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Characterization of purified Shiga toxin from Shigella dysenteriae 1   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Shiga toxin was purified from the culture supernatant of Shigella dysenteriae 1 by ammonium sulfate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose column chromatography and repeated chromatofocusing column chromatography. About 1.6 mg of purified Shiga toxin was obtained from 15 liters of culture with a yield of about 27%. The molecular weight of purified Shiga toxin was estimated to be 62,000. The toxin consisted of A and B subunits with molecular weights of about 30,000 and 5,000-6,000, respectively. The isoelectric point of purified Shiga toxin was 7.0. Purified Shiga toxin showed the following biological activities: lethal toxicity to mice when injected intraperitoneally with an LD50 of 28 ng per mouse; cytotoxicity to Vero cells, killing about 50% of the cells at 1 pg and all of the cells at 10 pg; and fluid accumulation in rabbit ileal loops at a concentration of more than 1 microgram.  相似文献   

Abstract R' plasmids have been generated that contain a determinant of Shigella dysenteriae 1 which directs the synthesis of Shiga toxin in Escherichia coli K-12. This gene is closely linked to the argE locus and thus is located in a region of the Shigella chromosome known to contain determinants of virulence factors.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that endocytosis is involved in the transport to the cytosol of the cytotoxin from Shigella dysenteriae 1, Shiga toxin, which acts by removal of a single adenine residue in 28-S ribosomal RNA. Inhibition of endocytosis by ATP depletion of the cells prevented toxin uptake. Exposure of HeLa S3 and Vero cells to toxin at low extracellular pH, where translocation to the cytosol, but not endocytosis is inhibited, allowed the toxin to accumulate in a compartment where it was protected against antibodies to the toxin. Upon transfer of the cells to normal medium endocytosed toxin entered the cytosol. Electron microscopical studies of cells exposed at 0 degrees C to a toxin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugate, or to unconjugated toxin followed by horse antitoxin antibodies and then protein G-gold, revealed that the Shiga toxin binding sites were randomly distributed on the cell surface, without any preference to, for example, coated pits. In contrast, when cells were exposed to toxin at 37 degrees C, the binding sites were preferentially localized in coated pits. The Shiga-HRP conjugate was also seen in endosomes, lysosomes, and in the Golgi region. Endocytosis by the coated pit/coated vesicle pathway was selectively inhibited by acidification of the cytosol. Under these conditions, both the uptake of toxin-HRP conjugates and intoxication of the cells were inhibited. Evidence from the literature as well as our own results suggest that Shiga toxin binding sites are glycolipids. Thus, Shiga toxin appears to be the first example of a lipid-binding ligand that is endocytosed from coated pits.  相似文献   

Abstract A monoclonal antibody (mAb ICT6) was produced against the newly described Shigella dysenteriae serotype type 13. The mAb was of IgM isotype and recognized purified Shiga toxin in ELISA and immunoblot. It also recognized periplasmic extract S. dysenteriae type 13 in immunoblot as did an affinity-purified polyclonal rabbit antiserum and a previously described monoclonal antibody to the B subunit of Shiga toxin. The mAb ICT6 did not neutralize the cytotoxic effects or S. dysenteriae type 13, Shiga toxin or periplasmic extracts of S. dysenteriae type 1 for HeLa cells.  相似文献   

A Salmonella enteritidis strain produced a cytotoxin in addition to heat-labile (LT) and heat-stable (ST) enterotoxins. Two strains of serotypes Salmonella kapemba and Salmonella thompson were LT and ST negative, but exhibited a cytotoxic effect. After Sephadex G-100 fractionation of the crude S. enteritidis material, some high and low molecular fractions had both cytotonic and cytotoxic activities. Of the two other salmonellae, only some high molecular fractions contained the cytotoxic substance. Neutralization experiments revealed an antigenic relationship between the cytotoxins studied and Shigella dysenteriae 1 enterotoxin. On the basis of cross neutralization and other data, it seems that cytotoxic and LT-like characters are carried by the same molecule. In S. thompson and S. kapemba the LT fails to exert a biological effect, although it is antigenically related to the LT of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Effects of various antimicrobials on in vitro Shiga toxin production and release by Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 was investigated in this study with particular reference to the role of outer membrane vesicles in toxin release by the organism. Five antimicrobials, namely nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, fosfomycin and mitomycin C, were chosen for the study and the toxin titre was measured by the reverse passive latex agglutination (RPLA) method using an available kit. Only mitomycin C was found to induce production of Shiga toxin in the bacteria and its release by outer membrane vesicles. The highest titre of toxin was obtained in vesicle fraction suggesting that the vesicles play an important role in the release of Shiga toxin from periplasmic space by the organism.  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Shigella dysenteriae 1 toxin (STx) mediated intestinal infection, the ligated rabbit small intestinal loops were injected with STx. The enterocytes isolated from STx treated rabbit ileal loops had a significantly higher level of lipid peroxidation as compared to enterocytes isolated from control rabbit ileum. To study the role of second messengers in STx mediated intestinal damage, the in vivo and in vitro effects of modulators of lipid peroxidation of enterocytes were used. The presence of Ca2+-ionophore A23187 enhanced the extent of lipid peroxidation in enterocytes isolated from the control and STx treated rabbit ileum. However, l-verapamil only marginally decreased the lipid peroxidation level of enterocytes isolated from STx treated rabbit ileum. The in vitro effect of modulators was in agreement with in vivo studies. Dantrolene significantly decreased the extent of lipid peroxidation of enterocytes isolated from STx treated rabbit ileum. PMA significantly increased the lipid peroxidation level of enterocytes isolated from control ileum. However, PMA could not further enhance the lipid peroxidation level of enterocytes isolated from STx treated rabbit ileum. The presence of H-7 significantly decreased the extent of lipid peroxidation of enterocytes isolated from STx treated rabbit ileum. In vitro effect of PMA and H-7 was in agreement with that of in vivo findings. The role of arachidonic acid metabolites, prostaglandins (PGs), in mediating STx induced lipid peroxidation was also studied. The presence of indomethacin (a PG synthesis inhibitor) significantly decreased the lipid peroxidation induced by STx. These findings suggest that lipid peroxidation induced by STx is mediated through cytosolic calcium. The increase in (Ca2+)i leads to activation of PKC.A significant decrease in the enterocyte levels of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and reduced glutathione in STx treated rabbit ileum as compared to control was seen. A significant decrease in vitamin E levels was also observed. This suggests that there is decreased endogenous intestinal protection against ROS in STx mediated intestinal infection which could contribute to enterocyte membrane damage that ultimately leads to changes in membrane permeability and thus to fluid secretion.  相似文献   

Shigella dysenteriae type 1 and Shigella flexneri type 5b strains were isolated as causative agents of bacterial dysentery in a patient having visited South-East Asia. Both strains are a rare finding for Bulgaria. S. dysenteriae 1 strains have not been isolated since 1962, and there were only single isolates of S. flexneri 5b. The strains were of the same antibiotic resistance patterns. Conjugation experiments showed that resistance is determined by transferrable R-plasmids having identical characteristics. It is assumed that in the patient's gut transfer of an R-plasmid occurs from E. coli of the normal flora to the pathogenic shigellae.  相似文献   

Volunteers were orally administered invasive, non-Shiga toxin-producing Shigella dysenteriae 1 to establish a challenge model to assess vaccine efficacy. In stepwise fashion, four separate groups were given 3 x 10(2), 7 x 10(3), 5 x 10(4), or 7 x 10(5) CFU. Using PBMC, proliferative responses and cytokine production were measured to S. dysenteriae whole-cell preparations and to purified recombinant invasion plasmid Ags (Ipa) C and IpaD. Anti-LPS and anti-Ipa Abs and Ab-secreting cells were also evaluated. Preinoculation PBMC produced considerable quantities of IL-10 and IFN-gamma, probably secreted by monocytes and NK cells, respectively, of the innate immune system. Following inoculation, PBMC from 95 and 87% of volunteers exhibited an increased production of IFN-gamma and IL-10, respectively, in response to Shigella Ags. These increases included responses to IpaC and IpaD among those volunteers receiving the lowest inoculum. No IL-4 or IL-5 responses were detected. Whereas there were no Ab or Ab-secreting cell responses in volunteers receiving the lowest inoculum, other dose groups had moderate to strong anti-LPS and anti-Ipa responses. These results suggest that in humans, type 1 responses play an important role in mucosal and systemic immunity to S. dysentariae 1.  相似文献   

Abstract A cell-associated hemagglutinin (HA) was isolated and purified from a clinical isolate of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 by affinity chromatography on a fetuin-agarose column. The purified hemagglutinin produced a single-stained protein band of around 66 kDa in sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). In an immunodiffusion test, HA-antisera produced a single precipitin band against the purified HA without exhibiting any reactivity towards lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of S. dysenteriae type 1 strain. Inhibition of the hemagglutination by the glycoproteins fetuin, asialofetuin and a sugar derivative N -acetyl-neuraminic acid but not by simple sugars, suggested the specific requirement of complex carbohydrate for binding. Electron micrographs of the purified HA revealed a morphology typical of globular protein.  相似文献   

Only one species of Shigella, Shigella dysenteriae 1, has been demonstrated to produce Shiga toxin (Stx). Stx is closely related to the toxins produced by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). In STEC, these toxins are often encoded on lambdoid bacteriophages and are major virulence factors for these organisms. Although the bacteriophage-encoded stx genes of STEC are highly mobile, the stx genes in S. dysenteriae 1 have been believed to be chromosomally encoded and not transmissible. We have located the toxin genes of S. dysenteriae 1 to a region homologous to minute 30 of the E. coli chromosome, within a 22.4 kbp putative composite transposon bracketed by IS600 insertion sequences. This region is present in all the S. dysenteriae 1 strains examined. Tandem amplification occurs via the flanking insertion sequences, leading to increased toxin production. The global regulatory gene, fnr, is located within the stx region, allowing deletions of the toxin genes to be created by anaerobic growth on chlorate-containing medium. Deletions occur by recombination between the flanking IS600 elements. Lambdoid bacteriophage genes are found both upstream and within the region, and we demonstrate the lysogeny of Shigella species with STEC bacteriophages. These observations suggest that S. dysenteriae 1 originally carried a Stx-encoding lambdoid prophage, which became defective due to loss of bacteriophage sequences after IS element insertions and rearrangements. These insertion sequences have subsequently allowed the amplification and deletion of the stx region.  相似文献   

We examined a virulent strain of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 after induction into the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state for its ability to (i) maintain the Shiga toxin (stx) gene; (ii) maintain biologically active Shiga toxin (ShT); and (iii) adhere to intestinal epithelial cells (Henle 407 cell line). PCR was used to amplify the stx gene from VBNC cells of S. dysenteriae type 1, thereby establishing its presence even when cells are in the VBNC state. VBNC S. dysenteriae type 1 ShT was monitored by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with mouse monoclonal antibodies against the B subunit of ShT and affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibodies against ShT. We used the Henle 407 cell line to study the adhesive property of VBNC S. dysenteriae type 1 cells in a series of tissue culture experiments. Results showed that VBNC S. dysenteriae type 1 not only maintained the stx gene and biologically active ShT but also remained capable of adhering to Henle 407 cells. However, S. dysenteriae type 1 cells lost the ability to invade Henle 407 cells after entering the VBNC state. From results of the study, we conclude that VBNC cells of S. dysenteriae type 1 retain several virulence factors and remain potentially virulent, posing a public health problem.  相似文献   

Shigella dysenteriae type 1, isolated locally, was found to contain six plasmids and these could be eliminated using SDS. A 70-kb plasmid was necessary to maintain the normal cell-wall morphology. Synthesis of nine major membrane proteins (90 to 40 kDa) was severely impaired in all-plasmid cured strains. Electron microscopy revealed a prominent separation between the outer and inner membranes of the cured strains, indicating that plasmid loss led to defects in the cell envelope. The growth rates of the strains having only the 70-kb plasmid and the plasmidless strain were 3- to 30-fold less than in the wild type strain.The authors are with the National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, P-33, C.I.T. Road, Scheme XM, Beliaghata, Calcutta-700 010, India  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of ruthenium red-stained ultrathin section of strains of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 grown in the Casamino Acids-yeast extract broth medium showed the presence of an extracellular slime layer. The slime appeared as a dense sheath covering bacteria. The presence of slime promoted hemagglutinating activity of the bacteria. The slime polysaccharide (SPS) isolated from the cell-free culture supernatant or the bacterial surface was less than 162,000 daltons in size and immunochemically similar. The SPS showed cross-reaction with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antigen in immunological tests; however, it also appeared to be different from LPS since it did not contain 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate, a core sugar of LPS. A different pattern of separation from LPS was also observed by silver staining of SDS-polyacrylamide gels. From these data it appeared that either LPS and SPS are contaminated with each other or that SPS is the polysaccharide portion of LPS.  相似文献   

Abstract A simple method was developed for purifying Shiga toxin and Shiga-like toxin from the culture supernatants and cell lysates of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 and Escherichia coli O157 : H7 grown in modified syncase media. Two steps, DEAE cellulose column chromatography and immunoaffinity column chromatography, were sufficient for obtaining purified toxin. By this procedure, about 0.32–0.75 mg of purified toxin was obtained from 5 1 of culture with high recovery rate (53–62%). The toxins purified by this method from the culture supernatants and cell lysates of S. dysenteriae and E. coli O15 : H7 were immunologically, biologically and structurally indistinguishable.  相似文献   

Shigella dysenteriae type 1 is the causative agent of the most severe form of bacillary dysentery, which occurs as epidemics in many developing countries. We isolated a bacteriophage from surface water samples from Bangladesh that specifically lyses strains of S. dysenteriae type 1. This phage, designated SF-9, belongs to the Podoviridae family and has a 41-kb double-stranded DNA genome. Further screening of water samples for the prevalence of the phage revealed 9 of 71 (12.6%) water samples which were positive for the phage. These water samples were also positive in PCR assays for one or more S. dysenteriae type 1-specific genes, including ipaBCD and stx1, and live S. dysenteriae type 1 was isolated from three phage-positive samples. The results of this study suggest that phage SF-9 may have epidemiological applications in tracing the presence of S. dysenteriae type 1 in environmental waters.  相似文献   

Nucleotide(nt) sequences were determined for the toxin (SHT) operon present in the chromosome of Shigella dysenteriae 1 and for the shiga-like toxin (SLT) operon found in the lambdoid phage H30 genome. The coding sequences of the sht and slt genes differ in 4 nt with 1 nt change responsible for an amino acid replacement. The deduced amino acid sequence in the A chain of the toxins is highly homologous to that of the A chain of ricin, a plant toxin. SHT-coding mRNAs were detected by mapping the 5' termini and using blot-hybridisation; one of them was more abundant and coded only for the B subunit of SHT while the other (bi-cistronic mRNA) encoded both subunits. An IS element related to the IS3 element of Escherichia coli was found in the chromosome of S. dysenteriae near the sht operon.  相似文献   

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