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响应面模型分析在发酵产酶条件优化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
金城 《微生物学通报》2014,41(5):1010-1010
<正>微生物蛋白酶是一种重要的工业用酶,其产量占工业酶总产量的40%,广泛应用于食品、纺织、医药、化工、环保等行业。其中高温蛋白酶具有热稳定性强的特点,适合工业化应用中的高温催化过程,具有广阔的应用前景,但仍存在产量较低、成本较高等缺点,如何提高菌株产酶能力一直是微生物高温蛋白酶应用研究中的热点问题。一般而言,高密度细胞培养技术的应用可显著提高产酶菌的酶产量[1],但与常见产酶工程菌株受单一诱  相似文献   

Astragali is a herbal medicine used as an adjuvant extensively in the treatment of various cancers of lung, digestive tract, urinary system, etc. Statistics-based experimental designs were applied to optimize the extraction conditions for Astragalus polysaccharides (AP). The optimum conditions were found to be: the values of extraction time 3 h, ratio of liquid to solid 4 and particle size 33.8 mesh. Under these optimized conditions, the maximum AP extraction rate was 16.32 (%), which well matches with the predicted value. Furthermore, the chemical composition was analyzed with HPLC, and the pharmacological effect of the AP was evaluated. Results showed that AP could significantly decreased CD40 expression rate and protein expression in rats with stomach cancer.  相似文献   

响应面分析法优化耐高温假黄色单胞菌硫氧化性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】采用响应面分析法对耐高温假黄色单胞菌的硫氧化性能进行优化。【方法】利用Plackett-Burman试验筛选影响菌株硫氧化性能的关键因子。通过最陡爬坡试验逼近最佳值区域,确定响应面试验中心轴,利用Box-Behnken设计和响应面分析法获得关键因素的最佳浓度。采用经典的改良硫酸钡比浊法测定硫酸根含量。【结果】牛肉膏、麦芽糖、镁离子(Mg~(2+))3个因素是影响菌株硫氧化性能的关键因素。响应面分析表明牛肉膏和镁离子的交互作用对硫酸根转化率的影响最大,优化后的结果为:麦芽糖(%)=0.07,牛肉膏(%)=0.11,Mg~(2+)(%)=0.04时,模型有最大值。模型的F值为52.60(P0.000 1),相关系数R2=0.980 2,说明该二次方程是显著的,该模型在整个回归区域内的拟合较好。经模拟堆肥试验验证该菌株可以有效增加堆肥中硫酸根含量。【结论】该模型可用于分析和预测耐高温假黄色单胞菌优化培养基配方,经优化后该菌株硫氧化性能大幅提升,硫酸根转化率由36.89%提高到80%以上,加入堆肥后与基础发酵条件下菌液相比更加有效增加了堆肥中SO_4~(2-)的含量,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The activity of a horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase catalysed reduction of cyclohexanone was investigated by using a central composite circumscribed design in which two parameters (pH and cyclohexanone concentration) were varied. By log transformation of the substrate concentration an adequate model could be obtained from which reliable kinetic constants and pH profiles were determined.  相似文献   

【背景】粗糙链霉菌(Streptomyces scabrisporus) HBERC-53204是本中心自主分离的一株链霉菌,经鉴定,其产生一种活性化合物司替霉素B (steffimycin B,SMB),对多种动植物重要病原菌具有良好生物活性。【目的】提高SMB发酵水平,拓宽放线菌活性天然产物在农牧业领域的研究及应用。【方法】以本实验室筛选出的一株产SMB的粗糙链霉菌HBERC-53204为研究对象,运用单因素试验筛选培养基的主效碳源、氮源、无机盐及各营养成分最适浓度,并基于单因素试验结果,通过Plackett-Burman(PB)试验设计筛选出显著影响因素,再结合最陡爬坡试验、Box-Behnken (BB)响应面法拟合显著因子与产量的非线性方程求解,进一步优化菌株产SMB的最佳发酵培养基配方。【结果】优化后最佳培养基配方为:葡萄糖36.22 g/L,蛋白胨8.00 g/L,酵母粉8.51 g/L,酸水解酪蛋白1.50 g/L,MgSO4 0.68 g/L,KNO3 1.00 g/L。经摇瓶验证,优化后SMB效价达到477.26 mg/L...  相似文献   

(−)-Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG) acetylated derivatives, which can be widely used as a natural antioxidant in both lipid containing food and cosmetic applications, were prepared by lipase catalyzed acylation of EGCG with vinyl acetate. Response surface methodology (RSM) and 5-level-4-factor central composite rotatable design (CCRD) were employed to evaluate the effects of synthesis parameters, such as reaction time (6–10 h), temperature (30–50 °C), enzyme amount (1.5–2.5% (w/w) of substrate), and substrate molar ratio of EGCG to vinyl acetate (0.5–1.5) on conversion of EGCG. By using multiple regression analysis, the experimental data were fitted to a second order polynomial model. The most suitable combination of variables was 40 °C, 2.12%, 10 h and 1.13 for the reaction temperature, the enzyme amount, the reaction time, and EGCG/vinyl acetate mole ratio, respectively. At these optimal conditions, the conversion yield reached 87.37%. The presence of mono-, di- and tri-acetylated derivatives in acetylated EGCG was confirmed by LC–MS-MS and identified as 5″-O-acetyl-EGCG, 3″, 5″-2-O-acetyl-EGCG and 5′, 3″, 5″-3-O-acetyl-EGCG by NMR.  相似文献   

【背景】粉被虫草是民间常用药用真菌,具有抗辐射等多种药理作用,虫草素是其重要的活性物质。【目的】探究粉被虫草中提取虫草素的影响因素,为制取虫草素提供参考。【方法】以虫草素得率为指标,用响应面法优化超声提取工艺。分别考察超声时间、液料比和超声功率对提取效率的影响,在单因素实验基础上进行3因素3水平的响应面分析实验。【结果】最优提取条件为超声时间606 s、液料比45.9:1、超声功率400 W,在此条件下虫草素得率为6.136 mg/g,与模型预测值接近,方程拟合良好。【结论】首次对粉被虫草中虫草素的提取条件进行了研究,将对制取虫草素提供参考,有利于粉被虫草的深度开发利用。  相似文献   

【背景】嗜热链球菌AR333是本实验室从发酵乳中筛选出的一株高产活性胞外多糖乳酸菌。【目的】建立嗜热链球菌AR333高效电转化体系。【方法】通过单因素试验和Box-Behnken响应面法优化电转化条件。【结果】嗜热链球菌AR333最优电转化条件为甘氨酸浓度8.3g/L,OD_(600)为0.8,10%甘油(体积比)和0.5 mol/L蔗糖的电转缓冲液,pIB184质粒80 ng,电场强度14 kV/cm,0.4 mol/L山梨醇、2 mmol/L CaCl_2和20 mmol/L MgCl_2的LM17复苏培养基,复苏时间5 h。【结论】在最优电转化条件下,嗜热链球菌AR333电转化效率达到3.68×10~5 CFU/μg-DNA,比优化前提高了14倍,实现了嗜热链球菌AR333的高效遗传转化,为其功能解析和基因工程改造奠定基础。  相似文献   

【背景】水体富营养化导致的蓝藻水华对淡水资源造成了严重污染。利用环境友好型的溶藻菌可有效控制蓝藻的生长,是防治蓝藻水华形成的有效途径之一。【目的】优化溶藻细菌EHB01对铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)的溶藻条件,以期为治理蓝藻水华污染提供高效的溶藻菌制剂。【方法】采用单因素试验对溶藻的发酵液浓度、温度、光照以及C:N和N:P进行分析,并对溶藻细菌EHB01发酵液的碳源、氮源和p H进行优化。基于单因素试验,选用中心组合试验设计(central composite design,CCD)确定关键因子的最佳数量水平,并以Desig-Expert 8.0.5进行回归分析,通过响应面分析获得溶藻效果最佳的参数。【结果】发酵液浓度对溶藻率的影响表现为持续上升;温度对溶藻率表现为先上升后下降;而光照、C:N和N:P均对细菌EHB01发酵液溶藻率的影响表现为先降低后上升的趋势。溶藻细菌EHB01发酵液所需的最佳碳源为蔗糖,氮源为硝酸钾,pH为7.5,优化条件下溶藻率达86.97%,与优化之前相比提高了21.72%。【结论】采用响应面法优化得出溶藻细菌EHB01发酵液最优的...  相似文献   

In this study, substrate composition was optimized for the growth of Achromobacter xyloxidans and biosorption of Cd(II) from aqueous solution. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to investigate the function of three independent operating variables, namely, peptone (2.5-10 g/L), beef extract (2.5-5.0 g/L) and incubation time (24-96 h), on dependent variables, i.e. sorption of Cd(II) ions, protein content and biomass growth of A. xyloxidans. The maximum Cd(II) removal efficiency of 69.2%, protein content 1.9 mg/L and growth 0.354 optical density was found at optimal conditions of peptone 10 g/L, incubation time 60 h and beef extract 2.5 g/L. The significance of independent variables and interactions between variables were tested by means of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) with 95% confidence limits and values of “Prob > F” less than 0.0500 indicate that model terms are significant. Fourier transfer infrared (FTIR) analysis was used to investigate sorption mechanism and involved functional groups in Cd(II) binding.  相似文献   

响应面法优化灰霉病生防菌CNY-04培养条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】通过优化生防菌CNY-04的培养条件,提高其对灰霉病菌的抑菌效果。【方法】在单因素试验的基础上,利用响应面法(Response surface methodology)对灰霉病生防菌CNY-04培养条件进行整体优化,并测其生长曲线。【结果】生防菌CNY-04最优培养条件为牛肉膏0.5%、蛋白胨2.0%、酵母膏0.1%、葡萄糖0.5%、时间48 h、接种量4%、温度32°C、pH 8.0、装液量75 mL/250 mL和转速150 r/min,在此培养条件下生防菌CNY-04的OD600为2.907,与模型预测值相符,对灰葡萄孢菌的抑菌圈直径为44.5 mm,较优化前提高了30.9%。【结论】从整体上确定了生防菌CNY-04的最优培养条件,为该菌扩大化生产提供理论基础。  相似文献   

A fluorescence quenching technique is often used to study interactions between small molecules and serum albumin. However, the results are quite different by using spectroscopic techniques on the same drug‐protein interaction research and they may be affected by different conditions (e.g. working solution of pH and ionic strength). In this research, using apigenin as an example, the effect of experimental conditions of fluorescence quenching on the binding parameters of drug to bovine serum albumin was investigated using a response surface method (RSM). The effect of pH, the concentration of NaCl and the concentration Mg2+ on the quenching constant (KSV), the apparent association constant (Ka) and the number of binding sites (n) was studied by single‐factor experiments with pH, [NaCl] and [Mg2+] as independent variables and KSV, Ka and n as response values. Prediction models were fit to a quadratic polynomial regression equation and the results showed that both KSV and n displayed a second‐order model, whereas Ka displayed linear relation dependence on pH, [NaCl] and [Mg2+]. Under these experimental conditions, [NaCl] was the most significant (p < 0.05) impact factor on KSV and Ka, whereas n was most affected by pH (p < 0.05). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The fruits of Cudrania tricuspidata (Carr.) Bur. (Moraceae) significantly inhibited pancreatic lipase, which plays a key role in fat absorption. Optimization of extraction conditions with minimum pancreatic lipase activity and maximum yield was determined using response surface methodology with three-level-three-factor Box–Behnken design (BBD). Regression analysis showed a good fit of the experimental data and the optimal condition was obtained as ethanol concentration, 74.5%; temperature 61.9 °C and extraction time, 13.5 h. The pancreatic lipase activity and extraction yield under optimal conditions were found to be 65.5% and 54.0%, respectively, which were well matched with the predicted value of 65.8% and 47.1%. Further fractionation of C. tricuspidata extract resulted in the isolation of compound 1, which was identified as 5,7,4′-trihydroxy-6,8-diprenylisoflavone. It inhibited pancreatic lipase activity with IC50 value of 65.0 μM. HPLC analysis suggested positive correlation between pancreatic lipase inhibition and 5,7,4′-trihydroxy-6,8-diprenylisoflavone of C. tricuspidata fruits.  相似文献   

鬼臼毒素(Podophyllotoxin)是一种常用的临床天然药物。本研究以鬼臼类药材南方山荷叶(Diphylleia sinensis H.L.Li)为材料,以提取物中鬼臼毒素的含量为控制指标,应用响应面法优化南方山荷叶中鬼臼毒素的提取工艺。采用高效液相色谱法测定提取物中鬼臼毒素的含量,在单因素实验筛选的基础上,选择出对鬼臼毒素提取率影响较大的3个因素:乙醇浓度、提取温度和提取时间,然后利用Design-expert软件设计3因素3水平响应面实验,最终获得鬼臼毒素提取率最高时的提取条件为:乙醇浓度48.18%、提取温度62.66℃、提取时间16.15 h,此时鬼臼毒素的理论提取率可达7.636%。进一步对该条件进行实验验证,3次实验平均值为7.54%,与理论值差异较小,表明该模型拟合良好,实验方法可靠。  相似文献   

Liu Q  Zhang X  Zhou Y  Zhao A  Chen S  Qian G  Xu ZP 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(18):8661-8668
Fresh compost leachate was used as a nutrients source to facilitate anaerobic fermentative hydrogen production from glucose inoculated with mixed culture. The optimum condition for hydrogen production was predicted by response surface methodology (RSM). The model showed the maximum cumulative hydrogen volume (469.74 mL) and molar hydrogen yield (1.60 mol H2/mol glucose) could be achieved at 6174.93 mg/L glucose and 3383.20 mg COD/L leachate. According to the predicted optimal condition, four tests were carried out to validate the predicted values and evaluate the leachate’s effect on co-fermentation with juice wastewater. A maximum cumulative hydrogen volume of 587.05 ± 15.08 mL was obtained in co-fermentation test, and the molar hydrogen yield reached 2.06 ± 0.06 mol H2/mol glucose. The co-fermentation of fresh leachate and glucose/juice wastewater was a combination of acetic acid and butyric acid type-fermentation. The results demonstrated that leachate can serve as a nutrients source for biohydrogen production.  相似文献   

The optimal medium for butyric acid production by Clostridium thermobutyricum in a shake flask culture was studied using statistical experimental design and analysis. The optimal composition of the fermentation medium for maximum butyric acid yield, as determined on the basis of a three-level four-factor Box-Behnken design (BBD), was obtained by response surface methodology (RSM). The high correlation between the predicted and observed values indicated the validity of the model. A maximum butyric acid yield of 12.05 g/l was obtained at K2HPO4 7.2 g/l, 34.9 g/l glucose, 20 g/l yeast extract, and 15 g/l acetate, which compared well to the predicated production of 12.13 g/l.  相似文献   

以飞龙掌血(Toddalia asiatica(L.)Lam.)的根为实验材料,以总生物碱的含量为检测指标,应用响应面法对飞龙掌血中总生物碱的提取工艺进行了优化。结果显示,当提取条件为乙醇体积分数74.76%、料液比20∶1和提取时间32.87 min时,飞龙掌血提取物中总生物碱的理论含量值可达11.09 mg/g,总生物碱含量达到最高值。按照最佳提取工艺条件进行验证,3次平行实验的均值为(10.74 ±0.18)mg/g,与理论值差异较小,表明利用响应面法来优化飞龙掌血中总生物碱的最佳提取工艺模型拟合良好,具有一定实用价值。  相似文献   

Liang   《Carbohydrate polymers》2008,74(4):858-861
Experimental design was used to investigate the effect of three parameters (extraction time, extraction number and ratio of water to raw material) on polysaccharides yields. The ranges of the factors investigated were 3.5–4.5 h for extraction time (X1), 4–6 for extraction number (X2), and 25–35 for ratio of water to raw material (X3). The statistical analysis of the experiment indicated that extraction time and ratio of water to raw material had significant effect on Glycyrrhiza glabra polysaccharides yields. The central composite design showed that polynomial regression models were in good agreement with the experimental results with the coefficients of determination of 0.924 for Glycyrrhiza glabra polysaccharides yield. The optimal condition for Glycyrrhiza glabra polysaccharides yield within the experimental range of the variables studied was at 4.3 h, 6, and 35. At this condition, the predicted yield of polysaccharides extracted was 3.6%.  相似文献   

Polysaccharides production from Poria cocos was carried out using aqueous NaOH with the assistance of ultrasonic. Experimental design was used to investigate the effect of three parameters (extraction time, extraction concentration of NaOH, and ratio of aqueous NaOH to raw material) on polysaccharides yields. The ranges of the factors investigated were 1–3 min for extraction time (X1), 0.5–1.0 mol/L for extraction concentration of NaOH (X2), and 30–50 for ratio of aqueous NaOH to raw material (X3). The statistical analysis of the experiment indicated that extraction concentration of NaOH had significant effect on P. cocos polysaccharides yields. The central composite design showed that polynomial regression models were in good agreement with the experimental results with the coefficients of determination of 0.9935 for P. cocos polysaccharides yield. The optimal condition for P. cocos polysaccharides yield within the experimental range of the variables studied was at 2.44 min, 0.789 mol/L, and 53.0. At this condition, the predicted yield of polysaccharides extracted was 82.3%.  相似文献   

Song Y  Du B  Zhou T  Han B  Yu F  Yang R  Hu X  Ni Y  Li Q 《Carbohydrate research》2011,(2):958-310
In this work, response surface methodology was used to determine optimum conditions for extraction of polysaccharides from defatted peanut cake. A central composite design including independent variables, such as extraction temperature (x1), extraction time (x2), and ethanol concentration (x3) was used. Selected response which evaluates the extraction process was polysaccharide yield, and the second-order model obtained for polysaccharide yield revealed coefficient of determination of 97.81%. The independent variable with the largest effect on response was ethanol concentration (x3). The optimum extraction conditions were found to be extraction temperature 48.7 °C, extraction time 1.52 h, and ethanol concentration of 61.9% (v/v), respectively. Under these conditions, the extraction efficiency of polysaccharide can increase to 25.89%. The results of structural analysis showed that the main composition of defatted peanut cake polysaccharide was α-galactose.  相似文献   

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