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The littoral forests of Madagascar are relatively unexplored ecosystems that are considered seriously threatened by deforestation and habitat fragmentation. We set out to describe the bird communities inhabiting the littoral forest remnants in three different sub-regions of southeastern Madagascar to determine the national importance of these forests for bird conservation. In total, 77 bird species were found inhabiting 14 littoral forest remnants. Of these species, 40 are endemic to Madagascar and a further 21 are endemic to the Indian Ocean sub-region, consisting of Madagascar, the Comoros and the Mascarenes. The matrix habitats (Melaleuca forests, marécage swamp forest, Eucalyptus plantations and Erica grassland) that immediately surround the littoral forests were depauperate of bird species and contained few species that were found within the littoral forests. The geographic location of littoral forest remnants had an important role in determining what bird species occurred within them, with the northern remnants having similar bird communities to nearby humid forest whilst the most southern remnant had a bird community that resembled those of nearby spiny forest habitats. Eleven bird species that have been previously described as being habitat-restricted endemics to either spiny forests or humid forests, were found in littoral forest remnants. These results suggest that these littoral forests may play an important transitional role between the two other major natural habitats (spiny forest and humid forest) of southeastern Madagascar. On this basis we advocate that the littoral forest remnants of southeastern Madagascar should be afforded continuing conservation priority.  相似文献   

Numerical vanation of the breeding bird community, its ecological subunits (guilds) and the 26 most numerous constituent species is analysed over 20 yr period (1975–1994), and related to variation in supply of defoliating caterpillars, tree seed crop, numbers of rodents and winter weather Maximum rates of increase between two years were less than twofold in most species Changes in numbers of individual species/guilds were either independent of each other or in parallel The pattern of numerical vanation was not related to taxonomic affinities, type of nest site, food types, or migratory habits Whole bird community and 13 of 26 species showed long–term increasing trends, only three species declined Numbers remained basically stable during the first decade, increases were concentrated to the second decade Except tropical migrants (no long–term change) other migratory groups increased in numbers None of the measured environmental vanables showed parallel trends, which could account for the recorded trends Long–term trends and year–to–year fluctuations were not correlated The short–term variation in bird numbers was to some extent correlated with (in decreasing order of importance) abundance of defoliating caterpillars, winter seventy, and changes in rodent numbers No correlation with tree seed crop was found Overall, a substantial part of the vanation in breeding bird numbers could not be explained by that set of factors This could be due to birds using wider spectrum of food sources than those measured, varying predator pressure and/or strong influences from outside the forest, swamping local relationships  相似文献   

M. Scaife 《Animal behaviour》1976,24(1):195-199
Laboratory-reared 40-day-old white leghorn chicks were placed individually in an arena with a dummy bird. The dummy was either a predator (kestrel) or a strange, non-predatory species (kiwi), further distinguished by the conspicuousness of the eye region. The hawk's eyes were either left intact (conspicuous) or covered. The kiwi's eyes were untouched (inconspicuous) or accentuated. Birds approached the unaltered kiwi but strongly avoided the hawk. Obscuring the eyes diminished hawk avoidance. Enhancement increased aversion to the kiwi. These results indicate the potential importance of the eyes as a stimulus feature of non-conspecifics.  相似文献   

Abstract Bird surveys were conducted to assess the impact of a severe cyclone on bird communities in three fragments of the endangered rainforest Type 5b on the Atherton Tablelands of far north Queensland. Bird communities were surveyed using timed area searches in three sites in each of the three fragments and were undertaken prior to and following Tropical Cyclone Larry. Cyclone Larry caused short‐term changes in the abundance of some species of birds in Type 5b rainforest fragments. Two weeks after the storm, in two of three fragments surveyed, abundance of the frugivorous wompoo fruit‐dove (Ptilinopus magnificus) and figbird (Sphecotheres viridis) had decreased while the omnivorous Macleay's honeyeater (Xanthotis macleayana) and Lewin's honeyeater (Meliphaga lewinii) decreased in abundance in all three locations. Most insectivorous species increased in some sites and decreased in others following Cyclone Larry. Rapid recovery of bird communities to approximately their pre‐cyclone state after only 7 months appeared to reflect the capacity of species to either modify their foraging behaviour, switch foods, or to move within or between fragments or to other food sources in the landscape.  相似文献   

Open audio databases such as Xeno-Canto are widely used to build datasets to explore bird song repertoire or to train models for automatic bird sound classification by deep learning algorithms. However, such databases suffer from the fact that bird sounds are weakly labelled: a species name is attributed to each audio recording without timestamps that provide the temporal localization of the bird song of interest. Manual annotations can solve this issue, but they are time consuming, expert-dependent, and cannot run on large datasets. Another solution consists in using a labelling function that automatically segments audio recordings before assigning a label to each segmented audio sample. Although labelling functions were introduced to expedite strong label assignment, their classification performance remains mostly unknown. To address this issue and reduce label noise (wrong label assignment) in large bird song datasets, we introduce a data-centric novel labelling function composed of three successive steps: 1) time-frequency sound unit segmentation, 2) feature computation for each sound unit, and 3) classification of each sound unit as bird song or noise with either an unsupervised DBSCAN algorithm or the supervised BirdNET neural network. The labelling function was optimized, validated, and tested on the songs of 44 West-Palearctic common bird species. We first showed that the segmentation of bird songs alone aggregated from 10% to 83% of label noise depending on the species. We also demonstrated that our labelling function was able to significantly reduce the initial label noise present in the dataset by up to a factor of three. Finally, we discuss different opportunities to design suitable labelling functions to build high-quality animal vocalizations with minimum expert annotation effort.  相似文献   

Historically, the land-based threat to shorebird colonies on Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia, was fox predation. As a result, a fox eradication programme consisting of three phases: knock-down (i.e., 2006), clean-up (i.e., 2011), and post-eradication. In 2011 an effective knock-down was declared, signalling the beginning of the clean-up phase. The purpose of this research is to assess the recovery of six resident shorebird species on Phillip Island following fox removal. The statistical methodologies used are novel for assessing bird species population recovery following a successful predator eradication program. We used citizen science data from 2003 to 2017, extracted from the Atlas of Living Australia. The first analysis method used INLA modelling, which relied on a Negative Binomial distribution for bird counts to look for upward trends in shorebird populations during the fox eradication operation. The second method use changepoint analysis techniques to see whether successive phases of the eradication process were associated with changes in bird population numbers. Four of the six shorebird species investigated responded positively to reduced fox populations over the 15-year study, and all changepoint approaches consistently recognised the start of the clean-up phase, with less consistency identifying the start of the knock-down phase. Since 2006, the INLA models indicate a significant increase in the upward trend of shorebird populations for three of the six shorebird species investigated. Agreement across the four changepoint techniques indicates that changes in bird numbers were associated with the date of the eradication program's clean-up phase for all of these shorebird species. These results demonstrate some promise for these methods to monitor native species recovery during eradication programs.  相似文献   


Maximizing biodiversity persistence in heterogeneous human-modified landscapes is hindered by the complex interactions between habitat quality and configuration of native and non-native habitats. Here we examined these complex interactions considering avian diversity across 26 sampling sites, each of which comprised of three sampling points located across a gradient of disturbance: core native habitat fragment, fragment edge, and non-native adjacent matrix. The 78 sampling points were further nested within three neotropical biomes—Amazonia, Cerrado and Pantanal—in central-western Brazil. Matrix type consisted of cattle pastures in the Amazon and teak plantations in the Pantanal and Cerrado. We considered the interactive effects of (1) disturbance-context: fragment core, edge and adjacent matrix, (2) matrix type: tree plantation or cattle pastures, both subject to varying land-use intensity, and (3) native habitat configuration (fragment size, shape and isolation) on bird species richness, abundance and composition. Based on point-count surveys, we recorded 210 bird species. Bird species richness and abundance declined across the disturbance gradient, while genus composition only differed within the adjacent matrix, particularly cattle-pastures. The effect of native habitat area was positive but only detected at fragment edges. Overall bird diversity increased at sites characterized by higher availability of either relict trees within pasture landscapes or old-growth trees within teak plantation landscapes. The core of native fragments played a primary role in ensuring the persistence of bird diversity, regardless of fragment size. In contrast to pastures, tree plantations likely harbour a higher proportion of forest-dependent species while bird diversity can be further enhanced by reduced management intensity in both matrix types. Strategies to maximize avian persistence should not only include retaining native habitats, but also maximizing the size of core native habitats. Likewise, more structurally complex matrix types should be encouraged while maintaining low levels of land-use intensity.


Gaze following is the ability to use the visual orientation of others as a trigger to look in the same direction. Thereby, animals may either align their head and eye orientation with others (gaze following into distant space) or may even reposition themselves to look behind barriers impairing their perception (geometrical gaze following). It has been proposed that these two different modes are functionally and cognitively distinct, but experimental evidence for this claim is lacking. We here, to our knowledge, demonstrate for the first time, that adult animals may be capable of following gaze into distant space, but not geometrically around barriers. We tested Northern bald ibises (Geronticus eremita) for their ability to follow a conspecific''s gaze in two standard tasks. The birds readily looked up after seeing a model bird looking up; however, when seeing a model looking behind a barrier, they responded by looking at the barrier instead of walking around. These findings are in stark contrast to results obtained with great apes and corvids and provide the first experimental evidence, to our knowledge, for cognitive differences in gaze following tasks.  相似文献   

We studied the pattern of bird species richness in native and exotic forest patches in Hungary. We hypothesized that species-area relationship will depend on forest naturalness, and on the habitat specialization of bird species. Therefore, we expected strong species-area relationship in native forest patches and forest bird species, and weaker relationship in exotic forest patches containing generalist species. We censused breeding passerine bird communities three times in 13 forest patches with only native tree species, and 14 with only exotic trees in Eastern Hungary in 2003. Although most bird species (92%) of the total of 41 species occurred in both exotic and native forests, the species-area relationship was significant for forest specialist, but not for generalist species in the native forests. No relationship between bird species and area was found for either species group in the forest with exotic tree species. The comparison of native versus exotic forest patches of similar sizes revealed that only large (>100 ha) native forests harbor higher bird species richness than exotic forests for the forest specialist bird species. There is no difference between small and medium forest patches and in richness of generalist species. Thus, the species-area relationship may diminish in archipelago of exotic habitat patches and/or for habitat generalist species; this result supports the warning that the extension of exotic habitats have been significantly contributing to the decline of natural community patterns.  相似文献   

为探讨植被结构和物种组成对鸟类群落多度分布的影响,于2010年5~8月,在阜康地区所涵盖的显域植被梯度带(梭梭、琵琶柴及蒿属荒漠)内分别布设3~4条样线,调查繁殖鸟类群落多度分布及植被参数.借助平均高度和盖度反映植被结构,平均物种数目反映植物组成.从鸟类群落中抽取显著正相关鸟种组合及狭分布鸟种组合,将不同的鸟类组合与植...  相似文献   

A musically enhanced bird song stimulus presented in the early subjective night phase delays human circadian rhythms. This study determined the phase-shifting effects of the same stimulus in the early subjective day. Eleven subjects (ages 18-63 yr; mean +/- SD: 28.0 +/- 16.6 yr) completed two 4-day laboratory sessions in constant dim light (<20 lux). They received two consecutive presentations of either a 2-h musically enhanced bird song or control stimulus from 0600 to 0800 on the second and third mornings while awake. The 4-day sessions employing either the stimulus or control were counterbalanced. Core body temperature (CBT) was collected throughout the study, and salivary melatonin was obtained every 30 min from 1900 to 2330 on the baseline and poststimulus/postcontrol nights. Dim light melatonin onset and CBT minimum circadian phase before and after stimulus or control presentation was assessed. The musically enhanced bird song stimulus produced significantly larger phase advances of the circadian melatonin (mean +/- SD: 0.87 +/- 0.36 vs. 0.24 +/- 0.22 h) and CBT (1.08 +/- 0.50 vs. 0.43 +/- 0.37 h) rhythms than the control. The stimulus also decreased fatigue and total mood disturbance, suggesting arousing effects. This study shows that a musically enhanced bird song stimulus presented during the early subjective day phase advances circadian rhythms. However, it remains unclear whether the phase shifts are due directly to effects of the stimulus on the clock or are arousal- or dim light-mediated effects. This nonphotic stimulus mediates circadian resynchronization in either the phase advance or delay direction.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that living metazoans diverged over 800 million years ago, based on evidence from 22 nuclear genes for such a deep divergence between vertebrates and arthropods (Gu 1998). Two ``internal' calibration points were used. However, only one fossil divergence date (the mammal–bird split) was directly used to calibrate the molecular clock. The second calibration point (the primate–rodent split) was based on molecular estimates that were ultimately also calibrated by the same mammal–bird split. However, the first tetrapods that can be assigned with confidence to either the mammal (synapsid) lineage or the bird (diapsid) lineage are approximately 288 million years old, while the first mammals that can be assigned with confidence to either the primate or the rodent lineages are 65 million years old, or 85 million years old if ferungulates are part of the primate lineage and zhelestids are accepted as ferungulate relatives. Recalibration of the protein data using these fossil dates indicates that metazoans diverged between 791 and 528 million years ago, a result broadly consistent with the palaeontological documentation of the ``Cambrian explosion.' The third, ``external' calibration point (the metazoan–fungal divergence) was similarly problematic, since it was based on a controversial molecular study (which in turn used fossil dates including the mammal–bird split); direct use of fossils for this calibration point gives the absurd dating of 455 million years for metazoan divergences. Similar calibration problems affect another recent study (Wang et al. 1999), which proposes divergences for metazoans of 1000 million years or more: recalibrations of their clock again yields much more recent dates, some consistent with a ``Cambrian explosion' scenario. Molecular clock studies have persuasively argued for the imperfection of the fossil record but have rarely acknowledged that their inferences are also directly based on this same record. Received: 26 January 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 1999  相似文献   

Some African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus), the most famous being Pepperberg's parrot Alex, are able to imitate human speech and produce labels referentially. In this study, the aim was to teach ten African grey parrots from two laboratories to label items. Training three parrots from the first laboratory for several months with the Model/Rival method, developed by Pepperberg, in which two humans interact in front of the subject to demonstrate the use of a label, led to disappointing results. Similarly, seven parrots from the second laboratory, having been trained with several variants of Model/Rival attained little success. After the informal observation of the efficiency of other methods (i.e. learning to imitate labels either spontaneously or with specific learning methods and use of these labels referentially), four different teaching methods were tested with two birds: the Model/Rival; Repetition/Association which consisted of repeating a label and presenting the item only when the parrot produced the label; Intuitive in which the experimenter handled an item and repeated its name in front of the subject; Diffusion in which labels with either variable or flat intonation were played back daily to parrots. One bird learned three labels, one of which was used referentially, with the Repetition/Association method. He learned one label non-referentially with the Model/Rival but no labels were acquired using the other methods. The second bird did not learn any labels. This study demonstrates that different methods can be efficient to teach labels referentially and it suggests that rearing conditions and interindividual variability are important features when assessing learning ability of African grey parrots.  相似文献   

This study compared the bird assemblages of native semi-natural woodlands and non-native Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) plantations in Ireland to identify what vegetation variables most influenced birds and to identify management targets in plantations to maximise future bird conservation. Point counts were conducted in 10 Oak (Quercus spp.) and 10 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) native woodlands and in five Mid-rotation (20–30 years old) and five Mature (30–50 years old) Sitka spruce plantations. Ordination was used to characterise woodland types according to their constituent bird species. Total bird density (calculated using Distance software) and species richness were assessed for the different woodland types. Oak and Ash woodland bird assemblages were separated from Mid-rotation and Mature plantations by the ordination. There was no difference in total bird density between any of the woodland types. Oak woodlands had significantly higher species richness than either Mid-rotation or Mature Sitka spruce plantations. Ash had higher species richness than Mature Sitka spruce plantations. Understorey vegetation was negatively associated with total bird density, which also varied with survey year. Understorey vegetation was positively associated with species richness. Reasons for the relationships between vegetation and bird assemblages are discussed. Management should seek to increase shrub and understorey vegetation in the Mid-rotation phase to improve the contribution of plantations to bird conservation.  相似文献   

The effects of fire on the composition of a bird community were investigated in an Amazonian savanna near Alter-do-Ch?o, Pará (Brazil). Mist-net captures and visual counts were used to assess species richness and bird abundance pre- and post-fire in an approximately 20 ha area. Visual counts along transects were used to survey birds in an approximately 2000 ha area in a nearby area. Results using the same method of ordination analysis (multidimensional scaling) showed significant effects of fire in the 20 ha and 2000 ha areas and strongly suggest direct effects on bird community composition. However, the effects were different at different spatial scales and/or in different years, indicating that the effects of fire vary spatially and/or temporally. Bird community composition pre-fire was significantly different from that found post-fire. Using multiple regression analysis it was found that the numbers of burned and unburned trees were not significantly related to either bird species richness or bird abundance. Two months after the fire, neither bird species richness nor bird abundance was significantly related to the number of flowering trees (Lafoensia pacari) or fruiting trees (Byrsonima crassifolia). Since fire is an annual event in Alter-do-Ch?o and is becoming frequent in the entire Amazon, bird community composition in affected areas could be constantly changing in time and space.  相似文献   

The cDNAs encoding lactate dehydrogenase isozymes LDH-A (muscle) and LDH-B (heart) from alligator and turtle and LDH-A, LDH-B, and LDH-C (testis) from pigeon were cloned and sequenced. The evolutionary relationships among vertebrate LDH isozymes were analyzed. Contrary to the traditional belief that the turtle lineage branched off before the divergence between the lizard/alligator and bird lineages, the turtle lineage was found to be clustered with either the alligator lineage or the alligator-bird clade, while the lizard lineage was found to have branched off before the divergence between the alligator/turtle and bird lineages. The pigeon testicular LDH-C isozyme was evidently duplicated from LDH-B (heart), so it is not orthologous to the mammalian testicular LDH-C isozymes.   相似文献   

Predation risk is widely hypothesized as an important force structuring communities, but this potential force is rarely tested experimentally, particularly in terrestrial vertebrate communities. How animals respond to predation risk is generally considered predictable from species life-history and natural-history traits, but rigorous tests of these predictions remain scarce. We report on a large-scale playback experiment with a forest bird community that addresses two questions: (i) does perceived predation risk shape the richness and composition of a breeding bird community? And (ii) can species life-history and natural-history traits predict prey community responses to different types of predation risk? On 9 ha plots, we manipulated cues of three avian predators that preferentially prey on either adult birds or offspring, or both, throughout the breeding season. We found that increased perception of predation risk led to generally negative responses in the abundance, occurrence and/or detection probability of most prey species, which in turn reduced the species richness and shifted the composition of the breeding bird community. Species-level responses were largely predicted from the key natural-history trait of body size, but we did not find support for the life-history theory prediction of the relationship between species'' slow/fast life-history strategy and their response to predation risk.  相似文献   

Aim To test whether the distribution of alien bird impacts varies across bird families and regions of origin, and to investigate whether species traits associated with successful introductions can predict which species will have negative impacts in the new area of introduction. Location Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Methods Combining historical information and published literature about negative economic, biological and human health impacts, we compared the distribution of impacts among bird families and native origins of bird species for three major types of impact (economic, biodiversity and human health). We examined the relationships between ecological, biological and reproductive characteristics of species and the severity of the impacts. Results The majority of alien species with reported impacts originated from the Afrotropical, Indo‐Malayan and Palaearctic biogeographical regions. The distribution of alien bird species in Europe with reported impacts shows a taxonomic bias and largely mirrors patterns of establishment. While most species had primarily either economic or biodiversity impacts, several species in the Anatidae, Corvidae, Passeridae, Phasianidae and Sturnidae families were associated with moderate to serious negative impacts on both economic resources and native biodiversity. After controlling for taxonomic effects, species with the greatest overall impacts were habitat generalists and multi‐brooded, while species with smaller bodies and the tendency to form large feeding or roosting flocks were linked with greater impacts on native biodiversity. Main conclusions This study presents the first synthesis of published impact data for alien birds and provides a broad‐scale perspective on factors that contribute to their impacts. The results show that accounting for both species traits and taxonomy improves our ability to predict the impacts of alien bird species. Because several species are currently in the early stages of establishment in Europe, there may be an opportunity to limit negative impacts with efforts that promote proactive strategies against species and families possessing the above characteristics.  相似文献   

West Nile virus, which was recently introduced to North America, is a mosquito-borne pathogen that infects a wide range of vertebrate hosts, including humans. Several species of birds appear to be the primary reservoir hosts, whereas other bird species, as well as other vertebrate species, can be infected but are less competent reservoirs. One hypothesis regarding the transmission dynamics of West Nile virus suggests that high bird diversity reduces West Nile virus transmission because mosquito blood-meals are distributed across a wide range of bird species, many of which have low reservoir competence. One mechanism by which this hypothesis can operate is that high-diversity bird communities might have lower community-competence, defined as the sum of the product of each species’ abundance and its reservoir competence index value. Additional hypotheses posit that West Nile virus transmission will be reduced when either: (1) abundance of mosquito vectors is low; or (2) human population density is low. We assessed these hypotheses at two spatial scales: a regional scale near Saint Louis, MO, and a national scale (continental USA). We found that prevalence of West Nile virus infection in mosquito vectors and in humans increased with decreasing bird diversity and with increasing reservoir competence of the bird community. Our results suggest that conservation of avian diversity might help ameliorate the current West Nile virus epidemic in the USA  相似文献   

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