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The cyclooxygenase and peroxidase activities of prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS)-1 and -2 have complex kinetics, with the cyclooxygenase exhibiting feedback activation by product peroxide and irreversible self-inactivation, and the peroxidase undergoing an independent self-inactivation process. The mechanistic bases for these complex, non-linear steady-state kinetics have been gradually elucidated by a combination of structure/function, spectroscopic and transient kinetic analyses. It is now apparent that most aspects of PGHS-1 and -2 catalysis can be accounted for by a branched chain radical mechanism involving a classic heme-based peroxidase cycle and a radical-based cyclooxygenase cycle. The two cycles are linked by the Tyr385 radical, which originates from an oxidized peroxidase intermediate and begins the cyclooxygenase cycle by abstracting a hydrogen atom from the fatty acid substrate. Peroxidase cycle intermediates have been well characterized, and peroxidase self-inactivation has been kinetically linked to a damaging side reaction involving the oxyferryl heme oxidant in an intermediate that also contains the Tyr385 radical. The cyclooxygenase cycle intermediates are poorly characterized, with the exception of the Tyr385 radical and the initial arachidonate radical, which has a pentadiene structure involving C11-C15 of the fatty acid. Oxygen isotope effect studies suggest that formation of the arachidonate radical is reversible, a conclusion consistent with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic observations, radical trapping by NO, and thermodynamic calculations, although moderate isotope selectivity was found for the H-abstraction step as well. Reaction with peroxide also produces an alternate radical at Tyr504 that is linked to cyclooxygenase activation efficiency and may serve as a reservoir of oxidizing equivalent. The interconversions among radicals on Tyr385, on Tyr504, and on arachidonate, and their relationships to regulation and inactivation of the cyclooxygenase, are still under active investigation for both PGHS isozymes.  相似文献   

To characterize the Ca2+ transport process across the apical membrane of the rabbit connecting tubule (CNT), we examined the effects of luminal pressure on parathyroid hormone (PTH)-dependent apical Ca2+ transport in this segment perfused in vitro. An increase of perfusion pressure (0.2 to 1.2 KPa) caused cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+].) to increase by 42 ± 11 nm in Fura-2 loaded perfused CNT. The response was accentuated when 10 nm PTH was added to the bath (101 ± 30 nm, n = 6). Addition of 0.1 mm chlorphenylthio-cAMP (CPT-cAMP) to the bath also augmented the [Ca2+]; response to pressure from 36 ± 16 to 84 ± 26 nm (n = 3). Under steady perfusion pressure at 1.2 KPa, PTH (10 nm) increased [Ca2+]; by 31 ± 7 nm (n = 5), whereas it did only slightly by 6 ± 2 nm (n = 12) at 0.2 KPa. The pressure-dependent increase of [Ca2+]; was abolished by removing luminal Ca2+ (n = 3), and was not affected by 0.1 and 10 m nicardipine (n = 4) in the presence of 10 nm PTH. Cell-attached patch clamp studies on the apical membrane of everted CNT with pipettes filled with either 200 mm CaCl2 or 140 mm NaCl revealed channel activities with conductances of 42 ± 2 pS (n = 4) or 173 ± 7 pS (n = 5), respectively. An application of negative pressure (–4.9 KPa) to the patch pipette augmented its mean number of open channels (NP 0 ) from 0.005 ± 0.001 to 0.022 ± 0.005 in the Ca2+-filled pipette, and was further accelerated to 0.085 ± 0.014 (n = 3) by 0.1 mm CPT-cAMP. In the Na+-filled pipette, similar results were obtained (n = 3), and CPT-cAMP did not activate the stretch-activated channel in the absence of negative pressure (n = 3). These results suggest that a stretch-activated nonselective cation channel exists in the apical membrane of the CNT and that it is activated by PTH in the presence of hydrostatic pressure, allowing entry of Ca2+ transport from the apical membrane.We appreciate Ms. Hisayo Hosaka and Ms. Yuki Oyama for their technical assistance and Ms. Keiko Sakai for her secretarial work. This research was supported by grants from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Japan (No. 05670054) and from Yamanouchi Foundation for Research on Metabolic Disorders (1992–1993).  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic Ca(2+) signals that participate in nearly all aspects of plant growth and development encode information as binary switches or information-rich signatures. They are the result of influx (thermodynamically passive) and efflux (thermodynamically active) activities mediated by membrane transport proteins. On the influx side, confirming the molecular identities of Ca(2+)-permeable channels is still a major research topic. Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels and glutamate receptor-like channels are candidates well supported by evidence. On the efflux side, CAX antiporters and P-type ATPase pumps are the principal molecular entities. Both of these active transporters load Ca(2+) into specific compartments and have the potential to reduce the magnitude and duration of a Ca(2+) transient. Recent studies indicate calmodulin-activated Ca(2+) pumps in endomembrane systems can dampen the magnitude and duration of a Ca(2+) transient that could otherwise grow into a Ca(2+) cell death signature. An important challenge following molecular characterization of the influx and efflux pathways is to understand how they are coordinately regulated to produce a Ca(2+) switch or encode specific information into a Ca(2+) signature.  相似文献   

We have reported that a population of chromaffin cell mitochondria takes up large amounts of Ca(2+) during cell stimulation. The present study focuses on the pathways for mitochondrial Ca(2+) efflux. Treatment with protonophores before cell stimulation abolished mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and increased the cytosolic [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](c)) peak induced by the stimulus. Instead, when protonophores were added after cell stimulation, they did not modify [Ca(2+)](c) kinetics and inhibited Ca(2+) release from Ca(2+)-loaded mitochondria. This effect was due to inhibition of mitochondrial Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange, because blocking this system with CGP37157 produced no further effect. Increasing extramitochondrial [Ca(2+)](c) triggered fast Ca(2+) release from these depolarized Ca(2+)-loaded mitochondria, both in intact or permeabilized cells. These effects of protonophores were mimicked by valinomycin, but not by nigericin. The observed mitochondrial Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release response was insensitive to cyclosporin A and CGP37157 but fully blocked by ruthenium red, suggesting that it may be mediated by reversal of the Ca(2+) uniporter. This novel kind of mitochondrial Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release might contribute to Ca(2+) clearance from mitochondria that become depolarized during Ca(2+) overload.  相似文献   

Effects of polyamines on mitochondrial Ca(2+) transport   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mammalian mitochondria are able to enhance Ca(2+) accumulation in the presence of polyamines by activating the saturable systems of Ca(2+) inward transport and buffering extramitochondrial Ca(2+) concentrations to levels similar to those in the cytosol of resting cells. This effect renders them responsive to regulate free Ca(2+) concentrations in the physioloical range. The mechanism involved is due to a rise in the affinity of the Ca(2+) transport system, induced by polyamines, most probably exhibiting allosteric behaviour. The regulatory site of this mechanism is the so-called S(1) binding site of polyamines, which operates in physiological conditions and is located in the energy well between the two peaks present in the energy profile of mitochondrial spermine transport. Spermine is bidirectionally transported across teh inner membrane by cycling, in which influx and efflux are driven by electrical and pH gradients, respectively. Most probably, polyamine affects the Ca(2+) transport system when it acts from the outside-that is, in the direction of its uniporter channel, in order to reach the S(1) site. Important physiological functions are related to activation of Ca(2+) transport systems by polyamines and their interactions with the S(1) site. These functions include a rise in the metabolic rate for energy supply and modulation of mitochondrial permeability transition induction, with consequent effects on the triggering of the apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+) signal has major roles in cellular processes important in tumorigenesis, including migration, invasion, proliferation, and apoptotic sensitivity. New evidence has revealed that, aside from altered expression and effects on global cytosolic free Ca(2+) levels via direct transport of Ca(2+), some Ca(2+) pumps and channels are able to contribute to tumorigenesis via mechanisms that are independent of their ability to transport Ca(2+) or effect global Ca(2+) homeostasis in the cytoplasm. Here, we review some of the most recent studies that present evidence of altered Ca(2+) channel or pump expression in tumorigenesis and discuss the importance and complexity of localized Ca(2+) signaling in events critical for tumor formation.  相似文献   

Summary The cellular mechanisms by which nephrotoxic heavy metals injure the proximal tubule are incompletely defined. We used extracellular electrodes to measure the early effects of heavy metals and other sulfhydryl reagents on net K+ and Ca2+ transport and respiration (QO2) of proximal tubule suspensions. Hg2+, Cu2+, and Au3+ (10–4 m) each caused a rapid net K+ efflux and a delayed inhibition of QO2. The Hg2+-induced net K+ release represented passive K+ transport and was not inhibited by barium, tetraethylammonium, or furosemide. Both Hg2+ and Ag+ promoted a net Ca2+ uptake that was nearly coincident with the onset of the net K+ efflux. A delayed inhibition of ouabainsensitive QO2 and nystatin-stimulated QO2, indicative of Na+, K+-ATPase inhibition, was observed after 30 sec of exposure to Hg2+. More prolonged treatment (2 min) of the tubules with Hg2+ resulted in a 40% reduction in the CCCP-uncoupled QO2, indicating delayed injury to the mitochondria. The net K+ efflux was mimicked by the sulfhydryl reagents pCMBS and N-ethylmaleimide (10–4 m) and prevented by dithiothreitol (DTT) or reduced glutathione (GSH) (10–4 m). In addition, both DTT and GSH immediately reversed the Ag+-induced net Ca2+ uptake. Thus, sulfhydryl-reactive heavy metals cause rapid, dramatic changes in the membrane ionic permeability of the proximal tubule before disrupting Na+, K+-ATPase activity or mitochondrial function. These alterations appear to be the result of an interaction of the metal ions with sulfhydryl groups of cell membrane proteins responsible for the modulation of cation permeability.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-induced inactivation of L-type Ca(2+) is differentially mediated by two C-terminal motifs of the alpha(1C) subunit, L (1572-1587) and K (1599-1651) implicated for calmodulin binding. We found that motif L is composed of a highly selective Ca(2+) sensor and an adjacent Ca(2+)-independent tethering site for calmodulin. The Ca(2+) sensor contributes to higher Ca(2+) sensitivity of the motif L complex with calmodulin. Since only combined mutation of both sites removes Ca(2+)-dependent current decay, the two-site modulation by Ca(2+) and calmodulin may underlie Ca(2+)-induced inactivation of the channel.  相似文献   

We have studied the pathways for Ca(2+) transport in mitochondria of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We demonstrate the presence of ruthenium red (RR)-sensitive Ca(2+) uptake, of RR-insensitive Ca(2+) release, and of Na(+)-stimulated Ca(2+) release in energized mitochondria, which match well characterized Ca(2+) transport pathways of mammalian mitochondria. Following larger matrix Ca(2+) loading Drosophila mitochondria underwent spontaneous RR-insensitive Ca(2+) release, an event that in mammals is due to opening of the permeability transition pore (PTP). Like the PTP of mammals, Drosophila Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release could be triggered by uncoupler, diamide, and N-ethylmaleimide, indicating the existence of regulatory voltage- and redox-sensitive sites and was inhibited by tetracaine. Unlike PTP-mediated Ca(2+) release in mammals, however, it was (i) insensitive to cyclosporin A, ubiquinone 0, and ADP; (ii) inhibited by P(i), as is the PTP of yeast mitochondria; and (iii) not accompanied by matrix swelling and cytochrome c release even in KCl-based medium. We conclude that Drosophila mitochondria possess a selective Ca(2+) release channel with features intermediate between the PTP of yeast and mammals.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work was to study the possible role of the epithelial Ca(2+) channel (ECaC) in the Ca(2+) uptake mechanism in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio). With rapid amplification of cDNA ends, full-length cDNA encoding the ECaC of zebrafish (zECaC) was cloned and sequenced. The cloned zECaC was 2,578 bp in length and encoded a protein of 709 amino acids that showed up to 73% identity with previously described vertebrate ECaCs. The zECaC was found to be expressed in all tissues examined and began to be expressed in the skin covering the yolk sac of embryos at 24 h postfertilization (hpf). zECaC-expressing cells expanded to cover the skin of the entire yolk sac after embryonic development and began to occur in the gill filaments at 96 hpf, and thereafter zECaC-expressing cells rapidly increased in both gills and yolk sac skin. Corresponding to ECaC expression profile, the Ca(2+) influx and content began to increase at 36-72 hpf. Incubating zebrafish embryos in low-Ca(2+) (0.02 mM) freshwater caused upregulation of the whole body Ca(2+) influx and zECaC expression in both gills and skin. Colocalization of zECaC mRNA and the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase alpha-subunit (a marker for mitochondria-rich cells) indicated that only a portion of the mitochondria-rich cells expressed zECaC mRNA. These results suggest that the zECaC plays a key role in Ca(2+) absorption in developing zebrafish.  相似文献   

In cultured rat dorsal root ganglia neurons, we measured membrane currents, using the patch-clamp whole-cell technique, and the concentrations of free Ca(2+) in the cytosol ([Ca(2+)](i)) and in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) ([Ca(2+)](L)), using high- (Fluo-3) and low- (Mag-Fura-2) affinity Ca(2+)-sensitive fluorescent probes and video imaging. Resting [Ca(2+)](L) concentration varied between 60 and 270 microM. Activation of ryanodine receptors by caffeine triggered a rapid fall in [Ca(2+)](L) levels, which amounted to only 40--50% of the resting [Ca(2+)](L) value. Using electrophysiological depolarization, we directly demonstrate the process of Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release triggered by Ca(2+) entry through voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels. The amplitude of Ca(2+) release from the ER lumen was linearly dependent on I(Ca).  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake plays a fundamental role in the regulation of energy production and cell survival. Under physiological conditions, mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake occurs by a uniport mechanism driven electrophoretically by the membrane potential created by the respiratory chain. The activity and the biochemical properties of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) were extensively characterized for decades but the molecular identity of the channel has remained elusive. Here, we review the recent discovery of the mitochondria Ca(2+) uniporter that represents a groundbreaking result for the molecular understanding of mitochondrial Ca(2+) homeostasis and will provide insight into the role of mitochondrial Ca(2+) deregulation in the pathogenesis of human disorders.  相似文献   

Expression of heterologous SERCA1a ATPase in Cos-1 cells was optimized to yield levels that account for 10-15% of the microsomal protein, as revealed by protein staining on electrophoretic gels. This high level of expression significantly improved our characterization of mutants, including direct measurements of Ca(2+) binding by the ATPase in the absence of ATP, and measurements of various enzyme functions in the presence of ATP or P(i). Mutational analysis distinguished two groups of amino acids within the transmembrane domain: The first group includes Glu771 (M5), Thr799 (M6), Asp800 (M6), and Glu908 (M8), whose individual mutations totally inhibit binding of the two Ca(2+) required for activation of one ATPase molecule. The second group includes Glu309 (M4) and Asn796 (M6), whose individual or combined mutations inhibit binding of only one and the same Ca(2+). The effects of mutations of these amino acids were interpreted in the light of recent information on the ATPase high-resolution structure, explaining the mechanism of Ca(2+) binding and catalytic activation in terms of two cooperative sites. The Glu771, Thr799, and Asp800 side chains contribute prominently to site 1, together with less prominent contributions by Asn768 and Glu908. The Glu309, Asn796, and Asp800 side chains, as well as the Ala305 (and possibly Val304 and Ile307) carbonyl oxygen, contribute to site 2. Sequential binding begins with Ca(2+) occupancy of site 1, followed by transition to a conformation (E') sensitive to Ca(2+) inhibition of enzyme phosphorylation by P(i), but still unable to utilize ATP. The E' conformation accepts the second Ca(2+) on site 2, producing then a conformation (E' ') which is able to utilize ATP. Mutations of residues (Asp813 and Asp818) in the M6/M7 loop reduce Ca(2+) affinity and catalytic turnover, suggesting a strong influence of this loop on the correct positioning of the M6 helix. Mutation of Asp351 (at the catalytic site within the cytosolic domain) produces total inhibition of ATP utilization and enzyme phosphorylation by P(i), without a significant effect on Ca(2+) binding.  相似文献   

Stimulation of muscarinic receptors in duodenal mucosa raises intracellular Ca(2+), which regulates ion transport, including HCO(3)(-) secretion. However, the underlying Ca(2+) handling mechanisms are poorly understood. The aim of the present study was to determine whether Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) plays a role in the regulation of duodenal mucosal ion transport and HCO(3)(-) secretion by controlling Ca(2+) homeostasis. Mouse duodenal mucosa was mounted in Ussing chambers. Net ion transport was assessed as short-circuit current (I(sc)), and HCO(3)(-) secretion was determined by pH-stat. Expression of NCX in duodenal mucosae was analyzed by Western blot, and cytosolic Ca(2+) in duodenocytes was measured by fura 2. Carbachol (100 muM) increased I(sc) in a biphasic manner: an initial transient peak within 2 min and a later sustained plateau starting at 10 min. Carbachol-induced HCO(3)(-) secretion peaked at 10 min. 2-Aminoethoxydiphenylborate (2-APB, 100 muM) or LiCl (30 mM) significantly reduced the initial peak in I(sc) by 51 or 47%, respectively, and abolished the plateau phase of I(sc) without affecting HCO(3)(-) secretion induced by carbachol. Ryanodine (100 muM), caffeine (10 mM), and nifedipine (10 muM) had no effect on either response to carbachol. In contrast, nickel (5 mM) and KB-R7943 (10-30 muM) significantly inhibited carbachol-induced increases in duodenal mucosal I(sc) and HCO(3)(-) secretion. Western blot analysis showed expression of NCX1 proteins in duodenal mucosae, and functional NCX in duodenocytes was demonstrated in Ca(2+) imaging experiments where Na(+) depletion elicited Ca(2+) entry via the reversed mode of NCX. These results indicate that NCX contributes to the regulation of Ca(2+)-dependent duodenal mucosal ion transport and HCO(3)(-) secretion that results from stimulation of muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a functionally connected Ca(2+) store or is composed of separate subunits by monitoring movements of Ca(2+) and small fluorescent probes in the ER lumen of pancreatic acinar cells, using confocal microscopy, local bleaching and uncaging. We observed rapid movements and equilibration of Ca(2+) and the probes. The bulk of the ER at the base was not connected to the granules in the apical part, but diffusion into small apical ER extensions occurred. The connectivity of the ER Ca(2+) store was robust, since even supramaximal acetylcholine (ACh) stimulation for 30 min did not result in functional fragmentation. ACh could elicit a uniform decrease in the ER Ca(2+) concentration throughout the cell, but repetitive cytosolic Ca(2+) spikes, induced by a low ACh concentration, hardly reduced the ER Ca(2+) level. We conclude that the ER is a functionally continuous unit, which enables efficient Ca(2+) liberation. Ca(2+) released from the apical ER terminals is quickly replenished from the bulk of the rough ER at the base.  相似文献   

Confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluo 4 were used to visualize local and whole cell Ca(2+) transients within individual smooth muscle cells (SMC) of intact, pressurized rat mesenteric small arteries during activation of alpha1-adrenoceptors. A method was developed to record the Ca(2+) transients within individual SMC during the changes in arterial diameter. Three distinct types of "Ca(2+) signals" were influenced by adrenergic activation (agonist: phenylephrine). First, asynchronous Ca(2+) transients were elicited by low levels of adrenergic stimulation. These propagated from a point of origin and then filled the cell. Second, synchronous, spatially uniform Ca(2+) transients, not reported previously, occurred at higher levels of adrenergic stimulation and continued for long periods during oscillatory vasomotion. Finally, Ca(2+) sparks slowly decreased in frequency of occurrence during exposure to adrenergic agonists. Thus adrenergic activation causes a decrease in the frequency of Ca(2+) sparks and an increase in the frequency of asynchronous wavelike Ca(2+) transients, both of which should tend to decrease arterial diameter. Oscillatory vasomotion is associated with spatially uniform synchronous oscillations of cellular [Ca(2+)] and may have a different mechanism than the asynchronous, propagating Ca(2+) transients.  相似文献   

Annexin A6 (AnxA6) belongs to a conserved family of Ca(2+)-dependent membrane-binding proteins. Like other annexins, the function of AnxA6 is linked to its ability to bind phospholipids in cellular membranes in a dynamic and reversible fashion, in particular during the regulation of endocytic and exocytic pathways. High amounts of AnxA6 sequester cholesterol in late endosomes, thereby lowering the levels of cholesterol in the Golgi and the plasma membrane. These AnxA6-dependent redistributions of cellular cholesterol pools give rise to reduced cytoplasmic phospholipase A2 (cPLA(2)) activity, retention of caveolin in the Golgi apparatus and a reduced number of caveolae at the cell surface. In addition to regulating cholesterol and caveolin distribution, AnxA6 acts as a scaffold/targeting protein for several signaling proteins, the best characterized being the Ca(2+)-dependent membrane targeting of p120GAP to downregulate Ras activity. AnxA6 also stimulates the Ca(2+)-inducible involvement of PKC in the regulation of HRas and possibly EGFR signal transduction pathways. The ability of AnxA6 to recruit regulators of the EGFR/Ras pathway is likely potentiated by AnxA6-induced actin remodeling. Accordingly, AnxA6 may function as an organizer of membrane domains (i) to modulate intracellular cholesterol homeostasis, (ii) to create a scaffold for the formation of multifactorial signaling complexes, and (iii) to regulate transient membrane-actin interactions during endocytic and exocytic transport. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 11th European Symposium on Calcium.  相似文献   

ATP-elicited oscillations of the concentration of free intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) in rat brain astrocytes were abolished by simultaneous arachidonic acid (AA) addition, whereas the tetraenoic analogue 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA) was ineffective. Inhibition of oscillations is due to suppression by AA of intracellular Ca(2+) store refilling. Short-term application of AA, but not ETYA, blocked Ca(2+) influx, which was evoked by depletion of stores with cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) or thapsigargin (Tg). Addition of AA after ATP blocked ongoing [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations. Prolonged AA application without or with agonist could evoke a delayed [Ca(2+)](i) increase. This AA-induced [Ca(2+)](i) rise developed slowly, reached a plateau after 5 min, could be reversed by addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA), that scavenges AA, and was blocked by 1 microM Gd(3+), indicative for the influx of extracellular Ca(2+). Specificity for AA as active agent was demonstrated by ineffectiveness of C16:0, C18:0, C20:0, C18:2, and ETYA. Moreover, the action of AA was not affected by inhibitors of oxidative metabolism of AA (ibuprofen, MK886, SKF525A). Thus, AA exerted a dual effect on astrocytic [Ca(2+)](i), firstly, a rapid reduction of capacitative Ca(2+) entry thereby suppressing [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations, and secondly inducing a delayed activation of Ca(2+) entry, also sensitive to low Gd(3+) concentration.  相似文献   

Inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (IP(3)) liberates intracellular Ca(2+) both as localized 'puffs' and as repetitive waves that encode information in a frequency-dependent manner. Using video-rate confocal imaging, together with photorelease of IP(3) in Xenopus oocytes, we investigated the roles of puffs in determining the periodicity of global Ca(2+) waves. Wave frequency is not delimited solely by cyclical recovery of the cell's ability to support wave propagation, but further involves sensitization of Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release by progressive increases in puff frequency and amplitude at numerous sites during the interwave period, and accumulation of pacemaker Ca(2+), allowing a puff at a 'focal' site to trigger a subsequent wave. These specific 'focal' sites, distinguished by their higher sensitivity to IP(3) and close apposition to neighboring puff sites, preferentially entrain both the temporal frequency and spatial directionality of Ca(2+) waves. Although summation of activity from many stochastic puff sites promotes the generation of regularly periodic global Ca(2+) signals, the properties of individual Ca(2+) puffs control the kinetics of Ca(2+) spiking and the (higher) frequency of subcellular spikes in their local microdomain.  相似文献   

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