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The finding of the actinia Synandwakia hozawai in the coastal waters of northern Sakhalin (Sea of Okhotsk) suggests a wider range of this species, which was previously only known to inhabit the coastal waters of eastern Japan. Data are presented on the morphology of the S. hozawai specimen from the Sea of Okhotsk and the types of its nematocysts.  相似文献   

Trypsin from hepatopancreas of the crab Paralithodes camtschaticuswas isolated in homogeneous state by successive ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, affinity chromatography on Agarose modified with peptide ligands from trypsin hydrolysate of salmin, and ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono Q column. The total yield of the protein was 64%. Its N-terminal amino acid sequence was determined (IVGGTEVTPG-). A sample of amplified total cDNA of hepatopancreas of king crab was obtained. A cDNA fragment containing the complete coding part of the gene was isolated on the basis of the known N-terminal amino acid sequence of the mature form of the trypsin. The polypeptide chain of the proenzyme consists of 266 aa. The mature trypsin involves 237 aa, which corresponds to its molecular mass of 24.8 kDa. A comparison of the amino acid sequence of the king crab trypsin with those of trypsins from other species of crustaceans demonstrated their high structural homology. The trypsin from the shrimp Penaeus vannamei appeared to be closest in primary structure to that of the king crab (65% identity).  相似文献   

We present a list of zooplankton taxa occurring in the Barents Sea based on our analysis of 360 samples from the upper 100 m of the water column as well as on reports from published sources. Moreover, we provide information on adult size, ecological and geographical distribution, habitat preference and frequency of occurrence of each taxon. The list encompasses a total of 374 species and higher taxa. Most are mesozooplankton, with Copepoda prevailing (153 species), and belong to the holoplankton. However, pseudoplankton, organisms only circumstantially occurring in the water column, also comprise a significant part of the fauna (86 taxa). The coastal zooplankton (264 neritic species) was richer than the fauna of the open sea. In our samples, the majority of the zooplankton taxa were rarely found (94 of 157 taxa, equivalent of 60%), 46 taxa (29%) were moderate and only 17 taxa (11%) were common (found in >80% of the samples). Among these, the copepods Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis, Oithona similis and Pseudocalanus minutus were most frequent.  相似文献   

Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Proteins from Crustaceans of the Barents Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Enzymatic preparations from king crab hepatopancreas were shown to be capable, in principle, of producing protein hydrolysates. Hydrolysis of protein-containing waste of deep-water prawn and king crab occurs most successfully at pH 8.0–8.5 and 50–55°C for 5–6 h in the presence of 6 g enzyme per kg substrate. The total chemical composition of the hydrolysates, the molecular weight distributions of proteins and polypeptides, and the contents of free amino acids were studied in dry hydrolysates.  相似文献   

Enzymatic preparations from king crab hepatopancreas were shown to be capable, in principle, of producing protein hydrolysates. Hydrolysis of protein-containing waste of deep-water prawn and king crab occurs most successfully at pH 8.0-8.5 and 50-55 degrees C for 5-6 h in the presence of 6 g enzyme per kg substrate. The total chemical composition of the hydrolysates, the molecular weight distributions of proteins and polypeptides, and the contents of free amino acids were studied in dry hydrolysates.  相似文献   


大熊猫胃肠道中消化酶活力的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究大熊猫对食物的化学性消化特点和机制,测定了9只大熊猫唾液和3只大熊猫胃肠道中主要消化酶的活力,并与其他动物进行了比较.结果显示,大熊猫唾液呈碱性,蛋白酶和淀粉酶等消化酶活力低;肠道中淀粉酶活力高,而脂肪酶活力明显低于棕熊.大熊猫小肠粘膜中存在显著量的蔗糖酶、乳糖酶和麦芽糖酶活力.另外,在1只大熊猫胃和直肠液中检测到了少量纤维素酶活力.研究结果提示,大熊猫唾液直接参与食物消化的作用可能很弱;大熊猫对淀粉类食物有很好的消化能力,但对脂肪类食物消化能力相对不高.大熊猫胃肠道消化酶的活力特点适应其消化天然食物中的营养物质.  相似文献   

Photoadaptation of sea-ice microalgae in the Barents Sea   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Summary Variations in under-ice scalar irradiance, P vs I parameters and the CHLa C–1 ratio of natural assemblages of sea-ice microalgae from the Barents Sea growing at -1.8°C in May and September 1988 are described, including one diurnal station. CHLa C–1 ratios of 0.031–0.071 mg mg–1 indicate shade adaptated assemblages both in May and September. Values for B (photosynthetic efficiency) were generally low, e.g. 0.0025–0.0078 mg C (mg CHLa)–1 h–1 (mol m–2 s–1)–1, and should be typical for self-shaded algae in mats or aggregates of about 4 mm thickness. Provided no self shading and the typical spectral distribution of light under ice without algae, B would, however, be about 2.5 times higher. Photoinhibition of the photosynthetic response was negligible. Maximum carbon uptake P m B was 0.15–0.24 and 0.032–0.088 mg C (mg CHLa)–1 h–1 in May and September, respectively. Diurnal variations were small, particularly for P m B . Calculations of the maximum specific gross growth rate yielded an upper limit of 0.20–0.24 and 0.01–0.04 d–1 for assemblages in May and September, respectively; the latter may have been in a resting stage.Contribution No. 245, Trondhjem Biological Station  相似文献   

The paper deals with the microbiological characterization of water-saturated horizons in permafrost soils (cryopegs) found on the Varandei Peninsula (Barents Sea coast), 4-20 m deep. The total quantity of bacteria in the water of cryopegs was 3.5 x 10(8) cells/ml. The population of cultivated aerobic heterotrophic bacteria was 3-4 x 10(7) cells/ml and the number of anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria varied from 10(2) to 10(5) cells/ml depending on cultivation temperature and salinity. Sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea were found as hundreds and tens of cells per ml of water, respectively. A pure culture of a sulfate-reducing strain B15 was isolated from borehole 21 and characterized. Phylogenetic analysis has shown that the new bacterium is a member of the genus Desulfovibrio with Desulfovibrio mexicanus as its closest relative (96.5% similarity). However, the significant phenotypic differences suggest that strain B15 is a new species of sulfate-reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the microbiological characterization of water-saturated horizons in permafrost soils (cryopegs) found on the Varandei Peninsula (Barents Sea coast), 4–20 m deep. The total quantity of bacteria in the water of cryopegs was 3.5 × 108 cells/ml. The population of cultivated aerobic heterotrophic bacteria was 3–4 × 107 cells/ml and the number of anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria varied from 102 to 105 cells/ml depending on cultivation temperature and salinity. Sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea were found as hundreds and tens of cells per ml of water, respectively. A pure culture of a sulfate-reducing strain B15 was isolated from borehole 21 and characterized. Phylogenetic analysis has shown that the new bacterium is a member of the genus Desulfovibrio with Desulfovibrio mexicanus as its closest relative (96.5% similarity). However, the significant phenotypic differences suggest that strain B15 is a new species of sulfate-reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - The “Difference of Evenness” (DE) index, based on the ratio of r- and K-strategists in benthic communities was proposed for a quick assessment of the...  相似文献   

Recent declines in red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) stocks in its native and introduced habitat have sparked interest in the development of aquaculture methods for this commercially important species. Little is known about the basic biology of this species and the factors controlling its growth rate. In this paper we present concentrations of circulating ecdysteroids (the hormones that control molting) in hemolymph of intermolt red king crabs in three coastal areas of the Barents Sea. Two molting hormones (20-hydroxyecdysone and ecdysone) were assayed. Mean levels of these ecdysteroids varied from 0.0 to 190.0 μg ml−1 and from 0.0 to 13.4 μg ml−1, respectively. These levels in general were higher in comparison with other decapod species. Concentrations of ecdysteroids were similar in male and female crabs and in injured (animals with at least one autotomized limb) and intact red king crabs. In contrast, the levels of circulating ecdysteroids were much higher in small (predominantly immature crabs) than in large adult animals because the latter have a lower molting probability (once per year) than smaller crabs (2–3 times per year). Our data can be used in further investigations of red king crab growth rates and their application to the development of aquaculture methods for this species.  相似文献   

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