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Tc3 is a member of the Tc1/mariner family of transposable elements. All these elements have terminal inverted repeats, encode related transposases and insert exclusively into TA dinucleotides. We have studied the DNA binding properties of Tc3 transposase and found that an N-terminal domain of 65 amino acids binds specifically to two regions within the 462 bp Tc3 inverted repeat; one region is located at the end of the inverted repeat, the other is located approximately 180 bp from the end. Methylation interference experiments indicate that this N-terminal DNA binding domain of the Tc3 transposase interacts with nucleotides on one face of the DNA helix over adjacent major and minor grooves.  相似文献   

J C Vos  R H Plasterk 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(24):6125-6132
The Tc1 transposon of Caenorhabditis elegans is a member of the Tc1/mariner family of mobile elements. These elements have inverted terminal repeats that flank a single transposase gene. Here we show that Tc1 transposase, Tc1A, has a bipartite DNA binding domain related to the paired domain of mammalian and Drosophila genes. Both the DNA binding domain of Tc1A and the DNA binding site in the inverted repeat of Tc1 can be divided into two subdomains. Methylation interference studies demonstrate adjacent minor and major groove contacts at the inner part of the binding site by the N-terminal 68 amino acids of the DNA binding domain. In addition, Tc1A amino acids 69-142 are essential for major groove contacts at the outer part of the binding site. Recombinant Tc1A is found to be able to introduce a single strand nick at the 5' end of the transposon in vitro. Furthermore, Tc1A can mediate a phosphoryl transfer reaction. A mutation in a DDE motif abolishes both endonucleolytic and phosphoryl transfer activities, suggesting that Tc1A carries a catalytic core common to retroviral integrases and IS transposases.  相似文献   

The commonly studied Caenorhabditis elegans strain Bristol N2 contains approximately 15 copies per genome of the transposon Tc3. However, Tc3 is not active in Bristol N2. Tc3 contains one major open reading frame (Tc3A). We have fused this open reading frame to an inducible promoter and expressed it in a transgenic Bristol N2 line. Tc3A expression resulted in frequent excision and transposition of endogenous Tc3 elements. This shows that the Bristol N2 genome contains Tc3 transposons that are cis proficient for transposition, but are immobile because Tc3A is absent. We demonstrate that recombinant Tc3A binds specifically to the terminal nucleotides of the Tc3 inverted repeat, indicating that Tc3A is the Tc3 transposase. Activation of Tc3 transposition in vivo was accompanied by the appearance of extrachromosomal, linear copies of Tc3. These may be intermediates in Tc3 transposition.  相似文献   

We report here the consensus target sequence of transposons Tc1, Tc3 and Tc5 of Caenorhabditis elegans. These sequences were obtained by molecular analysis of 1008 random new insertions which have not been exposed to natural selection. This analysis reveals consensus target sites slightly different from those previously reported, and confirms that the mariner elements Tc1 and Tc3 insert in sites which are not preferentially palindromic.  相似文献   

Purification of bacteriophage DNA by gel filtration chromatography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two fast and effective methods for high-scale purification of linear phage lambda DNA and circular double-stranded M13 replicative form are presented. A substantial reduction of time is attained by avoiding the long-term CsCl gradient centrifugations and dialysis common to standard procedures. Biologically active DNA preparations, free of chromosomal DNA and RNA, are obtained by including a simple gel filtration chromatography as the last step of purification. Yields are comparable to those from previously described methods.  相似文献   

Tc7, a Tc1-hitch hiking transposon in Caenorhabditis elegans.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We have found a novel transposon in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans. Tc7 is a 921 bp element, made up of two 345 bp inverted repeats separated by a unique, internal sequence. Tc7 does not contain an open reading frame. The outer 38 bp of the inverted repeat show 36 matches with the outer 38 bp of Tc1. This region of Tc1 contains the Tc1-transposase binding site. Furthermore, Tc7 is flanked by TA dinucleotides, just like Tc1, which presumably correspond to the target duplication generated upon integration. Since Tc7 does not encode its own transposase but contains the Tc1-transposase binding site at its extremities, we tested the ability of Tc7 to jump upon forced expression of Tc1 transposase in somatic cells. Under these conditions Tc7 jumps at a frequency similar to Tc1. The target site choice of Tc7 is identical to that of Tc1. These data suggest that Tc7 shares with Tc1 all the sequences minimally required to parasitize upon the Tc1 transposition machinery. The genomic distribution of Tc7 shows a striking clustering on the X chromosome where two thirds of the elements (20 out of 33) are located. Related transposons in C. elegans do not show this asymmetric distribution.  相似文献   

The Tc1 transposon of Caenorhabditis elegans always integrates into the sequence TA, but some TA sites are preferred to others. We investigated a TA target site from the gpa-2 gene of C.elegans that was previously found to be preferred (hot) for Tc1 integration in vivo . This site with its immediate flanks was cloned into a plasmid, and remained hot in vitro , showing that sequences immediately adjacent to the TA dinucleotide determine this target choice. Further deletion mapping and mutagenesis showed that a 4 bp sequence on one side of the TA is sufficient to make a site hot; this sequence nicely fits the previously identified Tc1 consensus sequence for integration. In addition, we found a second type of hot site: this site is only preferred for integration when the target DNA is supercoiled, not when it is relaxed. Excision frequencies were relatively independent of the flanking sequences. The distribution of Tc1 insertions into a plasmid was similar when we used nuclear extracts or purified Tc1 transposase in vitro , showing that the Tc1 transposase is the protein responsible for the target choice.  相似文献   

The transposable element Tc1 is responsible for most spontaneous mutations that occur in Caenorhabditis elegans variety Bergerac. We investigated the genetic and molecular properties of Tc1 transposition and excision. We show that Tc1 insertion into the unc-54 myosin heavy-chain gene was strongly site specific. The DNA sequences of independent Tc1 insertion sites were similar to each other, and we present a consensus sequence for Tc1 insertion that describes these similarities. We show that Tc1 excision was usually imprecise. Tc1 excision was imprecise in both germ line and somatic cells. Imprecise excision generated novel unc-54 alleles that had amino acid substitutions, amino acid insertions, and, in certain cases, probably altered mRNA splicing. The DNA sequences remaining after Tc1 somatic excision were the same as those remaining after germ line excision, but the frequency of somatic excision was at least 1,000-fold higher than that of germ line excision. The genetic properties of Tc1 excision, combined with the DNA sequences of the resulting unc-54 alleles, demonstrated that excision was dependent on Tc1 transposition functions in both germ line and somatic cells. Somatic excision was not regulated in the same strain-specific manner as germ-line excision was. In a genetic background where Tc1 transposition and excision in the germ line was not detectable, Tc1 excision in the soma still occurred at high frequency.  相似文献   

R H Plasterk 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(7):1919-1925
Mutations caused by the Tc1 transposon in Caenorhabditis elegans can revert by loss of the element. Usually the transposon leaves behind a 'footprint'--a few nucleotides of one or both ends of the transposon. Two possible explanations for the footprints are: (i) imprecise excision or (ii) interrupted repair. Here I report that in a diploid animal having a homozygous Tc1 insertion the reversion frequency is approximately 10(-4), and a Tc1 footprint is found; however when the corresponding sequence on the homologous chromosome is wild-type, the reversion frequency is 100 times higher, and the reverted sequence is precise. Apparently the footprint results from incomplete gene conversion from the homologous chromosome, and not from imprecise excision of Tc1. These results support the following model: Tc1 excision leaves a double-strand DNA break, which can be repaired using the homologous chromosome or sister chromatid as a template. In heterozygotes repair can lead to reversion; in homozygotes Tc1 is copied into the 'empty' site, and only rare interrupted repair leads to reversion, hence the 100-fold lower reversion rate and the footprint.  相似文献   

We have investigated the target choice of the related transposable elements Tc1 and Tc3 of the nematode C. elegans. The exact locations of 204 independent Tc1 insertions and 166 Tc3 insertions in an 1 kbp region of the genome were determined. There was no phenotypic selection for the insertions. All insertions were into the sequence TA. Both elements have a strong preference for certain positions in the 1 kbp region. Hot sites for integration are not clustered or regularly spaced. The orientation of the integrated transposon has no effect on the distribution pattern. We tested several explanations for the target site preference. If simple structural features of the DNA (e.g. bends) would mark hot sites, we would expect the patterns of the two related transposons Tc1 and Tc3 to be similar; however we found them to be completely different. Furthermore we found that the sequence at the donor site has no effect on the choice of the new insertion site, because the insertion pattern of a transposon that jumps from a transgenic donor site is identical to the insertion pattern of transposons jumping from endogenous genomic donor sites. The most likely explanation for the target choice is therefore that the primary sequence of the target site is recognized by the transposase. However, alignment of the Tc1 and Tc3 integration sites does not reveal a strong consensus sequence for either transposon.  相似文献   

The transposon Tc1 of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a member of the widespread family of Tc1/mariner transposons. The distribution pattern of virtually identical transposons among insect species that diverged 200 million years ago suggested horizontal transfer of the elements between species. Thishypothesis gained experimental support when it was shown that Tc1 and later also mariner transposons could be made to jump in vitro , with their transposase as the only protein required. Later it was shown that mariner transposons from one fruit fly species can jump in other fruit fly species and in a protozoan and, recently, that a Tc1-like transposon from the nematode jumps in fish cells and that a fish Tc1-like transposon jumps in human cells. Here we show that the Tc1 element from the nematode jumps in human cells. This provides further support for the horizontal spread hypothesis. Furthermore, it suggests that Tc1 can be used as vehicle for DNA integration in human gene therapy.  相似文献   

In the ciliate Paramecium aurelia complex, thousands of internal eliminated sequences (IESs) are excised from the germline micronuclear DNA during macronuclear differentiation. Based on the resemblance of Paramecium IES end sequences to Tc1 transposon termini, it has been proposed that Paramecium IESs might have degenerately evolved from Tc1 family transposons, and still be removed by an enzyme homologous to a Tc1 transposase. In this study, we found that transposase preferentially cleaved (or nicked) 58 sites near the IESs in Paramecium DNA, at sequences consisting of TT or TCTA. Since one excision junction of the P. primaurelia W2 IES was included in such sites, this suggests that a Tc1-like transposase is involved in the IES excision process, although it is probably not a sole factor responsible for the precise cleavage. In addition, unmethylated substrate DNA appeared to decrease the cleavage specificity, suggesting an involvement of DNA methylation in the cleavage. Although these results do not directly address the transposon origin of Paramecium IESs, it is likely that the enzymatic machinery responsible for the initial cleavage is derived from a Tc1-like transposase. The mechanism necessary for precise excision is discussed, in relation to recent knowledge of IES excision obtained in Tetrahymena and Paramecium.  相似文献   

The transposable element Tc1 is responsible for most spontaneous mutations that occur in many Caenorhabditis elegans strains. We analyzed the abundance and sequence of mRNAs expressed from five different Tc1 insertions within either hlh-1 (a MyoD homolog) or unc-54 (a myosin heavy chain gene). Each of the mutants expresses substantial quantities of mature mRNA in which most or all of Tc1 has been removed by splicing. Such mRNAs contain small insertions of Tc1 sequences and/or deletions of target gene sequences at the resulting spliced junctions. Most of these mutant mRNAs do not contain premature stop codons, and many are translated in frame to produce proteins that are functional in vivo. The number and variety of splice sites used to remove Tc1 from these mutant pre-mRNAs are remarkable. Two-thirds of the Tc1-containing introns removed from hlh-1 and unc-54 lack either the 5'-GU or AG-3' dinucleotides typically found at the termini of eukaryotic introns. We conclude that splicing to remove Tc1 from mutant pre-mRNAs allows many Tc1 insertions to be phenotypically silent. Such mRNA processing may help Tc1 escape negative selection.  相似文献   

The present report describes the use of computer analyses to reveal a hobo-like element in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans. This hobo-like sequence is 3039 bp long, contains two inverted terminal repeats of 25–27 bp and probably does not encoded a functional transposase. Sequence comparisons suggest that each transposase of hobo elements probably has a D(D/S)E motif. Thus the transposases of the hAT superfamily of transposons appear to be close to the other transposases and intregrases.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of the transposable element Tc1 to excise from the genome of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans var. Bristol N2. Our results show that in the standard lab strain (Bristol), Tc1 excision occurred at a high frequency, comparable to that seen in the closely related Bergerac strain BO. We examined excision in the following way. We used a unique sequence flanking probe (pCeh29) to investigate the excision of Tc1s situated in the same location in both strains. Evidence of high-frequency excision from the genomes of both strains was observed. The Tc1s used in the first approach, although present in the same location in both genomes, were not known to be identical. Thus, a second approach was taken, which involved the genetic manipulation of a BO variant, Tc1(Hin). The ability of this BO Tc1(Hin) to excise was retained after its introduction into the N2 genome. Thus, we conclude that excision of Tc1 from the Bristol genome occurs at a high frequency and is comparable to that of Tc1 excision from the Bergerac genome. We showed that many Tc1 elements in N2 were apparently functionally intact and were capable of somatic excision. Even so, N2 Tc1s were prevented from exhibiting the high level of heritable transposition displayed by BO elements. We suggest that Bristol Tc1 elements have the ability to transpose but that transposition is heavily repressed in the gonadal tissue.  相似文献   

In a genome-wide analysis of the active transposons in Caenorhabditis elegans we determined the localization and sequence of all copies of each of the six active transposon families. Most copies of the most active transposons, Tc1 and Tc3, are intact but individually have a unique sequence, because of unique patterns of single-nucleotide polymorphisms. The sequence of each of the 32 Tc1 elements is invariant in the C. elegans strain N2, which has no germline transposition. However, at the same 32 Tc1 loci in strains with germline transposition, Tc1 elements can acquire the sequence of Tc1 elements elsewhere in the N2 genome or a chimeric sequence derived from two dispersed Tc1 elements. We hypothesize that during double-strand-break repair after Tc1 excision, the template for repair can switch from the Tc1 element on the sister chromatid or homologous chromosome to a Tc1 copy elsewhere in the genome. Thus, the population of active transposable elements in C. elegans is highly dynamic because of a continuous exchange of sequence information between individual copies, potentially allowing a higher evolution rate than that found in endogenous genes.  相似文献   

We used the polymerase chain reaction to detect insertions of the transposon Tc1 into mlc-2, one of two Caenorhabditis elegans regulatory myosin light chain genes. Our goals were to develop a general method to identify mutations in any sequenced gene and to establish the phenotype of mlc-2 loss-of-function mutants. The sensitivity of the polymerase chain reaction allowed us to identify nematode populations containing rare Tc1 insertions into mcl-2. mlc-2::Tc1 mutants were subsequently isolated from these populations by a sib selection procedure. We isolated three mutants with Tc1 insertions within the mlc-2 third exon and a fourth strain with Tc1 inserted in nearby noncoding DNA. To demonstrate the generality of our procedure, we isolated two additional mutants with Tc1 insertions within hlh-1, the C. elegans MyoD homolog. All of these mutants are essentially wild type when homozygous. Despite the fact that certain of these mutants have Tc1 inserted within exons of the target gene, these mutations may not be true null alleles. All three of the mlc-2 mutants contain mlc-2 mRNA in which all or part of Tc1 is spliced from the pre-mRNA, leaving small in-frame insertions or deletions in the mature message. There is a remarkable plasticity in the sites used to splice Tc1 from these mlc-2 pre-mRNAs; certain splice sites used in the mutants are very different from typical eukaryotic splice sites.  相似文献   

Imprecise excision of the Caenorhabditis elegans transposon Tc1 from a specific site of insertion within the unc-54 myosin heavy chain gene generates either wild-type or partial phenotypic revertants. Wild-type revertants and one class of partial revertants contain insertions of four nucleotides in the unc-54 third exon (Tc1 "footprints"). Such revertants express large amounts of functional unc-54 myosin despite having what would appear to be frameshifting insertions in the unc-54 third exon. We demonstrate that these Tc1 footprints act as efficient 5' splice sites for removal of the unc-54 third intron. Splicing of these new 5' splice sites to the normal third intron splice acceptor removes the Tc1 footprint from the mature mRNA and restores the normal translational reading frame. Partial revertant unc-54(r661), which contains a single nucleotide substitution relative to the wild-type gene, is spliced similarly, except that the use of its new 5' splice site creates a frameshift in the mature mRNA rather than removing one. In all of these revertants, two alternative 5' splice sites are available to remove intron 3. We determined the relative efficiency with which each alternative 5' splice site is used by stabilizing frameshifted mRNAs with smg(-) genetic backgrounds. In all cases, the upstream member of the two alternative sites is used preferentially (> 75% utilization). This may reflect an inherent preference of the splicing machinery for the upstream member of two closely spaced 5' splice sites. Creation of new 5' splice sites may be a general characteristic of Tc1 insertion and excision events.  相似文献   

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