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The pattern of distribution of circulating luteinizing hormone (LH) isoforms in cattle during estrus and the luteal phase was investigated. In each stage, the stage of the estrous cycle was synchronized in seven Holstein heifers with a prostaglandin analogue. After estrus was detected, blood samples were taken at 2-h intervals for 24h. In the luteal phase, animals received 250 microg i.v. of GnRH and blood samples were collected every 15 min for 5h. LH concentration in the samples was determined. Samples with the greatest LH concentration in estrus (pre-ovulatory peak) and those collected 60 min after GnRH administration (luteal phase) were analyzed by chromatofocusing, eluted with a pH gradient from 10.5 to 3.5. Eluted LH was grouped into basic (pH > or = 7.5), neutral (pH 7.4-6.5) and acidic isoforms (pH < or = 6.4) as well as by pH unit. In both phases, basic forms were the most abundant, and these were greater (P < 0.05) during the luteal phase (78.4 +/- 4.2%) as compared with during estrus (57.1 +/- 6.2%); the proportion of neutral and acidic isoforms in estrus (13.7 +/- 2.6%; 28.5 +/- 2.8%) was greater (P < 0.05) as compared with the luteal phase (3.0 +/- 0.7; 18.7 +/- 3.4). These results indicate that the relative proportion of LH isoforms secreted by the adenohypophysis differ by stage of estrous cycle. The addition of excess of NaCl to the column modifies the antigen-antibody binding in the RIA, and the proteins eluted are erroneously quantified as LH; this is an artifact of the technique.  相似文献   

We have reported that splenic macrophages play a role in the regulation of progestin secretion in rats. In this study, splenic macrophages were obtained from cycling rats at different estrous cycle stages and co-cultured with luteal cells from mid-pseudopregnant rats in the absence/presence of prolactin (PRL) or luteinizing hormone (LH). The effect of macrophages on the luteotropic action of PRL and LH was evaluated with 2 parameters, i.e. an increase in total progestin output (progesterone plus 20 alpha-hydroxyprgn-4-en-one [20 alpha-OHP]), and an increase in the progesterone to 20 alpha-OHP (P/20 alpha-OHP) secretion ratio. Splenic macrophages obtained from proestrous or metestrous rats enhanced the PRL action to increase the P/20 alpha-OHP secretion ratio, but those from estrous or diestrous donors did not. Only macrophages from proestrous donors enhanced the PRL action to increase the total progestin output. In contrast, the LH action increasing the P/20 alpha-OHP secretion ratio was enhanced by splenic macrophages regardless of the donors' estrous cycle stages. The LH action increasing the total progestin output was enhanced only by proestrous or metestrous macrophages. Therefore, if luteal cells are co-cultured with proestrous macrophages, the luteotropic actions of PRL and LH can be fully expressed. These results indicate that splenic macrophages directly act on luteal cells and enhance the luteotropic action of PRL and LH, and that this function of splenic macrophages is modified somehow according to the donors' estrous cycle stages.  相似文献   

This work analyzes the effect of calorie restriction on the 24 h variation of pituitary-testicular function in young male Wistar rats by measuring the circulating levels of prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone. Control animals were provided an equilibrium calorie diet and the experimental animals a calorie-restriction diet equivalent to 66% of food restriction for four weeks starting on day 35 of life. Different groups of control and experimental rats were killed at 6 h intervals around the clock, beginning 1 h after light on (HALO). Compared to the control animals, the mean secretion of prolactin was augmented and that of LH and testosterone decreased in calorie-restricted rats, whereas FSH release remained unchanged. Significant changes in the 24 h secretory pattern of circulating prolactin, LH, and testosterone occurred in the calorie-restricted rats. These include the appearance of a second maximum of plasma prolactin at 21 HALO, blunting of the LH peak seen at 13 HALO, and phase-shift of the testosterone peak from 13 HALO in controls to 17 HALO in calorie-restricted rats. The significant positive correlation between individual LH and testosterone levels found in controls was no longer observed in calorie-restricted rats. Availability of nutrients presumably affects the mechanisms that modulate the circadian variation of the pituitary-gonadal axis in growing male rats.  相似文献   

Metabolism of high-density lipoproteins in cultured rat luteal cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uptake of cholesterol from high-density lipoproteins (HDL) labeled with 125I and [3H]cholesterol was examined in cultured rat luteal cells. Luteal cells were incubated with labeled HDL, following which the metabolic fate of the apolipoproteins and cholesterol moieties of the receptor-bound HDL were examined. About 50% of the originally bound HDL apolipoproteins were released into the medium in 24 h by a temperature-dependent process while only 5% of the HDL cholesterol was released unmetabolized. Inclusion of unlabeled HDL in the chase incubation resulted in increased release of apolipoprotein-derived radioactive products without significant change in the release of unmetabolized cholesterol. 60% of the apolipoprotein-derived radioactivity could be precipitated with trichloroacetic acid; the remaining trichloroacetic acid-soluble radioactive fraction was identified as [125I]iodotyrosine. Gel filtration chromatography of the chase-released material showed that the trichloroacetic acid-precipitable products, which contained no detectable amounts of cholesterol, eluted over a range of molecular sizes (9-80 kDa). No intact HDL was retroendocytosed. About 80% of trichloroacetic acid-precipitable products could be immunoadsorbed on anti-apolipoprotein A-I antibody immobilized on CNBr-activated Sepharose, suggesting the presence of fragments containing apolipoprotein A-I. This material was also capable of reassociating with native HDL. Lysosomal inhibitors were partially effective in inhibiting the amount of trichloroacetic acid-soluble products formed. The lysosomal degradation appeared to have no role in the uptake of HDL-derived cholesterol. These studies demonstrate preferential and total uptake of HDL cholesterol by luteal cells, with concomitant degradation of the lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Ewes were treated with exogenous follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and oestrus was synchronized using either a dual prostaglandin F-2 alpha (PGF-2 alpha) injection regimen or pessaries impregnated with medroxy progesterone acetate (MAP). Natural cycling ewes served as controls. After oestrus or AI (Day 0), corpora lutea (CL) were enucleated surgically from the left and right ovaries on Days 3 and 6, respectively. The incidence of premature luteolysis was related (P less than 0.05) to PGF-2 alpha treatment and occurred in 7 of 8 ewes compared with 0 of 4 controls and 1 of 8 MAP-exposed females. Sheep with regressing CL had lower circulating and intraluteal progesterone concentrations and fewer total and small dissociated luteal cells on Day 3 than gonadotrophin-treated counterparts with normal CL. Progesterone concentration in the serum and luteal tissue was higher (P less than 0.05) in gonadotrophin-treated ewes with normal CL than in the controls; but luteinizing hormone (LH) receptors/cell were not different on Days 3 and 6. There were no apparent differences in the temporal patterns of circulating oestradiol-17 beta, FSH and LH. High progesterone in gonadotrophin-treated ewes with normal CL coincided with an increase in total luteal mass and numbers of cells, which were primarily reflected in more small luteal cells than in control ewes. Gonadotrophin-treated ewes with regressing CL on Day 3 tended (P less than 0.10) to have fewer small luteal cells and fewer (P less than 0.05) low-affinity PGF-2 alpha binding sites than sheep with normal CL. By Day 6, luteal integrity and cell viability was absent in ewes with prematurely regressed CL. These data demonstrate that (i) the incidence of premature luteal regression is highly correlated with the use of PGF-2 alpha; (ii) this abnormal luteal tissue is functionally competent for 2-3 days after ovulation, but deteriorates rapidly thereafter and (iii) luteal-dysfunctioning ewes experience a reduction in numbers of small luteal cells without a significant change in luteal mass by Day 3 and, overall, have fewer low-affinity PGF-2 alpha binding sites.  相似文献   

Phospholipid concentrations were determined in plasma membrane preparations from porcine corpora lutea after incubation for 15 to 120 s without or with 0.5 microgram/ml luteinizing hormone (LH) or 2 microM dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (dbcAMP). Treatment with LH caused a dramatic loss of 9 nmol in plasma membrane phosphatidylinositol (PI)/mg protein after 15 s of incubation, but no significant changes in other measurable phospholipids. Also, phospholipid concentrations were unchanged in untreated and dbcAMP-treated plasma membranes. The nature of the LH-induced decrease in PI was studied by incubating plasma membrane preparations for 15 s with [gamma 32P] adenosine 3',5'-triphosphate (ATP). 32P was incorporated only into three phospholipids: phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylinositol 4'-phosphate (PIP), and phosphatidylinositol 4',5'-bisphosphate (PIP2). Although LH generated small but significant increases in labeling of PIP and PIP2, less than 0.5 nmol of total phospholipids/mg protein were radiolabeled in 15 s. Phosphatidylinositol kinase activity, the enzyme that converts PI into PIP, was not affected by LH or dbcAMP treatment. However, incubation of luteal plasma membranes for 15 s with LH resulted in an increase of approximately 2 nmol 1,2-diacylglycerol/mg protein more than that observed in untreated or dbcAMP-treated plasma membranes. In summary, these experiments suggest that LH may stimulate hydrolysis of PI (and possibly PIP and PIP2) in isolated luteal plasma membranes.  相似文献   

A combined radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the measurement of the anterior pituitary proteins luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL) is described and compared with individual RIAs for these hormones. The standard curves and the sample values for LH and PRL were identical when determined in a combined or in an individual RIA. This technique may prove useful to a number of laboratories where it is desirable to determine levels of more than one hormone in limited sample volumes.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rabbit hepatocytes which were preincubated for 20 h in a medium containing lipoprotein-deficient serum subsequently bound, internalized and degraded 125I-labeled high-density lipoproteins2 (HDL2). The rate of degradation of HDL2 was constant in incubations from 3 to 25 h. As the concentration of HDL2 in the incubation medium was increased, binding reached saturation. At 37 degrees C, half-maximal binding (Km) was achieved at a concentration of 7.3 micrograms of HDL2 protein/ml (4.06 X 10(-8)M) and the maximum amount bound was 476 ng of HDL2 protein/mg of cell protein. At 4 degrees C, HDL2 had a Km of 18.6 micrograms protein/ml (1.03 X 10(-7)M). Unlabeled low-density lipoproteins (LDL) inhibited only at low concentrations of 125I-labeled HDL2. Quantification of 125I-labeled HDL2 binding to a specific receptor (based on incubation of cells at 4 degrees C with and without a 50-fold excess of unlabeled HDL) yielded a dissociation constant of 1.45 X 10(-7)M. Excess HDL2 inhibited the binding of both 125I-labeled HDL2 and 125I-labeled HDL3, but excess HDL3 did not affect the binding of 125I-labeled HDL3. Preincubation of hepatocytes in the presence of HDL resulted in only a 40% reduction in specific HDL2 receptors, whereas preincubation with LDL largely suppressed LDL receptors. HDL2 and LDL from control and hypercholesterolemic rabbits inhibited the degradation of 125I-labeled HDL2, but HDL3 did not. Treatment of HDL2 and LDL with cyclohexanedione eliminated their capacity to inhibit 125I-labeled HDL2 degradation, suggesting that apolipoprotein E plays a critical role in triggering the degradative process. The effect of incubation with HDL on subsequent 125I-labeled LDL binding was time-dependent: a 20 h preincubation with HDL reduced the amount of 125I-labeled LDL binding by 40%; there was a similar effect on LDL bound in 6 h but not on LDL bound in 3 h. The binding of 125I-labeled LDL to isolated liver cellular membranes demonstrated saturation kinetics at 4 degrees C and was inhibited by EDTA or excess LDL. The binding of 125I-labeled HDL2 was much lower than that of 125I-labeled LDL and was less inhibited by unlabeled lipoproteins. The binding of 125I-labeled HDL3 was not inhibited by any unlabeled lipoproteins. EDTA did not affect the binding of either HDL2 or HDL3 to isolated liver membranes. Hepatocytes incubated with [2-14C]acetate in the absence of lipoproteins incorporated more label into cellular cholesterol, nonsaponifiable lipids and total cellular lipid than hepatocytes incubated with [2-14C]acetate in the presence of any lipoprotein fraction. However, the level of 14C-labeled lipids released into the medium was higher in the presence of medium lipoproteins, indicating that the effect of those lipoproteins was on the rate of release of cellular lipids rather than on the rate of synthesis.  相似文献   

A method for obtaining pituitary glycoprotein hormones labeled either in the protein backbone or in the carbohydrate moiety, by incubation of pituitary slices in the presence of radioactive leucine or glucosamine, has been developed. This report describes the subsequent purification of the “native” labeled luteinizing hormone from the incubation medium and its use in binding studies with testicular tissue. The purified radioactive luteinizing hormone specifically bound to Leydig cells could be displaced with excess human chorionic gonadotropin, but was unaffected by excess follicle stimulating hormone. Binding data indicated that Kd = 5.2 × 10?9m and approximately 6 × 104 binding sites per cell.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic changes that occur in secretory patterns of growth hormone (GH), prolactin (Prl), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone (T) in rams maintained in constant photoperiod were examined. Nine ram lambs were moved to individual pens in a controlled environment (12L: 12D cycle; 18-24 degrees C temperature) at 66 days of age. Blood samples were collected via indwelling cannulae at 15-min intervals for an 8-h period at 80, 136, 192, 248, and 304 days of age. Plasma concentrations of GH, Prl, LH, and T were quantitated and parameters of the secretory patterns determined. Mean concentration of GH tended to decline with age, probably because the amplitude of secretory peaks was significantly reduced with age. There were no age-associated changes in basal concentration of GH or incidence of GH peaks. There was an increase in Prl secretion (as estimated by mean concentration) at 136 and after 248 days of age. Significant age-associated changes occurred in all parameters of LH and T secretion. At the younger ages, testosterone concentrations were low and LH concentrations were elevated. At the older ages the relationship was reversed, with LH low and testosterone high. There were no significant correlations between frequency and magnitude of LH and T peaks. The significant correlations present among parameters of LH and T secretion were between basal concentration of LH and overall mean concentration and basal concentration of T. These results suggest that LH may not be the sole tropic stimulator of acute T secretion.  相似文献   

The binding of rat 125I-labelled high-density lipoprotein (HDL) to rat kidney membranes was studied using HDL fractions varying in their apolipoprotein E content. The apolipoprotein E/apolipoprotein A-I ratio (g/g) in the HDL fractions ranged from essentially 0 to 1.5. All these HDL preparations showed the same binding characteristics. The saturation curves, measured at 0 degrees C in the presence of 2% bovine serum albumin, consisted of two components: low-affinity non-saturable binding and high-affinity binding (Kd about 40 micrograms of HDL protein/ml). Scatchard analyses of the high-affinity binding suggest a single class of non-interacting binding sites. These sites could be purified together with the plasma membrane marker enzyme 5'-nucleotidase. The binding of rat HDL to rat kidney membranes was not sensitive to high concentrations of EDTA, relatively insensitive to pronase treatment and influenced by temperature. The specific binding of rat HDL was highest at acid pH and showed an additional optimum at pH 7.5. On a total protein basis unlabelled rat VLDL competed as effectively as unlabelled rat HDL for binding of 125I-labelled rat HDL to partially purified kidney membranes. Rat LDL, purified by chromatography on concanavalin A columns and human LDL did not compete. Unlabelled human HDL was a much weaker competitor than unlabelled rat HDL and the maximal specific binding of 125I-labelled human HDL was only 10% of the value for 125I-labelled rat HDL.  相似文献   

The concentration of unoccupied luteal receptors for luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin, and the concentration of these two hormones in the pituitary was determined in 11 groups of bitches (n = 3 or 4/group) representing stages from proestrus through Day 80 of diestrus. Despite dramatic changes in serum concentrations of progesterone, the concentration of luteal receptors for LH and prolactin was quite constant throughout the entire luteal phase. In association with the ovulatory surge of LH, pituitary concentration of LH decreased abruptly from proestrus to Day 2 of diestrus, and was then gradually replenished during the remainder of diestrus. The concentration of prolactin in the pituitary did not vary significantly from proestrus through late diestrus.  相似文献   

Compared with other domestic animals, relatively little is known about the changes in, and temporal relations between, reproductive hormones around the time of ovulation in the domestic bitch. Therefore, plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol-17beta, progesterone, prolactin (PRL), and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) were determined one to six times daily from the start of the follicular phase until 5 days after the estimated day of ovulation in six Beagle bitches. In all bitches, the pre-ovulatory LH surge was accompanied by a pre-ovulatory FSH surge. A pre-ovulatory PRL or alpha-MSH surge was not observed. The pre-ovulatory FSH and LH surges started concomitantly in four bitches, but in two bitches the FSH surge started 12 h earlier than the LH surge. The FSH surge (110+/-8 h) lasted significantly longer than the LH surge (36+/-5 h). In contrast with the pre-ovulatory FSH surge, the pre-ovulatory LH surge was bifurcated in four of six bitches. The mean plasma LH concentrations before (1.9+/-0.4 microg/L) and after (1.9+/-0.3 microg/L) the LH surge were similar, but the mean plasma FSH concentration before the FSH surge (1.6+/-0.3 U/L) was significantly lower than that after the FSH surge (3.1+/-0.2 U/L). In most bitches the highest plasma estradiol-17beta concentration coincided with or followed the start of the pre-ovulatory LH surge. In five of the six bitches the plasma progesterone concentration started to rise just before or concurrently with the start of the LH surge. In conclusion, the results of this study provide evidence for the differential regulation of the secretion of LH and FSH in the bitch. In addition, the interrelationship of the plasma profiles of estradiol-17beta and LH suggests a positive feedback effect of estradiol-17beta on LH surge release. The start of the pre-ovulatory LH surge is associated with an increase in the plasma progesterone concentration in this species.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2021,21(4):100570
By virtue of the secretion of progesterone (P4), corpus luteum (CL) is important not only for normal cyclicity but also for conception and continuation of pregnancy in female mammals. Luteolysis (also called luteal regression) is defined as loss of the capacity to synthesize and secrete P4 followed by the demise of the CL. There is strong evidence that sequential pulses of prostaglandin F2α (PGF) secreted from the uterus near the end of luteal phase induces luteolysis in farm animals. Loss of luteal sensitivity to luteinizing hormone (LH) at the end of menstrual cycle has been reported to be critical for initiation of luteolysis in primates, however this has not been investigated in farm animals. A closer observation of the published real-time profiles of circulating hormones (P4, LH, and PGF) and their inter-relationships around the time of the beginning of spontaneous luteolysis in cattle revealed- 1) A natural pulse of PGF causes a transient P4 suppression lasting a couple of hours followed by a rebound in P4 concentration, 2) The P4 secretions that occur in response to LH pulses before the beginning of luteolysis (i.e., preluteolysis) either fail or do so to a lesser extent during luteolysis indicating a loss of sensitivity to LH, and 3) The loss of sensitivity coincides with the beginning of luteolysis (i.e., transition), and apparently luteolysis does not initiate until there is loss of sensitivity to LH. The CL is sensitive to LH during preluteolysis, and the LH-stimulated P4-dependent and/or independent local survival mechanisms maintain the steroidogenic capability and viability of the CL until the very end of preluteolysis. Luteolysis does not appear to initiate with the PGF pulse(s) that occur during this period. With the loss of sensitivity to LH at the transition, however, a progressive decline in P4 begins initiating luteolysis. Also, the survival mechanisms become compromised making the CL less viable. The uterine PGF pulses that occur after the beginning of luteolysis induces increase in the local luteolytic factors, which contribute to further luteolysis, more importantly, structural luteolysis with ultimate demise of the CL. Therefore, I hypothesize that the loss of luteal sensitivity to LH underlies luteolysis in cattle. The hypothesis not only unifies the basic mechanism of luteolysis in a farm animal and primates but also provides a perspective to view luteolysis as a process rather than a factor-mediated event. A novel unified working model for luteolysis in a farm animal and primates is described. A better understanding of the luteal physiology including how responsiveness to LH diminishes in aging CL would help in the development of novel strategies in modulating CL structure-function to improve and/or control fertility in humans as well as in animals.  相似文献   

V Chandrashekar  A Bartke 《Steroids》1988,51(5-6):559-576
The role of endogenous prolactin (PRL) in the control of testosterone (T) secretion and T responses to LH treatment was evaluated in adult male rats. Rats were actively immunized three times against ovine PRL in Freund's adjuvant-saline mixture (PRL-IMM rats), and control rats were treated with adjuvant-saline mixture (ADJ-CON rats). On day 110 after initial immunization, rats in each of these two groups were divided into three subgroups. Rats in subgroups 1 and 2 were injected with saline while those in subgroup 3 received 200 micrograms ovine PRL in saline, twice a day for a total of 7 injections. On day 113, the seventh injection was given 3 h before the termination of the experiment. On the same day, 2.5 h before the rats were sacrificed, rats in subgroups 1 and 3 were treated with saline; animals in subgroup 2 received 25 micrograms ovine LH in saline. Blood samples were obtained throughout the study, and sera were used for measurement of PRL antibodies, gonadotropins, progesterone (P), and T. PRL antibodies were detected in the sera of all rats actively immunized with PRL. Administration of PRL increased serum T levels in ADJ-CON rats, and this effect was eliminated in rats actively immunized against PRL. LH treatment significantly increased serum T levels in ADJ-CON rats. In PRL-IMM rats, this increase was attenuated while circulating P concentrations were elevated. These data demonstrate that PRL treatment can increase T secretion and that endogenous PRL is required for the complete expression of the stimulatory action of LH on T secretion in adult male rats.  相似文献   

Hemicastration of Holstein bulls at 3 months of age resulted in increased (P<0.005) testicular weitht and testis sperm cell content at 330 days after treatment, but did not alter sperm cell concentration in the remaining hypertrophied testis. Radioimmuroassay of blood hormones at 1, 6, 12, and 24 weeks after treatment revealed that unilateral castration did not alter (P>0.1) basal levels or GnRH response profiles of either LH or testosterone compared to intact bulls. Hemicastration caused FSH to be elevated (P<0.01) compared to intact bulls at all sampling periods in both unstimulated and GnRH stimulated bulls. Prolactin varied with season and was greater (P<0.001) in hemicastrated bulls than in intact bulls at 1 and 6 weeks after treatment. Results indicate that unilateral castration at 3 months of age caused testicular hypertrophy of both steroidogenic and gametogenic function and this phenomena may be triggered by increased FSH or prolactin secretion, or both. Further, results indicate different testicular regulation mechanisms exist for pituitary LH and FSH release in bulls.  相似文献   

Serum levels of LH, FSH, Prolactin and Testosterone of 90 days old male rats androgenized soon after birth were determined by specific radioimmunoassay and were compared to untreated rats. LH and FSH levels were also determined in 90 days old female rats neo-natally treated with testosterone and compared with normal diestrus rats. Androgenization of male rats significantly increased serum FSH and Prolactin levels without producing changes in plasma LH and testosterone concentrations. Similar increase in the FSH levels were found in androgenized female rats although plasma FSH concentrations were lower than in the male groups. These results obtained in male rats give an additional evidence that androgens acting in the first days of life are responsible of the higher levels of FSH and Prolactin that characterize the male or tonic pattern of gonadotrophin secretion.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a biologically active phospholipid recently introduced as a new marker for ovarian cancer. Because high concentrations of LPA have also been found in the follicular fluid from healthy subjects, one can presume that this biological mediator may have relevance for normal ovarian physiology as well. We have reported earlier that luteal cells possess specific binding sites for LPA. Using these cells as a model, we show now that LPA is able to modulate the morphological cell shape changes induced by LH in that it inhibits the formation of stellate processes induced by LH. This morphoregulatory effect of LPA is mimicked by cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1, a bacterial toxin known to activate small G-proteins from the Rho family. On the other hand, C3-exotransferase that acts mainly through the inhibition of Rho A mimics the effects of LH. Furthermore, we report here that the morphoregulatory effects of LPA are accompanied by the translocation of Rho proteins from the cytosol to cell membrane, an effect generally considered to be an indicator for the activation of Rho-GTPases. During the development and rescue of the corpus luteum, major morphoregulatory effects are exerted by LH that appear to be modulated by LPA via an activation of Rho proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The technique of ultrastructural immunocytochemistry involving the unlabeled antibody and the soluble peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex was used to identify and describe the prolactin (P) cells, somatotropic (STH) cells and luteinizing hormone (LH) cells in the bovine anterior pituitary gland. This method was used to localize the three hormones at the electron microscopic level. Staining of varying intensity was found on the secretory granules and on the small granules and vesicles within the Golgi complex. No stain was found in nuclei, on mitochondria or in the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

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