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Studies were performed in isolated, Langendorff-perfused rat hearts and anesthetized dogs to determine the effects of synthetic atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP 8-33) on the coronary circulation. In vitro studies in the rat examined coronary flow dynamics to ANP 8-33 over a defined range from physiologic to pharmacologic concentrations. No changes in coronary flow or chronotropic and inotropic function of the isolated Langendorff-perfused heart were observed in response to increasing concentrations of ANP 8-33 (10(2) to 10(6) pg/ml). In the dog, a low, nonhypotensive dose of ANP 8-33 (0.05 microgram/kg/min) decreased cardiac output with no change in coronary blood flow or coronary vascular resistance. At a high, hypotensive dose (0.3 microgram/kg/min) ANP 8-33 decreased cardiac output in association with transient coronary vasodilation. Continued infusion resulted in a decrease in coronary blood flow and arterial pressure with no change in coronary vascular resistance. Thus, in vitro physiologic and pharmacologic concentrations of ANP, or in vivo low concentrations of ANP, do not result in an alteration in coronary flow. In vivo ANP 8-33, at both nonhypotensive and hypotensive concentrations, decreased cardiac output in the absence of coronary vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

Discrepancies exist between extent of guanylate cyclase activation by atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in cell-free systems and ANP-stimulated levels of cyclic GMP in whole cells, and also between receptor affinity and dose effectiveness of ANP. Therefore, we have investigated whether, in addition to receptor-coupled guanylate cyclase activation, other second-messenger cascade systems may be involved in mediating both an increase in cyclic GMP and the physiological response to ANP. Equilibrium 125I-ANP binding studies on cultured thoracic aorta smooth muscle cells revealed the existence of low-affinity (approximately 10(-8) M, 84.5 fmol/10(5) cells) and high-affinity (approximately 10(-10) M, 12.5 fmol/10(5) cells) binding sites. We confirm that ANP elevates intracellular cyclic GMP (EC50 approximately 10(-8) M) and inhibits agonist-(isoproterenol and forskolin)-induced increases in intracellular cyclic AMP (IC50 approximately 10(-9) M). ANP also stimulated breakdown of phosphatidylinositol phosphates and generation of inositol phosphates with a half-maximally effective concentration of approximately 10(-10) M. The extent of phosphatidylinositol polyphosphate hydrolysis was small (120%) in comparison to that of phosphatidylinositol (Ptd-Ins) (200%). Ptd-Ins hydrolysis was paralleled by the appearance of glycerophosphoinositol, and there was also a close temporal relationship between these processes and the accumulation of intracellular cyclic GMP. Smooth muscle cells released [3H]arachidonic acid label in response to ANP (EC50 approximately 10(-10) M). Taken together, the data suggest that the vasorelaxant hormone ANP has stimulatory effects on phosphoinositol lipid metabolism via both phospholipase C (generation of inositol phosphates) and phospholipase A2 (generation of releasable [3H]arachidonic acid and indirectly glycerophosphoinositol). In contrast, stimulation of phosphatidylinositol phosphate breakdown by the vasoconstrictive hormone angiotensin II is not associated with glycerophosphoinositol formation, and neither cyclic GMP nor cyclic AMP levels were influenced by this hormone.  相似文献   

Circulating natriuretic peptides such as atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) counterbalance the effects of hypertension and inhibit cardiac hypertrophy by activating cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). Natriuretic peptide binding to type I receptors (NPRA and NPRB) activates their intrinsic guanylyl cyclase activity, resulting in a rapid increase in cytosolic cGMP that subsequently activates PKG. Phosphorylation of the receptor by an unknown serine/threonine kinase is required before ligand binding can activate the cyclase. While searching for downstream PKG partners using a yeast two-hybrid screen of a human heart cDNA library, we unexpectedly found an upstream association with NPRA. PKG is a serine/threonine kinase capable of phosphorylating NPRA in vitro; however, regulation of NPRA by PKG has not been previously reported. Here we show that PKG is recruited to the plasma membrane following ANP treatment, an effect that can be blocked by pharmacological inhibition of PKG activation. Furthermore, PKG participates in a ligand-dependent gain-of-function loop that significantly increases the intrinsic cyclase activity of the receptor. PKG translocation is ANP-dependent but not nitric oxide-dependent. Our results suggest that anchoring of PKG to NPRA is a key event after ligand binding that determines distal effects. As such, the NPRA-PKG association may represent a novel mechanism for compartmentation of cGMP-mediated signaling and regulation of receptor sensitivity.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic peptide in hypoxia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Chen YF 《Peptides》2005,26(6):1068-1077
A growing number of mammalian genes whose expression is inducible by hypoxia have been identified. Among them, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) synthesis and secretion is increased during hypoxic exposure and plays an important role in the normal adaptation to hypoxia and in the pathogenesis of cardiopulmonary diseases, including chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension and vascular remodeling, and right ventricular hypertrophy and right heart failure. This review discusses the roles of ANP and its receptors in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. We and other investigators have demonstrated that ANP gene expression is enhanced by exposure to hypoxia and that the ANP so generated protects against the development of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Results also show that hypoxia directly stimulates ANP gene expression and ANP release in cardiac myocytes in vitro. Several cis-responsive elements of the ANP promoter are involved in the response to changes in oxygen tension. Further, the ANP clearance receptor NPR-C, but not the biological active NPR-A and NPR-B receptors, is downregulated in hypoxia adapted lung. Hypoxia-sensitive tyrosine kinase receptor-associated growth factors, including fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB, but not hypoxia per se, inhibit NPR-C gene expression in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells in vitro. The reductions in NPR-C in the hypoxic lung retard the clearance of ANP and allow more ANP to bind to biological active NPR-A and NPR-B in the pulmonary circulation, relaxing preconstricted pulmonary vessels, reducing pulmonary arterial pressure, and attenuating the development of hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension and vascular remodeling.  相似文献   

Cardiomyocytes of vertebrates combine contractile and endocrine functions. They synthesize and secrete atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), which is localized in their specific granules. The presence of ANP has been shown in some tissues of invertebrates, including the heart of molluscs. We have studied localization of ANP in cells of the snail heart. METHOD: The atrial and ventricular tissues of the snail Helix pomatia were studied by electron microscope immunocytochemistry, using anti-ANP antibodies. ANP-immunoreactivity has been detected in granules of granular cells located on the luminal surface of the snail myocardium. These cells are abundant in the atrium being very rare in the ventricle. Granular cells at different stages of maturation were revealed. Immature granular cells have light granules of moderate size with homogeneous tight content, while mature granular cells are huge in size and all their granules are fused together. The material of these granules loosens up and almost completely fills up the cytoplasm. No ANP-immunoreactivity was observed in muscle cells or nerve fibers. A possible origin of granular cells from the cardiac endothelial cells is discussed. The molluscan heart, similar to that of vertebrates, is a bifunctional organ. However, contrary to the heart of vertebrates, in the molluscan heart contractile and endocrine functions are separated between different types of cells.  相似文献   

To study atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) physiology in the chronically catheterized pregnant sheep model we developed a heterologous radioimmunoassay for ovine ANP using an antiserum raised against 1-28 human ANP. This antiserum (Tor I) is specific for the aminoterminus of the human ANP molecule and shows little cross reaction with any carboxyterminus ANP fragments. Ovine ANP immunoreactivity was characterized using this antiserum and a commercially available carboxyterminus ANP antiserum obtained from Peninsula Laboratories. Each antiserum detected 2 peaks of immunoreactivity in ovine atrial extracts chromatographed on a Biogel P-10 column. The minor peak migrated at a position close to 125I-human ANP whereas the major peak represented a larger molecular weight species of ANP. Examination of gel filtration eluates of ovine plasma extracts showed one immunoreactive ANP peak using the Tor I assay system and 2 peaks with the Peninsula Laboratories assay. Plasma immunoreactive ANP levels were determined in 9 sheep using both radioimmunoassay systems. Mean (+/- SEM) levels were similar using the Peninsula Laboratories and the Tor I assay systems (57 +/- 8 pg/ml versus 43 +/- 4 pg/ml, P greater than 0.05). Using the Tor I antiserum, fetal plasma immunoreactive ANP levels were found to be significantly higher than maternal levels (188 +/- 17 versus 48 +/- 8 pg/ml, P less than 0.01) whereas pregnant and nonpregnant adult sheep had similar plasma immunoreactive ANP levels (48 +/- 8 versus 43 +/- 4 pg/ml, P greater than 0.05). Disappearance curves of synthetic human ANP from the plasma of maternal and fetal sheep were assessed using both immunoassay systems and found to be similar.  相似文献   

The effect of synthetic porcine brain natriuretic peptide (pBNP), a novel brain peptide with sequence homology to alpha-human atrial natriuretic peptide (hANP), on receptor binding and cGMP generation, was studied in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and compared with that of alpha-hANP. 125I-pBNP bound to the cells in a time-dependent manner similar to that of 125I-alpha-hANP. Scatchard analysis indicated a single class of binding sites for pBNP with affinity and capacity identical to those of alpha-hANP. pBNP and alpha-hANP were almost equipotent in inhibiting the binding of either radioligand and stimulating intracellular cGMP generation. These data indicate that BNP and ANP interact with the same receptor sites to activate guanylate cyclase in rat VSMC.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and the nitrovasodilator drugs nitroglycerine and nitroprusside were shown here to decrease both basal and thrombin stimulated production of endothelin-1 (ET-1) from cultured human endothelial cells as measured by radioimmunoassay. 8-Bromo-3',5'-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and papaverine also inhibited ET-1 production. The inhibitory effect of ANP and nitrovasodilators on ET-1 production thus appears to be mediated by guanylate cyclase and cGMP. Part of the vasodilatory action of ANP, nitroprusside and nitroglycerine may be due to suppression of endothelial ET-1 production. This may be an additional mechanism whereby nitrovasodilators participate in the regulation of vascular tone.  相似文献   

Abstract— —A substance resembling catecholamine found in chick hearts during the early stages of embryologic development was identified as DOPA. Cell cultures and fluorescence microscopy indicated intracellular location of this substance in myocardial cells. The absence of nerve tissue in the cell cultures was demonstrated by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic peptide in acute mountain sickness   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To test the hypothesis that elevated atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) may be involved in altered fluid homeostasis at high altitude, we examined 25 mountaineers at an altitude of 550 m and 6, 18, and 42 h after arrival at an altitude of 4,559 m, which was climbed in 24 h starting from 3,220 m. In 14 subjects, symptoms of acute mountain sickness (AMS) were absent or mild (group A), whereas 11 subjects had severe AMS (group B). Fluid intake was similar in both groups. In group B, urine flow decreased from 61 +/- 8 (base line) to 36 +/- 3 (SE) ml/h (maximal decrease) (P less than 0.05) and sodium excretion from 7.9 +/- 0.9 to 4.6 +/- 0.7) mmol.l-1.h-1 (P less than 0.05); ANP increased from 31 +/- 4 to 87 +/- 26 pmol/l (P less than 0.001), plasma aldosterone from 191 +/- 27 to 283 +/- 55 pmol/l (P less than 0.01 compared with group A), and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from 1.0 +/- 0.1 to 2.9 +/- 1.2 pmol/l (P = 0.08 compared with group A). These variables did not change significantly in group A, with the exception of a decrease in plasma aldosterone from 189 +/- 19 to 111 +/- 17 pmol/l (P less than 0.01). There were no measurable effects of elevated ANP on natriuresis, cortisol, or blood pressure. The reduced diuresis in AMS may be explained by increased plasma aldosterone and ADH overriding the expected renal action of ANP. The significance of elevated ANP in AMS remains to be established.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was measured in the plasma of 192 normal infants and children aged 1 day to 18 years. Plasma ANP was high during postnatal adaptation, particularly in premature infants. In 96 infants and children aged 4 months to 18 years, plasma ANP was similar to values obtained in 7 healthy adult volunteers (23.9 +/- 11.9 vs. 25.7 +/- 4.6 fmol/ml). There was no significant relationship between ANP and age. ANP is elevated about twofold in full-term neonates being 3-4 days of age, and returned to normal thereafter. It is concluded that ANP is raised during the postnatal adaptation. This hormone is possibly involved in the postnatal volume contraction and may antagonize vasoconstrictor hormones that are elevated during the postnatal period.  相似文献   

Woodman OL  Malakul W  Cao AH  Xu Q  Ritchie RH 《Life sciences》2008,82(15-16):847-854
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) exerts beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system in part by exerting antioxidant activity. Given that oxidant stress is a key cause of endothelial dysfunction in diabetes, we investigated whether ANP improves endothelial function in rats with diabetes. Rats were injected with streptozotocin (55 mg/kg iv) to induce type 1 diabetes or the citrate vehicle as controls (n=12). After 4 weeks the diabetic rats were treated with ANP (10 pmol/kg/min sc, n=12) or the antioxidant tempol (1.5 mmol/kg/day sc, n=11), both by osmotic minipump, ramipril (1 mg/kg per day in the drinking water) or remained untreated (n=11). After a further 4 weeks, anaesthetised rats were killed by exsanguination and the thoracic aortae collected for examination of vascular activity and measurement of superoxide generation. Diabetic rats showed elevated plasma glucose concentration (45+/-3 mM) compared to controls (10+/-1 mM) and this was not affected by ANP (43+/-3 mM), ramipril (41+/-2 mM) or tempol (43+/-2 mM). Endothelium-dependent relaxation ex vivo in response to acetylcholine was impaired in diabetic rats (Rmax=66+/-4%) compared to control rats (Rmax=94+/-1%) but treatment with ANP (Rmax=80+/-4%), ramipril (Rmax=88+/-2%) or tempol (Rmax=81+/-5%) significantly improved those responses. Relaxant responses to the endothelium-independent vasodilator sodium nitroprusside were enhanced by treatment of diabetic rats with ANP or ramipril and their combination; but not by tempol. Superoxide generation was significantly elevated in aorta from untreated diabetic rats (649+/-146% of control). In diabetic rats, superoxide generation was significantly attenuated by ANP (to 229+/-78%) or tempol (to 186+/-64%). This study demonstrates that ANP improves vascular oxidant stress in concert with endothelial function, independent of any effect on plasma glucose levels. These studies may lead to new therapies, based on natriuretic peptide and/or antioxidant approaches, for ameliorating the vascular complications of diabetes.  相似文献   

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