locations (PB = 6, FN = 9, FW = 12, AWF = 5, and PMF = 5). QTL analyses revealed four location-independent factors for PB (pb1.1, pb1.2, pb2.3, and pb10.5), five for FN (fn1.1, fn1.2, fn1.3, fn2.4, and fn8.8), four for FW (fw5.8, fw6.10, fw8.11, and fw8.12), two for AWF (awf1.3 and awf8.5), and one for PMF (pmf10.4). The significant (P ≤ 0.05) positive phenotypic correlations observed among PB, FN, and FW, and negative phenotypic correlations between PB and AWF and between FN and AWF were consistent with the genomic locations and effects (negative vs. positive) of the QTL detected. Results indicate that genes resident in highly branched melon types have potential for increasing yield in US Western Shipping type germplasm via marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Festuca arundinacea Schreb., commonly known as tall fescue, is a major forage crop in temperate regions. Recently, a molecular analysis of different accessions of a world germplasm collection of tall fescue has demonstrated that it contains different species from the genus Festuca and allowed their rapid classification into the three major morphotypes (Continental, Mediterranean and Rhizomatous). In this study, we explored the genetic diversity of 161 accessions of Festuca species from 29 countries, including 28 accessions of INTA (Argentina), by analyzing 15 polymorphic SSR markers by capillary electrophoresis. These molecular markers allowed us to detect a total of 214 alleles. The number of alleles per locus varied between 5 and 24, and the values of polymorphic information content ranged from 0.627 to 0.840. In addition, the accessions analyzed by flow cytometry showed different ploidy levels (diploid, tetraploid, hexaploid and octaploid), placing in evidence that the world germplasm collection consisted of multiple species, as previously suggested. Interestingly, almost all accessions of INTA germplasm collection were true hexaploid tall fescue, belonging to two eco-geographic races (Continental and Mediterranean). Finally, the data presented revealed an ample genetic diversity of tall fescue showing the importance of preserving the INTA collection for future breeding programs.  相似文献   

Selection of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from elite hybrids is a key method in maize breeding especially in developing countries. The RILs are normally derived by repeated self-pollination and selection. In this study, we first investigated the accuracy of different models in predicting the performance of F1 hybrids between RILs derived from two elite maize inbred lines Zong3 and 87-1, and then compared these models through simulation using a wider range of genetic models. Results indicated that appropriate prediction models depended on genetic architecture, e.g., combined model using breeding value and genome-wide prediction (BV+GWP) has the highest prediction accuracy for high V D/V A ratio (>0.5) traits. Theoretical studies demonstrated that different components of genetic variance were captured by different prediction models, which in turn explained the accuracy of these models in predicting the F1 hybrid performance. Based on genome-wide prediction model (GWP), 114 untested F1 hybrids possibly having higher grain yield than the original F1 hybrid Yuyu22 (the single cross between Zong3 and 87-1) have been identified and recommended for further field test.  相似文献   

Summary A design and model are presented to allow the prediction, in early generations, of the mean and distribution of recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between two parental populations or partially inbred lines. The procedure has been tested in autumn-sown onions (in the UK) using a wide cross between the openpollinated Japanese cultivar, Senshyu, and a partially inbred line derived from the European cultivar, Rawska. The early generations used for prediction included the first self-pollinated generation of the two parental populations and the F3 generation produced from the hybrid population. The predictions were tested by reference to the field performance of a random array of inbred lines, which were produced by single-seed descent (SSD) and had been selfed for three generations. The early generations, used for prediction, and a sample of SSD lines were raised alongside each other in each of two seasons. Within each season, good agreement was found between the predicted and observed performance of the recombinant inbred lines for three characters — yield, quality and maturity. This is used as evidence of the validity of the genetical model and the assumptions made. The effects of genotype x environment interactions prevented predictions made in one season being reliably applied to those made in the other and, therefore, reduce the attraction of this type of prediction study to the plant breeder.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology - Globally, the chickpea is the second most important dried grain legume after bean. Mexico occupies eighth place as producer and fourth as exporter...  相似文献   

Natural populations are becoming increasingly fragmented which is expected to affect their viability due to inbreeding depression, reduced genetic diversity and increased sensitivity to demographic and environmental stochasticity. In small and highly inbred populations, the introduction of only a few immigrants may increase vital rates significantly. However, very few studies have quantified the long‐term success of immigrants and inbred individuals in natural populations. Following an episode of natural immigration to the isolated, severely inbred Scandinavian wolf (Canis lupus) population, we demonstrate significantly higher pairing and breeding success for offspring to immigrants compared to offspring from native, inbred pairs. We argue that inbreeding depression is the underlying mechanism for the profound difference in breeding success. Highly inbred wolves may have lower survival during natal dispersal as well as competitive disadvantage to find a partner. Our study is one of the first to quantify and compare the reproductive success of first‐generation offspring from migrants vs. native, inbred individuals in a natural population. Indeed, our data demonstrate the profound impact single immigrants can have in small, inbred populations, and represent one of very few documented cases of genetic rescue in a population of large carnivores.  相似文献   

Isozymes were used to investigate the genetic variability, population structure, and relationships of Lactuca germplasm. The isozyme systems revealed 16 putative loci of a total of 31 alleles. Out of these 16 loci, 11 were polymorphic. The average values of expected heterozygosity (He), observed heterozygosity (Ho), mean number of alleles per locus (A) and effective number of alleles per locus (Ae) were 0.2227, 0.266, 1.3005 and 1.369, respectively. The average fixation indices were lower than zero for most of the accessions studied, indicating an excess of heterozygotes. Genetic differentiation among accessions (FST) exhibited that 51.3% of the isozyme variation was recorded among accessions, and 48.7% of the genetic variation resided within accessions. The average values of total heterozygosity (HT) and intra-accessional genetic diversity (HS) were 0.352 and 0.171, respectively. Moreover, the inter-accessional genetic diversity (DST) ranged from 0 to 0.424 with an average of 0.18. Cluster analysis revealed that L. sativa cultivars were distributed throughout different Lactuca species. Thereby, isozymes results confirms the hypothesis of the polyphyletic origin of L. sativa. This high level of genetic variation proved that isozymes are efficient for polymorphism analysis of Lactuca germplasm.  相似文献   

Larval performance of Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (corn earworm) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was examined on 240 recombinant inbred (RI) soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, lines. These homozygous RI were derived from an intraspecific cross of genetically distant, non-resistant, parents, Minsoy from China and Noir 1 from Hungary. Based upon a genetic map of more than 500 molecular markers, each RI line presented a unique genotype composed of a mixture of different parental alleles. The RI lines exhibited transgressive segregation with respect to their defensive effects on H. zea, such that the range of RI phenotypes far exceeded that of the parents. Similar effects were observed on the soybean looper, Pseudoplusia includens (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). We identified several independent quantitative trait loci (QTLs) linked to molecular markers that were associated with H. zea larval development parameters. Two QTLs affected several different traits including larval weight and developmental rate; other QTLs affected only a single trait each, i.e., larval weight, pupal weight, developmental rate, nutritional efficiency or survival. The results demonstrate that the increased range of defensive effects among the segregant RI lines is due to recombination among several parental genes that together quantitatively control plant defensive traits.Several alternative responses by herbivores have been proposed relative to plant hybrid swarms, hybrid avoidance due to higher hybrid resistance than either parent, hybrid preference due to lower resistance than either parent, hybrid equivalency to one or the other parent, or hybrid intermediacy. Within this RI population, we observed all of the proposed responses by H. zea, as might be expected when defensive traits are controlled by several genes.  相似文献   

An analysis of the sequences of scyllatoxin and charybdotoxin suggested that it would be possible to design a core peptide sequence which would still fold to give the β-hairpin and helix seen in the toxins, but which would eliminate one disulfide and connecting residues. The core sequence was modeled, then synthesized and purified. The cysteines oxidize in air to give the same disulfide pairings as seen in the parent toxins as the major product. The three-dimensional structure of the core sequence peptide, termed Max, was determined using proton NMR spectroscopy and found to be identical in secondary structure to the toxins. However differences were found in the relative orientation of the β-hairpin and helix. The use of this structural motif, found in many insect toxins, as a disulfide framework for exploring sequence/structure/activity relationships is discussed. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Agronomic evaluation of inbred lines derived from tissue cultures of maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Tissue culture-induced variation has been proposed as a novel source of variation for crop improvement. In maize (Zea mays L.), chromosome aberrations and qualitative genetic variants have been induced during in vitro culture. The proportion of regenerated plants carrying such variants has been shown to increase with culture age. The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between culture age and somaclonal variation for several agronomic traits. Six sib-pollinated ears of S0 (F2) plants in four OH43 ms/A188 populations each provided control seed and embryos for culture initiation. S2 lines derived from control seed and from plants regenerated 4 and 8 months after culture initiation were grouped according to their source ear and grown in 6 separate trials. A total of 305 tissue culture-derived and 48 control lines were evaluated as lines per se and in a testcross at each of three locations. Tissue culturederived lines and their testcrosses generally had lower grain yield and moisture. Since grain yield and moisture were not positively correlated in any trial, the highest yielding lines could be selected without increasing grain moisture. Grain yield and plant height tended to decrease with culture age. Although tissue culture-derived lines were, on average, inferior, the highest yielding line per se in three of six trials and the top-ranked line in five of six trials for yield and moisture were derived from tissue culture. The results indicate that tissue culture may generate variation for agronomic traits. Some of the variation, particularly the trend towards earlier maturity, could be useful. However, this method may require screening large populations because of the tendency to generate a large proportion of inferior lines.Contribution from Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108. Minnesota Agric. Exp. Stn. Scientific Journal Series Paper No. 15,172  相似文献   

Germplasm diversity is the mainstay for crop improvement and genetic dissection of complex traits. Understanding genetic diversity, population structure, and the level and distribution of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in target populations is of great importance and a prerequisite for association mapping. In this study, 100 genome-wide simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to assess genetic diversity, population structure, and LD of 416 rice accessions including landraces, cultivars and breeding lines collected mostly in China. A model-based population structure analysis divided the rice materials into seven subpopulations. 63% of the SSR pairs in these accessions were in LD, which was mostly due to an overall population structure, since the number of locus pairs in LD was reduced sharply within each subpopulation, with the SSR pairs in LD ranging from 5.9 to 22.9%. Among those SSR pairs showing significant LD, the intrachromosomal LD had an average of 25–50 cM in different subpopulations. Analysis of the phenotypic diversity of 25 traits showed that the population structure accounted for an average of 22.4% of phenotypic variation. An example association mapping for starch quality traits using both the candidate gene mapping and genome-wide mapping strategies based on the estimated population structure was conducted. Candidate gene mapping confirmed that the Wx and starch synthase IIa (SSIIa) genes could be identified as strongly associated with apparent amylose content (AAC) and pasting temperature (PT), respectively. More importantly, we revealed that the Wx gene was also strongly associated with PT. In addition to the major genes, we found five and seven SSRs were associated with AAC and PT, respectively, some of which have not been detected in previous linkage mapping studies. The results suggested that the population may be useful for the genome-wide marker–trait association mapping. This new association population has the potential to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) with small effects, which will aid in dissecting complex traits and in exploiting the rich diversity present in rice germplasm.  相似文献   

野古草种群克隆的遗传变异和遗传结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用酶电泳法和同工酶分析对东北松嫩草原西北部野古草种群克隆遗传变异性和种群遗传结构做了探讨。讨论了遗传多样性、地理距离和遗传距离之间的关系、大种群和小种群的遗传变异性和种群间的基因流 ;种群间 ,包括大种群和小种群间基因流、遗传和地理距离对遗传多样性的影响、昆虫和风传粉、种群籽苗的补充、遗传多样性的发生和保持 ,自交不亲和性和无性繁殖及体细胞突变  相似文献   

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