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The rockshelter of Mochi, on the Ligurian coast of Italy, is often used as a reference point in the formation of hypotheses concerning the arrival of the Aurigancian in Mediterranean Europe. Yet, the site is poorly known. Here, we describe the stratigraphic sequence based on new field observations and present 15 radiocarbon determinations from the Middle Palaeolithic (late Mousterian) and Early Upper Palaeolithic (Aurignacian and Gravettian) levels. The majority of dates were produced on humanly modified material, specifically marine shell beads, which comprise some of the oldest directly-dated personal ornaments in Europe. The radiocarbon results are incorporated into a Bayesian statistical model to build a new chronological framework for this key Palaeolithic site. A tentative correlation of the stratigraphy to palaeoclimatic records is also attempted.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(3):166-177
The avian fossil assemblages from the late Pleistocene deposits of the Rio Secco Cave (north-eastern Italy) is presented herein. We studied the layers that date back to the end of MIS3 and the beginning of MIS2, which also contain evidence of Gravettian frequentation dated to 33.5–30 ka cal BP. The systematic analysis revealed the presence of 18 species and other supraspecific taxa that supported palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Taxa indicate that, at the onset of LGM, site surroundings were characterised by conifer or mixed forests, open grasslands, slow-flowing water bodies and mountain meadows with rocky outcrops, as indicated by Lagopus muta. Today, this environment is found above the tree line (beyond 1500–2000 m) and cannot be detected near the site, located at 580 m asl. Noteworthy, is also the finding of the second Italian late Pleistocene fossil record of Picus canus.  相似文献   

Palynological and sedimentological analyses were performed on Miocene sediments of North-East Tunisia in order to detect the changes in depositional environments, including those linked to eustasy, along with changes in vegetation and climate. The specific integration of palynological (pollen and dinocysts) and sedimentological (including facies analysis) data indicate that shallow marine settings persisted until the early Burdigalian–Langhian, and that open marine environments developed progressively in the late Langhian. Since the early Serravallian, deltaic environments developed under a fluctuating, but predominantly warm climate. The palynological data support a subtropical climate during the Burdigalian, with tropical conditions prevailing at the Langhian–Serravallian transition. The observed high frequency values of megathermic and mega-mesothermic pollen taxa represent the vegetation response to the Miocene climatic optimum (MCO).  相似文献   

Several faunal assemblages excavated in deposits of different antiquity (from Lower Paleolithic to Bronze Age), located in Northern, Central and Southern Italy, were studied from the archeozoological and taphonomic point of view. Data obtained by different Authors allow reconstruction of subsistence strategies adopted by prehistoric humans in these areas and through time, in particular as far as the exploitation of animal resources is concerned. The following assemblages were considered: Isernia La Pineta (Molise; Lower Paleolithic), Grotta Breuil (Latium; Middle Paleolithic), Grotta della Ghiacciaia (Verona; Middle Paleolithic), Riparo di Fumane and Riparo Tagliente (Verona; Middle and Upper Paleolithic), Riparo Mochi (Liguria; Upper Paleolithic), Grotta della Continenza (L'Aquila; Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic), Grotta dell'Edera (Trieste; Mesolithic and Neolithic), Grotta della Cala at Marina di Camerota (Salerno; Eneolithic), Contraguda (Sassari; Neolithic), Castellaro Lagusello (Mantova; Bronze Age). Exploitation of the vegetal resources has been analyzed in the Neolithic sites of Colle Santo Stefano (Fucino), Settefonti (L'Aquila) and Catignano (Pescara).  相似文献   

The Holocene strata in the Anderson Inlet area in Victoria can be stratigraphically divided into four units, Unit I, Unit II, Unit III, and Unit IV. Unit I and Unit IV lack fossils and were deposited in non-marine, probably fluvial environments. Unit II and Unit III contain abundant foraminifera with molluscs, ostracods and bryozoans. Foraminiferal analysis suggests that Unit III was formed in a partially sheltered marine environment, while the high plankton content and relatively high diversity of benthic species in Unit II indicate that this unit was deposited in an open bay at water depths possibly less than 5 m. The foraminiferal data are integrated with radiocarbon dates to arrive at the following Holocene palaeoenvironmental history in this area: (1) low alluvial plain stage (10,000–7000 yr B.P.); (2) open bay environment stage (7000–5500 yr B.P.); (3) partially sheltered marine environment stage (5500–4500 yr B.P.); (4) alluvial plain and coastal lagoon environment stage (since about 4500 yr B.P.). The foraminiferal fauna show a clear response to these palaeoenvironmental changes. Globigerina bulloides can be used as an indicator for cold water marine environments. The high concentration of this species in these middle Holocene sediments shows a strong cold water influence on the coastal environments which reduced the effect of regional warm currents during this period. The Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the area were controlled by the Holocene sea-level fluctuations associated with the deglaciation history during this period. Similar integrated studies of shallow to marginal marine strata in southern Africa, America and New Zealand will lead to a better understanding of Holocene relative sea-level change and the interplay between Holocene cold and warm water regimes in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Mitoc–Malu Galben (Romania) is one of the key-sites for the Upper Palaeolithic in Eastern Europe, with abundant Upper Palaeolithic archaeological layers embedded in a ∼14 meters long loess-palaeosol sequence. The excavations in 1978–1990 yielded rich remains of Aurignacian and Gravettian workshops. From 1992 to 1995, an international collaboration helped better define their stratigraphical position, age, and typological characteristics. Since 2013, our team has conducted new fieldwork focusing on interdisciplinary study of site formation processes and a detailed technological study of the lithic artefacts. These different excavation phases have employed quite substantially different fieldwork methodologies. Here, we explore the impact of the changing excavation methodologies on the comparability of the generated assemblages by analyzing the frequency of bladelets among the elongated blanks as well as the length distribution of elongated blanks. Our preliminary study allows us to suggest that some of the assemblages seem to be influenced by the fieldwork methodology employed by each excavation phase, but more studies are needed to start to understand how the assemblages are biased.  相似文献   

The cultural facies called Final Gravettian is rare, restricted only to four reference sites located in the south half of France. Three of them yielded rectangular beads, which constitute a category of ornaments that seems to be characteristic of this late phase of the Gravettian. The series of 85 rectangular beads from the level 2 of the Abri Pataud (Dordogne) was the object of a targeted study aiming first at determining in which raw material these beads were made that turned out to be mammoth ivory for the great part. Therefore, the question of what are the techniques used to make these beads. In order to answer an experimental approach was managed with a constant dialogue with the archaeological context. This allow us to contribute to an enlarged discussion about the lifestyles of people who lived during the Final Gravettian and more precisely about the role played by the mammoth within a nomadic hunter-gatherer society with an economy essentially based on the exploitation of the reindeer.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(4):455-464
Cussac Cave presents a unique combination of parietal art and several hundred parts of scattered human remains, dated to the Middle Gravettian (29–28,000 cal BP). The cave is protected as a National Heritage site. As a result, only noninvasive bioanthropological analyses are allowed, consisting of in situ observations and the study of 3D models obtained by photogrammetry. Here we present the first results of these analyses of the human remains from Locus 3. Only 65 of the 106 human skeletal fragments and bones could be firmly identified. Virtual analyses were carried out on 3D models of 16 skeletal elements so that osteometric data could be provided. Despite the limitations inherent in studying commingled remains and those specific to Cussac Cave, the search for virtual pair-matching, articular congruence, and osteometric sorting allowed the allocation of twelve bones to three individuals, one late adolescent and two adults.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(4):417-441
Bat remains are useful for palaeoecological reconstructions, they provide independent information on palaeoenvironment and are good indicators for hypogean microclimates. Nine taxa of Chiroptera divided into three families (Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae and Miniopteridae) and four genera (Rhinolophus, Myotis, Plecotus and Miniopterus) were discovered in three fossil assemblages from the Grotta dei Pipistrelli, in Sicily, a key region for an understanding of Quaternary climates and environments. Bat remains were deposited during three distinct timespans: one late Pleistocene, MIS 2, around the Last Glacial Maximum, and two Holocene, both referable to the Atlantic chronozone. The presence of yearlings, adult and old individuals suggests hibernating colonies, but the cave was also utilized as a nursery. The diversity of taxa indicates a composite landscape with prevailing vegetation cover and relatively warm climatic conditions. The percentage variations of the frequencies of the recognized taxa suggest a progressive increase of open spaces in the middle Holocene.  相似文献   

This article presents the main skeletal characteristics of the two largely unpublished Gravettian adult skeletons from Baousso da Torre (Liguria, Italy). BT1 and BT2 were two adult tall males, who died aged respectively between 20 and 50 years, and between 20 and 30 years. Their body proportions fall within the range of variation known for the middle Upper Paleolithic, and their skeletal remains are characterized by considerable osteometric values, which fall consistently in the upper part of the Upper Paleolithic male sample variation. They show a high degree of upper limb lateralization, implying that they were likely involved in strenuous and/or repetitive unimanual tasks. They also exhibit very robust lower limbs, likely related to repeated long-distance travels in mountainous terrains. These results are in total agreement with previous hypotheses on Late Pleistocene population behavioral patterns.  相似文献   

Opening towards the eastern steppe landmass, the Eastern Romania area covers 87,500 km2, and shelters the biggest number of Gravettian and Epigravettian sites currently known. Archaeological researches in the area expanded in the 1950's, during the construction of dams on the Prut and Bistrița valleys. The efforts of the multidisciplinary teams involved and the subsequently published papers highlighted the archaeological potential of the region and, with some inevitable interruptions, investigations continued to this day. Although the time and resources spent were not modest, the outcomes regarding the Upper Palaeolithic cultural sequence often proved contradictory and somehow distant from the general European cultural dynamic. Thus, this reassessment tries to put the chronological, palaeoenvironmental, and empirical data in a more coherent framework. A synthesis of the available Gravettian and Epigravettian data east of the Carpathians reveals the following sequence: (1) an Aurignacian stage on the Prut Valley, paralleled by an indefinite Upper Palaeolithic stage, from sites on the Bistrița Valley, between 31 and 28 ka (uncal BP); (2) a quite early Gravettian presence, roughly between 27 and 25.5 ka, which includes backed laminar blanks, schematic decoration of one pendant, and the use of perforated shells as adornments; (3) a scant shouldered points stage, chronologically close to the European similar phases (25–23 ka), for which the feeble use of obsidian points toward contacts with Central European resources/populations; (4) a Gravettian/Epigravettian interface, between 21 and 19 ka, manifested within numerous archaeological layers, mainly through an increase in bladelets and organic artefacts production/use; (5) an Epigravettian stage, between 18 and 16 ka, largely defined through an upturn in raw material choices, backed implements production, and tool types; (6) one last, roughly 14 ka old Epigravettian stage, in which the technological choices recalled those of the previous one. Regional variability elements and radiocarbon chronology limitations considered, apparently, the Gravettian and the Epigravettian of Eastern Romania share quite a lot of traits with the corresponding Central and Eastern European technocomplexes.  相似文献   

A detailed mass balance on nitrogen was carried out in shallow and hypertrophic Lake Søbygård during 4.5 years before through 2.5 years after a 36 % reduction in nitrogen loading. Annual mean loss rate of nitrogen was 159–229 mg N m−2 d−1 before the loading reduction and 125 mg N m−2 d−1 after. In spite of a short hydraulic retention time (18–27 days) the proportion of nitrogen loading lost in the lake was high (38–53 %) and not affected by changes in loading. Calculated denitrification accounted for 86–93% of the loss rate, while 7–14% was permanently buried. Marked seasonal variations in the loss percentage were found during the season, ranging from 23 % in first quarter to 65 % in third quarter. The seasonal variation in the loss percentage of nitrogen showed a hysteresis like relationship to temperature, with a high percentage in fourth quarter. This suggests that the amount of available substrate, which mainly consists of sedimentated phytoplankton, accumulated during summer, is an important regulating factor. The ability of various published input-output models to predict the observed changes in in-lake nitrogen concentration in Lake Søbygård was tested. This study has further confirmed that small lakes with short retention and high nitrogen loading may significantly reduce the nitrogen loading of downstream aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis, supplemented by 5 14C dates, was carried out on the lateglacial section (160 cm) of a core retrieved from the glacial Lake Trilistnika (2216 m) in the northwestern Rila Mountains (Bulgaria). The reconstruction of the lateglacial vegetation history is linked for the first time to a chronological framework for the time window 13000–10000 b.p. The delimitation of an interstadial/stadial cycle, analogous with the Bølling/Allerød-Younger Dryas from Western Europe, is based on important changes in the pollen stratigraphy. Mountain-steppe vegetation composed of Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Poaceae and other cold-resistant herbs, with isolated stands of Pinus and Juniperus-Ephedra shrubland, dominated the landscape after the ice-retreat. Interstadial conditions were established before 12815±130 b.p. The spread of tree vegetation at lower elevation as a response to the climate improvement was confined to the time interval 12110±95–11140±75 b.p. The Younger Dryas stadial is characterised by a re-advance of the mountain-steppe vegetation. The results are compared with other sites of lateglacial age from the high mountains (Rila, northern Pirin, western Rhodopes) in southern Bulgaria.  相似文献   

The juvenile occipital bone from the site of Malladetes in Valencia (Spain) is described and compared with other European Pleistocene representatives of the genus Homo. This specimen derives from a Gravettian cultural context and has been AMS radiocarbon-dated to 25,120 +/- 240 years BP. As such, it provides evidence on early modern human anatomy from the Central Mediterranean region of the Iberian peninsula. The clear evidence for a late survival of Neandertals in southern Iberia, has led to considerable debate surrounding the biological and cultural interactions between these Pleistocene humans and their early modern human successors, and it is within this context that the Malladetes specimen represents an important contribution to the discussion. The recently discovered Upper Paleolithic infant from the site of Lagar Velho in Portugal is said to show a mosaic of Neandertal and early modern human characteristics throughout the skeleton and is argued to represent the strongest evidence yet recovered in favor of hybridization between these two Pleistocene populations. Our analysis of the Malladetes occipital, however, reveals no evidence of Neandertal genetic influence.  相似文献   

Studies of cultural artifacts and faunal remains from European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic sites indicate a shift in hunter gatherer subsistence strategies, involving an intensification and diversification of resource exploitation relative to earlier foragers during the Tardiglacial and Postglacial periods. This trend has been recognized as well through the analysis of non-pathological skeletal adaptations of the upper limbs of European Upper Paleolithic human fossils. These paleoanthropological studies of adaptive bone modeling also raise the question of female use of throwing-based weapon technology in the Upper Paleolithic. Here, we studied another type of osteological marker of activity, enthesopathies, of the upper limb remains of 37 European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic human fossils, with the goal of testing two hypotheses: 1) that activity levels were heightened at the end of Upper Paleolithic and into the Mesolithic relative to earlier foragers of the Gravettian, and 2) that there was an absence of a marked sexual division of labor in European hunter-gatherers during this time span. Our results are consistent with the first hypothesis; upper limb enthesopathies are significantly less frequent in the Gravettian group, but raise doubts about the second hypothesis. Four males exhibit lesions that can be confidently associated with throwing activities, while no females exhibit such lesions.  相似文献   

Chironomid headcapsules were used to reconstruct late glacial and early-Holocene summer temperatures at Lago Piccolo di Avigliana (LPA). Two training sets (northern Sweden, North America) were used to infer temperatures. The reconstructed patterns of temperature change agreed well with the GRIP and NGRIP δ18O records. Inferred temperatures were high during the Bølling (ca 19 °C), slowly decreased to ca 17.5 °C during the Allerød, reached lowest temperatures (ca 16 °C) during the Younger Dryas, and increased to ca. 18.5 °C during the Preboreal. The amplitudes of change at climate transitions (i.e. Oldest Dryas/Bølling: 3 °C, Allerød/Younger Dryas: 1.5 °C, and Younger Dryas/Preboreal: 2.5 °C) were smaller than in the northern Alps but similar to those recorded at another site in northeastern Italy. Our results suggest that (1) Allerød temperatures were higher in the southern Alps and (2) higher during the Preboreal (1 °C) than during the Allerød. These differences might provide an explanation for the different responses of terrestrial-vegetation to late glacial and early-Holocene climatic changes in the two regions. Other sites on both sides of the Alps should be studied to confirm these two hypotheses.  相似文献   

Osmorhiza longistylis is an herbaceous perennial that grows in woodlands of eastern and central North America. In northcentral Kentucky seeds ripen in early to mid July, and dispersal begins in September and October. Although most of the seeds are shed during late autumn and winter, some remain on the dead shoots for up to 18 months. Seeds are dormant at maturity due to an underdeveloped embryo. Embryos grew at low (5 C) temperatures, but only after seeds were given a period of warm (30/15 C) stratification. With an increase in the length of the warm treatment, there was an increase in the number of embryos that grew to full length during a 12-wk period at 5 C and an increase in the percentage of seeds that germinated. Seeds given 12 wk of warm stratification required more than 8 wk at 5 C to overcome dormancy. Embryos in freshly-matured seeds averaged 0.60 mm long, but those in seeds given 12 wk warm plus 12 wk cold stratification averaged 8.86 mm. Lengths of embryos of seeds kept moist at 30/15 and 5 C for 24 wk averaged 0.63 and 0.89 mm, respectively. Regardless of age and dispersal time, imbibed seeds must be exposed to high (i.e., summer or autumn) and then to low (i.e., winter) temperatures before they will germinate. Consequently, germination occurs only in spring.  相似文献   

The uplift of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau dramatically changed the regional topography and climate, profoundly impacting the distribution of many plant lineages. Plant responses to environmental changes are particularly prominent in lineages that require ecological factors differentiated from those present before the uplift of the QTP. Two fossil occurrences of Christella H. Lév., Fl. Kouy–Tchéou (Thelypteridaceae), a fern genus now distributed mainly at low elevations of the pantropics with warm and moist habitats, are described based on fossilized Cenozoic leaf fronds recovered from SW China: late Paleocene Christella nervosa (J. R. Tao) C. L. Xu, T. Su & Z. K. Zhou comb. nov. found in Liuqu, southern Tibet and middle Miocene Christella sp. recovered from the Jinggu Basin in western Yunnan. The frond fossils from both sites share key morphological characteristics that diagnose these fossils as Christella. After detailed comparisons, we further clarified Christella papilio (C. Hope) Holttum, a species distributed in warm, humid habitats at altitudes no more than 1300?m, as the nearest living relative of C. nervosa. This finding suggested that southern Tibet had not reached its present elevation during the late Paleocene (ca. 56 Ma). We propose that the uplift, accompanied by severe cooling and aridification after the late Paleocene, caused the disappearance of Christella in southern Tibet, whereas paleoenvironmental conditions enabled the genus to survive in Yunnan. Our study provides the first example of distributional constraints of ferns in SW China in response to paleoenvironmental changes in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and nearby areas.  相似文献   

Focusing on central Europe, the present article aims at appraising the unity of the lithic technical systems related to the early Gravettian of the Swabian Jura and Lower Austria, generally treated as distinct cultural entities. Until recently, our knowledge of the Swabian Gravettian was known only through partial studies. Furthermore, according to the 14C dates available until the mid-nineties, the Swabian Gravettian tended to be attributed to a recent phase of this techno-complex, in contrast to the first manifestations of the Gravettian in the Middle Danube region. However, in the light of the new 14C dates, it appears today that the Swabian Gravettian doubtlessly belongs to the early stage of this techno-complex, in that comparable with the Gravettian of Weinberghöhlen in Bavaria or the early Gravettian of Willendorf II in Lower Austria. Our comparative study, integrating both typology and technology, deals with two reference sites with regard to the appearance and evolution of the Gravettian in Central Europe, Geißenklösterle and Willendorf II. The present study is a contribution to integrate the early stage of the Gravettian of this part of Europe in a broader discussion concerning the emergence of the generic cultural features of the Gravettian in its socioeconomical and cultural dimension, if we wish to progress in our understanding of what matters in the transition from the Aurignacian to the Gravettian.  相似文献   

Late Pennsylvanian succession of the Picos de Europa Unit (Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain) constitutes one of the few exposed marine strata of this age in Western Europe. It consists of synorogenic deposits that accumulated in piggy-back basins developed during the latest stages of the Variscan orogeny. The 11 mappable 3rd, 4th–5th order depositional sequences that form the succession were subdivided in higher-order cycles (5th order) and grouped into two sequence sets. Fusulinoidean faunas have allowed dating of these strata (late Myachkovian-Gzhelian) and to characterize each depositional sequence. Sequence stratigraphy, coupled with sedimentological and paleontological analysis have enabled the reconstruction of a sea level curve that may shed light on Late Pennsylvanian global events and faunal migrations. These studies suggest potential correlations between late Moscovian cycles recognized both in the Cantabrian Mountains and in the Moscow Basin. Sudden appearances of early Dorogomilovian and early Gzhelian fusulinoideans could indicate migrations within the Paleotethys, probably favoured by global sea level rises and highstands.  相似文献   

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