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Regulation of the synthesis of bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
The synthesis of T4 gene 32 product (P32) has been followed by gel electrophoresis of infected cell lysates. In wild-type infections, its synthesis starts soon after infection and begins to diminish about the time late gene expression commences. The absence of functional P32 results in a marked increase in the amount of the non-functional P32 synthesized. For example, infections of T4 mutants which contain a nonsense mutation in gene 32 produce the nonsense fragment at more than ten times the maximum rate of synthesis of the gene product observed in wild-type infections. All of the temperature-sensitive mutants in gene 32 that were tested also overproduce this product at the non-permissive temperature. This increased synthesis of the non-functional product is recessive, since mixed infections (wild-type, gene 32 nonsense mutant) fail to overproduce the nonsense fragment.Mutations in genes required for late gene expression (genes 33 and 53) as well as some genes required for normal DNA synthesis also result in increased production of P32. The overproduction in such infections is dependent on DNA synthesis; in the absence of DNA synthesis no overproduction occurs. This contrasts with the overproduction resulting from the absence of functional P32 which is not dependent on DNA synthesis.These results are compatible with a model for the regulation of expression of gene 32 in which the synthesis of P32 is either directly or indirectly controlled by its own function. Thus, in the absence of P32 function the expression of this gene is increased as is manifest by the high rate of P32 synthesis. It is further suggested that in infections defective in late gene expression and consequently in the maturation of replicated DNA, the increased P32 production is caused by the large expansion of the DNA pool. This DNA is presumed to compete for active P32 by binding it non-specifically to single-stranded regions, thus reducing the amount of P32 free to block gene 32 expression. Similarly, the aberrant DNA synthesized following infections with mutants in genes 41, 56, 58, 60 and 30, although quantitatively less than that produced in the maturation defective infections, can probably bind large quantities of P32 to single-stranded regions resulting in increased P32 synthesis.  相似文献   

We have used fluorescence spectroscopy to investigate the binding of gene 32 protein from bacteriophage T4 to DNA which has been chemically modified with carcinogens or antitumor drugs. This protein exhibits a high specificity for single-stranded nucleic acids and binds more efficiently to DNA modified either with cis-diaminodichloroplatinum(II) or with aminofluorene derivatives than to native DNA. This increased affinity is related to the formation of locally unpaired regions which are strong binding sites for the single-strand binding protein. In contrast, gene 32 protein has the same affinity for native DNA, DNA containing methylated purines and DNA that has reacted with trans-diaminodichloroplatinum(II) or with chlorodiethylenetriaminoplatinum(II) chloride. These types of damage do not induce a sufficient structural change to allow gene 32 protein binding. Depurination of DNA does not create binding sites for the T4 gene 32 protein but nicked apurinic sites are strong ligands for the protein. This T4 single-strand binding protein does not exhibit a significantly increased affinity for nicked DNA as compared with native DNA. These results are discussed with respect to the recognition of DNA damage by proteins involved in DNA repair and to the possible role of single-strand binding proteins in DNA repair mechanisms.  相似文献   

The self-association of the bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein has been examined in the analytical ultracentrifuge under varying conditions to determine the nature of the process. The process is not a simple indefinite association with one association constant (monomer
etc.). The complexity of the process is shown by (1) peculiarities in the molecular weight versus concentration curves, in the region of the dimer (observed with increasing ionic strength, at pH 10, in 0.04 m-MgCl2, with aged preparations, at 19 °C and in the presence of the oligonucleotide d(pT)10), (2) the increased sigmoidicity of the association curve in the presence of glycerol or oligo[d(pT)4], and (3) the discontinuity in the association curve at the tetramer at a pH value of approximately 9.4. A model with two association constants which could vary independently (monomer
etc.) explained many of the findings. However, a more complex model was required to explain curves which had a plateau at the dimer with increased association at higher protein concentrations. Thus, under all conditions examined there is evidence for more than one type of protein-protein interaction. These different interactions may be involved in a physiological function such as recombination.  相似文献   

The role of the bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein in homologous pairing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The gene 32 protein of the bacteriophage T4 is required for efficient genetic recombination in infected Eschericia coli cells and strongly stimulates in vitro pairing catalyzed by the phage uvsX protein, a RecA-like strand transferase. This helix-destabilizing factor is known to bind tightly and cooperatively to single-stranded DNA and to interact specifically with the uvsX protein as well as other phage gene products. However, its detailed role in homologous pairing is not well understood. I show here that when the efficiency of uvsX protein-mediated pairing is examined at different gene 32 protein and duplex DNA concentrations, a correlation between the two is found, suggesting that the two interact in a functionally important manner during the reaction. These and other data are consistent with a model in which the gene 32 protein binds to the strand displaced from the recipient duplex during pairing, thereby stabilizing the heteroduplex product. An alternative model in which the gene 32 protein replaces UvsX on the invading strand, thereby freeing the strand transferase to bind to the displaced strand, is also considered.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein, a model for single-strand specific nucleic acid-binding proteins, consists of three structurally and functionally distinct domains. We have studied the effects of the N and C domains on the protein structure and its nucleic acid-interactive properties. Although the presence of the C domain decreases the proteolytic susceptibility of the core (central) domain, quenching of the core tryptophan fluorescence by iodide is unaltered by the presence of the terminal domains. These results suggest that the overall conformation of the core domain remains largely independent of the flanking domains. Removal of the N or the C terminus does not abolish the DNA renaturation activity of the protein. However, intact protein and its three truncated forms differ in DNA helix-destabilizing activity. The C domain alone is responsible for the kinetic barrier to natural DNA helix destabilization seen with intact protein. Intact protein and core domain potentiate the DNA helix-destabilizing activity of truncated protein lacking only the C domain (*I), enhancing the observed hyperchromicity while increasing the melting temperature. Proteolysis experiments suggest that the affinity of core domain for single-stranded DNA is increased in the presence of *I. We propose that *I can "mingle" with intact protein or core domain while bound to single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Photoaffinity labeling of T4 bacteriophage 32 protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With a view toward the determination of nucleic acid binding domains and sites on nucleic acid helix-destabilizing (single strand-specific) proteins (HDPs), we have studied the interactions of the copolymer polynucleotide photoaffinity label, poly(adenylic, 8-azidoadenylic acid), (poly(A,8-N3A] with the T4 bacteriophage HDP, 32 protein. Poly(A,8-N3A) quenched the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of 32 protein in a manner similar to that observed with other polynucleotides, and the effect could be reversed by addition of sufficient NaCl. The binding affinity and site size of this noncovalent interaction of poly(A,8-N3A) with 32 protein are similar to the values obtained for poly(A) and this protein. When [3H]poly(A,8-N3A)/32 protein mixtures were irradiated at 254 nm, fluorescence quenching was not reversed by NaCl, suggesting that the label was covalently bound to the protein. Mixtures of photolabel and protein subjected to short periods of irradiation (generally 1 min, 2000 erg mm-2) formed high molecular weight complexes, which when electrophoresed on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels were radioactive and stained with Coomassie Blue R. Under the same conditions, [3H]poly(A) failed to label 32 protein. The radioactivity of [3H]poly(A,8-N3A)-labeled complexes subjected to micrococcal nuclease after irradiation was seen to migrate just behind the free 32 protein monomer on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, indicating that portions of the photolabel not in direct contact with protein were accessible to this enzyme. By several criteria, we conclude that 32 protein was photolabeled specifically at its single-stranded nucleic acid binding site. Single-stranded nucleic acids with affinities for protein greater than that of poly(A,8-N3A) effectively inhibited photolabeling. The [NaCl] dependence of photolabeling monitored on SDS gels paralleled the NaCl reversal of (noncovalent) poly(A,8-N3A)-32 protein binding. Photolabeling reached a plateau after 1-2 min. The formation of high molecular weight complexes with increasing [poly(A,8-N3A)] paralleled the disappearance of free protein on SDS gels, and reached a saturation level of about 75% labeling. Several chromatographic procedures appear to be useful for the separation of the photolabeled complexes from free protein and photolabel. Limited trypsin hydrolysis of photolabeled 32 protein indicated that all the label was within the central ("III") portion of the protein. This approach should have general applicability to the identification of nucleic acid binding sites on helix-destabilizing proteins.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 gene 32 encodes a DNA unwinding protein required for DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Gene 32 temperature-sensitive mutations enhance virtually all base pair substitution mutation rates.  相似文献   

This study reports on various parameters which affect the binding stoichiometry for complexes of bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein (P32) and single stranded polynucleotides (determined by UV absorbance and fluorescence quenching) and presents results of a quantitative electron spin resonance assay to determine physiologically effective binding affinity differences of nucleic acid binding proteins. The assay employs macromolecular spin probes (spin-labeled nucleic acids) which are used to determine the fraction of saturation in competition experiments with unlabeled nucleic acids. It was found that the fraction of complexed spin-labeled polynucleotides can be directly monitored by ESR with a two-component analysis approach when ligands such as poly(L-lysine), gene 5 protein (P5) of filamentous bacteriophage fd, and gene 32 protein (P32) of bacteriophage T4 are used. The ESR data unequivocally show that: 1) the binding stoichiometry for poly(L-lysine), P5 and P32 is nucleotide/lysine, 4 nucleotides/P5 monomer, and 10 nucleotides/P32 monomer, respectively; and 2) under physiologically relevant buffer conditions the relative affinity of P32 in the cooperative binding mode for polythymidylic acid is about 4 times greater than for polydeoxyinosinic acid and about 12 times greater than for polyinosinic acid, and the relative affinity of P32 for polydeoxyinosinic acid is about 3 times greater than for polyinosinic acid.  相似文献   

F Watanabe 《FEBS letters》1989,242(2):444-446
The cooperative binding of T4 gene 32 protein with polynucleotides, of which the quantitative aspects in the literature have not satisfied the requirements of thermodynamics, is studied by adopting a modified formula of the lattice theory. A moderate value is found for the cooperativity parameter (q approximately 200 at 0.2 M NaCl), which is weakly dependent on salt concentration. The cation effect on the binding suggests that the shielding of negative charges of the protein or a loose cation bridge between the bound protein molecules plays a role in the cooperative binding process.  相似文献   

Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication is a useful model to study eukaryotic cell DNA replication because it encodes only one replication protein and its genome has a nucleoprotein structure ('minichromosome') indistinguishable from cellular chromatin. Late after infection SV40 replicating DNA molecules represent about 5% of total viral minichromosomes. Since gene 32 protein (P32) from bacteriophage T4 interacts with single-stranded DNA and SV40 replication complexes are expected to contain single-stranded regions at the replication forks, we asked whether P32 might be used to isolate replicating SV40 minichromosomes. When nuclear extracts from SV40 infected cells were treated sequentially with P32 and anti-P32 antibodies, pulse-labeled minichromosomes were selectively immunoprecipitated. Agarose gel electrophoresis analysis confirmed that immunoprecipitated material corresponded to SV40 replicative intermediates. Protein analysis of the pelleted material revealed several proteins of viral and cellular origin. Among them, T antigen and histones were found to be complexed with at least other three proteins from cellular origin, to the replicative complexes. Additionally, anti-P32 antibodies were able to detect three cellular proteins of approximately 70, 32 and 13 kDa in western blots. These proteins could correspond to those found as part of an eukaryotic multisubunit single-stranded DNA binding protein. The use of P32 and anti-P32 antibodies thus allows the separation of replicating from mature SV40 minichromosomes and can constitute a novel method to enrich and to study replicative active chromatin.  相似文献   

Autogenous regulatory site on the bacteriophage T4 gene 32 messenger RNA   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
We have identified the binding site on the bacteriophage T4 gene 32 mRNA responsible for autogenous translational regulation. We demonstrate that this site is largely unstructured and overlaps the initiation codon of gene 32 as previously predicted. Co-operative binding of gene 32 protein to this site specifically blocks the formation of 30 S-tRNA(fMet)-gene 32 mRNA ternary complexes and initiation of translation. The translational operator is bound co-operatively by gene 32 protein and this binding is facilitated by a nucleation site far upstream from the initiation codon. A similar unstructured mRNA lacking this nucleation site is also bound co-operatively, but only at concentrations of gene 32 protein higher than those needed to repress binding of ribosomes to the gene 32 mRNA. Some sequence-specific interactions may also influence this binding. Comparison of the bacteriophage T2, T4 and T6 gene 32 operator sequences leads us to propose that the nucleation site is a pseudoknot.  相似文献   

Gene 4 of bacteriophage T7 encodes two proteins, a 63-kDa protein and a colinear 56-kDa protein, that are essential for synthesis of leading and lagging strands during DNA replication. The gene 4 proteins together catalyze the synthesis of oligoribonucleotides, pppACC(C/A) or pppACAC, at the single-stranded DNA sequences 3'-CTGG(G/T)-5' or 3'-CTGTG-5', respectively. Purified 56-kDa protein has helicase activity, but no primase activity. In order to study 63-kDa gene 4 protein free of 56-kDa gene 4 protein, mutations were introduced into the internal ribosome-binding site responsible for the translation of the 56-kDa protein. The 63-kDa gene 4 protein was purified 16,000-fold from Escherichia coli cells harboring an expression vector containing the mutated gene 4. Purified 63-kDa gene 4 protein has primase, helicase, and single-stranded DNA-dependent dTTPase activities. The constraints of primase recognition sequences, nucleotide substrate requirements, and the effects of additional proteins on oligoribonucleotide synthesis by the 63-kDa gene 4 protein have been examined using templates of defined sequence. A three-base sequence, 3'-CTG-5', is necessary and sufficient to support the synthesis of pppAC dimers. dTTP hydrolysis is essential for oligoribonucleotide synthesis. Addition of a 7-fold molar excess of 56-kDa gene 4 protein to 63-kDa protein increases the number of oligoribonucleotides synthesized by 63-kDa protein 100-fold. The increase in oligonucleotides results predominantly from an increase in the synthesis of tetramers, with relatively little change in the synthesis of dimers and trimers. The presence of 56-kDa protein also causes 63-kDa protein to synthesize "pseudo-templated" pppACCCC pentamers at the recognition sequence 3'-CTGGG-5'. T7 gene 2.5 protein, a single-stranded DNA binding protein, increases the total number of oligoribonucleotides synthesized by 63-kDa gene 4 protein on single-stranded M13 DNA, but has no effect on the ratio of dimers to trimers and tetramers.  相似文献   

The T4 bacteriophage dda protein is a DNA-dependent ATPase and DNA helicase that is the product of an apparently nonessential T4 gene. We have examined its effects on in vitro DNA synthesis catalyzed by a purified, multienzyme T4 DNA replication system. When DNA synthesis is catalyzed by the T4 DNA polymerase on a single-stranded DNA template, the addition of the dda protein is without effect whether or not other replication proteins are present. In contrast, on a double-stranded DNA template, where a mixture of the DNA polymerase, its accessory proteins, and the gene 32 protein is required, the dda protein greatly stimulates DNA synthesis. The dda protein exerts this effect by speeding up the rate of replication fork movement; in this respect, it acts identically with the other DNA helicase in the T4 replication system, the T4 gene 41 protein. However, whereas a 41 protein molecule remains bound to the same replication fork for a prolonged period, the dda protein seems to be continually dissociating from the replication fork and rebinding to it as the fork moves. Some gene 32 protein is required to observe DNA synthesis on a double-stranded DNA template, even in the presence of the dda protein. However, there is a direct competition between this helix-destabilizing protein and the dda protein for binding to single-stranded DNA, causing the rate of replication fork movement to decrease at a high ratio of gene 32 protein to dda protein. As shown elsewhere, the dda protein becomes absolutely required for in vitro DNA synthesis when E. coli RNA polymerase molecules are bound to the DNA template, because these molecules otherwise stop fork movement (Bedinger, P., Hochstrasser, M., Jongeneel, C.V., and Alberts, B. M. (1983) Cell 34, 115-123).  相似文献   

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