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A new method for detecting anaerobic threshold by gas exchange 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Excess CO2 is generated when lactate is increased during exercise because its [H+] is buffered primarily by HCO-3 (22 ml for each meq of lactic acid). We developed a method to detect the anaerobic threshold (AT), using computerized regression analysis of the slopes of the CO2 uptake (VCO2) vs. O2 uptake (VO2) plot, which detects the beginning of the excess CO2 output generated from the buffering of [H+], termed the V-slope method. From incremental exercise tests on 10 subjects, the point of excess CO2 output (AT) predicted closely the lactate and HCO-3 thresholds. The mean gas exchange AT was found to correspond to a small increment of lactate above the mathematically defined lactate threshold [0.50 +/- 0.34 (SD) meq/l] and not to differ significantly from the estimated HCO-3 threshold. The mean VO2 at AT computed by the V-slope analysis did not differ significantly from the mean value determined by a panel of six experienced reviewers using traditional visual methods, but the AT could be more reliably determined by the V-slope method. The respiratory compensation point, detected separately by examining the minute ventilation vs. VCO2 plot, was consistently higher than the AT (2.51 +/- 0.42 vs. 1.83 +/- 0.30 l/min of VO2). This method for determining the AT has significant advantages over others that depend on regular breathing pattern and respiratory chemosensitivity. 相似文献
Anaerobic threshold and respiratory gas exchange during exercise 总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28
Hopkins S. R.; Bayly W. M.; Slocombe R. F.; Wagner H.; Wagner P. D. 《Journal of applied physiology》1998,84(5):1723-1730
During short-term maximal exercise,horses have impaired pulmonary gas exchange, manifested by diffusionlimitation and arterial hypoxemia, without marked ventilation-perfusion(A/)inequality. Whether gas exchange deteriorates progressively duringprolonged submaximal exercise has not been investigated. Sixthoroughbred horses performed treadmill exercise at ~60% of maximaloxygen uptake until exhaustion (28-39 min). Multipleinert gas, blood-gas, hemodynamic, metabolic rate, and ventilatory datawere obtained at rest and 5-min intervals during exercise. Oxygenuptake, cardiac output, and alveolar-arterialPO2 gradient were unchanged after thefirst 5 min of exercise. Alveolar ventilation increased progressivelyduring exercise, from increased tidal volume and respiratory frequency,resulting in an increase in arterialPO2 and decrease in arterialPCO2. At rest there was minimal A/inequality, log SD of the perfusion distribution (logSD) = 0.20. This doubled by 5 min of exercise (logSD = 0.40) butdid not increase further. There was no evidence of alveolar-end-capillary diffusion limitation during exercise. However, there was evidence for gas-phase diffusion limitation at all time points, and enflurane was preferentially overretained. Horses maintainexcellent pulmonary gas exchange during exhaustive, submaximal exercise. AlthoughA/inequality is greater than at rest, it is less than observed in mostmammals and the effect on gas exchange is minimal. 相似文献
Foaling data from 348 Thoroughbred foals born on a commercial stud were analysed to investigate interrelationships among mare age, parity, gestation length, foal sex, placental weight, and foal birth weight. Placental weight was positively correlated with foal birth weight up to a threshold of 6.5 kg; above this, placental weight was not significantly associated with foal birth weight. Placental weight was assessed, including the amniotic membranes and umbilical cord as well as the allantochorion. Using path analysis, parity was positively associated with foal birth weight both directly and through increased placental weights, but age was not directly related to foal birth weight. Over the range of gestation lengths observed, gestation length was not significantly associated with foal birth weight. We conclude that, in populations represented by this study population, either placental weights up to 6.5 kg are rate-limiting for foal birth weight or placental weight increases with foal birth weight up to this threshold. However, further increases in placental weight are not associated with additional increases in foal birth weight. The positive association between parity and foal birth weight is mediated through increased placental weight as well as other pathways. Age is not directly related to foal birth weight and gestation length is not strongly associated with foal birth weight. 相似文献
C A Kindig P McDonough G Fenton D C Poole H H Erickson 《Journal of applied physiology》2001,91(3):1396-1400
The purpose of this investigation was to study the effects of an equine nasal strip (NS), furosemide (Fur), and a combination of both (NS + Fur) on exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) at speeds corresponding to near-maximal effort. Five Thoroughbreds (526 +/- 25 kg) were run on a flat treadmill from 7 to 14 m/s in 1 m x s(-1) x min(-)1 increments every 2 wk (treatment order randomized) under control (Con), Fur (1 mg/kg iv 4 h prior), NS, or NS + Fur conditions. During each run, pulmonary arterial (Ppa) and esophageal (Pes) pressures were measured. Severity of EIPH was quantified via bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) 30 min postrun. Furosemide (Fur and NS + Fur trials) reduced peak Ppa approximately 7 mmHg compared with Con (P < 0.05) whereas NS had no effect (P > 0.05). Maximal Pes swings were not different among groups (P > 0.05). NS significantly diminished EIPH compared with the Con trial [Con, 55.0 +/- 36.2; NS, 30.8 +/- 21.8 x 10(6) red blood cells (RBC)/ml BAL fluid; P < 0.05]. Fur reduced EIPH to a greater extent than NS (5.2 +/- 3.0 x 10(6) RBC/ml BAL; P < 0.05 vs. Con and NS) with no additional benefit from NS + Fur (8.5 +/- 4.2 x 10(6) RBC/ml BAL; P > 0.05 vs. Fur, P < 0.05 vs. Con and NS). In conclusion, although both modalities (NS and Fur) were successful in mitigating EIPH, neither abolished EIPH fully as evaluated via BAL. Fur was more effective than NS in constraining the severity of EIPH. The simultaneous use of both interventions appears to offer no further gain with respect to reducing EIPH. 相似文献
Strenuously exercising horses exhibit arterial hypoxemia and exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH), the latter resulting from stress failure of pulmonary capillaries. The present study was carried out to examine whether the structural changes in the blood-gas barrier caused by a prior bout of high-intensity short-term exercise capable of inducing EIPH would affect the arterial hypoxemia induced during a successive bout of exercise performed at the same workload. Two sets of experiments, double- and single-exercise-bout experiments, were carried out on seven healthy, sound Thoroughbred horses. Experiments were carried out in random order, 7 days apart. In the double-exercise experiments, horses performed two successive bouts (each lasting 120 s) of galloping at 14 m/s on a 3.5% uphill grade, separated by an interval of 6 min. Exertion at this workload induced arterial hypoxemia within 30 s of the onset of galloping as well as desaturation of Hb, a progressive rise in arterial PCO2, and acidosis as exercise duration increased from 30 to 120 s. In the single-exercise-bout experiments, blood-gas/pH data resembled those from the first run of the double-exercise experiments, and all horses experienced EIPH. Thus, in the double-exercise experiments, before the horses performed the second bout of galloping at 14 m/s on a 3.5% uphill grade, stress failure of pulmonary capillaries had occurred. Although arterial hypoxemia developed during the second run, arterial PO2 values were significantly (P < 0.01) higher than in the first run. Thus prior exercise not only failed to accentuate the severity of arterial hypoxemia, it actually diminished the magnitude of exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia. The decreased severity of exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia in the second run was due to an associated increase in alveolar PO2, as arterial PCO2 was significantly lower than in the first run. Thus our data do not support a role for structural changes in the blood-gas barrier related to the stress failure of pulmonary capillaries in causing the exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia in horses. 相似文献
Contreras M Morales A García-Amado MA De Vera M Bermúdez V Gueneau P 《Letters in applied microbiology》2007,45(5):553-557
AIMS: To assess the presence of Helicobacter DNA in the gastric mucosa Thoroughbred horses. METHODS AND RESULTS: Squamous and glandular mucosa samples were collected from 20 Thoroughbreds. None of these horses had shown any clinical symptoms of gastrointestinal disease. Necropsy tissues were analysed using histopathological techniques and a Helicobacter genus-specific PCR assay followed by sequencing of the amplicons. Seven horses were diagnosed with gastric ulceration, five with gastritis and six with both pathologies. Only two horses had a healthy gastric mucosa. Helicobacter-like DNA was detected in two out of seven horses with gastric ulcers, three out of five horses with gastritis, five out of six horses with both pathologies and one horse with normal gastric mucosa. The sequences of 1195 and 1237 bp fragments of the 16S rRNA gene shared 99% identity with the Helicobacter pylori 16S rRNA gene. However, all the samples were negative when tested with H. pylori-specific PCR assays targeting the cagA and glmM genes. CONCLUSIONS: The Helicobacter genus might colonize the gastric mucosa of horses. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first report of Helicobacter-like DNA in the gastric mucosa of horses and the pathogenic potential of these organisms requires further investigation. 相似文献
Because sensitivity of equine pulmonary vasculature to endogenous as well as exogenous nitric oxide (NO) has been demonstrated, we examined whether endogenous NO production plays a role in exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia. We hypothesized that inhibition of NO synthase may alter the distribution of ventilation-perfusion mismatching, which may affect the exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia. Arterial blood-gas variables were examined in seven healthy, sound Thoroughbred horses at rest and during incremental exercise protocol leading to galloping at maximal heart rate without (control; placebo = saline) and with N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) administration (20 mg/kg iv). The experiments were carried out in random order, 7 days apart. At rest, L-NAME administration caused systemic hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, and bradycardia. During 120 s of galloping at maximal heart rate, significant arterial hypoxemia, desaturation of hemoglobin, hypercapnia, hyperthermia, and acidosis occurred in the control as well as in NO synthase inhibition experiments. However, statistically significant differences between the treatments were not found. In both treatments, exercise caused a significant rise in hemoglobin concentration, but the increment was significantly attenuated in the NO synthase inhibition experiments, and, therefore, arterial O(2) content (Ca(O(2))) increased to significantly lower values. These data suggest that, whereas L-NAME administration does not affect pulmonary gas exchange in exercising horses, it may affect splenic contraction, which via an attenuation of the rise in hemoglobin concentration and Ca(O(2)) may limit performance at higher workloads. 相似文献
James A. Davis Thomas W. Storer Vincent J. Caiozzo 《European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology》1997,76(2):157-164
Lactate threshold (LT) is an index of exercise capacity and can be estimated from the gas exchange consequences of a metabolic
acidosis (LTGE). In recent years, it has emerged as a diagnostic tool in the evaluation of subjects with exercise limitation. The purpose
of this study was to develop LTGE prediction equations on a relatively large sample of adults and to cross-validate each equation. A total of 204 healthy,
sedentary, nonsmoking subjects (103 men and 101 women), aged 20–70 years, underwent graded exercise testing on a cycle ergometer.
The V-slope technique was used to detect LTGE as the oxygen uptake (V˙O2) at the breakpoint of the carbon dioxide output versus V˙O2 relationship. Multiple linear regression was used to develop 12 equations with combinations of the following predictor variables:
age, height, body mass, and fat-free mass. Eight of the equations are gender-specific and four are generalized with gender
as a dummy variable. The equations were cross-validated using the predicted residual sum of squares (PRESS) method. The results
demonstrate that the equations had relatively high multiple correlations (0.577–0.863) and low standard errors of the estimate
(0.123–0.228 1 · min−1). The PRESS method demonstrated that the equations are generalizable, i.e., can be used in future studies without a significant
loss of accuracy. Since we tested only healthy, sedentary subjects, our equations can be used to predict the lower limit of
normal for a given subject. Using individual data for healthy and diseased subjects from the literature, we found that our
gender-specific equations rarely miscategorized subjects unless they were obese and mass was a predictor variable. We conclude
that our equations provide accurate predictions of normal values for LTGE and that they are generalizable to other subject populations.
Accepted: 13 February 1997 相似文献
Precision of ventilatory and gas exchange alterations as a predictor of the anaerobic threshold 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
S K Powers S Dodd R Garner 《European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology》1984,52(2):173-177
Anaerobic threshold has been defined as the oxygen uptake (VO2) at which blood lactate (La) begins to rise systematically during graded exercise (Davis et al. 1982). It has become common practice in the literature to estimate the anaerobic threshold by using ventilatory and/or gas exchange alterations. However, confusion exists as to the validity of this practice. The purpose of this study was to examine the precision with which ventilatory and gas exchange techniques for determining anaerobic threshold predicted the anaerobic threshold resolved by La criteria. The anaerobic threshold was chosen using three criteria: (1) systematic increase in blood La (ATLa), (2) systematic increase in ventilatory equivalent for O2 with no change in the ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (ATVE/VO2), and (3) non-linear increase in expired ventilation graphed as a function of VO2 (ATVE). Thirteen trained male subjects performed an incremental cycle ergometer test to exhaustion in which the load was increased by 30 W every 3 minutes. Ventilation, gas exchange measures, and blood samples for La analysis were obtained every 3rd min throughout the test. In five of the thirteen subjects tested the anaerobic threshold determined by ventilatory and gas exchange alterations did not occur at the same VO2 as the ATLa. The highest correlation between a gas exchange anaerobic threshold and ATLa was found for ATVE/VO2 and was r = 0.63 (P less than 0.05). These data provide evidence that the ATLa and ATVE do not always occur simultaneously and suggest limitations in using ventilatory or gas exchange measures to estimate the ATLa. 相似文献
Potard U. Silke Birlenbach; Leith David E.; Fedde M. Roger 《Journal of applied physiology》1998,84(6):2052-2059
Thoroughbred (TB) and draft horses (DH) havelong been selected for tasks of very different intensities andforce-speed relationships. To study their adaptations, we measuredO2 consumption and related variables in three TB and four DH during progressive exercise tests ona level treadmill. The horses exerted a draft force of 0, 5, 10, 15, or20% of their body weight at speeds that increased by 2 m/s every 3 minuntil they could not maintain that speed. We found that TB could exertthe same draft forces as DH and, at each force, TB achieved about twicethe speed, twice the external power, and twice theO2 consumption as DH; thus the twobreeds had the same gross efficiencies. We also found maximalO2 consumption of TB to be abouttwice that of DH (134 vs. 72 ml · kg1 · min1,respectively), suggesting adaptations to high-intensity exercise. Peakefficiency was reached at lower speeds in DH than in TB, suggestingadaptations to high-force, low-speed exercise. These differencesbetween TB and DH in force-speed and aerobic capacities and in speedfor peak efficiency likely reflect different contraction velocities inlocomotor muscles. 相似文献
Many filamentous organisms, such as fungi, grow by tip-extension and by forming new branches behind the tips. A similar growth mode occurs in filamentous bacteria, including the genus Streptomyces, although here our mechanistic understanding has been very limited. The Streptomyces protein DivIVA is a critical determinant of hyphal growth and localizes in foci at hyphal tips and sites of future branch development. However, how such foci form was previously unknown. Here, we show experimentally that DivIVA focus-formation involves a novel mechanism in which new DivIVA foci break off from existing tip-foci, bypassing the need for initial nucleation or de novo branch-site selection. We develop a mathematical model for DivIVA-dependent growth and branching, involving DivIVA focus-formation by tip-focus splitting, focus growth, and the initiation of new branches at a critical focus size. We quantitatively fit our model to the experimentally-measured tip-to-branch and branch-to-branch length distributions. The model predicts a particular bimodal tip-to-branch distribution results from tip-focus splitting, a prediction we confirm experimentally. Our work provides mechanistic understanding of a novel mode of hyphal growth regulation that may be widely employed. 相似文献
Tamara Basta Yap Boum Julien Briffotaux Hubert F. Becker Isabelle Lamarre-Jouenne Jean-Christophe Lambry Stephane Skouloubris Ursula Liebl Marc Graille Herman van Tilbeurgh Hannu Myllykallio 《Open biology》2012,2(10)
Nature has established two mechanistically and structurally unrelated families of thymidylate synthases that produce de novo thymidylate or dTMP, an essential DNA precursor. Representatives of the alternative flavin-dependent thymidylate synthase family, ThyX, are found in a large number of microbial genomes, but are absent in humans. We have exploited the nucleotide binding pocket of ThyX proteins to identify non-substrate-based tight-binding ThyX inhibitors that inhibited growth of genetically modified Escherichia coli cells dependent on thyX in a manner mimicking a genetic knockout of thymidylate synthase. We also solved the crystal structure of a viral ThyX bound to 2-hydroxy-3-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1,4-naphthoquinone at a resolution of 2.6 Å. This inhibitor was found to bind within the conserved active site of the tetrameric ThyX enzyme, at the interface of two monomers, partially overlapping with the dUMP binding pocket. Our studies provide new chemical tools for investigating the ThyX reaction mechanism and establish a novel mechanistic and structural basis for inhibition of thymidylate synthesis. As essential ThyX proteins are found e.g. in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Helicobacter pylori, our studies have also potential to pave the way towards the development of new anti-microbial compounds. 相似文献
Oxalate:formate exchange. The basis for energy coupling in Oxalobacter 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
In the Gram-negative anaerobe, Oxalobacter formigenes, the generation of metabolic energy depends on the transport and decarboxylation of oxalate. We have now used assays of reconstitution to study the movements of oxalate and to characterize the exchange of oxalate with formate, its immediate metabolic derivative. Membranes of O. formigenes were solubilized with octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside in the presence of 20% glycerol and Escherichia coli phospholipid, and detergent extracts were reconstituted by detergent dilution. [14C]Oxalate was taken up by proteoliposomes loaded with unlabeled oxalate, but not by similarly loaded liposomes or by proteoliposomes containing sulfate in place of oxalate. Oxalate transport did not depend on the presence of sodium or potassium, nor was it affected by valinomycin (1 microM), nigericin (1 microM), or a proton conductor, carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (5 microM) when potassium was at equal concentration on either side of the membrane. Such data suggest the presence of an overall neutral oxalate self-exchange, independent of common cations or anions. Kinetic analysis of the reaction in proteoliposomes gave a Michaelis constant (Kt) for oxalate transport of 0.24 mM and a maximal velocity (Vmax) of 99 mumol/min/mg of protein. A direct exchange of oxalate and formate was indicated by the observations that formate inhibited oxalate transport and that delayed addition of formate released [14C]oxalate accumulated during oxalate exchange. Moreover, [14C]formate was taken up by oxalate-loaded proteoliposomes (but not liposomes), and this heterologous reaction could be blocked by external oxalate. Further studies, using formate-loaded proteoliposomes, suggested that the heterologous exchange was electrogenic. Thus, for assays in which N-methylglucamine served as both internal and external cation, formate-loaded particles took up oxalate at a rate of 2.4 mumol/min/mg of protein. When external or internal N-methylglucamine was replaced by potassium in the presence of valinomycin, there was, respectively, a 7-fold stimulation or an 8-fold inhibition of oxalate accumulation, demonstrating that net negative charge moved in parallel with oxalate during the heterologous exchange. The work summarized here suggests the presence of an unusually rapid and electrogenic oxalate2-:formate1- antiport in membranes of O. formigenes. Since a proton is consumed during the intracellular decarboxylation that converts oxalate into formate plus CO2, antiport of oxalate and formate would play a central role in a biochemical cycle consisting of (a) oxalate influx, (b) oxalate decarboxylation, and (c) formate efflux.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS) 相似文献
Ben-Tal A 《Journal of theoretical biology》2006,238(2):474-495
This paper presents a hierarchy of models with increasing complexity for gas exchange in the human lungs. The models span from a single compartment, inflexible lung to a single compartment, flexible lung with pulmonary gas exchange. It is shown how the models are related to well-known models in the literature. A long-term purpose of this work is to study nonlinear phenomena seen in the cardio-respiratory system (for example, synchronization between ventilation rate and heart rate, and Cheyne-Stokes respiration). The models developed in this paper can be regarded as the controlled system (plant) and provide a mathematical framework to link between "molecular-level", and "systems-level" models. It is shown how changes in molecular level affect the alveolar partial pressure. Two assumptions that have previously been made are re-examined: (1) the hidden assumption that the air flow through the mouth is equal to the rate of volume change in the lungs, and, (2) the assumption that the process of oxygen binding to hemoglobin is near equilibrium. Conditions under which these assumptions are valid are studied. All the parameters in the models, except two, are physiologically realistic. Numerical results are consistent with published experimental observations. 相似文献
Actin is a ubiquitous eukaryotic protein that is responsible for cellular scaffolding, motility, and division. The ability of actin to form a helical filament is the driving force behind these cellular activities. Formation of a filament depends on the successful exchange of actin's ADP for ATP. Mammalian profilin is a small actin binding protein that catalyzes the exchange of nucleotide and facilitates the addition of an actin monomer to a growing filament. Here, crystal structures of profilin-actin have been determined to show an actively exchanging ATP. Structural analysis shows how the binding of profilin to the barbed end of actin causes a rotation of the small domain relative to the large domain. This conformational change is propagated to the ATP site and causes a shift in nucleotide loops, which in turn causes a repositioning of Ca(2+) to its canonical position as the cleft closes around ATP. Reversal of the solvent exposure of Trp356 is also involved in cleft closure. In addition, secondary calcium binding sites were identified. 相似文献
A Littlejohn D H Snow 《European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology》1988,58(3):307-314
These studies investigated circulatory, respiratory and metabolic responses in four Thoroughbred geldings during the first 400 metres of galloping (mean speed 14.4 +/- 0.38 m.s-1), cantering (mean speed 10.0 +/- 0.61 m.s-1) and walking (mean speed 1.58 +/- 0.05 m.s-1) from a standing start. A radio-controlled device which collected blood samples anaerobically during each 100 m section of the exercise track allowed analyses of changes in and functional relationships of the variables measured. During the 400 m gallop, the mean heart rate (HR) increased from 125 to 201 beats.min-1 and the haematocrit (Hct) from 0.513 to 0.589 l/l-1. The haemoglobin [Hb], lactate [LA] and potassium [K+] concentrations increased significantly, while the pH and the partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) decreased significantly. The arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) and the plasma bicarbonate concentration did not change significantly. There were significant correlations between HR and Hct, HR and [Hb], HR and PaO2, HR and pH, HR and PvCO2, HR and [LA], HR and [K+], pH and [K+], Hct and PaO2, [Hb] and PaO2, PaCO2 and PaO2, [LA] and PaO2, pH and PaO2, [K+] and PaO2, stride frequency and PaO2. With the exception of the PvCO2 which increased significantly, changes in venous blood during the gallop were in the same direction as those of arterial blood. Thirty seconds before the start of the gallop, both HR and [Hb] were significantly higher than at rest, providing an approximate three-fold increase in oxygen delivery compared to that of the resting state.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献